Results for 'Linda Alkhawaja'

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  1.  11
    From the Margins to the Center: A Reading of 'Antarah Ibn Shaddad' through Hegel's Master-Slave Dialectic.Feda Ghnaim & Linda Alkhawaja - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1075-1093.
    This study analyzes the Al-Moallaqa, a poem traditionally hung on the walls of the Kaaba, the holiest shrine for Muslims, by the pre-Islamic poet Antara bin Shaddad, through the lens of Hegel’s Master-Slave Dialectic. It explores the status of marginal identity, focusing on the poet’s portrayal of the suffering endured due to slavery, humiliation, and deprivation of honor in a tribal society that devalues the enslaved. It also examines self-awareness and the desire for change, addressing the essential awakening of the (...)
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    Complexity in Subtitling: Interacting Factors Influencing Decisions on Sensitive Content from English to Arabic.Feda Ghnaim, Linda Alkhawaja & Sawsan Saad Eddeen Badrakhan - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:770-785.
    Subtitling approaches are constantly changing based on the factors surrounding their implementation. This qualitative secondary study seeks to explore the factors that influence subtitlers’ decision in translating English to Arabic sensitive audiovisual material. This study adopts complexity theory to unveil the intricate interplay of factors that influence these decisions. We move beyond a linear cause-and-effect model, exploring how social media, Turkish movies, globalization and the Arab Spring influence subtitlers’ decision in translation. The results of this qualitative secondary investigation indicate that (...)
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  3. Visible Identities: Race, Gender, and the Self.Linda Alcoff - 2006 - New York, US: Oup Usa.
    Visible Identities critiques the critiques of identity and of identity politics and argues that identities are real but not necessarily a political problem. Moreover, the book explores the material infrastructure of gendered identity, the experimental aspects of racial subjectivity for both whites and non-whites, and in several chapters looks specifically at Latio identity.
  4. Epistemologies of ignorance: Three types.Linda Martín Alcoff - 2007 - In Shannon Sullivan & Nancy Tuana, Race and Epistemologies of Ignorance. State Univ of New York Pr.
  5. Cultural feminism versus post-structuralism: The identity crisis in feminist theory.Linda Alcoff - 1988 - Signs 13 (3):405--436.
  6.  89
    The Persistent Power of Cultural Racism.Linda Martín Alcoff - 2023 - Philosophy 98 (3):249-271.
    Abstract‘Cultural racism’ is central to understanding racism today yet has receded into the background behind the focus on attitudinal racism. Even the turn to structural racism is largely circumscribed to inclusion without substantive challenge to existing processes or profit margins. When portions of the racist public are targeted, it is often the least elite members of society. Without question, the concept of cultural racism requires some clarification, but it will help bring the continued influence of colonialism forward and reveal the (...)
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  7. Epistemic Identities.Linda Martín Alcoff - 2010 - Episteme 7 (2):128-137.
    This paper explores the significant strengths of Fricker's account, and then develops the following questions. Can volitional epistemic practice correct for non-volitional prejudices? How can we address the structural causes of credibility-deflation? Are the motivations behind identity prejudice mostly other-directed or self-directed? And does Fricker aim for neutrality vis-à-vis identity, in which case her account conflicts with standpoint theory?
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  8. The sociobiology of sociopathy: An integrated evolutionary model.Linda Mealey - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18:523-541.
    Sociopaths are “outstanding” members of society in two senses: politically, they draw our attention because of the inordinate amount of crime they commit, and psychologically, they hold our fascination because most ofus cannot fathom the cold, detached way they repeatedly harm and manipulate others. Proximate explanations from behavior genetics, child development, personality theory, learning theory, and social psychology describe a complex interaction of genetic and physiological risk factors with demographic and micro environmental variables that predispose a portion of the population (...)
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  9. Real knowing: new versions of the coherence theory.Linda Alcoff - 1996 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
    In provocative readings of major figures in the continental tradition, Alcoff shows that the work of Hans-Georg Gadamer and Michel Foucault can help rectify key ...
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  10. On Minding Your Own Business: Differentiating Accountability Relations within the Moral Community.Linda Radzik - 2011 - Social Theory and Practice 37 (4):574-598.
    When is one person entitled to sanction another for moral wrongdoing? When, instead, must one mind one’s own business? Stephen Darwall argues that the legitimacy of social sanctioning is essential to the very concept of moral obligation. But, I will argue, Darwall’s “second person” theory of accountability unfortunately implies that every person is entitled to sanction every wrongdoer for every misdeed. In this essay, I defend a set of principles for differentiating those who have the standing to sanction from those (...)
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    Human–Animal Relations in Business and Society: Advancing the Feminist Interpretation of Stakeholder Theory.Linda Tallberg, José-Carlos García-Rosell & Minni Haanpää - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 180 (1):1-16.
    Stakeholder theory has largely been anthropocentric in its focus on human actors and interests, failing to recognise the impact of nonhumans in business and organisations. This leads to an incomplete understanding of organisational contexts that include key relationships with nonhuman animals. In addition, the limited scholarly attention paid to nonhumans as stakeholders has mostly been conceptual to date. Therefore, we develop a stakeholder theory with animals illustrated through two ethnographic case studies: an animal shelter and Nordic husky businesses. We focus (...)
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  12. Mayan morality: An exploration of permissible harms.Linda Abarbanell & Marc D. Hauser - 2010 - Cognition 115 (2):207-224.
    Anthropologists have provided rich field descriptions of the norms and conventions governing behavior and interactions in small-scale societies. Here, we add a further dimension to this work by presenting hypothetical moral dilemmas involving harm, to a small-scale, agrarian Mayan population, with the specific goal of exploring the hypothesis that certain moral principles apply universally. We presented Mayan participants with moral dilemmas translated into their native language, Tseltal. Paralleling several studies carried out with educated subjects living in large-scale, developed nations, the (...)
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  13. How is epistemology political.Linda Alcoff - forthcoming - Radical Philosophy.
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  14. Towards a phenomenology of racial embodiment.Linda Martín Alcoff - 1999 - Radical Philosophy 95:15-26.
  15. The roots (and routes) of the epistemology of ignorance.Linda Martín Alcoff - 2024 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 27 (1):9-28.
    This paper elaborates on the idea of the epistemology of ignorance developed in Charles Mills’s work beginning in the 1980s and continuing throughout his writings. I I argue that his account developed initially from experiences of racism in north America as well as certain methods of organizing within parts of the Caribbean left. Essentially the epistemic practice of ignorance causes knowers to discredit or push away knowledge they in fact have. But this gives us cause for hope, for restoring existing (...)
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  16. Feminist phenomenology.Linda Fisher & Lester Embree (eds.) - 2000 - Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, c.
    This volume is the first collection of original essays on the related issues of gender and feminism approached phenomenologically.
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    Knowing in the context of acting: The task dynamics of the A-not-B error.Linda B. Smith, Esther Thelen, Robert Titzer & Dewey McLin - 1999 - Psychological Review 106 (2):235-260.
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    Is conferralism descriptively adequate?Linda Martín Alcoff - 2022 - European Journal of Philosophy 31 (1):289-296.
    This paper will develop a set of concerns about a central feature of Ásta's account of social categories that she calls “conferralism.” I argue that generalist approaches to social categories such as Ásta provides are inadequate as a way of understanding the diverse formations of diverse categories, and that conferralism overemphasizes the power of top-down forces (what she calls “persons with standing”) to confer social identities. This approach then underplays the horizontal and bottom-up influences on category formation as well as (...)
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  19.  50
    Horkheimer, Habermas, Foucault as Political Epistemologists.Linda Martín Alcoff - 2024 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 98 (1):67-92.
    This paper reorients the problematic of political epistemology to put power at the centre of analysis, through an analysis of writings on the relationship between power and knowledge by Horkheimer, Habermas and Foucault. In their work, political epistemology was pursued analogously to the development of political economy, which explored the background conditions and assumptions of economic research. I also show that Horkheimer, Habermas and Foucault each had normative aims intended to improve both epistemology and knowing practices. Though their approaches are (...)
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    Knowledge as Process: Contextually Cued Attention and Early Word Learning.Linda B. Smith, Eliana Colunga & Hanako Yoshida - 2010 - Cognitive Science 34 (7):1287-1314.
    Learning depends on attention. The processes that cue attention in the moment dynamically integrate learned regularities and immediate contextual cues. This paper reviews the extensive literature on cued attention and attentional learning in the adult literature and proposes that these fundamental processes are likely significant mechanisms of change in cognitive development. The value of this idea is illustrated using phenomena in children's novel word learning.
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    Phenomenology and feminism: Perspectives on their relation.Linda Fisher - 2000 - In Linda Fisher & Lester Embree, Feminist phenomenology. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, c. pp. 17--38.
  22. (1 other version)Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists?Linda Nochlin - 1971 - ARTnews.
    In the field of art history, the white Western male viewpoint, unconsciously accepted as the viewpoint of the art historian, may—and does—prove to be inadequate not merely on moral and ethical grounds, or because it is elitist, but on purely intellectual ones. In revealing the failure of much academic art history, and a great deal of history in general, to take account of the unacknowledged value system, the very presence of an intruding subject in historical investigation, the feminist critique at (...)
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  23. Introduction: When feminisms intersect epistemology.Linda Alcoff & Elizabeth Potter - 1992 - In Linda Alcoff & Elizabeth Potter, Feminist Epistemologies. New York: Routledge. pp. 1--14.
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    Degrees of structures.Linda Jean Richter - 1981 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 46 (4):723-731.
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    Morality in the mundane: Specific needs for ethics support in elderly care.Linda Dauwerse, Sandra van der Dam & Tineke Abma - 2012 - Nursing Ethics 19 (1):91-103.
    Ethics support is called for to improve the quality of care in elderly institutions. Various forms of ethics support are presented, but the needs for ethics support remain unknown. Using a mixed-methods design, this article systematically investigates the specific needs for ethics support in elderly care. The findings of two surveys, two focus groups and 17 interviews demonstrate that the availability of ethics support is limited. There is a need for ethics support, albeit not unconditionally. Advice-based forms of ethics support (...)
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    Communicating Quantities: A Psychological Perspective (Essays in Cognitive Psychology).Linda M. Moxey & Anthony J. Sanford - 1993 - Psychology Press.
    Every day, in many situations, we use expressions which seem only vaguely to provide us with information. The weather forecaster tells us that "some showers are likely in Northern regions during the night", a statement which is vague with respect to number of showers, location, and time. Yet such messages are informative, and often it is not possible for the producer of the message to be more precise. A tutor tells his students that "only a few students fail their exams (...)
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  27. The Corporate Social Responsibility Continuum as a Component of Stakeholder Theory.Linda S. Munilla & Morgan P. Miles - 2005 - Business and Society Review 110 (4):371-387.
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    The Effect of Interactional Fairness and Detection on Taxpayers’ Compliance Intentions.Linda Thorne, Steven E. Kaplan & Jonathan Farrar - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 154 (1):167-180.
    Although the role of fairness in tax compliance has been of increasing interest among the academic and professional tax communities, very little is known about the role of interactional fairness. Interactional fairness refers to the quality of the treatment provided to individuals from authority figures, such as tax authority representatives. We conduct an experiment using US taxpayers to examine the role of interactional fairness on tax compliance intentions, and how detection influences this relation. Taxpayers’ detection salience reflects their perceptions that (...)
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  29.  48
    Dual Loyalties and Impossible Dilemmas: Health care in Immigration Detention.Linda Briskman & Deborah Zion - 2014 - Public Health Ethics 7 (3):277-286.
    Dual loyalty issues confront health and welfare professionals in immigration detention centres in Australia. There are four apparent ways they deal with the ethical tensions. One group provides services as required by their employing body with little questioning of moral dilemmas. A second group is more overtly aware of the conflicts and works in a mildly subversive manner to provide the best possible care available within a harsh environment. A third group retreats by relinquishing employment in the detention setting. A (...)
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    Ethical Leadership for the Professions: Fostering a Moral Community.Linda M. Sama & Victoria Shoaf - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 78 (1-2):39-46.
    This paper examines the professions as examples of “moral community” and explores how professional leaders possessed of moral intelligence can make a contribution to enhance the ethical fabric of their communities. The paper offers a model of ethical leadership in the professional business sector that will improve our understanding of how ethical behavior in the professions confers legitimacy and sustainability necessary to achieving the professions’ goals, and how a leadership approach to ethics can serve as an effective tool for the (...)
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    Action Alters Shape Categories.Linda B. Smith - 2005 - Cognitive Science 29 (4):665-679.
    Two experiments show that action alters the shape categories formed by 2-year-olds. Experiment 1 shows that moving an object horizontally (or vertically) defines the horizontal (or vertical) axis as the main axis of elongation and systematically changes the range of shapes seen as similar. Experiment 2 shows that moving an object symmetrically (or asymmetrically) also alters shape categories. Previous work has shown marked developmental changes in object recognition between 1 and 3 years of age. These results suggest a role for (...)
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  32.  24
    The Future Of Whiteness.Linda Martín Alcoff - 2014 - In Emily S. Lee, Living Alterities: Phenomenology, Embodiment, and Race. Albany: State University of New York Press. pp. 255-281.
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  33. Reconciliation.Linda Radzik & Colleen Murphy - 2015 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Particular conceptions of reconciliation vary across a number of dimensions. As section 1 explains, the kind of relationship at issue in a specific context affects the type of improvement in relations that might be necessary in order to qualify as reconciliation. Reconciliation is widely taken to be a scalar concept. Section 2 discusses the spectrum of intensity along which kinds of improvement in relationships fall, and indicates why, in particular contexts, theorists often disagree about the point along this spectrum that (...)
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    Ethical Behavior as a Strategic Choice by Large Corporations: The Interactive Effect of Marketplace Competition, Industry Structure and Firm Resources.Linda M. Sama - 1998 - Business Ethics Quarterly 8 (1):85-104.
    Abstract:Analysis of ethical conduct of business organizations has hitherto placed primary emphasis on the conduct of that corporation’s managers because ethical conduct, like all conduct, must manifest itself through individual behavior. This paper argues that in the real world corporate actions are influenced, to a considerable extent, by external market-based conditions. Therefore, a more comprehensive explanation of ethical business conduct must incorporate both corporate, i.e., internal considerations, and competitive, industry structure-based, i.e., external considerations. A framework is presented that provides a (...)
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  35. Marked and unmarked: A choice between unequals in semiotic structure.Linda R. Waugh - 1982 - Semiotica 38 (3-4).
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    Remembering What One Knows and the Construction of the Past: A Comparison of Cultural Consensus Theory and Cultural Schema Theory.Linda C. Garro - 2000 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 28 (3):275-319.
  37.  38
    The Routledge Companion to the Philosophy of Race.Linda Alcoff, Luvell Anderson & Paul Taylor (eds.) - 2017 - Routledge.
    For many decades, race and racism have been common areas of study in departments of sociology, history, political science, English, and anthropology. Much more recently, as the historical concept of race and racial categories have faced significant scientific and political challenges, philosophers have become more interested in these areas. This changing understanding of the ontology of race has invited inquiry from researchers in moral philosophy, metaphysics, epistemology, philosophy of science, philosophy of language, and aesthetics. The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of (...)
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  38. Public Attitudes Toward Animal Research: Some International Comparisons.Linda Pifer, Kinya Shimizu & Ralph Pifer - 1994 - Society and Animals 2 (2):95-113.
    A comparative analysis was made of the public's attitudes toward the use of animals in scientific research in 15 different nations. The intensity of opposition to animal research was found to vary from relatively low levels in Japan and the United States to much higher levels in France, Belgium, and Great Britain. More women than men were opposed to animal research in all 15 nations. Scientific knowledge, or the lack of knowledge, was not found to have a consistent relationship with (...)
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    Privacy and the Standing to Hold Responsible.Linda Radzik - 2023 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 21 (3-4):333-354.
    In order to be held responsible, it is not enough that you’ve done something blameworthy, someone else must also have the standing to hold you responsible. But a number of critics have claimed that this concept of ‘standing’ doesn’t hold up to scrutiny and that we should excise it from our analyses of accountability practices. In this paper, I examine James Edwards’ (2019) attempt to define standing. I pose objections to some key features of Edwards’ account and defend an alternative. (...)
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    Expressive development and basic emotions.Linda Camras - 1992 - Cognition and Emotion 6 (3-4):269-283.
  41.  32
    Standing and Accountability.Linda Radzik - 2023 - American Journal of Jurisprudence 68 (2):153–159.
    Increasingly, philosophers who write about moral responsibility and accountability practices invoke the concept of “standing,” a term they claim to borrow from legal contexts. Yet critics point out that these philosophers have been maddeningly unclear about what standing is. Worse yet, no single account of the concept of “standing” seems to accommodate its current usage. This essay presents a thin account of standing, defends its usefulness in philosophical analyses of accountability practices, and develops further conceptual tools for thinking about standing.
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  42. Mothers, babies, and breastfeeding in late capitalist America: The shifting contexts of feminist...Linda M. Blum - 1993 - Feminist Studies 19 (2):290-311.
  43.  22
    Singing in the Fire: Stories of Women in Philosophy.Linda Alcoff (ed.) - 2003 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This is a unique, groundbreaking collection of autobiographical essays by leading women in philosophy. It provides a glimpse at the experiences of the generation that witnessed, and helped create, the remarkable advances now evident for women in the field.
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  44. Latino vs. Hispanic.Linda Martín Alcoff - 2005 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 31 (4):395-407.
    The politics of ethnic names, such as ‘Latino’ and ‘Hispanic’, raises legitimate issues for three reasons: because non-political considerations of descriptive adequacy are insufficient to determine absolutely the question of names; political considerations may be germane to an ethnic name’s descriptive adequacy; and naming opens up the political question of a chosen furture, to which we are accountable. The history of colonial and neo-colonial conditions structuring the relations of the North, Central and South Americas is both critical in understanding the (...)
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    (2 other versions)Handbook for health care ethics committees.Linda Farber Post - 2007 - Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. Edited by Jeffrey Blustein & Nancy N. Dubler.
    The Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) requires as a condition of accreditation that every health care institution -- hospital, nursing home, or home care agency -- have a standing mechanism to address ethical issues. Most organizations have chosen to fulfill this requirement with an interdisciplinary ethics committee. The best of these committees are knowledgeable, creative, and effective resources in their institutions. Many are wellmeaning but lack the information, experience, and skills to negotiate adequately the complex ethical (...)
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    Emotionality in free recall: Language specificity in bilingual memory.Linda J. Anooshian & Paula T. Hertel - 1994 - Cognition and Emotion 8 (6):503-514.
  47. Who's afraid of identity politics?Linda Martin Alcoff - manuscript
    This volume is an act of talking back, of talking heresy. To reclaim the term “realism,” to maintain the epistemic significance of identity, to defend any version of identity politics today is to swim upstream of strong academic currents in feminist theory, literary theory, and cultural studies. It is to risk, even to invite, a dismissal as naive, uninformed, theoretically unsophisticated. And it is a risk taken here by people already at risk in the academy, already assumed more often than (...)
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  48. Vagueness and coherence.Linda Burns - 1986 - Synthese 68 (3):487 - 513.
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    Before European Hegemony: The World System, A. D. 1250-1350.Linda Rose & Janet L. Abu-Lughod - 1993 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 113 (1):135.
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    Reconciling Rules and Principles: An Ethics-Based Approach to Corporate Governance.Linda M. Sama & Victoria Shoaf - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 58 (1-3):177-185.
    . In this paper, we consider the nature of recent corporate abuses both in the U.S. and in Europe, and how globalization has had an impact on amplifying their consequences. We discuss the rules-based and principles-based remedies that have been proposed in each region, respectively. With a focus on the U.S. Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOA), we examine the principles forwarded by this act, and how it addresses those principles with specific rules and governance mechanisms. Invoking Integrative Social Contracts Theory (ISCT), we (...)
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