Results for 'Michelle Schmidt'

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  1. La quête inachevée.Karl Popper, Renée Bouveresse, Michelle Bouin-Naudin & Christian Schmidt - 1982 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 172 (1):128-130.
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    Cultivating health: diabetes resilience through neo-traditional farming in Mopan Maya communities of Belize.Michelle Schmidt - 2021 - Agriculture and Human Values 39 (1):269-279.
    My research explores Maya perspectives on neo-traditional farming as a source of metabolic health and resilience to the global epidemic of type-two diabetes. This article is based on long-term ethnographic research and interviews in Maya Mountains Reservation communities in southern Belize, an area with low diabetes prevalence relative to national and global populations. Research participants see lower rates of diabetes in the MMR as the result of neo-traditional peasant and subsistence farming on ancestral lands. Good metabolic health represents the embodiment (...)
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    Gehirne Unter Spannung: Kognition, Emotion Und Identität Im Digitalen Zeitalter.Emanuela Bernsmann, Dietrich Dörner, Catarina Katzer, Arvid Leyh, Daniela Otto, Michael Pauen, Kay Uwe Petersen, Stephan de la Rosa, Jan-Hinrik Schmidt, Robert Schurz & Michèle Wessa (eds.) - 2019 - Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
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    Chronique : Littérature et histoire du christianisme ancien.Steve Bélanger, Marie-Pierre Bussières, Lucian Dîncã, Moa Dritsas-Bizier, Steve Johnston, Jean-Michel Lavoie, Louis Painchaud, Tim Pettipiece, Paul-Hubert Poirier, Tuomas Rasimus, Thomas Schmidt & Eric Crégheur - 2005 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 61 (1):175-205.
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    Schrift und Zeitlichkeit im Ursprung des deutschen Trauerspiels Walter Benjamins und Naissance de la clinique Michel Foucaults als Formen der Erkenntnis und des Erlebens.Michael Schmidt - 2011 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
    Through the discussion of the two texts: "The Origin of German Tragic Drama" by Walter Benjamin and "Birth of the Clinic" by Michel Foucault, the aim of this thesis consists in trying to point out a kind of history of ambivalence and to understand its rapport with possible knowledge. The thesis contained in this work can be formulated as follows: Benjamin and Foucault grant an important position to writing in its aspect to knowledge. In fact the direct question arises as (...)
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    What is Enlightenment?: Eighteenth-Century Answers and Twentieth-Century Questions.James Schmidt (ed.) - 1996 - University of California Press.
    This collection contains the first English translations of a group of important eighteenth-century German essays that address the question, "What is Enlightenment?" The book also includes newly translated and newly written interpretive essays by leading historians and philosophers, which examine the origins of eighteenth-century debate on Enlightenment and explore its significance for the present. In recent years, critics from across the political and philosophical spectrum have condemned the Enlightenment for its complicity with any number of present-day social and cultural maladies. (...)
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  7. Jan G. Michel: Der qualitative Charakter bewusster Erlebnisse. Physikalismus und phanomenale Eigenschaften in der Philosophie des Geistes. [REVIEW]Eva Schmidt - 2012 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 86 (1):279-283.
  8.  36
    Review of The Given. Experience and its Content by Michelle Montague, Oxford University Press, 2016. [REVIEW]Philipp Schmidt - 2019 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 18 (2):459-465.
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    Melancholy and the Therapeutic Language of Moral Philosophy in Seventeenth-Century Thought.Jeremy Schmidt - 2004 - Journal of the History of Ideas 65 (4):583-601.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Melancholy and the Therapeutic Language of Moral Philosophy in Seventeenth-Century ThoughtJeremy SchmidtThe concept of melancholy comprehended a wide range of characteristics and conditions in seventeenth-century European culture, from the brooding introspection of the genius and the scholar to a condition of delirious and delusory madness.1 Its central and most immediately identifiable characteristic, however, was the excessive and unreasonable nature of its symptomologically defining emotions of fear and sorrow. As (...)
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    Misunderstanding the Question: 'What is Enlightenment?': Venturi, Habermas, and Foucault.James Schmidt - 2011 - History of European Ideas 37 (1):43-52.
    In his 1969 Trevelyan Lectures, Franco Venturi argued that Kant's response to the question ?What is Enlightenment?? has tended to promote a ?philosophical interpretation? of the Enlightenment that leads scholars away from the political questions that were central to its concerns. But while Kant's response is well known, it has been often misunderstood by scholars who see it as offering a definition of an historical period, rather than an attempt at characterizing a process that had a significant implications. This article (...)
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    A genealogia como expansão da crítica no pensamento de Michel Foucault.Kelin Valeirão, Belkis Souza Bandeira & Júlia Bandeira Schmidt - 2021 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 26:021030.
    Este artigo faz um traçado temporal/metodológico na obra de Michel Foucault, a partir dos eixos teórico-metodológicos da arqueologia e da genealogia e busca demonstrar que a passagem de um eixo para outro significa, igualmente, uma alteração de método e de objeto de pesquisa. Todavia a dimensão arqueológica não é posta de lado, trata-se, antes, de uma expansão da crítica, pois essa se mantém de forma contundente, apesar de o tipo de questão metodológica mudar, e a análise passar a centrar-se, então, (...)
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    Abraham Unser Vater: Juden und Christen im Gespräch über die Bibel. Festschrift für Otto Michel zum 60. GeburtstagAbraham Unser Vater: Juden und Christen im Gesprach uber die Bibel. Festschrift fur Otto Michel zum 60. Geburtstag. [REVIEW]Jacob Neusner, Otto Betz, Martin Hengel & Peter Schmidt - 1964 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 84 (1):87.
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  13. Jurgen Habermas ed., "Antworten auf Marcuse"; Jean-Michel Palmier, "Presentation de Marcuse"; Tito Perlini, "Che cosa ha veramente detto Marcuse"; Dieter Ulle and N. Motroshlova et al., "E' rivoluzionaria la dottrina di Marcuse?". [REVIEW]Paul Piccone - 1969 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 3.
    Herbert Marcuse; Jürgen Habermas; Alfred Schmidt; et al., "Antworten auf Herbert Marcuse." Suhrkamp, 1968. Jean-Michel Palmier, "Présentation d'Herbert Marcuse." Union générale d'éditions, 1968. Tito Perlini, "Che cosa ha veramente detto Marcuse." Ubaldini Editore, 1968. Dieter Ulle; Ju. Zemoshkin; N. Motroshlova; et al., "E' rivoluzionaria la dottrina di Marcuse?" Borla, 1969.
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  14. Anfänge der Bürgerlichen Geschichts-Philosophie. Hegel Und Das Problem der Metaphysik. Montaigne Und Die Funktion der Skepsis. Mit Einer Einleitung von Alfred Schmidt.Max Horkheimer - 1971 - Fischer Bücherei.
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    Counter-memorial aesthetics: refugees, contemporary art, and the politics of memory.Verónica Tello - 2016 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Restrictive border protection policies directed toward managing the flow of refugees coming into neoliberal democracies (and out of failing nation-states) are a defining feature of contemporary politics. In this book, Verónica Tello analyses how contemporary artists-such as Tania Bruguera, Isaac Julien, Rosemary Laing, Dinh Q. Lé, Dierk Schmidt, Hito Steyerl, Lyndell Brown and Charles Green-negotiate their diverse subject positions while addressing and taking part in the production of images associated with refugee experiences and histories. Tello argues that their practices, (...)
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    Toward a Feminist History of the Drug-Using Woman—and Her Recovery.Trysh Travis - 2019 - Feminist Studies 45 (1):209-233.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Feminist Studies 45, no. 1. © 2019 by Feminist Studies, Inc. 209 Trysh Travis Toward a Feminist History of the Drug-Using Woman— and Her Recovery In 1995, public health scholars Laura Schmidt and Constance Weisner published “The Emergence of Problem-Drinking Women as a Special Population in Need of Treatment.”1 The article, aimed at specialists in the growing field of behavioral sciences, explored the history of medpsych attitudes toward (...)
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    New Features in Contract Law.Reiner Schulze - 2007 - Sellier de Gruyter.
    Economic change, globalisation and harmonisation of European Law have brought new challenges to contract law. The contributions in this Volume by prominent legal scholars deal with current trends and perspectives in European and International Contract Law and their impact on the various domestic legal systems. The Compendium provides an analysis of new developments in formation of contract, performance and remedies, consumer contract law and the particularly controversial area of anti-discrimination law. Experts in their field examine the underlying legal principles and (...)
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    The Mind-Body Politic.Michelle Maiese & Robert Hanna - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    Building on contemporary research in embodied cognition, enactivism, and the extended mind, this book explores how social institutions in contemporary neoliberal nation-states systematically affect our thoughts, feelings, and agency. Human beings are, necessarily, social animals who create and belong to social institutions. But social institutions take on a life of their own, and literally shape the minds of all those who belong to them, for better or worse, usually without their being self-consciously aware of it. Indeed, in contemporary neoliberal societies, (...)
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    The Given: Experience and its Content.Michelle Montague - 2016 - Oxford: Oxford University Press UK.
    What is given to us in conscious experience? The Given is an attempt to answer this question and in this way contribute to a general theory of mental content. The content of conscious experience is understood to be absolutely everything that is given to one, experientially, in the having of an experience. Michelle Montague focuses on the analysis of conscious perception, conscious emotion, and conscious thought, and deploys three fundamental notions in addition to the fundamental notion of content: the (...)
  20.  10
    Die Seele der Tiere.Friedrich Niewöhner & Jean-Loup Seban (eds.) - 2001 - Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz in Kommission.
    Die Frage nach der Seele der Tiere ist so alt wie die Frage nach der Seele des Menschen und die nach der Welt. Die 18 Beitrage des Bandes geben einen Uberblick von der Antike bis in das 20. Jahrhundert, beschreiben den Stand der Forschung zu philosophischen sowie rechtsphilosophischen Fragen nachder Seele der Tiere und werfen zugleich die Frage nach dem Recht der Tiere auf.Aus dem InhaltJ.-C. Wolf, Haben Tiere Rechte?J.-H. Michel, Le droit romain et les animauxH. Schmidt-Glintzer, "Seid freundlich (...)
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  21. The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness.Michelle Alexander & Cornel West - 2010 - The New Press.
    Argues that the War on Drugs and policies that deny convicted felons equal access to employment, housing, education and public benefits create a permanent under-caste based largely on race. Reprint. 12,500 first printing.
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  22. F. Schmidt, Logik der Syntax.Gerhart Schmidt - 1959 - Philosophische Rundschau 7 (1):72.
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    Schmidt, Beiträge zur Entwicklung der Kantschen Ethik.K. Schmidt - 1901 - Kant Studien 5 (1-3).
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  24. Schmidt, M; Dando, M; Deplazes, Anna (2011). Dealing with the outer reaches of synthetic biology biosafety, biosecurity, IPR, and ethical challenges of chemical synthetic biology. In: Chiarabelli, C; Luisi, P L. Chemical Synthetic Biology. New York: John.M. Schmidt, M. Dando, Anna Deplazes, C. Chiarabelli & P. L. Luisi (eds.) - 2011
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  25. Technologies of the self: a seminar with Michel Foucault.Michel Foucault, Luther H. Martin, Huck Gutman & Patrick H. Hutton (eds.) - 1988 - Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press.
    This volume is a wonderful introduction to Foucault and a testimony to the deep humanity of the man himself.
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    Alcock's critique of Schmidt's experiments.Helmut Schmidt - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (4):609.
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    Vaihinger, Hans und Schmidt, Raymund, Annalen der Philosophie mit besonderer Rücksicht auf die Probleme der Als-Ob-Betrachtung.Raymund Schmidt - 1920 - Kant Studien 24 (1).
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  28. Mental simulation and language comprehension: The case of copredication.Michelle Liu - 2024 - Mind and Language 39 (1):2-21.
    Empirical evidence suggests that perceptual‐motor simulations are often constitutively involved in language comprehension. Call this “the simulation view of language comprehension”. This article applies the simulation view to illuminate the much‐discussed phenomenon of copredication, where a noun permits multiple predications which seem to select different senses of the noun simultaneously. On the proposed account, the (in)felicitousness of a copredicational sentence is closely associated with the perceptual simulations that the language user deploys in comprehending the sentence.
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  29. How to Think about Zeugmatic Oddness.Michelle Liu - 2024 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 15 (4):1109-1132.
    Zeugmatic oddness is a linguistic intuition of oddness with respect to an instance of zeugma, i.e. a sentence containing an instance of a homonymous or polysemous word being used in different meanings or senses simultaneously. Zeugmatic oddness is important for philosophical debates as philosophers often use it to argue that a particular philosophically interesting expression is ambiguous and that the phenomenon referred to by the expression is disunified. This paper takes a closer look at zeugmatic oddness. Focusing on relevant psycholinguistic (...)
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    Das Recht im Blick der Anderen: zu Ehren von Prof. Dr. Dres. h.c. Eberhard Schmidt-Assmann.Eberhard Schmidt-Assmann & Thorsten Moos (eds.) - 2016 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    English summary: The modern age understands justice not only as being an object of jurisprudence. Historical, philosophical, social and cultural studies along with theological approaches each draw near to justice in their own way. This collection devotes itself to the intricate interaction of outside perspectives with the judicial-interdisciplinary thematisation of the law, presenting revised papers delivered at the Protestant Institute for Interdisciplinary Research's symposium in honour of Professor Dr. Dres. h.c. Eberhard Schmidt-Aamann. The case studies and basic considerations deal (...)
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    Für einen realen Humanismus: Festschrift zum 75. Geburtstag von Alfred Schmidt.Alfred Schmidt, Wolfgang Jordan & Michael Jeske (eds.) - 2006 - Frankfurt am Main: Lang.
    Diese Festschrift versammelt Texte zu den vielfältigen Forschungsinteressen von Alfred Schmidt, emeritierter Professor für Philosophie und Soziologie an der Universität Frankfurt am Main. Die philosophiehistorischen Betrachtungen versuchen jeweils, das Konzept eines realen Humanismus ins Bewusstsein gegenwärtiger praktischer Philosophie zu rufen. Verbindendes Motiv der Beiträge ist dabei ein kritisch verstandener Materialismus, der ohne weltanschauliche Versicherungen auskommt und den leibhaftigen Menschen in den Fokus der Betrachtung rückt. So verstandene Gesellschaftskritik orientiert sich an Gewährsmännern Kritischer Theorie wie etwa Hegel und Marx sowie (...)
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  32. Kant's Doctrine of Transcendental Illusion.Michelle Grier - 2001 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This major study of Kant provides a detailed examination of the development and function of the doctrine of transcendental illusion in his theoretical philosophy. The author shows that a theory of 'illusion' plays a central role in Kant's arguments about metaphysical speculation and scientific theory. Indeed, she argues that we cannot understand Kant unless we take seriously his claim that the mind inevitably acts in accordance with ideas and principles that are 'illusory'. Taking this claim seriously, we can make much (...)
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  33. Formalising trade-offs beyond algorithmic fairness: lessons from ethical philosophy and welfare economics.Michelle Seng Ah Lee, Luciano Floridi & Jatinder Singh - 2021 - AI and Ethics 3.
    There is growing concern that decision-making informed by machine learning (ML) algorithms may unfairly discriminate based on personal demographic attributes, such as race and gender. Scholars have responded by introducing numerous mathematical definitions of fairness to test the algorithm, many of which are in conflict with one another. However, these reductionist representations of fairness often bear little resemblance to real-life fairness considerations, which in practice are highly contextual. Moreover, fairness metrics tend to be implemented in narrow and targeted toolkits that (...)
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  34. The logic, intentionality, and phenomenology of emotion.Michelle Montague - 2009 - Philosophical Studies 145 (2):171-192.
    My concern in this paper is with the intentionality of emotions. Desires and cognitions are the traditional paradigm cases of intentional attitudes, and one very direct approach to the question of the intentionality of emotions is to treat it as sui generis—as on a par with the intentionality of desires and cognitions but in no way reducible to it. A more common approach seeks to reduce the intentionality of emotions to the intentionality of familiar intentional attitudes like desires and cognitions. (...)
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  35. Contempt as a moral attitude.Michelle Mason - 2003 - Ethics 113 (2):234-272.
    Despite contemporary moral philosophers' renewed attention to the moral significance of emotions, the attitudinal repertoire with which they equip the mature moral agent remains stunted. One attitude moral philosophers neglect (if not disown) is contempt. While acknowledging the nastiness of contempt, I here correct the neglect by providing an account of the moral psychology of contempt. In the process, I defend the moral propriety of certain tokens of properly person-focused contempt against some prominent objections -- among them, objections stemming from (...)
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    Implementing Expanded Prenatal Genetic Testing: Should Parents Have Access to Any and All Fetal Genetic Information?Michelle J. Bayefsky & Benjamin E. Berkman - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (2):4-22.
    Prenatal genetic testing is becoming available for an increasingly broad set of diseases, and it is only a matter of time before parents can choose to test for hundreds, if not thousands, of genetic conditions in their fetuses. Should access to certain kinds of fetal genetic information be limited, and if so, on what basis? We evaluate a range of considerations including reproductive autonomy, parental rights, disability rights, and the rights and interests of the fetus as a potential future child. (...)
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    How to learn about teaching: An evolutionary framework for the study of teaching behavior in humans and other animals.Michelle Ann Kline - 2015 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 38:e31.
    The human species is more reliant on cultural adaptation than any other species, but it is unclear how observational learning can give rise to the faithful transmission of cultural adaptations. One possibility is that teaching facilitates accurate social transmission by narrowing the range of inferences that learners make. However, there is wide disagreement about how to define teaching, and how to interpret the empirical evidence for teaching across cultures and species. In this article I argue that disputes about the nature (...)
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    Embodied Selves and Divided Minds.Michelle Maiese - 2015 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press UK.
    Embodied Selves and Divided Minds examines how research in embodied cognition and enactivism can contribute to our understanding of the nature of self-consciousness, the metaphysics of personal identity, and the disruptions to self-awareness that occur in case of psychopathology. The book reveals how a critical dialogue between Philosophy and Psychiatry can lead to a better understanding of important issues surrounding self-consciousness, personal identity, and psychopathology.
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  39. Stakeholder Engagement: Beyond the Myth of Corporate Responsibility.Michelle Greenwood - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 74 (4):315-327.
    The purpose of this article is to transcend the assumption that stakeholder engagement is necessarily a responsible practice. Stakeholder engagement is traditionally seen as corporate responsibility in action. Indeed, in some literatures there exists an assumption that the more an organisation engages with its stakeholders, the more it is responsible. This simple 'more is better' view of stakeholder engagement belies the true complexity of the relationship between engagement and corporate responsibility. Stakeholder engagement may be understood in a variety of different (...)
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  40. Against propositionalism.Michelle Montague - 2007 - Noûs 41 (3):503–518.
    'Propositionalism' is the widely held view that all intentional mental relations-all intentional attitudes-are relations to propositions or something proposition-like. Paradigmatically, to think about the mountain is ipso facto to think that it is F, for some predicate 'F'. It seems, however, many intentional attitudes are not relations to propositions at all: Mary contemplates Jonah, adores New York, misses Athens, mourns her brother. I argue, following Brentano, Husserl, Church and Montague among others, that the way things seem is the way they (...)
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  41. Pain, paradox and polysemy.Michelle Liu - 2021 - Analysis 81 (3):461-470.
    The paradox of pain refers to the idea that the folk concept of pain is paradoxical, treating pains as simultaneously mental states and bodily states. By taking a close look at our pain terms, this paper argues that there is no paradox of pain. The air of paradox dissolves once we recognize that pain terms are polysemous and that there are two separate but related concepts of pain rather than one.
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  42. The nature of awe: Elicitors, appraisals, and effects on self-concept.Michelle N. Shiota, Dacher Keltner & Amanda Mossman - 2007 - Cognition and Emotion 21 (5):944-963.
    Awe has been defined as an emotional response to perceptually vast stimuli that overwhelm current mental structures, yet facilitate attempts at accommodation. Four studies are presented showing the information-focused nature of awe elicitors, documenting the self-diminishing effects of awe experience, and exploring the effects of awe on the content of the self-concept. Study 1 documented the information-focused, asocial nature of awe elicitors in participant narratives. Study 2 contrasted the stimulus-focused, self-diminishing nature of appraisals and feelings associated with a prototypical awe (...)
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  43. Could our epistemic reasons be collective practical reasons?Michelle M. Dyke - 2021 - Noûs 55 (4):842-862.
    Are epistemic reasons merely a species of instrumental practical reasons, making epistemic rationality a specialized form of instrumental practical rationality? Or are epistemic reasons importantly different in kind? Despite the attractions of the former view, Kelly (2003) argues quite compellingly that epistemic rationality cannot be merely a matter of taking effective means to one’s epistemic ends. I argue here that Kelly’s objections can be sidestepped if we understand epistemic reasons as instrumental reasons that arise in light of the aims held (...)
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  44. The Polysemy View of Pain.Michelle Liu - 2021 - Mind and Language 38 (1):198-217.
    Philosophers disagree about what the folk concept of pain is. This paper criticises existing theories of the folk concept of pain, i.e. the mental view, the bodily view, and the recently proposed polyeidic view. It puts forward an alternative proposal – the polysemy view – according to which pain terms like “sore,” “ache” and “hurt” are polysemous, where one sense refers to a mental state and another a bodily state, and the type of polysemy at issue reflects two distinct but (...)
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  45. Revelation and the Appearance/Reality Distinction.Michelle Liu - forthcoming - Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Mind.
    It is often said that there is no appearance/reality distinction with respect to consciousness. Call this claim ‘NARD’. In contemporary discussions, NARD is closely connected to the thesis of revelation, the claim that the essences of phenomenal properties are revealed in experience, though the connection between the two requires clarification. This paper distinguishes different versions of NARD and homes in on a particular version that is closely connected to revelation. It shows how revelation and the related version of NARD pose (...)
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    Michel de Nostredame, Pierre Boaistuau, Chavigny et la peste aixoise de 1546.Michel Simonin - 1983 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 45 (1):127-130.
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  47. Mindshaping, Enactivism, and Ideological Oppression.Michelle Maiese - 2021 - Topoi 41 (2):341-354.
    One of humans’ distinctive cognitive abilities is that they develop an array of capacities through an enculturation process. In “Cognition as a Social Skill,” Sally points to one of the dangers associated with enculturation: ideological oppression. To conceptualize how such oppression takes root, Haslanager appeals to notions of mindshaping and social coordination, whereby people participate in oppressive social practices unthinkingly or even willingly. Arguably, an appeal to mindshaping provides a new kind of argument, grounded in philosophy of mind, which supports (...)
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  48. Lénine et la philosophie, conférence de Michel Simon.Michel Simon - 1969 - Paris (13e),: Institut Maurice Thorez, 64, bd Auguste-Blanqui.
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    Deepening Ethical Analysis in Business Ethics.Michelle Greenwood & R. Edward Freeman - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 147 (1):1-4.
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    Focusing on Ethics and Broadening our Intellectual Base.Michelle Greenwood & R. Edward Freeman - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 140 (1):1-3.
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