Results for 'Manuel Baumbach-Andrej Petrovic-Ivana Petrovic'

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  1.  33
    Algunos trabajos recientes sobre el epigrama griego Some Recent Studies about Greek Epigram.Begoña Ortega Villaro, Manuel Baumbach-Andrej Petrovic-Ivana Petrovic & Jean Irigoin-Francesca Maltomini-Pierre Laurens - 2012 - Minerva: Revista de Filología Clásica 25:237-250.
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    Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion, volume 1: Early Greek Religion. By Andrej Petrovic and Ivana Petrovic. Pp. xvi, 337, Oxford University Press, 2016, £60.00. [REVIEW]Robin Waterfield - 2017 - Heythrop Journal 58 (6):961-962.
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    Work Engagement in Serbia: Psychometric Properties of the Serbian Version of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale.Ivana B. Petrović, Milica Vukelić & Svetlana Čizmić - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Rocking at 81 and Rolling at 34: ROC Cut-Off Scores for the Negative Acts Questionnaire–Revised in Serbia.Ivana B. Petrović, Milica Vukelić & Svetlana Čizmić - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Callimachus in Context: From Plato to the Augustan Poets by Benjamin Acosta-Hughes, Susan A. Stephens (review).Ivana Petrovic - 2015 - American Journal of Philology 136 (2):365-368.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Callimachus in Context: From Plato to the Augustan Poets by Benjamin Acosta-Hughes, Susan A. StephensIvana PetrovicBenjamin Acosta-Hughes and Susan A. Stephens. Callimachus in Context: From Plato to the Augustan Poets. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2012. xvi + 328 pp. 4 maps. Cloth, $99.Callimachus is a scholar’s poet, not just because his poetry is difficult and challenging, but also because we tend to see a reflection of ourselves in (...)
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    From Artemis to Diana: The Goddess of Man and Beast (review).Ivana Petrovic - 2011 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 105 (1):154-155.
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    Hesiod’s Religious Norms in Context: On Works & Days 724–760.Andrej Petrovic Petrovic - 2022 - Kernos 35:185-232.
    We analyze the section from Hesiod’s Works and Days (724–760) that equips the farmer with the expertise necessary to facilitate the household’s harmonious relationship with the gods. We propose that this section with its tabular ordinances represents the earliest collection of Greek religious norms, and we contextualize it both within the structure of the W&D and within the wider framework of Greek religion. The section is carefully developed and purposefully placed towards the end of the poem, with an eye to (...)
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    Variants of „Third Serbia“.Ivana Spasic & Tamara Petrovic - 2012 - Filozofija I Društvo 23 (3):23-44.
    This paper examines different forms in which?Third Serbia? is being discursively constructed. This concept has recently been offered within the public arena as the alternative to the former division into?First? and?Second? Serbia. Although the name is the same,?Third Serbia? is not one but many. They all share an explicit call for overcoming cleavages and extremes, which are perceived as overdrawn, artificial, and/or removed from genuine concerns and interests of Serbian society. There is also a moral claim contained in this, since (...)
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    Career Ambition as a Way of Understanding the Relation Between Locus of Control and Self-Perceived Employability Among Psychology Students.Maja Ćurić Dražić, Ivana B. Petrović & Milica Vukelić - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    An epigram and a treasury: On Sim. Fge xxxiiib [b. 162; D. 163; eg XXXIII].Andrej Petrovic - 2013 - Classical Quarterly 63 (2):885-888.
    Κίμων ἔγραψε τὴν θύραν τὴν δεξιάν,τὴν δ’ ἐξιόντων δεξιὰν Διονύσιος.Cimon painted the door to the right,and the right door as one goes out, Dionysius.Denys Page correctly classified this epigram, which comes from a series ofSimonideain the ninth book of thePalatine Anthology, as a signature epigram. The Cimon mentioned in the first line of the epigram is regularly identified as Cimon of Cleonae, a late sixth-century B.C. painter commended by Pliny and Aelian for his technique and, possibly, use of perspective. The (...)
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    Dichterwettstreit AlS liebeswerbung in vergils 5. ekloge.Manuel Baumbach - 2001 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 145 (1):108-120.
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    Patriotism and cosmopolitanism in intellectual discourse: Pescanik and Nova srpska politicka misao.Tamara Petrovic-Trifunovic & Ivana Spasic - 2014 - Filozofija I Društvo 25 (4):164-188.
    Rather than being just abstract notions scholars write about, patriotism and cosmopolitanism are used by social actors in ongoing social life. Whether employed to name?us? and exalt the values of one?s own group, or to name?them? and stigmatize what the opponents stand for, the two terms have long served as potent discursive weapons in the struggle for various kinds of power in Serbia. While they retain some significance to this day, the peak of their intensive and consequential employment in public (...)
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  13.  40
    Fain G.L. Ancient Greek Epigrams: Major Poets in Verse Translation. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2010. Pp. x + 252, illus. £13.95. 978-0520265806. [REVIEW]Andrej Petrovic - 2013 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 133:194-195.
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    Greek epigram - M. baumbach, A. Petrovic, I. Petrovic archaic and classical greek epigram. Pp. XIV + 439, ills. Cambridge: Cambridge university press, 2010. Cased, £60, us$99. Isbn: 978-0-521-11805-7. [REVIEW]Sara Kaczko - 2013 - The Classical Review 63 (1):16-18.
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    Filozofski život.Iris Vidmar, Martina Žeželj, Aleksandar Dimitriev, Ivana Zagorac, Senka Suman, Emil Kušan, Ljudevit Hanžek, Snježan Hasnaš, Bruno Ćurko, Goran Grgec, Andrej Ciglar & Dunja Marušić - 2008 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 28 (2):477-507.
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    Greek Epigram from the Hellenistic to the Early Byzantine Era ed. by Maria Kanellou, Ivana Petrovic, and Chris Carey.Gideon Nisbet - 2020 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 113 (3):363-364.
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    Acosta-Hughes, Benjamin, Elizabeth Kosmetatou, and Manuel Baumbach, eds. Labored in Papyrus Leaves: Perspectives on an Epigram Collection Attributed to Posidippus (P. Mil. Vogl. VIII 309). Hellenic Studies 2. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2004. xiv+ 377 pp. 4 black-and-white figs. Paper, $25. Ando, Clifford, ed. Roman Religion. Edinburgh Readings on the Ancient World. [REVIEW]David Armstrong, Jeffrey Fish, Patricia A. Johnston, Marilyn B. Skinner, Luigi Belloni, Lia de Finis, Gabriella Moretti & Antonella Borgo - 2004 - American Journal of Philology 125:471-478.
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    Transformative Change in Western Thought: A History of Metamorphosis from Homer to Hollywood eds. by Ingo Gildenhard and Andrew Zissos (review).Benjamin Eldon Stevens - 2014 - American Journal of Philology 135 (3):492-496.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Transformative Change in Western Thought: A History of Metamorphosis from Homer to Hollywood eds. by Ingo Gildenhard and Andrew ZissosBenjamin Eldon StevensIngo Gildenhard and Andrew Zissos, eds. Transformative Change in Western Thought: A History of Metamorphosis from Homer to Hollywood. Oxford: Legenda, 2013. xv + 522 pp. Cloth, $89.50.This volume represents a wide range of approaches to the topic of “metamorphosis.” The topic is obviously quite large; in (...)
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  19. Big Data ethics.Andrej Zwitter - 2014 - Big Data and Society 1 (2).
    The speed of development in Big Data and associated phenomena, such as social media, has surpassed the capacity of the average consumer to understand his or her actions and their knock-on effects. We are moving towards changes in how ethics has to be perceived: away from individual decisions with specific and knowable outcomes, towards actions by many unaware that they may have taken actions with unintended consequences for anyone. Responses will require a rethinking of ethical choices, the lack thereof and (...)
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    ‘Datafeudalism: The Domination of Modern Societies by Big Tech Companies’: A Commentary.Manuel Wörsdörfer - 2024 - Philosophy and Technology 37 (3):1-5.
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    Inside the “Homo Oeconomicus Brain”: Towards a Reform of the Economics Curriculum?Manuel Wörsdörfer - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 11:5-40.
    Economics students and economists have—grosso modo—a bad societal reputation. This is, roughly speaking, the provocative result of the majority of empirical studies on economic education. On average, economists and economics students behave in a more self-interested way than others; they are more prone to deviate from the moral good; they tend to free-ride more often and invest less in public goods games; they are more corrupt and less honest in lost letterexperiments, less cooperative in solidarity games, and accept less and (...)
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  22. Equality of opportunity and personal identity.Neven Petrović - 2009 - Acta Analytica 24 (2):97-111.
    One of the central theses of egalitarian liberals in the domain of distributive justice is that talented individuals should not be allowed to keep their entire market-income even if it flows solely from their greater abilities. This claim is usually supported by one of several arguments or some mixture of them, but in the present paper, I want to concentrate on the version that invokes equality of opportunity as its starting point. Namely, it is claimed that every human being should (...)
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    Od projekcije ljudskih organa do projekcije umjetnog čovjeka.Ivana Greguric & Ivo Džinić - 2022 - Disputatio Philosophica 23 (1):77-88.
    U članku se na temelju teze njemačkoga teoretičara i pionira filozofije tehnike, Ernsta Kappa, o projekciji organa prilikom početnoga stvaranja oruđa, nastoji pokazati kako ta teza ima svoje implikacije još i danas, posebice u pogledu njezine reverzibilnosti. Naime, kada Kapp tvrdi da su sva oruđa nastala tako što je čovjek promatrao svoje organe i njihovu funkcionalnost, a da je među svim organima napose ruka oruđe svih oruđa, onda isto tako valja ustvrditi kako se je danas od projekcije organa prispjelo tome (...)
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    Na pomedzí filozofie a politiky: výber z filozofických, sociologických a historických štúdií a článkov.Andrej Kopčok - 2007 - Báčsky Petrovec: Slovenské vydavatelʹské centrum & Kultúra.
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    Anton Wilhelm Amo und die traditionelle Logik.Andrej Krause - 2021 - In Stefan Knauß, Louis Wolfradt, Tim Hofmann & Jens Eberhard (eds.), Auf den Spuren von Anton Wilhelm Amo: Philosophie und der Ruf nach Interkulturalität. transcript Verlag. pp. 69-82.
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    Spezielle Metaphysik in der Untersuchung des Zara Jacob (15991692).Andrej Krause - 2003 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 85 (3):331-345.
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  27. Another way to meet Hart's challenge.Andrej Kristan - 2018 - In Kenneth Einar Himma, Miodrag A. Jovanović & Bojan Spaić (eds.), Unpacking Normativity - Conceptual, Normative and Descriptive Issues. New York: Hart Publishing.
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    The Man of Transition in Mass-Media Society (Case Serbia).Ivana Kronja - 2008 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 28 (1):97-106.
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    Electrocortical Correlates of Temperament.Ivana Lučev, Meri Tadinac & Sanja Tatalović Vorkapić - 2013 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 44 (1):92-101.
    The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between three temperament dimensions: strength of excitation, strength of inhibition and mobility measured by Pavlov’s Temperament Survey, and amplitudes and latencies of evoked brain potentials measured by a visual oddball paradigm in two blocks. The participants were female psychology students with mean age of 20. Significant positive correlations were determined between amplitudes of N1-P2-N2-P3 components and strength of excitation and mobility in the first and second block, mostly on parietal electrodes, (...)
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    Jon Elster: Kiselo grožđe.Ivana Mardušić - 1992 - Theoria 35 (3):107-111.
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    Le dialogisme en psychologie sociale.Ivana Markova & Birgitta Orfali - 2005 - Hermes 41:25.
    Au cours de son histoire, la psychologie sociale en tant que discipline s'est peu intéressée au langage et à la communication. Comme en psychologie, le point de départ de toute investigation a été tout d'abordl'individu ou le soi plutôt que l'interdépendance entre individu et autrui, ou entre ego et alter. Cet article présente la perspective selon laquelle le dialogisme peut constituer un cadre pour les études en psychologie sociale. Le dialogisme est caractérisé par la capacité de l'être humain à concevoir, (...)
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  32. Heidegger, Martin (1889-1976)-portrait of a philosopher.G. Petrovic - 1995 - Filozofia 50 (11):634-638.
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    Ich gestehe.Gajo Petrović - 1993 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 41 (6):1089-1094.
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    Is Nicholai Velimirovich the Author of the Book Words to the Serbian People Through the Dungeon Window?Srećko Petrović - 2020 - Philotheos 20 (2):260-303.
    Bishop Nicholai Velimirovich (1881–1956) spent WWII in Nazi captivity. After the war, in 1946, he left for the United States, where he lived for the rest of his life. During his life, he enjoyed great spiritual and moral authority, both in Eastern Orthodox Church as well as in a wider international and ecumenical context. However, his public image was significantly changed 30 years after his death, i.e. after the publication of several pieces attributed to him posthumously, and especially after the (...)
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    Impact of the country context on board director role: the case of directors of international joint ventures based in Serbia.Jelena Petrovic - 2009 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 4 (3):207.
  36. La mécanique des phénomènes fondée sur les analogies.Mihailo Petrović - 1906 - [Paris,: Gauthier-Villars.
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    Ličnost protiv stranke: ogled iz političke filosofije.Milan Lj Petrović - 2020 - Beograd: Catena mundi.
    The relationship between great statesmen and political parties and what this means for political science and theories of the state; studies of Otto von Bismarck, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Mahatma Gandhi and Nikola Pasic and their struggles for the public good and the national interest.
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    Man as economic animal and man as praxis an interpretation of Marx.Gajo Petrovic - 1963 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 6 (1-4):35 – 56.
    The conception of man as an economic animal is implied by the view that economic production is the determining “factor” or “sphere” of man or society. Against this conception can be put another, that of man as praxis. This takes account of man as a creative being, capable of realizing his freedom through his own activity. In this article the theory of the determining role of the “economic factor”, and the theory of factors in general have been examined. The economic (...)
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    Negativna estetika.Sreten Petrović - 1972 - ,: "Gradina,".
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  40. Où en est l'esthétique?Ljubomir Petrović - 1939 - Belgrade,: Imprimerie nationale.
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    O pojmu habitusa-feministička kritika teorije o društvu Pjera Burdijea.Dejan Petrović - 2013 - Filozofija I Društvo 24 (2):174-192.
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    Personal Assets and Justice.Neven Petrović - 2001 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 1 (3):261-282.
    This article critically explores John Rawls’s contention that the personal assets of individuals, i.e. their mental and bodily powers, should not determine the size of their holdings. Since such an argument may have several forms, the first task is to establish which of them Rawls himself advocates. He relies, it is argued, on a version that attempts to convince us that personal assets should not play a decisive distributive role because they are undeserved. This account is then formally reconstructed, making (...)
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    Savremena jugoslovenska filozofija: filozofske teme i filozofska situacija 1945-1970.Miloje Petrović - 1979 - Subotica: Radnički univerzitet Veljko Vlahović.
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    Za autonomiju umetnosti: estetička preispitivanja.Sreten Petrović - 2010 - Beograd: Službeni glasnik.
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  45. Democracy and the New Media, edited by Henry Jenkins and David Thorburn with Brad Seawell, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2003.Andrej Pinter - 2005 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 18 (2):156.
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    Kako uloviti pticu misli? Nekoliko wittgensteinovskih komentara uz računarsko modeliranje uma.Andrej Ule - 2006 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 26 (2):389-403.
    I analyze Wittgenstein’s criticism of several assumptions that are crucial for a large part of cognitive science. These involve the concepts of computational processes in the brain which cause mental states and processes, the algorithmic processing of information in the brain (neural system), the brain as a machine, psycho physical parallelism, the thinking machine, as well as the confusion of rule following with behavior in accordance with the rule. In my opinion, the theorists of cognitive science have not yet seriously (...)
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  47. Archaeology retains a central role for studying the behavioral and cognitive evolution of our species and genus.Manuel Will - 2025 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 48:e22.
    Our species' behavioral and cognitive evolution constitute a key research topic across many scientific disciplines. Based on ethnographic hunter-gatherer data, Stibbard-Hawkes challenges the common link made between past material culture and cognitive capacities. Despite this adequate criticism, archaeology must retain a central role for studying these issues due to its unique access to relevant empirical evidence in deep time.
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  48. Наука, 21-й век.Andrej Poleev - 2024 - Enzymes.
    Разум — очень короткое слово, но это самая совершенная и восхитительная вещь, фрагмент души вселенной, или, как благочестивее сказать для тех, кто изучает философию по Моисею, очень точная копия божественного образа. Филон Александрийский. Об изменении имён. λογισμὸς δὲ βραχὺ μὲν ὄνομα, τελειότατον δὲ καὶ θειότατον ἔργον, τῆς τοῦ παντὸς ψυχῆς ἀπόσπασμα ἤ, ὅπερ ὁσιώτερον εἰπεῖν τοῖς κατὰ Μωυσῆν φιλοσοφοῦσιν, εἰκόνος θείας ἐκμαγεῖον ἐμφερές. Φίλων ο Αλεξανδρεύς. Περί των μετονομαζομένων και ων ένεκα μετονομάζονται.
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  49. Konstitution der Gemeinschaft Rus’.Andrej Poleev - 2021 - Stiftung für die Errichtung der konstitutionellen Ordnung.
    Konstitution der Gemeinschaft Rus’. Herausgeber: Dr. Andrej Poleev, Stiftung für die Errichtung der konstitutionellen Ordnung, 2021.
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  50. Putinism: A Phenomenological and Prototypical Investigation.Andrej Poleev - 2021 - Enzymes.
    English abstract: On last day of the year 1999, Russia has entered another era of despotism, that of Vladimir Putin. During his reign, the Putin‘s clan has undermined and infiltrated the mass media, the parliament and the judicial system. Deliberate violation of basic citizen‘s rights, compulsory acquisition of property, government-funded racket, misuse of mass media to scarify and to disinform the peoples belong to the diabolic methods of self-constituted disposers. All this lawlessness has led to exorbitant corruption, mass poverty, economic (...)
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