Results for 'Malcolm Cutchin'

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  1.  17
    Referees for Ethics, Place and Environment, volume 7, 2004.Piers Blaikie, John Boardman, Noel Castree, Brad Coombes, Malcolm Cutchin, Mary Dengler, Nigel Dower, Ron Egel, Jerry Glover & Tim Gray - 2004 - Ethics, Place and Environment 7 (3).
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  2. Values of art: pictures, poetry, and music.Malcolm Budd - 1995 - New York, N.Y.: Penguin Books.
    Auth: University College London, Distributed by Viking.
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  3. The acquaintance principle.Malcolm Budd - 2003 - British Journal of Aesthetics 43 (4):386-392.
    The Acquaintance Principle maintains that aesthetic knowledge must be acquired through first-hand experience of the object of knowledge and cannot be transmitted from person to person. This implies that aesthetic knowledge of an object cannot be acquired either from an accurate description of the non- aesthetic features of the object or from reliable testimony of its aesthetic character. The question I address is whether there is any sound argument in support of the Principle. I give scant consideration to the possibility (...)
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  4. Music and the Emotions: The Philosophical Theories.Malcolm Budd - 1985 - Boston: Routledge.
    It has often been claimed, and frequently denied, that music derives some or all of its artistic value from the relation in which it stands to the emotions. This book presents and subjects to critical examination the chief theories about the relationship between the art of music and the emotions.
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    A Philosophy of Faith: Belief, Truth and Varieties of Commitment.Finlay Malcolm & Michael Scott - 2022 - New York, NY: Routledge. Edited by Michael Scott.
    Faith occupies an important place in human lives in both religious and secular contexts: faith may be directed towards God, friends, governments, political systems and football teams. It is said to help people through crises and motivate people to achieve life goals. But what is faith? Philosophers and theologians have for centuries been concerned with questions about the rationality of faith, but more recently, have focussed on what kind of psychological attitude faith is. We bring together, for the first time, (...)
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  6. Aristotle on Natural Slavery.Malcolm Heath - 2008 - Phronesis 53 (3):243-270.
    Aristotle's claim that natural slaves do not possess autonomous rationality (Pol. 1.5, 1254b20-23) cannot plausibly be interpreted in an unrestricted sense, since this would conflict with what Aristotle knew about non-Greek societies. Aristotle's argument requires only a lack of autonomous practical rationality. An impairment of the capacity for integrated practical deliberation, resulting from an environmentally induced excess or deficiency in thumos (Pol. 7.7, 1327b18-31), would be sufficient to make natural slaves incapable of eudaimonia without being obtrusively implausible relative to what (...)
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  7. A Philosopher’s Guide to Empirical Success.Malcolm R. Forster - 2007 - Philosophy of Science 74 (5):588-600.
    The simple question, what is empirical success? turns out to have a surprisingly complicated answer. We need to distinguish between meritorious fit and ‘fudged fit', which is akin to the distinction between prediction and accommodation. The final proposal is that empirical success emerges in a theory dependent way from the agreement of independent measurements of theoretically postulated quantities. Implications for realism and Bayesianism are discussed. ‡This paper was written when I was a visiting fellow at the Center for Philosophy of (...)
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  8. Hobbes and Spinoza.Noel Malcolm - 1991 - Cambridge University Press.
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  9. The intersubjective validity of aesthetic judgements.Malcolm Budd - 2007 - British Journal of Aesthetics 47 (4):333-371.
    All aesthetic judgements, whether descriptive, evaluative or some combination of the two, and whatever they might be about, whether works of art, artefacts of other kinds, or natural things, declare themselves to be, not mere announcements or expressions of personal responses to the objects of judgement, but claims meriting the agreement of others. Despite the frequent appeal in everyday life to the nihilistic interpretation of the saying ‘It's all a matter of taste’, the doctrine of aesthetic nihilism—the view that such (...)
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  10. Musical movement and aesthetic metaphors.Malcolm Budd - 2003 - British Journal of Aesthetics 43 (3):209-223.
    Roger Scruton's extraordinarily rich and impressive book The Aesthetics of Music has not received the attention it deserves. In this paper I take issue with one of its most striking claims, namely that the basic perceptions of music are informed by spatial concepts understood metaphorically. To evaluate this claim it is necessary to grasp Scruton's theory of metaphor, which has largely been neglected. I sketch his theory and derive from it the essence of his claim about the fundamental role of (...)
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  11. (1 other version)Predictive accuracy as an achievable goal of science.Malcolm R. Forster - 2002 - Proceedings of the Philosophy of Science Association 2002 (3):S124-S134.
    What has science actually achieved? A theory of achievement should define what has been achieved, describe the means or methods used in science, and explain how such methods lead to such achievements. Predictive accuracy is one truth‐related achievement of science, and there is an explanation of why common scientific practices tend to increase predictive accuracy. Akaike’s explanation for the success of AIC is limited to interpolative predictive accuracy. But therein lies the strength of the general framework, for it also provides (...)
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  12. The Norms of Nature: Studies in Hellenistic Ethics.Malcolm Schofield & Gisela Striker (eds.) - 1986 - Paris: Cambridge University Press.
    Can moral philosophy alter our moral beliefs or our emotions? Does moral scepticism mean making up our own values, or does it leave us without moral commitments at all? Is it possible to find a basis for ethics in human nature? These are some of the main questions explored in this volume, which is devoted to the ethics of the Hellenistic schools of philosophy. Some of the leading scholars in the field have here taken a look at the bases of (...)
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  13. Stoic ethics.Malcolm Schofield - 2003 - In Brad Inwood, The Cambridge Companion to the Stoics. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 233--256.
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  14.  74
    The Syllogisms of Zeno of Citium.Malcolm Schofield - 1983 - Phronesis 28 (1):31-58.
  15. Aesthetic judgements, aesthetic principles and aesthetic properties.Malcolm Budd - 1999 - European Journal of Philosophy 7 (3):295–311.
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  16. The pure judgement of taste as an aesthetic reflective judgement.Malcolm Budd - 2001 - British Journal of Aesthetics 41 (3):247-260.
  17. The characterization of aesthetic qualities by essential metaphors and quasi-metaphors.Malcolm Budd - 2006 - British Journal of Aesthetics 46 (2):133-143.
    My paper examines a vital but neglected aspect of Frank Sibley's pioneering account of aesthetic concepts. This is the claim that many aesthetic qualities are such that they can be characterized adequately only by metaphors or ‘quasi-metaphors’. Although there is no indication that Sibley embraced it, I outline a radical, minimalist conception of the experience of perceiving an item as possessing an aesthetic quality, which, I believe, has wide application and which would secure Sibley's position for those aesthetic qualities that (...)
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  18. Subjectivity.Norman Malcolm - 1988 - Philosophy 63 (April):147-60.
    In his book The View from Nowhere , Thomas Nagel says that ‘the subjectivity of consciousness is an irreducible feature of reality’ . He speaks of ‘the essential subjectivity of the mental’ , and of ‘the mind's irreducibly subjective character’ . ‘Mental concepts’, he says, refer to ‘subjective points of view and their modifications’ : The subjective features of conscious mental processes—as opposed to their physical causes and effects—cannot be captured by the purified form of thought suitable for dealing with (...)
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  19.  48
    The Atheist's Primer.Malcolm Murray - 2010 - Peterborough, CA: Broadview Press.
    _The Athiest’s Primer_ is a concise but wide-ranging introduction to a variety of arguments, concepts, and issues pertaining to belief in God. In lucid and engaging prose, Malcom Murray offers a penetrating yet fair-minded critique of the traditional arguments for the existence of God. He then explores a number of other important issues relevant to religious belief, such as the problem of suffering and the relationship between religion and morality, in each case arguing that atheism is preferable to theism. The (...)
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  20.  67
    Plato Disapproves of the Slave-Boy's Answer.Malcolm S. Brown - 1967 - Review of Metaphysics 21 (1):57 - 93.
    As with the dialogue, so with the slave-boy episode within it, two questions are handled, one of them substantive, the other a question of method. The substantive question is how to double the square of a side of 2 units; the procedural question is how, if at all, can an answer be found by one who does not know it. It develops that the answer must be sought exclusively among opinions which the boy already holds, by means of questioning. What (...)
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  21. Music and the communication of emotion.Malcolm Budd - 1989 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 47 (2):129-138.
  22. (1 other version)Hobbes and the Royal society.Noel Malcolm - 1988 - In Graham Alan John Rogers & Alan Ryan, Perspectives on Thomas Hobbes. New York: Oxford University Press.
  23.  16
    Hobbes and the European Republic of Letters.Noel Malcolm - 2002 - In Aspects of Hobbes. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    Assesses the European reception of Hobbes's thought from c.1640 to c.1750. It begins by discussing the publishing history of his works on the Continent, and the various attempts to edit or translate them. Then it considers the reception of his writings, dividing the European writers into three categories: the defenders of orthodoxy, who reacted against Hobbes's ideas because they regarded them as extreme; the radicals, who celebrated and developed his ideas—also because they regarded them as extreme; and a broader third (...)
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    Access to Assistive Technology, Systems Thinking, and Market Shaping: A Response to Durocher et al.Malcolm MacLachlan - 2019 - Ethics and Behavior 29 (3):196-200.
    Fairness of access to assistive technology is important for its allocation on an equitable basis and for broader social justice and rights issues. Although the use of Daniels’s notion of “justice as fair opportunity” is helpful to the context of assistive technology, other aspects of Daniels’s broader conceptualisation of “just health” are not appropriate in this context. It is argued that fairness of access to assistive technology is crucial for the equitable attainment of the sustainable development goals; however, such access (...)
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  25.  9
    Quantum concepts in physics: an alternative approach to the understanding of quantum mechanics.Malcolm S. Longair - 2013 - New york: Cambridge University Press.
    Written for advanced undergraduates, physicists, and historians and philosophers of physics, this book tells the story of the development of our understanding of quantum phenomena through the extraordinary years of the first three decades of the twentieth century. Rather than following the standard axiomatic approach, this book adopts a historical perspective, explaining clearly and authoritatively how pioneers such as Heisenberg, Schrodinger, Pauli and Dirac developed the fundamentals of quantum mechanics and merged them into a coherent theory, and why the mathematical (...)
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  26.  78
    Non-bayesian foundations for statistical estimation, prediction, and the ravens example.Malcolm R. Forster - 1994 - Erkenntnis 40 (3):357 - 376.
    The paper provides a formal proof that efficient estimates of parameters, which vary as as little as possible when measurements are repeated, may be expected to provide more accurate predictions. The definition of predictive accuracy is motivated by the work of Akaike (1973). Surprisingly, the same explanation provides a novel solution for a well known problem for standard theories of scientific confirmation — the Ravens Paradox. This is significant in light of the fact that standard Bayesian analyses of the paradox (...)
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  27.  45
    Heraclitus on Law.Malcolm Schofield - 2015 - Rhizomata 3 (1).
  28.  44
    Theaetetus : Knowledge as Continued Learning.Malcolm S. Brown - 1969 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 7 (4):359-379.
  29. The dénouement of the Cratylus.Malcolm Schofield - 1981 - In M. Nussbaum & M. Schofield, Language and Logos: Studies in Ancient Greek Philosophy Presented to G. E. L. Owen. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 61--81.
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  30. (1 other version)The Norms of Nature. Studies in Hellenistic Ethics.Malcolm Schofield & Gisela Striker - 1988 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 50 (1):143-144.
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    The Socratic Paradoxes and the Greek Mind.Malcolm Schofield - 1969 - Philosophical Review 78 (4):559.
  32. Who were hoi duschereis in Plato, Philebus 44a ff.?Malcolm Schofield - 1971 - Museum Helveticum 28 (1):2-20.
  33.  69
    Being Assessed under the 1983 Mental Health Act—Can it Ever be Ethical?Malcolm Kinney - 2009 - Ethics and Social Welfare 3 (3):329-336.
  34. Delight in the natural world: Kant on the aesthetic appreciation of nature. Part 1: Natural beauty.Malcolm Budd - 1998 - British Journal of Aesthetics 38 (1):1-18.
  35. Aesthetic realism and emotional qualities of music.Malcolm Budd - 2005 - British Journal of Aesthetics 45 (2):111-122.
    Roger Scruton appears to have been the first to argue for and articulate an anti-realist theory of aesthetic properties. In the case of emotional qualities of music, his principal argument against realism is unsound and cannot, I believe, be repaired. Nevertheless an anti-realist view of emotional qualities of music is in my view correct and I defend Scruton's insight against a rival realist conception. However, I prefer a rather different form of anti-realism to Scruton's.
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    Unconsidered preferences.Malcolm Murray - 1998 - South African Journal of Philosophy 17 (4):346-353.
  37.  74
    Sharing in the Constitution.Malcolm Schofield - 1996 - Review of Metaphysics 49 (4):831-858.
    I should say a preliminary word about the method I am adopting in this article, mainly to point out that there is nothing whatever remarkable about it. I take myself to be approaching the Politics in accordance with the interpretative canons standard in mainstream historical and Aristotelian scholarship. Compare the study of Aristotle's metaphysics. Everyone would grant that before we start considering whether hule or indeed any other Aristotelian concept anticipates or maps onto some modern notion of matter in any (...)
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  38. Delight in the natural world: Kant on the aesthetic appreciation of nature part III: The sublime in nature.Malcolm Budd - 1998 - British Journal of Aesthetics 38 (3):233-250.
  39. Evidence Thresholds and the Partiality of Relational Faith.Finlay Malcolm - 2021 - Australasian Philosophical Review 5 (1):86-91.
    ABSTRACT This commentary shows how Dormandy’s ‘Partiality Norm of Belief for Faith’ can be made compatible with ‘Evidentialism about Faith’. Dormandy takes partiality to involve disrespect toward evidence—where evidence we are partial toward is given undue weight. I propose an alternative where partiality is to require more or less evidence for believing a proposition given the benefits or harms of holding the belief. Rather than disrespecting evidence, this partiality is simply to have variable ‘evidence thresholds’ that are partly set by (...)
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  40. Motion and emotion in music: How music sounds.Malcolm Budd - 1983 - British Journal of Aesthetics 23 (3):209-221.
  41. Bhāvaviveka and the early mādhyamika theories of language.Malcolm D. Eckel - 1978 - Philosophy East and West 28 (3):323-337.
  42.  10
    Hobbes and Spinoza.Noel Malcolm - 2002 - In Aspects of Hobbes. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    Offers an introduction to the political philosophy of Hobbes and Spinoza. It analyses Hobbes's theory of natural law and natural rights, and argues that he operated with two different concepts of rights—which have been confused by his commentators and may to some extent have been confused by Hobbes himself. It then discusses the adaptation of Hobbes's theories by Dutch writers such as the brothers de la Court, whose writings influenced Spinoza, before summarizing the political theory of Spinoza himself, and commenting (...)
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  43.  53
    Global Faith, Trust and Hope.Finlay Malcolm - 2023 - The Monist 106 (1):94-103.
    This paper develops an account of faith as a global trait of character, and explores how it relates to trust and hope. This account is developed in terms of the functional role faith occupies: what it is that global faith does in our lives. Global faith is taken to be a disposition to persevere in seeing the good in situations, events, circumstances, and people. This trait is explored through real and fictionalised situations of difficulty and strife, and when looking back (...)
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    Cruelty's utility: The evolution of same-species killing.Malcolm Potts - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (3):238-238.
    Human beings, like chimpanzees, deliberately kill their own species in order to expand their territory. For a self-aware social animal to attack its own kind, it would need to evolve a mechanism to dehumanize, or “dechimpanzee-ize” those it attacks. It is suggested that cruelty reflects such an evolved predisposition. The implications for violence prevention are discussed.
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  45. The public and private worlds of Theophanes of Hermopolis Magna.Malcolm Choat - 2006 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 88 (1):41-75.
  46.  5
    Corruption & Progress: The Eighteenth-century Debate.Malcolm Jack - 1989 - Ams PressInc.
  47.  42
    The Idea of Equality in the Phaedo.Malcolm Brown - 1972 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 54 (1):24-36.
  48.  82
    The Middle Speech of Plato's Phaedrus.Malcolm Brown & James Coulter - 1971 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 9 (4):405-423.
  49.  33
    Aeschylus′ Clytemnestra: Sword or Axe?Malcolm Davies - 1987 - Classical Quarterly 37 (01):65-.
    Few portions of Eduard Fraenkel's commentary on Aeschylus′ Agamemnon have been so influential as the three and a half ages On the Weapon with which, according to the Oresteia, Agamemnon was murdered.1 In contrast with the controversy and disagreement stirred by his remarks on The Footprints in the Choephoroe,2 his thesis concerning Clytemnestra's murder-weapon has met with almost universal approva and the matter is widely regarded as settled. It is symptomatic that within the past twelve months two important books should (...)
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  50.  13
    Sophocles' Antigone 823 ff. as a Specimen of 'Mythological Hyperbole'.Malcolm Davies - 1985 - Hermes 113 (2):247-249.
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