Results for 'Mario Junco'

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  1.  15
    A Study of the Extent and Effectiveness of Incorporating Environmental Topics in the Science Curriculum of Secondary Schools in Dade County.Mario Junco & Constantine Hadjilambrinos - 1997 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 17 (5-6):331-338.
    The infusion of environmental topics in science courses has long been considered an especially appropriate method of implementing the STS approach to science teaching. While this claim has been supported by anecdotal accounts and case studies, there are few relevant quantitative studies. To begin filling this void, a survey of science teachers in secondary schools in Dade County, Florida, was conducted to investigate the extent and effectiveness of the infusion of environmental topics in the science curriculum. The results of this (...)
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  2. Novel Predictions and the No Miracle Argument.Mario Alai - 2014 - Erkenntnis 79 (2):297-326.
    Predictivists use the no miracle argument to argue that “novel” predictions are decisive evidence for theories, while mere accommodation of “old” data cannot confirm to a significant degree. But deductivists claim that since confirmation is a logical theory-data relationship, predicted data cannot confirm more than merely deduced data, and cite historical cases in which known data confirmed theories quite strongly. On the other hand, the advantage of prediction over accommodation is needed by scientific realists to resist Laudan’s criticisms of the (...)
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    Humes Theorie der Verantwortlichkeit und das Problem des göttlichen Ursprungs des Bösen.Mario Brandhorst - 2018 - Zeitschrift Für Ethik Und Moralphilosophie 1 (1):105-125.
    ZusammenfassungHumes Enquiry concerning Human Understanding entfaltet eine Konzeption von Freiheit und Verantwortlichkeit, der zufolge beides mit der These der »Notwendigkeit« vereinbar ist. Hume wirft dabei die Frage auf, ob ein Mensch oder Gott für moralisch böses Handeln dieses Menschen verantwortlich ist, wenn Gott existiert und als Schöpfer der Welt auch das Handeln von Menschen bestimmt. Der Aufsatz untersucht, welche Antwort Hume auf diese Frage gibt und welche Folgen sich aus seiner Antwort für eine angemessene Konzeption von menschlicher Freiheit und Verantwortlichkeit (...)
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    The Paradox of Addition and Its Dissolution.Mario Bunge - 1969 - Critica 3 (9):27-31.
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    Socrate: fisiologia di un mito.Mario Montuorí - 1974 - Firenze: G. C. Sansoni.
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    Sobre una clase de argumentos antimaterialistas.Mario H. Otero - 1979 - Critica 11 (32):126-132.
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  7. Patent republic: Representing inventions, constructing rights and authors.Mario Biagioli - 2006 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 73 (4):1129-1172.
  8. A proposito di una recensione.Mario Casotti - 1937 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 29:441.
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  9. A Defence of Falsificationism against Feyerabend's Epistemological Anarchism using the Example of Galilei's Observations with the Telescope.Mario Günther - manuscript
    I confront Feyerabend's position and critical rationalism in order to have a foundation or starting point for my (historical) investigation. The main difference of his position towards falsificationism is the belief that different theories cannot be discussed rationally. Feyerabend is convinced that Galilei's observations with the telescope in the historical context of the Copernican revolution supports his criticism. In particular, he argues that the Copernican theory was supported by deficient hypotheses, and falsifications were disposed by ad hoc hypotheses and propaganda. (...)
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    (1 other version)A Century of Genocide.Mario Baccianini - 1986 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1986 (70):154-161.
    The fact diat die first formal recognition of die crime of genocide (crimen lesae humanitatis) took place at Nuremberg in 1945 is extremely significant. Those who, to quote Adorno, record the extermination camps as “working incidents” in the victorious advance of civilization, or see “the martyrdom of die Jews as an irrelevant episode in the context of universal history,” fail to grasp die dominating trait of twentieth century atrocities: the perverse secularization of die religious motivations of genocide in modern totalitarian (...)
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  11. Tres modalidades de inmanentismo.Mario H. Otero - 1975 - Dianoia 21 (21):182.
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  12. Filosofía de la existencia.Mario A. Presas - 1962 - [Argentina]: Universidad Nacional del Nordeste, Facultad de Humanidades, Departamento de Filosofía y Ciencias de la Educación.
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  13.  19
    Cambio de paradigma en filosofía. La revolución del nuevo realismo.Mario-Teodoro Ramírez - 2016 - Dianoia 61 (77):131-151.
    Resumen: Este texto consiste básicamente en una presentación general de la corriente filosófica del nuevo realismo surgida en 2007 y en la que participan autores europeos y norteamericanos. Un punto en común de las diversas posiciones dentro de esta corriente es el deslinde crítico frente a la filosofía posmoderna y a la filosofía moderna en general. Explico esta crítica y sus implicaciones para la posibilidad de un restablecimiento en la filosofía contemporánea del pensamiento metafísico.: This text is basically an overview (...)
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  14.  20
    Ontología y política de la esperanza. De Ernst Bloch a Quentin Meillassoux.Mario Teodoro Ramírez - 2019 - Dianoia 64 (83):165-180.
    Resumen En este ensayo ofrezco una comparación entre la filosofía del pensador marxista alemán Ernst Bloch y la del pensador francés Quentin Meillassoux a propósito del hecho de que ambos plantean una fundamentación ontológica de la esperanza y de una política de la esperanza. En el primer apartado, presento el concepto religioso de esperanza que critican los filósofos mencionados; en el segundo, abordo la concepción dialéctico-materialista de Bloch; en el tercer apartado, expongo la concepción de Meillassoux, que interpreto como una (...)
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  15. Lavoratore nell'Universo.Mario M. Rossi - 1952 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 142:593-596.
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  16. La Vita, le opere, i tempi di Edoardo Herbert di Chirbury.Mario M. Rossi - 1948 - Mind 57 (226):237-244.
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  17.  8
    L'eidos del mondo.Mario Gennari - 2012 - Milano: Bompiani.
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    Bildung durch Sinnlichkeit: "Vom Erkennen und Empfinden" bei Johann Gottfried Herder.Mario Graff - 2008 - Jena: IKS.
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    Mind/Brain and Economic Behaviour: For a Naturalised Economics.Mario Graziano - 2019 - Axiomathes 29 (3):237-264.
    Neuroeconomics is a science pledged to tracing the neurobiological correlates involved in decision-making, especially in the case of economic decisions. Despite representing a recent research field that is still identifying its research objects, tools and methods, its epistemological scope and scientific relevance have already been openly questioned by several authors. Among these critics, the most influential names in the debate have been those of Faruk Gul and Wolfgang Pesendorfer, who claim that the data on neural activity cannot find place in (...)
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    O lugar do homem no cosmos ou o lugar do cosmos no homem? – O tema da perfeição do universo antes do paradigma do mundo aberto, segundo o comentário dos jesuítas conimbricenses.Mário Santiago de Carvalho - 2009 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 54 (3):142-155.
    The article deals with question 1st (chapter 1) of the Coimbra Jesuit Commentary on the Aristotelian ‘De Coelo’ (1593), “Whether the Universe is perfect”. The Author aims at reading anew the Portuguese question, pointing to the place the Universe has in man’s heart by underlining that the cosmos must have in man (“parvus mundus”) its conditions of legality.
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  21.  9
    Pessoa humana, direito e política.Mário Bigotte Chorão - 2006 - Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda.
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    L'estetica del giovane Hegel.Mario Farina - 2011 - Annali Del Dipartimento di Filosofia 17:61-94.
    This paper aims to examine Hegel’s formulation of aesthetics during the years between the Gymnasium in Stuttgart and the sojourn in Frankfurt. In this period Hegel’s thought was primarily focused on moral, political and religious problems. By following a particular route through the juvenile texts, it is possible how- ever to examine a group of meditations concerning the theme of beauty, the status of ancient Greece and the role of sensibility in the process of aesthetic education of man.
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    Ying Chen: Trade, food security, and human rights: the rules for international trade in agricultural products and the evolving world food crisis: Ashgate Publishing Company, Burlington, VT, 2014, 282 pp, ISBN: 978-1-4724-3742-6.Mario R. Machado - 2015 - Agriculture and Human Values 32 (4):795-796.
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    Introduzione a O. Brunner, Osservazioni sui concetti di «dominio» e di «legittimità».Mario Piccinini & Gaetano Rametta - 2015 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 27 (52).
    This text was published in n. 1/1987 of «Filosofia politica». We thank the authors, the director of the journal and the editor il Mulino for giving permission to republish it.
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  25. Agazzi on Knowing the Invisible.Mario Alai - manuscript
    Against certain positivistic and neopositivistic strictures still rooted in our society, Agazzi argues that knowing the invisible is possible, not just in science, but also in metaphysics, in morals, in aesthetics, and in other areas, including, in a sense, religion. The book also examines many examples of such knowledge, surveying not only the great classics of philosophy, but various immortal masterpieces of art, music and literature. It is not just a treatise in epistemology, but a book of philosophy in the (...)
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  26. Can there be any relationships between Mathematics and Architecture?Mario Salvadori, Signore E. Signori, Senores Y. Senoras, Mes Dames et Messsieurs & Meine Damen und Herren - 1996 - Nexus 2:9.
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  27. The historical challenge to realism and essential deployment.Mario Alai - 2021 - In Timothy D. Lyons & Peter Vickers (eds.), Contemporary Scientific Realism: The Challenge From the History of Science. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    The notion of a hypothesis being deployed essentially in the derivation of a novel prediction plays a key role in the deployment realist reply to Laudan’s and Lyon’s attacks to the No Miracle Argument. However Lyons criticized Psillos’ criterion of essentiality, urging deployment realists to abandon this requirement altogether and accept as true all the assumptions actually deployed in novel predictions. But since many false assumptions were actually deployed in novel predictions, he concludes that the “no miracle argument” and deployment (...)
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  28. Producción y validación del conocimiento científico.Mario H. Otero - 1977 - Dianoia 23 (23):102.
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  29. Appunti su Nietzsche.Mario Pensa - 1962 - Bologna,: R. Pàtron.
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    Contro l'equilibrio riflessivo.Mario Piazza - 2006 - Rivista di Filosofia 97 (2):209-232.
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  31. Experimenting with social matter : Claude Bernard's influence on the Durkheim School's understanding of categories.Mario Schmidt - 2022 - In Johannes F. M. Schick, Mario Schmidt & Martin Zillinger (eds.), The social origins of thought: Durkheim, Mauss, and the category project. New York: Berghahn.
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    Filosofare in "viaggio" e nella "tenda". Il Mediterraneo cifra della complessità.Mario Signore - 2007 - Idee 65:11-23.
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  33. Il tempo come presenza vivente.Mario Signore - 2004 - Studium 100 (4-5):595-610.
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    La lettura gentiliana di Kant.Mario Signore - 1995 - Idee 28:53-68.
  35. La natura umana tra determinismo e libertà.Mario Signore & Giovanni Scarafile (eds.) - 2008 - Edizioni Messaggero.
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  36.  14
    Per una teorica critica della morale. Il caso Adorno.Mario Signore - 2005 - Idee 58:83-91.
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  37. Cruz Cruz, Juan,(ed.), La ley natural como fundamento moral y jurídico en Domingo de Soto.Mario Silar - 2008 - Anuario Filosófico 41 (91):187-189.
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  38.  31
    Il tema della libertà divina in alcuni documenti inediti dell'epistolario di Claude Pajon e di Jean-Robert Chouet: Un confronto con la filosofia cartesiana.Mario Sina - 2002 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 1.
    In questo studio sono pubblicate alcune lettere inedite, conservate nella Bibliothèque Publique et Universitaire di Ginevra, risalenti agli anni 1669-1678, scambiate tra Jean-Robert Chouet e Claude Pajon. Grazie all’apporto di questi due protagonisti delle accademie di Saumure di Ginevra è possibile meglio intendere, nella complessità dei riferimenti e delle sfumature, le soluzioni relative al tema della libertà divina nell’opera della creazione e della redenzione, argomento di grande interesse nella speculazione filosofica e teologica del Seicento. Si tratta di documenti preziosi, in (...)
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  39.  11
    Sapientiae studium: la giornata operosa di Sofia Vanni Rovighi (1908-1990).Mario Sina (ed.) - 1994 - Milano: Vita e Pensiero.
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  40. Il manifesto di Emmanuel Mounier.Mario Squillace - 1967 - Roma,:
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  41.  8
    Di che cosa è fatto il mondo?: viaggio nella metafisica, da Talete alle stringhe.Mario Valentino Bramè - 2007 - Milano: Lupetti.
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  42.  4
    Diakonìa della vita: manuale di bioetica.Mario Cascone - 2004 - Roma: Università della Santa Croce.
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  43.  6
    Il giovane Marx.Mario Cingoli - 2005 - Milano: Edizioni Unicopli. Edited by Mario Cingoli.
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    Bioestetica, bioetica, biopolitica: atti del Convegno 2011 CODISCO, Coordinamento dei dottorati italiani di scienze cognitive.Mario Graziano & Consuelo Luverà (eds.) - 2012 - Messina: EDAS.
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  45.  23
    El significado ya no es lo que era antes.Mario Montalbetti - 2005 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 17 (2):295-311.
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    La filosofia della libertà di Isaiah Berlin.Mario Ricciardi - 1998 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 11 (1):117-130.
  47. A Plea for Man.MARIO M. ROSSI - 1956 - Philosophy 32 (123):373-373.
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  48. Scrittori garibaldini.Mario Saccenti - forthcoming - Convivium: revista de filosofía.
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  49. Expériences de méthodologie phénoménologique: l'historiographie in Morality within the Life-and Social World.Mario Sancipriano - 1987 - Analecta Husserliana 22:139-151.
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    " Alternative athletics" instead of" slave rebellion in morality." Peter Sloterdijk's anthropotechincal aspect on Christian life forms.Mario Schönhart - 2011 - Disputatio Philosophica 13 (1):77-88.
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