Results for 'Marianne Doerfel'

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  1.  39
    British pupils in a German boarding school: Neuwied/Rhine 1820–1913.Marianne Doerfel - 1986 - British Journal of Educational Studies 34 (1):79-96.
  2. Dilemmas of objectivity.Marianne Janack - 2002 - Social Epistemology 16 (3):267 – 281.
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    A Winter's Journey: Four Conversations with Marianne Brausch.Paul Virilio & Marianne Brausch - 2011 - Seagull Books.
    French cultural theorist and urbanist Paul Virilio is best known for his writings on media, technology, and architecture. Gathered here in _A Winter’s Journey _are four remarkable conversations in which Virilio and architectural writer Marianne Brausch look at a twentieth century characterized by enormous technological acceleration and by technocultural accidents of barbarism and horror. The dialogues in _A Winter_’_s Journey—_structured loosely around the dates 1940, 1950, 1960, and 1980—chart Virilio’s intimate intellectual biography, from his childhood lived against the unstable (...)
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    Vlaamse Europarlementsleden beoordelen hun Europees Parlement : Marianne Thyssen.Marianne Thyssen - 1998 - Res Publica 40 (2):287-292.
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  5. Taking phenomenology beyond the first-person perspective: conceptual grounding in the collection and analysis of observational evidence.Marianne Elisabeth Klinke & Anthony Vincent Fernandez - 2022 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 22 (1):171-191.
    Phenomenology has been adapted for use in qualitative health research, where it’s often used as a method for conducting interviews and analyzing interview data. But how can phenomenologists study subjects who cannot accurately reflect upon or report their own experiences, for instance, because of a psychiatric or neurological disorder? For conditions like these, qualitative researchers may gain more insight by conducting observational studies in lieu of, or in conjunction with, interviews. In this article, we introduce a phenomenological approach to conducting (...)
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    Le Sénat romain de la République : les mots du vote.Marianne Coudry - 2023 - Astérion 29 (29).
    Through an analysis of the vocabulary used by Latin and Greek authors to describe the decision process at work in the Roman Senate, key notions of the political culture shared by the elite of the time can be investigated. Among them, the sententia reveals a central element, shedding light upon the function of the senator and the Senate itself from an anthropological point of view, instead of the usual institutional one.
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    Seeking the Hidden in Female and Secret Images: Learning About Culture as Spiritual Experience.Marianne George - 1995 - Anthropology of Consciousness 6 (1):9-16.
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    Recensie: V. Mortensen, Theology and the Religions: a Dialogue.Marianne Moyaert - 2006 - Bijdragen: Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie En Theologie 67:104-105.
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  9. (3 other versions)The Life of Reason or the Phases of Human Progress: Reason in Society, Volume VII, Book Two.Marianne S. Wokeck & Martin A. Coleman (eds.) - 2011 - MIT Press.
    Santayana's Life of Reason, published in five books from 1905 to 1906, ranks as one of the greatest works in modern philosophical naturalism. Acknowledging the natural material bases of human life, Santayana traces the development of the human capacity for appreciating and cultivating the ideal. It is a capacity he exhibits as he articulates a continuity running through animal impulse, practical intelligence, and ideal harmony in reason, society, art, religion, and science. The work is an exquisitely rendered vision of human (...)
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    Institutional Context, Political-Value Orientation and Public Attitudes towards Climate Policies: A Qualitative Follow-Up Study of an Experiment.Marianne Aasen & Arild Vatn - 2021 - Environmental Values 30 (1):43-63.
    In this paper, we are interested in the effects of institutional context on public attitudes towards climate policies, where institutions are defined as the conventions, norms and formally sanctioned rules of any given society. Building on a 2014 survey experiment, we conducted thirty qualitative interviews with car-owners in Oslo, Norway, to investigate the ways in which institutional context and political-value orientation affect public attitudes towards emissions policies. One context (presented as a text treatment) highlighted individual rationality, emphasising the ways in (...)
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    The seven signs of ethical collapse: how to spot moral meltdowns in companies-- before it's too late.Marianne Jennings - 2006 - New York: St. Martin's Press.
    Do you want to make sure you · Don’t invest your money in the next Enron? · Don’t go to work for the next WorldCom right before the crash? · Identify and solve problems in your organization before they send it crashing to the ground? Marianne Jennings has spent a lifetime studying business ethics---and ethical failures. In demand nationwide as a speaker and analyst on business ethics, she takes her decades of findings and shows us in The Seven Signs (...)
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  12. Anticipating the Interaction between Technology and Morality: A Scenario Study of Experimenting with Humans in Bionanotechnology.Marianne Boenink, Tsjalling Swierstra & Dirk Stemerding - 2010 - Studies in Ethics, Law, and Technology 4 (2).
    During the last decades several tools have been developed to anticipate the future impact of new and emerging technologies. Many of these focus on ‘hard,’ quantifiable impacts, investigating how novel technologies may affect health, environment and safety. Much less attention is paid to what might be called ‘soft’ impacts: the way technology influences, for example, the distribution of social roles and responsibilities, moral norms and values, or identities. Several types of technology assessment and of scenario studies can be used to (...)
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    Words Matter.Marianne Constable - 2019 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 52 (1):49-55.
    As Hannah Arendt has famously argued, politics is a matter of words and deeds. The inability to share language renders politics, which is dependent on speech, impossible. The Trump era not only is symptomatic of a loss of language and of politics, this essay argues, but also reveals an extreme nihilism that is worthy of question and thought. No less a philosopher-rhetorician than Friedrich Nietzsche offers us a diagnosis of this condition, most pithily in the six-moment history of Western philosophy (...)
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    Letting nature take its course.Marianne Burda - 2008 - American Journal of Bioethics 8 (7):23 – 25.
  15. (1 other version)Die dreifache Modalität des Psychischen.Marianne Beth - 1932 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 37:256.
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  16. The Past As Legacy: Luke-Acts and Ancient Epic.Marianne Palmer Bonz - 2000
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    The Dutch Case: An Interview with Margo Brouns.Marianne Grünell & Kathy Davis - 1994 - European Journal of Women's Studies 1 (1):100-106.
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  18. John P. Kline, Gary E. Schwartz, Ziya V. Dikman, and Iris R. Bell. Electroencephalographic Regis.Marianne Hammerl, Andy P. Field, Benjamin Libet, Peter Cariani & Steven Ravett Brown - 1999 - Consciousness and Cognition 8:585.
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  19. Das Verhältnis zwischen Demokratie, Schule und Erziehung : eine pädagogische oder eine historische Frage?Marianne Helfenberger - 2013 - In Tamara Deluigi, Sakralität, Demokratie und Erziehung: Auseinandersetzungen mit der historischen Pädagogik Fritz Osterwalders. Zürich: Lit.
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    Erratisch und unberechenbar? Wie sich Autokratisierung auf das internationale Verhalten von Regierungen auswirkt.Marianne Kneuer - 2024 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 68 (4):266-281.
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    Response to Maines.Marianne L. A. Leung, Elizabeth Higginbotham & Lynn Weber Cannon - 1990 - Gender and Society 4 (2):248-250.
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  22. Fatal Commission.Marianne Mcdonald - 2003 - Arion 10 (3).
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    Helmut Seel. 28. Februar 1933 – 14. April 2021.Marianne Soff - 2021 - Gestalt Theory 43 (2):149-152.
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    Just Silences: The Limits and Possibilities of Modern Law.Marianne Constable - 2007 - Princeton University Press.
    Is the Miranda warning, which lets an accused know of the right to remain silent, more about procedural fairness or about the conventions of speech acts and silences? Do U.S. laws about Native Americans violate the preferred or traditional "silence" of the peoples whose religions and languages they aim to "protect" and "preserve"? In Just Silences, Marianne Constable draws on such examples to explore what is at stake in modern law: a potentially new silence as to justice.Grounding her claims (...)
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  25. Gestalttheorie für die Schule. Unterricht, Erziehung und Lehrergesundheit aus einer klassischen psychologischen Perspektive.Marianne Soff - 2017
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    Developments in the practice of physician-assisted dying: perceptions of physicians who had experience with complex cases.Marianne C. Snijdewind, Donald G. van Tol, Bregje D. Onwuteaka-Philipsen & Dick L. Willems - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (5):292-296.
    Background Since the enactment of the euthanasia law in the Netherlands, there has been a lively public debate on assisted dying that may influence the way patients talk about euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide with their physicians and the way physicians experience the practice of EAS. Aim To show what developments physicians see in practice and how they perceive the influence of the public debate on the practice of EAS. Methods We conducted a secondary analysis of in-depth interviews with 28 Dutch (...)
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    Thief-Takers and Rule-Breakers: Why Television Cop Shows Can Never Tell the "Truth" about Policing.Marianne Colbran - 2023 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 57 (3):87-106.
    Abstract:For many people, the media is the main source of their knowledge and understanding about policing and crime. As a result, a common thread running through content analysis of television police shows is the gap between the “reality” of police work, crime, criminals, and the justice system and the picture painted by media representations. I argue, however, that all representations of social reality are partial and that commercial imperatives, working processes, ideological frames of the makers, and format of individual shows (...)
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  28. Sterblichkeit und der Wert des Lebens.authorEmail: Marianne KreuelsCorresponding - 2017 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 65 (2).
    Name der Zeitschrift: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie Jahrgang: 65 Heft: 2 Seiten: 349-355.
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    La technique est-elle condamnée à entrer par effraction dans notre culture?Marianne Chouteau, Marie-Pierre Escudie, Joëlle Forest & Céline Nguyen - 2015 - Revue Phronesis 4 (2):5-16.
    Humanity is made of technical objects. Despite of this fact, technique is not considered as a cultural matter especially in engineering schools where it should be taught. As teachers and searchers at the INSA Lyon, we have experienced the way and the difficulties to develop this technical culture.
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    Ordenando las imágenes: la imaginación retórica y la polémica antipelagiana de Agustín después de 418.Marianne Djuth - 2007 - Augustinus 52 (204):49-56.
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    Setningsanalyse og beslektede emner i syntaks.Marianne Haslev - 1975 - Bergen: Universitets forlaget.
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    Remaining Central and Interdisciplinary: Conditions for Success of a Research Speciality at the University of Strasbourg.Marianne Noël - 2021 - In Karen Kastenhofer & Susan Molyneux-Hodgson, Community and Identity in Contemporary Technosciences. Springer Verlag. pp. 41-64.
    Supramolecular chemistry, at the interface between chemistry, physics and biology, is a research domain which has grown considerably in the last 40 years. Jean-Marie Lehn was the first to lay its foundations and formalise its concepts, in a seminal article published in 1978. This work earned him the 1987 Nobel Prize for Chemistry, which he shared with Charles J. Pedersen and Donald J. Cram. The development of SMC has led to the creation of a dedicated institute and a new building (...)
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  33. Natural law and the ELCA.Marianne Howard Yoder & Jacob Larry Yoder - 2010 - In Robert C. Baker & Roland Cap Ehlke, Natural Law: A Lutheran Reappraisal. Concordia Pub. House.
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    Experience and knowledge.Marianne A. Paget - 1983 - Human Studies 6 (1):67 - 90.
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  35. Feminist Interpretations of Richard Rorty.Marianne Janack (ed.) - 2010 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    "A discussion of issues raised by Richard Rorty's engagement with feminist philosophy.
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    Atypical Sound Perception in ASD Explained by Inter-Trial consistency in EEG.Marianne Latinus, Yassine Mofid, Klara Kovarski, Judith Charpentier, Magali Batty & Frédérique Bonnet-Brilhault - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  37. Feminist Epistemologies, Rhetorical Traditions, and the Ad Hominem.Marianne Janack & John Charles Adams - 1999 - In Christine Mason Sutherland & Rebecca Sutcliffe, The Changing Tradition: Women in the History of Rhetoric. University of Calgary Press.
  38.  14
    Claude-Emmanuelle Centlivres Challet, Like Man, like Woman. Roman Women, Gender Qualities and Conjugal Relationships at the Turn of the First Century.Marianne Béraud - 2016 - Clio 43.
    À la croisée de l’histoire du genre et de l’histoire des mentalités, Claude-Emmanuelle Centlivres Challet propose dans cet ouvrage une approche originale des représentations masculines à propos des femmes. Il s’agit de démontrer qu’un double discours est à l’œuvre dans la définition des rôles et des fonctions des femmes dans la société romaine. Cette dichotomie discursive fait l’objet d’une déconstruction qui permet d’identifier deux discours phares chez les auteurs latins. Pour ce faire, l’a...
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    Fashion Emergency!Marianne Janack & Michelle LaRocque - 2001 - Philosophy Now 33:9-11.
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    Laokoon og skønheden - før og nu.Marianne Marcussen - 1992 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 5 (7).
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    Medea: The Beginning.Marianne Mcdonald - 2007 - Arion 15 (1):127-137.
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    Toward a multimodal and continuous approach of infant-adult interactions.Marianne Jover & Maya Gratier - 2023 - Interaction Studies 24 (1):5-47.
    Adult-infant early dyadic interactions have been extensively explored by developmental psychologists. Around the age of 2 months, infants already demonstrate complex, delicate and very sensitive behaviors that seem to express their ability to interact and share emotions with their caregivers. This paper presents 3 pilot studies of parent-infant dyadic interaction in various set-ups. The first two present longitudinal data collected on two infants aged between 1 and 6 months and their mothers. We analyzed the development of coordination between them, at (...)
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    The Norwegian Petroleum Fund: Savings for Future Generations?Marianne Takle - 2021 - Environmental Values 30 (2):147-167.
    The Norwegian state-owned Petroleum Fund's market value is more than one trillion US dollars, and the Norwegian state has become one of the world's largest stockowners. The Fund was established in 1990 and in 2006 and renamed the ‘Government Pension Fund Global’, as savings for future generations. What kind of values form the basis for describing the Petroleum Fund in this way? This article shows that the idea that present generations should not empty the North Sea of oil and gas (...)
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    Drug Legalization, Democracy and Public Health: Canadian Stakeholders’ Opinions and Values with Respect to the Legalization of Cannabis.Marianne Rochette, Matthew Valiquette, Claudia Barned & Eric Racine - 2023 - Public Health Ethics 16 (2):175-190.
    The legalization of cannabis in Canada instantiates principles of harm-reduction and safe supply. However, in-depth understanding of values at stake and attitudes toward legalization were not part of extensive democratic deliberation. Through a qualitative exploratory study, we undertook 48 semi-structured interviews with three Canadian stakeholder groups to explore opinions and values with respect to the legalization of cannabis: (1) members of the general public, (2) people with lived experience of addiction and (3) clinicians with experience treating patients with addiction. Across (...)
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    Histoire des sciences au Québec. Luc Chartrand, Raymond Duchesne, Yves Gingras.Marianne Ainley - 1989 - Isis 80 (2):301-302.
  46. Commentary on Raja Halwani's "Love and virtue".Marianne Janack - 2011 - In Adrianne McEvoy, Sex, Love, and Friendship: Studies of the Society for the Philosophy of Sex and Love, 1993-2003. New York, NY: Rodopi.
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    The Abolition of the Right to Fire-No-Fault is in Divorce Only.Marianne Moody Jennings - 1988 - Business and Society 27 (1):23-28.
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  48. The regulatory life cycle.Marianne M. Jennings - forthcoming - Business Ethics.
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    Danning.Mariann Solberg & Kjersti Fjørtoft - 2012 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 47 (3):152-154.
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    Philosophy online.Marianne Talbot - 2016 - The Philosophers' Magazine 72:105-106.
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