Results for 'Kyle Curran'

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  1. Impairing the Impairment Argument.Kyle van Oosterum & Emma J. Curran - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (5):335-339.
    Blackshaw and Hendricks have recently developed and defended the impairment argument against abortion, arguing that the immorality of giving a child fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) provides us with reason to believe that abortion is immoral. In this paper, we forward two criticisms of the impairment argument. First, we highlight that, as it currently stands, the argument is very weak and accomplishes very little. Second, we argue that Blackshaw and Hendricks are fundamentally mistaken about what makes giving a child FAS immoral. (...)
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    Change and Moral Development in Kant’s Ethics.Kyle Curran - 2013 - Stance 6 (1):21-28.
    This paper is concerned with an ambiguous aspect of Kant’s ethics, namely, how moral change is possible. Kant conceives that change is possible, indeed desirable, without making clear the mechanism by which this change occurs. I conclude that one’s moral development must come about through the autonomous rationality of humanity. This allows for the moral law to be held at all times and for the rejection of immoral sentiments and inclinations. Further, it is constant soul-searching that allows one to keep (...)
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    Readings in moral theology /Edited by Charles E. Curran and Richard A McCormick.Charles E. Curran & Richard A. Mccormick - 1979
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  4. Silly Questions and Arguments for the Implicit, Cinematic Narrator.Angela Curran - 2019 - In Noël Carroll, Laura T. Di Summa & Shawn Loht (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of the Philosophy of Film and Motion Pictures. Springer. pp. 97-118.
    My chapter aims to advance the debate on a problem often raised by philosophers who are skeptical of implied narrators in movies. This is the concern that positing such elusive narrators gives rise to absurd imaginings (Gaut 2004: 242; Carroll 2006: 179-180). -/- Friends of the implied cinematic narrator reply that the questions critics raise about the workings of the implied cinematic narrator are "silly ones" to ask. -/- I examine how the "absurd imaginings" problem arises for all the central (...)
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    Schiller's "On grace and dignity" in its cultural context: essays and a new translation.Jane Veronica Curran, Christophe Fricker & Friedrich Schiller (eds.) - 2005 - Rochester, N.Y.: Camden House.
    This is the first English scholarly edition of this pivotal essay, accompanied by the first comprehensive commentary on it.
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  6. Qualitative methods show that surveys misrepresent “ought implies can” judgments.Kyle Thompson - 2023 - Philosophical Psychology 36 (1):29-57.
    Experimental philosophers rely almost exclusively on quantitative surveys that potentially misrepresent participants’ multifarious judgments. To assess the efficacy of qualitative methods in experimental philosophy and reveal limitations with quantitative surveys, a study was conducted on the Kantian principle that ‘ought implies can’, which limits moral obligation to actions that agents can do. Specifically, the think aloud method and a follow-up interview were employed in a modified version of a prominent experiment that recorded participants’ judgments of ability, blame, and obligation using (...)
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  7. The FeatureGate model of visual selection.Kyle R. Cave, Min-Shik Kim, Narcisse P. Bichot & Kenith V. Sobel - 2005 - In Laurent Itti, Geraint Rees & John K. Tsotsos (eds.), Neurobiology of Attention. Academic Press.
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    A Simple Tool for Disincentivizing the Worst Pandemic Bioweapons.Emma J. Curran & Nir Eyal - 2024 - In Nathan A. Paxton (ed.), Disincentivising Bioweapons. Nuclear Threat Initiative. pp. 167-178.
    This essay proposes a simple way to incentivize states not to develop pathogens with enhanced pandemic potential (PEPPs) as bioweapons: to tip all state actors that all of them stand to lose from developing such highly lethal, highly transmissible bioweapons. Being highly transmissible, a PEPP used as a weapon could easily spread, infecting a state’s own citizens and leaders. Therefore, no state concerned for its own citizens or leaders can afford to use a PEPP weapon, even having developed or acquired (...)
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    Social Context Disambiguates the Interpretation of Laughter.William Curran, Gary J. McKeown, Magdalena Rychlowska, Elisabeth André, Johannes Wagner & Florian Lingenfelser - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Epistemic instrumentalism, exceeding our grasp.Kyle Stanford - 2008 - Philosophical Studies 137 (1):135-139.
    In the concluding chapter of Exceeding our Grasp Kyle Stanford outlines a positive response to the central issue raised brilliantly by his book, the problem of unconceived alternatives. This response, called "epistemic instrumentalism", relies on a distinction between instrumental and literal belief. We examine this distinction and with it the viability of Stanford's instrumentalism, which may well be another case of exceeding our grasp.
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    On the neural mechanisms of sequence learning.Tim Curran - 1995 - PSYCHE: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research On Consciousness 2.
    Nissen and Bullemer's serial reaction time task has proven to be a useful model task for exploring implicit sequence learning. Neuropsychological research indicates that SRT learning may depend on the integrity of the basal ganglia, but not on medial temporal and diencephalic structures that are crucial for explicit learning. Recent neuroimaging research demonstrates that motor cortical areas , prefrontal, and parietal cortex also may be involved. This paper reviews this neuropsychological and neuroimaging research, but finds it lacking specific links between (...)
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    Anthropomorphizing AlphaGo: a content analysis of the framing of Google DeepMind’s AlphaGo in the Chinese and American press.Nathaniel Ming Curran, Jingyi Sun & Joo-Wha Hong - 2020 - AI and Society 35 (3):727-735.
    This article conducts a mixed-method content analysis of Chinese and American news media coverage of Google DeepMind’s Go playing computer program, AlphaGo. Drawing on humanistic approaches to artificial intelligence, combined with an empirically rigorous content analysis, it examines the differences and overlap in coverage by the Chinese and American press in their accounts of AlphaGo, and its historic match with Korea’s Lee Sedol in March, 2016. The event was not only followed intensely in China, but also made the front page (...)
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  13. Routledge Philosophy Guidebook to Aristotle and the Poetics.Angela Curran - 2015 - Routledge.
    Aristotle’s Poetics is the first philosophical account of an art form and is the foundational text in the history of aesthetics. The Routledge Philosophy Guidebook to Aristotle and the Poetics is an accessible guide to this often dense and cryptic work. Angela Curran introduces and assesses: Aristotle’s life and the background to the Poetics the ideas and text of the Poetics , including mimēsis ; poetic technē; the definition of tragedy; the elements of poetic composition; the Poetics’ recommendations for (...)
  14. Must We Vaccinate the Most Vulnerable? Efficiency, Priority, and Equality in the Distribution of Vaccines.Emma J. Curran & Stephen D. John - 2022 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 39 (4):682-697.
    In this article, we aim to map out the complexities which characterise debates about the ethics of vaccine distribution, particularly those surrounding the distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine. In doing so, we distinguish three general principles which might be used to distribute goods and two ambiguities in how one might wish to spell them out. We then argue that we can understand actual debates around the COVID-19 vaccine – including those over prioritising vaccinating the most vulnerable – as reflecting disagreements (...)
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    Hobbesian Sovereignty and the Rights of Subjects.Eleanor Curran - 2019 - Hobbes Studies 32 (2):209-230.
    Hobbes, in his political writing, is generally understood to be arguing for absolutism. I argue that despite apparently supporting absolutism, Hobbes, in Leviathan, also undermines that absolutism in at least two and possibly three ways. First, he makes sovereignty conditional upon the sovereign’s ability to ensure the safety of the people. Second and crucially, he argues that subjects have inalienable rights, rights that are held even against the sovereign. When the subjects’ preservation is threatened they are no longer obliged to (...)
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    Postscript: Two separate questions in split attention: Capacity for recognition and flexibility of attentional control.Kyle R. Cave, William S. Bush & Thalia G. G. Taylor - 2010 - Psychological Review 117 (2):695-696.
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    Travels in Hypervirtuality.Kyle Davidson - forthcoming - Semiotics:143-162.
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  18. Determining the Internal Consistency of Attitude Attributions.Kyle E. Jennings - 2010 - In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone (eds.), Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society. pp. 978--983.
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    The Copy Theory of Movement: Spell Out.Kyle Johnson - unknown
    ( ) Di erence in Semantic Displacement a. Total Reconstruction: Mary kaupir ikke skó. ¬ Mary kaupir skó b. Variable Binding: Which book Mary had read e set of propositions such that x Mary had read x, x a book. A guard stands before every bank x if x is a bank then a guard stands before x..
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  20. Dynamic Composition of Agent Grammars.Kyle Neumeier & Craig Thompson - 2006 - Inquiry: The University of Arkansas Undergraduate Research Journal 7:2.
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    If a Fox Could Talk.Kyle York - 2023 - In The Ethics of Fur: Religious, Cultural, and Legal Perspectives. Lexington Books.
    Wittgenstein’s statement that “if a lion could talk, we would not understand him” seems to be in contradiction with his general understanding of how language works. Some scholars, such as Gary Levvis, have sought to explain Wittgenstein’s point by emphasizing certain features of animals that may prevent us from understanding them. Levvis (1992, 160) suggests that, "If Wittgenstein’s view is correct, then the assignment of rights to animals becomes tricky. I would suggest that before an individual can be assigned rights (...)
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    Politics, medicine, and Christian ethics; a dialogue with Paul Ramsey.Charles E. Curran - 1973 - Philadelphia,: Fortress Press.
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    Effects of language experience on domain-general perceptual strategies.Kyle Jasmin, Hui Sun & Adam T. Tierney - 2021 - Cognition 206 (C):104481.
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  24. Wild Animal Ethics: The Moral and Political Problem of Wild Animal Suffering.Kyle Johannsen - 2020 - New York, NY, USA: Routledge.
    Though many ethicists have the intuition that we should leave nature alone, Kyle Johannsen argues that we have a duty to research safe ways of providing large-scale assistance to wild animals. Using concepts from moral and political philosophy to analyze the issue of wild animal suffering (WAS), Johannsen explores how a collective, institutional obligation to assist wild animals should be understood. He claims that with enough research, genetic editing may one day give us the power to safely intervene without (...)
  25. Infants learn phonotactic regularities from brief auditory experience.Kyle E. Chambers, Kristine H. Onishi & Cynthia Fisher - 2003 - Cognition 87 (2):B69-B77.
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    Online Pediatric Research: Addressing Consent, Assent, and Parental Permission.Kyle B. Brothers, Ellen Wright Clayton & Aaron J. Goldenberg - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (S1):129-137.
    This article provides practical guidance for researchers who wish to enroll and collect data from pediatric research participants through online and mobile platforms, with a focus on the involvement of both children and their parents in the decision to participate.
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  27. Sportswashing: Complicity and Corruption.Kyle Fruh, Alfred Archer & Jake Wojtowicz - 2023 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 17 (1):101-118.
    When the 2022 FIFA Men’s World Cup was awarded to Qatar, it raised a number of moral concerns, perhaps the most prominent of which was Qatar’s woeful record on human rights in the arena of migrant labour. Qatar’s interest in hosting the event is aptly characterised as a case of ‘sportswashing’. The first aim of this paper is to provide an account of the nature of sportswashing, as a practice of using an association with sport, usually through hosting an event (...)
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    Sex Differences in Exploration Behavior and the Relationship to Harm Avoidance.Kyle T. Gagnon, Elizabeth A. Cashdan, Jeanine K. Stefanucci & Sarah H. Creem-Regehr - 2016 - Human Nature 27 (1):82-97.
    Venturing into novel terrain poses physical risks to a female and her offspring. Females have a greater tendency to avoid physical harm, while males tend to have larger range sizes and often outperform females in navigation-related tasks. Given this backdrop, we expected that females would explore a novel environment with more caution than males, and that more-cautious exploration would negatively affect navigation performance. Participants explored a novel, large-scale, virtual environment in search of five objects, pointed in the direction of each (...)
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    Terms and Conditions May Apply.Kyle L. Galbraith - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics 17 (3):21-22.
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  30. On grace and dignity".Jane Veronica Curran, Christophe Fricker & Friedrich Schiller - 2005 - In Jane Veronica Curran, Christophe Fricker & Friedrich Schiller (eds.), Schiller's "On grace and dignity" in its cultural context: essays and a new translation. Rochester, N.Y.: Camden House.
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  31. Embedded Attitudes.Kyle Blumberg & Ben Holguín - 2019 - Journal of Semantics 36 (3):377-406.
    This paper presents a puzzle involving embedded attitude reports. We resolve the puzzle by arguing that attitude verbs take restricted readings: in some environments the denotation of attitude verbs can be restricted by a given proposition. For example, when these verbs are embedded in the consequent of a conditional, they can be restricted by the proposition expressed by the conditional’s antecedent. We formulate and motivate two conditions on the availability of verb restrictions: a constraint that ties the content of restrictions (...)
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    How Does Therapy Harm? A Model of Adverse Process Using Task Analysis in the Meta-Synthesis of Service Users' Experience.Joe Curran, Glenys D. Parry, Gillian E. Hardy, Jennifer Darling, Ann-Marie Mason & Eleni Chambers - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Gender.Angela Curran & Carol Donelan - 2008 - In Paisley Livingston & Carl R. Plantinga (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Philosophy and Film. New York: Routledge.
    "Gender" is a term that refers to the behavioral, social and psychological traits typically associated with being male or female. This article examines some central issues in the study of gender in film, including the link between filmic conventions and social ideology; gender and the viewer's emotional response to film; and challenges by cognitivist philosophers of film to the claim that movies effect the viewer through mobilizing unconscious responses.
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    Examining the use of consent forms to promote dissemination of research results to participants.Dorothyann Curran, Mike Kekewich & Thomas Foreman - 2018 - Research Ethics 15 (1):1-28.
    It is becoming widely recognized that dissemination of research results to participants is an important action for the conclusion of a research study. Most research institutions have standardized consent documents or templates that they require their researchers to use. Consent forms are an ideal place to indicate that results of research will be provided to participants, and the practice of inserting statements to this effect is becoming more conventional. In order to determine the acceptance of this practice across Canada we (...)
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  35. Is technology use insidious?Kyle Whyte, Ryan Gunderson & Brett Clark - 2017 - In David M. Kaplan (ed.), Philosophy, technology, and the environment. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
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    Event boundaries and memory improvement.Kyle A. Pettijohn, Alexis N. Thompson, Andrea K. Tamplin, Sabine A. Krawietz & Gabriel A. Radvansky - 2016 - Cognition 148 (C):136-144.
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    (1 other version)Rescuing Responsibility – and Freedom. A Compatibilist Treatment.Curran F. Douglass - forthcoming - Symposion. Theoretical and Applied Inquiries in Philosophy and Social Sciences.
    Curran F. Douglass ABSTRACT: This paper confronts two questions: How is it possible to be free if causal determinism is true?; and relatedly, How then is the practice of holding persons responsible for their actions to be justified? On offer here is a compatibilist account of freedom, tying it to control; the relation – argued ….
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    Husserl, Model Theory, and Formal Essences.Kyle Banick - 2020 - Husserl Studies 37 (2):103-125.
    Husserl’s philosophy of mathematics, his metatheory, and his transcendental phenomenology have a sophisticated and systematic interrelation that remains relevant for questions of ontology today. It is well established that Husserl anticipated many aspects of model theory. I focus on this aspect of Husserl’s philosophy in order to argue that Thomasson’s recent pleonastic reconstruction of Husserl’s approach to essences is incompatible with Husserl’s philosophy as a whole. According to the pleonastic approach, Husserl can appeal to essences in the absence of a (...)
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    Nudge, Nudge or Shove, Shove—The Right Way for Nudges to Increase the Supply of Donated Cadaver Organs.Kyle Powys Whyte, Evan Selinger, Arthur L. Caplan & Jathan Sadowski - 2012 - American Journal of Bioethics 12 (2):32-39.
    Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein (2008) contend that mandated choice is the most practical nudge for increasing organ donation. We argue that they are wrong, and their mistake results from failing to appreciate how perceptions of meaning can influence people's responses to nudges. We favor a policy of default to donation that is subject to immediate family veto power, includes options for people to opt out (and be educated on how to do so), and emphasizes the role of organ procurement (...)
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    Info/information theory: Speakers choose shorter words in predictive contexts.Kyle Mahowald, Evelina Fedorenko, Steven T. Piantadosi & Edward Gibson - 2013 - Cognition 126 (2):313-318.
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  41. Ultra-liberal attitude reports.Kyle Blumberg & Ben Holguín - 2018 - Philosophical Studies 175 (8):2043-2062.
    Although much has been written about the truth-conditions of de re attitude reports, little attention has been paid to certain ‘ultra-liberal’ uses of those reports. We believe that if these uses are legitimate, then a number of interesting consequences for various theses in philosophical semantics follow. The majority of the paper involves describing these consequences. In short, we argue that, if true, ultra-liberal reports: bring counterexamples to a popular approach to de re attitude ascriptions, which we will call ‘descriptivism’; and (...)
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  42. Trust, expertise, and the philosophy of science.Kyle Powys Whyte & Robert Crease - 2010 - Synthese 177 (3):411-425.
    Trust is a central concept in the philosophy of science. We highlight how trust is important in the wide variety of interactions between science and society. We claim that examining and clarifying the nature and role of trust (and distrust) in relations between science and society is one principal way in which the philosophy of science is socially relevant. We argue that philosophers of science should extend their efforts to develop normative conceptions of trust that can serve to facilitate trust (...)
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    Atheism, religion and enlightenment in pre-revolutionary Europe.Mark Curran - 2012 - Rochester, NY: Boydell Press.
    This book examines the reception of the works of the baron d'Holbach throughout francophone Europe. It insists that d'Holbach's historical importance has been understated, argues the case for the existence of a significant 'Christian Enlightenment', and much more.
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    Cheating in Exams with Technology.Kevin Curran, Gary Middleton & Ciaran Doherty - 2011 - International Journal of Cyber Ethics in Education 1 (2):54-62.
    Traditional methods of detection may no longer be wholly successful in fully preventing cheating in examinations. New strategies need to be considered and employed to better manage the advancement of technology use for illegitimate purposes. This paper investigates technology used to cheat in examinations, how such cheats are carried out, and how to prevent such methods of cheating. To show the full extent of the progression of cheating over the years, this report also documents some of the traditional methods of (...)
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  45. Hypocrisy, Inconsistency, and the Moral Standing of the State.Kyle G. Fritz - 2019 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 13 (2):309-327.
    Several writers have argued that the state lacks the moral standing to hold socially deprived offenders responsible for their crimes because the state would be hypocritical in doing so. Yet the state is not disposed to make an unfair exception of itself for committing the same sorts of crimes as socially deprived offenders, so it is unclear that the state is truly hypocritical. Nevertheless, the state is disposed to inconsistently hold its citizens responsible, blaming or punishing socially deprived offenders more (...)
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    Sex selection and disability avoidance: is their opposed treatment conceptually consistent?Kyle W. Anstey - 2002 - Monash Bioethics Review 21 (1):10-28.
    Sex selection and disability avoidance receive opposed treatment in bioethics literature, legislative practice and public opinion. However, some theorists question this state of affairs by drawing analogies between the harmful consequences of these practices. This paper shares their disapproval of gender selection and disability avoidance, but bases its resistance to these practices on an examination of the concepts of gender and disability. Here it identifies conceptual confusions as another cause of approval of sex selection and disability avoidance. Further, in clarifying (...)
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    Fit : foundation for an integrative theory.Kyle Cave - 2012 - In Jeremy Wolfe & Lynn Robertson (eds.), From Perception to Consciousness: Searching with Anne Treisman. Oxford University Press. pp. 139.
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    Affordable and Sustainable Energy in the Borough of Woking in the United Kingdom.Lara Curran & John P. Thorp - 2009 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 29 (2):159-163.
    Woking Borough Council in the United Kingdom has long been committed to protecting the environment, a goal explicitly stated as one of the borough's top three priorities. Woking is also known for its pioneering approach in operating an extensive networked electricity and district heating system based on co- and trigeneration, as well as what is understood to be the United Kingdom's first commercially operating 200kWe fuel cell. Its other innovative measures to protect the environment and to reduce pollution include the (...)
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    How Does Christian Ethics Use Its Unique and Distinctive Christian Aspects?Charles E. Curran - 2011 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 31 (2):23-36.
    IN THIS ESSAY I RESPONT TO THE QUESTION OF HOW THEOLOGICAL ETHICS are theological by moving it in a direction that attends to the specifically Christian contribution to ethics. I begin with three somewhat related presuppositions or questions—on human wisdom, audience, and the relationship with other types of ethics—that indicate how I understand the discipline of Christian ethics. I follow with a discussion of quandary ethics before moving to a systematic overview of and approach to Christian ethics. I conclude with (...)
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    Jurisprudence Revisited.Eleanor Curran - 2015 - Jurisprudence 6 (2):416-420.
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