Results for 'Kehler Andrew'

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  1.  93
    Coherence and coreference revisited.Andrew Kehler, Laura Kertz, Hannah Rohde & Jeffrey L. Elman - 2008 - Journal of Semantics 25 (1):1-44.
    For more than three decades, research into the psycholinguistics of pronoun interpretation has argued that hearers use various interpretation ‘preferences’ or ‘strategies’ that are associated with specific linguistic properties of antecedent expressions. This focus is a departure from the type of approach outlined in Hobbs , who argues that the mechanisms supporting pronoun interpretation are driven predominantly by semantics, world knowledge and inference, with particular attention to how these are used to establish the coherence of a discourse. On the basis (...)
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  2. (1 other version)Reference in discourse.Andrew Kehler - 1996 - In Shalom Lappin (ed.), The handbook of contemporary semantic theory. Cambridge, Mass., USA: Blackwell Reference.
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  3. Coherence and the resolution of ellipsis.Andrew Kehler - 2000 - Linguistics and Philosophy 23 (6):533-575.
    Despite the attention that various forms of ellipsis have received inthe literature, the conditions under which a representation of anutterance may serve as a suitable referent for interpreting subsequentelliptical forms remain poorly understood. This fundamental questionremains as a point of contention, particularly because there are datato support various conflicting approaches that attempt to characterizethese conditions within a single module of language processing. Weshow a previously unnoticed pattern in VP-ellipsis data with respectto the type of coherence relation extant between the antecedentand (...)
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  4. Cohesion and coherence.Andrew Kehler - 2019 - In Paul Portner, Klaus von Heusinger & Claudia Maienborn (eds.), Semantics: noun phrases, verb phrases and adjectives. Boston: De Gruyter.
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    Coherence, reference, and theory of grammar.Andrew Kehler - 2002 - CSLI Publications.
    This book provides an analysis of coherence relationships between utterances and their relevance for linguistic form.
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    On the presuppositional behavior of coherence-driven pragmatic enrichments.Andrew Kehler & Jonathan Cohen - 2016 - Semantics and Linguistic Theory 26:961-979.
    When interpreting a sentence such as Every time the company fires an employee who comes in late, a union complaint is lodged, an addressee is likely to infer that the union will only complain when an employee is fired because he came in late. One is thus led to ask why a purely pragmatic enrichment of this sort -- one drawn despite no risk of interpretative failure nor other linguistic mandate -- would intrude upon truth conditions. We argue that this (...)
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  7. A note on Kehler & Ward (2006).Barbara Abbott, Andrew Kehler & Gregory Ward - unknown
    expression that indicates hearer-familiarity conversationally implicates that the referent is in fact nonfamiliar to the hearer” (KW 177, emphasis in original, footnote added). The purpose of this note is two-fold: first, to look more closely at the proposed implicature; and second, to clarify its relation to a different implicature – a scalar implicature of nonuniqueness resulting from use of the indefinite rather than the definite article, which was proposed by Hawkins (1991). In the first section below we distinguish explicit from (...)
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    The semantics of respective Readings, conjunction, and filler-gap dependencies.Jean Mark Gawron & Andrew Kehler - 2004 - Linguistics and Philosophy 27 (2):169-207.
    We provide a semantic analysis of respective readings, including butnot limited to the interpretation of examples containing the adverbrespectively, which accounts for a number of facts that haveeither proven difficult for previous studies or heretofore goneunnoticed in the literature. The analysis introduces the new notionsof property sum and proposition sum which integrate smoothly with existing analyses of plurals and distributivity. The analysis also admits of a straightforward account of previouslyunacknowledged examples involving filler-gap dependencies that areproblematic for contemporary syntactic theories. Ramifications (...)
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  9. Conversational Eliciture.Jonathan Cohen & Andrew Kehler - 2021 - Philosophers' Imprint 21 (12).
    The sentence "The boss fired the employee who is always late" invites the defeasible inference that the speaker is attempting to convey that the lateness caused the firing. We argue that such inferences cannot be understood in terms of familiar approaches to extrasemantic enrichment such as implicature, impliciture, explicature, or species of local enrichment already in the literature. Rather, we propose that they arise from more basic cognitive strategies, grounded in processes of coherence establishment, that thinkers use to make sense (...)
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  10.  38
    The interpretation of null and overt pronouns in Japanese: Grammatical and pragmatic factors.Mieko Ueno & Andrew Kehler - 2010 - In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone (eds.), Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society. pp. 2057--2062.
  11.  9
    A Bayesian Approach to German Personal and Demonstrative Pronouns.Clare Patterson, Petra B. Schumacher, Bruno Nicenboim, Johannes Hagen & Andrew Kehler - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    When faced with an ambiguous pronoun, an addressee must interpret it by identifying a suitable referent. It has been proposed that the interpretation of pronouns can be captured using Bayes’ Rule: P ∝ PP. This approach has been successful in English and Mandarin Chinese. In this study, we further the cross-linguistic evidence for the Bayesian model by applying it to German personal and demonstrative pronouns, and provide novel quantitative support for the model by assessing model performance in a Bayesian statistical (...)
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  12. Coherence and coreference revisited.Kehler Andrew, Kertz Laura & Rohde Hannah - 2008 - Journal of Semantics 25 (1).
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  13. The Third Lens: Metaphor and the Creation of Modern Cell Biology.Andrew S. Reynolds - 2018 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  14.  29
    Beyond literal similarity.Andrew Ortony - 1979 - Psychological Review 86 (3):161-180.
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    Supported Decision Making With People at the Margins of Autonomy.Andrew Peterson, Jason Karlawish & Emily Largent - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (11):4-18.
    This article argues that supported decision making is ideal for people with dynamic cognitive and functional impairments that place them at the margins of autonomy. First, we argue that guardianship and similar surrogate decision-making frameworks may be inappropriate for people with dynamic impairments. Second, we provide a conceptual foundation for supported decision making for individuals with dynamic impairments, which integrates the social model of disability with relational accounts of autonomy. Third, we propose a three-step model that specifies the necessary conditions (...)
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  16.  19
    Crossing Boundaries Social Science in the Policy Room.Andrew Webster - 2007 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 32 (4):458-478.
    This article discusses the relationship between a deconstructivist method in science and technology studies and the more recent moves towards a reconstructivist engagement with science and science policy making. Drawing on examples from the author's own research, the article identifies three forms of engagement and their relative utility and limitations. The article argues that these are typical of STS work that seeks direct engagement with science policy making and which could form the basis for a more "serviceable STS" that retains (...)
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    How can political liberalism respond to contemporary populism?Andrew Reid - 2020 - European Journal of Political Theory 21 (2):147488512091130.
    Populism – which positions a ‘true people’ in opposition to a corrupt elite – is often contrasted with liberalism. This article initially outlines the incompatibility between populism and normative...
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  18. The Hermeneutic Challenge of Genetic Engineering: Habermas and the Transhumanists.Andrew Edgar - 2009 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 12 (2):157-167.
    The purpose of this paper is to explore the impact that developments in transhumanist technologies may have upon human cultures, and to do so by exploring a potential debate between Habermas and the transhumanists. Transhumanists, such as Nick Bostrom, typically see the potential in genetic and other technologies for positively expanding and transcending human nature. In contrast, Habermas is a representative of those who are fearful of this technology, suggesting that it will compound the deleterious effects of the colonisation of (...)
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    A problem of scope for the free energy principle as a theory of cognition.Andrew Sims - 2016 - Philosophical Psychology 29 (7):967-980.
    Those who endorse the free energy principle as a theory of cognition are committed to three propositions that are jointly incompatible but which will cohere if one of them is denied. The first of these is that the free energy principle gives us a self-sufficient explanation of what all cognitive systems consist in: a specific computational architecture. The second is that all adaptive behavior is driven by the free energy principle and the process of model-based inference it entails. The third (...)
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  20.  24
    A critical philosophy of sport: Some applications.Andrew Gibbons - 2019 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 52 (8):811-815.
    Volume 52, Issue 8, July 2020, Page 811-815.
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  21. Regulative Assumptions, Hinge Propositions and the Peircean Conception of Truth.Andrew W. Howat - 2013 - Erkenntnis 78 (2):451-468.
    This paper defends a key aspect of the Peircean conception of truth—the idea that truth is in some sense epistemically-constrained. It does so by exploring parallels between Peirce’s epistemology of inquiry and that of Wittgenstein in On Certainty. The central argument defends a Peircean claim about truth by appeal to a view shared by Peirce and Wittgenstein about the structure of reasons. This view relies on the idea that certain claims have a special epistemic status, or function as what are (...)
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  22. Payoff dominance and the stackelberg heuristic.Andrew M. Colman & Michael Bacharach - 1997 - Theory and Decision 43 (1):1-19.
    Payoff dominance, a criterion for choosing between equilibrium points in games, is intuitively compelling, especially in matching games and other games of common interests, but it has not been justified from standard game-theoretic rationality assumptions. A psychological explanation of it is offered in terms of a form of reasoning that we call the Stackelberg heuristic in which players assume that their strategic thinking will be anticipated by their co-player(s). Two-person games are called Stackelberg-soluble if the players' strategies that maximize against (...)
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  23.  46
    Virtue in being: towards an ethics of the unconditioned.Andrew Benjamin - 2016 - Albany: SUNY Press.
    Towards the unconditioned: Kant, Epicurus and Glückseligkeit -- Arendt and the time of the pardon -- Kant, evil, and the unconditioned -- Judgment after Derrida.
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  24. Timing in cognition and EEG brain dynamics: Discreteness versus continuity.Andrew A. Fingelkurts & Alexander A. Fingelkurts - 2006 - Cognitive Processing 7 (3):135-162.
    This article provides an overview of recent developments in solving the timing problem (discreteness vs. continuity) in cognitive neuroscience. Both theoretical and empirical studies have been considered, with an emphasis on the framework of Operational Architectonics (OA) of brain functioning (Fingelkurts and Fingelkurts, 2001, 2005). This framework explores the temporal structure of information flow and interarea interactions within the network of functional neuronal populations by examining topographic sharp transition processes in the scalp EEG, on the millisecond scale. We conclude, based (...)
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  25. (1 other version)Metaphor and Thought.Andrew Ortony - 1981 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 14 (3):188-190.
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  26. Two Nations: Black and White, Separate, Hostile, Unequal.Andrew Hacker - 1993 - Science and Society 57 (4):497-499.
  27.  18
    Schleiermacher on Religion and the Natural Order.Andrew Dole - 2010 - Oup Usa.
    Friedrich Schleiermacher is best known as the ''father of liberal Protestant theology,'' largely on the strength of his massive work of systematic theology, The Christian Faith. In this book, Andrew Dole presents a new account of Schleiermacher's theory of religion. Dole argues that Schleiermacher integrates the individualistic side of religion with a set of claims about its social dynamics, and that this takes place within a broader understanding of all events in the world as the product of a universal, (...)
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  28.  13
    Becoming Who We Are: Politics and Practical Philosophy in the Work of Stanley Cavell.Andrew Norris - 2017 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    'Becoming Who We Are' clarifies the political and existential aspects of Stanley Cavell's understanding of ordinary language and of skepticism, and shows the close connection between his reception of Kant, Heidegger, and Austin and his exploration of what Emersonian Perfectionism offers to democracy and modern life.
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    Concretizing Simondon and Constructivism: A Recursive Contribution to the Theory of Concretization.Andrew Lewis Feenberg - 2017 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 42 (1):62-85.
    This article argues that Gilbert Simondon’s philosophy of technology is useful for both science and technology studies and critical theory. The synthesis has political implications. It offers an argument for the rationality of democratic interventions by citizens into decisions concerning technology. The new framework opens a perspective on the radical transformation of technology required by ecological modernization and sustainability. In so doing, it suggests new applications of STS methods to politics as well as a reconstruction of the Frankfurt School’s “rational (...)
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  30. What Is the Point of Justice?Andrew Mason - 2012 - Utilitas 24 (4):525-547.
    Conflicting answers to the question of what principles of justice are for may generate very different ways of theorizing about justice. Indeed divergent answers to it are at the heart of G. A. Cohen's disagreement with John Rawls. Cohen thinks that the roots of this disagreement lie in the constructivist method that Rawls employs, which mistakenly treats the principles that emerge from a procedure that involves factual assumptions as ultimate principles of justice. But I argue that even if Rawls were (...)
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  31. The Chicago Pragmatists and American Progressivism.Andrew Feffer - 1994 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 30 (4):1068-1072.
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  32. Introduction: Giorgio Agamben and the politics of the living dead.Andrew Norris - 2005 - In Politics, Metaphysics, and Death: Essays on Giorgio Agamben’s Homo Sacer. Durham: Duke University Press.
  33. Metaphor, Language, and Thought.Andrew Orthony - 1993 - In Andrew Ortony (ed.), Metaphor and Thought. Cambridge University Press. pp. 1-18.
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  34. Non-well-foundedness in Judaic Logic.Andrew Schumann - 2008 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 13 (26).
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  35. Who is the research subject in cluster randomized trials in health research?Andrew D. McRae, Ariella Binik, Charles Weijer, Jeremy M. Grimshaw, Monica Taljaard, Robert Boruch, Jamie C. Brehaut, Allan Donner, Martin P. Eccles, Antonio Gallo, Ray Saginur & Merrick Zwarenstein - 2011 - Trials 1 (12):118.
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  36. Adam Smith: Society and Government.Andrew Skinner - 1977 - In Elspeth Attwooll (ed.), Perspectives in jurisprudence. [Glasgow]: University of Glasgow Press. pp. 195--220.
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  37. Eustathios of thessaloniki and st nikephoros of antioch: Hagiography for a political end.Andrew Stone - 2007 - Byzantion 77:416-431.
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    Experience with a Revised Hospital Policy on Not Offering Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation.Andrew M. Courtwright, Emily Rubin, Kimberly S. Erler, Julia I. Bandini, Mary Zwirner, M. Cornelia Cremens, Thomas H. McCoy & Ellen M. Robinson - 2020 - HEC Forum 34 (1):73-88.
    Critical care society guidelines recommend that ethics committees mediate intractable conflict over potentially inappropriate treatment, including Do Not Resuscitate status. There are, however, limited data on cases and circumstances in which ethics consultants recommend not offering cardiopulmonary resuscitation despite patient or surrogate requests and whether physicians follow these recommendations. This was a retrospective cohort of all adult patients at a large academic medical center for whom an ethics consult was requested for disagreement over DNR status. Patient demographic predictors of ethics (...)
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  39. Including transformation: notes on the art of the contemporary.Andrew Benjamin - unknown
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    Politics of Aristotle: From Bollard and Lang's P̀olitics'.Andrew Lang, W. E. Bolland & Aristotle - 1886 - Longmans, Green.
  41. Alienation as Heteronomy.Andrew Levine - 1976 - Philosophical Forum 8 (2):256.
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  42. Arguing for Socialism: Theoretical Considerations.Andrew Levine - 1989 - Studies in Soviet Thought 37 (3):247-250.
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  43. Marxism and Human Nature (Book Review).Andrew Levine - 2001 - Science and Society 64 (4):524.
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    Cicero as Evidence: A Historian's Companion.Andrew Lintott - 2010 - Oxford University Press.
    Cicero's writings contain a first-hand view of the age of Caesar and Pompey; however, readers need to learn how to interpret and assess the accuracy of what he says. This book is a guide to reading Cicero as historian, and leads readers through his writings, showing how they can be exploited and enjoyed.
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    The Myth of the White Minority.Andrew J. Pierce - 2015 - Critical Philosophy of Race 3 (2):305-323.
    In recent years, and especially in the wake of Barack Obama's reelection, projections that whites will soon become a minority have proliferated. In this essay, I will argue that such predictions are misleading at best, as they rest on questionable philosophical presuppositions, including the presupposition that racial concepts like ‘whiteness’ are static and unchanging rather than fluid and continually being reconstructed. If I am right about these fundamental inaccuracies, one must wonder why the myth of the white minority persists. I (...)
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  46. Christianity.Andrew Tallon - 2007 - In John Corrigan (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Religion and Emotion. Oup Usa.
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  47. Perception and scepticism.Andrew Ward - 1993 - In Edmond Leo Wright (ed.), New Representationalisms: Essays in the Philosophy of Perception. Ashgate. pp. 88.
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  48.  17
    Interface Theory vs Gibson: An Ontological Defense of the Ecological Approach.Andrew D. Wilson - 2021 - Philosophical Psychology 34 (7):989-1010.
    Interface theory is the hypothesis that inferential, representational theories of perception entail that fitness, not truth, dictates the evolution of perceptual systems. They show, with simulations, that “veridical” perceptual mappings (ones that preserve at least some of the structure of the world) are routinely out-competed by “non-veridical” interfaces (ones that make no attempt to preserve that structure). They therefore take particular aim at the direct perception, ecological approach to perception and work to show that such a system, even if technically (...)
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  49.  44
    Thomas Hobbes on Civility, Magnanimity, and Scientific Discourse.Andrew J. Corsa - 2021 - Hobbes Studies 34 (2):201-226.
    Thomas Hobbes contends that a wise sovereign would censor books and limit verbal discourse for the majority of citizens. But this article contends that it is consistent with Hobbes’s philosophy to claim that a wise sovereign would allow a small number of citizens – those individuals who engage in scientific discourse and who are magnanimous and just – to disagree freely amongst themselves, engaging in discourse on controversial topics. This article reflects on Hobbes’s contention that these individuals can tolerate one (...)
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  50. Is categorical perception really verbally mediated perception?Andrew T. Hendrickson, George Kachergis, Todd M. Gureckis & Robert L. Goldstone - 2010 - In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone (eds.), Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society.
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