Results for 'Md Boeri'

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  1. µήτ᾿ ἄνευ σώµατος εἶναι µήτε σῶµά τι ἡ ψυχή (Aristóteles, De anima B 2. 414 a 1920). A propósito del alcance de las interpretaciones funcionalistas de la psicología aristotélica y del carácter causal del alma. [REVIEW]Md Boeri - 2009 - Elenchos 30 (s1).
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    The Stoics on Bodies and Incorporeals.Marcelo D. Boeri - 2001 - Review of Metaphysics 54 (4):723 - 752.
    The Stoics incorporeals are "somethings" which, albeit nonexistent strictly, are subsistent. For the Stoics things truly existent are bodies. So, the question is: what role do incorporeals play in Stoic ontology? The author endeavors to demonstrate that the interpretation that incorporeals are secondary realities (bodies being the primary ones) is not consistent with Stoic philosophy as a whole. At this point the argument is that bodies and incorporeals serve to complement each other in the sense that one cannot exist without (...)
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  3. Chance and Teleology in Aristotle’s Physics.Marcelo D. Boeri - 1995 - International Philosophical Quarterly 35 (1):87-96.
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    Theaetetus and Protarchus: two philosophical characters or what a philosophical soul should do.Marcelo D. Boeri - 2015 - In Gabriele Cornelli (ed.), Plato's Styles and Characters: Between Literature and Philosophy. De Gruyter. pp. 357-378.
  5. The Presence of Socrates and Aristotle in the Stoic Account of Akrasia.Marcelo D. Boeri - 2005 - In Ricardo Salles (ed.), Metaphysics, soul, and ethics in ancient thought: themes from the work of Richard Sorabji. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Family‐based consent and motivation for familial organ donation in Bangladesh: An empirical exploration.Md Sanwar Siraj - 2023 - Developing World Bioethics 24 (4):318-324.
    The government of Bangladesh approved the human organ transplantation law in 1999 and updated it in 2018. This legislation approved both living‐related donor and posthumous organ transplantation. The law only allows family members to legally donate organs to their relatives. The main focus of this study was to explore how Bangladeshis make donation decisions on familial organs for transplantation. My ethnographic fieldwork with forty participants (physicians and nurses, a healthcare administrator, organ donors, recipients, and their relatives) disclosed that the organ (...)
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    Alfonso Gómez-Lobo: (1940-2011).Marcelo D. Boeri - 2012 - Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 38 (1):109-113.
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    Lo justo lo es por naturaleza, no por convención: Los argumentos estoicos en contra de la esclavitud y la doctrina de la οἰκείωσις.Marcelo D. Boeri - 2014 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 18 (1):19-37.
    En este ensayo se argumenta que la tesis estoica de la igualdad natural entre los seres humanos presupone una reconsideración radical de la noción de naturaleza, probablemente inspirada en el sofista Antifonte. Aunque los estoicos parecen considerar el naturalismo antifonteo, centrado en las facultades corpóreas, y reconocen la distinción clásica ‘convencional-natural’ aplicada a la diferencia entre griegos y bárbaros, desarrollan la tesis de la igualdad de naturaleza en dirección de una teoría de la justicia y la ley natural que supera (...)
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    La Teología Mística de Pseudo Dionisio Areopagita: una nueva lectura.Marcelo D. Boeri & José Pablo Martín - 2002 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 23 (1):9-27.
    En este artículo se presenta una nueva traducción al español del breve opúsculo De mystica theologia junto con una introducción al texto. La introducción se concentra en el análisis de algunos puntos que son especialmente útiles para entender el texto en cuestión: su historia y su significado para el neoplatonismo y, aun más importante, su relevancia en términos de una exposición sumamente original de la doctrina cristiana desde la perspectiva de un neoplatónico; la importancia de este texto en la filosofía (...)
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  10. Natural law and world order in Stoicism.Marcelo D. Boeri - 2013 - In Gabriela Rossi (ed.), Nature and the Best Life: Exploring the Natural Bases of Practical Normativity in Ancient Philosophy. Hildesheim - Zurich - New York: G. Olms.
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    Presentación.Marcelo D. Boeri - 2006 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 30:9-15.
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    St. Everson (ed.) Ethics. Companions to Ancient Thought 4. Cambridge 1998 (Cambridge University Press, vii + 300 págs.).Marcelo D. Boeri - 2002 - Méthexis 15 (1):170-173.
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    “The memory is of that which has already happened”: memory, time and action in Aristotle.Marcelo Boeri - 2017 - Apuntes Filosóficos 26 (51):39-60.
    The purpose of this paper is to examine the manner in which Aristotle discusses memory both in the psychological and practical domain. I shall argue that the psychological inspection of memory is consistent with the discussion of the practical scope of that cognitive capacity. The “perception of time”, understood as “perception of future”, is what distinguishes the rational from the irrational beings, and what enables rational beings to develop their practical life.
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    Los filósofos estoicos: ontología, lógica, física y ética: traducción, comentario filosófico y edición anotada de los principales textos griegos y latinos.Marcelo D. Boeri & Ricardo Salles (eds.) - 2014 - Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag.
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    The Human Organ Transplantation Act in Bangladesh: Towards Proper Family-Based Ethics and Law.Md Sanwar Siraj - 2021 - Asian Bioethics Review 13 (3):283-296.
    The Human Organ Transplantation Act came into officially force in Bangladesh on April 13, 1999, allowing organ donations from both living and brain-dead donors. The Act was amended by the Parliament on January 8, 2018, with the changes coming into effect shortly afterwards on January 28. The Act was revised to extend a living donor pool from close relatives to include certain other relatives such as grandparents, grandchildren, and first cousins. The Act was also revised to allow individuals to prioritize (...)
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    Evidence‐based medicine: a Kuhnian perspective of a transvestite non‐theory.Joaquim S. Couto Md - 1998 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 4 (4):267-275.
  17. Stoic epistemology.Marcelo Boeri - 2018 - In Nicholas D. Smith (ed.), The philosophy of knowledge: a history. London, UK: Bloomsbury Academic.
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  18.  29
    Necesidad, lo que depende de nosotros y posibilidades alternativas en los estoicos. Réplica a Ricardo Salles.Marcelo D. Boeri - 2007 - Critica 39 (115):97-111.
    Ésta es la respuesta a la crítica hecha por Ricardo Salles a mi interpretación del compatibilismo estoico. Aunque en parte admito sus objeciones, intento mostrar que algunos textos nos permiten pensar que, aunque lo que depende de nosotros no implique necesariamente acciones alternativas, eso no significa que no pueda implicarlas. También trato de mostrar que un reexamen de la noción crisipea de posibilidad que tenga en cuenta el deseo y la creencia permite explicar por qué no es posible llevar a (...)
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    Alejandro de Afrodisia intérprete de la noética aristotélica.Marcelo D. Boeri - 2009 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 40:79-107.
    Este ensayo se propone mostrar que, a pesar de la relevancia de la interpretación alejandrina del intelecto agente aristotélico (que Alejandro identifica con dios), tal interpretación no puede ser correcta por razones de orden sistemático que irían en contra de algunas premisas aristotélicas básicas, tanto ontológicas en general como de su noética y psicología en particular. En el desarrollo de su argumento general Boeri destaca la relevancia de algunos argumentos y explicaciones de Pseudo Filópono, quien (correctamente a su juicio) (...)
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  20. (1 other version)Aristóteles contra Parménides: el problema del cambio y la posibilidad de una ciencia física.Marcelo Boeri - 2006 - Tópicos 30:45-68.
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    Assisted Reproductive Technologies: Comparing Abrahamic Monotheistic Religions.Md Shaikh Farid & Sumaia Tasnim - 2022 - Asian Bioethics Review 15 (1):53-67.
    The impact of culture and religion on sexual and reproductive health and behavior has been a developing area of study in contemporary time. Therefore, it is crucial for people using reproductive procedures to understand the religious and theological perspectives on issues relating to reproductive health. This paper compares different perspectives of three Abrahamic faiths, i.e., Judaism, Christianity, and Islam on ARTs. Procreation, family formation, and childbirth within the context of marriage have all been advocated by these three major religions of (...)
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  22. Does cosmic nature matter? : Some reflections on the cosmological aspects of stoic ethics.Marcelo Boeri - 2009 - In Ricardo Salles (ed.), God and cosmos in stoicism. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 173.
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    Academic Supervision in Higher Education: The Case of Government Colleges in Bangladesh.Md Masud Rana - forthcoming - Philosophy and Progress:97-128.
    Academic supervision is considered an important mechanism to improve the performance of an educational institution. This article aims to investigate the situation of academic supervision in Bangladeshi Government Colleges (GCs).The article, in particular, explores the impacts of academic supervision on Bangladeshi students and teachers in developing their competencies and confidence in postsecondary educational settings. The study was conducted employing thequalitative research method and collecting data from in-depth interviews, secondary published literature, such as books, journal articles etc. The study finds that (...)
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    Alejandro de Afrodisia como lector de Aristóteles.Marcelo D. Boeri - 2009 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 40:7-27.
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    Aristotelismo y estoicismo en el comentario de Miguel de Éfeso al De motu animalium de Aristóteles.Marcelo D. Boeri - 2022 - Patristica Et Mediaevalia 43 (1).
    El propósito en este artículo es mostrar que, a pesar del juicio lapidario de algunos estudiosos de las últimas décadas respecto del interés filosófico del bizantino Miguel de Éfeso, es posible encontrar aspectos relevantes en sus lecturas e interpretaciones de Aristóteles. Argumentaré que el comentario de Miguel al _De motu animalium_ merece ser tratado seriamente. En la medida en que Miguel a veces emplea un modelo conceptual estoico para explicar Aristóteles, propone una idea nueva sobre cómo entender la teoría aristotélica (...)
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  26. Causa, explicación causal y corporeidad en el estoicismo antiguo.Marcelo D. Boeri - 1999 - Diálogos. Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Puerto Rico 34 (73):7-34.
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    El bien es aquello a lo que todas las cosas tienden: Observaciones críticas a una traducción reciente de la Ética a Nicómaco de Aristóteles.Marcelo D. Boeri - 2013 - Dianoia 58 (70):169-189.
    Este artículo examina críticamente la reciente traducción e interpretación de la Ética a Nicómaco hecha por S. Rus Rufino y J.E. Meabe. El autor argumenta en contra de la interpretación general provista por los traductores y señala lo que considera que son errores fundamentales de interpretación del texto griego y del argumento general de Aristóteles que se sigue de dicha interpretación. This paper examines critically the recent translation and interpretation of Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics done by S. Rus Rufino and J.E. (...)
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    Filosofía, historia de la filosofía y pensamiento antiguo.Marcelo Boeri - 2020 - Síntesis Revista de Filosofía 3 (1):78-107.
    After physical reality began to be considered mathematically, and the Aristotelian conception of the world was abandoned one should accept that the world the Ancient Greeks were in the habit of considering has disappeared. One might also say that the world is not today what it used to be some decades ago. The technological revolution and its progress, the sophistication of methods of communication, the appearance of new illnesses and calamities indicate that our world is no longer the world that (...)
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  29. Las críticas de Galeno a la psicología de Crisipo.Marcelo D. Boeri - 1993 - Cuadernos de Filosofía 24 (39):23.
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  30. Pseudo-Justin on Aristotelian Cosmology: A Byzantine Philosopher Searching for a New Picture of the World.Marcelo D. Boeri - 2009 - Byzantion 79:99-135.
    This paper focuses on Pseudo Justin's objections to Aristotle's cosmological doctrines, and aims to show that, as a result of his criticisms to Aristotle's viewpoints, an entirely new view of the natural world bursts in. A few arguments by Pseudo Justin against the Aristotelian cosmology are analysed, and the author shows that Pseudo Justin makes use of conceptual tools and of some assumptions Aristotelian in character without resorting to the creationist argument. If what is suggested in this paper is sound, (...)
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  31. Present time and indifferents : making room for 'what depends on us' in Marcus Aurelius.Marcelo D. Boeri - 2014 - In P. Destrée (ed.), What is Up to Us? Studies on Agency and Responsibility in ancient Philosophy. Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag.
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    Sócrates y Aristóteles en el examen estoico de la incontinencia.Marcelo D. Boeri - 1999 - Anuario Filosófico 32 (63):193-224.
    This paper briefly explores the connections among Socratic, Aristotelian and Stoic treatment of incontinence or weakness of the will. The core of the article is focused on the Stoic reception of Socratic ethics through Aristotle's mediation. The early Stoics took into account both certain components of Socratic ethics and Aristotle's account of action. Despite their intellectualism, the Stoics elabórate an argumentative strategy to demónstrate that it is possible to maintain that an agent is both able to make correct moral judgment (...)
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  33. Ser y géneros del ser en el estoicismo antiguo. Una distinción ontológica importante aplicada a la ética y teoría de la acción.Marcelo Boeri - 2010 - Pensamiento 66 (247):55-81.
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  34. Affatus: Natural Science as Moral Theology (Part two).Md Johnston - 1990 - Studia Lulliana 30 (83):139-159.
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  35. Developing concepts of objects and events-evidence from spanish.Md Sera - 1988 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 26 (6):499-499.
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  36. Filosofia Antigua en América Latina.Marcelo Boeri - 2015 - Filosofía Iberoamericana Del Siglo XX: Filosofía Teórica E Historia de la Filosofía.
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  37. Causa sinéctica y actividad neumática en el estoicismo.Marcelo D. Boeri - 2009 - Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 35 (1):5-34.
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    Perception of SME owners towards business ethics: an empirical study focused on developing economies.Md Rostam Ali, Reshma Pervin Lima, K. H. Robel & Md Abdul Halim - 2024 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 1 (1).
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    Ethical Issues in Sperm, Egg and Embryo Donation: Islamic Shia Perspectives.Md Shaikh Farid - 2024 - HEC Forum 36 (2):167-185.
    Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ARTs) have been practiced in Islamic societies within married couples since their introduction. However, there are divergent views over the issue of third-party donation among Sunni and Shia scholars. This paper illustrates the different perspectives of Shia Muslims surrounding, sperm, egg, and embryo donation and ethical aspects thereof. The study reveals that there are different views regarding sperm, egg, and embryo donation among the Shia religious leaders around the world. Many Shia religious scholars, including the Iranian supreme (...)
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    Food Politics, Governance, and Accountability of Food System Actors in Bangladesh Perspective.Md Fahad Jubayer - 2024 - Food Ethics 9 (1):1-3.
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    Deceased Organ Transplantation in Bangladesh: The Dynamics of Bioethics, Religion and Culture.Md Sanwar Siraj - 2022 - HEC Forum 34 (2):139-167.
    Organ transplantation from living related donors in Bangladesh first began in October 1982, and became commonplace in 1988. Cornea transplantation from posthumous donors began in 1984 and living related liver and bone marrow donor transplantation began in 2010 and 2014 respectively. The Human Organ Transplantation Act officially came into effect in Bangladesh on 13th April 1999, allowing organ donation from both brain-dead and related living donors for transplantation. Before the legislation, religious leaders issued fatwa, or religious rulings, in favor of (...)
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    D. Sedley, The Midwife of Platonism. Text and Subtext in Plato’s Theaetetus, Oxford 2004 (Clarendon Press, 201 págs.).Marcelo D. Boeri - 2005 - Méthexis 18 (1):154-157.
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    (2 other versions)Informaciones.Marcelo D. Boeri - 1997 - Méthexis 10 (1):205-206.
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    Policing Ethics: Context Bangladesh.Md Sharifur Rahman Adil - 2020 - Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics 11 (1):10-23.
    The police are one of the most powerful and important forces for any country. The main task of the police is to install a sense of security in the ordinary citizens and to protect their life and property when they are in danger. Bangladeshi Police have a glorious past with tremendous achievement. Especially in our great liberation war in 1971, they played an important role in achieving our liberation. Eliminating terrorism & militancy and others several operation that leads with the (...)
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    A. J. Cappelletti, Los estoicos antiguos, introducción, traducción y notas, Madrid 1996 (Ed. Gredos, 334 págs.).Marcelo D. Boeri - 1999 - Méthexis 12 (1):160-163.
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  46. Artículos sobre la Física de Aristóteles.Marcelo Boeri - 2006 - Tópicos 30:9-16.
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    Colloquium 2: Socrates, Aristotle, and the Stoics on the Apparent and Real Good1.Marcelo Boeri - 2005 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 20 (1):109-152.
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    Los Comentadores Antiguos de Aristóteles y Su Reelaboración de la Filosofía Griega.Marcelo D. Boeri - 1993 - Méthexis 6 (1):191-199.
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    Mht'aney Σωmatοσ Einai Mihte Σωμα Ti H Ψυxh.Marcelo D. Boeri - 2009 - Elenchos 30 (1):53-98.
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    Una vida sin examen no merece ser vivida por el hombre: variaciones "socráticas" en Epicteto.Marcelo D. Boeri - 2012 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 53 (125):81-102.
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