Results for 'Michael Cope'

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  1. Reimagining the new pedagogical possibilities for universities post-Covid-19.Michael A. Peters, Fazal Rizvi, Gary McCulloch, Paul Gibbs, Radhika Gorur, Moon Hong, Yoonjung Hwang, Lew Zipin, Marie Brennan, Susan Robertson, John Quay, Justin Malbon, Danilo Taglietti, Ronald Barnett, Wang Chengbing, Peter McLaren, Rima Apple, Marianna Papastephanou, Nick Burbules, Liz Jackson, Pankaj Jalote, Mary Kalantzis, Bill Cope, Aslam Fataar, James Conroy, Greg Misiaszek, Gert Biesta, Petar Jandrić, Suzanne S. Choo, Michael Apple, Lynda Stone, Rob Tierney, Marek Tesar, Tina Besley & Lauren Misiaszek - forthcoming - Educational Philosophy and Theory:1-44.
    Michael A. Petersa and Fazal Rizvib aBeijing Normal University, Beijing, PR China; bMelbourne University, Melbourne, Australia Our minds are still racing back and forth, longing for a return to ‘no...
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  2. Liberty and egalitarianism: The case of religion in contemporary society.Michael Cope - forthcoming - Australian Humanist, The 123:11.
    Cope, Michael Currently in the United States there are 22 bills in 11 states making it easier for people to demand exemptions to generally applicable laws by allowing lawsuits challenging laws or policy that someone says substantially burdens their religious belief. Inherent in these laws is the proposition that people who hold religious views are entitled to make others conform to those views and that those who do not confirm are not entitled to equal treatment with others.
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  3. AI and the future of humanity: ChatGPT-4, philosophy and education – Critical responses.Michael A. Peters, Liz Jackson, Marianna Papastephanou, Petar Jandrić, George Lazaroiu, Colin W. Evers, Bill Cope, Mary Kalantzis, Daniel Araya, Marek Tesar, Carl Mika, Lei Chen, Chengbing Wang, Sean Sturm, Sharon Rider & Steve Fuller - 2024 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 56 (9):828-862.
    1. Michael A PetersBeijing Normal UniversityChatGPT is an AI chatbot released by OpenAI on November 30, 2022 and a ‘stable release’ on February 13, 2023. It belongs to OpenAI’s GPT-3 family (genera...
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    Reimagining the new pedagogical possibilities for universities post-Covid-19: An EPAT Collective Project.Lauren Misiaszek, Tina Besley, Marek Tesar, Rob Tierney, Lynda Stone, Michael Apple, Suzanne S. Choo, Petar Jandrić, Gert Biesta, Greg Misiaszek, James Conroy, Aslam Fataar, Bill Cope, Mary Kalantzis, Pankaj Jalote, Liz Jackson, Nick Burbules, Marianna Papastephanou, Rima Apple, Peter McLaren, Wang Chengbing, Ronald Barnett, Danilo Taglietti, Justin Malbon, John Quay, Susan Robertson, Marie Brennan, Lew Zipin, Yoonjung Hwang, Moon Hong, Radhika Gorur, Paul Gibbs, Gary McCulloch, Fazal Rizvi & Michael A. Peters - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (6):717-760.
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  5. Coping with mortality : a societal perspective.Michael K. Bartalos - 2009 - In Speaking of death: America's new sense of mortality. Westport, Conn.: Praeger.
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  6. After Feticide: Coping with Late-Term Abortion in Israel, Western Europe, and the United States.Michael L. Gross - 1999 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 8 (4):449-462.
    Although the abortion debate continues to simmer in many places, the general issue of a woman's right to an abortion, at least in the Western democracies, is largely settled. In its place, the question of late-term abortion begins to assume a prominence only recently attributed to abortion itself. The advent of sophisticated fetal screening techniques makes possible detection of potentially severe fetal anomalies that in many cases are detected only late in the pregnancy, resulting in the need for late-term abortion.
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    Can Sport Cope With a “Wimpy Virus”'s Using Questions Not Asked in HIV and Sport Discourses to Resist Discrimination.Michael Burke - 2002 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 29 (1):54-65.
  8. Environmental influences on ethical decision making: Climate and environmental predictors of research integrity.Michael D. Mumford, Stephen T. Murphy, Shane Connelly, Jason H. Hill, Alison L. Antes, Ryan P. Brown & Lynn D. Devenport - 2007 - Ethics and Behavior 17 (4):337 – 366.
    It is commonly held that early career experiences influence ethical behavior. One way early career experiences might operate is to influence the decisions people make when presented with problems that raise ethical concerns. To test this proposition, 102 first-year doctoral students were asked to complete a series of measures examining ethical decision making along with a series of measures examining environmental experiences and climate perceptions. Factoring of the environmental measure yielded five dimensions: professional leadership, poor coping, lack of rewards, limited (...)
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  9. Cognition in context: Phenomenology, situated robotics and the frame problem.Michael Wheeler - 2008 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 16 (3):323 – 349.
    The frame problem is the difficulty of explaining how non-magical systems think and act in ways that are adaptively sensitive to context-dependent relevance. Influenced centrally by Heideggerian phenomenology, Hubert Dreyfus has argued that the frame problem is, in part, a consequence of the assumption (made by mainstream cognitive science and artificial intelligence) that intelligent behaviour is representation-guided behaviour. Dreyfus' Heideggerian analysis suggests that the frame problem dissolves if we reject representationalism about intelligence and recognize that human agents realize the property (...)
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    Changing Philosophy Through Technology: Complexity and Computer-Supported Collaborative Argument Mapping.Michael H. G. Hoffmann - 2015 - Philosophy and Technology 28 (2):167-188.
    Technology is not only an object of philosophical reflection but also something that can change this reflection. This paper discusses the potential of computer-supported argument visualization tools for coping with the complexity of philosophical arguments. I will show, in particular, how the interactive and web-based argument mapping software “AGORA-net” can change the practice of philosophical reflection, communication, and collaboration. AGORA-net allows the graphical representation of complex argumentations in logical form and the synchronous and asynchronous collaboration on those “argument maps” on (...)
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  11. Engagement, disengagement, coping, and catastrophe.Charles S. Carver & Michael F. Scheier - 2005 - In Andrew J. Elliot & Carol S. Dweck (eds.), Handbook of Competence and Motivation. The Guilford Press. pp. 527--547.
  12.  19
    Reflective Consensus Building on Wicked Problems with the Reflect! Platform.Michael H. G. Hoffmann - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (2):793-819.
    Wicked problems—that is, problems that can be framed in a number of different ways, depending on who is looking at them—pose ethical challenges for professionals that have scarcely been recognized as such. Even though wicked problems are all around us, they are rarely addressed in education. A reason for this failure might be that wicked problems pose almost insurmountable challenges in educational settings. This contribution shows how students can learn to cope with wicked problems in problem-based learning projects that (...)
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    Bioethics,'89: Can Democracy Cope?Michael Kirby - 1990 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 18 (1-2):5-10.
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    Stress and Coping in Esports and the Influence of Mental Toughness.Dylan Poulus, Tristan J. Coulter, Michael G. Trotter & Remco Polman - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Chance, Orientation, and Interpretation: Max Weber’s Neglected Probabilism and the Future of Social Theory.Michael Strand & Omar Lizardo - 2022 - Sociological Theory 40 (2):124-150.
    The image of Max Weber as an “interpretivist” cultural theorist of webs of significance that people use to cope with a meaningless world reigns largely unquestioned today. This article presents a different image of Weber’s sociology, where meaning does not transport actors over an abyss of meaninglessness but rather helps them navigate a world of Chance. Retrieving this concept from Weber’s late writings, we argue that the fundamental basis of the orders sociologists seek to understand is not chaos. Action (...)
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    From neo-kantianism to critical realism: Space and the mind-body problem in riehl and Schlick.Michael Heidelberger - 2007 - Perspectives on Science 15 (1):26-48.
    This article deals with Moritz Schlick's critical realism and its sources that dominated his philosophy until about 1925. It is shown that his celebrated analysis of Einstein's relativity theory is the result of an earlier philosophical discussion about space perception and its role for the theory of space. In particular, Schlick's "method of coincidences" did not owe anything to "entirely new principles" based on the work of Einstein, Poincaré or Hilbert, as claimed by Michael Friedman, but was already in (...)
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    Early vigilance and late avoidance of threat processing: Repressive coping versus low/high anxiety.Manuel G. Calvo & Michael W. Eysenck - 2000 - Cognition and Emotion 14 (6):763-787.
  18. An Analysis of Corporate Social Responsibility at Credit Line: A Narrative Approach.Michael Humphreys & Andrew D. Brown - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 80 (3):403-418.
    This article presents the results of an inductive, interpretive case study. We have adopted a narrative approach to the analysis of organizational processes in order to explore how individuals in a financial institution dealt with relatively novel issues of corporate social responsibility (CSR). The narratives that we reconstruct, which we label 'idealism and altruism', 'economics and expedience' and 'ignorance and cynicism' illustrate how people in the specific organizational context of a bank ('Credit Line') sought to cope with an attempt (...)
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    Tree of life, tree of knowledge: conversations with the Torah.Michael Rosenak - 2001 - Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press.
    Viewing education through the prism of the Torah, Tree of Life, Tree of Knowledge takes the reader through the stages of learning, growth, and self-development that characterize human lives. The journey begins with education as it happens in the home, moves on to the institutions of society, especially schools, and then on to the questions of identity and commitment which constitute the hidden agenda of “informal educational networks.” The self-education of the individual is explored: When does one “grow up”? What (...)
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  20. Science and the Art of Simulation: Trust in Science.Michael Resch, Nico Formanek, Joshy Ammu & Andreas Kaminski (eds.) - 2024 - Springer.
    Trust is a central pillar of the scientific enterprise. Much work in the philosophy of science can be seen as coping with the problem of establishing trust in a certain theory, a certain model, or even science as a whole. However, trust in science is threatened by various developments. With the advent of more complex models and the increasing usage of computer methods such as machine learning and computer simulation, it seems increasingly challenging to establish trust in science. How and (...)
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    Literary biography: The cinderella story of literary studies.Michael Benton - 2005 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 39 (3):44-57.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Aesthetic Education 39.3 (2005) 44-57 [Access article in PDF] Literary Biography: The Cinderella of Literary Studies Michael Benton There are no prizes for guessing who are the two ugly sisters: Criticism, the elder one, dominated literary studies for the first half of the twentieth century; theory, her younger sister, flounced to the fore in the second half. Meanwhile, 'Cinders,' who had been doing the chores (...)
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    Researching Multisystemic Resilience: A Sample Methodology.Michael Ungar, Linda Theron, Kathleen Murphy & Philip Jefferies - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    In contexts of exposure to atypical stress or adversity, individual and collective resilience refers to the process of sustaining wellbeing by leveraging biological, psychological, social and environmental protective and promotive factors and processes. This multisystemic understanding of resilience is generating significant interest but has been difficult to operationalize in psychological research where studies tend to address only one or two systems at a time, often with a primary focus on individual coping strategies. We show how multiple systems implicated in human (...)
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  23. Conceptuality and Practical Action: A Critique of Charles Taylor’s Verstehen Social Theory.Michael Brownstein - 2010 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 40 (1):59-83.
    In their recent debate, Hubert Dreyfus rejects John McDowell’s claim that perception is permeated with "mindedness" and argues instead that ordinary embodied coping is largely "nonconceptual." This argument has important, yet largely unacknowledged consequences for normative social theory, which this article demonstrates through a critique of Charles Taylor’s Verstehen thesis. If Dreyfus is right that "the enemy of expertise is thought," then Taylor is denied his defense against charges of relativism, which is that maximizing the interpretive clarity of social practices (...)
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    Statistische Schlussweisen in Entscheidungsbegründungen.Michael Mauer - 2015 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 101 (1):87-123.
    The purpose of this paper is, while discussing in detail Helmut Rüßmann's theory of judicial factfinding, to demonstrate how probability theory can be used in dealing with a situation where the court has not obtained full evidence, but probability assumptions are possible with regard to circumstantial evidence. After giving a brief overview of provisions of German law which include the concept of probability, elementary features of probability calculus and statistical inference are outlined. The focus of the discussion of Rüßmann's theory (...)
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    The Dysfunction of Ritual in Early Confucianism.Michael David Kaulana Ing - 2012 - Oup Usa.
    Michael Ing's The Dysfunction of Ritual in Early Confucianism is the first monograph in English about the Liji--a text that purports to be the writings of Confucius' immediate disciples, and part of the earliest canon of Confucian texts called ''The Five Classics,'' included in the canon several centuries before the Analects. Ing uses his analysis of the Liji to show how early Confucians coped with situations where their rituals failed to achieve their intended aims. In contrast to most contemporary (...)
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  26. Analyzing Framing Processes in Conflicts and Communication by Means of Logical Argument Mapping.Michael H. G. Hoffmann - 1996 - In Das Problem der Zukunft im Rahmen holistischer Ethiken. Im Ausgang von Platon und Peirce. Edition Tertium.
    The primary goal of this chapter is to present a new method—called Logical Argument Mapping —for the analysis of framing processes as they occur in any communication, but especially in conflicts. I start with a distinction between boundary setting, meaning construction, and sensemaking as three forms or aspects of framing, and argue that crucial for the resolution of frame-based controversies is our ability to deal with those “webs” of mutually supporting beliefs that determine sensemaking processes. Since any analysis of framing (...)
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  27. The evolutionof large size: How does cope's rule work?David We Hone & Michael I. Benton - 2004 - In Christopher Stephens & Mohan Matthen (eds.), Elsevier Handbook in Philosophy of Biology. Elsevier. pp. 185.
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    Is capitalism still viable?Michael Harrington - 1982 - Journal of Business Ethics 1 (4):281 - 284.
    This essay is an attempt to show that American capitalism is not viable in the long run, in the twenty-first century. Three points are elucidated in this discussion: (1) capitalism is a system of private socialization; as such, it tends to conflict with the private mode of allocation and to create crisis. It is, moreover, out of date, for it cannot, for example, cope with new phenomenon of inflation and unemployment. (2) Private executives do not empirically make the wisest (...)
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    Continuity and discontinuity in memory for threat.Michael Hock, Jan H. Peters & Heinz Walter Krohne - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 31 (7):1303-1317.
    Using a paradigm that allows a quasi-continuous tracking of memory performance over time, two experiments were designed to test the hypotheses that persons with a cognitively avoidant style of coping with threat manifest a dissociation between short-term and long-term retrieval of aversive information and persons with a vigilant coping style recall aversive information particularly well after long retention intervals, provided they are free to think about aversive events. Study 1 showed that avoiders manifest a poor memory for aversive pictures after (...)
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  30. A Diplomatic Transcription of Hume's "volunteer pamphlet" for Archibald Stewart: Political Whigs, Religious Whigs, and Jacobites.Michael Silverthorne - 2003 - Hume Studies 29 (2):223-231.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hume Studies Volume 29, Number 2, November 2003, pp. 223-266 A Diplomatic Transcription of Hume's "volunteer pamphlet" for Archibald Stewart: Political Whigs, Religious Whigs, and Jacobites M. A. BOX, DAVID HARVEY, AND MICHAEL SILVERTHORNE Many scholars interested in David Hume will have encountered his defense of the beleaguered Archibald Stewart as it appears in an appendix in John Valdimir Price's The Ironic Hume (Austin: University of Texas Press, (...)
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  31. Chapter five.Michael Anderson - manuscript
    Basics of Embodied Cognition EC treats cognition as a set of tools evolved by organisms for coping with their environments. Each of the key terms in this characterization—tool, evolved, organisms, coping, and environment—has a special significance for, and casts a particular light on, the study of the mind. EC thereby foregrounds the following six facts.
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    (1 other version)International Society: What is the best we can do?Michael Walzer - 1999 - Ethical Perspectives 6 (3):201-210.
    I finished the first draft of this lecture just before the NATO bombing campaign against Serbia began — a campaign that provides, I think, a prime example of the failure of international society. A double failure in this case: its political agencies were not able to respond in a timely fashion to the disaster of the former Yugoslavia, and then they were not able to find a more effective form of military intervention. The problem both times wasn't one of organization (...)
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    The Psychology of Coronavirus Behavioral Health Mindset, Vaccination Receptivity, Customer Orientation and Community Public Service.Michael R. Cunningham, Perri B. Druen, M. Cynthia Logsdon, Brian W. Dreschler, Anita P. Barbee, Ruth L. Carrico, Steven W. Billings & John W. Jones - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Three studies were conducted to explore the psychological determinants of COVID-deterrent behaviors. In Study 1, using data collected and analyzed both before and after the release of COVID-19 vaccines, mask-wearing, other preventative behaviors like social distancing, and vaccination intentions were positively related to assessments of the Coronavirus Behavioral Health Mindset ; belief in the credibility of science; progressive political orientation; less use of repressive and more use of sensitization coping; and the attribution of COVID-19 safety to effort rather than ability, (...)
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    Voluntary COVID-19 vaccination of children: a social responsibility.Margherita Brusa & Yechiel Michael Barilan - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (8):543-546.
    Nearly 400 million adults have been vaccinated against COVID-19. Children have been excluded from the vaccination programmes owing to their lower vulnerability to COVID-19 and to the special protections that apply to children’s exposure to new biological products. WHO guidelines and national laws focus on medical safety in the process of vaccine approval, and on national security in the process of emergency authorisation. Because children suffer much from social distancing, it is argued that the harms from containment measures should be (...)
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    In Defense of a Democratic Productivist Welfare State.Michael Moehler - 2017 - European Journal of Philosophy 25 (2):416-439.
    In this article, I defend a democratic form of the productivist welfare state. I argue that this form of the state can best cope, theoretically and practically, with the diversity of deeply morally pluralistic democratic societies for two reasons. First, the justification of this form of the state rests solely on general facts about human nature, basic human needs, and efficiency considerations in a world of moderately scarce resources. Second, this state does not aim to promote a specific view (...)
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  36. Logical argument mapping: A method for overcoming cognitive problems of conflict management.Michael H. G. Hoffmann - 2005 - International Journal of Conflict Management 16:304-334.
    A crucial problem of conflict management is that whatever happens in negotiations will be interpreted and framed by stakeholders based on their different belief-value systems and world views. This problem will be discussed in the first part of this article as the main cognitive problem of conflict management. The second part develops a general semiotic solution of this problem, based on Charles Peirce's concept of "diagrammatic reasoning." The basic idea is that by representing one 's thought in diagrams, the conditions (...)
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    Paediatric Physician–Researchers: Coping With Tensions in Dual Accountability.Katherine Boydell, Randi Zlotnik Shaul, Lori D'Agincourt–Canning, Michael Da Silva, Christy Simpson, Christine D. Czoli, Natalie Rashkovan, Celine C. Kim, Alex V. Levin & Rayfel Schneider - 2012 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2 (3):213-221.
    Potential conflicts between the roles of physicians and researchers have been described at the theoretical level in the bioethics literature (Czoli, et al., 2011). Physicians and researchers are generally in mutually distinct roles, responsible for patients and participants respectively. With increasing emphasis on integration of research into clinical settings, however, the role divide is sometimes unclear. Consequently, physician–researchers must consider and negotiate salient ethical differences between clinical– and research–based obligations (Miller et al, 1998). This paper explores the subjective experiences and (...)
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    Reflective Argumentation: A Cognitive Function of Arguing.Michael H. G. Hoffmann - 2016 - Argumentation 30 (4):365-397.
    Why do we formulate arguments? Usually, things such as persuading opponents, finding consensus, and justifying knowledge are listed as functions of arguments. But arguments can also be used to stimulate reflection on one’s own reasoning. Since this cognitive function of arguments should be important to improve the quality of people’s arguments and reasoning, for learning processes, for coping with “wicked problems,” and for the resolution of conflicts, it deserves to be studied in its own right. This contribution develops first steps (...)
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    Silence and (In)visibility in Men’s Accounts of Coping with Stressful Life Events.Joshua L. Berger, Christopher S. Reigeluth, Michael E. Addis & Joseph R. Schwab - 2016 - Gender and Society 30 (2):289-311.
    The present study investigates the importance of emotional disclosure and vulnerability in the production of hegemonic masculinities. Of particular interest is the role that silence and invisibility play in how men talk about recent stressful life events. One-on-one interviews with men who experienced a stressful life event in the past year illustrate how men often talk about these events in simultaneously visible and invisible ways. We use the term “cloudy visibility” to describe this engagement, identified both in terms of what (...)
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    The Association between Symptoms, Pain Coping Strategies, and Physical Activity Among People with Symptomatic Knee and Hip Osteoarthritis.Susan L. Murphy, Anna L. Kratz, David A. Williams & Michael E. Geisser - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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  41. The metacognitive loop I: Enhancing reinforcement learning with metacognitive monitoring and control for improved perturbation tolerance||.Michael Anderson - manuscript
    Maintaining adequate performance in dynamic and uncertain settings has been a perennial stumbling block for intelligent systems. Nevertheless, any system intended for real-world deployment must be able to accommodate unexpected change—that is, it must be perturbation tolerant. We have found that metacognitive monitoring and control—the ability of a system to self-monitor its own decision-making processes and ongoing performance, and to make targeted changes to its beliefs and action-determining components—can play an important role in helping intelligent systems cope with the (...)
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    Cognitive conditions of diagrammatic reasoning.Michael Hg Hoffmann - 2011 - Semiotica 2011 (186):189-212.
    In the first part of this paper, I delineate Peirce's general concept of diagrammatic reasoning from other usages of the term that focus either on diagrammatic systems as developed in logic and AI or on reasoning with mental models. The main function of Peirce's form of diagrammatic reasoning is to facilitate individual or social thinking processes in situations that are too complex to be coped with exclusively by internal cognitive means. I provide a diagrammatic definition of diagrammatic reasoning that emphasizes (...)
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    Reinventing the Wheel: A Buddhist Response to the Information Age (review). [REVIEW]Michael G. Barnhart - 2001 - Philosophy East and West 51 (3):414-418.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Reinventing the Wheel: A Buddhist Response to the Information AgeMichael C. BarnhartReinventing the Wheel: A Buddhist Response to the Information Age. By Peter D. Hershock. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1999. Pp. xi + 308.Perhaps one of the most interesting, paradoxical, and—in Peter Hershock's way of thinking, in Reinventing the Wheel: A Buddhist Response to the Information Age — predictable aspects of the digital "revolution" is (...)
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    An Epitaph for German Judaism: From Halle to Jerusalem.Emil Fackenheim & Michael Morgan - 2007 - University of Wisconsin Press.
    Emil Fackenheim’s life work was to call upon the world at large—and on philosophers, Christians, Jews, and Germans in particular—to confront the Holocaust as an unprecedented assault on the Jewish people, Judaism, and all humanity. In this memoir, to which he was making final revisions at the time of his death, Fackenheim looks back on his life, at the profound and painful circumstances that shaped him as a philosopher and a committed Jewish thinker. Interned for three months in the Sachsenhausen (...)
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    Pain-Specific Resilience in People Living With HIV and Chronic Pain: Beneficial Associations With Coping Strategies and Catastrophizing.Cesar E. Gonzalez, Jennifer I. Okunbor, Romy Parker, Michael A. Owens, Dyan M. White, Jessica S. Merlin & Burel R. Goodin - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Commentary on "Minds, Memes, and Multiples.Michael Bavidge - 1996 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 3 (1):29-30.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Commentary on “Minds, Memes, and Multiples”Michael Bavidge (bio)Multiple Personality Disorder challenges the idea we have of ourselves—selves whose essential characteristics are simplicity, identity, transparency. Stephen Clark argues that we should look behind the myth of a unitary self to an older tradition which represents personal integration not as a given but as something to be striven for, “a distant, luminous goal,” a “light” over the multiple parts of (...)
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    Personality and Cognitive Performance.Michael Eysenck & Małgorzata Fajkowska - 2008 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 39 (4):178-191.
    Personality and Cognitive Performance The two experiments reported here are concerned with the influence of trait anxiety and other individual differences on cognitive performance using the face-in-the-crowd procedure. Participants completed questionnaires and across two experiments searched for discrepant faces in matrices of otherwise identical faces. The key findings from this study indicated that anxiety enhanced processing efficiency of positive emotional material when interacts with high psychoticism. Additionally, the vigilance for threatening and neutral faces was a characteristic of sanguine individuals with (...)
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    Interpreting the World Kant's Philosophy of History and Politics. [REVIEW]Michael L. Morgan - 1988 - Review of Metaphysics 42 (2):376-378.
    Against the background of the current interest in hermeneutics and interpretation theory, the title of Booth's book might lead one to expect a post-Nietzschean reading of Kant's philosophy of history and politics. But the actual source of the book's title is Marx's final thesis on Feuerbach. Booth gives us a sceptical, realistic Kant who faces the shortcomings of reason and the challenges of the natural world not by trying to change the world but rather by seeking interpretations of it that (...)
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    Socialization of business practitioners: Learning to reflect on current business practices. [REVIEW]Michael W. Small & Joy L. Cullen - 1995 - Journal of Business Ethics 14 (8):695 - 701.
    An approach to ethical coursework in business schools which draws upon Schon''s concept of the reflective practitioner is described. It is argued that an approach which promotes reflective practice guards against the dualism in models of ethical decision making which oppose philosophical and psychological perspectives. Workshop activities which can be used to facilitate students'' ability to reflect on ethical situations are discussed. In particular, the critical incident technique encourages students to analyse strategies they have used to cope with ethical (...)
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    Emergency Powers in Australia.Hoong Phun Lee, Michael W. R. Adams, Colin Campbell & Patrick Emerton - 2018 - Cambridge University Press.
    Democratic countries, such as Australia, face the dilemma of preserving public and national security without sacrificing fundamental freedoms. In the context where the rule of law is an underlying assumption of the constitutional framework, Emergency Powers in Australia provides a succinct analysis of the sorts of emergency which have been experienced in Australia and an evaluation of the legal weapons available to the authorities to cope with these emergencies. It analyses the scope of the defence power to determine the (...)
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