Results for 'Kazuhisa Tomita'

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  1.  37
    Conjugate pair of representations in chaos and quantum mechanics.Kazuhisa Tomita - 1987 - Foundations of Physics 17 (7):699-711.
    Being based on the observation that a conjugate pair of representations, or dual logic, is a necessity under the presence of chaos, a new interpretation of quantum theory is proposed as describingproto-chaos. This chaos has to be a result of basic nonlinearity in the dynamic structure, of which, however, the nonchaotic phase seems to lie ourside the reach of experimental technique, thus the term proto-chaos. Nevertheless, assuming no extra degrees of freedom, the interpretation clarifies a number of riddles posed hitherto (...)
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  2.  10
    Behavioral Decision Theory: Psychological and Mathematical Descriptions of Human Choice Behavior.Kazuhisa Takemura - 2014 - Tokyo: Springer.
    This book provides an overview of behavioral decision theory and related research findings. In brief, behavioral decision theory is a general term for descriptive theories to explain the psychological knowledge related to decision-making behavior. It is called a theory, but actually it is a combination of various psychological theories, for which no axiomatic systems, such as the utility theory widely used in economics, have been established; it is often limited to qualitative knowledge. However, as suggested in the studies of H. (...)
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  3.  5
    Genshōgaku no shiza: "tasei no genshōgaku".Kazuhisa Mizuno - 1997 - Tōkyō: Hatsubaimoto Bī Enu Enu.
  4.  5
    Genshōgaku no shatei: Fussāru to Meruro Ponti.Kazuhisa Mizuno - 1992 - Tōkyō: Keisō Shobō.
  5.  45
    Probability Weighting Functions Derived from Hyperbolic Time Discounting: Psychophysical Models and Their Individual Level Testing.Kazuhisa Takemura & Hajime Murakami - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  6. Nihon no shūshin.Kazuhisa Yamaguchi - 1968
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    Exodus on the Post Prefix of the Romanian Public Discourse.Tomita Ciulei - 2018 - Postmodern Openings 9 (1):4-6.
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  8. Nihil est in intellectu quod non primus fuerit in sensu. The limits of Gnoseologic Paradigm, from Aristotle to Locke.Tomiţă Ciulei - 2009 - Cultura 6 (1):60-77.
    The limits of gnoseologic paradigm, from Aristotle to Locke. The effort here has its basis in the need to overcome limits of interpretation, tabulations and classifications that often accompany analyses on classic empirism, in general and his Locke, in particular. We try to find aut in Greek philosophy the germs of moderat empirism. And if Aristotel is undeniable, such a possible start, will wonder, perhaps, Plato's thought.
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    Reflections on an Ignored Dimension of Pre-Socratic Philosophy.Tomiţă Ciulei - 2008 - Cultura 5 (1):40-59.
    This paper bases on a (great!) wrongful act which was made to Greek philosophy, and especially to the pre-Socratic one: the unilateral abatement of thestudies to those of cosmological nature. The big mutation would take place in Socrates’ time, who by the anthropology of the discourse takes philosophy to a theory of knowledge, through a program which would be perfected by Plato and especially by Aristotle. This is a point of view co-substantial to history of philosophy, which some times risks (...)
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  10.  15
    Bao de ji.Kōkei Tomita - 2012 - Changchun Shi: Jilin da xue chu ban she. Edited by Norihiko Sasai, Xiuwen Wang, Jingyan Zhu & Kōkei Tomita.
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  11. Dōtoku wa naze kachi handan no mondai ni naru no ka: Hea no dōtoku tetsugaku to kōtekishutachi.Jun'ya Tomita - 2023 - Nagoya-shi: Nagoya Daigaku Shuppankai.
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  12. (1 other version)Hōtokuki.Kōkei Tomita - 1893 - Tōkyō: Dai Nihon Nōkai.
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  13. Hōtokuki.Kōkei Tomita - 1933 - Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten.
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  14.  32
    Issues on Nibbāna with Special Reference to Verse No. 1074 of the Upasīvamāṇavapucchā in the Suttanipāta.Mariko Tomita - 2016 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 44 (2):377-391.
    This paper discusses verse 1074 of the Suttanipāta’s Upasīvamāṇavapucchā. While various interpretations of the verse are possible due to a lack of textual sources to draw from for interpretation, I attempt to understand this verse—which describes the state of nibbāna using the metaphor of an extinguished fire—through a philological examination of the text itself and other contemporary ones. Specifically, I focus on whether the verse implies that nibbāna takes place in the present life or at and after the end of (...)
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  15.  19
    Japanese Sculpture of the Tempyō Period: Masterpieces of the Eighth CenturyJapanese Sculpture of the Tempyo Period: Masterpieces of the Eighth Century.Kojiro Tomita, Langdon Warner & James Marshall Plumer - 1961 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 81 (3):337.
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  16.  7
    Maruyama Masao "kosōron" no shatei.Kōji Tomita - 2015 - Hyōgo-ken Nishinomiya-shi: Kansei Gakuin Daigaku Shuppankai.
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  17. Maruyama Masao-"kindai shugi" no shatei.Kōji Tomita - 2001 - Nishinomiya-shi: Kansei Gakuin Daigaku Shuppankai.
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  18. Ninomiya Sontoku.Kōkei Tomita - 1942
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  19.  20
    The Craft of the Japanese Sculptor.Kojiro Tomita & Langdon Warner - 1936 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 56 (4):536.
  20.  35
    Time from Semiosis: E-series Time for Living Systems.Naoki Nomura, Tomoaki Muranaka, Jun Tomita & Koichiro Matsuno - 2018 - Biosemiotics 11 (1):65-83.
    We develop a semiotic scheme of time, in which time precipitates from the repeated succession of punctuating the progressive tense by the perfect tense. The underlying principle is communication among local participants. Time can thus be seen as a meaning-making, semiotic system in which different time codes are delineated, each having its own grammar and timekeeping. The four time codes discussed are the following: the subjective time having tense, the objective time without tense, the static time without timekeeping, and the (...)
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  21.  18
    How Does Explanatory Virtue Determine Probability Estimation?—Empirical Discussion on Effect of Instruction.Asaya Shimojo, Kazuhisa Miwa & Hitoshi Terai - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    It is important to reveal how humans evaluate an explanation of the recent development of explainable artificial intelligence. So, what makes people feel that one explanation is more likely than another? In the present study, we examine how explanatory virtues affect the process of estimating subjective posterior probability. Through systematically manipulating two virtues, Simplicity—the number of causes used to explain effects—and Scope—the number of effects predicted by causes—in three different conditions, we clarified two points in Experiment 1: that Scope's effect (...)
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  22.  21
    Schutz in japan: A brief history. [REVIEW]Kazuhisa Nishihara - 1992 - Human Studies 15 (1):17 - 34.
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  23.  36
    A real-life illusion of assimilation in the human face: eye size illusion caused by eyebrows and eye shadow.Kazunori Morikawa, Soyogu Matsushita, Akitoshi Tomita & Haruna Yamanami - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  24. Prior experience and communication media in establishing common ground during collaboration.Yugo Hayashi & Kazuhisa Miwa - 2009 - In N. A. Taatgen & H. van Rijn, Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. pp. 528--531.
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  25.  16
    Cognitive Modeling of Automation Adaptation in a Time Critical Task.Junya Morita, Kazuhisa Miwa, Akihiro Maehigashi, Hitoshi Terai, Kazuaki Kojima & Frank E. Ritter - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  26. Global mapping of the whole-brain network underlining binocular rivalry.Masanori Shimono & Kazuhisa Niki - 2013 - Brain Connectivity 3 (2):212.
    We investigated how the structure of the brain network relates to the stability of perceptual alternation in binocular rivalry. Historically, binocular rivalry has provided important new insights to our understandings in neuroscience. Although various relationships between the local regions of the human brain structure and perceptual switching phenomena have been shown in previous researches, the global organization of the human brain structural network relating to this phenomenon has not yet been addressed. To approach this issue, we reconstructed fiber-tract bundles using (...)
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  27.  34
    Web 情報検索におけるリフレクションの支援: 探索行動フィードバックシステムの構築.Miwa Kazuhisa Saito Hitomi - 2004 - Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 19:214-224.
    Recently, many opportunities have emerged to use the Internet in daily life and classrooms. However, with the growth of the World Wide Web (Web), it is becoming increasingly difficult to find target information on the Internet. In this study, we explore a method for developing the ability of users in information seeking on the Web and construct a search process feedback system supporting reflective activities of information seeking on the Web. Reflection is defined as a cognitive activity for monitoring, evaluating, (...)
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  28.  83
    Chesterton and C. S. Lewis Today.Hisako Honda, Aya Nakamura, Kaori Tomita & Shino Kawashima - 1998 - The Chesterton Review 24 (1/2):168-170.
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  29.  21
    Viewpoint Invariance of Eye Size Illusion Caused by Eyeshadow.Hiroyuki Muto, Mayu Ide, Akitoshi Tomita & Kazunori Morikawa - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Previous research found that application of eyeshadow on the upper eyelids induces overestimation of eye size. The present study examined whether this eyeshadow illusion is dependent on or independent of viewpoint. We created a three-dimensional model of a female face and manipulated the presence/absence of eyeshadow and face orientation around the axis of yaw (Experiment 1) or pitch (Experiment 2) rotation. Using the staircase method, we measured perceived eye size for each face stimulus. Results showed that the eyeshadow illusion occurred (...)
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  30. Effects of reward on self-regulation, intrinsic motivation and creativity.Marcus Selart, Thomas Nordström, Bård Kuvaas & Kazuhisa Takemura - 2008 - Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 52 (5):439-458.
    This article evaluates the effects of two types of rewards (performance-contingent versus engagement-contingent) on self-regulation, intrinsic motivation and creativity. Forty-two undergraduate students were randomly assigned to three conditions; i.e. a performance-contingent reward group, an engagement-contingent reward group and a control group. Results provide little support for the negative effects of performance rewards on motivational components. However, they do indicate that participants in the engagement-contingent reward group and the control group achieved higher rated creativity than participants in the performance-contingent reward group. (...)
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  31. The influence of decision heuristics and overconfidence on multiattribute choice: A process-tracing study.Marcus Selart, Bård Kuvaas, Ole Boe & Kazuhisa Takemura - 2006 - European Journal of Cognitive Psychology 18 (3):437-453.
    In the present study it was shown that decision heuristics and confidence judgements play important roles in the building of preferences. Based on a dual-process account of thinking, the study compared people who did well versus poorly on a series of decision heuristics and overconfidence judgement tasks. The two groups were found to differ with regard to their information search behaviour in introduced multiattribute choice tasks. High performers on the judgemental tasks were less influenced in their decision processes by numerical (...)
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  32.  40
    How Does Time Flow in Living Systems? Retrocausal Scaffolding and E-series Time.Naoki Nomura, Koichiro Matsuno, Tomoaki Muranaka & Jun Tomita - 2019 - Biosemiotics 12 (2):267-287.
    Anticipatory acts or predictive behavior are prerequisites for living organisms to sustain their survival when escaping from a predator, catching prey, or schooling. For example, catching prey requires that the predator perform some procedures that are equivalent to estimating the directional movement of the prey, its speed and its distance relative to the predator. Underlying these procedures is time experience, which does not adhere to man-made mechanical clocks. Living organisms keep time based on the local activities of each participant and (...)
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  33.  56
    The associations among the dopamine D2 receptor Taq1, emotional intelligence, creative potential measured by divergent thinking, and motivational state and these associations' sex differences. [REVIEW]Hikaru Takeuchi, Hiroaki Tomita, Yasuyuki Taki, Yoshie Kikuchi, Chiaki Ono, Zhiqian Yu, Atsushi Sekiguchi, Rui Nouchi, Yuka Kotozaki, Seishu Nakagawa, Carlos M. Miyauchi, Kunio Iizuka, Ryoichi Yokoyama, Takamitsu Shinada, Yuki Yamamoto, Sugiko Hanawa, Tsuyoshi Araki, Hiroshi Hashizume, Keiko Kunitoki, Yuko Sassa & Ryuta Kawashima - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  34.  29
    Toward a Practical Theory of Timing: Upbeat and E-Series Time for Organisms.Naoki Nomura, Koichiro Matsuno, Tomoaki Muranaka & Jun Tomita - 2020 - Biosemiotics 13 (3):347-367.
    Timing adjustment is an important ability for living organisms. Wild animals need to act at the right moment to catch prey or escape a predator. Land plants, although limited in their movement, need to decide the right time to grow and bloom. Humans also need to decide the right moment for social actions. Although scientists can pinpoint the timing of such behaviors by observation, we know extremely little about how living organisms as actors or players decide when to act – (...)
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  35.  16
    Differences in the distribution of attention to trained procedure between finders and non-finders of the alternative better procedure.Yuki Ninomiya, Hitoshi Terai & Kazuhisa Miwa - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The human ability to flexibly discover alternatives without fixating on a known solution supports a variety of human creative activities. Previous research has shown that people who discover an alternative procedure relax their attentional bias to information regarding the known solutions just prior to the discovery. This study examined whether the difference in the distribution of attention between the finders and non-finders of the alternative procedure is observed from the phase of solving the problem using the trained procedure. We evaluated (...)
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  36. How do decision heuristic performance and social value orientaion matter in the building of preferences?Marcus Selart, Ole Boe & Kazuhisa Takemura - 2000 - Göteborg Psychological Reports 30 (6).
    In the present study it was shown that both decision heuristics and social value orientation play important roles in the building of preferences. This was revealed in decision tasks in which participants were deciding about candidates for a job position. An eye-tracking equipment was applied in order to register participants´ information acquisition. It was revealed that participants performing well on a series of heuristics tasks (availability, representativeness, anchoríng & adjustment,and attribution) including a confidence judgment also behaved more accurately than low (...)
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  37.  21
    Functional dependencies in Horn theories.Toshihide Ibaraki, Alexander Kogan & Kazuhisa Makino - 1999 - Artificial Intelligence 108 (1-2):1-30.
  38.  19
    Multiattribute regret: theory and experimental study.Yoichiro Fujii, Hajime Murakami, Yutaka Nakamura & Kazuhisa Takemura - 2023 - Theory and Decision 95 (4):623-662.
    This paper generalizes the simple regret model by Bell in Operations Research 30(5), 961-981 and Loomes and Sugden in The Economic Journal 92(368), 805-824 to cope with the situation in which decision outcomes are multi-attributed. We propose a model that combines the simple regret model for ex ante preferences and the additive difference representation for ex post preferences. We first present a necessary and sufficient axiomatization of our model in Savage’s framework. The proposed model is composed of three types of (...)
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    Logical analysis of binary data with missing bits.Endre Boros, Toshihide Ibaraki & Kazuhisa Makino - 1999 - Artificial Intelligence 107 (2):219-263.
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    Computing intersections of Horn theories for reasoning with models.Thomas Eiter, Toshihide Ibaraki & Kazuhisa Makino - 1999 - Artificial Intelligence 110 (1):57-101.
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    Stress and temperature dependence of the structure of the martensite and X-phase in Ni2MnGa.Takashi Fukuda, Tomoyuki Terai, Hiroaki Kushida, Tomoyuki Kakeshita, Toyotaka Osakabe & Kazuhisa Kakurai - 2010 - Philosophical Magazine 90 (14):1925-1935.
  42.  15
    On functional dependencies in q-Horn theories.Toshihide Ibaraki, Alexander Kogan & Kazuhisa Makino - 2001 - Artificial Intelligence 131 (1-2):171-187.
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  43. A brain structural hub of interhemispheric information integration for apparent motion perception.Masanori Shimono, Hiroaki Mano & Kazuhisa Niki - 2012 - Cerebral Cortex 2012 (22):337.
    We investigated the key anatomical structures mediating interhemispheric integration during the perception of apparent motion across the retinal midline. Previous studies of commissurotomized patients suggest that subcortical structures mediate interhemispheric transmission but the specific regions involved remain unclear. Here, we exploit interindividual variations in the propensity of normal subjects to perceive horizontal motion, in relation to vertical motion. We characterize these differences psychophysically using a Dynamic Dot Quartet (an ambiguous stimulus that induces illusory motion). We then tested for correlations between (...)
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  44.  23
    Editorial: From West to East: Recent Advances in Psychometrics and Psychological Instruments in Asia.Yiyun Shou, Hui-Fang Chen, Kazuhisa Takemura, Joseph Wu, Cheng-Ta Yang & Meng-Cheng Wang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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  45.  16
    Efficiency and Stability of Step-To Gait in Slow Walking.Kento Hirayama, Yohei Otaka, Taichi Kurayama, Toru Takahashi, Yutaka Tomita, Seigo Inoue, Kaoru Honaga, Kunitsugu Kondo & Rieko Osu - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    As humans, we constantly change our movement strategies to adapt to changes in physical functions and the external environment. We have to walk very slowly in situations with a high risk of falling, such as walking on slippery ice, carrying an overflowing cup of water, or muscle weakness owing to aging or motor deficit. However, previous studies have shown that a normal gait pattern at low speeds results in reduced efficiency and stability in comparison with those at a normal speed. (...)
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  46.  38
    Resenhas v. 3 n. 5.Paulo Agostinho Nogueira Baptista & Vinicius Mariano de Carvalho - 2004 - Horizonte 3 (5):195-200.
    TOMITA, Luiza E.; BARROS, Marcelo; VIGIL, José Maria (Org.). Pluralismo e libertação. Por uma teologia latino-americana pluralista a partir da fé cristã DAMEN, Franz et al. Pelos muitos caminhos de Deus . Desafios do pluralismo religioso à Teologia da Libertação. Paulo Agostinho Nogueira Baptista KOSCHORKE, Klaus (Hg.). Transkontinentale beziehungen in der geschichte des außereuropäischen christentums/transcontinental links in the History of non-western christianity. Vinicius Mariano de Carvalho.
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    Decolonization Projects.Cornelius Ewuoso - 2023 - Voices in Bioethics 9.
    Photo ID 279661800 © Sidewaypics| ABSTRACT Decolonization is complex, vast, and the subject of an ongoing academic debate. While the many efforts to decolonize or dismantle the vestiges of colonialism that remain are laudable, they can also reinforce what they seek to end. For decolonization to be impactful, it must be done with epistemic and cultural humility, requiring decolonial scholars, project leaders, and well-meaning people to be more sensitive to those impacted by colonization and not regularly included in the discourse. (...)
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  48.  22
    Routledge companion to contemporary Japanese social theory: from individualization to globalization in Japan today.Anthony Elliott, Masataka Katagiri & Atsushi Sawai (eds.) - 2013 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    The Routledge Companion to Contemporary Japanese Social Theory breaks new ground in providing a detailed, systematic appraisal of the major traditions of social theory prominent in Japan today – from theories of identity and individualization to globalization studies. The volume introduces readers to the rich diversity of social-theoretical critique in contemporary Japanese social theory. The editors have brought together some of the most influential Japanese social scientists to assess current trends in Japanese social theory, including Kazuhisa Nishihara, Aiko Kashimura, (...)
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  49.  18
    Enrichment metrics for the identification of stabilizers of the telomeric G quartet using genetic algorithm.Melissa Correa & Santiago Solorzano - 2020 - Minerva 1 (1):13-23.
    In this study a combination of computer tools for coupling and virtual screening is detailed, in 108 active molecules and 3620 decoys to find stabilizers for G quadruplex. To have more precise results, combinations of coupling programs with fifteen energy scoring functions were applied. The validation and evaluation of the metrics was done with the CompScore genetic algorithm. The results showed an increase in BEDROC and EF of 50% compared to other strategies, as well as reflecting early recognition of active (...)
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  50. Nieprzemienna unifikacja dynamiki i prawdopodobieństwa.Michał Heller - 2004 - Filozofia Nauki 1.
    Noncommutative geometry is quickly developing branch of mathematics finding important application in physics, especially in the domain of the search for the fundamental physical theory. It comes as a surprise that noncommutative generalizations of probabilistic measure and dynamics are unified into the same mathematical structure, i.e., noncommutative von Neumann algebra with a distinguished linear form on it. The so-called free probability calculus and the Tomita-Takesaki theorem, on which this unification is based, are briefly presented. It is argued that the (...)
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