Results for 'Mailan S. Doquang'

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  1.  29
    Donna L. Sadler, Reading the Reverse Façade of Reims Cathedral: Royalty and Ritual in Thirteenth-Century France. Farnham, Surrey, UK, and Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2012. Pp. xvi, 278; 4 color and 66 black-and-white figures. $104.95. ISBN: 978-1-4094-3243-2. [REVIEW]Mailan S. Doquang - 2014 - Speculum 89 (3):821-823.
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  2. Beyond the Whig history interpretation of history: lessons on ‘presentism’ from Hélène Metzger.Oscar Moro Abadía - 2008 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 39 (2):194-201.
    During the second half of the twentieth century, historians of science have shown a considerable interest in ‘presentism’, a term first applied to the kind of history of science in which past knowledge is judged to celebrate and legitimize modern science. Taking Herbert Butterfield’s The Whig interpretation of history as a point of reference, ‘presentism’ has been usually associated with ‘Whig history’ or ‘Whiggish history’. Nevertheless, Butterfield’s essay is one of many approaches to this question. In this article, I examine (...)
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    The Moral Image of Therapy.Nicholas Agar - 2004 - In Liberal Eugenics: In Defence of Human Enhancement. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 64–87.
    This chapter contains section titled: The Biotechnological Solution to Disease Who Benefits from Gene Therapy? Are we Essentially Human Beings or Essentially Persons, and does it Matter? Genetic Influences, Environmental Influences and the Formation of Human Identities Interactionism's Implications for Identity The Scope of Therapy and the Notion of Disease Buchanan, Brock, Daniels and Wikler on Protecting Normal Functioning Therapy, Obligation and Procreative Liberty's Diminishment.
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    An Emotion-Based Model of Salesperson Ethical Behaviors.Raj Agnihotri, Adam Rapp, Prabakar Kothandaraman & Rakesh K. Singh - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 109 (2):243-257.
    Academic research studies examining the ethical attitudes and behaviors of salespeople have produced several frameworks that explore the ethical decision-making processes to which salespeople adhere when faced with ethical dilemmas. Past literature enriches our understanding; however, a critical review of the relevant literature suggests that an emotional route to salesperson ethical decision-making has yet to be explored. Given the fact that individuals’ emotional capacities play an important role in decision-making when faced with an ethical dilemma, there is a need for (...)
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    The Power of Monetary and Fiscal Policies in a Neoliberal Age: A Christian Ethical Engagement with the Cases of Sweden and the United States.Ilsup Ahn & Per Sundman - 2025 - Journal of Religious Ethics 52 (4):470-495.
    The purpose of this coauthored research is to develop a Christian ethical argument that better addresses the various social ills of financial neoliberalism, especially the growing wealth gap between the haves—the top 1%—and the have-nots—the bottom 50%. We find that a more progressive and integrative approach to monetary and fiscal policy is necessary. First, we critically review the histories of United States and Swedish monetary policies. We then provide a theological perspective regarding how Christian ethicists should engage with neoliberal structural (...)
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    al-Maṭāliʻ al-Saʻīdīyah fī sharḥ al-Ḥāshiyah al-Yazdīyah.Saʻīd Akbarī - 2007 - Tihrān: Nashr Iḥsān.
    A commentary on al-Yazdī's gloss on al-Taftāzānī's Tahdhīb al-manṭiq wa-al-kalām; logic, Arabic logic; early works to 1800.
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    Selected Writings.Thomas Albrecht (ed.) - 2007 - Stanford University Press.
    Sarah Kofman, Professor of Philosophy at the Sorbonne in Paris and the author of over twenty books, was one of the most significant postwar thinkers in France. Kofman's scholarship was wide-ranging and included work on Freud and psychoanalysis, Nietzsche, feminism and the role of women in Western philosophy, visual art, and literature. The child of Polish Jewish immigrants who lost her father in the Holocaust, she also was interested in Judaism and anti-Semitism, especially as reflected in works of literature and (...)
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    Wittgenstein, Frazer, and the Apples of Sodom.Lars Albinus - 2016 - In Aidan Seery, Josef G. F. Rothhaupt & Lars Albinus (eds.), Wittgenstein’s Remarks on Frazer: The Text and the Matter. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 339-366.
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  9. 21. Yüzyıl’da Hegel: Dinin Ahlaki Boyutunun Kayboluşuna Dair Görünürlük.Mevlüt Albayrak - 2025 - Tabula Rasa: Felsefe Ve Teoloji 41:1-20.
    Hegel’in din ve felsefe üzerine konuşmaları hala canlılığını korumaktadır. 21. Yüzyılda din-felsefe ilişkisi, özellikle dinin çok fazla görünür olmaya başladığı dünyada daha da önemli görünmektedir. Bu çalışma Hegel’in ilk döneminde yazmış olduğu çalışmaları ile Din Felsefesi Dersleri’nin ilki üzerinden dinin politik hayatta görünmesini ve cemaatleşme düşüncesini tanımlamaya çalışacaktır. Günümüzde dini söylemin, söyleyenlerle birlikte çokça görünür olması, insanlık için fazla yargılayıcı gelmemektedir. Bir şekilde insanın var olduğu en küçük yapıda bile, din ya da din benzeri bir kabul ve uygulamaya rastlanmaktadır. Bu (...)
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    Comparative Epistemology.Linda Martín Alcoff - 2019 - Philosophy East and West 69 (3):849-856.
    Caring to Know by Vrinda Dalmiya is a remarkable, and remarkably original, work. It develops a significant extension of the care-ethical framework for epistemology, builds on as well as critiques Western feminist philosophy, and offers an original interpretation of the Mahābhārata's implication for epistemic norms. But perhaps most importantly, it invents an entirely original epistemology unlike anything, really, in English. The revolutionary dimensions of the book are clear from the beginning: this is a work of decolonial epistemology.For the period of (...)
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  11. (1 other version)On Judging Epistemic Credibility: Is Social Identity Relevant?Linda Martin Alcoff - 1999 - Philosophic Exchange 29 (1).
    On what basis should we make an epistemic assessment of another’s authority to impart knowledge? Is social identity a legitimate feature to take into account when assessing epistemic reliability? This paper argues that, in some cases, social identity is a relevant feature to take into account in assessing a person’s credibility.
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    Appearance Versus Reality. [REVIEW]James W. Allard - 1998 - Bradley Studies 4 (2):195-203.
    The nine papers in this valuable collection were originally presented at a conference commemorating the centenary of the publication of Bradley’s Appearance and Reality. Although written independently, there is a reasonable unity of aim among them. The goal of each is to rethink issues in Bradley’s metaphysics and to relate them either to Russell or to ongoing debates in analytic philosophy or both. Even though most of the essays cover both topics, four of them are more concerned with Bradley and (...)
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  13.  21
    Numbers and proofs.Reg Allenby - 1997 - New York: Copublished in North, South, and Central America by John Wiley & Sons.
    'Numbers and Proofs' presents a gentle introduction to the notion of proof to give the reader an understanding of how to decipher others' proofs as well as construct their own. Useful methods of proof are illustrated in the context of studying problems concerning mainly numbers (real, rational, complex and integers). An indispensable guide to all students of mathematics. Each proof is preceded by a discussion which is intended to show the reader the kind of thoughts they might have before any (...)
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    A Norwegian Anthology of Russell on War, Peace and Pacifism [review of Øystein Hide, ed., Bertrand Russell om krig, fred og pasifisme (Bertrand Russell on war, peace and pacifism)].Stefan Andersson - 2006 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 26 (2):185-186.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:_Russell_ journal (home office): E:CPBRRUSSJOURTYPE2602\REVIEWS.262 : 2007-01-24 01:12 Reviews 185 A NORWEGIAN ANTHOLOGY OF RUSSELL ON WAR, PEACE AND PACIFISM Stefan Andersson Theology and Religious Studies / U. of Lund s223 62 Lund, Sweden Øystein Hide, ed. Bertrand Russell om krig, fred og pasifisme [Bertrand Russell on war, peace and pacifism]. Oslo: Humanist Forlag, 2006. Pp. 261. isbn 8292622101. 268 Kroner. Paperbound. his is a selected anthology of (...)
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    A questão da paixão como condição para a fé no itinerário da obra Temor e tremor.Nicoly Andrade - 2016 - Ideas Y Valores 65 (2):165-174.
    Assumindo que o “tornar-se cristão” é o eixo que sustenta toda a produção literária de Søren Kierkegaard, o escopo deste ensaio é tentar delinear o conceito de paixão apresentado em Temor e Tremor como uma condição necessária para a efetivação dos movimentos dialéticos que possibilitam o desenvolvimento da fé. Efetivamente, é através do pseudônimo Johannes de Silentio que Kierkegaard apresenta sua ode à fé. Neste sentido, é sobre o esteio da narrativa apresentada em Temor e Tremor acerca da fé demonstrada (...)
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    A Secondary Bibliography of the International War Crimes Tribunal: London, Stockholm and Roskilde.Stefan Andersson - 2011 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 31 (2):167-187.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:January 25, 2012 (9:31 am) E:\CPBR\RUSSJOUR\TYPE3102\russell 31,2 064 red.wpd 1 See Russell’s exposure of this derogatory contraction of “Viet Nam Cong San” (“Vietnamese Communists”) in his War Crimes in Vietnam (London: Allen and Unwin, 1967), p. 45n. On the importance of language, cf. the legendary remark of Russell’s correspondent, Mohammad Ali: “I ain’t got no quarrel with them Viet Cong.… No Viet Cong ever called me nigger.” Russell attempted (...)
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  17. Gender Identity and Exclusion: A Reply to Jenkins.Matthew Salett Andler - 2017 - Ethics 127 (4):883-895.
    A theory of gender ought to be compatible with trans-inclusive definitions of gender identity terms, such as ‘woman’ and ‘man’. Appealing to this principle of trans-inclusion, Katharine Jenkins argues that we ought to endorse a dual social position and identity theory of gender. Here, I argue that Jenkins’s dual theory of gender fails to be trans-inclusive for the following reasons: it cannot generate a definition of ‘woman’ that extends to include all trans women, and it understands transgender gender identity through (...)
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    Habermas and Taylor on Religious Reasoning in a Liberal Democracy.H. Andrew Tsz Wan - 2017 - The European Legacy 22 (5):1-17.
    This article compares Habermas’s and Taylor’s approach to the role of religious language in a liberal democracy. It shows that the difference in their approach is not simply in their theories of religious language. The contrast lies deeper, in their incompatible moral theories: Habermas’s universal discourse ethics vs Taylor’s communitarian substantive ethics. I also explore William Rehg’s defence of discourse ethics by conceding that it is based on a metavalue of rational consensus. However, I argue that Habermas’s and Rehg’s discourse (...)
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  19.  27
    A Scottish Jacobin: John Oswald on Commerce and Citizenship.Anna Plassart - 2010 - Journal of the History of Ideas 71 (2):263-286.
    John Oswald was a Scottish journalist and pamphleteer who gained fame in the 1790s for his scandalous lifestyle and democratic political views. He was considered by his British contemporaries as the incarnation of the crimes of Jacobinism. This article seeks to reassess Oswald’s place in the history of political thought by placing him within the context of his own Scottish background. Oswald’s radical views were neither directly inspired by his French revolutionary friends, nor typical of the English and Scottish radical (...)
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  20.  68
    Chomsky and His Critics. [REVIEW]Louise M. Antony & Norbert Hornstein - 2005 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 5 (3):589-596.
    In this compelling volume, ten distinguished thinkers -- William G. Lycan, Galen Strawson, Jeffrey Poland, Georges Rey, Frances Egan, Paul Horwich, Peter Ludlow, Paul Pietroski, Alison Gopnik, and Ruth Millikan -- address a variety of conceptual issues raised in Noam Chomsky's work. Distinguished list of critics: William G. Lycan, Galen Strawson, Jeffrey Poland, Georges Rey, Frances Egan, Paul Horwich, Peter Ludlow, Paul Pietroski, Alison Gopnik, and Ruth Millikan. Includes Chomsky's substantial new replies and responses to each essay. The best critical (...)
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  21.  21
    El trasfondo de la filosofía kantiana en el compromiso político del pensamiento de Ernst Cassirer.Roberto R. Aramayo - 2018 - Isegoría 59:375-390.
    We trace here the layout of Cassirer’s intellectual itinerary, highlightning the growing political commitment in his thought as he faces the national socialist ideology from the vantage point of history of ideas and his philosophy of the symbolic forms, invoking in this sense the spirit of Enlightenment in general and Kant in a very particular way as well. Cassirer’s ideological rebuttal of Nazism begins in 1928 with his hommage to the Weimar Republic and reaches up to 1945 with The Myth (...)
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    Fath al-Rahīm al-Rahmān fī tafsīri āyat “inna Allāha yaʼmuru bil-ʻadli wa al-Ihsān” by Abū al-Ḥasan ibn ʻAbd al-Raḥmān Ibn Muḥammad al-Khaṭīb al-Shirbīnī al-Shāfi’ī a Study and Critical Edition.Zakir Aras - 2023 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 27 (2):619-639.
    This study seeks to investigate the treatise of Abū al-Hasan b. Abd al-Rahman b. Muhammad al-Khatīb al-Shirbīnī al- Shāfiʻī (d. after 1028/1619) entitled Fatḥ al-Raḥīm al-Raḥmān fī tafsīr Āyat "inna Allāha yaʼmuru bi al-ʻadl wa al-iḥsān" based on the manuscript of the author. Shedding light on the translation of this unknown scholar, as it is evident from the title of the treatise that it contains the interpretation of this verse, which is well known among scholars and commentators as the most (...)
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    Fenomenologia Din'mica.Joaquim Carlos Araújo - 2005 - Phainomenon 10 (1):9-28.
    Summary We intended to contribute with an innovation for the study of the applied phenomenology to the field of the imaginary. It is a group of ideas that will allow to elaborate a phenomenological reading of Gaston Bachelard’s aesthetic work. In first place we will approach the husserlian notion of neutrality modification as form of opening road to the interpretation of the bachelardian imagination of the matters. Continuously we will present some theories that demonstrate the possibility of a new phenomenology, (...)
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    Reflective memories: The Indian diaspora who call South Africa home.Kogielam K. Archary - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (1):7.
    Durban, a coastal city in KwaZulu-Natal (one of the nine provinces in South Africa) boasts the Durban Harbour. One hundred and sixty-two years ago, this harbour was referred to as the Port of Natal. Between the year’s of 1860 and 1911, 152 184 indentured Indian labourers entered the British owned Colony of Natal through this port. Even though indentureship was officially abolished in Natal on 21 July 1911, the hardships and challenges endured by Indian nationals in Natal continued. This article (...)
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  25. The Aim of Inquiry.Avery Archer - 2021 - Disputatio 13 (61):95-119.
    I defend the thesis that the constitutive aim of inquiring into some question, Q, is improving one’s epistemic standing with respect to Q. Call this the epistemic-improvement view. I consider and ultimately reject two alternative accounts of the constitutive aim of inquiry—namely, the thesis that inquiry aims at knowledge and the thesis that inquiry aims at belief—and I use my criticisms as a foil for clarifying and motivating the epistemic-improvement view. I also consider and reject a pair of normative theses (...)
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    A discrete solution for the paradox of Achilles and the tortoise.Vincent Ardourel - 2015 - Synthese 192 (9):2843-2861.
    In this paper, I present a discrete solution for the paradox of Achilles and the tortoise. I argue that Achilles overtakes the tortoise after a finite number of steps of Zeno’s argument if time is represented as discrete. I then answer two objections that could be made against this solution. First, I argue that the discrete solution is not an ad hoc solution. It is embedded in a discrete formulation of classical mechanics. Second, I show that the discrete solution cannot (...)
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  27.  20
    Actitud filosófica como herramienta para pensar.Claudia Janneth Arias Sanabria, Gina Alexandra Carreño Sabogal & Liliana Andrea Mariño Díaz - 2016 - Universitas Philosophica 33 (66):237-261.
    This article presents the results of the research “Philosophical Attitude and Childhood: Teachers’ Formation and Transformation”, developed at the Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia UPTC Kindergarten, by using the Community of Inquiry as a strategy to foster a philosophical attitude. It is divided in three descriptive moments, the first one, previous considerations, contains: philosophy as a tool to think, philosophical attitude as a life style, philosophy for kids as a theoretical and methodological perspective; the second one includes methodological perspectives; (...)
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    Peace of Mind and Organizational Citizenship Behavior.Vanchai Ariyabuddhiphongs & Atiwat Pratchawittayagorn - 2014 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 36 (2):233-252.
    A Thai company organizes a weekly sermon and meditation session for its clients and members. We hypothesized that vipassana meditation's positive effects in work would be manifested in peace of mind, loving kindness, and organizational citizenship behavior, that peace of mind would predict OCB, and that loving kindness would mediate the relationship of peace of mind to OCB. Peace of mind is operationally defined as the experience of inner peace and harmony; loving kindness as the thoughts, words, and acts of (...)
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  29. The basic works of Aristotle. Aristotle - 1941 - New York: Modern Library. Edited by Richard McKeon.
    Edited by Richard McKeon, with an introduction by C.D.C. Reeve Preserved by Arabic mathematicians and canonized by Christian scholars, Aristotle’s works have shaped Western thought, science, and religion for nearly two thousand years. Richard McKeon’s The Basic Works of Aristotle—constituted out of the definitive Oxford translation and in print as a Random House hardcover for sixty years—has long been considered the best available one-volume Aristotle. Appearing in paperback at long last, this edition includes selections from the Organon, On the Heavens, (...)
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  30. On the Rehabilitation of the Knowledge Argument.Valtteri Arstila - 2003 - In . IIAS Shimla. pp. 161-175.
    In the last decade, some viable materialist accounts of how to overcome Frank Jackson's powerful Knowledge Argument has been elaborated into such an extent that even Jackson himself has changed sides and joined its critics. In order to rehabilitate its force and importance, George Graham and Terence Horgan have redefined the original argument and exploited it against theories that reply to Knowledge Argument with a mode of presentation replies (using Michael Tye's representational theory of mind as an example). The message (...)
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  31. Realism and Theories of Truth.Jamin Asay - 2017 - In Juha Saatsi (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Scientific Realism. New York: Routledge. pp. 383-393.
    The topic of truth has long been thought to be connected to scientific realism and its opposition. In this essay, I discuss the various ways that truth might be related to realism. First, I consider how truth might be of use when defining scientific realism and its opposition. Second, I consider whether various stances regarding realism require specific stances on the nature of truth. I survey "neutralist" views that argue that one's stance on realism is independent of one's view on (...)
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  32.  38
    The Philosophy of Gesture: Completing Pragmatists' Incomplete Revolution by Giovanni Maddalena. [REVIEW]Richard Kenneth Atkins - 2016 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 52 (4):662-665.
    Rarely these days are philosophy books both bold and sweeping, but Maddalena’s The Philosophy of Gesture is both. Whether you think that is good will surely depend on your philosophical temperament. Personally, I consider it bad taste to criticize a philosopher for striking out on a new path. Philosophy, as any student of Peirce’s works will affirm, is an experimental science. Some of those experiments might well lead you to the hinterlands, but at least you will have a more detailed (...)
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  33. Divine Love and the Argument from Divine Hiddenness.Ebrahim Azadegan - 2014 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 6 (2):101--116.
    This paper criticizes one of the premises of Schellenberg’s atheistic argument from divine hiddenness. This premise, which can be considered as the foundation of his proposed argument, is based on a specific interpretation of divine love as eros. In this paper I first categorize several concepts of divine love under two main categories, eros and agape; I then answer some main objections to the ascription of eros to God; and in the last part I show that neither on a reading (...)
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    Ontology Without Borders.Jody Azzouni - 2017 - New York, US: Oup Usa.
    Our experience of objects is very rich. We perceive objects as possessing individuation conditions. This, however, is a projection of our senses and thinking. Azzouni shows the resulting austere metaphysics tames many ancient philosophical problems about constitution, as well as contemporary puzzles about reductionism.
  35. Confucian Heaven: Moral Economy and Contingency.Back Youngsun - 2016 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 8 (1):51--77.
    This paper examines the Confucian concept of tian, conventionally translated into English as “Heaven.‘ The secondary literature on tian has primarily focused on the question of what tian is: e.g., whether tian is an anthropomorphic deity or a naturalistic force, or whether tian is transcendent or immanent. Instead, this paper locates tian with respect to the ethical life of human beings, and argues that the two conflicting concepts of “moral economy‘ and “contingency‘ are main characteristics of tian. This paper further (...)
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    We’re all postmoderns now.Julian Baggini - 2012 - The Philosophers' Magazine 56 (56):121-126.
    “I suppose my feeling about the post-modernism exhibition is that it’s testing philosophical claims through research, rather than a kind of active philosophical investigation.”.
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    Structure and representation of semimodules over inclines.Ruiqi Bai & Yichuan Yang - 2020 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 171 (10):102844.
    An incline S is a commutative semiring where r+1=1 for any r \in S . We note that the ideal lattice of an S-semimodule is naturally an S-semimodule and so is its congruence lattice when S is transitive. We prove that the categories of complete S-semimodules, together with dual functor, internal hom and tensor product, is a ⋆-autonomous category. We define the locally and globally maximal congruences which are related to Birkhoff subdirect product decomposition. We show that the categories of (...)
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    The etymological evolvement and redefinition of ‘game’.Jiangzhu Bai, Xiaotian Wei & Rongting Zhou - 2025 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 19 (1):35-47.
    This research revisits the conceptual foundations and definitions of ‘game’, distinguishing it from ‘sport’ and ‘play’ through an etymological and philosophical lens. Given the vast range of ‘game’ in everyday use and the enormous diversity of the activities called games, Wittgenstein argued that games cannot be defined at all but have only ‘Family Resemblances’. Philosophers such as Bernard Suits have rejected Wittgenstein’s claim that there is no commonality among all games. But in recent years, some researchers have questioned Suits’ failure (...)
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  39. Why Take Painkillers?David Bain - 2019 - Noûs 53 (2):462-490.
    Accounts of the nature of unpleasant pain have proliferated over the past decade, but there has been little systematic investigation of which of them can accommodate its badness. This paper is such a study. In its sights are two targets: those who deny the non-instrumental disvalue of pain's unpleasantness; and those who allow it but deny that it can be accommodated by the view—advanced by me and others—that unpleasant pains are interoceptive experiences with evaluative content. Against the former, I argue (...)
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    Life forms in the thinking of the long eighteenth century.Keith Michael Baker & Jenna M. Gibbs (eds.) - 2016 - Toronto: Published by the University of Toronto Press in association with the UCLA Center for Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century Studies and the William Andrews Clark Memorial Library.
    For many years, scholars have been moving away from the idea of a singular, secular, rationalistic, and mechanistic "Enlightenment project." Historian Peter Reill has been one of those at the forefront of this development, demonstrating the need for a broader and more varied understanding of eighteenth-century conceptions of nature. Life Forms in the Thinking of the Long Eighteenth Century is a unique reappraisal of Enlightenment thought on nature, biology, and the organic world that responds to Reill's work. The ten essays (...)
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    Mutual Epistemic Dependence and the Demographic Divine Hiddenness Problem.Max Baker-Hytch - 2016 - Religious Studies 52 (3):375–394.
    In his article ‘Divine hiddenness and the demographics of theism’ (Religious Studies, 42 (2006), 177-191) Stephen Maitzen develops a novel version of the atheistic argument from divine hiddenness according to which the lopsided distribution of theistic belief throughout the world’s populations is much more to be expected given naturalism than given theism. I try to meet Maitzen’s challenge by developing a theistic explanation for this lopsidedness. The explanation I offer appeals to various goods that are intimately connected with the human (...)
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    Notes on quasiminimality and excellence.John T. Baldwin - 2004 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 10 (3):334-366.
    This paper ties together much of the model theory of the last 50 years. Shelah's attempts to generalize the Morley theorem beyond first order logic led to the notion of excellence, which is a key to the structure theory of uncountable models. The notion of Abstract Elementary Class arose naturally in attempting to prove the categoricity theorem for L ω 1 ,ω (Q). More recently, Zilber has attempted to identify canonical mathematical structures as those whose theory (in an appropriate logic) (...)
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    Opacity and the double life of singular propositions.Roberta Ballarin - 2012 - Journal of Applied Logic 10 (3):250-259.
    In this paper I analyze David Kaplan’s essay “Opacity”. In “Opacity” Kaplan attempts to dismiss Quine’s concerns about quantification across intensional (modal and intentional) operators. I argue that Kaplan succeeds in showing that quantification across intensional operators is logically coherent and that quantified modal logic is strictly speaking not committed to essentialism. However, I also argue that this is not in and of itself sufficient to support Kaplan’s more ambitious attempt to move beyond purely logical results and provide unified, uncontroversial (...)
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    Recollecting Athens.Ryan K. Balot - 2016 - Polis 33 (1):92-129.
    Beginning with an analysis of the problematic relation of ‘the particular’ to ‘the universal’ in canonical political texts, this paper explores a variety of frameworks for the study of classical Greek political thought. Specifically, after investigating the influence of Quentin Skinner’s contextualism, the paper examines the ideas, approaches, and methods of Bernard Williams, Leo Strauss, and Josiah Ober. I draw attention to each figure’s distinctive motivations for returning to ancient Greece and to the influence of particular political ideals on those (...)
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    Study on Effectiveness of Lecture and Smart Class Method of Teaching on Academic Achievements among Upper Primary School Students.Poonam Bala, Tanivir Kaur & Maninder Kaur - 2017 - International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences 76:25-29.
    Publication date: 30 March 2017 Source: Author: Poonam Bala, Tanivir Kaur, Maninder Kaur This is an experimental study conducted on the upper primary school students in the district of S.B.S Nagar, Punjab. The study was conducted on the students of 6th and 7th class of an international School. Total of 100 students were enrolled for this experimental study who met the inclusion criteria and were randomly divided into 2 equal groups by simple randomization technique. They received either the lecture method (...)
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    The Value Doctrine of Karl Marx.Albert G. A. Balz - 1943 - King's Crown Press.
    Attempts a philosophical and critical investigation of Marx's analysis of value to suggest an ontological basis for a general theory of value.
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  47. Reflexiones en torno a la universalidad poética de la comedia aristofánica.Raúl Alexander Murcia Barón - 2012 - Logos: Revista de la Facultad de Filosofia y Humanidades 22:99-108.
    This analysis comes from a philosophical glance at Aristophanic comedy, where the problem seems to move towards universality of poetry. The common manner to face this problem is getting close to the concepts of learning and inference, introduced in the field of a sort of action or a sort of character without consideration for the Aristotle’s horizon of the poetic research télos, érgon, oikeía hedone and katharsis, or the Greek theatrical-poetic representation as an autonomous form of universal mythos. The underestimation (...)
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  48. Intellectual Perseverance.Heather Battaly - 2017 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 14 (6):669-697.
    _ Source: _Page Count 29 This essay offers a working analysis of the trait of intellectual perseverance. It argues that intellectual perseverance is a disposition to overcome obstacles, so as to continue to perform intellectual actions, in pursuit of one’s intellectual goals. The trait of intellectual perseverance is not always an intellectual virtue. This essay provides a pluralist analysis of what makes it an intellectual virtue, when it is one. Along the way, it argues that the virtue of intellectual perseverance (...)
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  49. Against Branching Identity.William A. Bauer - 2017 - Philosophia 45 (4):1709-1719.
    Would you survive if your consciousness branched into two or more streams? Commonly discussed within the context of split-brain scenarios, this possibility might soon become commonplace with mind uploading technology. Cerullo suggests that after nondestructive mind uploading and other branching scenarios, personal identity would continue in two streams of consciousness. Thus he argues for what he calls branching identity. In this discussion, I evaluate the theory of branching identity and Cerullo’s arguments for it, concluding that branching identity is insufficiently justified (...)
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  50. Newman on the Problem of the Partiality and Unity of the Sciences.Michael Baur - 2004 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 77:111-127.
    This paper focuses on Newman’s approach to what we might call “the problem of the partiality and unity of the sciences.” The problem can be expressed in the form of a question: “If all human knowing is finite and partial, then on what grounds can one know of the unity and wholeness of all the sciences?” Newman’s solution to the problem is openly theistic, since it appeals to one’s knowledge of God. For Newman, even if I exclusively pursue my own (...)
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