Results for 'Matthias Vonmoos'

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  1.  29
    Risky Decisions in a Lottery Task Are Associated with an Increase of Cocaine Use.Amrei Wittwer, Lea M. Hulka, Hans R. Heinimann, Matthias Vonmoos & Boris B. Quednow - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:188496.
    Cocaine use disorder is associated with maladaptive decision-making behavior, which strongly contributes to the harmful consequences of chronic drug use. Prior research has shown that cocaine users exhibit impaired neuropsychological test performances, particularly with regard to attention, learning, and memory but also in executive functions such as decision-making and impulse control. However, to what extent cocaine users show impaired decision-making under risk without feedback has not yet been investigated systematically. Therefore, to examine risk-taking behavior, 31 chronic cocaine users and 26 (...)
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    Just data? Solidarity and justice in data-driven medicine.Matthias Braun & Patrik Hummel - 2020 - Life Sciences, Society and Policy 16 (1):1-18.
    This paper argues that data-driven medicine gives rise to a particular normative challenge. Against the backdrop of a distinction between the good and the right, harnessing personal health data towards the development and refinement of data-driven medicine is to be welcomed from the perspective of the good. Enacting solidarity drives progress in research and clinical practice. At the same time, such acts of sharing could—especially considering current developments in big data and artificial intelligence—compromise the right by leading to injustices and (...)
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    Legitimate Power without Authority: The Transmission Model.Matthias Brinkmann - 2020 - Law and Philosophy 39 (2):119-146.
    Some authors have argued that legitimacy without authority is possible, though their work has not found much uptake in mainstream political philosophy. I provide an improved model how legitimate political institutions without authority are possible, the Transmission Model, which I couple with a thin substantive position, the Moral Value View. I defend the model against three common objections.
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  4. The Analysis of Knowledge.Jonathan Ichikawa & Matthias Steup - 2014 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    The first international competition on computational models of argumentation: Results and analysis.Matthias Thimm & Serena Villata - 2017 - Artificial Intelligence 252 (C):267-294.
  6. Scientific realism and underdetermination in quantum theory.Matthias Egg & Juha Saatsi - 2021 - Philosophy Compass 16 (11):e12773.
    This paper surveys the status of scientific realism in relation to quantum physics, focusing on the problem of underdetermination.
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    Two Forms of American Critical Realism: Perception and Reality in Santayana/Strong and Sellars.Matthias Neuber - 2020 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 10 (1):76-105.
    American critical realism emerged in two forms: an ‘essentialist’ version defended, with some significant divergences, by George Santayana and C. A. Strong, and an ‘empirical’ version primarily defended by Roy Wood Sellars. Both forms of American critical realism aimed at an epistemologically convincing ‘representationalist’ account of perception. However, they were divided over issues of ontology. While Santayana and Strong invoked the notion of essence in order to ontologically reinforce their epistemological conceptions, Sellars attempted a more empirical, evolution-based approach. It will (...)
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    The Unreality Business - How Economics (and Management) Became Anti-philosophical.Matthias P. Hühn - 2015 - Philosophy of Management 14 (1):47-66.
    This paper argues that economics, over the past 200 years, has become steadily more anti-philosophical and that there are three stages in the development of economic thought. Adam Smith intended economics to be a descriptive social science, rooted in an understanding of the moral and psychological processes of an individual’s decision-making and its connection to society in general. Yet, immediately after Smith’s death, economists made a clean cut and invented a totally new discipline: they switched towards a physicalist understanding of (...)
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  9. Coordination Cannot Establish Political Authority.Matthias Brinkmann - 2018 - Ratio Juris 31 (1):49-69.
    One of the most common arguments in favour of the state's authority is that without the coordinating hand of political institutions, we could not achieve important moral benefits. I argue that if we understand authority correctly, then coordination cannot even in principle establish that coordinators have political authority.
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  10.  48
    Responsible Innovation: a Smithian Perspective.Matthias P. Hühn - 2018 - Philosophy of Management 17 (1):41-57.
    Adam Smith’s is often falsely portrayed as having argued that radical selfishness is a force for the good and that this “invisible hand’ is his market mechanism. This paper argues that Smith’s real market mechanism, the sympathy manoeuvre, is a viable alternative to Schumpeterian and mainstream models of innovation in economics and also could help build a firmer theoretical basis for other approaches such as Responsible Innovation. To Smith all human activity was social and must be understood and explained in (...)
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  11.  13
    Werkzeuge Und Instrumente.Philippe Cordez & Matthias Krüger (eds.) - 2012 - Akademie Verlag.
    Was verbindet Hammer, Pinsel und Geige? Werkzeuge und Instrumente vermitteln zwischen menschlichem Körper und Materie. So genießen diese Objekte eine genuine Gemeinsamkeit, und doch gründet gerade in der Differenz beider Begriffe die abendländische Unterscheidung zwischen handwerklichen und künstlerischen bzw. musikalischen oder wissenschaftlichen Tätigkeiten. Die Beiträge des achten Bandes der Hamburger Forschungen zur Kunstgeschichte nehmen Werkzeuge und Instrumente aus einer kunsthistorischen Perspektive und im interdisziplinären Dialog in den Blick. Das Augenmerk liegt gleichermaßen auf den Techniken ihrer Handhabung, ihrer Diskursivierung in Kritik (...)
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    Cut normal forms and proof complexity.Matthias Baaz & Alexander Leitsch - 1999 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 97 (1-3):127-177.
    Statman and Orevkov independently proved that cut-elimination is of nonelementary complexity. Although their worst-case sequences are mathematically different the syntax of the corresponding cut formulas is of striking similarity. This leads to the main question of this paper: to what extent is it possible to restrict the syntax of formulas and — at the same time—keep their power as cut formulas in a proof? We give a detailed analysis of this problem for negation normal form , prenex normal form and (...)
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  13.  74
    Indirect Instrumentalism about Political Legitimacy.Matthias Brinkmann - 2019 - Moral Philosophy and Politics 6 (1):175-202.
    Political instrumentalism claims that the right to rule should be distributed such that justice is promoted best. Building on a distinction made by consequentialists in moral philosophy, I argue that instrumentalists should distinguish two levels of normative thinking about legitimacy, the critical and applied level. An indirect instrumentalism which acknowledges this distinction has significant advantages over simpler forms of instrumentalism that do not.
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    Towards Non-essentialism – Tracking Rival Views of Legitimacy as a Right to Rule.Matthias Brinkmann & Johan Vorland Wibye - 2023 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies.
    It is common in the literature to claim that legitimacy is the right to rule and that, accordingly, Hohfeldian rights analysis can be used to understand the concept. However, we argue that authors in the legitimacy literature have not generally realised the full potential of Hohfeldian analysis. We discuss extant approaches in the literature that conceptually identify legitimacy with one particular Hohfeldian incident, or, more rarely, a determinate set of incidents. Against these views, and building on parallel debates in property (...)
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  15.  53
    Business ethics: Between Friedman and Freeman? A response to A Puzzle about Business Ethics.Matthias P. Hühn - 2023 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 32 (2):868-876.
    The biggest research programme within business ethics is arguably Corporate Social Responsibility and all its related streams (Corporate Citizenship, Social Justice, etc.) While there seems to be widespread agreement that business ethics is situated between the amoral or even immoral view of Milton Friedman as explicated in his 1970 New York Times paper, and the moral view expounded by R. Edward Freeman, this essay challenges that view. Friedman, maybe owed to his flamboyant writing style and crude and purely rhetorical oversimplifications (...)
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  16.  88
    Wheelchair Control in a Virtual Environment by Healthy Participants Using a P300-BCI Based on Tactile Stimulation: Training Effects and Usability.Matthias Eidel & Andrea Kübler - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  17.  32
    Dignity and Dissent in Humans and Non-humans.Andreas Matthias - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (5):2497-2510.
    Is there a difference between human beings and those based on artificial intelligence that would affect their ability to be subjects of dignity? This paper first examines the philosophical notion of dignity as Immanuel Kant derives it from the moral autonomy of the individual. It then asks whether animals and AI systems can claim Kantian dignity or whether there is a sharp divide between human beings, animals and AI systems regarding their ability to be subjects of dignity. How this question (...)
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  18.  70
    Freedom and domination through time: Jean-Paul Sartre’s theory of the plurality of temporalities.Matthias Lievens - 2022 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 48 (7):1014-1034.
    The plural, impure or discordant nature of time has become an important theme in recent critical social and political theory. Against Althusser’s dismissal of Sartre’s presumedly Hegelian understanding of time and history, this article establishes Jean-Paul Sartre as a key figure in this debate on the plurality of temporalities. Especially in the Critique of Dialectical Reason, Sartre understands history and the social in terms of a multiplicity of uneven and non-synchronous temporalisations, rejecting an notion of time as a universal container (...)
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  19.  26
    Between Moral Hazard and Legal Uncertainty: Ethical, Legal and Societal Challenges of Human Genome Editing.Matthias Braun, Hannah Schickl & Peter Dabrock (eds.) - 2018 - Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
    Genome Editing Techniques are seen to be at the frontier of current research in the field of emerging biotechnologies. The latest revolutionary development, the so-called CRISPR technology, represents a paradigmatic example of the ambiguity of such techniques and has resulted in an international interdisciplinary debate on whether or not it is necessary to ban the application of this technique by means of a moratorium on its use for human germline modifications, particularly in human embryos in the reproduction process. However, given (...)
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  20.  54
    To what extent are the wishes of a signatory reflected in their advance directive: a qualitative analysis.Friedemann Nauck, Matthias Becker, Claudius King, Lukas Radbruch, Raymond Voltz & Birgit Jaspers - 2014 - BMC Medical Ethics 15 (1):52.
    Advance directives (ADs) are assumed to reflect the patients’ preferences, even if these are not clearly expressed. Research into whether this assumption is correct has been lacking. This study explores to what extent ADs reflect the true wishes of the signatories.
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  21.  19
    Vernunft Und Vorsehung: Säkularisierte Eschatologie in Kants Religions- Und Geschichtsphilosophie.Matthias Hoesch - 2014 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Die Studie prüft, inwieweit Kants Geschichtsdenken auf Elemente christlicher Eschatologie zurückgreift und welche Probleme damit einhergehen. Nach einer methodischen Auseinandersetzung mit Löwith und Blumenberg interpretiert sie Texte Kants, die selten in Ausführlichkeit behandelt werden; sie stellt diese Texte in einen größeren geistesgeschichtlichen Kontext und hinterfragt dabei das Geschichtsdenken der Moderne und der Gegenwart kritisch.
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  22.  22
    AMICAI: A Method Based on Risk Analysis to Integrate Responsible Research and Innovation into the Work of Research and Innovation Practitioners.Christopher Brandl, Matthias Wille, Jochen Nelles, Peter Rasche, Katharina Schäfer, Frank O. Flemisch, Martin Frenz, Verena Nitsch & Alexander Mertens - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (2):667-689.
    The integration of ethics into the day-to-day work of research and innovation is an important but difficult challenge. However, with the Aachen method for identification, classification and risk analysis of innovation-based problems an approach from an engineering perspective is presented that enables the integration of ethical, legal and social implications into the day-to-day work of R&I practitioners. AMICAI appears in particular capable of providing a procedural guidance for R&I practitioners based on a method established in engineering science, breaking down the (...)
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  23.  48
    DIANA Anomalies.Antoine Suarez, Matthias Lang & Joachim Huarte - 2007 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 7 (2):315-335.
    Ethical concerns are motivating the search for alternative methods to obtain pluripotent stem cells without destroying human embryos. The supporters of these methods stress the importance of ensuring that the biological entities used in these alternative methods are not “disabled or sick human embryos.” In this article the authors argue that biological entities bearing anomalies or alterations that directly inhibit the appearance of neural activity (DIANA anomalies) share the moral status of human organisms fulfilling the clinical criteria for brain death. (...)
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  24.  28
    Complexity of resolution proofs and function introduction.Matthias Baaz & Alexander Leitsch - 1992 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 57 (3):181-215.
    The length of resolution proofs is investigated, relative to the model-theoretic measure of Herband complexity. A concept of resolution deduction is introduced which is somewhat more general than the classical concepts. It is shown that proof complexity is exponential in terms of Herband complexity and that this bound is tight. The concept of R-deduction is extended to FR-deduction, where, besides resolution, a function introduction rule is allowed. As an example, consider the clause P Q: conclude P) Q, where a, f (...)
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  25.  15
    Die zuordnung der elemente zu den sinnen bei poseidonios und ihre herkunft aus der alten akademie.Matthias Baltes - 1978 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 122 (1):183-196.
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    Political Anti-Intentionalism.Matthias Brinkmann - 2018 - Res Publica 24 (2):159-179.
    There has been little debate in political philosophy about whether the intentions of governments matter to the legitimacy of their policies. This paper fills this gap. First, I provide a rigorous statement of political anti-intentionalism, the view that intentions do not matter to political legitimacy. I do so by building on analogous debates in moral philosophy. Second, I sketch some strategies to defend political anti-intentionalism, which I argue are promising and available to a wide range of theories of legitimacy. Third, (...)
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  27.  51
    Eco-Deconstruction: Derrida and Environmental Philosophy.Matthias Fritsch, Philippe Lynes & David Wood (eds.) - 2018 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    A collection bringing together a wide-varietyof world-renowned scholars on the import of Derrida's philosophy with respectto the current environmental crisis, our ecological relationships to 'nature'and the earth, our responsibilities with respect to climate change, pollution, and nuclear destruction, and the ethics and politics at stake in responding tothese crises.
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    Viktor Žirmunskij and German Mundartforschung.Matthias Aumüller - 2008 - Studies in East European Thought 60 (4):295-306.
    German dialect geography developed, inter alia, as a means to compensate the shortcomings of the Young Grammarians' approach to language. In contrast to the latter, it was conceived of to be a sociolinguistic project, constituting thereby one link between the development of Soviet and German linguistics. The article tries to answer such questions as who initially participated in transferring ideas of German dialectology to the Soviet Union and what kind of motivations underlay those transfers. Combining biographical facts with systematic aspects, (...)
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    Controlling witnesses.Matthias Baaz - 2005 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 136 (1-2):22-29.
    This paper presents a translation which allows one to describe constructive provability within classical first-order logic.
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    Timaios Lokros über die Natur des Kosmos und der Seele.Matthias Baltes - 1972 - Leiden,: Brill.
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  31.  24
    Geschichte und Gegenwart der Erziehungsphilosophie.Matthias Ernst Bähr & Dennis Sölch (eds.) - 2023 - Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
    Der Band geht den zahlreichen Verbindungslinien von Erziehung und Philosophie in Geschichte und Gegenwart nach. Neben exemplarischen Auseinandersetzungen mit einzelnen Denker: innen von Seneca über Locke und Rousseau bis hin zu Jaspers und Foucault stehen grundlegende Aspekte möglicher Überschneidungen und Kontinuitäten zwischen Erziehungsphilosophie, philosophischer Pädagogik, Anthropologie und anderen Teil- oder Fachdisziplinen im Mittelpunkt der Beiträge. Ergänzt wird der Band durch tentative Ausblicke auf die Zukunft der Erziehungsphilosophie unter den sich verändernden Vorzeichen globaler Herausforderungen.
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  32. How the technologies behind self‐driving cars, social networks, ChatGPT, and DALL‐E2 are changing structural biology.Matthias Bochtler - 2025 - Bioessays 47 (1):2400155.
    The performance of deep Neural Networks (NNs) in the text (ChatGPT) and image (DALL‐E2) domains has attracted worldwide attention. Convolutional NNs (CNNs), Large Language Models (LLMs), Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DDPMs)/Noise Conditional Score Networks (NCSNs), and Graph NNs (GNNs) have impacted computer vision, language editing and translation, automated conversation, image generation, and social network management. Proteins can be viewed as texts written with the alphabet of amino acids, as images, or as graphs of interacting residues. Each of these perspectives suggests (...)
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  33.  16
    Marx, ein Exzerpt und der „falsche Bruder“ Zu einer Genealogie der „Kritik der politischen Ökonomie“.Matthias Bohlender - 2013 - In Rahel Jaeggi & Daniel Loick (eds.), Karl Marx - Perspektiven der Gesellschaftskritik. De Gruyter. pp. 109-122.
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    Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft: Ringvorlesung an der Technischen Universität Braunschweig im Sommersemester 1995.Matthias Bohnet & Klaus Lampe (eds.) - 1996 - Braunschweig: TU Braunschweig, Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit.
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  35. Theoretical conceptualization of online privacy-related decision making – Introducing the tripartite self-disclosure decision model.Sina Ostendorf & Matthias Brand - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Self-disclosures on online social networks have received increased attention in the last two decades. Researchers from different disciplines investigated manifold influencing variables, and studies applied different theories to explain why many users share very sensitive and personal information despite potential risks and negative consequences, whereas others do not. Oftentimes, it is argued that self-disclosure decisions result from a kind of rational “calculus” of risks and benefits. However, such an assumption of rationality can and has been criticized. Nevertheless, fundamental cognitive and (...)
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    Religion and Science.Dirk Evers & Matthias D. Wüthrich - 2019 - Philosophy, Theology and the Sciences 6 (2):117.
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    Die Unnatürlichkeit der Natur: über die Sozialität der Natur und die Natürlichkeit der Sozialen : eine Sammlung zu Alfred Schmidts 60. Geburtstag.Matthias Lutz-Bachmann (ed.) - 1991 - Frankfurt am Main: Nexus.
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    Disjunctive duties and supererogatory sets of actions.Matthias Brinkmann - 2015 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 77:67-86.
    I develop a ‘duty-plus’ approach to supererogation based on a simple intuition: if I am required to do x or y, doing x and y is a candidate for, though not necessarily, supererogation. This is an appealing view to take, located midway between two extreme positions, supererogationism and rigorism. I give a precise statement of the view through the notion of disjunctive duties, and discuss the commitments a duty-plus theorist should make, independent from the Kantian context in which this position (...)
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  39.  9
    The Body in language: comparative studies of linguistic embodiment.Matthias Brenzinger & Iwona Kraska (eds.) - 2014 - Boston: Brill.
    "The Body in Language: Comparative studies of Linguistic Embodiment provides new insights into the theory of linguistic embodiment in its universal and cultural aspects. The contributions of the volume offer theoretical reflections on grammaticalization, lexical semantics, philosophy, multimodal communication and - by discussing metaphorization and metonymy in figurative language - on cognitive linguistics in general. Case studies contribute first-hand data on embodiment from more than 15 languages and present findings on the body in language in diverse cultures from various continents. (...)
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  40. Value systems : drivers of human-landscape interaction.Matthias Buchecker, Susanne Kianicka & Berit Junker - 2007 - In Felix Kienast, Otto Wildi & S. Ghosh (eds.), A changing world: challenges for landscape research. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.
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    Inhalt.Matthias Engmann - 2017 - In Innerlichkeit: Struktur- Und Praxistheoretische Perspektiven Auf Kierkegaards Existenzdenken. Boston: De Gruyter.
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    6. Literaturverzeichnis.Matthias Engmann - 2017 - In Innerlichkeit: Struktur- Und Praxistheoretische Perspektiven Auf Kierkegaards Existenzdenken. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 565-589.
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  43. B. Referate uber fremdsprachige Neuerscheinungen-Peter Strawson.Clifford Brown & Matthias Wille - 2006 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 59 (3):307.
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    The Crisis of Business Ethics: an introduction (Special Issue on'Business Ethics in Crisis).Rowland Curtis, Stephen Matthias Harney & C. Jones - 2013 - Business Ethics: A European Review 22 (1):64-67.
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    The Critique of Reason in Modern Philosophy and the Cognitive Status of Religion.Matthias Lutz-Bachmann & John Cochrane - 2000 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 74:53-63.
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  46. Bd. 1. Sinn und Zeit.Herausgegeben von Matthias Michailow - 2003 - In Alfred Schutz (ed.), Werkausgabe: ASW. Konstanz: UVK Verlagsgesellschaft.
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    The social construction of technological stasis: The stagnating data structure in OpenStreetMap.Matthias Plennert - 2018 - Big Data and Society 5 (2).
    The article aims for examining the ‘technological stasis’ of the data structure in OpenStreetMap – the successful global collaborative geodata project devoted to ‘create and distribute free geographic data for the world’. Digital structures are strongly influenced by continuing stagnation. This technological stasis – the lack of change in technology – influences data in various ways, as demonstrated by the intensive discussion of the issue by computer scientists and software engineers. However, existing research describing stagnating software is often technic centred (...)
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    Walküren, Bodbs, Sirenen: Gedanken Zur Religionsgeschichtlichen Anbindung Nordwesteuropas an den Mediterranen Raum.Matthias Egeler - 2010 - De Gruyter.
    This work considers Valkyries in the medieval Scandinavian mythology and literature and places them in the context of the early history of European religion. Drawing on textual and archaeological sources, a detailed review of Celtic, Etruscan and Graeco-Roman female demons of the battlefield and of death is presented, and their remarkable similarity with the Valkyries analysed against the background of Mediterranean-transalpine cultural contacts.
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    Professionals in Food Chains.Matthias Eggel, Christian Dürnberger & Svenja Springer - 2019 - Food Ethics 3 (1-2):1-4.
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  50. Equal consideration of all – an aporetic project?Matthias Fritsch - 2006 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 32 (3):299-323.
    The article considers the relationships among three arguments that purport to establish the intrinsically contradictory or paradoxical nature of the modern project aiming at the equal consideration of all. The claim that the inevitable historical insertion of universal-egalitarian norms leads to always particular and untransparent interpretations of grammatically universal norms may be combined with the claim that the logic of determination of political communities tends to generate exclusions. The combination of these two claims lends specific force to the third argument (...)
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