Results for 'Konrad Vermehren'

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  1.  11
    Subjekt und Metaphysik: Konrad Cramer zu Ehren, aus Anlass seines 65. Geburtstages.Konrad Cramer & Jürgen Stolzenberg - 2001 - Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
    Proceedings of a conference held Dec. 4-5, 1998 at the Universit'at G'ottingen.
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    Wilutzky, Konrad, Die Liebe.Konrad Wilutzky - 1920 - Kant Studien 25 (1).
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    Abteilung V: Briefwechsel und biographische Dokumente, Band 7, Briefwechsel 1803 - 1804: (Briefe 1541 - 1830).Hermann Fischer, Ulrich Barth, Konrad Cramer, Günter Meckenstock, Kurt-Victor Selge, Andreas Arndt & Wolfgang Virmond (eds.) - 2005 - De Gruyter.
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    Potential Subjects’ Responses to an Ethics Questionnaire in a Phase I Study of Deep Brain Stimulation in Early Parkinson’s Disease.Stuart G. Finder, Mark J. Bliton, Chandler E. Gill, Thomas L. Davis, Peter E. Konrad & P. D. Charles - 2012 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 23 (3):207-216.
    BackgroundCentral to ethically justified clinical trial design is the need for an informed consent process responsive to how potential subjects actually comprehend study participation, especially study goals, risks, and potential benefits. This will be particularly challenging when studying deep brain stimulation and whether it impedes symptom progression in Parkinson’s disease, since potential subjects will be Parkinson’s patients for whom deep brain stimulation will likely have therapeutic value in the future as their disease progresses.MethodAs part of an expanded informed consent process (...)
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    Bücherschau: Wiedergelesen / Rezension / Ausstellungsbesprechung.Renate Wöhrer, Angelika Bartl, Inge Hinterwaldner, Jan Konrad Schröder, Susanne Baer & Michael Wetzel - 2017 - In Wöhrer Renate, Bartl Angelika, Hinterwaldner Inge, Schröder Jan Konrad, Baer Susanne & Wetzel Michael (eds.), Ereignisorte des Politischen. De Gruyter. pp. 94-102.
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    Creating Justice in an Emerging World The Natural Law Basis of Francisco de Vitoria’s Political and International Thought.Luis Valenzuela Vermehren - 2017 - Ideas Y Valores 66 (163):39-64.
    This article outlines Francisco de Vitoria’s conception of natural law and natural right in an effort to amend a number of interpretations in the academic literature on his political and international thought that misapprehend Vitoria’s iusnaturalism. In this view, his use of the Thomist doctrine of natural law and justice lays the founda­tion for his works on politics, society and international relations since the doctrine itself espouses equality and justice both within the domestic realm and between discrete communities. In an (...)
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    Vitoria, Humanism, and the School of Salamanca in Early Sixteenth-Century Spain.Luis Valenzuela-Vermehren - 2013 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 16 (2):99-125.
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    From the Dialectics of Recognition to Common Humanity.Konrad Banicki - 2021 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 28 (1):19-21.
    Among the many strengths of the article by Lorenzo Gilardi and Giovanni Stanghellini one can find its open-ended character most directly reflected by the fact that these are "questions for further research," rather than a set of definitive theses, that are provided as concluding remarks. But it is not the mere occurrence of such a setting that is crucial. After all, even if somewhat atypical, the latter does happen to be used in scholarly literature. What makes the open-endedness of the (...)
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    27. 'aπo δονος, από πέτϱης.Konrad Schwenck - 1859 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 14 (1-4):391-395.
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    Notes on Ideology, International Order, and Foreign Policy.Luis Valenzuela-Vermehren - 2021 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2021 (195):133-139.
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  11. (1 other version)Konrad, Joseph, Religion und Kunst. [REVIEW]Konrad Eilers - 1933 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 38:481.
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    From Shared Enaction to Intrinsic Value. How Enactivism Contributes to Environmental Ethics.Konrad Werner & Magdalena Kiełkowicz-Werner - 2022 - Topoi 41 (2):409-423.
    Two major philosophical movements have sought to fundamentally rethink the relationship between humans and their environment(s): environmental ethics and enactivism. Surprisingly, they virtually never refer to or seek inspiration from each other. The goal of this analysis is to bridge the gap. Our main purpose, then, is to address, from the enactivist angle, the conceptual backbone of environmental ethics, namely the concept of intrinsic value. We argue that intrinsic value does indeed exist, yet its "intrinsicality" does not boil down to (...)
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    Lavelles philosophische Selbstbezeugung (eingeleitet von Karl Albert - übersetzt von Konrad Jacobs).Konrad Jacobs - 1981 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 7:245-262.
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  14. Positive psychology on character strengths and virtues. A disquieting suggestion.Konrad Banicki - 2014 - New Ideas in Psychology 33:21-34.
    The Values in Action (VIA) classification of character strengths and virtues has been recently proposed by two leading positive psychologists, Christopher Peterson and Martin Seligman as “the social science equivalent of virtue ethics.” The very possibility of developing this kind of an “equivalent,” however, is very doubtful in the light of the cogent criticism that has been leveled at modern moral theory by Alasdair MacIntyre as well as the well argued accusations that positive psychology, despite its official normative neutrality, is (...)
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    On Aggression.Konrad Lorenz - 2002 - Routledge.
    Hugely controversial on publication, this is an insightful and characteristically entertaining survey of animal behaviour and the evolution of aggression throughout the animal world.
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    Space bioethics: Why we need it and why it should be a feminist space bioethics.Konrad Szocik - 2020 - Bioethics 35 (2):187-191.
    Space philosophy offers rich insights in the future and is already well‐developed new branch of philosophy. However, space philosophers still do not pay much attention to a number of bioethical issues that may occur in space. This paper aims to introduce space bioethics, as a new branch in space philosophy, space ethics and space policy, to the philosophical and bioethical discourse. The basic issues discussed in space bioethics include—but are not limited to—human reproduction in space and human enhancement for space. (...)
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  17. Enactment and Construction of the Cognitive Niche: Toward an Ontology of the Mind- World Connection.Konrad Werner - 2020 - Synthese 197 (3):1313-1341.
    The paper discusses the concept of the cognitive niche and distinguishes the latter from the metabolic niche. By using these posits I unpack certain ideas that are crucial for the enactivist movement, especially for its original formulation proposed by Varela, Thompson and Rosh. Drawing on the ontology of location, boundaries, and parthood, I argue that enacting the world can be seen as the process of cognitive niche construction. Moreover, it turns out that enactivism—as seen through the lens of the conceptual (...)
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    Adaptationist Accounts Can Tell Us More About Religion Than Cognitive Accounts Can.Konrad Szocik - 2018 - In Hans van Eyghen, Rik Peels & Gijsbert van den Brink (eds.), New Developments in the Cognitive Science of Religion - The Rationality of Religious Belief. Dordrecht: Springer. pp. 93-108.
    Religious beliefs can be explained in two different ways, cognitive and adaptationist. Each of them is another kind of explanation, one is proximate and the other ultimate. Each of them provides the other with a specific status for religious beliefs, such as by-product or adaptation. However, there is no clarity of how cognition itself could be religiously biased and how the religious/theistic approach could work as a default cognitive mode, as Cognitive Science of Religion suggests. I would like to criticize (...)
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    The origin and nature of the state in francisco de Vitoria's moral philosophy.Luis Valenzuela-Vermehren - 2013 - Ideas Y Valores 62 (151):81-103.
    Sixteenth-century Spanish thought is constitutive of an established, though insufficiently studied, tradition of European political theorizing. As against the politics of Machiavellism, the Spanish tradition argued in favor of an ethical perspective on statecraft. As an introduction to the subject, this article addresses key concepts set forth by the Dominican theologian-jurist Francisco de Vitoria regarding the natural foundations and teleology of the state and its coercive power. Terms such as "natural law", "dominium", and "perfect community" describe the Thomistic basis of (...)
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    The effect of rumination on recall of emotional words: comparison of dysphoric individuals with and without a history of nonsuicidal self-injury.Konrad Bresin, Kristen Mccowan & Edelyn Verona - 2019 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (8):1655-1671.
    ABSTRACTPrior research and theory has suggested that rumination plays a role in nonsuicidal self-injury, and rumination increases recall of negative autobiographical information in dysphoric...
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  21. On Aggression.Konrad Lorenz, Robert Ardrey, Desmond Morris & Lionel Tiger - 1971 - Science and Society 35 (2):209-219.
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    Psychophysiological approach to the Liar paradox: Jean Buridan’s virtual entailment principle put to the test.Konrad Rudnicki & Piotr Łukowski - 2019 - Synthese 198 (S22):5573-5592.
    This article presents an empirical examination of the consequences of the virtual entailment principle proposed by Jean Buridan to resolve the Liar paradox. This principle states that every sentence in natural language implicitly asserts its own truth. Adopting this principle means that the Liar sentence is not paradoxical but false, because its content is contradictory to what is virtually implied. As a result, humans should perceive the Liar sentence the same way as any other false sentence. This solution to the (...)
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    Who Asks Questions and Who Benefits from Answers: Understanding Institutions in Terms of Social Epistemic Dependencies.Konrad Werner - forthcoming - Erkenntnis:1-31.
    The paper develops the idea that institutions are enablers. However, they do not only enable individuals and collectives to achieve their goals; first and foremost, they enable individuals and collectives to have a goal, to select and recognize certain possible states of affairs as targets of action, and as a result, to have a demand – especially a demand for further institutions. I make the case that properly functioning institutions are dedicated to making these states of affairs epistemically acquaintable. What (...)
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  24.  15
    Pullus, Pullius, and Pulcher.C. F. Konrad - 2023 - Hermes 151 (1):120-126.
    It is argued that (1) the alleged violation of the auspices by both the Consuls of 249 B. C. did in fact occur and (2) resulted in separate prosecutions directed at each of them; (3) the name ‘Pullius’, reported for one of the plebeian Tribunes that prosecuted P. Claudius Pulcher, is probably authentic; (4) the cognomen of L. Iunius Pullus is not spun out the violation of the auspices attributed to him and his colleague; and (5) the cognomen ‘Pulcher’, first (...)
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  25. Benjamin Constant und die Freiheit.Konrad Meister - 1956 - [Zurich]:
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    Ob die Klimatheorie auf den Weg der Wissenschaft gebracht werden könne.Konrad Ott - 2014 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2014 (2):381-389.
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    The importance of cosmological principles for research in cosmology.Konrad Rudnicki - 1989 - Apeiron: Studies in Infinite Nature 4 (1).
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    (1 other version)A generalization of lindenbaum's theorem for predicate calculi.Konrad Schultz - 1984 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 30 (9‐11):165-168.
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    The Embodied Philosopher: Living in Pursuit of Boundary Questions.Konrad Werner - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    The book is the first formulation of a meta-philosophical scheme rooted in the embodied cognition paradigm. The latter views subjects capable of cognition and experience as living, embodied creatures coupled with their environments. On the other hand, the emergence of experimental philosophy has given rise to a new context in which philosophers have begun to search for a more thorough definition of philosophical competence. The time is ripe for these two trends to join their efforts. Therefore, the book discusses what (...)
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  30. Bayesian decision theory in sensorimotor control.Konrad P. Körding & Daniel M. Wolpert - 2006 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 10 (7):319-326.
  31.  54
    Empirical Findings on Business–Society Relations in Europe.A. Konrad, R. Steurer, M. E. Langer & André Martinuzzi - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 63 (1):89-105.
    Based on a theoretical exploration in a previous article, this paper empirically analyzes which issues of SD are taken into account by corporations and stakeholders in what way, and to what extent the concept of sustainable development (SD) can be achieved through stakeholder relations management (SRM) on the corporate level. An important basis for this empirical analysis is a referential framework, which specifies 14 issues of SD. In a first empirical step, the literature-based framework has been operationalized for the business (...)
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    Der Junge Leibniz.Konrad Moll - 1978 - Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog.
    1. Die wissenschaftstheoretische Problemstellung seines ersten Systementwurfs -- 2. Der Übergang von Atomismus zu einem mechanistischen Aristotelismus -- 3. Eine Wissenschaft für ein aufgeklärtes Europa.
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    Cognitive confinement: theoretical considerations on the construction of a cognitive niche, and on how it can go wrong.Konrad Werner - 2019 - Synthese 198 (7):6297-6328.
    This paper aims to elucidate a kind of ignorance that is more fundamental than a momentary lack of information, but also not a kind of ignorance that is built into the subject’s cognitive apparatus such that the subject can’t do anything about it. The paper sets forth the notion of cognitive confinement, which is a contingent, yet relatively stable state of being structurally or systematically unable to gain information from an environment, determined by patterns of interaction between the subject and (...)
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    Donna Haraway: Staying with the Trouble: Makng Kin in the Chthulucene.Konrad Ott - 2019 - Environmental Ethics 41 (2):185-188.
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    Ethical Challenges in Human Space Missions: A Space Refuge, Scientific Value, and Human Gene Editing for Space.Konrad Szocik, Ziba Norman & Michael J. Reiss - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (3):1209-1227.
    This article examines some selected ethical issues in human space missions including human missions to Mars, particularly the idea of a space refuge, the scientific value of space exploration, and the possibility of human gene editing for deep-space travel. Each of these issues may be used either to support or to criticize human space missions. We conclude that while these issues are complex and context-dependent, there appear to be no overwhelming obstacles such as cost effectiveness, threats to human life or (...)
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  36. Filosofiska smulor: tillägnade Konrad Marc-Wogau, 75 år 4 april 1977.Konrad Marc-Wogau, Ulla Carlstedt & Ann-Mari Henschen-Dahlquist (eds.) - 1977 - Uppsala: Filosofiska föreningen och Filosofiska institutionen vid Uppsala universitet.
    Marc-Wogau, K. Mina filosofiska fördomar.--Gustafsson, L. Om klassifikation.--Kanger, S. Några synpunkter på begreppet inflytande.--Torstendahl, R. Minikrav, optimumnormer och paradigm i historisk vetenskap.--Lagerberg, D. Punktkommentarer till dialektiken.--Nordenfeldt, L. Om olika former av interaktion.--Puterman, Z. An indeterminist interpretation of Marx's historical determinism.--Carls, R. Kunskap och frihet.--Andersson, J. S. Some notions of pragmatic implication.--Tönisson, I. A preliminary study of interpreting K[subscript x]ø¹.--Bergström, L. Vilken handlingsutilitarism är den riktiga?--Alfredsson, T. Kärlekskoefficienter.--Segerberg, K. The assignment problem as a problem of social choice.--Åqvist, L. En tidslogisk variant (...)
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    King Solomon's Ring.Konrad Lorenz - 2002 - Routledge.
    Solomon, the legend goes, had a magic ring which enabled him to speak to the animals in their own language. Konrad Lorenz was gifted with a similar power of understanding the animal world. He was that rare beast, a brilliant scientist who could write beautifully. He did more than any other person to establish and popularize the study of how animals behave, receiving a Nobel Prize for his work. King Solomon's Ring , the book which brought him worldwide recognition, (...)
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  38. Studies in Animal and Human Behaviour.Konrad Lorenz & Robert Martin - 1971 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 22 (1):81-82.
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    Unintended Consequences of Coverage Laws Targeting Cancer Drugs.Maximilian Salcher-Konrad & Huseyin Naci - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (3):552-554.
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  40. Das Bild des Menschen in Schopenhauers Philosophie.Konrad Pfeiffer - 1933 - Philosophical Review 42:234.
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  41. Iris Murdoch and the Varieties of Virtue Ethics.Konrad Banicki - 2016 - In Carr David, Arthur James & Kristjánsson Kristján (eds.), Varieties of Virtue Ethics. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 89-104.
    Despite the fact that Iris Murdoch's influence on contemporary virtue ethics is often neglected, both her general criticism of the dominant currents of early 20th century ethical theory and some of its more particular threads, like scepticism towards principle-based accounts and the fact-value distinction or the emphasis on moral psychology, show her affinity with philosophers like Anscombe, Williams, and MacIntyre. On the other hand, some particular details of her perspective seem absent from, if not alien to, the standard neo-Aristotelian virtue (...)
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    Climate change and anti-natalism: Between the horrible and the unthinkable.Konrad Szocik & Matti Häyry - 2024 - South African Journal of Philosophy 43 (1):21-29.
    There is no longer any doubt that the coming decades will bring serious threats to humanity from anthropogenic climate change. As we have suggested elsewhere, horrible scenarios are far more realistic than non-horrible ones, and science and technology are incapable, especially in our non-ideal world, of equitably distributing wealth, access to resources and adaptations to climate change. In this article, we offer an alternative to these inevitable horrible scenarios. The alternative is to implement either an anti-natalist policy, or procreative beneficence (...)
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    Identity in adolescence and emerging adulthood: relationships with emotional and educational factors.Konrad Piotrowski - 2013 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 44 (3):266-276.
    In the processual approach to identity, the role of the interaction between subjective and contextual factors in the process of its development is emphasized. Based on the model of Luyckx et al. relationships between identity and educational context, as well as the tendency to experience shame and guilt were analyzed.. 821 people aged from 14-25 and belonging to six educational groups: lower secondary school, basic vocational school, technical upper secondary school, general upper secondary school, post-secondary school and university, took part (...)
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    Why it is rational to expect the horrible – The future of humanity and climate change.Konrad Szocik & Matti Häyry - 2024 - South African Journal of Philosophy 43 (1):12-20.
    Climate change poses a challenge to bioethics due to overpopulation and a declining quality of life, among other factors. In this article, we discuss four scenarios of possible human development in the near future. Two of them are horrible scenarios. One of them assumes that living conditions will significantly deteriorate and people will live in great poverty. The second of the horrible scenarios is one in which a large part of humanity will die. Two other, non-horrible scenarios offer more optimism, (...)
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  45. Blondes in Venetian Paintings, the Nine-Banded Armadillo and other Essays in Biochemistry.Konrad Bloch - 1996 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 39 (3):459.
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  46. King Solomon's Ring.Konrad Z. Lorenz - 1952 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 3 (11):265-272.
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  47. Visions of a Martian Future.Konrad Szocik, Steven Abood, Chris Impey, Mark Shelhamer, Jacob Haqq-Misra, Erik Persson, Lluis Oviedo, Klara Anna Capova, Martin Braddock, Margaret Boone Rappaport & Christopher Corbally - 2020 - Futures 117.
    As we look beyond our terrestrial boundary to a multi-planetary future for humankind, it becomes paramount to anticipate the challenges of various human factors on the most likely scenario for this future: permanent human settlement of Mars. Even if technical hurdles are circumvented to provide adequate resources for basic physiological and psychological needs, Homo sapiens will not survive on an alien planet if a dysfunctional psyche prohibits the utilization of these resources. No matter how far we soar into the stars, (...)
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    Enactment: A Preliminary Study in Varela and Traditional Metaphysics.Konrad Werner - 2023 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 30 (11):131-158.
    This paper targets the concept of enactment as a genuinely metaphysical idea. Its goals are two-fold. First, a reappraisal of enactment in its proper historical context, as well as an articulation of the core innovations enactment brings to traditional metaphysics. Here the idea of 'productive' cognition, as I provisionally term it, comes to the fore. The second goal is a reinterpretation of certain themes from traditional metaphysics, including the key question of why there is something rather than nothing, so as (...)
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    Praktische Vernunft in der Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten.Konrad Utz - 2015 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 69 (4):474-501.
    „Ein jedes Ding in der Natur wirkt nach Gesetzen. Nur ein vernünftiges Wesen hat das Vermögen, nach der Vorstellung der Gesetze, i.e. nach Prinzipien zu handeln oder einen Willen.“ So definiert Kant in der Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten den Willen oder, was für ihn dasselbe ist, die praktische Vernunft. Die Moral ergibt sich sowohl unter dem formalen Gesichtspunkt ihres Geltungsanspruchs wie unter dem materialen ihrer Grundnorm, nämlich des kategorischen Imperativs, aus der Selbstanwendung der apriorischen Grundstruktur der praktischen Vernunft. Damit (...)
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  50. The" arbeitsrappen" in basel.Konrad Bekker - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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