Results for 'Mike Wald'

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  1.  59
    Trust, risk perception, and intention to use autonomous vehicles: an interdisciplinary bibliometric review.Mohammad Naiseh, Jediah Clark, Tugra Akarsu, Yaniv Hanoch, Mario Brito, Mike Wald, Thomas Webster & Paurav Shukla - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-21.
    Autonomous vehicles (AV) offer promising benefits to society in terms of safety, environmental impact and increased mobility. However, acute challenges persist with any novel technology, inlcuding the perceived risks and trust underlying public acceptance. While research examining the current state of AV public perceptions and future challenges related to both societal and individual barriers to trust and risk perceptions is emerging, it is highly fragmented across disciplines. To address this research gap, by using the Web of Science database, our study (...)
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    The Case for Welfare Biology.Asher A. Soryl, Mike R. King, Andrew J. Moore & Philip J. Seddon - 2021 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 34 (2):1-25.
    Animal welfare science and ecology are both generally concerned with the lives of animals, however they differ in their objectives and scope; the former studies the welfare of animals considered ‘domestic’ and under the domain of humans, while the latter studies wild animals with respect to ecological processes. Each of these approaches addresses certain aspects of the lives of animals living in the world though neither, we argue, tells us important information about the welfare of wild animals. This paper argues (...)
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    Understanding covert recognition.A. Mike Burton, Andrew W. Young, Vicki Bruce, Robert A. Johnston & Andrew W. Ellis - 1991 - Cognition 39 (2):129-166.
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  4. Death, Brain Death, and the Limits of Science: Why the Whole-Brain Concept of Death Is a Flawed Public Policy.Mike Nair-Collins - 2010 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 38 (3):667-683.
    Legally defining “death” in terms of brain death unacceptably obscures a value judgment that not all reasonable people would accept. This is disingenuous, and it results in serious moral flaws in the medical practices surrounding organ donation. Public policy that relies on the whole-brain concept of death is therefore morally flawed and in need of revision.
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    Adaptive Non‐Interventional Heuristics for Covariation Detection in Causal Induction: Model Comparison and Rational Analysis.Masasi Hattori & Mike Oaksford - 2007 - Cognitive Science 31 (5):765-814.
    In this article, 41 models of covariation detection from 2 × 2 contingency tables were evaluated against past data in the literature and against data from new experiments. A new model was also included based on a limiting case of the normative phi‐coefficient under an extreme rarity assumption, which has been shown to be an important factor in covariation detection (McKenzie & Mikkelsen, 2007) and data selection (Hattori, 2002; Oaksford & Chater, 1994, 2003). The results were supportive of the new (...)
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  6.  62
    Programs as Causal Models: Speculations on Mental Programs and Mental Representation.Nick Chater & Mike Oaksford - 2013 - Cognitive Science 37 (6):1171-1191.
    Judea Pearl has argued that counterfactuals and causality are central to intelligence, whether natural or artificial, and has helped create a rich mathematical and computational framework for formally analyzing causality. Here, we draw out connections between these notions and various current issues in cognitive science, including the nature of mental “programs” and mental representation. We argue that programs (consisting of algorithms and data structures) have a causal (counterfactual-supporting) structure; these counterfactuals can reveal the nature of mental representations. Programs can also (...)
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  7.  25
    Human rationality and the psychology of reasoning: Where do we go from here?Nick Chater & Mike Oaksford - 2001 - British Journal of Psychology 92 (1):193-216.
    British psychologists have been at the forefront of research into human reasoning for 40 years. This article describes some past research milestones within this tradition before outlining the major theoretical positions developed in the UK. Most British reasoning researchers have contributed to one or more of these positions. We identify a common theme that is emerging in all these approaches, that is, the problem of explaining how prior general knowledge affects reasoning. In our concluding comments we outline the challenges for (...)
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  8.  30
    Sport, Ethics, and Neurophilosophy.Jeffrey P. Fry & Mike McNamee - 2017 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 11 (3):259-263.
    The influence of neuroscience looms large today. In this introductory essay, we provide some context for the volume by acknowledging the expansion of applied neuroscience to everyday life and the proliferation of neuroscientific disciplines. We also observe that some individuals have sounded cautionary notes in light of perceived overreach of some claims for neuroscience. Then we briefly summarize the articles that comprise this volume. This diverse collection of papers represents the beginning of a conversation focused on the intersection of sport, (...)
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  9.  36
    Why Sports Medicine is not Medicine.Steven D. Edwards & Mike McNamee - 2006 - Health Care Analysis 14 (2):103-109.
    Sports Medicine as an apparent sub-class of medicine has developed apace over the past 30 years. Its recent trajectory has been evidenced by the emergence of specialist international research journals, standard texts, annual conferences, academic appointments and postgraduate courses. Although this field of enquiry and practice lays claim to the title ‘sports medicine’ this paper queries the legitimacy of that claim. Depending upon how ‘sports medicine’ and ‘medicine’ are defined, a plausible-sounding case can be made to show that sports medicine (...)
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    Ontology Summit 2017 communiqué – AI, learning, reasoning and ontologies.Kenneth Baclawski, Mike Bennett, Gary Berg-Cross, Donna Fritzsche, Todd Schneider, Ravi Sharma, Ram D. Sriram & Andrea Westerinen - 2018 - Applied ontology 13 (1):3-18.
    There are many connections among artificial intelligence, learning, reasoning and ontologies. The Ontology Summit 2017 explored, identified and articulated the relationships among these areas. As p...
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  11. Unfamiliar face perception.A. Mike Burton & Rob Jenkins - 2011 - In Andy Calder, Gillian Rhodes, Mark Johnson & Jim Haxby, Oxford Handbook of Face Perception. Oxford University Press. pp. 287--306.
    This article describes some differences between familiar and unfamiliar face processing. It presents the evidence that unfamiliar face recognition is poor. Since this poor performance has implications both practically and theoretically, it is important to establish the facts. The article analyses reasons that people appear to have little insight into their own poor performance with unfamiliar faces, and some sectors of society seem so keen to use faces as a means of proving identity. It reviews some historical research comparing familiar (...)
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  12.  51
    Editorial: Multitasking: Executive Functioning in Dual-Task and Task Switching Situations.Tilo Strobach, Mike Wendt & Markus Janczyk - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  13.  33
    Groups of Worldview Transformations Implied by Einstein’s Special Principle of Relativity over Arbitrary Ordered Fields.Judit X. Madarász, Mike Stannett & Gergely Székely - forthcoming - Review of Symbolic Logic:1-28.
    In 1978, Yu. F. Borisov presented an axiom system using a few basic assumptions and four explicit axioms, the fourth being a formulation of the relativity principle; and he demonstrated that this axiom system had (up to choice of units) only two models: a relativistic one in which worldview transformations are Poincaré transformations and a classical one in which they are Galilean. In this paper, we reformulate Borisov’s original four axioms within an intuitively simple, but strictly formal, first-order logic framework, (...)
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  14.  22
    Capacity limits for face processing.Markus Bindemann, A. Mike Burton & Rob Jenkins - 2005 - Cognition 98 (2):177-197.
  15.  30
    Accounting for Animal Experiments: Identity and Disreputable "Others".Lynda Birke & Mike Michael - 1994 - Science, Technology and Human Values 19 (2):189-204.
    This article considers how scientists involved in animal experimentation attempt to defend their practices. Interviews with over 40 scientists revealed that, over and above direct criticisms of the antivivisection lobby, scientists used a number of discursive strategies to demonstrate that critics of animal experimentation are ethically and epistemologically infenor to British scientific practitioners. The scientists portrayed a series of negative "others" such as foreign scientists, farmers, and pet owners. In this manner, they attempted to create a "socioethical domain" which rhetorically (...)
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  16. Screening-Off and Causal Incompleteness: A No-Go Theorem.Elliott Sober & Mike Steel - 2013 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 64 (3):513-550.
    We begin by considering two principles, each having the form causal completeness ergo screening-off. The first concerns a common cause of two or more effects; the second describes an intermediate link in a causal chain. They are logically independent of each other, each is independent of Reichenbach's principle of the common cause, and each is a consequence of the causal Markov condition. Simple examples show that causal incompleteness means that screening-off may fail to obtain. We derive a stronger result: in (...)
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    The ties that keep us bound: Top-down influences on the persistence of shape-from-motion☆.Evan F. Risko, Mike J. Dixon, Derek Besner & Susanne Ferber - 2006 - Consciousness and Cognition 15 (2):475-483.
    The phenomenon of perceptual persistence after the motion stops in shape-from-motion displays was used to study the influence of prior knowledge on the maintenance of a percept in awareness. In SFM displays an object composed of discontinuous line segments are embedded in a background of randomly oriented lines. The object only becomes perceptible when the line segments that compose the object and the lines that compose the background move in counterphase. Critically, once the movement of the line segments stops, the (...)
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  18.  36
    Recognition and Difference.Scott Lash & Mike Featherstone - 2001 - Theory, Culture and Society 18 (2-3):1-19.
  19.  49
    Long-term effects of covert face recognition.Rob Jenkins, A. Mike Burton & Andrew W. Ellis - 2002 - Cognition 86 (2):B43-B52.
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  20.  18
    Information gain and decision-theoretic approaches to data selection: Response to Klauer (1999).Nick Chater & Mike Oaksford - 1999 - Psychological Review 106 (1):223-227.
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  21.  18
    Can Simulated Green Exercise Improve Recovery From Acute Mental Stress?John James Wooller, Mike Rogerson, Jo Barton, Dominic Micklewright & Valerie Gladwell - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  22.  27
    Sketching the Invisible to Predict the Visible: From Drawing to Modeling in Chemistry.Melanie M. Cooper, Mike Stieff & Dane DeSutter - 2017 - Topics in Cognitive Science 9 (4):902-920.
    Sketching as a scientific practice goes beyond the simple act of inscribing diagrams onto paper. Scientists produce a wide range of representations through sketching, as it is tightly coupled to model-based reasoning. Chemists in particular make extensive use of sketches to reason about chemical phenomena and to communicate their ideas. However, the chemical sciences have a unique problem in that chemists deal with the unseen world of the atomic-molecular level. Using sketches, chemists strive to develop causal mechanisms that emerge from (...)
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  23.  55
    Being a Sociologist and Becoming a Whiteheadian.Michael Halewood & Mike Michael - unknown
    This article is an attempt to operationalize A.N. Whitehead's ontological approach within sociology. Whitehead offers lessons and clues to a way of re-envisioning `sociological practice' so that it captures something of the nature of a `social' that is at once real and constructed, material and cultural, and processual and actual. In the course of the article, the terms `operationalize' and `sociology' will themselves be transformed, not least because the range of objects and relations of study will far outstrip those common (...)
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  24.  25
    On the undecidability of some classes of abelian-by-finite groups.Annalisa Marcja, Mike Prest & Carlo Toffalori - 1993 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 62 (2):167-173.
    Let G be a finite group. For every formula ø in the language of groups, let K denote the class of groups H such that ø is a normal abelian subgroup of H and the quotient group H;ø is isomorphic to G. We show that if G is nilpotent and its order is not square-free, then there exists a formula ø such that the theory of K is undecidable.
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  25.  23
    Cognitio populi – Vox populi: Implications of science-related populism for communication behavior.Niels G. Mede, Mike S. Schäfer & Julia Metag - 2024 - Communications 49 (4):645-668.
    In many countries, science is challenged by science-related populism, which deems the common sense of “ordinary people” superior to the knowledge of “academic elites”. Individual support for science-related populism can be associated with people’s communication behavior: On the one hand, people who hold science-related populist attitudes may inform themselves differently about science; they may even be disconnected from societal discourse around science. On the other hand, they may communicate more actively on social media and in interpersonal conversations. We test this (...)
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  26.  38
    The role of ontologies in Linked Data, Big Data and Semantic Web applications.Kenneth Baclawski & Mike Bennett - 2017 - Applied ontology 12 (3-4):189-194.
    Since the beginnings of the Semantic Web, ontologies have played key roles in the design and deployment of new semantic technologies. Yet over the years, the level of collaboration between the Sema...
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  27.  44
    Self-generated sounds enhance the mismatch negativity: Evidence from the equiprobable paradigm.Jack Bradley, Griffiths Oren, Le Pelley Mike & Whitford Thomas - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  28.  41
    Local representations without the locality assumption.A. Mike Burton & Vicki Bruce - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (1):62-63.
  29.  40
    The many ways to distribute distributed representations.A. Mike Burton - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (4):472-473.
    Distributed representations can be distributed in very many ways. The specific choice of representation for a specific model is based on considerations unique to the area of study. General statements about the effectiveness of distributed models are therefore of little value. The popularity of these models is discussed, particularly with respect to reporting conventions.
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    "Mata Hari"---a mixed success [A review of the play Ballad For a Firing Squad at Alverno College, Milwaukee].Curtis Carter & Mike Neville - unknown
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    The Falsity.Nick Chater & Mike Oaksford - 1996 - In William T. O'Donohue & Richard F. Kitchener, The philosophy of psychology. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications. pp. 244.
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    Exploring the Effect of Collective Cultural Attributes on Covid-19-Related Public Health Outcomes.Aysegul Erman & Mike Medeiros - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Infections and deaths associated with COVID-19 show a high degree of heterogeneity across different populations. A thorough understanding of population-level predictors of such outcomes is crucial for devising better-targeted and more appropriate public health preparedness measures. While demographic, economic, and health-system capacity have featured prominently in recent work, cultural, and behavioral characteristics have largely been overlooked. However, cultural differences shape both the public policy response and individuals' behavioral responses to the crisis in ways that can impact infection dynamics and key (...)
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  33.  47
    The effects of early onset type 1 diabetes on the young adult brain: A voxel-based morphometry study.Roberts Gareth, Anderson Mike, Jones Timothy, Davis Elizabeth & Ly Trang - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  34. Baseline, Whose Judgment?Søren Holm & Mike McNamee - 2011 - In Julian Savulescu, Ruud ter Meulen & Guy Kahane, Enhancing Human Capacities. Blackwell. pp. 291.
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  35.  21
    Psychological Flexibility and Its Relationship to Distress and Work Engagement Among Intensive Care Medical Staff.Johan Holmberg, Mike K. Kemani, Linda Holmström, Lars-Göran Öst & Rikard K. Wicksell - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Perinatal Technology: Answers and Questions.A. N. Krauss, V. Miké & G. S. Ross - 1992 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 3 (1):56-62.
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  37.  44
    Is what you feel what you don't know?Simon C. Moore & Mike Oaksford - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (2):211-212.
    Rolls defines emotion as innate reward and punishment. This could not explain our results showing that people learn faster in a negative mood. We argue that what people know about their world affects their emotional state. Negative emotion signals a failure to predict negative reward and hence prompts learning to resolve the ignorance. Thus what you don't know affects how you feel.
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    Postscript: Still in search of a good theory of reasoning--Rejoinder to Barrouillet, Gauffroy, and Lecas (2008).Klaus Oberauer & Mike Oaksford - 2008 - Psychological Review 115 (3):778-778.
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  39.  33
    The role of the humanities in the modern university: Some historical and philosophical considerations.Mahali Phamotse & Mike Kissack - 2008 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 42 (1):49-65.
    This article examines the controversial notion of the role and value of the humanities in the contemporary university. It provides a review of the history of the emergence of the humanities in the European universities, arguing that any attempt to justify the presence of the humanities in the modern university in instrumental terms is futile. Through its depiction of the evolution of the humanities as a particular compendium of disciplinary fields, the article demonstrates that the humanities have become a focal (...)
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  40.  42
    The enigma is not entirely dispelled: A review of Mercier and Sperber's The Enigma of Reason[REVIEW]Nick Chater & Mike Oaksford - 2018 - Mind and Language 33 (5):525-532.
    Mercier and Sperber illuminate many aspects of reasoning and rationality, providing refreshing and thoughtful analysis and elegant and well‐researched illustrations. They make a good case that reasoning should be viewed as a type of intuition, rather than a separate cognitive process or system. Yet questions remain. In what sense, if any, is reasoning a “module?” What is the link between rationality within an individual and rationality defined through the interaction between individuals? Formal theories of rationality, from logic, probability theory and (...)
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  41.  35
    ‘Rescaling’ alternative food systems: from food security to food sovereignty.Navé Wald & Douglas P. Hill - 2016 - Agriculture and Human Values 33 (1):203-213.
    In this paper, we critically interrogate the benefits of an interdisciplinary and theoretically diverse dialogue between ‘local food’ and ‘alternative food networks’ and outline how this dialogue might be enriched by a closer engagement with discourses of food sovereignty and the politics of scale. In arguing for a shift towards a greater emphasis on food sovereignty, we contend that contemporary discourses of food security are inadequate for the ongoing task of ensuring a just and sustainable economy of food. Further, rather (...)
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  42.  38
    Compensating Outside Directors with Stock: The Impact on Non-Primary Stakeholders. [REVIEW]Yuval Deutsch & Mike Valente - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 116 (1):67-85.
    Two obvious trends in corporate governance include broadening board accountability beyond shareholders’ interests and paying outside directors with equity compensation (stock and stock options). By integrating common agency and instrumental stakeholder theories, we examine the effect of stock compensation on secondary stakeholders and a firm’s participation in social issues, two areas where interests are less aligned with shareholder value. Consistent with our predictions, we found that while stock compensation may be an effective way to align directors’ goals to those of (...)
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  43.  18
    Willensfreiheit und Hirnforschung: das Freiheitsmodell des epistemischen Libertarismus.Bettina Walde - 2006 - Paderborn: Mentis.
  44.  21
    COVID-19 era healthcare ethics education: Cultivating educational and moral resilience.Hedy S. Wald & Settimio Monteverde - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (1):58-65.
    The COVID-19 pandemic crisis has had profound effects on global health, healthcare, and public health policy. It has also impacted education. Within undergraduate healthcare education of doctors, nurses, and allied professions, rapid shifts to distance learning and pedagogic content creation within new realities, demands of healthcare practice settings, shortened curricula, and/or earlier graduation have also challenged ethics teaching in terms of curriculum allotments or content specification. We propose expanding the notion of resilience to the field of ethics education under the (...)
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  45.  81
    Reasons and Action Explanation.Benjamin Wald & Sergio Tenenbaum - 2018 - In Daniel Star, The Oxford Handbook of Reasons and Normativity. New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press.
    The problem of deviant causation has been a serious obstacle for causal theories of action. We suggest that attending to the problem of deviant causation reveals two related problems for causal theories. First, it threatens the reductive ambitions of causal theories of intentional action. Second, it suggests that such a theory fails to account for how the agent herself is guided by her reasons. Focusing on the second of these, we argue that the problem of guidance turns out to be (...)
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  46.  73
    How relative absolute can be: SUMI and the impact of the nature of the task in measuring perceived software usability. [REVIEW]Humberto Cavallin, W. Mike Martin & Ann Heylighen - 2007 - AI and Society 22 (2):227-235.
    This paper addresses the possibility of measuring perceived usability in an absolute way. It studies the impact of the nature of the tasks performed in perceived software usability evaluation, using for this purpose the subjective evaluation of an application’s performance via the Software Usability Measurement Inventory (SUMI). The paper reports on the post-hoc analysis of data from a productivity study for testing the effect of changes in the graphical user interface (GUI) of a market leading drafting application. Even though one (...)
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  47.  6
    Confesiuni.Henri Wald - 1998 - București: Editura Hasefer. Edited by Alexandru Singer.
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  48.  30
    ¿Primado de la certeza? Sobre la pérdida de realidad en el realismo "moderno".Berthold Wald - 2016 - Ideas Y Valores 65 (161):339-359.
    En este breve comentario discuto algunos aspectos de la interpretación de la epistemología de Davidson que sugiere Willian Duica en su reciente libro. Luego de una presentación somera del libro me centro en tres asuntos centrales de la interpretación de Duica. En primer lugar, argumento que su lectura de la crítica de Davidson al dualismo esquema/contenido es muy restrictiva y deja abierta la posibilidad de un realismo directo empirista. En segundo lugar, argumento que en su lectura el propio Duica se (...)
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  49.  54
    Mike Boone, Kathleen Fite, & Robert F. Reardon 43.Mike Boone - forthcoming - Journal of Thought.
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  50. 13 Mike Kelley.Mike Kelley - 2007 - In Diarmuid Costello & Jonathan Vickery, Art: key contemporary thinkers. New York: Berg. pp. 13.
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