Results for 'Maria Alexandri'

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  1. Time and modality without tenses or modals.Maria Bittner - 2011 - In Renate Musan & Monika Rathert (eds.), Tense across Languages. Niemeyer. pp. 147--188.
    In English, discourse reference to time involves grammatical tenses interpreted as temporal anaphors. Recently, it has been argued that conditionals involve modal discourse anaphora expressed by a parallel grammatical system of anaphoric modals. Based on evidence from Kalaallisut, this paper argues that temporal and modal anaphora can be just as precise in a language that does not have either grammatical category. Instead, temporal anaphora directly targets eventualities of verbs, without mediating tenses, while modal anaphora involves anaphoric moods and/or attitudinal verbs.
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    COVID-19 as the underlying cause of death: disentangling facts and values.Maria Cristina Amoretti & Elisabetta Lalumera - 2021 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43 (1):1-4.
    In the ongoing pandemic, death statistics influence people’s feelings and government policy. But when does COVID-19 qualify as the cause of death? As philosophers of medicine interested in conceptual clarification, we address the question by analyzing the World Health Organization’s rules for the certification of death. We show that for COVID-19, WHO rules take into account both facts and values.
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    The Subsistence Perspective.Maria Mies & Vandana Shiva - 2001 - In Sandra G. Harding (ed.), The feminist standpoint theory reader: intellectual and political controversies. New York: Routledge. pp. 333--8.
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  4. History of Science and the Science of History.Maria Turchetto - 1993 - In E. Ann Kaplan & Michael Sprinker (eds.), The Althusserian legacy. New York: Verso. pp. 73.
    I am proposing here an examination o f the text Reading Capital, written by Louis Althusser in 1965. I will consider it as a text in the history o f philosophy. In Reading Capital Althusser explicitly asks which philosophy provides the basis, the foundation, for Marx’s scientific work? In this sense, Reading Capital is, at the same time, a text in the history o f philosophy and a text in the philosophy o f science. In research on Marx’s philosophy, it (...)
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  5. Web 2.0 Technologies of the Self.Maria Bakardjieva & Georgia Gaden - 2012 - Philosophy and Technology 25 (3):399-413.
    Although no scholarly consensus exists on the issue, the claim that a substantive reconfiguration of the Internet has occurred in the beginning of the 2000s has settled firmly in public common sense. The label tentatively chosen for the new turn in the medium’s evolution is Web 2.0. The developments constituting this turn have been contemplated from different perspectives in technical and business publications (O’Reilly 2005), in treatises on convergence or participatory culture (Jenkins 2006; Jenkins et al. 2009), and could be (...)
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    Corporate Social Responsibility and Family Business in Spain.María de la Cruz Déniz Déniz & Ma Katiuska Cabrera Suárez - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 56 (1):27 - 41.
    Despite the economic relevance and distinctiveness of family firms, little attention has been devoted to researching their nature and functioning. Traditionally, family firms have been associated both to positive and negative features in their relationships with the stakeholders. This can be linked to different orientations toward corporate social responsibility. Thus, this research aims to identify the approaches that Spanish family firms maintain about social responsibility, based on the model developed by Quazi and O' Brien Journal of Business Ethics 25, 33-51 (...)
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  7. Reasons and Causes of Actions in Kant.Maria Borges - 2008 - In Valerio Hrsg v. Rohden, Ricardo Terra & Guido Almeida (eds.), Recht und Frieden in der Philosophie Kants. de Gruyter. pp. 1--63.
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    The Unclassifiable.Maria Esther Maciel - 2006 - Theory, Culture and Society 23 (2-3):47-50.
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    Responses of somatosensory cortical neurons to spatial frequency and orientation: A progress report.Michael Santa Maria, Joseph King, Min Xie, Bibo Zheng, K. H. Pribram, Don Doherty & Karl H. Pribram - 1995 - In Joseph King & Karl H. Pribram (eds.), Scale in Conscious Experience: Is the Brain Too Important to be Left to the Specialists to Study? Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum.
  10. Convergences: Black Feminism and Continental Philosophy.Maria del Guadalupe Davidson, Kathryn T. Gines & Donna-Dale L. Marcano (eds.) - 2010 - SUNY Press.
    A range of themes—race and gender, sexuality, otherness, sisterhood, and agency—run throughout this collection, and the chapters constitute a collective discourse at the intersection of Black feminist thought and continental philosophy, converging on a similar set of questions and concerns. These convergences are not random or forced, but are in many ways natural and necessary: the same issues of agency, identity, alienation, and power inevitably are addressed by both camps. Never before has a group of scholars worked together to examine (...)
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    “uma certa falta de urbanidade”. As hesitações de Kant a respeito da música.Maria João Mayer Branco - 2020 - Con-Textos Kantianos 1 (12):270-291.
    This paper explores Kant’s ambivalent views on music. It aims to show, on the one hand, how these ambivalences are in line with the modern philosophical reflection on this art; on the other hand, to show their place within Kantian aesthetics, a place that justifies Kant’s hesitations as whether to classify music as beautiful or agreeable, art or mere enjoyment, free or dependent beauty, culture or nature.
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  12. Università ed esperienza di droga.Maria Pia Lai Guaita-Marinella Giordanu - forthcoming - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano.
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  13. Estimulación lingúistica a través de un programa educativo no formal.María Olivia Herrera, Ana María Pandolfi & María Elena Mathiesen - 1993 - Paideia 18:81-99.
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    Adam Smith’s Reconstruction of Practical Reason.Maria Alejandra Carrasco - 2004 - Review of Metaphysics 58 (1):81-116.
    IN THE LAST PART of the Theory of Moral Sentiments, Adam Smith puts his theory in a class with those of his contemporaries Francis Hutcheson and David Hume, namely, the systems that make sentiments the principle of approbation. Despite recognizing important differences with both of them, he thinks that since he has placed the origin of moral sentiments in sympathy, and in particular the fact that we are able to enter into the motives of the agent and get pleasure from (...)
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  15. Über die Intoleranz in den Begriffen.María G. Navarro - 2016 - In C. Asmuth C. Roldán & A. Wagner (eds.), Harmonie, Toleranz, kulturelle Vielfalt: aufklärerische Impulse von Leibniz bis zur Gegenwart. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann. pp. 225-239.
    Der Begriff der Toleranz in der Moderne wurde erdacht mit dem Ziel, Gesellschaften zu organisieren, die sich im Umbruch befanden auf Grund des plötzlichen Eindringens von Glaubensunterschieden in die politische Raumordnung. Die Definition der Toleranz als Tugend, die auf der Nachgiebigkeit gegenüber dem Andersartigen basiert, ist ein Pseudobegriff. Die hermeneutische Veranlagung, die mit der Philosophie einhergeht, zeigt, dass die Toleranz keine schlichte moralische Tugend sein kann, sondern vielmehr eine der Beschaffenheiten der Möglichkeit rationaler Handlungen (die Arten des Seins und des (...)
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    Tecnologia e estética do racismo: ciência e arte na política da beleza.Maria Bernardete Ramos Flores - 2007 - Chapecó: Argos Editora Universitária.
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    Ingarden's World of Values.Maria Gołaszewska & Urszula Niklas - 1975 - Dialectics and Humanism 2 (2):133-146.
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  18. Logiczne dzieci czy dziecinna logika? Pragmatyka teoretyczna a pragmatyka eksperymentalna na przykładzie badań nad rozwojem implikatur skalarnych.Maria H. Golka - 2011 - Studia Z Kognitywistyki I Filozofii Umysłu 5.
    Implikatura skalarna jest bardzo powszechnym typem wnioskowania pragmatycznego, które polega na uznaniu przez odbiorcę za nieprawdziwe zdań zawierających terminy bardziej informatywne niż termin użyty przez mówcę, kiedy wszystkie te terminy można umieścić na jednej skali. Pierwsza część tekstu stanowi przegląd podstawowych teoretycznych podejść do implikatur skalarnych. Druga część oferuje krótki przegląd badań empirycznych na temat rozwoju implikatur skalarnych u dzieci. Ostatnia część jest bazującą na przykładzie implikatur skalarnych próbą refleksji nad wzajemnymi stosunkami między pragmatyką teoretyczną a eksperymentalną.
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    Kontext a význam.Marián Zouhar (ed.) - 2010 - Bratislava: Aleph.
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    The Tribunal of Reason: Kant and the Juridical Nature of Pure Reason.Maria Chiara Pievatolo - 1999 - Ratio Juris 12 (3):311-327.
  21. Nominal quantification as top-level anaphora.Maria Bittner - manuscript
    So far, we have focused on discourse reference to atomic individuals and specific times, events, and states. The basic point of the argument was that all types of discourse reference involve attention-guided anaphora (in the sense of Bittner 2012: Ch. 2). We now turn to discourses involving anaphora to and by quantificational expressions. Today, we focus on quantification over individuals but the analysis we develop will directly generalize to other semantic types. The basic idea is that quantification is one more (...)
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  22. Mood as illocutionary centering.Maria Bittner - unknown
    By this point, we have developed some articulated analyses of top-level temporal anaphora, including temporal quantification, in languages with grammatical tense and/or aspect systems, represented by English, Polish, and Mandarin. But it is still not clear how this approach might extend to temporal anaphora in a language such as Kalaallisut, which has neither grammatical tense nor grammatical aspect, but instead marks only grammatical mood and person. Most theories of mood and modal reference either ignore temporal reference or analyze modal and (...)
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  23. Individuals and possibilities (3): Notes on issues raised by stone & Hardt (1997).Maria Bittner - manuscript
    This is the last of three lectures on anaphoric parallels between individuals and possibilities across languages (IMS, Stuttgart, 2000).
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  24. Buddhism.Maria Heim - 2007 - In John Corrigan (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Religion and Emotion. Oup Usa.
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  25. Il pensiero e l'opera di Luigi Credaro.Maria Teresa Gentile - 1948 - Mazara,: Società editrice siciliana.
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    Critical Science Literacy for Science Majors: Introducing Future Scientists to the Communicative Arts.Maria E. Gigante - 2014 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 34 (3-4):77-86.
    The concept of “critical science literacy” advanced by Susanna Priest is significant to how citizens approach scientific knowledge, but the concept is also relevant to undergraduate students majoring in the sciences, who are not necessarily becoming “critically literate” in their own disciplines. That is, future scientists are not learning how arguments are structured, meaning is made, and facts are agreed upon—specifically through communicative practices—both within and outside of the scientific community. This gap in the curriculum can be addressed through collaborative (...)
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    Política urbana y hábitat popular. Nuevas dinámicas de gestión del suelo privado en Pehuajó, Argentina / Urban politics and popular habitat. New dynamics of private land management in Pehuajó, Argentina.María Angélica Ginieis - 2020 - Resistances. Journal of the Philosophy of History 1 (2):178-186.
    A fin del siglo XX, en Argentina, los procesos de reforma del Estado con la descentralización de competencias a provincias y municipios en áreas vinculadas a la salud, la educación y la vivienda, trajo consigo el problema de que la descentralización de las competencias no fue correspondida con el traslado de recursos. Hoy, se suman otros reclamos en los espacios locales relacionados con el acceso al suelo urbano y la vivienda digna, la sustentabilidad ambiental, la equidad de género, la disminución (...)
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  28. Robet P. George and new natural law theory: A new Rota for the idea of natural law.Maria Maddalena Giungi - 2011 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 103 (2):273-297.
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    Kryzys estetyki?Maria Golszewska, International Conference on Aesthetics "A. Crisis in Aesthetics?" & Uniwersytet Jagiello Nski (eds.) - 1983 - [Kraków]: Państwowe Wydawn. Nauk..
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    Call-for-Papers: Third special issue in the series Cognition and Technology: Mechanicism and autonomy: What can robotics teach us about human cognition and action?Maria Eunice Q. Gonzalez, Willem Ed Haselager & Itiel Ed Dror - forthcoming - Pragmatics and Cognition.
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    Raciociocínio Abdutivo, Criatividade e Auto-organização.Maria Eunice Quilici Gonzalez - 2002 - Cognitio 3:22-31.
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    Corrigendum: Risks for Child Cognitive Development in Rural Contexts.Maria Julia Hermida, Diego Edgar Shalom, María Soledad Segretin, Andrea Paula Goldin, Marcelo Claudio Abril, Sebastián Javier Lipina & Mariano Sigman - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
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    Hume jusnaturalista.Maria Isabel Limongi - 2011 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 52 (124):447-456.
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    Heterotopias of Homelessness: Citizenship on the Margins.Maria Mendel - 2011 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 30 (2):155-168.
    The concept of heterotopia challenges political theory, which has often focused on utopic thinking. Foucault describes a heterotopia as a heterogenous space that juxtaposes in a single real place several spaces, several sites that are in themselves incompatible. Streets, squares and parks form heterotopias when their utopic purity as public space is juxtaposed with the private spaces created by the cardboard boxes and other temporary shelters of homeless people. Since citizenship has traditionally been thought of as participation in a democratic (...)
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    Uma Genealogia da Biopolítica: A Noção de Vida em Canguilhem e Foucault.Maria Muhle - 2021 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 33 (58).
    No primeiro volume de História da Sexualidade, Michel Foucault apresenta o que iria tornar-se um conceito polêmico em sua obra, bem como para seus intérpretes. Desde então, a noção de biopolítica tem polarizado as leituras da teoria de poder de Foucault e talvez haja desempenhado um papel bem mais importante do que ele jamais pretendeu. Para propor um estudo genealógico do termo “biopolítica”, é importante olhar mais de perto a noção de vida que pode haver inspirado a análise foucaultiana. Foucault (...)
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    A note concerning the Epidemical Spread of Scientific Objects.Maria Nowakowska - 1976 - Theory and Decision 7 (1-2):141-142.
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    Charles-Augustin Vandermonde (1727–1762) i jego utopia eugeniczna.Maria Nowacka & Jerzy Kopania - 2021 - Ruch Filozoficzny 76 (3):111.
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    The limitations of the factor-analytical approach to psychology with special application to Cattell's research strategy.Maria Nowakowska - 1973 - Theory and Decision 4 (2):109-139.
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    Conflitos na escola: a import'ncia da amabilidade na negociação.Maria Olímpia A. De Paiva & Abílio Afonso Lourenço - 2009 - Educação E Filosofia 23 (46):145-168.
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  40. Degrees of Doubt: Overqualification as a Blind Spot at the Base of the Knowledge Economy.Maria-Carmen Pantea - forthcoming - Minerva:1-24.
    Europe has the most educated generation in its history, yet an alarming number of graduates are overqualified. This paper explores the intersection between education and work from the perspectives of those involved in a sector that is prone to overqualification: the call centres of Romania’s thriving business service sector. Based on over 100 in-depth interviews with young people, human resource personnel, and managerial staff at different levels of seniority, the paper maps subjective views about overqualification. Despite the objective classification of (...)
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    Redemption from Mother Nature to Our Father the Lord?* An Ecofeminist Analysis of Hymns in the Swedish Church Edition of Psalmer i 2000-talet.Maria Jansdotter Samuelsson - 2009 - Feminist Theology 18 (1):74-91.
    The feminist critical deconstruction of Western culture and theology written by Luce Irigaray could be said to represent a certain branch of ecofeminist perspectives on religion. The article analyses the symbolic structures of suppression of women, body and nature and the exaltation of spirit, culture and the androcentric God, inherent in four hymns included in the new supplement to the book of hymns in the Lutheran Church of Sweden. The analysis shows that these symbolic structures are visible also in these (...)
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    Rytuały jako praktyki pamięci zbiorowej.Maria Sroczyńska - 2019 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 24:211-227.
    W artykule podjęto problematykę znaczenia rytuałów jako praktyk pamięci zbiorowej. Rytuały stanowią istotny wymiar pamięci przeszłości, a zarazem pas transmisyjny w podtrzymywaniu ciągłości pokoleniowej. Na płaszczyźnie empirycznej odwołano się do wybranych rezultatów badań socjologicznych, dotyczących rytuałów upamiętniania oraz obrzędów o charakterze patriotycznym, w których obok sacrum świeckiego niejednokrotnie pojawia się sacrum religijne, wzmacniające ich znaczenie. Podstawą refleksji były rezultaty badań własnych, przeprowadzonych wśród młodzieży maturalnej oraz jej rodziców pod koniec pierwszej dekady XXI wieku, oraz aktualnych badań ogólnopolskich.
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    Visual semiotics and automatic analysis of images from the Cultural Analytics Lab: How can quantitative and qualitative analysis be combined?Maria Giulia Dondero - 2019 - Semiotica 2019 (230):121-142.
    In this article we explore the relationship between semiotic analysis of images and quantitative analysis of vast image corpora, in particular the work produced by Lev Manovich and the Cultural Analytics Lab, called “Media Visualization.” Media Visualization has been chosen as corpus because of its metavisual operation (images are visualized and analyzed by images) and its innovating way of conceiving analysis: by visual instruments. In this paper semiotics is used as an approach to Media Visualization and taken as an object (...)
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    Mental and bodily awareness in infancy.Maria Legerstee - 1999 - In Shaun Gallagher (ed.), Models of the Self. Thorverton UK: Imprint Academic. pp. 213--230.
  45. (1 other version)The Legacy of Fear. Bal Keshav Thackeray (1926–2012).Maria Angelillo - forthcoming - Governare la Paura. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies.
    The death of Bal Keshav Thackeray, in November 2012, has led several Indian journalists and intellectuals to think over the legacy of the supreme leader of the Shiv Sena to the Indian society. The present article means to identify the reasons which have let the Indian journalists describe the bequest of Thackeray to the Indian society in terms of a legacy of fear. The article deals with Thackeray's use of fear as a tool to arise consent around his social, cultural (...)
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    The Seduction of Mimesis: Theater as Woman and the Play of Difference and Excess in Aeschylus's "Oresteia".Maria Aristodemou - 1999 - Cardozo Studies in Law and Literature 11 (1):1-33.
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    Philosophy at Trinity College, Dublin.Maria Baghramian - 1988 - Cogito 2 (2):27-29.
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    Brincar: aquém e além do carretel.Maria Clarice Baleeiro - 2007 - Cogito 8:15-19.
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    Denis Fisette, La Philosophie de Franz Brentano, Paris, Vrin, « Repères », 2022, 208 p.Maria Gyemant - 2024 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 122 (3):427-429.
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    Collected Papers on Jaina Studies.Maria Heim & Padmanabh S. Jaini - 2003 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 123 (1):217.
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