Results for 'Mathieu Lacourse'

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  1.  26
    Besoin de philosophie?Mathieu Lacourse, Sylvain Goudreault, Jean-Nicolas Paul & Audrey Fréchette - 1998 - Horizons Philosophiques 8 (2):117-122.
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    COVID-19, economic threat and identity status: Stability and change in prejudice against Chinese people within the Canadian population.Victoria Maria Ferrante, Éric Lacourse, Anna Dorfman, Mathieu Pelletier-Dumas, Jean-Marc Lina, Dietlind Stolle & Roxane de la Sablonnière - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:901352.
    ObjectivesPrevious studies found a general increase in prejudice against Chinese people during the first months of the pandemic. The present study aims to consider inter-individual heterogeneity in stability and change regarding prejudice involving Chinese people during the pandemic. The first objective is to identify and describe different trajectories of prejudice over a seven-month period during the pandemic. The second and third objectives are to test the association between trajectory group membership and antecedent variables such as: socio-demographic factors (i.e., age, gender, (...)
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    Video Game Violence. A Philosophical Conversation with Mathieu Triclot.Mathieu Triclot & Raphaël Verchère - 2019 - Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence 3 (1).
    The starting point of this conversation with philosopher Mathieu Triclot is the issue of the causal contribution of video game playing in school shootings. Triclot explains the limitations of current psychological approaches regarding video game violence. He further develops on the peculiar features of the video game medium and how they relate to the problem of violence. Triclot eventually shows that, although players may relate to virtual violence in very different ways, violence in video games is not merely a (...)
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  4. Wittgenstein and finitism.Mathieu Marion - 1995 - Synthese 105 (2):141 - 176.
    In this paper, elementary but hitherto overlooked connections are established between Wittgenstein's remarks on mathematics, written during his transitional period, and free-variable finitism. After giving a brief description of theTractatus Logico-Philosophicus on quantifiers and generality, I present in the first section Wittgenstein's rejection of quantification theory and his account of general arithmetical propositions, to use modern jargon, as claims (as opposed to statements). As in Skolem's primitive recursive arithmetic and Goodstein's equational calculus, Wittgenstein represented generality by the use of free (...)
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    Degree Spectra of Homeomorphism Type of Compact Polish Spaces.Mathieu Hoyrup, Takayuki Kihara & Victor Selivanov - forthcoming - Journal of Symbolic Logic:1-32.
    A Polish space is not always homeomorphic to a computably presented Polish space. In this article, we examine degrees of non-computability of presenting homeomorphic copies of compact Polish spaces. We show that there exists a $\mathbf {0}'$ -computable low $_3$ compact Polish space which is not homeomorphic to a computable one, and that, for any natural number $n\geq 2$, there exists a Polish space $X_n$ such that exactly the high $_{n}$ -degrees are required to present the homeomorphism type of $X_n$. (...)
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    Improving Teenagers’ Divergent Thinking With Improvisational Theater.Mathieu Hainselin, Alexandre Aubry & Béatrice Bourdin - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Regard de finissants en enseignement sur les finalités de l'école québécoise.France Lacourse - 2013 - Revue Phronesis 2 (2):50-62.
    Résumé : Comment enseigner un savoir imperceptible comme des routines professionnelles dans l’immédiateté de la classe? Comment dégager les principes organisateurs et leur construction en formation ? Pour une gestion de classe efficace, il est essentiel de recourir à des routines professionnelles. Elles soutiennent le sentiment de sécurité tant chez l’enseignant que chez les élèves. Elles relèvent de compétences incorporées, ce qui force à leur analyse pour une articulation phare dans une formation professionnalisante. Nous présenterons le concept des routines professionnelles (...)
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    The concept of inhibition in bilingual control.Mathieu Declerck & Iring Koch - 2023 - Psychological Review 130 (4):953-976.
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    The musical life: reflections on what it is and how to live it.W. A. Mathieu - 1994 - Boston: Shambhala.
    Everyone, according to W.A. Mathieu, is musical by nature--it goes right along with being human. And if you don't believe it, this book will convince you. In a series of interrelated short essays, Mathieu takes the reader on a journey through ordinary experiences to open our ears to the rich variety of music that surrounds us but that we are trained to ignore; such as the variety of pitches produced by different objects, like glassware, furniture, drums--anything you can (...)
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  10. Wittgenstein, Finitism, and the Foundations of Mathematics.Mathieu Marion - 1998 - Studia Logica 66 (3):432-434.
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    The Thick Machine: Anthropological AI between explanation and explication.Mathieu Jacomy, Asger Gehrt Olesen & Anders Kristian Munk - 2022 - Big Data and Society 9 (1).
    According to Clifford Geertz, the purpose of anthropology is not to explain culture but to explicate it. That should cause us to rethink our relationship with machine learning. It is, we contend, perfectly possible that machine learning algorithms, which are unable to explain, and could even be unexplainable themselves, can still be of critical use in a process of explication. Thus, we report on an experiment with anthropological AI. From a dataset of 175K Facebook comments, we trained a neural network (...)
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  12. The Ratio Bias Phenomenon : Fact or Artifact ?Mathieu Lefebvre, Ferdinand Vieider & Marie-Claire Villeval - 2011 - Theory and Decision 71 (4).
    The ratio bias––according to which individuals prefer to bet on probabilities expressed as a ratio of large numbers to normatively equivalent or superior probabilities expressed as a ratio of small numbers––has recently gained momentum, with researchers especially in health economics emphasizing the policy importance of the phenomenon. Although the bias has been replicated several times, some doubts remain about its economic significance. Our two experiments show that the bias disappears once order effects are excluded, and once salient and dominant incentives (...)
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    Visual Encoding of Social Cues Contributes to Moral Reasoning in Autism Spectrum Disorder: An Eye-Tracking Study.Mathieu Garon, Baudouin Forgeot D’Arc, Marie M. Lavallée, Evelyn V. Estay & Miriam H. Beauchamp - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  14.  44
    The cognitive life of mechanical molecular models.Mathieu Charbonneau - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 44 (4a):585-594.
    The use of physical models of molecular structures as research tools has been central to the development of biochemistry and molecular biology. Intriguingly, it has received little attention from scholars of science. In this paper, I argue that these physical models are not mere three-dimensional representations but that they are in fact very special research tools: they are cognitive augmentations. Despite the fact that they are external props, these models serve as cognitive tools that augment and extend the modeler’s cognitive (...)
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  15. Plagiarism: Words and ideas.Mathieu Bouville - 2008 - Science and Engineering Ethics 14 (3):311-322.
    Plagiarism is a crime against academy. It deceives readers, hurts plagiarized authors, and gets the plagiarist undeserved benefits. However, even though these arguments do show that copying other people’s intellectual contribution is wrong, they do not apply to the copying of words. Copying a few sentences that contain no original idea (e.g. in the introduction) is of marginal importance compared to stealing the ideas of others. The two must be clearly distinguished, and the ‘plagiarism’ label should not be used for (...)
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    Trading one problem for two: The case against tobacco bans.Mathieu Doucet - forthcoming - Bioethics.
    The past two decades have seen growing calls for the “tobacco endgame.” Its advocates are united by their commitment to two ideas. First, tobacco‐related harms represent a catastrophic health emergency, and second, current tobacco‐control approaches are an inadequate response to the scale of that emergency. To endgame advocates, tobacco policy should have more ambitious goals than merely “controlling” tobacco. Instead, it should aim to bring about a smoke‐free world. While a range of different policies are included under the umbrella of (...)
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  17. Epistemic clashes in network science: Mapping the tensions between idiographic and nomothetic subcultures.Mathieu Jacomy - 2020 - Big Data and Society 7 (2).
    This article maps a controversy in network science over the last 15 years, dividing the field about the epistemic status of a central notion, scale-freeness. The article accounts for the two main disputes, in 2005 and in 2018, as they unfolded in academic publications and on social media. This article analyzes the conflict, and the reasons why it reignited in 2018, to the surprise of many. It is argued that the concept of complex networks is shared by the distinct subcultures (...)
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  18. De l’analyse des routines vers la gestion de classe et la professionnalisation.France Lacourse - 2012 - Revue Phronesis 1 (3):19-32.
    How can imperceptible knowledge such as professional routines in class immediacy be taught? How to express their main principles and their construction in formation? These routines create a sense of security among both students and teachers; it is a frame favouring successful classroom management. They come under the scope of integrated competencies, and this prompts their analysis in view of understanding a central link within initial professionalization. This paper will present the concept of professional routines as an educational practice in (...)
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  19. Oxford realism: Knowledge and perception II.Mathieu Marion - 2000 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 8 (3):485 – 519.
  20.  13
    Contextual cues about reciprocity impact ratings of smile sincerity.Mathieu Gagnon, Lobna Chérif & Annie Roy-Charland - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (6):1181-1195.
    Research has shown that context influences how sincere a smile appears to observers. That said, most studies on this topic have focused exclusively on situational cues (e.g. smiling while at a party versus smiling during a job interview) and few have examined other elements of context. One important element concerns any knowledge an observer might have about the smiler as an individual (e.g. their habitual behaviours, traits or attitudes). In this manuscript, we present three experiments that explored the influence of (...)
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    The impact of the perception of rhythmic music on self-paced oscillatory movements.Mathieu Peckel, Thierry Pozzo & Emmanuel Bigand - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    The defective conditional in mathematics.Mathieu Vidal - 2014 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 24 (1-2):169-179.
    This article focuses on defective conditionals ? namely indicative conditionals whose antecedents are false and whose truth-values therefore cannot be determined. The problem is to decide which formal connective can adequately represent this usage. Classical logic renders defective conditionals true whereas traditional mathematics dismisses them as irrelevant. This difference in treatment entails that, at the propositional level, classical logic validates some sentences that are intuitively false in plane geometry. With two proofs, I show that the same flaw is shared by (...)
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  23. Argument strength in formal argumentation.Mathieu Beirlaen, Jesse Heyninck, Pere Pardo & Christian Straßer - 2018 - Journal of Applied Logics-Ifcolog Journal of Logics and Their Applications 5 (3):629--675.
  24.  14
    Paradoxes de la sottise entre Montaigne et La Bruyère.Mathieu Hubert - 2022 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 299 (1):9-26.
    À partir d’un paradoxe que soulève Montaigne et de ses prolongements au XVII e siècle, cet article explore ce singulier revers de la raison qu’est la sottise. Montaigne s’étonne qu’une même tête, celle du pédant, qui cristallise par excellence la sottise, puisse à la fois être savante et n’en être pas moins sotte. L’analyse de ce paradoxe conduit Montaigne à pointer la mauvaise façon qu’ont les pédants de se rapporter à la science, et découvre que c’est la manière de l’animer (...)
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    Running the number line: Rapid shifts of attention in single-digit arithmetic.Romain Mathieu, Audrey Gourjon, Auriane Couderc, Catherine Thevenot & Jérôme Prado - 2016 - Cognition 146 (C):229-239.
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  26. Computability of the ergodic decomposition.Mathieu Hoyrup - 2013 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 164 (5):542-549.
    The study of ergodic theorems from the viewpoint of computable analysis is a rich field of investigation. Interactions between algorithmic randomness, computability theory and ergodic theory have recently been examined by several authors. It has been observed that ergodic measures have better computability properties than non-ergodic ones. In a previous paper we studied the extent to which non-ergodic measures inherit the computability properties of ergodic ones, and introduced the notion of an effectively decomposable measure. We asked the following question: if (...)
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  27.  12
    Du disciplinaire au sécuritaire.Mathieu Bietlot - 2003 - Multitudes 1 (1):57-66.
    Around the beginning of the 21st century, certain mutations of capitalism and modes of neomanagement combined to replace the old "disciplinary society ", with what we can call the law and order society. Initially combining mechanisms of disciplinary power and a sophisticated biopolitics, the law and order society, has begun to adapt mechanisms of control , as well as elements of the old sovereign power and the state of permanent exception to face threats to its security. The methods of law (...)
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    Death as Meditation Subject in the Theravada Tradition.Mathieu Boisvert - 1996 - Buddhist Studies Review 13 (1):37-54.
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    Le Grenelle de l’environnement : corpus et dispositif d’écriture.Mathieu Brugidou - 2011 - Corpus 10:155-178.
    L’hypothèse privilégiée dans ce travail est de considérer le Grenelle de l’environnement comme un dispositif d’écriture et comme un dispositif d’énonciation collectif. Son orientation pragmatique est double : il construit du consensus et produit des mesures d’action publique. Deux types d’approches sont privilégiés : une première approche, morphologique, est orientée vers l’analyse de la représentation des problèmes, une seconde, formelle, est dédiée à l’analyse de la formulation de mesures.
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    Roger POUIVET, Epistémologie des croyances religieuses, Le Cerf, Paris, 2013.Mathieu Chauffray - 2014 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 269 (3):373-375.
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    La double naissance de la clinique. Numérisation des données médicales au XIX e siècle.Mathieu Corteel - 2021 - Rue Descartes 100 (2):23-37.
    « Et si la médecine clinique, que Michel Foucault fait naître au croisement de la doctrine sensualiste et de la pratique anatomo-pathologique, avait éludé son lien à la méthode numérique, son histoire, déjà traversée d’accidents, détournée et retardée par de multiples discours, ne prendrait-elle pas un sens nouveau? Aussi, avant que le pouvoir des grands nombres n’intronise la méthode numérique en tant que forme majoritaire, cette dernière fut rendue minoritaire par le pouvoir des grands noms de la médecine du xix (...)
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  32. L'implantation de la philosophie pour enfants en classe : une étude exploratoire dans le cadre d'un stage en enseignement.Mathieu Gagnon - 2012 - Childhood and Philosophy 8 (16):291-325.
    Schools located in underpriviledged areas have to deal with different factors, like the dropout rate among students and teachers; the culture of action, the culture of oral and a «carpe diem» culture; the low literacy rates; the type of children's knowledges — sometimes different from those promoted at school — and the learning difficulties of pupils... In light of these factors, few states have decided to adopt measures to support pupils and teachers in these communities. In this sense, several studies (...)
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    Deane-Peter Baker: Citizen Killings; Liberalism, State Policy and Moral Risk: London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2016. Paperback . US$26.95. 156 + ix pp.Kevin Lacourse & Peter Stone - 2018 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 21 (4):1013-1014.
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    L’étoile, la chaîne et le Jugement. Essai d’interprétation d’un élément de décor dans la mosquée d’Ibn Ṭūlūn.Mathieu Tillier - 2015 - Der Islam: Journal of the History and Culture of the Middle East 92 (2):332-366.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Der Islam Jahrgang: 92 Heft: 2 Seiten: 332-366.
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    Bringing Pierre Bourdieu to Science and Technology Studies.Mathieu Albert & Daniel Lee Kleinman - 2011 - Minerva 49 (3):263-273.
    Bringing Pierre Bourdieu to Science and Technology Studies Content Type Journal Article Pages 263-273 DOI 10.1007/s11024-011-9174-2 Authors Mathieu Albert, Wilson Centre and Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, 200 Elizabeth Street , Eaton-South 1-581, Toronto, ON M5G 2C4, Canada Daniel Lee Kleinman, Department of Community and Environmental Sociology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 348 Agricultural Hall 1450 Linden Drive, Madison, WI 53706, USA Journal Minerva Online ISSN 1573-1871 Print ISSN 0026-4695 Journal Volume Volume 49 Journal Issue Volume 49, (...)
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    Fidelity and the grain problem in cultural evolution.Mathieu Charbonneau & Pierrick Bourrat - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):5815-5836.
    High-fidelity cultural transmission, rather than brute intelligence, is the secret of our species’ success, or so many cultural evolutionists claim. It has been selected because it ensures the spread, stability and longevity of beneficial cultural traditions, and it supports cumulative cultural change. To play these roles, however, fidelity must be a causally-efficient property of cultural transmission. This is where the grain problem comes in and challenges the explanatory potency of fidelity. Assessing the degree of fidelity of any episode or mechanism (...)
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  37. An Inconsistency-Adaptive Deontic Logic for Normative Conflicts.Mathieu Beirlaen, Christian Straßer & Joke Meheus - 2013 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 42 (2):285-315.
    We present the inconsistency-adaptive deontic logic DP r , a nonmonotonic logic for dealing with conflicts between normative statements. On the one hand, this logic does not lead to explosion in view of normative conflicts such as O A ∧ O ∼A, O A ∧ P ∼A or even O A ∧ ∼O A. On the other hand, DP r still verifies all intuitively reliable inferences valid in Standard Deontic Logic (SDL). DP r interprets a given premise set ‘as normally (...)
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  38. Whistle-Blowing and Morality.Mathieu Bouville - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 81 (3):579-585.
    Whistle-blowing is generally considered from the viewpoint of professional morality. Morality rejects the idea of choice and the interests of the professional as immoral. Yet the dreadful retaliations against the messengers of the truth make it necessary for morality to leave a way out of whistle-blowing. This is why it forges rights (sometimes called duties) to trump the duty to the public prescribed by professional codes. This serves to hide the obvious fact that whether to blow the whistle is indeed (...)
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  39. Oxford realism: Knowledge and perception I.Mathieu Marion - 2000 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 8 (2):299 – 338.
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    An inconsistency-adaptive deontic logic for normative conflicts.Mathieu Beirlaen, Christian Strasser & Joke Meheus - forthcoming - Journal of Philosophical Logic.
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    On using ethical theories to teach engineering ethics.Mathieu Bouville - 2008 - Science and Engineering Ethics 14 (1):111-120.
    Many engineering ethics classes and textbooks introduce theories such as utilitarianism and Kantianism (and most others draw from these theories without mentioning them explicitly). Yet using ethical theories to teach engineering ethics is not devoid of difficulty. First, their status is unclear (should one pick a single theory or use them all? does it make a difference?) Also, textbooks generally assume or fallaciously ‘prove’ that egoism (or even simply accounting for one’s interests) is wrong. Further, the drawbacks of ethical theories (...)
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  42.  11
    Le transhumanisme est un intégrisme.Mathieu Terence - 2016 - Paris: Les éditions du Cerf.
    Le transhumanisme a inspiré beaucoup de livres. Pour et contre. Il fallait Mathieu Terence pour en dévoiler l'imposture. Pour en dénoncer l'aberration. Pour démonter ce mythe ultime de la religion du progrès. Avec humour et gravité. Avec style et prophétisme. Sources, théories, moyens financiers, relais médiatiques, réseaux d'influence : voici, tel qu'en lui-même, le mirage high-tech et mortifère de l'idéologie libérale mondialisée. Car, sous cette fausse promesse de puissance et d'immortalité, se cache la disparition du corps, du visage, de (...)
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    Inconsistency-Adaptive Dialogical Logic.Mathieu Beirlaen & Matthieu Fontaine - 2016 - Logica Universalis 10 (1):99-134.
    Even when inconsistencies are present in our premise set, we can sensibly distinguish between good and bad arguments relying on these premises. In making this distinction, the inconsistency-adaptive approach of Batens strikes a particularly nice balance between inconsistency-tolerance and inferential strength. In this paper, we use the machinery of Batens’ approach to extend the paraconsistent approach to dialogical logic as developed by Rahman and Carnielli. In bringing these frameworks closer together, we obtain a dynamic mechanism for the systematic study of (...)
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  44.  14
    Pour une culture critique de l’IA.Mathieu Corteel, Ariel Kyrou & Yann Moulier-Boutang - 2020 - Multitudes 78 (1):51-61.
    L’intelligence artificielle est partout, l’air de rien, pour mieux nous contrôler et nous orienter en douceur. Faut-il se rebeller contre cet état de fait, qui s’impose à nos modes de vie sans la moindre délibération démocratique? Est-il encore possible ou même souhaitable de jeter ces IA invisibles, voire indiscernables, à la poubelle du numérique? Ne faudrait-il pas, avant de clamer l’urgence du « danger » qui vient, oser les connaître? L’enjeu est de construire une culture critique de l’IA, qui associerait (...)
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    Comparing Numerical Comparison Tasks: A Meta-Analysis of the Variability of the Weber Fraction Relative to the Generation Algorithm.Mathieu Guillaume & Amandine Van Rinsveld - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    L’Apocalypse selon saint Jacques Lacan.Mathieu Blesson - 2015 - Labyrinthe 41:107-119.
    L’écologie est devenue une idéologie globale qui couvre l’intégralité de l’existence, les modes de production autant que les manières de vivre. On y retrouve tous les travers du marxisme appliqués à l’environnement : le scientisme omniprésent, les visions effroyables de la réalité, l’admonestation aux hommes coupables de ne pas comprendre ceux qui leur veulent du bien. Toutes les sottises du bolchevisme, du maoïsme, du trotskisme sont en quelque sorte reformulées au carré, au nom du salut de...
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    Nussbaum et la théorie stoïcienne des passions.Mathieu Burelle - 2020 - Philosophiques 47 (1):99-116.
    Martha Nussbaum has proposed an influential interpretation of the stoic theory of the passions, which will be challenged in this article. According to Nussbaum, the Stoics view the passions as judgments, rather than as intentional states caused by previous judgments. It will be argued that Nussbaum does not distinguish the passion, which is in fact an impulse of thehegemonikon, and the judgment that causes it. Such a distinction, however, is crucial to the Stoics, as it allows them to present the (...)
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    (2 other versions)The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science | Vol 75, No 4.Mathieu Charbonneau - 2019 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 71 (4):1209-1233.
    A leading idea of cultural evolutionary theory is that for human cultures to undergo evolutionary change, cultural transmission must generally serve as a high-fidelity copying process. In analogy to genetic inheritance, the high fidelity of human cultural transmission would act as a safeguard against the transformation and loss of cultural information, thus ensuring both the stability and longevity of cultural traditions. Cultural fidelity would also serve as the key difference-maker between human cumulative cultures and non-human non-cumulative traditions, explaining why only (...)
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    La Dissidence et l’unité des trois mouvements de l’existence chez Jan Patočka.Mathieu Cochereau - 2019 - Studia Phaenomenologica 19:327-347.
    Jan Patočka is usually connected with Czech dissidence, a political movement which stood up against the communist government. We want to defend the hypothesis that the notion of dissidence is not originally a political one but, above all, a phenomenological one. Dissidence is a movement of distancing which implies a rootedness, and this movement of distancing is peculiar to human beings. Patočka calls “movement of human existence” this paradoxical rootedness which is an extramundane and mundane position. Thus, we have to (...)
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    Les boîtes noires de la pandémie.Mathieu Corteel - 2022 - Multitudes 86 (1):147-155.
    Avec la pandémie de Covid-19, les modèles épidémiologiques sont sortis de l’ombre des laboratoires de recherche pour venir guider les gouvernements du monde entier dans l’organisation de leur réponse sanitaire face à la crise. Les modèles jouent un rôle de prescripteur dans la mise en place des mesures sanitaires. Face à l’inconnu, ils se proposent de géométriser ce qui n’a en apparence ni forme, ni structure, ni corps, ni comportement, ni frontière : l’événement pandémique. Leur enjeu est, pour ainsi dire, (...)
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