Results for 'Marco Totolo'

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  1.  30
    Hannah Arendt and the law.Marco Goldoni & Christopher McCorkindale (eds.) - 2012 - Portland, Or.: Hart Pub.2.
    This book fills a major gap in the ever-increasing secondary literature on Hannah Arendt's political thought by providing a dedicated and coherent treatment of the many, various and interesting things which Arendt had to say about law. Often obscured by more pressing or more controversial aspects of her work, Arendt nonetheless had interesting insights into Greek and Roman concepts of law, human rights, constitutional design, legislation, sovereignty, international tribunals, judicial review and much more. This book retrieves these aspects of her (...)
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    Listening to Mozart Improves Current Mood in Adult ADHD – A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study.Marco Bernd Zimmermann, Katerina Diers, Laura Strunz, Norbert Scherbaum & Christian Mette - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    A ModalWalk Through Space.Marco Aiello & Johan van Benthem - 2002 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 12 (3):319-363.
    We investigate the major mathematical theories of space from a modal standpoint: topology, affine geometry, metric geometry, and vector algebra. This allows us to see new fine-structure in spatial patterns which suggests analogies across these mathematical theories in terms of modal, temporal, and conditional logics. Throughout the modal walk through space, expressive power is analyzed in terms of language design, bisimulations, and correspondence phenomena. The result is both unification across the areas visited, and the uncovering of interesting new questions.
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    Jean-Baptiste Biot collaborateur du Mercure de France : Vulgarisation et analyse philosophique des sciences.Marco Segala - 2013 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 66 (1):107-136.
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    L'axe Montaigne-Hobbes: anthropologie et politique (Cronaca del convegno).Marco Sgattoni - 2014 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 69 (2):363-367.
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    Il problema di Platone: un'introduzione storica alla filosofia della matematica.Marco Panza & Andrea Sereni - 2010 - Roma: Carocci. Edited by Andrea Sereni.
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    CLAUDETTE: an automated detector of potentially unfair clauses in online terms of service.Marco Lippi, Przemysław Pałka, Giuseppe Contissa, Francesca Lagioia, Hans-Wolfgang Micklitz, Giovanni Sartor & Paolo Torroni - 2019 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 27 (2):117-139.
    Terms of service of on-line platforms too often contain clauses that are potentially unfair to the consumer. We present an experimental study where machine learning is employed to automatically detect such potentially unfair clauses. Results show that the proposed system could provide a valuable tool for lawyers and consumers alike.
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    Esercitati, adattati, inclinati Corpi alla prova dell'abitudine.Marco Piazza - forthcoming - la Società Degli Individui.
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    Maine de Biran e l'illuminismo scozzese.Marco Piazza - 2005 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 1.
    In questo saggio l'Autore studia l'influenza che i pensatori scozzesi, da Hume a Smith, da Dugald Stewart a Reid, hanno esercitato sulla riflessione di Maine de Biran , figura chiave nella transizione dal sensismo condillachiano e dal fisiologismo idéologique verso l'eclettismo e lo spiritualismo francesi del Secondo Ottocento. Tale influenza, ben più corposa di quanto non sia finora parso agli studiosi del filosofo di Bergerac, agisce su Biran in specie sulle prime fasi del suo pensiero attraverso la mediazione, qui ampiamente (...)
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    Delivering criticism through anecdotes in interaction.Marco Pino - 2016 - Discourse Studies 18 (6):695-715.
    Criticising someone’s conduct is a disaffiliative action that can attract recipient objections, particularly in the form of defensive detailing by which the recipient volunteers extenuating circumstances that undermine the criticism. In Therapeutic Community meetings for clients with drug addiction, support staff regularly criticise clients’ behaviours that violate therapeutic principles or norms of conduct. This study examines cases where, rather than criticising a client’s behaviour directly, TC staff members do so indirectly through an anecdote: a case illustrating the inappropriateness of the (...)
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  11. New Directions in Ethics.Joseph P. De Marco & Richard M. Fox - 1988 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 50 (4):733-734.
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    Contingent A Priori Truths: Metaphysics, Semantics, Epistemology and Pragmatics.Marco Ruffino - 2022 - Springer Nature.
    This monograph offers a comprehensive study of contingent a priori truths. Building onto a theoretical framework developed by the philosopher and logician Saul Kripke, the author also presents a new approach to these truths. The first part of the book details the many theories on contingent a priori truths. The coverage examines the cases of Kripke and David Kaplan, Donnellan and the de re requirement, Evans and weak contingency, as well as Plantinga, Salmon, Soames, and the pseudo a priori. Overall, (...)
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    Infini, logique, geométrie.Marco Panza - 2016 - History and Philosophy of Logic 37 (4):396-399.
    The book contains eight papers previously published in English—three of which also appeared in Mancosu's papers collection —and now translated into French (two of them are co-authored with J....
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  14. Fisico-teologia e principio di ragion sufficiente.Marco Paolinelli - 1970 - Milano,: Vita e pensiero.
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    Mafia Effect.Marco Santoro - 2010 - Polis: Research and studies on Italian society and politics 24 (3):441-456.
  16. Pragmatica del perdono.Marco Q. Silvi - 2001 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 78 (2):216-235.
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  17. Emanuele Severino e il nichilismo metafisico nella filosofia analitica contemporanea.Marco Simionato - 2013 - Divus Thomas 116 (2):287-306.
    This paper compares metaphysical nihilism, as it occurs in analytic metaphysics, with the solution to the puzzle of nothing by the Italian philosopher Emanuele Severino.
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    Populismo e democrazia radicale: in dialogo con Ernesto Laclau.Marco Baldassari & Diego Melegari (eds.) - 2012 - Verona: Ombre corte.
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    To the Editor.Marco Beretta - 2019 - Isis 110 (S1):13-17.
  20.  7
    Una lettera inedita E due congetture dimenticate di Eduard norden.Marco Cipriani - 2003 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 147 (2):307-315.
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    Towards a pedagogy of imagination.Marco Dallari - 2022 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 26 (64):I-III.
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  22. Letter from Italy.Marco Sermarini - 2010 - The Chesterton Review 36 (1/2):364-365.
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    Esoterismo e razzismo spirituale: Julius Evola e l'ambiente esoterico nel conflitto ideologico del Novecento.Marco Rossi - 2007 - Genova: Name.
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    The Primacy of Concepts and the Priority of Judgments in Frege's Logic.Marco Ruffino - 1998 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 56 (1):73-90.
    The paper presents a historical account of the primacy of concepts in Frege's conception of logic. Moreover, it argues that Frege's priority-thesis (i.e., the assumption that judgeable contents are prior to concepts) does not imply that sentential logic is more basic than the logic of concepts in his thought.
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    Children’s developing metaethical judgments.Marco F. H. Schmidt, Ivan Gonzalez-Cabrera & Michael Tomasello - 2017 - Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 164:163-177.
    Human adults incline toward moral objectivism but may approach things more relativistically if different cultures are involved. In this study, 4-, 6-, and 9-year-old children (N = 136) witnessed two parties who disagreed about moral matters: a normative judge (e.g., judging that it is wrong to do X) and an antinormative judge (e.g., judging that it is okay to do X). We assessed children’s metaethical judgment, that is, whether they judged that only one party (objectivism) or both parties (relativism) could (...)
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  26. Premessa.Marco Modenesi - 2024 - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano 76 (1-2):5.
    Premessa al volume 76, numero 1-2, 2023.
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    Remarks on Emergence and Dynamic Interactions.Marco J. Nathan - 2019 - Southwest Philosophy Review 35 (2):1-3.
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  28. Philosophie de la Religion Entre 'Ethique Et Ontologie'.Marco M. Olivetti (ed.) - 1996 - Padova: CEDAM.
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    Having Burned the Straw Man of Christian Spiritual Leadership, what can We Learn from Jesus About Leading Ethically?Sara Marco, Karen Blakeley, Mervyn Conroy & Christopher Mabey - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 145 (4):757-769.
    In considering what it means to lead organizations effectively and ethically, the literature comprising spirituality at work and spiritual leadership theory has become highly influential, especially in the USA. It has also attracted significant criticism. While in this paper, we endorse this critique, we argue that the strand of literature which purportedly takes a Christian standpoint within the wider SAW school of thought, largely misconstrues and misapplies the teaching of its founder, Jesus. As a result, in dismissing the claims and (...)
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  30.  8
    Posidonio d'Apamea e i Celti: un viaggiatore greco in Gallia prima di Cesare.Marco Martin - 2011 - Roma: Aracne.
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  31. Language as a cognitive tool.Marco Mirolli & Domenico Parisi - 2009 - Minds and Machines 19 (4):517-528.
    The standard view of classical cognitive science stated that cognition consists in the manipulation of language-like structures according to formal rules. Since cognition is ‘linguistic’ in itself, according to this view language is just a complex communication system and does not influence cognitive processes in any substantial way. This view has been criticized from several perspectives and a new framework (Embodied Cognition) has emerged that considers cognitive processes as non-symbolic and heavily dependent on the dynamical interactions between the cognitive system (...)
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    Pontes sobre O Nada: Narrativas do sofrimento E transformação existencial.Marco Casanova - 2019 - Revista Natureza Humana 21 (2).
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    Il mondo giudicato: l'immediato e la distanza nel pensiero di Rensi e di Kierkegaard.Marco Fortunato - 1998 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    Recensione a.Marco Forlivesi - 2002 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 94:379-384.
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    Experience and the Absolute in the Light of Idealism.Marco Gomboso - 2020 - Idealistic Studies 50 (1):19-31.
    The question of whether the true character of reality is monistic or pluralistic spans almost the entire history of metaphysics. Though little discussed in recent decades, it presents problems that are nowadays considered of the utmost importance. Think, for instance, of the ultimate nature of elements such as matter, elemental particles or physical fields. Are they self-sufficient? Do they depend on a higher reality? A major discussion regarding the metaphysical grounds of such questions took place in Britain during the late (...)
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    Urbild und Abbild. Leibniz, Kant und Hausdorff über das Raumproblem.Marco Giovanelli - 2010 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 41 (2):283-313.
    The article attempts to reconsider the relationship between Leibniz’s and Kant’s philosophy of geometry on the one hand and the nineteenth century debate on the foundation of geometry on the other. The author argues that the examples used by Leibniz and Kant to explain the peculiarity of the geometrical way of thinking are actually special cases of what the Jewish-German mathematician Felix Hausdorff called “transformation principle”, the very same principle that thinkers such as Helmholtz or Poincaré applied in a more (...)
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    An Ethical Interpretation of the Nash Choice Rule.Marco Mariotti - 2000 - Theory and Decision 49 (2):151-157.
    This paper provides an ethical intepretation of the Nash choice rule. In a setting in which (cardinal) utilities are interpersonally comparable, this procedure is characterised by an impartiality requirement and by the assumption that choices are not responsive to the agents' relative ability to convert resources into utility.
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    Sobre la crítica foucaultiana al tema trascendental.Marco A. Díaz Marsá - 2010 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 35 (1):45-66.
    We present the foucaultian critique of the transcendental theme. We will try to show, sharpening the layout of the problem, that the specific target of such critique is not so much the transcendental instance as such, present in a sui generis way in Foucault himself, as rather a certain interpretation of this instance, mastered by the “knowledge” scheme and its postulates of natural affinity, constituent subjectivity and transcendental theology. So we will determine, in the first place, the framework and reach (...)
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    Cell cycle control in the Drosophila wing.Marco Milán - 1998 - Bioessays 20 (12):969-971.
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    Organisational integrity as an epistemic virtue.Marco Meyer - 2024 - In Muel Kaptein (ed.), Research Handbook on Organisation Integrity. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. pp. 377–392.
    Integrity is often conceived as a moral virtue that pertains to the coherence between one’s moral convictions and actions, as well as consistency in convictions over time. By contrast, I argue that integrity is primarily an epistemic virtue. To act with integrity, an individual or organisation must engage in responsible inquiry; that is, the collection, processing, sharing, and storage of information in ways that promote truth. Organisational structures such as division of labour and hierarchy present challenges to responsible inquiry, thereby (...)
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  41.  11
    La fortuna di Hegel in Italia nell'Ottocento.Marco Diamanti (ed.) - 2020 - Napoli: Bibliopolis.
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    Correction to: Nothing but coincidences: the point-coincidence and Einstein’s struggle with the meaning of coordinates in physics.Marco Giovanelli - 2022 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 12 (3):1-2.
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    Leibniz Equivalence. On Leibniz's Influence on the Logical Empiricist Interpretation of General Relativity.Marco Giovanelli - unknown
    Einstein’s “point-coincidence argument'” as a response to the “hole argument” is usually considered as an expression of “Leibniz equivalence,” a restatement of indiscernibility in the sense of Leibniz. Through a historical-critical analysis of Logical Empiricists' interpretation of General Relativity, the paper attempts to show that this labeling is misleading. Logical Empiricists tried explicitly to understand the point-coincidence argument as an indiscernibility argument of the Leibnizian kind, such as those formulated in the 19th century debate about geometry, by authors such as (...)
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    Mandelbaum: crítica ao antiessencialismo na arte e sua interpretação problemática da noção wittgensteiniana de semelhança de família.Marco Gobatto - 2022 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 22 (2):74-87.
    This article addresses Maurice Mandelbaum's criticism of anti-essentialism in Wittgensteinian-oriented art. Mandelbaum criticizes the common position of Paul Ziff, Morris Weitz and Willian Kennick according to which the definition of the concept of art cannot be established in essentialist terms. According to Mandelbaum, the anti-essentialist thesis fails because it is based on observable properties to claim that there is no necessary and sufficient property that runs through the set of all works of art. In this sense, the definition of the (...)
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    Forma e oggetto.Marco Santambrogio - 1992 - Milano: Il Saggiatore.
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    The democratic boundary problem and social contract theory.Marco Verschoor - 2018 - European Journal of Political Theory 17 (1):3-22.
    How to demarcate the political units within which democracy will be practiced? Although recent years have witnessed a steadily increasing academic interest in this question concerning the boundary problem in democratic theory, social contract theory’s potential for solving it has largely been ignored. In fact, contract views are premised on the assumption of a given people and so presuppose what requires legitimization: the existence of a demarcated group of individuals materializing, as it were, from nowhere and whose members agree among (...)
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    Walter Benjamin e Dante: una costellazione nello spazio delle immagini.Marco Maggi - 2017 - Roma: Donzelli editore.
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  48. Wittgenstein, la imagen mnemónica y la imaginación estética.Salvador Rubio Marco - 2006 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 25 (2):95-110.
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  49. Can the Fall of Sovereignty Undermine the Rise of Democracy in Africa.Marco Massoni - 2003 - In Josephat Obi Oguejiofor (ed.), Philosophy, democracy, and responsible governance in Africa. Enugu, Nigeria: Delta Publications. pp. 1--381.
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    Por una crítica de la "Diferencia".Marco Maureira - 2017 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 34 (3):683-701.
    El presente artículo analiza el concepto de Diferencia en la filosofía de Gilles Deleuze. Se constata, en este sentido, que la dicotomía inmanencia-trascendencia juega un papel protagónico en la articulación de dicha propuesta. Si bien un plano de composición inmanente no entra en una dialéctica negativa de tipo hegeliano respecto a un plano de organización trascendente, la primacía del primero resulta evidente en la conceptualización de la diferencia. Así, analizaremos las tensiones generadas por dicho enfoque en lo concerniente al despliegue (...)
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