Results for 'Marie Galloway'

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  1. Carrots and sticks, people and elephants : rank, domination, and training.John Lehnhardt & Marie Galloway - 2008 - In Christen M. Wemmer & Catherine A. Christen (eds.), Elephants and ethics: toward a morality of coexistence. Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press.
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  2. Rank, domination, and training John lehnhardt and Marie Galloway.John Lehnhardt - 2008 - In Christen M. Wemmer & Catherine A. Christen (eds.), Elephants and ethics: toward a morality of coexistence. Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press. pp. 167.
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    Beyond the “Third Wave of Positive Psychology”: Challenges and Opportunities for Future Research.Marié P. Wissing - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The positive psychology landscape is changing, and its initial identity is being challenged. Moving beyond the “third wave of PP,” two roads for future research and practice in well-being studies are discerned: The first is the state of the art PP trajectory that will continue as a scientific discipline in/next to psychology. The second trajectory links to pointers described as part of the so-called third wave of PP, which will be argued as actually being the beginning of a new domain (...)
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  4. Short article One's own face is hard to ignore.Marie Delchambre - unknown
    One’s own face possesses two properties that make it prone to grab attention: It is a face, and, in addition, it is a self-referential stimulus. The question of whether the self-face is actually an especially attention-grabbing stimulus was addressed by using a face– name interference paradigm. We investigated whether interference from a flanking self-face on the processing of a target classmate’s name was stronger than interference from a classmate’s flanking face on the processing of one’s own name as the target. (...)
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    Aus Platos Werdezeit. By Max Pohlenz. 1 vol. 8vo. Pp. 427. Berlin: Weidmannsche Buchhandlung, 1913. M. 10.Marie V. Williams - 1915 - The Classical Review 29 (07):219-220.
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  6. The managerial relevance of ethical efficacy.Marie S. Mitchell & Noel F. Palmer - 2010 - In Marshall Schminke (ed.), Managerial Ethics: Managing the Psychology of Morality. Routledge. pp. 89--108.
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    Natur und Gott: das wirkungsgeschichtliche Verhältnis Schellings und Baaders.Marie-Elise Zovko - 1996 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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    ‘Psychedelics are no magic pill’: the narrative and embodied dimensions of psychedelic integration in Denmark.Sidsel Marie - forthcoming - Anthropology of Consciousness:e12226.
    Within recent years, an increasing number of people and researchers in the Global North have become interested in psychedelic substances and their therapeutic application. While much of the current media attention and research effort mainly concentrate on the therapeutic potential and actions of the individual's acute psychedelic experience, this article explores the user-perceived, therapeutic dynamics of psychedelics in a more long-term perspective by charting the lived experiences and practices of ‘integration’ among psychedelic users in Denmark. Based on ethnographic fieldwork from (...)
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  9. Identification-Free at Last. Semantic Relativism, Evans’s Legacy and a Unified Approach to Immunity to Error Through Misidentification.Marie Guillot - 2014 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy (3):07-30.
    One broadly recognised characteristic feature of (a core subset of) the self-attributions constitutive of self-knowledge is that they are ‘immune to error through misidentification’ (hereafter IEM). In the last thirty years, Evans’s notion of “identification-freedom” (Evans 1982) has been central to most classical approaches to IEM. In the Evansian picture, it is not clear, however, whether there is room for a description of what may be the strongest and most interesting variant of IEM; namely what Pryor (1999) has first brought (...)
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    More on Sir Thomas More.Marie-Claude Rousseau - 1979 - Moreana 23 (3-4):36-36.
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    Les revendications féministes dans le champ religieux québécois : bilan et prospective.Marie-Andrée Roy - 1994 - Philosophiques 21 (2):433-440.
    Les femmes engagées dans l'Église constituent les piliers de la vie ecclésiale mais restent des sujettes mineures dans cette institution qui ne leur reconnaît pas, dans les faits, un statut d'égalité avec les hommes. Depuis plus de vingt ans, elles revendiquent des transformations : elles veulent participer à la rédaction des discours officiels, obtenir de meilleurs conditions de travail, mettre de l'avant l'usage du langage inclusif dans les liturgies. Ces femmes, qui détiennent dans une proportion déplus en plus importante une (...)
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  12. Wittgenstein and Internal Relations.Marie McGinn - 2010 - European Journal of Philosophy 18 (4):495-509.
    Abstract: Interpretations of the Tractatus divide into what might be called a metaphysical and an anti-metaphysical approach to the work. The central issue between the two interpretative approaches has generally been characterised in terms of the question whether the Tractatus is committed to the idea of ‘things’ that cannot be said in language, and thus to the idea of a distinctive kind of nonsense: nonsense that is an attempt to say what can only be shown. In this paper, I look (...)
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    Scientific approach of health by INSERM youth clubs.Marie-Christine Rebourcet - 1994 - World Futures 41 (1):87-89.
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    Varia Germanica I.Marie-Claude Rousseau - 1979 - Moreana 23 (Number 91-23 (3-4):145-148.
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    Victoria Bates, Sexual Forensics in Victorian and Edwardian England: age, cri.Marie Ruiz - 2020 - Clio 52:297-299.
    Sexual Forensics in Victorian and Edwardian England est une étude riche et sagace de l’histoire culturelle de la médecine légale anglaise à l’époque victorienne et édouardienne. Partant des audiences de tribunaux jugeant des faits de violences sexuelles entre 1850 et 1915, l’historienne de la médecine Victoria Bates montre comment science et droit s’associent dans la construction de l’image stéréotypée de « la » victime. Malgré l’augmentation du nombre des plaintes pour violences sexuelles, l...
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    Cell decomposition for P‐minimal fields.Marie-Hélène Mourgues - 2009 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 55 (5):487-492.
    In [12], P. Scowcroft and L. van den Dries proved a cell decomposition theorem for p-adically closed fields. We work here with the notion of P-minimal fields defined by D. Haskell and D. Macpherson in [6]. We prove that a P-minimal field K admits cell decomposition if and only if K has definable selection. A preprint version in French of this result appeared as a prepublication [8].
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  17. Les enjeux éthiques de la recherche en ergothérapie : un portrait préoccupant.Marie-Josée Drolet & Karoline Girard - 2020 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 3 (3):21-40.
    The ethical issues of health research are well documented. Ethical issues in occupational therapy research are beginning to attract the interest of researchers. However, no research has documented the ethical issues experienced by occupational therapists conducting research in academic settings in Quebec. This is revealed by the literature review that was the basis for this qualitative research, the results of which are presented here. This article also presents the results of a qualitative research conducted with eleven women occupational therapy researchers (...)
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  18. La transmission des textes philosophiques et scientifiques au Moyen Age.Marie Thérèse D' Alverny & Charles Burnett - 1994 - Brookfield, Vt., USA: Variorum. Edited by Charles Burnett.
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    Delphes.Marie-Dominique Nenna - 1990 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 114 (2):876.
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    Expositions: Literature and Architecture in Nineteenth-Century France (review).Marie J. Aquilino - 1994 - Philosophy and Literature 18 (1):184-185.
  21. Refiguración poética del sí mismo: una interioridad con historia.Marie-France Begué - 1997 - Escritos de Filosofía 16 (32):139-160.
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    Business ethics in central and eastern europe with special focus on the czech republic.Marie Bohatá - 1997 - Journal of Business Ethics 16 (14):1571-1577.
    This report characterizes the state of affairs in the field of business ethics in Central and Eastern Europe. It reveals the major problems and challenges brought about by the profound reforms to these societies and economies. It also offers some results of surveys looking at public opinion on morals and ethics, as well as on current business practices. In order to give a complex picture, it presents brief lessons from the history of particular countries. The author, devoting the most attention (...)
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    Le coeur dans la philosophie d’Arthur Schopenhauer.Marie-Michèle Blondin - 2021 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 77 (1):9-27.
    Dans la philosophie de Schopenhauer, le concept de coeur revêt plusieurs sens. Si le coeur est compris comme symbole et comme synonyme de la volonté, il renvoie aussi toujours au coeur organique. Point central d’où partent et où aboutissent les affects, le coeur se révèle ainsi comme l’élément premier de notre être par rapport à la tête qui reste seconde. Parce qu’il est en partie inconscient, le coeur « a ses raisons que la raison ne connaît point ». Cet article (...)
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    Le temps zéro dans la philosophie de platon.Marie-Line Bretin - 2019 - Philosophique 22.
    La gnose est selon Pierre Hadot un courant de spiritualité et de représentation du réel qui excède largement le gnosticisme religieux des sectes et écoles des premiers siècles de notre ère et que combattaient Plotin et les Pères de l’Église chrétienne. Ce gnosticisme historique a cependant eu le mérite de théoriser clairement les éléments les plus importants de cette tendance existant dans la plupart des religions, comme dans une bonne partie de la philosophie, et qui consiste à voir, dans le...
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    A Theology of Corporeality Embodied in the Butch Femme Bar Culture of the 1950s and 1960s.Marie Cartier - 2004 - Feminist Theology 12 (2):168-186.
    It is my intention in this brief study to extend the argument that Nestle begins with her seminal article,' Butch-Femme Relationships: Sexual Cour age in the 1950s', and that Henking and Comstock continue by including it in the critical anthology of writings on'being queer' and 'being religious', Querying Religion. I want to do this by making 'an overt claim' that the butch-femme community of the 1950s created its own spirituality—in the content of a corporeal theology between couples and individually, and (...)
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    Is the concept of object still a suitable notion?Marie-Dominique Giraudo & Andrew B. Slifkin - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (5):707-708.
    The model and framework presented in the target article by Thelen et al. is an interesting effort that is able to account for the contextual variability in the A-not-B performance of 7–12-month-old infants. In the process of developing their framework, the authors discounted the concept of object as a useful notion in discussions of A-not-B performance. For Piaget and other developmentalists, the main evidence for the acquisition of the concept of object was the disappearance of A-not-B errors after age 12 (...)
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    Crossdisciplinary inquiry in the information age.Marie‐Christine Leps - 1990 - Social Epistemology 4 (3):281 – 291.
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  28. Nancynéma.Marie Martin & Antoine de Baecque (eds.) - forthcoming - Grenoble: UGA Éditions.
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    Contribution de l’Appep à la mission « Exigence des savoirs ».Marie Perret - 2023 - L’Enseignement Philosophique 73 (4):3-10.
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    Les 15 ans du Comité consultatif de bioéthique: bilan et perspectives.Marie-Geneviève Pinsart & Paul Schotsmans (eds.) - 2012 - Bruxelles: Lannoo Campus.
    Le Comité consultatif de Bioéthique de Belgique fête ses 15 ans et établit le bilan de ses activités: ses avis ont-ils aidé les parlementaires et ministres à se former une opinion sur des sujets délicats? Ont-ils proposé des réponses aux questions auxquelles sont confrontées les comités d'éthique médicale des hôpitaux? Comment y ont évolué certaines valeurs traditionnellement fondatrices de notre société? À l'avenir, quels sont les enjeux éthiques que le grand public souhaiterait voir traités par le Comité?
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  31. Art, feeling, and truth : the central problem of the aesthetics of Anglo-Saxon idealism.Marie-Luise Raters - 2010 - In James Connelly & Stamatoula Panagakou (eds.), Anglo-American idealism: thinkers and ideas / edited by James Connelly and Stamatoula Panagakou. New York: Peter Lang.
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    Silvano Petrosino, Jacques Derrida et la loi du possible, Préfacé et traduit de l'italien par Jacques Rolland.Marie-Clotilde Roose - 1995 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 93 (4):666-671.
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    Zur Deutung einer spätantiken lateinischen Inschrift.Marie Simon - 1997 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 49 (4):291-306.
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    Schadenfreude: The (not so) Secret Joy of Another’s Misfortune.Marie Dasborough & Paul Harvey - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 141 (4):693-707.
    Despite growing interest in emotions, organizational scholars have largely ignored the moral emotion of schadenfreude, which refers to pleasure felt in response to another’s misfortune. As a socially undesirable emotion, it might be assumed that individuals would be hesitant to share their schadenfreude. In two experimental studies involving emotional responses to unethical behaviors, we find evidence to the contrary. Study 1 revealed that subjects experiencing schadenfreude were willing to share their feelings, especially if the misfortune was perceived to be deserved. (...)
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  35. Realness as Resistance: Queer Feminism, Neoliberalism, and Early Trans Critiques of Butler.Marie Draz - 2022 - Hypatia 37 (2):364-383.
    In this article, I argue that scholarship on the cultural impact of neoliberalism provides a vital framework with which to revisit early trans critiques of Butlerian queer feminism. Drawing on this scholarship, I reread the appeals to the real and realness in these critiques through the neoliberal transformation of social difference. I link the early argument that some trans figures were problematically used in queer feminism to represent the fluidity of identity with the more recent argument that the flexibility of (...)
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    The Stroop Effect Occurs at Multiple Points Along a Cascade of Control: Evidence From Cognitive Neuroscience Approaches.Marie T. Banich - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    For a Non-Violent Accord: Educating the Person.Marie-Louise Martinez & William Mishler - 1999 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 6 (1):55-76.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:FOR A NON-VIOLENT ACCORD: EDUCATING THE PERSON Marie-Louise Martinez Education has been criticized, no doubt justly, for the symbolic violence of its prohibitions and exclusionary rituals that mirror the violence of society (Bourdieu, etc.). But this criticism is short-sighted. When restraints are removed in teaching and education (in the family and in the school), violence wells up anew and produces at least the following two results: access to (...)
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    A Crack in the Track of the Hubble Constant.Marie Gueguen - 2023 - In Nora Mills Boyd, Siska De Baerdemaeker, Kevin Heng & Vera Matarese (eds.), Philosophy of Astrophysics: Stars, Simulations, and the Struggle to Determine What is Out There. Springer Verlag. pp. 2147483647-2147483647.
    Measuring the rate at which the universe expands at a given time–the ‘Hubble constant’– has been a topic of controversy since the first measure of its expansion by Edwin Hubble in the 1920s. As early as the 1970s, Sandage and de Vaucouleurs have been arguing about the adequate methodology for such a measurement. Should astronomers focus only on their best indicators, e.g., the Cepheids, and improve the precision of this measurement based on a unique object to the best possible? Or (...)
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    Men, Women, Passion and Power: Gender Issues in Psychotherapy.Marie Maguire - 1995 - Routledge.
    First Published in 1995. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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  40. Cultural diversity in the legal framework : modes of operation : report of the directors of studies.Marie-Claire Foblets & Nadjma Yassari - 2013 - In Marie-Claire Foblets & Nadjma Yassari (eds.), Approches juridiques de la diversité culturelle. Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
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    The Spanish Plan of Civilization.Marie Madden - 1930 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 5 (1):52-65.
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    Nathalie Sage-Pranchère, Mettre au monde. Sages-femmes et accouchées en Corrèze au XIXe siècle.Marie-France Morel - 2009 - Clio 29.
    Si l’histoire des sages-femmes est relativement bien connue pour les XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles, grâce aux ouvrages de Mireille Laget et Jacques Gélis, en revanche, pour le XIXe siècle, elle reste en grande partie à écrire. La situation parisienne a fait l’objet du livre de Scarlett Beauvalet-Boutouyrie sur la Maternité de Port-Royal et aussi de la thèse de IIIe cycle sur les sages-femmes parisiennes de Danielle Tucat, malheureusement non publiée. Pour la France profonde, on dispose d’un article...
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    Einstein's unified field theory.Marie-Antoinette Tonnelat - 1966 - New York,: Gordon & Breach.
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    Abenteurer und Entdecker vor dem „Theater-Auge“ in Nietzsches Morgenröthe.Marie Wokalek - 2020 - Nietzsche Studien 49 (1):29-51.
    Adventurers and discoverers are recurring figures and themes in Nietzsche’s writings. This is especially the case in Morgenröthe and Die fröhliche Wissenschaft, where this conceptual constellation belongs to the context of the “free spirits”. For Nietzsche, it seems, adventurers and discoverers represent the productive as much as destructive potential of any desire for knowledge. In this article, I will thus focus on two connected questions: (1) what are the specific epistemic characteristics of the adventurer and the discoverer, and (2) how (...)
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    Colloquium 2: Method and Evidence: On Epicurean Preconception1.Pierre-Marie Marie - 2008 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 23 (1):25-55.
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    Metaphysics of Scientific Practice.Marie I. Kaiser & Javier Suárez - unknown
    The method of metaphysics of scientific practice consists in developing metaphysical claims on the basis of empirical information from and about scientific practice. This method stands in the tradition of naturalistic or scientific metaphysics on the one hand, and philosophy of science in practice on the other. In this chapter we draw on some of our own research to specify the method at work. We argue that the method is typically carried out in four steps: identifying the available empirical information (...)
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    (1 other version)Lettre à un ami: itinéraire philosophique.Marie-Dominique Philippe - 1978 - Paris:
    Si la reprise de la recherche philosophique demande aujourd'hui à être menée d'une manière radicale, il ne suffit pas de compléter une philosophie déjà existante en y intégrant certains problèmes actuels. En effet, c'est l'esprit lui-même qui a été comme cassé. Le primat de la négation est allé si loin que l'intelligence, dans son fondement, dans sa relation même avec l'être, est véritablement brisée. Aussi est-il nécessaire de redécouvrir en premier lieu le point de départ de toute démarche philosophique, au-delà (...)
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  48. The structure of a semantic field: verbs of visual perception in German and French.Marie-Theres Schepping - 1985 - In Geer A. J. Hoppenbrouwers, Pieter A. M. Seuren & A. J. M. M. Weijters (eds.), Meaning and the lexicon. Cinnaminson, U.S.A.: Foris Publications. pp. 135--142.
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    Journey through Utopia.Marie Louise Bernari - 1951 - Philosophy 26 (98):285-285.
  50. Repérer et combattre le capacitisme, le sanisme et le suicidisme en santé.Marie-Josée Drolet - 2022 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 5 (4):89.
    Ce commentaire critique a pour objectif de définir, d’expliquer et d’illustrer trois systèmes de croyances et d’oppression généralement peu connus en santé, mais susceptibles d’influencer négativement les pratiques de professionnels de la santé et de services sociaux ainsi que celles d’organisations publiques ou privées de santé, à savoir : le capacitisme, le sanisme et le suicidisme. Il a aussi pour objectif d’identifier certaines pistes d’action pouvant contribuer à combattre ces systèmes largement répandus au sein des institutions et organisations de nos (...)
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