Results for 'Montserrat González Garibay'

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  1.  10
    NAFTA versus NAALC: de mediërende rol van de sociale clausule ten aanzien van de effecten van vrijhandel.Montserrat González Garibay - 2007 - Res Publica 49 (4):628-658.
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    The advocacy role of nurses in cardiopulmonary resuscitation.Verónica Tíscar-González, Montserrat Gea-Sánchez, Joan Blanco-Blanco, María Teresa Moreno-Casbas & Elizabeth Peter - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (2):333-347.
    Background: The decision whether to initiate cardiopulmonary resuscitation may sometimes be ethically complex. While studies have addressed some of these issues, along with the role of nurses in cardiopulmonary resuscitation, most have not considered the importance of nurses acting as advocates for their patients with respect to cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Research objective: To explore what the nurse’s advocacy role is in cardiopulmonary resuscitation from the perspective of patients, relatives, and health professionals in the Basque Country (Spain). Research design: An exploratory critical (...)
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    Meaningful Learning Experiences in Everyday Life During Pandemics. A Qualitative Study.Irene González-Ceballos, Montserrat Palma, Josep Maria Serra & Moisès Esteban-Guitart - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:670886.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically changed the lives of people all over the world. In particular, an unprecedented educational crisis has occurred due to the circumstances of physical distancing and remote learning. This article focuses specifically on the meaningful learning experiences in the everyday lives of adolescents during the pandemic. 72 meaningful learning experiences were identified from 11 participants who recorded their specific learning experiences for a week by a means of a journal recorded by themselves. A content analysis was (...)
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    From truth-attesting to intensification: The grammaticalization of Spanish la verdad and Catalan la veritat.Montserrat González - 2015 - Discourse Studies 17 (2):162-181.
    The aim of this article is to discuss and illustrate the grammaticalization process and the polysemic and polyfunctional nature of the Spanish and Catalan markers la verdad and la veritat, from an original objectified referential meaning of the forms to a highly subjectified procedural meaning of the markers. The pragmatic meaning of these markers stems from the loss of semantic features and the different uses that they can adopt in a variety of syntactic and pragmatic contexts, where their subjective, evaluative, (...)
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    Introduction.Montserrat González - 2015 - Discourse Studies 17 (2):117-120.
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    Pragmatic markers and discourse coherence relations in English and Catalan oral narrative.Montserrat González - 2005 - Discourse Studies 7 (1):53-86.
    This article explores the role that markers play in the pragmatic discourse structure of Catalan and English oral narratives. It is argued that their meaning is directly related to the sort of coherence relation that they establish with preceding and following propositions and discourse segments, centring the discussion on four discourse structures/components: ideational, rhetorical, sequential and inferential. The aim is to show the textual form-pragmatic function relationship by means of specific lexical units placed at specific parts of the narrative. The (...)
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    Atención y relato.Montserrat González - 2004 - Arbor 177 (697):81-104.
    El relato como modelo de construcción cognitiva que se desarrolla a lo largo de un eje temporal ha sido utilizado ampliamente por lingüistas funcionales y cognitivistas, narratólogos y estudiosos del procesamiento del discurso, en general. Los hechos conforman el esqueleto de una narración, pero la forma en que éstos se organizan, combinados con la orientación espaciotemporal, su descripción y su evaluación resulta en una percepción e interpretación determinada de los mismos. En el proceso cognitivo de comprensión del relato, la tradición (...)
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    The Role of Emotions in Classroom Conflict Management. Case Studies Geared Towards Improving Teacher Training.Ibis M. Alvarez, Montserrat González-Parera & Borja Manero - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:818431.
    The purpose of this paper is twofold: firstly, to explore the emotional aspects underlying classroom conflict management, and secondly, to apply these notions to the contrasted analysis of two case studies. Our findings underscore the importance of examining teachers’ emotional regulation to better understand their performance when dealing with conflicts that affect classroom climate. In the final section, we make suggestions for introducing this perspective into initial teacher training through the use of Virtual Reality, a scenario that would allow pre-service (...)
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    Génesis 1-2, 4 en la Biblia árabe cristiana.Pilar González Casado & Montserrat Abumalham Mas - forthcoming - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones.
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    González Ferrin, Emilio. La palabra descendida. Un acercamiento al Corán.Montserrat Abumalham Mas - 2002 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 7:246.
    El monoteísmo musulmán insiste en dos aspectos divinos. Por una parte Dios es «todo misericordia», por otra parte es Uno y totalmente diferente del ser humano. La insistencia de los teólogos musulmanes a lo largo de la historia en este segundo aspecto aleja a Dios de los creyentes. El sentimiento religioso de los fieles ha intentado por diversas vías acercarse a la divinidad. Las vías más importantes han sido la mediación del profeta Muhammad y de los santos, así como la (...)
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    Cross-Validation of the Spanish HP-Version of the Jefferson Scale of Empathy Confirmed with Some Cross-Cultural Differences.Adelina Alcorta-Garza, Montserrat San-Martín, Roberto Delgado-Bolton, Jorge Soler-González, Helena Roig & Luis Vivanco - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
  12.  44
    Descriptive study of association between quality of care and empathy and burnout in primary care.Oriol Yuguero, Josep Ramon Marsal, Miquel Buti, Montserrat Esquerda & Jorge Soler-González - 2017 - BMC Medical Ethics 18 (1):54.
    The doctor-patient relationship is a crucial aspect of primary-care practice Research on associations between quality of care provision and burnout and empathy in a primary care setting could improve this relationship. Cross-sectional study of family physicians and nurses of twenty-two primary care centers in the health district of Lleida, Spain. Empathy and burnout were measured using the Jefferson Physician Empathy Scale and the Maslach Burnout Inventory, while quality of care delivery was evaluated using Quality Standard Indicator scores. JPSE and MBI (...)
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  13. Little Republics: Authority and the Political Nature of the Firm.Iñigo González-Ricoy - 2022 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 50 (1):90-120.
    Political theorists have recently sought to replace the liberal, contractual theory of the firm with a political view that models the authority relation of employee to firm, and its appropriate regulation, on that of subject to state. This view is liable to serious difficulties, however, given existing discontinuities between corporate and civil authority as to their coerciveness, entry and exit conditions, scope, legal standing, and efficiency constraints. I here inspect these, and argue that, albeit in some cases significant, such discontinuities (...)
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  14. The Republican Case for Workplace Democracy.Iñigo González-Ricoy - 2014 - Social Theory and Practice 40 (2):232-254.
    The republican case for workplace democracy is presented and defended from two alternative means of ensuring freedom from arbitrary interference in the firm—namely, the right to freely exit the firm and workplace regulation. This paper shows, respectively, that costless exit is neither possible nor desirable in either perfect or imperfect labor markets, and that managerial discretion is both desirable and inevitable due to the incompleteness of employment contracts and labor legislation. The paper then shows that WD is necessary, from a (...)
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  15.  21
    La conciencia ética como acción humana y divina en la Fenomenología del espíritu de Hegel : culpa y destino : ¿somos fatalmente culpables?José Manuel Orozco Garibay - 2024 - Estudios filosofía historia letras 22 (148):81.
    Se suele pensar que la culpa procede de una transgresión a la norma o la ley. La razón universal determina a obrar conforme al deber de un sujeto replegado dentro de sí mismo. La acción que emana de la obediencia a la ley es la virtud moral del singular. Pero Hegel propone la tragedia de una oposición entre dos deberes que compelen a obrar, al mismo tiempo, de acuerdo a ellos. Sin embargo, al acatar una de las leyes se transgrede (...)
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    Why molecular structure cannot be strictly reduced to quantum mechanics.Juan Camilo Martínez González, Sebastian Fortin & Olimpia Lombardi - 2018 - Foundations of Chemistry 21 (1):31-45.
    Perhaps the hottest topic in the philosophy of chemistry is that of the relationship between chemistry and physics. The problem finds one of its main manifestations in the debate about the nature of molecular structure, given by the spatial arrangement of the nuclei in a molecule. The traditional strategy to address the problem is to consider chemical cases that challenge the definition of molecular structure in quantum–mechanical terms. Instead of taking that top-down strategy, in this paper we face the problem (...)
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    Enseñanza de la filosofía en la cultura actual.Guillermo Mañón Garibay - 2007 - In Jorge Martínez Contreras, Aura Ponce de León & Luis Villoro, El saber filosófico. México, D.F.: Asociación Filosófica de México. pp. 91.
  18.  21
    Sobre el derecho a mentir. Verdad y posverdad en la comunicación y la construcción de ciudadanía.José Mañón Garibay - 2020 - Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoria Del Derecho 1 (14):285.
    Por un lado, el supuesto de todo sistema moral y jurídico es que el hombre desea su bien, y que la verdad es un bien deseado por sí mismo. Por otro lado, es sabido que la mentira política juega un papel importante (e indispensable) en el ejercicio del poder y en la consecución del bien común, y que por ello muchos filósofos la han recomendado y justificado (hoy y en el pasado). Ante esta paradoja vale preguntar cómo se construye la (...)
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    Constitution and Regulation in the Context of the Schematism Doctrine.Cristóbal Garibay-Petersen - 2021 - Kant Studien 112 (3):372-399.
    I present and develop a novel account of the schematism by reading it through the distinction between constitution and regulation. I thus show that Kant’s stipulation of only eight schemata for the twelve pure concepts of the understanding is not haphazard but answers, instead, to two distinct processes of synthesis, mathematical and dynamical, that either constitute objects in intuition or regulate objects of experience. Based on this, I offer a detailed reconstruction of each of the schemata specified by Kant, and (...)
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  20.  11
    El alcance de las nociones normativas dentro de la ciencia médica.Guillermo J. Mañón Garibay - 2008 - Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoria Del Derecho 1 (2):387-405.
    Health and Illness are noted Concepts form Medicine and Society. This Essay treats on Interaction between both Conceptions and their legal Influence.Resumen:Salud/enfermedad son tanto conceptos centrales de la ciencia médica como de importancia para la sociedad en general. El presente artículo trata de la interacción de ambas concepciones con respecto a su influencia normativa.
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    La idea del hombre en el derecho.Guillermo J. Mañón Garibay - 2009 - Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoria Del Derecho 1 (3):321-347.
    In this article, the author discusses how we might talk about the notion of “man” in the law and con siders the different changes this notion has had through different stages of its historical process.Resumen:En el presente texto se reflexiona sobre la manera en que se puede hablar de una idea de hombre en el derecho, así como de los cambios que esta idea de hombre ha sufrido en las principales etapas de su desarrollo histórico.
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    Monkeys Share the Human Ability to Internally Maintain a Temporal Rhythm.Otto García-Garibay, Jaime Cadena-Valencia, Hugo Merchant & Victor de Lafuente - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Reflexiones filosóficas sobre la antropología del derecho.Guillermo José Mañón Garibay - 2017 - Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoria Del Derecho 1 (11).
    En los últimos años se ha visto aumentar significativamente los resultados de las ciencias neurocognitivas y el estudio de los diferentes mecanismos que actúan sobre la conciencia, sobre la identidad personal, sobre el comportamiento libre, sobre la conciencia de culpa o arrepentimiento. Este trabajo analiza la conducta normativa del hombre desde el punto de vista antropológico, derivado de los recientes avances biológicos, médicos, bioquímicos y psicológicos. Dicha perspectiva representa, sin lugar a dudas, un logro en el estudio inter, multi y (...)
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  24. Identidad y diferencia en la filosofía del Maestro Eckhart.Guillermo J. Mañón Garibay - 1999 - Revista Agustiniana 40 (122):593-623.
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    Byung-Chul Han, No-cosas : quiebras en el mundo de hoy : [reseña].José Manuel Orozco Garibay - 2023 - Estudios filosofía historia letras 21 (145):148.
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    Bernard N. Schumacher, Muerte y mortalidad en la filosofía contemporánea : [reseña].José Manuel Orozco Garibay - 2022 - Estudios filosofía historia letras 20 (140):205.
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    Nursing professionalization and welfare state policies: A critical review of structural factors influencing the development of nursing and the nursing workforce.Virginia Gunn, Carles Muntaner, Michael Villeneuve, Haejoo Chung & Montserrat Gea-Sanchez - 2019 - Nursing Inquiry 26 (1):e12263.
    Nursing professionalization is both ongoing and global, being significant not only for the nursing workforce but also for patients and healthcare systems. For this reason, it is important to have an in‐depth understanding of this process and the factors that could affect it. This literature review utilizes a welfare state approach to examine macrolevel structural determinants of nursing professionalization, addressing a previously identified gap in this literature, and synthesizes research on the relevance of studying nursing professionalization. The use of a (...)
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  28. (1 other version)The rules and aims of inquiry.Javier Gonzalez de Prado - forthcoming - The Philosophical Quarterly.
    Are norms of inquiry in tension with epistemic norms? I provide a (largely) negative answer, turning to a picture of epistemic practices as rule-governed games. The idea is that, while epistemic norms are correctness standards for the attitudes involved in epistemic games, norms of inquiry derive from the aims of those games. Attitudes that, despite being epistemically correct, are inadvisable regarding the goals of some inquiry are just like bad (but legal) moves in basketball or chess. I further consider cases (...)
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    The relationship between chemistry and physics from the perspective of Bohmian mechanics.Juan Camilo Martínez González, Olimpia Lombardi & Sebastian Fortin - 2017 - Foundations of Chemistry 19 (1):43-59.
    Although during the last decades the philosophy of chemistry has greatly extended its thematic scope, the main difficulties appear in the attempt to link the chemical description of atoms and molecules and the description supplied by quantum mechanics. The aim of this paper is to analyze how the difficulties that threaten the continuous conceptual link between molecular chemistry and quantum mechanics can be overcome or, at least, moderated from the perspective of BM. With this purpose, in “The quantum-mechanical challenges” section (...)
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    The semantic origin of unconscious priming: Behavioral and event-related potential evidence during category congruency priming from strongly and weakly related masked words.Juan J. Ortells, Markus Kiefer, Alejandro Castillo, Montserrat Megías & Alejandro Morillas - 2016 - Cognition 146 (C):143-157.
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    Factors Related to the Differential Development of Inter-Professional Collaboration Abilities in Medicine and Nursing Students.Nancy Berduzco-Torres, Begonia Choquenaira-Callañaupa, Pamela Medina, Luis A. Chihuantito-Abal, Sdenka Caballero, Edo Gallegos, Montserrat San-Martín, Roberto C. Delgado Bolton & Luis Vivanco - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Memory for emotional words: The role of semantic relatedness, encoding task and affective valence.Pilar Ferré, Isabel Fraga, Montserrat Comesaña & Rosa Sánchez-Casas - 2015 - Cognition and Emotion 29 (8):1401-1410.
  33. La refutación cartesiana del escéptico y del ateo. Tres hitos de su significado y alcance.Rodrigo González - 2017 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 34 (1):85-103.
    En este artículo argumento que, pese al llamado “escepticismo cartesiano”, el significado y alcance de la refutación cartesiana del escéptico y del ateo pueden comprenderse a la luz de tres hitos metafísicos. En la primera sección examino de qué forma este filósofo emplea argumentos escépticos como método, no como fin. Tal como enfatizo, el cogito es el punto en que la duda hiperbólica debe detenerse. Luego, en la segunda sección, discuto por qué Descartes es contrario al fideísmo. Debido a que (...)
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    Uterus Transplantation as a Surgical Innovation.Alicia Pérez-Blanco, José-Antonio Seoane, Teresa Aldabo Pallás, Montserrat Nieto-Moro, Rocío Núñez Calonge, Alfonso de la Fuente & Dominique E. Martin - 2023 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 20 (3):367-378.
    Uterus transplantation (UTx) research has been introduced in several countries, with trials in Sweden and the United States producing successful outcomes. The growing interest in developing UTx trials in other countries, such as Spain, the Netherlands, Japan, and Australia, raises important questions regarding the ethics of surgical innovation research in the field of UTx. This paper examines the current state of UTx in the context of the surgical innovation paradigm and IDEAL framework and discusses the ethical challenges faced by those (...)
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    Op. Cit. Las funciones retóricas de la citación filosófica.Juan Antonio González de Requena Farré - 2014 - Universitas Philosophica 31 (62).
    Certain dialogism is generally recognized in the founding moments of Western philosophy, and it is possible to see various forms of intertextuality in our philosophical tradition. In spite of certain monological temptations, philosophy is not a self-demonstrative system; it has woven its texts quoting other discursive voices and through the invocation of borrowed words. This article aims to outline a discontinuous overview of quotation rhetorical functions at different moments of Western philosophy. The philosophical quote has contributed to discursive authorization or (...)
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    The Third Way: New Directions in Platonic Studies.Francisco J. Gonzalez - 1995 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    The study of Plato's dialogues has traditionally oscillated between two paradigms: one that portrays the dialogues as treatises expounding doctrines and one that sees them as purely skeptical, rhetorical, or literary. This collection of new essays by twelve noted Plato scholars illustrates the fruitfulness of breaking away from those paradigms, which have divided Platonic scholarship and led it to a number of dead ends. While the essays are diverse in their approaches, each seeks to find a 'third way' to understand (...)
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    Improvement of Inter-Professional Collaborative Work Abilities in Mexican Medical and Nursing Students: A Longitudinal Study.Guillermo J. Tuirán-Gutiérrez, Montserrat San-Martín, Roberto Delgado-Bolton, Blanca Bartolomé & Luis Vivanco - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    The Economics of Being: The Struggle for Existence in Prehistory.Pedro Blas González - 2014 - Cultura 11 (1):23-39.
    This paper takes a phenomenological perspective regarding the difficulties encountered in daily life by man in prehistory. I argue that the economics of beingnecessarily establishes man as a being that must make choices. Of these, man must eventually arrive at the realization that higher, rather than lower choices will safeguard human survival, well being and allow for prosperity. The economics of being is a form of identifying economic choice-making as a natural disposition of man’s. It is the latter condition that (...)
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    Refuting data aggregation arguments and how the instance-based learning model stands criticism: A reply to Hills and Hertwig (2012).Cleotilde Gonzalez & Varun Dutt - 2012 - Psychological Review 119 (4):893-898.
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    Gaze Following in Ungulates: Domesticated and Non-domesticated Species Follow the Gaze of Both Humans and Conspecifics in an Experimental Context.Alina Schaffer, Alvaro L. Caicoya, Montserrat Colell, Ruben Holland, Conrad Ensenyat & Federica Amici - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Gaze following is the ability to use others’ gaze to obtain information about the environment. As such, it may be highly adaptive in a variety of socio-ecological contexts, and thus be widespread across animal taxa. To date, gaze following has been mostly studied in primates, and partially in birds, but little is known on the gaze following abilities of other taxa and, especially, on the evolutionary pressures that led to their emergence. In this study, we used an experimental approach to (...)
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    Moral control and ownership in AI systems.Raul Gonzalez Fabre, Javier Camacho Ibáñez & Pedro Tejedor Escobar - 2021 - AI and Society 36 (1):289-303.
    AI systems are bringing an augmentation of human capabilities to shape the world. They may also drag a replacement of human conscience in large chunks of life. AI systems can be designed to leave moral control in human hands, to obstruct or diminish that moral control, or even to prevent it, replacing human morality with pre-packaged or developed ‘solutions’ by the ‘intelligent’ machine itself. Artificial Intelligent systems (AIS) are increasingly being used in multiple applications and receiving more attention from the (...)
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    Animales enfermos. Filosofía como terapéutica.Fernando Freire González - 2023 - Alpha (Osorno) 56:259-262.
    Resumen: La variación lingüística es un fenómeno presente en casi todos los idiomas. Su interés para los estudios traductológicos es incuestionable. En el presente trabajo pretendemos investigar cómo se resuelven los problemas que plantea la variación lingüística para la traducción literaria chino-español. Con tal objetivo, hemos elegido la obra La casa de té y sus dos versiones de español como corpus de análisis. Partiendo de la hipótesis de que en la traducción de los elementos de la variación lingüística de esta (...)
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    The mechanisms underlying grammatical gender selection in language production: A meta-analysis of the gender congruency effect.Ana Rita Sá-Leite, Karlos Luna, Ângela Tomaz, Isabel Fraga & Montserrat Comesaña - 2022 - Cognition 224 (C):105060.
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    Certainties and Uncertainties in Genetic Information: Good Ethics Starts with Good Data.Francesc Torralba, David Lorenzo & Montserrat Esquerda - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (2):48-50.
    The framework presented by Bayefsky and Berkman is based on having clear and accurate genetic information to offer parents, for them to either decide to prepare for birth or to terminate the...
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    On Social Tolerance and the Evolution of Human Normative Guidance.Ivan Gonzalez-Cabrera - 2019 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 70 (2):523-549.
    Discussions about the evolution of human social cognition usually portray the social environment of early hominins as highly hierarchical and violent. In this evolutionary narrative, our propensity for violence was overcome in our lineage by an increase in our intellectual capacities. However, I will argue in this article that we are at least equally justified in believing that our early hominin ancestors were less aggressive and hierarchical than is suggested in these models. This view is consistent with the available comparative (...)
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    On Social Tolerance and the Evolution of Human Normative Guidance.Ivan Gonzalez-Cabrera - 2017 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science:axx017.
    Discussions about the evolution of human social cognition usually portray the social environment of early hominins as highly hierarchical and violent. In this evolutionary narrative, our propensity for violence was overcome in our lineage by an increase in our intellectual capacities. However, I will argue in this article that we are at least equally justified in believing that our early hominin ancestors were less aggressive and hierarchical than is suggested in these models. This view is consistent with the available comparative (...)
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    Making trade-offs: A probabilistic and context-sensitive model of choice behavior.Claudia González-Vallejo - 2002 - Psychological Review 109 (1):137-155.
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    Rationality, Appearances, and Apparent Facts.Javier González de Prado Salas - 2018 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 14 (2).
    Ascriptions of rationality are related to our practices of praising and criticizing. This seems to provide motivation for normative accounts of rationality, more specifically for the view that rationality is a matter of responding to normative reasons. However, rational agents are sometimes guided by false beliefs. This is problematic for those reasons-based accounts of rationality that are also committed to the widespread thesis that normative reasons are facts. The critical aim of the paper is to present objections to recent proposed (...)
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    The philosophical approach to science, technology and society.Wenceslao J. González - 2005 - In Wenceslao J. González, Science, technology and society: a philosophical perspective. [Spain]: Netbiblo. pp. 3--49.
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    Visualizing Research on Industrial Clusters and Global Value Chains: A Bibliometric Analysis.Thais González-Torres, José-Luis Rodríguez-Sánchez, Antonio Montero-Navarro & Rocío Gallego-Losada - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:565977.
    In the current digital era, the borders amongst firms are getting blurred when it comes to value creation. Therefore, the traditional configuration of the value chain is frequently replaced by other ones which include the collaborative participation of different agents. Within this context, global value chains, where the value activities are located in different countries, and industrial clusters, which combine competition and cooperation, are attracting a growing attention of both business leaders and scholars in the recent years. Through a bibliometric (...)
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