Results for 'M. Engin Deniz'

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  1.  85
    Transcranial direct current stimulation modulates efficiency of reading processes.Jennifer M. Thomson, Deniz Doruk, Bryan Mascio, Felipe Fregni & Carlo Cerruti - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  2.  30
    Trauma, place, and transformation.Esther M. Sternberg, Altaf Engineer & Hester Oberman - 2019 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 41 (1):26-32.
    This commentary comprises three different responses to Counted and Zock’s article: “Place Spirituality: An Attachment Perspective.” The first response is from Esther Sternberg, MD, who gives a psychophysiological and neuroscience critique. The second is from Altaf Engineer, PhD, from the perspective of architecture and environmental psychology, and the last response is from Hester Oberman, PhD, who gives a psychology of religion rebuttal.
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    The Differential Influence of Identification on Ethical Judgment: The Role of Brand Love.M. Deniz Dalman, Mari W. Buche & Junhong Min - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 158 (3):875-891.
    As negative information about companies becomes widely available and spreads rapidly through digital communications, understanding consumer reactions to these events and how human perceptions are shaped becomes increasingly important. In this paper, we investigate how consumers’ identification with brands and their love for them affect their support for the brand during extremely unethical situations. The results indicate that brand identification both decreases and increases consumers’ ethical judgment following extremely unethical events. Moreover, we find that consumers who are in a love (...)
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    Orientation Toward Key Non-family Stakeholders and Economic Performance in Family Firms: The Role of Family Identification with the Firm.Mª de la Cruz Déniz-Déniz, Mª Katiuska Cabrera-Suárez & Josefa D. Martín-Santana - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 163 (2):329-345.
    Based on the literature on stakeholder management and family firm dynamics, this research analyses the relationship between three constructs: the identification of business families with their family firms, FFs’ orientation toward key non-family stakeholders, and the achievement of better economic performance. Data analyses from 374 family and non-family members of 173 Spanish FFs show that a high level of family identification with their firms affects the orientation of FFs toward key non-family stakeholders in setting corporate goals and that this orientation (...)
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    Critical Approaches to International Relations: Philosophical Foundations and Current Debates.M. Kürşad Özekin & Engin Sune (eds.) - 2021 - Studies in Critical Social Sci.
    "Critical Approaches to International Relations: Philosophical Foundations and Current Debates explores the achievements of a wide variety of critical approaches in International Relations theory, discusses the barrage of criticism and theoretical openings they levied against the IR orthodoxy and suggests future potential of critical IR scholarship to improve not only our explanatory possibilities, but also our ethical and practical horizons. In line with this broad objective, the book examines a number of influential approaches within critical IR scholarship, including core strands (...)
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    Age and Employee Green Behaviors: A Meta-Analysis.Brenton M. Wiernik, Stephan Dilchert & Deniz S. Ones - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Diversion to Treatment when Treatment is Scarce: Bioethical Implications of the U.S. Resource Gap for Criminal Diversion Programs.Deniz Arıtürk, Michele M. Easter, Jeffrey W. Swanson & Marvin S. Swartz - 2024 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 52 (1):65-75.
    PrécisDespite significant scholarship, research, and funding dedicated to implementing criminal diversion programs over the past two decades, persons with serious mental illness and substance use disorders remain substantially overrepresented in United States jails and prisons. Why are so many U.S. adults with behavioral health problems incarcerated instead of receiving treatment and other support to recover in the community? In this paper, we explore this persistent problem within the context of “relentless unmet need” in U.S. behavioral health (Alegría et al., 2021).
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    Mathesis Universalis, Computability and Proof.Stefania Centrone, Sara Negri, Deniz Sarikaya & Peter M. Schuster (eds.) - 2019 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
    In a fragment entitled Elementa Nova Matheseos Universalis Leibniz writes “the mathesis [...] shall deliver the method through which things that are conceivable can be exactly determined”; in another fragment he takes the mathesis to be “the science of all things that are conceivable.” Leibniz considers all mathematical disciplines as branches of the mathesis and conceives the mathesis as a general science of forms applicable not only to magnitudes but to every object that exists in our imagination, i.e. that is (...)
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    Doğrudan Yabanci Sermaye Yatirimlari, Yabanci Portföy Yatirimlari Ve Ekonomi̇K Büyüme Arasindaki̇ Etki̇Leşi̇M: Sahra Alti Afri̇Ka Ülkeleri̇ Üzeri̇Ne.Adem GÖK & Deniz GÜVERCİN - 2020 - Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 15 (1):57-82.
    Sahra Altı Afrika’da yabancı yatırımların ekonomik büyümeyi etkilemesini inceleyen literatürde birbiriyle çelişen görüşler mevcuttur. Bazı araştırmacılar Sahra Altı Afrika’da yer alan gelişmekte olan ülkelerin sermaye akışlarını liberalleştirdikleri zaman, yüksek seviyedeki volatilite, artan cari hesap açıkları, gelişmiş finansal piyasaların yokluğu ve düzenleyici çerçevenin düşük kalitesinden dolayı ekonomik kayıplara uğrayacaklarını öne sürmektedirler. Oysa, bazı çalışmalar Sahra Altı Afrika’daki düşük seviye birikmiş tasarruflarına çare olmak için yabancı yatırımın ekonomik büyümeyi arttırıcı etkisine odaklanmıştır. Çalışma, Sahra Altı Afrika’daki ülkeler için yabancı portföy yatırımlarının ve doğrudan (...)
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    Bütün Bunlar Ne Anlama Geliyor? Yaratılış Amacı ve Yaşamın Anlamı.Deniz Soysal - 2024 - Kilikya Felsefe Dergisi / Cilicia Journal of Philosophy 11 (1):21-32.
    Tanrı tarafından belli bir amaçla yaratılmış olmak yaşamın anlamı sorusuna doyurucu bir yanıt sağlar mı? Bu soru için sunacağım değerlendirmelerin temelini Julian Baggini’nin Bütün Bunlar Ne Anlama Geliyor? adlı kitabında sunduğu argümanlar oluşturmaktadır. Bu argümanları hem yeniden kuracak hem de kullandığı örnekleri, özellikle Sartre’dan aldığı örneği, daha ayrıntılı irdeleyeceğim. Baggini’nin burada temelleri tartışılacak olan iddiaları şunlardır: Birincisi yaşamın anlamlı olması için önceden belirlenmiş bir yaratılış amacının olması zorunlu değildir, ikincisi önceden belirlenmiş amaçlar sonradan belirlenmiş amaçlardan daha değerli olmak zorunda değildir (...)
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    Positivity in Younger and in Older Age: Associations With Future Time Perspective and Socioemotional Functioning.Miray Erbey, Josefin Roebbig, Anahit Babayan, Deniz Kumral, Janis Reinelt, Andrea M. F. Reiter, Lina Schaare, Marie Uhlig, Till Nierhaus, Elke Van der Meer, Michael Gaebler & Arno Villringer - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    The psychology and policy of overcoming economic inequality.Kai Ruggeri, Olivia Symone Tutuska, Giampaolo Abate Romero Ladini, Narjes Al-Zahli, Natalia Alexander, Mathias Houe Andersen, Katherine Bibilouri, Jennifer Chen, Barbora Doubravová, Tatianna Dugué, Aleena Asfa Durrani, Nicholas Dutra, R. A. Farrokhnia, Tomas Folke, Suwen Ge, Christian Gomes, Aleksandra Gracheva, Neža Grilc, Deniz Mısra Gürol, Zoe Heidenry, Clara Hu, Rachel Krasner, Romy Levin, Justine Li, Ashleigh Marie Elizabeth Messenger, Fredrik Nilsson, Julia Marie Oberschulte, Takashi Obi, Anastasia Pan, Sun Young Park, Sofia Pelica, Maksymilian Pyrkowski, Katherinne Rabanal, Pika Ranc, Žiga Mekiš Recek, Daria Stefania Pascu, Alexandra Symeonidou, Milica Vdovic, Qihang Yuan, Eduardo Garcia-Garzon & Sarah Ashcroft-Jones - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e174.
    Recent arguments claim that behavioral science has focused – to its detriment – on the individual over the system when construing behavioral interventions. In this commentary, we argue that tackling economic inequality using both framings in tandem is invaluable. By studying individuals who have overcome inequality, “positive deviants,” and the system limitations they navigate, we offer potentially greater policy solutions.
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  13. Paul M. Churchland, The Engine of Reason, the Seat of the Soul: A Philosophical Journey into the Brain.R. M. French - 1996 - Minds and Machines 6:416-421.
  14.  41
    Engineers and the other: the role of narrative ethics.M. A. Hersh - 2016 - AI and Society 31 (3):327-345.
    The paper presents a new seven-step methodology for using narrative ethics and two case studies illustrating its application. A brief discussion of the importance of ethics to engineers and the need to consider outcomes and macroethics introduce the paper. This is followed by overviews of the literature on narrative ethics, the ethics of care, and virtue ethics and moral exemplars. The ethics of care and virtue ethics are included due to their relationship to narrative and the fact they are probably (...)
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    Crash Testing an Engineering Framework in Neuroscience: Does the Idea of Robustness Break Down?M. Chirimuuta - 2017 - Philosophy of Science 84 (5):1140-1151.
    In this article, I discuss the concept of robustness in neuroscience. Various mechanisms for making systems robust have been discussed across biology and neuroscience. Many of these notions originate from engineering. I argue that concepts borrowed from engineering aid neuroscientists in operationalizing robustness, formulating hypotheses about mechanisms for robustness, and quantifying robustness. Furthermore, I argue that the significant disanalogies between brains and engineered artifacts raise important questions about the applicability of the engineering framework. I argue that the use of such (...)
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  16. Corruption: Engineers are Victims, Perpetrators or Both?M. Pecujlija, I. Cosic, L. Nesic-Grubic & S. Drobnjak - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 21 (4):907-923.
    This study was conducted in Serbian companies on licensed engineers and in its first part included a total of 336 licensed engineers who voluntarily completed the questionnaires about their ethical orientation and attitudes toward corruption and in the second part 214 engineers who participated in the first survey, who voluntarily evaluated their company’s business operations characteristics. This study has clearly shown that there is a direct significant influence of the engineer’s ethical orientations and attitudes toward corruption on their evaluation of (...)
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  17. The Engine of Reason, the Seat of the Soul: A Philosophical Journey Into the Brain.Paul M. Churchland - 1995 - MIT Press.
    For the uninitiated, there are two major tendencies in the modeling of human cognition. The older, tradtional school believes, in essence, that full human cognition can be modeled by dividing the world up into distinct entities -- called __symbol s__-- such as “dog”, “cat”, “run”, “bite”, “happy”, “tumbleweed”, and so on, and then manipulating this vast set of symbols by a very complex and very subtle set of rules. The opposing school claims that this system, while it might be good (...)
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  18.  34
    Activist Engineering: Changing Engineering Practice By Deploying Praxis.Darshan M. A. Karwat, Walter E. Eagle, Margaret S. Wooldridge & Thomas E. Princen - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 21 (1):227-239.
    In this paper, we reflect on current notions of engineering practice by examining some of the motives for engineered solutions to the problem of climate change. We draw on fields such as science and technology studies, the philosophy of technology, and environmental ethics to highlight how dominant notions of apoliticism and ahistoricity are ingrained in contemporary engineering practice. We argue that a solely technological response to climate change does not question the social, political, and cultural tenet of infinite material growth, (...)
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    Osmanlı Devleti Arnavutçayı Yasakladı mı?Engin Yilmaz - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 7):1-1.
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  20. Engineering Ethics Beyond Engineers' Ethics.Josep M. Basart & Montse Serra - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (1):179-187.
    Engineering ethics is usually focused on engineers’ ethics, engineers acting as individuals. Certainly, these professionals play a central role in the matter, but engineers are not a singularity inside engineering ; they exist and operate as a part of a complex network of mutual relationships between many other people, organizations and groups. When engineering ethics and engineers’ ethics are taken as one and the same thing the paradigm of the ethical engineer which prevails is that of the heroic engineer, a (...)
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  21.  71
    Engineering with uncertainty: Monitoring air bag performance.Jameson M. Wetmore - 2008 - Science and Engineering Ethics 14 (2):201-218.
    Modern engineering is complicated by an enormous number of uncertainties. Engineers know a great deal about the material world and how it works. But due to the inherent limits of testing and the complexities of the world outside the lab, engineers will never be able to fully predict how their creations will behave. One way the uncertainties of engineering can be dealt with is by actively monitoring technologies once they have left the development and production stage. This article uses an (...)
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    Climate Engineering and the Playing God Critique.Laura M. Hartman - 2017 - Ethics and International Affairs 31 (3):313-333.
    Climate engineering is subject to the “playing God” critique, which charges that humans should not undertake to control nature in ways that seem to overstep the proper scope of human agency. This argument is easily discredited, and in fact the opposite—that we should “play God”—may be equally valid in some circumstances. To revive the playing God critique, I argue that it functions not on a logical but on a symbolic and emotional level to highlight nostalgia for functional dualisms in the (...)
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  23.  50
    Enhancing Engineering Ethics: Role Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility.Carl Mitcham, Jessica M. Smith, Qin Zhu & Nicole M. Smith - 2021 - Science and Engineering Ethics 27 (3):1-21.
    Engineering ethics calls the attention of engineers to professional codes of ethical responsibility and personal values, but the practice of ethics in corporate settings can be more complex than either of these. Corporations too have cultures that often include corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices and policies, but few discussions of engineering ethics make any explicit reference to CSR. This article proposes critical attention to CSR and role ethics as an opportunity to help prepare engineers to think through the ethics of (...)
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    Hayız Döneminde Kadını Kirli Sayan Kadim Anlayışın Sünnetteki Uygulamayla Kaldırılması.Sehal Deniz Varlık - 2024 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 28 (1):202-219.
    Kadınların mukaddes görevlerini, insan neslinin devamlılığını sağlamayı yerine getirebilmelerine imkân veren aylık kanama dönemlerinin ironik bir şekilde kirlilik sebebi sayılması kadim bir kabuldür. Belki de ilkel inançlarda kana yüklenen tabu anlamı bu kabulün benimsenmesinde rol oynamıştır. Her ne kadar feminist akımlarla beşeriyet tarihinin başlangıcındaki anaerkil dönemde kadınlara kutsallık katan doğurganlıklarının bir uzantısı olan adet görmelerinin, ataerkil düzene geçişle bir aşağılanma ve murdarlık sebebi sayılmaya başlandığı iddia edilmiştir. Fakat bu görüşün dayanakları doğruluğunu ispatlayacak sağlamlıkta olmadığı gibi alanın uzmanlarınca da ortaya atılmıştır. (...)
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  25. The Ethics of Genetic Engineering.Roberta M. Berry - 2007 - Routledge.
    Human genetic engineering may soon be possible. The gathering debate about this prospect already threatens to become mired in irresolvable disagreement. After surveying the scientific and technological developments that have brought us to this pass, _The Ethics of Genetic Engineering_ focuses on the ethical and policy debate, noting the deep divide that separates proponents and opponents. The book locates the source of this divide in differing framing assumptions: reductionist pluralist on one side, holist communitarian on the other. The book argues (...)
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    Educating the humanitarian engineer.Kevin M. Passino - 2009 - Science and Engineering Ethics 15 (4):577-600.
    The creation of new technologies that serve humanity holds the potential to help end global poverty. Unfortunately, relatively little is done in engineering education to support engineers’ humanitarian efforts. Here, various strategies are introduced to augment the teaching of engineering ethics with the goal of encouraging engineers to serve as effective volunteers for community service. First, codes of ethics, moral frameworks, and comparative analysis of professional service standards lay the foundation for expectations for voluntary service in the engineering profession. Second, (...)
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    Engineering solutions for complex composite material behaviour spanning time and temperature scales.M. L. Scott, D. J. Elder, S. Feih, A. J. Gunnion, X. L. Liu & R. S. Thomson - 2010 - Philosophical Magazine 90 (31-32):4153-4174.
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    Engineering Pre-individual Potentiality: Technics, Transindividuation, and 21st-Century Media.M. Hayward & M. B. N. Hansen - 2012 - Substance 41 (3):32-59.
    In a previous paper linking Simondon to biological and systems-theoretical discourses in autopoiesis and debates about contemporary technogenesis, I have argued that Simondon’s ontology of individuation furnishes a basis to theorize the “agency” of the environment that comes to the fore as we humans enter, as we do increasingly today, into alliances with sophisticated, computational technologies.1 In concert with researchers like Andy Clark and N. Katherine Hayles, I embrace the “technical distribution” of cognition and perception as a way of understanding (...)
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  29. Modes of Knowing and Modes of Coming to Know Knowledge Creation and Co-Construction as Socio-Epistemological Engineering in Educational Processes.M. F. Peschl - 2006 - Constructivist Foundations 1 (3):111-123.
    Purpose: In the educational field a lack of focus on the process of arriving at a level of profound understanding of a phenomenon can be observed. While classical approaches in education focus on "downloading," repeating, or sometimes optimizing relatively stable chunks of knowledge (both facts and procedural knowledge), this paper proposes to shift the center of attention towards a more dynamic and constructivist perspective: learning as a process of individual and collective knowledge creation and knowledge construction. The goal of this (...)
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  30.  42
    The theoretical foundations for engineering a conscious quantum computer.M. Gams - 1997 - In Matjaz Gams (ed.), Mind Versus Computer: Were Dreyfus and Winograd Right? Amsterdam: IOS Press. pp. 43--141.
  31. Ontological theory for ontological engineering: Biomedical systems information integration.James M. Fielding, Jonathan Simon, Werner Ceusters & Barry Smith - 2004 - In Fielding James M., Simon Jonathan, Ceusters Werner & Smith Barry (eds.), Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on the Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR2004), Whistler, BC, 2-5 June 2004. pp. 114–120.
    Software application ontologies have the potential to become the keystone in state-of-the-art information management techniques. It is expected that these ontologies will support the sort of reasoning power required to navigate large and complex terminologies correctly and efficiently. Yet, there is one problem in particular that continues to stand in our way. As these terminological structures increase in size and complexity, and the drive to integrate them inevitably swells, it is clear that the level of consistency required for such navigation (...)
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    Self-reflection for Activist Engineering.Darshan M. A. Karwat - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (3):1329-1352.
    Many blame politicians, governments, and markets for the technically-driven problems the world faces. But why is it that there are almost always engineers and corporations willing to design and build the technologies that cause those problems, many times in spite of knowing about the negative consequences of those technologies? I offer in this paper practical guidance on how to engage in activist engineering, the goal of which is to get engineers to step back from their work and be able to (...)
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  33.  52
    How to Engineer a Human Being: Passions and Functional Explanation in Descartes.Amy M. Schmitter - 2007 - In Janet Broughton & John Carriero (eds.), A Companion to Descartes. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 426-444.
    This chapter contains section titled: The Rejection of Teleology and Its Limits Reconciling God's Goodness with Misjudgment and Misperception The Clock Analogy and Engineering the Body The Special Place of the Passions The Structure of the Passions of the Soul The Need for a General Remedy Notes References and Further Reading.
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  34. Stalking the wild epistemic engine.Paul M. Churchland & Patricia S. Churchland - 1983 - Noûs 17 (1):5-18.
  35.  60
    Ethical education in software engineering: Responsibility in the production of complex systems.Gonzalo Génova, M. Rosario González & Anabel Fraga - 2007 - Science and Engineering Ethics 13 (4):505-522.
    Among the various contemporary schools of moral thinking, consequence-based ethics, as opposed to rule-based, seems to have a good acceptance among professionals such as software engineers. But naïve consequentialism is intellectually too weak to serve as a practical guide in the profession. Besides, the complexity of software systems makes it very hard to know in advance the consequences that will derive from professional activities in the production of software. Therefore, following the spirit of well-known codes of ethics such as the (...)
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    Pragmatism and Care in Engineering Ethics.Indira Nair & William M. Bulleit - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (1):65-87.
    Engineering is a practice that must function in an environment of incomplete and uncertain knowledge. This environment has become even more difficult in an increasingly complex world. Engineering ethics has to be framed and taught in a way that addresses these realities. This paper proposes a combination of the philosophy of pragmatism and the ethic of care as a possible framework for the practice of engineering ethics that can provide flexibility and openness to address engineering ethics problems more realistically within (...)
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    Exactly How Should Christians Be Uneasy About Germ-line Genetic Engineering? A Response to David Jones.M. Lastochkina - 2012 - Christian Bioethics 18 (2):163-170.
    In his attempt to assess the evasive uneasiness associated with germ-line genetic engineering (GGE), David Jones turns his exploration of explicitly theological objections into a case for unconditional rejection: even intended curative instances would have an underlying ontological malice of identifying and bringing into existence those who are, as it were, unidentified and not planned by God for future existence. His argument raises the questions of how exactly is each of us “identified” by God, and whether any increase in abilities (...)
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    Assessing Freshman Engineering Students’ Understanding of Ethical Behavior.Amber M. Henslee, Susan L. Murray, Gayla R. Olbricht, Douglas K. Ludlow, Malcolm E. Hays & Hannah M. Nelson - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (1):287-304.
    Academic dishonesty, including cheating and plagiarism, is on the rise in colleges, particularly among engineering students. While students decide to engage in these behaviors for many different reasons, academic integrity training can help improve their understanding of ethical decision making. The two studies outlined in this paper assess the effectiveness of an online module in increasing academic integrity among first semester engineering students. Study 1 tested the effectiveness of an academic honesty tutorial by using a between groups design with a (...)
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    Muscles and Engines: Indicator Diagrams and Helmholtz's Graphical Methods.Robert M. Brain & M. Norton Wise - 1994 - In Lorenz Krüger (ed.), Universalgenie Helmholtz. Rückblick nach 100 Jahren. Akademie Verlag. pp. 124-146.
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  40. Scientific and bioethics complaint against the genetic engineering.M. Jost - 2007 - Proc. 3rd Southeast European Bioethics Forum–Integrative Bioethics. Mali Losinj 20:22.
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    When clarity and consistency conflicts with empirical adequacy: conceptual engineering, anthropology, and Evans-Pritchard’s ethnography.C. M. Djordjevic - 2020 - Synthese 198 (10):9611-9637.
    In recent analytic philosophy, there is a growing interest in the project of conceptual engineering. This paper examines two ways this project might be applied to scientific research, specifically anthropological research. It argues that both of them are harmful to this research. Specifically, it argues that a reliance on the axiological standards of analytic philosophy conflicts with the goal of empirical adequacy. Section one proffers two forms that the engineering project might take when applied to the science. Section two proffers (...)
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    Engineering Students’ Views of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Case Study from Petroleum Engineering.Jessica M. Smith, Carrie J. McClelland & Nicole M. Smith - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (6):1775-1790.
    The mining and energy industries present unique challenges to engineers, who must navigate sometimes competing responsibilities and codes of conduct, such as personal senses of right and wrong, professional ethics codes, and their employers’ corporate social responsibility policies. Corporate social responsibility is the current dominant framework used by industry to conceptualize firms’ responsibilities to their stakeholders, yet has it plays a relatively minor role in engineering ethics education. In this article, we report on an interdisciplinary pedagogical intervention in a petroleum (...)
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    Geo-Engineering und moralische Schizophrenie: Was ist die Frage?Stephen M. Gardiner - 2015 - In Angela Kallhoff (ed.), Klimagerechtigkeit Und Klimaethik. De Gruyter. pp. 221-256.
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    Intrinsic Value and the Genetic Engineering of Animals.R. B. M. de Vries - 2008 - Environmental Values 17 (3):375-392.
    The concept of intrinsic value is often invoked to articulate objections to the genetic engineering of animals, particularly those objections that are not directed at the negative effects the technique might have on the health and welfare of the modified animals. However, this concept was not developed in the context of genetic engineering. Given this external origin, this paper critically examines the assumption that the concept of intrinsic value is suitable to articulate and justify moral objections more specifically directed at (...)
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    English engineer John Smeaton's experimental method(s): Optimisation, hypothesis testing and exploratory experimentation.Andrew M. A. Morris - 2021 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 89 (C):283-294.
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    Cybernetics, Genetic Engineering and the Future of Psychotherapy.Robert M. Anderson & Yevgenyia K. Melnik - 2013 - Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 25 (1-2):39-53.
    This essay describes possible futures that may result from accelerating technological advances and the challenges these futures present to psychotherapists. In the next 100 years, human beings will be likely to increasingly use computers and artificial intelligence and become extremely dependent on this relationship. Chip and stem cell implants may provide people with greater memory capacity, computational capacity, and skill sets. Genetic engineering, cryonics, and cloning may allow dramatic increases in the human life span these developments occur, they will challenge (...)
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    Towards a principled approach for engineering privacy by design.M. Alshammari & A. Simpson - 2017 - In .
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    Engineering Professionalism.Normand M. Laurendeau - 1982 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 2 (1):35-45.
  49.  74
    The social ascription of obligations to engineers.J. S. Busby & M. Coeckelbergh - 2003 - Science and Engineering Ethics 9 (3):363-376.
    Discovering obligations that are ascribed to them by others is potentially an important element in the development of the moral imagination of engineers. Moral imagination cannot reasonably be developed by contemplating oneself and one’s task alone: there must be some element of discovering the expectations of people one could put at risk. In practice it may be impossible to meet ascribed obligations if they are completely general and allow no exceptions — for example if they demand an unlimited duty to (...)
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  50. The ethics of search engines (special issue).M. Nagenborg - 2005 - International Review of Information Ethics 3.
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