Results for 'Michael Ruisdael Bennett'

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  1.  32
    Deleuze and Ancient Greek Physics: The Image of Nature.Michael James Bennett - 2017 - London, UK: Bloomsbury Academic.
    In 1988 the philosopher Gilles Deleuze remarked that throughout his career he had always been 'circling around' a concept of nature. Showing how Deleuze weaves original readings of Plato, the Stoics, Aristotle, and Epicurus into some of his most famous arguments about event, difference, and problem, Michael James Bennett argues that these interpretations of ancient Greek physics provide vital clues for understanding Deleuze's own conception of nature. -/- "Deleuze and Ancient Greek Physics" delves into the original Greek and (...)
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  2. Rehabilitating the Regulative Use of Reason: Kant on Empirical and Chemical Laws.Michael Bennett McNulty - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 54 (C):1-10.
    In his Kritik der reinen Vernunft, Kant asserts that laws of nature “carry with them an expression of necessity”. There is, however, widespread interpretive disagreement regarding the nature and source of the necessity of empirical laws of natural sciences in Kant's system. It is especially unclear how chemistry—a science without a clear, straightforward connection to the a priori principles of the understanding—could contain such genuine, empirical laws. Existing accounts of the necessity of causal laws unfortunately fail to illuminate the possibility (...)
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    Race, Culture, and the Horizons of Agency: Kant’s Racism, Systematically Understood.Michael Bennett Mcnulty - forthcoming - Journal of the American Philosophical Association.
    ABSTRACT Readers should be aware that content about Kant’s racism may be difficult and distressing to read. In various texts, Kant makes statements alleging that Indigenous Americans have ‘no culture’ and Black people possess only the ‘culture of slaves’. These are straightforwardly repugnant commitments. In order to address the role of Kant’s account of ‘culture’ in his racism and provide additional support to Charles Mills’ ‘Untermensch (subhuman) interpretation’ of Kant’s views on race, this article situates Kant’s comments on ‘racialized cultures’ (...)
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  4. Continuity of change in Kant’s dynamics.Michael Bennett McNulty - 2019 - Synthese 196 (4):1595-1622.
    Since his Metaphysische Anfangsgründe der Naturwissenschaft was first published in 1786, controversy has surrounded Immanuel Kant’s conception of matter. In particular, the justification for both his dynamical theory of matter and the related dismissal of mechanical philosophy are obscure. In this paper, I address these longstanding issues and establish that Kant’s dynamism rests upon Leibnizian, metaphysical commitments held by Kant from his early pre-Critical texts on natural philosophy to his major critical works. I demonstrate that, throughout his corpus and inspired (...)
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  5. Taming the Corporate Leviathan: How to Properly Politicise Corporate Purpose?Michael Bennett & Rutger Claassen - 2022 - In Michael Bennett, Huub Brouwer & Rutger Claassen, Wealth and power: Philosophical perspectives. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 145-165.
    Corporations are increasingly asked to specify a ‘purpose.’ Instead of focusing on profits, a company should adopt a substantive purpose for the good of society. This chapter analyses, historicises, and radicalises this call for purpose. It schematises the history of the corporation into two main purpose/power regimes, each combining a way of thinking about corporate purpose with specific institutions to hold corporate power to account. Under the special charter regime of the seventeenth to mid-nineteenth centuries, governments chartered companies to pursue (...)
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  6. Kant on Chemistry and the Application of Mathematics in Natural Science.Michael Bennett McNulty - 2014 - Kantian Review 19 (3):393-418.
    In his Metaphysische Anfangsgründe der Naturwissenschaft, Kant claims that chemistry is a science, but not a proper science (like physics), because it does not adequately allow for the application of mathematics to its objects. This paper argues that the application of mathematics to a proper science is best thought of as depending upon a coordination between mathematically constructible concepts and those of the science. In physics, the proper science that exhausts the a priori knowledge of objects of the outer sense, (...)
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  7. (1 other version)An Epistemic Argument for an Egalitarian Public Sphere.Michael Bennett - 2020 - Episteme 1.
    The public sphere should be regulated so the distribution of political speech does not correlate with the distribution of income or wealth. A public sphere where people can fund any political speech from their private holdings is epistemically defective. The argument has four steps. First, if political speech is unregulated, the rich predictably contribute a disproportionate share. Second, wealth tends to correlate with substantive political perspectives. Third, greater quantities of speech by the rich can “drown out” the speech of the (...)
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  8. Introduction: The Wealth-Power Nexus.Michael Bennett, Rutger Claassen & Huub Brouwer - 2022 - In Michael Bennett, Huub Brouwer & Rutger Claassen, Wealth and power: Philosophical perspectives. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 1-22.
    This introductory chapter provides a general framework for thinking about the relationship between wealth and power. It begins by situating the topic in the history of political thought, modern social science, and recent political philosophy, before putting forward an analytical framework. This has three elements: first, the idea of liberalism's public/private divide: a division between a power-wielding state from which wealth should be absent, and a market economy from which power should be absent; second, the two ways the division can (...)
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  9. The choice of efficiencies and the necessity of politics.Michael Bennett - 2023 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 26 (6):877-896.
    Efficiency requires legislative political institutions. There are many ways efficiency can be promoted, and so an ongoing legislative institution is necessary to resolve this choice in a politically sustainable and economically flexible way. This poses serious problems for classical liberal proposals to constitutionally protect markets from government intervention, as seen in the work of Ilya Somin, Guido Pincione & Fernando Tesón and others. The argument for the political nature of efficiency is set out in terms of both Pareto optimality and (...)
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  10. Margaret Cavendish on the Order and Infinitude of Nature.Michael Bennett McNulty - 2018 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 35 (3):219-239.
    In this paper, I develop a new interpretation of the order of nature, its function, and its implications in Margaret Cavendish’s philosophy. According to the infinite balance account, the order of nature consists in a balance among the infinite varieties of nature. That is, for Cavendish, nature contains an infinity of different types of matter: infinite species, shapes, and motions. The potential tumult implicated by such a variety, however, is tempered by the counterbalancing of the different kinds and motions of (...)
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  11.  77
    Between the Lines: A Philosophy of Theatre.Michael Y. Bennett - 2024 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    In Between the Lines: A Philosophy of Theatre, theatre theorist, Michael Y. Bennett offers a systematic account of theatre--thinking about theatre metaphysically, epistemologically, and ethically. To investigate theatre and its in-between spaces, Bennett introduces some basic ideas about coherence and correspondence and, much more prominently, conversations surrounding subsumption and distinctness in order to better describe theatre as a form of art. Instead of limiting the concept and use of subsumption to suggest that constituent parts are subsumed within (...)
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  12.  67
    Analytic Philosophy and the World of the Play.Michael Y. Bennett - 2017 - London: Routledge.
    Theatrical characters’ dual existence on stage and in text presents a unique, challenging case for the analytical philosopher. -/- Analytic Philosophy and the World of the Play re-examines the ontological status of theatre and its fictional objects through the "possible worlds" thesis, arguing that theatre is not a mirror of our world, but a re-creation of it. Taking a fresh look at theatre’s key elements, including the hotly contested relationships between character and actor; onstage and offstage "worlds"; and the play-text (...)
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  13.  43
    What Mathematics and Metaphysics of Corporeal Nature Offer to Each Other: Kant on the Foundations of Natural Science.Michael Bennett McNulty - 2023 - Kantian Review 28 (3):397-412.
    Kant famously distinguishes between the methods of mathematics and of metaphysics, holding that metaphysicians err when they avail themselves of the mathematical method. Nonetheless, in the Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science, he insists that mathematics and metaphysics must jointly ground ‘proper natural science’. This article examines the distinctive contributions and unity of mathematics and metaphysics to the foundations of the science of body. I argue that the two are distinct insofar as they involve distinctive sorts of grounding relations – mathematics (...)
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  14. Experiments in Distributive Justice and Their Limits.Michael Bennett - 2016 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 28 (3-4):461-483.
    Mark Pennington argues political systems should be decentralized in order to facilitate experimental learning about distributive justice. Pointing out the problems with Pennington's Hayekian formulation, I reframe his argument as an extension of the Millian idea of 'experiments in living.' However, the experimental case for decentralization is limited in several ways. Even if decentralization improves our knowledge about justice, it impedes the actual implementation of all conceptions of justice other than libertarianism. I conclude by arguing for the compatibility of egalitarian (...)
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  15.  71
    Chemical Dissolution and Kant’s Critical Theory of Nature.Michael Bennett McNulty - 2018 - Kant Studien 109 (4):537-556.
    Kant conceives of chemical dissolutions as involving the infinite division and subsequent blending of solvent and solute. In the resulting continuous solution, every subvolume contains a uniform proportion of each reactant. Erich Adickes argues that this account stands in tension with other aspects of Kant’s Critical philosophy and his views on infinity. I argue that although careful analysis of Kant’s conception of dissolution addresses Adickes’ objections, the infinite division inherent to the process is beyond our human cognition, for Kant. Nevertheless, (...)
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  16. A Guide to the logic of tense and aspect in english.Michael Bennett - 1977 - Logique Et Analyse 20 (80):491.
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  17.  77
    The Corporate Social Assessment: Making Public Purpose Pay.Michael Bennett - 2024 - Review of Social Economy 82 (1):147-175.
    Corporations can be powerful engines of economic prosperity, but also for the public good more broadly conceived. But they need to be properly incentivized to fulfil these missions. We propose an innovative plan called the Corporate Social Assessment (CSA). Every four years, a randomly selected Citizens’ Assembly will meet to decide a grading scheme for assessing companies’ conduct. At the end of the cycle, a professional assessment body will grade the companies and rank them. The ranking will be the basis (...)
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  18.  33
    A science for gods, a science for humans: Kant on teleological speculations in natural history.Michael Bennett McNulty - 2022 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 94 (C):47-55.
  19.  20
    Introduction: Historical Formations and Organic Forms.Michael James Bennett & Tano Posteraro - 2019 - In Michael James Bennett & Tano S. Posteraro, Deleuze and Evolutionary Theory. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. pp. 1-22.
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  20.  61
    Cicero's De Fato in Deleuze's Logic of Sense.Michael James Bennett - 2015 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 9 (1):25-58.
    The arguments of the Stoic Chrysippus recorded in Cicero's De Fato are of great importance to Deleuze's conception of events in The Logic of Sense. The purpose of this paper is to explicate these arguments, to which Deleuze's allusions are extremely terse, and to situate them in the context of Deleuze's broader project in that book. Drawing on contemporary scholarship on the Stoics, I show the extent to which Chrysippus' views on compatibilism, hypothetical inference and astrology support Deleuze's claim that (...)
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  21.  81
    Kant on Empirical Psychology and Experimentation.Michael Bennett McNulty - 2018 - In Violetta L. Waibel, Margit Ruffing & David Wagner, Natur und Freiheit: Akten des XII. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. De Gruyter. pp. 2707-2714.
  22.  70
    Habermas’s Interpretation of Arendt in The Future of Human Nature.Michael J. Bennett - 2021 - Philosophy Today 65 (3):727-745.
    This article responds to several liberal bioethicists’ criticisms of Jürgen Habermas’s The Future of Human Nature by placing it in the context of his intellectual influences and career-spanning theorization of communicative rationality. In particular, I argue that Habermas’s critics have not grasped his interpretation of Hannah Arendt’s concept of natality. Far from merely ventriloquizing his friend and teacher, Habermas distinguishes his construal of that concept from Arendt’s, which he presents as a naturalistic foil to his concerns about the potential ethical (...)
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  23.  54
    Deleuze and Heidegger on Truth And Science.Michael James Bennett - 2018 - Open Philosophy 1 (1):173-190.
    Deleuze and Guattari’s manner of distinguishing science from philosophy in their last collaboration What is Philosophy? seems to imply a hierarchy, according to which philosophy is more adequate to the reality of virtual events than science is. This suggests, in turn, that philosophy has a better claim than science to truth. This paper clarifies Deleuze‘s views about truth throughout his career. Deleuze equivocates over the term, using it in an “originary” and a “derived” sense, probably under the influence of Henri (...)
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  24.  80
    What is Chemistry, for Kant?Michael Bennett McNulty - 2017 - Kant Yearbook 9 (1):85-112.
    Kant’s preoccupation with architectonics is a characteristic and noteworthy aspect of his thought. Various features of Kant’s argumentation and philosophical system are founded on the precise definitions of the various subdomains of human knowledge and the derivative borders among them. One science conspicuously absent from Kant’s routine discussions of the organization of knowledge is chemistry. Whereas sciences such as physics, psychology, and anthropology are all explicitly located in the architectonic, chemistry finds no such place. In this paper, I examine neglected (...)
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  25. Demonstratives and indexicals in Montague grammar.Michael Bennett - 1978 - Synthese 39 (1):1--80.
  26.  39
    Science Outside the Lab: Helping Graduate Students in Science and Engineering Understand the Complexities of Science Policy.Michael J. Bernstein, Kiera Reifschneider, Ira Bennett & Jameson M. Wetmore - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (3):861-882.
    Helping scientists and engineers challenge received assumptions about how science, engineering, and society relate is a critical cornerstone for macroethics education. Scientific and engineering research are frequently framed as first steps of a value-free linear model that inexorably leads to societal benefit. Social studies of science and assessments of scientific and engineering research speak to the need for a more critical approach to the noble intentions underlying these assumptions. “Science Outside the Lab” is a program designed to help early-career scientists (...)
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  27. The capital flight quadrilemma: Democratic trade-offs and international investment.Michael Bennett - 2021 - Ethics and Global Politics 14 (4).
    This article argues that capital flight of real investment presents governments with a quadrilemma. First, governments can tailor their policies to attract investors – but this is incompatible with a whole range of alternative policy choices. Second, they can simply accept capital flight – but this is incompatible with a robust capital stock and tax base. Third, they can harmonize its taxes and regulations with other states – but this is incompatible with international independence. Fourth, they can impose capital controls (...)
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  28.  46
    Texts and Icons in Heidegger’s Metaphysical Tradition.Michael James Bennett - 2012 - Diacritics 40 (2):26-49.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Texts and Icons in Heidegger’s Metaphysical TraditionMichael James Bennett (bio)[End Page 26]This essay is about texts that draw attention to themselves as texts, that is, as material, graphical figures, rather than as more or less efficiently pellucid semantic relays. In other words, it is about what happens when texts behave like images. In what follows I examine a series of philosophical contexts where this question appears to be (...)
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  29.  81
    Deleuze and Epicurean Philosophy: Atomic Speed and Swerve Speed.Michael James Bennett - 2013 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 21 (2):131-157.
    This paper reconstructs Gilles Deleuze’s interpretation of Epicurean atomism, and explicates his claim that it represents a problematic idea, similar to the idea exemplified in early, “barbaric” accounts of the differential calculus. Deleuzian problematic ideas are characterized by a mechanism through whose activity the components of the idea become determinate in relating reciprocally to one another, rather than in being determined exclusively in relation to an extrinsic paradigm or framework. In Epicurean atomism, as Deleuze reads it, such a mechanism of (...)
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  30. “Propositions in Theatre: Theatrical Utterances as Events”.Michael Y. Bennett - 2018 - Journal of Literary Semantics 47 (2):147-152.
    Using William Shakespeare’s Hamlet and the play-within-the play, The Murder of Gonzago, as a case study, this essay argues that theatrical utterances constitute a special case of language usage not previously elucidated: the utterance of a statement with propositional content in theatre functions as an event. In short, the propositional content of a particular p (e.g. p1, p2, p3 …), whether or not it is true, is only understood—and understood to be true—if p1 is uttered in a particular time, place, (...)
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  31.  20
    Go Nomadism, Evolutionary Computation and Natural Selection: A Reply to Jay Lampert.Michael J. Bennett - 2024 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 18 (2):277-288.
    In response to a 2023 article by Jay Lampert in Deleuze and Guattari Studies, this paper develops the question of what Deleuze and Guattari might make of AlphaGo, the artificial intelligence developed by Google which defeated one of the top human Go players in 2016. It approaches the question in a way that supplements and complements Lampert’s analysis, by noting the well-worn analogy between computer programming and evolutionary biology and then cross-referencing it with Deleuze and Guattari’s attitude towards the latter (...)
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  32.  96
    Chemistry in Kant’s Opus Postumum.Michael Bennett McNulty - 2016 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 6 (1):64-95.
    In his Metaphysische Anfangsgründe der Naturwissenschaft (MAN), Kant claims that chemistry is an improper, though rational science. The chemistry to which Kant confers this status is the phlogistic chemistry of, for instance, Georg Stahl. In his Opus Postumum (OP), however, Kant espouses a broadly Lavoiserian conception of chemistry. In particular, Kant endorses Antoine Lavoisier's elements, oxygen theory of combustion, and role for the caloric. As Lavoisier's lasting contribution to chemistry, according to some histories of the science, was his emphasis on (...)
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  33.  95
    The Science of the Soul and the Unyielding Architectonic: Kant Versus Wolff on the Foundations of Psychology.Michael Bennett McNulty - 2021 - In Saulo de Freitas Araujo, Thiago Constâncio Ribeiro Pereira & Thomas Sturm, The Force of an Idea: New Essays on Christian Wolff's Psychology. Springer. pp. 251–69.
    Thorough comparison of Immanuel Kant’s and Christian Wolff’s divergent appraisals of the science of psychology reveals various ways in which Kant fundamentally altered the Wolffian philosophical apparatus that he inherited. Wolff conceived of a thoroughgoing interplay between empirical and rational psychology, of combining different sorts of cognition in psychology, and of a mathematical science of the soul, or psychometrics. Kant however rejected each of these particular theses and deemed psychology to be no natural science, “properly so-called.” This chapter details these (...)
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  34.  66
    Kant on the Mathematical Deficiency of Psychology.Michael Bennett McNulty - 2022 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 12 (2):485-509.
    Kant’s denial that psychology is a properly so-called natural science, owing to the lack of application of mathematics to inner sense, has garnered a great deal of attention from scholars. Although the interpretations of this claim are diverse, commentators by and large fail to ground their views on an account of Kant’s conception of applied mathematics. In this article, I develop such an account, according to which the application of mathematics to a natural science requires both a mathematical representation and (...)
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  35.  38
    The conventionality of real valued quantities.Marissa Bennett & Michael Miller - forthcoming - Philosophy of Science.
    The representational theory of measurement provides a collection of results that specify the conditions under which an attribute admits of numerical representation. The original architects of the theory interpreted the formalism operationally and explicitly acknowledged that some aspects of their representations are conventional. There have been a number of recent efforts to reinterpret the formalism to arrive at a more metaphysically robust account of physical quantities. In this paper we argue that the conventional elements of the representations afforded by the (...)
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  36.  11
    Nail's Lucretius: Strong Misreading and Whig History.Michael J. Bennett - 2022 - Parrhesia 35:119-151.
  37.  38
    Antecedents of emotion knowledge: Predictors of individual differences in young children.David S. Bennett, Margaret Bendersky & Michael Lewis - 2005 - Cognition and Emotion 19 (3):375-396.
  38.  83
    Regulating Emerging and Future Technologies in the Present.Michael G. Bennett, Jake Gatof, Diana M. Bowman & Karinne Ludlow - 2015 - NanoEthics 9 (2):151-163.
    Scientific knowledge and technological expertise continue to evolve rapidly. Such innovation gives rise to new benefits as well as risks, at an ever-increasing pace. Within this context, regulatory regimes must function in order to address policymakers’ objectives. Innovation, though, can challenge the functioning and effectiveness of regulatory regimes. Questions over fit, effectiveness, and capacity of these regimes to ensure the safe entry of such technologies, and their products, onto the market will be asked in parallel to their development. With this (...)
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  39.  55
    In Defense of Abstract Creationism: A Recombinatorial Approach.Michael Y. Bennett - 2021 - Philosophy and Literature 45 (2):489-495.
    As a version of creationism—which claims that fictional charac- ters are created by authors who write characters into existence by penning their names in their works—abstract creationism claims that fictional objects are abstract entities. However, I want to modify the conception of what constitutes a fictional object. In short, I am going to give a defense of abstract creationism that offers answers to the questions, as outlined by Stuart Brock, of ontology, identity, and plenitude by developing a claim that—except for (...)
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  40.  29
    4 Deleuze, Developmental Systems Theory and the Philosophy of Nature.Michael James Bennett - 2019 - In Michael James Bennett & Tano S. Posteraro, Deleuze and Evolutionary Theory. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. pp. 75-96.
  41.  61
    Intrinsic-Extrinsic Properties in Theater.Michael Y. Bennett - 2021 - Philosophy and Literature 45 (1):34-38.
    David Friedell has recently discussed the relationship between intrinsic and extrinsic properties of art, specifically in music. Friedell claims that normative social rules dictate who can change the intrinsic or extrinsic properties of a piece of music. I claim that in text-based theater—as a particular art form—the dividing line between intrinsic and extrinsic properties of a play is sometimes tenuous. This tenuousness is due to a play's bifurcated existence as a dramatic text and as many theatrical performances.
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  42.  24
    Taming the Corporate Leviathan: How to Properly Politicise Corporate Purpose?Michael Bennett & Rutger Claassen - 2022 - In Michael Bennett, Huub Brouwer & Rutger Claassen, Wealth and power: Philosophical perspectives. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 145-165.
    Corporations are increasingly asked to specify a ‘purpose.’ Instead of focusing on profits, a company should adopt a substantive purpose for the good of society. This chapter analyses, historicises, and radicalises this call for purpose. It schematises the history of the corporation into two main purpose/power regimes, each combining a way of thinking about corporate purpose with specific institutions to hold corporate power to account. Under the special charter regime of the seventeenth to mid-nineteenth centuries, governments chartered companies to pursue (...)
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  43.  33
    Managerial Discretion, Market Failure and Democracy.Michael Bennett - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 185 (1):33-47.
    Managers often have discretion in interpreting their ethical requirements, and they should seek democratic guidance in doing so. The undemocratic nature of managerial ethical discretion is shown to be a recurring problem in business ethics. Joseph Heath’s market failures approach (MFA) is introduced as a theory better positioned to deal with this problem than other views. However, due to epistemic uncertainty and conceptual indeterminacy, the MFA is shown to allow a much wider range of managerial discretion than initially appears. The (...)
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  44.  76
    From General to Special Metaphysics of Nature.Michael Bennett McNulty & Marius Stan - 2017 - In Matthew C. Altman, The Palgrave Kant Handbook. London: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 493-511.
    In his Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science, Kant presents the “pure part” of natural science – that is, the a priori principles holding of matter. This special metaphysics of matter is, Kant claims, grounded on the general metaphysics of nature described in the System of Principles of his first Critique. This chapter develops a comprehensive account of Kant’s framework for natural science that touches on interpretive issues that arise in the transition from general to special metaphysics and that outlines his (...)
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  45. Wealth and power: Philosophical perspectives.Michael Bennett, Huub Brouwer & Rutger Claassen (eds.) - 2022 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Is political equality viable given the unequal private property holdings characteristic of a capitalist economy? This book places the wealth-politics nexus at the centre of scholarly analysis. Traditional theories of democracy and property have often ignored the ways in which the rich attempt to convert their wealth into political power, operating on the implicit assumption that politics is isolated from economic forces. This book brings the moral and political links between wealth and power into clear focus. The chapters are divided (...)
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  46. Kant's Aethereal Hammer: When Everything Looks Like a Nail.Michael Bennett McNulty - 2025 - In Gabriele Gava, Thomas Sturm & Achim Vesper, Kant and the systematicity of the sciences. New York: Routledge.
    Throughout Immanuel Kant’s works on natural philosophy, he utilizes an omnipresent aether to explain a wide variety of physical events: including optical, thermodynamical, chemical, and magnetic phenomena. Kant even went as far as claiming that the existence of an omnipresent physical aether can be deduced a priori (without appeal to experience, observation, or experiment), in the notorious “aether proof” of his _Opus postumum_. In retrospect, these commitments are widely seen as a blunder, especially after the demise of the luminiferous aether (...)
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  47.  89
    Kant's Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science: A Critical Guide.Michael Bennett McNulty (ed.) - 2022 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    In his Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science, Kant accounts for the possibility of an acting-at-a-distance gravitational force, demonstrates the infinite divisibility of matter, and derives analogues to Newtonian laws of motion. The work is his major statement in philosophy of science, and was especially influential in German-speaking countries in the nineteenth century. However, this complex text has not received the scholarly attention it deserves. The chapters of this Critical Guide clarify the accounts of matter, motion, the mathematization of nature, space, (...)
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  48. Making the case for ontology (vol 6, pg 377, 2011).Michael Uschold, John Bateman, Mike Bennett, Rex Brooks, Mills Davis, Alden Dima, Michael Gruninger, Nicola Guarino, Ernst Lucier & Leo Obrst - 2012 - Applied ontology 7 (3):373 - 373.
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    Communities at Work? The Concept of ‘Community’ in Organisational Analysis.Christopher Bennett, Michael Bennett & Stephen Bennett - 2005 - Philosophy of Management 5 (3):31-41.
    In this paper we assess the adequacy of the idea of community as an ideal-typical model against which real organisations and their management might be critically evaluated. Alasdair MacIntyre’s work on practices suggests that some forms of work activity require something more than contractual relationships within organisations: if he is right then perhaps we should acknowledge the importance of some notion of community at work. However, among the criticisms of the community approach are that it ignores issues of power and (...)
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  50.  35
    American kids take the jabs: Elena Conis: Vaccine nation. America’s changing relationship with immunization. Chicago: Chicago University Press, 2015, 353pp, $18 PB.Michael Bennett - 2016 - Metascience 25 (2):229-232.
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