Results for 'Marco Giesselmann'

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  1.  11
    Soziale Ungleichheit in Deutschland in der Längsschnittperspektive. Befunde zur Armutsproblematik auf Basis des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels (SOEP).Marco Giesselmann & Jan Goebel - 2013 - Analyse & Kritik 35 (2):277-302.
    In this article, we discuss and analyse poverty in Germany from a longitudinal perspective. Using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP), we first show that the general poverty rate in Germany has constantly increased since the late 1990s. Shifting to a life-course perspective, we show that not only socio-structural characteristics have a strong impact on the poverty risk, but also critical life-events. While focusing on dynamics of poverty within individual life-courses, it appears that incidents like formation of a (...)
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  2. On the uniqueness of human normative attitudes.Marco F. H. Schmidt & Hannes Rakoczy - 2019 - In Kurt Bayertz & Neil Roughley (eds.), The Normative Animal?: On the Anthropological Significance of Social, Moral and Linguistic Norms. Foundations of Human Interacti.
    Humans are normative beings through and through. This capacity for normativity lies at the core of uniquely human forms of understanding and regulating socio-cultural group life. Plausibly, therefore, the hominin lineage evolved specialized social-cognitive, motivational, and affective abilities that helped create, transmit, preserve, and amend shared social practices. In turn, these shared normative attitudes and practices shaped subsequent human phylogeny, constituted new forms of group life, and hence structured human ontogeny, too. An essential aspect of human ontogeny is therefore its (...)
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    Listening to Mozart Improves Current Mood in Adult ADHD – A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study.Marco Bernd Zimmermann, Katerina Diers, Laura Strunz, Norbert Scherbaum & Christian Mette - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Renaissance Averroism and its Aftermath: Arabic Philosophy in early modern Europe.Marco Sgarbi - 2013 - Franco Angeli Edizioni.
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  5. New Directions in Ethics.Joseph P. De Marco & Richard M. Fox - 1988 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 50 (4):733-734.
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    Hannah Arendt and the law.Marco Goldoni & Christopher McCorkindale (eds.) - 2012 - Portland, Or.: Hart Pub.2.
    This book fills a major gap in the ever-increasing secondary literature on Hannah Arendt's political thought by providing a dedicated and coherent treatment of the many, various and interesting things which Arendt had to say about law. Often obscured by more pressing or more controversial aspects of her work, Arendt nonetheless had interesting insights into Greek and Roman concepts of law, human rights, constitutional design, legislation, sovereignty, international tribunals, judicial review and much more. This book retrieves these aspects of her (...)
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    Il problema di Platone: un'introduzione storica alla filosofia della matematica.Marco Panza & Andrea Sereni - 2010 - Roma: Carocci. Edited by Andrea Sereni.
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    In Search of The Roots of Suárez's Conception of Metaphysics: Aquinas, Bonino, Hervaeus Natalis, Orbellis, Trombetta.Marco Forlivesi - 2014 - In Lukáš Novák (ed.), Suárez's Metaphysics in its Historical and Systematic Context. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 13-38.
  9.  47
    Jean-Baptiste Biot collaborateur du Mercure de France : Vulgarisation et analyse philosophique des sciences.Marco Segala - 2013 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 66 (1):107-136.
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    L'axe Montaigne-Hobbes: anthropologie et politique (Cronaca del convegno).Marco Sgattoni - 2014 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 69 (2):363-367.
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    Radicalizing Enactivism: Basic Minds without Content.Marco Fenici - 2015 - Philosophical Psychology 28 (2):298-302.
    Radicalizing Enactivism: Basic Minds without Content. . ???aop.label???. doi: 10.1080/09515089.2013.804645.
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    Contingent A Priori Truths: Metaphysics, Semantics, Epistemology and Pragmatics.Marco Ruffino - 2022 - Springer Nature.
    This monograph offers a comprehensive study of contingent a priori truths. Building onto a theoretical framework developed by the philosopher and logician Saul Kripke, the author also presents a new approach to these truths. The first part of the book details the many theories on contingent a priori truths. The coverage examines the cases of Kripke and David Kaplan, Donnellan and the de re requirement, Evans and weak contingency, as well as Plantinga, Salmon, Soames, and the pseudo a priori. Overall, (...)
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    CLAUDETTE: an automated detector of potentially unfair clauses in online terms of service.Marco Lippi, Przemysław Pałka, Giuseppe Contissa, Francesca Lagioia, Hans-Wolfgang Micklitz, Giovanni Sartor & Paolo Torroni - 2019 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 27 (2):117-139.
    Terms of service of on-line platforms too often contain clauses that are potentially unfair to the consumer. We present an experimental study where machine learning is employed to automatically detect such potentially unfair clauses. Results show that the proposed system could provide a valuable tool for lawyers and consumers alike.
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  14.  5
    Populismo e democrazia radicale: in dialogo con Ernesto Laclau.Marco Baldassari & Diego Melegari (eds.) - 2012 - Verona: Ombre corte.
  15.  17
    Esoterismo e razzismo spirituale: Julius Evola e l'ambiente esoterico nel conflitto ideologico del Novecento.Marco Rossi - 2007 - Genova: Name.
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    The Primacy of Concepts and the Priority of Judgments in Frege's Logic.Marco Ruffino - 1998 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 56 (1):73-90.
    The paper presents a historical account of the primacy of concepts in Frege's conception of logic. Moreover, it argues that Frege's priority-thesis (i.e., the assumption that judgeable contents are prior to concepts) does not imply that sentential logic is more basic than the logic of concepts in his thought.
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    Super Artifacts: Personal Devices as Intrinsically Multifunctional, Meta-representational Artifacts with a Highly Variable Structure.Marco Fasoli - 2018 - Minds and Machines 28 (3):589-604.
    The computer is one of the most complex artifacts ever built. Given its complexity, it can be described from many different points of view. The aim of this paper is to investigate the representational structure and multifunctionality of a particular subset of computers, namely personal devices from a user-centred perspective. The paper also discusses the concept of “cognitive task”, as recently employed in some definitions of cognitive artifacts, and investigates the metaphysical properties of such artifacts. From a representational point of (...)
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  18.  40
    Emotion Regulation, Physical Diseases, and Borderline Personality Disorders: Conceptual and Clinical Considerations.Marco Cavicchioli, Lavinia Barone, Donatella Fiore, Monica Marchini, Paola Pazzano, Pietro Ramella, Ilaria Riccardi, Michele Sanza & Cesare Maffei - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This perspective paper aims at discussing theoretical principles that could explain how emotion regulation and physical diseases mutually influence each other in the context of borderline personality disorder (BPD). Furthermore, this paper discusses the clinical implications of the functional relationships between emotion regulation, BPD and medical conditions considering dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) as a well-validated therapeutic intervention, which encompasses these issues. The inflexible use of maladaptive emotion regulation strategies (e.g., suppression, experiential avoidance, and rumination) might directly increase the probability of (...)
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  19.  8
    Diplomacy at the End of the World: Theoderic’s Letters to the Warni and Hesti.Marco Cristini - 2021 - Klio 103 (1):270-296.
    SummaryTheoderic’s diplomacy with distant peoples has often been considered as a kind of ‘Realpolitik’ chiefly aimed at military or strategical purposes, but the symbolic importance of two embassies from the Warni and Hesti should be taken into consideration more carefully. The king aimed to convince his subjects and neighbours that he was the rightful heir of the Roman emperors by following a subtle policy of imitatio Imperii. He also used diplomacy to achieve this goal and took advantage of two embassies (...)
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    Riflessioni sulla morte. Una prospettiva esistenziale.Marco Nicastro - 2020 - Società Degli Individui 69:157-164.
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    La fortuna di Hegel in Italia nell'Ottocento.Marco Diamanti (ed.) - 2020 - Napoli: Bibliopolis.
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  22. Ética e consumo: o consumo como estratégia ético-política // Ethics and consumption: the consumption as ethical-political strategy.Marco Antônio Gonçalves & Everaldo Cescon - 2013 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 18 (3):155-165.
    No texto, realiza-se uma análise das características e dos padrões da sociedade hipermoderna que reforçam e incentivam manifestações hedonistas e individualistas transformando o ser humano em mero consumidor e mera mercadoria, a partir dos critérios éticos indicados por Adela Cortina. Defende-se a necessidade de educar o cidadão para um consumo consciente, indicativo transformador desta sociedade hipermoderna e elemento-chave na conscientização da população em relação à sua responsabilidade social. O consumo passa a ser visto como ação política.
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  23. Libertad y poder en "Calígula" de Albert Camus.R. Marco Antonio del Río - 2015 - In Daniel A. Pasquier (ed.), Ensayos sobre libertad. Santa Cruz de la Sierra: ICEES.
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  24.  8
    Posidonio d'Apamea e i Celti: un viaggiatore greco in Gallia prima di Cesare.Marco Martin - 2011 - Roma: Aracne.
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  25.  69
    Children’s developing metaethical judgments.Marco F. H. Schmidt, Ivan Gonzalez-Cabrera & Michael Tomasello - 2017 - Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 164:163-177.
    Human adults incline toward moral objectivism but may approach things more relativistically if different cultures are involved. In this study, 4-, 6-, and 9-year-old children (N = 136) witnessed two parties who disagreed about moral matters: a normative judge (e.g., judging that it is wrong to do X) and an antinormative judge (e.g., judging that it is okay to do X). We assessed children’s metaethical judgment, that is, whether they judged that only one party (objectivism) or both parties (relativism) could (...)
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  26. Le patologie psichiche nel Versuch kantiano del 1764.Marco Costantini - 2018 - Con-Textos Kantianos 7:234-251.
    This contribution consists of two parts. The first aims to clarify the structure of the nosology of psychopathologies that Kant proposes in the "Versuch über die Krankheiten des Kopfes". Such nosology consists of two series, arranged in ascending order, one relating to the social manifestations of madness, the other to its individual manifestations, which specifically concern the faculties of the soul. We will try to demonstrate the existence of a connection between these two series, and to illustrate how this occurs. (...)
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  27.  14
    Francescanesimo wittgensteiniano. Un’indicazione storiografica tra provocazione e proposta.Marco Damonte - 2018 - Doctor Virtualis 14.
    Anthony Kenny e Orlando Todisco, in due diversi contesti, hanno proposto un originale accostamento tra Wittgenstein e alcuni filosofi francescani. Alla luce di questi studi è possibile chiedersi quale valore possa avere la nozione di francescanesimo wittgensteiniano e quale utilità essa ricopra nell’identificare i caratteri di una filosofia francescana. Nella prima parte considererò l’atteggiamento di Kenny nei confronti di Duns Scoto, le cui tesi, dapprima frettolosamente associate a quelle del neopositivismo, vengono poi adeguatamente contestualizzate all’interno della contrapposizione tra la tradizione (...)
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    Men and Women, Their Difference and its Importance.Donald De Marco - 1981 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 56 (4):449-462.
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    The Overuse of Digital Technologies: Human Weaknesses, Design Strategies and Ethical Concerns.Marco Fasoli - 2021 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (4):1409-1427.
    This is an interdisciplinary article providing an account of a phenomenon that is quite widespread but has been thus far mostly neglected by scholars: the overuse of digital technologies. Digital overuse can be defined as a usage of digital technologies that subjects perceive as dissatisfactory and non-meaningful a posteriori. DO has often been implicitly conceived as one of the main obstacle to so-called digital well-being. The article is structured in two parts. The first provides a definition of the phenomenon and (...)
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  30.  45
    A ModalWalk Through Space.Marco Aiello & Johan van Benthem - 2002 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 12 (3):319-363.
    We investigate the major mathematical theories of space from a modal standpoint: topology, affine geometry, metric geometry, and vector algebra. This allows us to see new fine-structure in spatial patterns which suggests analogies across these mathematical theories in terms of modal, temporal, and conditional logics. Throughout the modal walk through space, expressive power is analyzed in terms of language design, bisimulations, and correspondence phenomena. The result is both unification across the areas visited, and the uncovering of interesting new questions.
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    Having Burned the Straw Man of Christian Spiritual Leadership, what can We Learn from Jesus About Leading Ethically?Sara Marco, Karen Blakeley, Mervyn Conroy & Christopher Mabey - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 145 (4):757-769.
    In considering what it means to lead organizations effectively and ethically, the literature comprising spirituality at work and spiritual leadership theory has become highly influential, especially in the USA. It has also attracted significant criticism. While in this paper, we endorse this critique, we argue that the strand of literature which purportedly takes a Christian standpoint within the wider SAW school of thought, largely misconstrues and misapplies the teaching of its founder, Jesus. As a result, in dismissing the claims and (...)
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  32.  41
    Why bad feelings predict good behaviours: The role of positive and negative anticipated emotions on consumer ethical decision making.Marco Escadas, Marjan S. Jalali & Minoo Farhangmehr - 2019 - Business Ethics: A European Review 28 (4):529-545.
    Business Ethics: A European Review, EarlyView.
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  33.  8
    Forma e oggetto.Marco Santambrogio - 1992 - Milano: Il Saggiatore.
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  34.  18
    Organisational integrity as an epistemic virtue.Marco Meyer - 2024 - In Muel Kaptein (ed.), Research Handbook on Organisation Integrity. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. pp. 377–392.
    Integrity is often conceived as a moral virtue that pertains to the coherence between one’s moral convictions and actions, as well as consistency in convictions over time. By contrast, I argue that integrity is primarily an epistemic virtue. To act with integrity, an individual or organisation must engage in responsible inquiry; that is, the collection, processing, sharing, and storage of information in ways that promote truth. Organisational structures such as division of labour and hierarchy present challenges to responsible inquiry, thereby (...)
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  35.  19
    Estado y acumulación por despojo en el sector energético en México.Merchand Rojas Marco Antonio - 2015 - Ágora – Revista de História e Geografia 17 (1):75.
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  36. Il problema della vaghezza in Nietzsche tra musica e linguaggio (The Problem of Vagueness in Nietzsche between Music and Language).Marco Parmeggiani - 2019 - Ermeneutica Letteraria. Rivista Internazionale 15 (XV):107-118.
    The concept of vagueness is essential to understand some Nietzsche’s main ideas about the relationship between language and reality. In this way, is it precisely vagueness, and not ambiguity or polysemy, which characterizes verbal-conceptual language for Nietzsche? In order to answer this question, firstly I will summarize the functions of the cognitive process, underlying all types of languages. Secondly, I will identify the Nietzsche’s closer concept in relation with the modern concept of ‘vagueness’ and interpret it following the rst section. (...)
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  37.  15
    L'oggettività della fotografia e la conoscenza stereoscopica: da Proust a Barthes e ritorno.Marco Piazza - 2014 - Lebenswelt: Aesthetics and Philosophy of Experience 5:92-105.
    This article analyzes the characteristics and the purposes that the object “photography” has in Proust’s Rechercheand in Roland Barthes’ La chambre claire, by recognizing within these two texts a the double challenge represented by photography itself: that of being a transparent object and that of allowing the fruition of the extra-temporality. Barthes’ realism, however, prevents the critic from considering in its full extent the cognitive value of photography, as configured in Proust’s text, which is placed in watermark in relation to (...)
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    Tra verità e finzione: fototestualità e implicazioni filosofiche.Marco Piazza - 2019 - Lebenswelt. Aesthetics and Philosophy of Experience 14.
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    Correction to: Nothing but coincidences: the point-coincidence and Einstein’s struggle with the meaning of coordinates in physics.Marco Giovanelli - 2022 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 12 (3):1-2.
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    Leibniz Equivalence. On Leibniz's Influence on the Logical Empiricist Interpretation of General Relativity.Marco Giovanelli - unknown
    Einstein’s “point-coincidence argument'” as a response to the “hole argument” is usually considered as an expression of “Leibniz equivalence,” a restatement of indiscernibility in the sense of Leibniz. Through a historical-critical analysis of Logical Empiricists' interpretation of General Relativity, the paper attempts to show that this labeling is misleading. Logical Empiricists tried explicitly to understand the point-coincidence argument as an indiscernibility argument of the Leibnizian kind, such as those formulated in the 19th century debate about geometry, by authors such as (...)
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  41.  17
    Mandelbaum: crítica ao antiessencialismo na arte e sua interpretação problemática da noção wittgensteiniana de semelhança de família.Marco Gobatto - 2022 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 22 (2):74-87.
    This article addresses Maurice Mandelbaum's criticism of anti-essentialism in Wittgensteinian-oriented art. Mandelbaum criticizes the common position of Paul Ziff, Morris Weitz and Willian Kennick according to which the definition of the concept of art cannot be established in essentialist terms. According to Mandelbaum, the anti-essentialist thesis fails because it is based on observable properties to claim that there is no necessary and sufficient property that runs through the set of all works of art. In this sense, the definition of the (...)
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  42. Der Heroismus der Vernunft. Ein Beitrag zur späten Ethik Husserls.Marco Cavallaro - 2019 - In Fausto Fraisopi (ed.), Mathesis, Grund, Vernunft. Die philosophische Identität Europas zwischen Deutschem Idealismus und Phänomenologie. Ergon. pp. 147-168.
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  43.  43
    Can the Recording of Motor Potentials Evoked by Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Be Optimized?Marco A. C. Garcia, Victor H. Souza & Claudia D. Vargas - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  44.  10
    Lo Zarathustra di Nietzsche: C.G. Jung e lo scandalo dell'inconscio.Marco Gay & Isolde Schiffermüller (eds.) - 2013 - Bergamo: Moretti&Vitali.
  45. Three Concepts for Crossing the Nature-Artifice Divide: Technology, Milieu, and Machine.Marco Altamirano - 2014 - Foucault Studies 17:11-35.
    The distinction between nature and artifice has been definitive for Western conceptions of the role of humans within their natural environment. But the human must already be separated from nature in order to distinguish between nature and artifice. This separation, in turn, facilitates a classification of knowledge in general, typically cast in terms of a hierarchy of sciences that ascends from the natural sciences to the social (or human) sciences. However, this hierarchy considers nature as a substantial foundation upon which (...)
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  46.  4
    Movimento e mutamento: scienza, politica e gioco in un saggio, cinque conferenze e una lezione tra Pisa, Bari e Bolzano.Marco Maestro - 2003 - Bari: Progedit.
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  47.  24
    A Variable Structure Control Scheme Proposal for the Tokamak à Configuration Variable.Aitor Marco, Aitor J. Garrido, Stefano Coda, Izaskun Garrido & T. C. V. Team - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-10.
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  48. Francia filosofica 1740-1840: la rivoluzione nella rivoluzione e la sua grande attualità.Marco Marcolungo - 1978 - Modena: Artioli.
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  49. Screens after Dos Passos's U.S.A. trilogy : current answers for the eyeminded public.Salvador Rubio Marco - 2016 - In Dominique Chateau & José Moure (eds.), Screens: from materiality to spectatorship: a historical and theoretical reassessment. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
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    The multi-engine asp solver me-asp.Marco Maratea, Luca Pulina & Francesco Ricca - 2012 - In Luis Farinas del Cerro, Andreas Herzig & Jerome Mengin (eds.), Logics in Artificial Intelligence. Springer. pp. 484--487.
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