Results for 'Murielle Neuschwander'

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  1.  14
    Parent-Child Diagnostic Agreement on Anxiety Symptoms with a Structured Diagnostic Interview for Mental Disorders in Children.Lukka Popp, Murielle Neuschwander, Sandra Mannstadt, Tina In-Albon & Silvia Schneider - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  2. Losing Meaning: Philosophical Reflections on Neural Interventions and their Influence on Narrative Identity.Muriel Https://Orcidorg Leuenberger - 2021 - Neuroethics (3):491-505.
    The profound changes in personality, mood, and other features of the self that neural interventions can induce can be disconcerting to patients, their families, and caregivers. In the neuroethical debate, these concerns are often addressed in the context of possible threats to the narrative self. In this paper, I argue that it is necessary to consider a dimension of impacts on the narrative self which has so far been neglected: neural interventions can lead to a loss of meaning of actions, (...)
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    In Defense of Narrative Authenticity.Muriel Https://Orcidorg Leuenberger - 2020 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 29 (4):656-667.
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    Visual information and redundancy in reading.Muriel C. Thompson & Dominic W. Massaro - 1973 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 98 (1):49.
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    Gilbert Simondon and the Philosophy of the Transindividual.Muriel Combes - 2012 - MIT Press.
    An accessible yet rigorous introduction to the influential French philosopher Gilbert Simondon's philosophy of individuation. Gilbert Simondon, one of the most influential contemporary French philosophers, published only three works: L'individu et sa genèse physico-biologique and L'individuation psychique et collective, both drawn from his doctoral thesis, and Du mode d'existence des objets techniques. It is this last work that brought Simondon into the public eye; as a consequence, he has been considered a “thinker of technics” and cited often in pedagogical reports (...)
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    Why Authenticity Hinges on Narrative Identity.Muriel Https://Orcidorg Leuenberger - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 12 (1):43-45.
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  7. Memory Modification and Authenticity: A Narrative Approach.Muriel Https://Orcidorg Leuenberger - 2022 - Neuroethics 15 (1):1-19.
    The potential of memory modification techniques (MMTs) has raised concerns and sparked a debate in neuroethics, particularly in the context of identity and authenticity. This paper addresses the question whether and how MMTs influence authenticity. I proceed by drawing two distinctions within the received views on authenticity. From this, I conclude that an analysis of MMTs based on a dual-basis, process view of authenticity is warranted, which implies that the influence of MMTs on authenticity crucially depends on the specifics of (...)
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    Les enfants qui jouent le rôle d’interprète pour leurs parents : de la parentification à la parentalisation.Muriel Bossuroy & Perrine Jouve - 2021 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 233 (3):175-193.
    Les enfants de migrants sont souvent plus à l’aise que leurs parents dans la langue du pays d’accueil et peuvent jouer de ce fait un rôle d’interprète au sein de la famille. Cela peut-il entraîner une inversion des rôles parents/enfants et avec quelles conséquences? L’analyse de treize protocoles d’enfants de 8 à 14 ans (un dessin de famille et un entretien semi-directif accompagné de supports visuels et de figurines, pour aider les enfants à exprimer leurs ressentis et leur perception de (...)
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    Évolutions législatives et enjeux éthiques liés à la prise en charge des enfants ayant un trouble de la différenciation sexuelle.Murielle François - 2020 - Médecine et Droit 2020 (162):47-57.
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    Le temps d’une vie. Une « famille de textes » autour d’Abū Šāma entre VIIe/XIIIe et IXe/XVe siècle.Muriel Roiland & Jacqueline Sublet - 2017 - Der Islam: Journal of the History and Culture of the Middle East 94 (1):220-233.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Der Islam Jahrgang: 94 Heft: 1 Seiten: 220-233.
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    (1 other version)Hélène Rouch, Elsa Dorlin et Dominique Fougeyrollas-Schwebel (dir.), Le corps entre sexe et genre.Muriel Salle - 2010 - Clio 32.
    La question à laquelle ce livre veut répondre sonne comme un avis de recherche : « Entre sexe et genre, où est le corps? ». Et la réponse que lui apportent les sept auteurs dont les contributions sont publiées est à l’image des concepts mis en avant : plurielle, souvent complexe, forcément passionnante. Publié à la suite d’une journée d’étude organisée à l’initiative du CEDREF, dans le prolongement du séminaire « Genre et science » organisé entre 2000 et 2003, l’ouvrage (...)
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    Track Thyself? The Value and Ethics of Self-knowledge Through Technology.Muriel Leuenberger - 2024 - Philosophy and Technology 37 (1):1-22.
    Novel technological devices, applications, and algorithms can provide us with a vast amount of personal information about ourselves. Given that we have ethical and practical reasons to pursue self-knowledge, should we use technology to increase our self-knowledge? And which ethical issues arise from the pursuit of technologically sourced self-knowledge? In this paper, I explore these questions in relation to bioinformation technologies (health and activity trackers, DTC genetic testing, and DTC neurotechnologies) and algorithmic profiling used for recommender systems, targeted advertising, and (...)
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    Power, sexuality, and intimacy.Muriel Dimen - 1989 - In Alison M. Jaggar & Susan Bordo (eds.), Gender/body/knowledge: feminist reconstructions of being and knowing. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press. pp. 34--45.
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    (1 other version)Technology, Personal Information, and Identity.Muriel Leuenberger - 2024 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 28 (1):22-48.
    Novel and emerging technologies can provide users with new kinds and unprecedented amounts of information about themselves, such as autobiographical information, neurodata, health information, or characteristics inferred from online behavior. Technology providing extensive personal information (PI technology) can impact who we take ourselves to be, how we constitute ourselves, and indeed who we are. This paper analyzes how the external, quantified perspective on us offered by PI technology affects identity based on a narrative identity theory. Disclosing the intimate relationship between (...)
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  15. Simondon. Individu et collectivité. Pour une philosophie du transindividuel.MURIEL COMBES - 1999
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  16. What is the Point of Being Your True Self? A Genealogy of Essentialist Authenticity.Muriel Https://Orcidorg Leuenberger - 2021 - Philosophy 96 (377):409-431.
    This paper presents a functional genealogy of essentialist authenticity. The essentialist account maintains that authenticity is the result of discovering and realizing one’s ‘true self’. The genealogy shows that essentialist authenticity can serve the function of supporting continuity in one’s individual characteristics. A genealogy of essentialist authenticity is not only methodologically interesting as the first functional genealogy of a contingent concept. It can also deepen the functional understanding of authenticity used in neuroethics, provide a possible explanation for the prevalence of (...)
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    Le sens du projet lévinassien : une spiritualité athée universelle pour un nouveau paradigme?Muriel Briançon - 2018 - Philosophiques 45 (2):365-390.
    Muriel Briançon | : Afin d’éclairer le sens de la religiosité de la philosophie de Lévinas et d’écarter le soupçon d’une soumission de celle-ci à des dogmes ou à des croyances incompatibles avec un principe de laïcité, notre contribution vise à clarifier le sens de son projet général. L’intention lévinassienne, ambitieuse et visionnaire, consiste en l’explicitation philosophique, métaéthique et phénoménologique, de l’idée cartésienne de l’Infini, transcendance non idolâtrique surgissant de la relation humaine. Cette quête philosophique de l’extrême conscience suppose un (...)
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    Authorship and Publication Practices in the Social Sciences: Historical Reflections on Current Practices.Muriel J. Bebeau & Verna Monson - 2011 - Science and Engineering Ethics 17 (2):365-388.
    An historical review of authorship definitions and publication practices that are embedded in directions to authors and in the codes of ethics in the fields of psychology, sociology, and education illuminates reasonable agreement and consistency across the fields with regard to (a) originality of the work submitted, (b) data sharing, (c) human participants’ protection, and (d) conflict of interest disclosure. However, the role of the professional association in addressing violations of research or publication practices varies among these fields. Psychology and (...)
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  19. Influencing the moral dimensions of dental practice.Muriel J. Bebeau - 1994 - In James R. Rest & Darcia Narváez (eds.), Moral development in the professions: psychology and applied ethics. Hillsdale, N.J.: L. Erlbaum Associates. pp. 121--146.
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    Re-engineering shared decision-making.Muriel R. Gillick - 2015 - Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (9):785-788.
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  21. Evidence-based character development.Muriel J. Bebeau - 2006 - Advances in Bioethics 10:47-86.
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  22.  25
    A History of the Ecosystem Concept in Ecology: More than the Sum of the Parts. Frank Benjamin Golley.Muriel Blaisdell - 1997 - Isis 88 (4):731-731.
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    « Suis-moi, je te fuis » : l’éloignement géographique d’un parent et ses conséquences sur la résidence de l’enfant.Muriel Cadiou - 2021 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 233 (3):17-39.
    Prendre la décision de déménager en France ou à l’étranger après un divorce ou une séparation, c’est accepter de prendre le risque de voir la résidence de son enfant fixée au domicile de l’autre parent. Les décisions rendues par les juridictions françaises illustrent en effet une idée sous-jacente de sanction à l’encontre du parent qui extrait l’enfant du lieu de résidence habituelle de la famille. Celui qui, en s’éloignant, fait obstacle à la poursuite de la résidence alternée ou à l’exercice (...)
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    Jessie bernard—an appreciation.Muriel G. Cantor - 1988 - Gender and Society 2 (3):264-270.
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    Encyclopedia of Astrobiology (3rd edition).Muriel Gargaud, William M. Irvine, Ricardo Amils, Philippe Claeys, James Cleaves Henderson, Maryvonne Gerin, Daniel Rouan, Spohn Tilman, Stéphane Tirard & Michel Viso (eds.) - 2023 - Springer.
    The interdisciplinary field of astrobiology constitutes a joint arena where provocative discoveries are coalescing concerning, e.g. the prevalence of exoplanets, the diversity and hardiness of life, and its chances for emergence. Biologists, astrophysicists, (bio)-chemists, geoscientists and space scientists share this exciting mission of revealing the origin and commonality of life in the Universe. With its overview articles and its definitions the Encyclopedia of Astrobiology not only provides a common language and understanding for the members of the different disciplines but also (...)
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    Angebot und Nachfrage Der mittelalterliche englische Schreiber auf dem Weg vom Skriptorium zum bookshop.Muriel Kasper - 2002 - Das Mittelalter 7 (2).
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  27. La innovación en los centros. PolÃticas tecnológicas y planes educativos de las administraciones españolas.Sebastiá N. Muriel - 2009 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación, Tecnología y Sociedad 78:115-116.
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  28. Ritmo y enumeración. Un estudio de dos modelos discursivos: académico (E. Benot) y político (MI Pérez Quintero).María del Mar Espejo Muriel - 2009 - In Rosario González & Azucena Penas (eds.), Estudios sobre el Texto: Nuevos enfoques y propuestas.
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    Advances in understanding education.Muriel Amy Payne - 1955 - Chalfont Saint Giles [England]: Ark Press.
  30.  9
    Regards sur le cosmopolitisme européen: frontières et identités.Muriel Rouyer, Catherine de Wrangel, Emmanuelle Bousquet & Stefania Cubeddu (eds.) - 2011 - Bruxelles: P.I.E. Peter Lang.
    Que peut-on attendre d'un « citoyen du monde » dans l'espace européen à venir? Que représente le cosmopolitisme en Europe? Voici quelques-unes des questions posées par cet ouvrage qui présente les réflexions de chercheurs européens et non européens sur le cosmopolitisme. Les regards des spécialistes sur la question sont variés et la réalité est analysée à partir de différentes disciplines. Ainsi, science politique, histoire, droit, langues, littérature et civilisation se conjuguent pour présenter une vision toujours évolutive, parfois idéale, du cosmopolitisme. (...)
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    Georges Apitzsch, Lettres d’un inverti allemand au Docteur Lacassagne. 1903-1908.Muriel Salle - 2007 - Clio 25.
    Par la publication de ces Lettres d’un inverti allemand, Philippe Artières poursuit l’entreprise amorcée avec le Livre des vies coupables (2000) :en éditant ces « archives mineures » il nous invite à une plongée dans l’infâme ordinaire et donne, surtout, la parole aux « grands absents » de l’histoire, « les invertis du xixe siècle », qui partagent en cela le destin de bien des femmes, longtemps absentes du discours historique, quoi qu’ils aient, comme elles, laissé de nombreuses traces. Les (...)
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    Chesterton's Bedford Park Friend.Muriel Smith - 2004 - The Chesterton Review 30 (3/4):458-459.
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    Analysis of genetic control elements in eukaryotes: Transcriptional activity or nuclear hitchhiking?Muriel Zohar, Adi Mesika & Ziv Reich - 2001 - Bioessays 23 (12):1176-1179.
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    Can amnesic patients learn without awareness? New evidence comparing deterministic and probabilistic sequence learning.Muriel Vandenberghe, Nicolas Schmidt, Patrick Fery & Axel Cleeremans - 2006 - Neuropsychologia 44 (10):1629-1641.
    Can associative learning take place without awareness? We explore this issue in a sequence learning paradigm with amnesic and control participants, who were simply asked to react to one of four possible stimuli on each trial. Unknown to them, successive stimuli occurred in a sequence. We manipulated the extent to which stimuli followed the sequence in a deterministic manner (noiseless condition) or only probabilistically so (noisy condition). Through this paradigm, we aimed at addressing two central issues: first, we asked whether (...)
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    Doing the Right Thing: A Geriatrician's Perspective on Medical Care for the Person with Advanced Dementia.Muriel R. Gillick - 2012 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 40 (1):51-56.
    America is aging. But even more striking than the rise in the proportion of the population over age 65 is the unprecedented number of individuals who are living into their eighties and nineties. While many people remain robust well into advanced age, the dramatic increase in the number of the oldest old has brought with it an epidemic of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. Dementia is a highly prevalent condition — currently 5.4 million Americans have Alzheimer’s disease, a number which (...)
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    Genes on Chromosomes: The Conversion of Thomas Hunt Morgan.Muriel Lederman - 1989 - Journal of the History of Biology 22 (1):163 - 176.
    In the first decade of the twentieth century, the foundation for the science of genetics was set. In 1900, the data of Gregor Mendel were rediscovered. By 1915, a community of scientists accepted that there were entities on chromosomes that controlled the development of observable traits. During the intervening period, Thomas Hunt Morgan was one of the major skeptics regarding the chromosomal location of the genes. His acceptance may have been the turning point for the flowering of American genetics. This (...)
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  37. Piaget's Logic: A Critique of Genetic Epistemology.Muriel Seltman & Peter Seltman - 1991 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 42 (2):285-290.
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    Simulate Your True Self.Muriel Https://Orcidorg Leuenberger - 2023 - Think 22 (64):35-38.
    That the world we seem to experience around us might be nothing but a simulation – perhaps generated by a demon or super-computer – is a perennial theme in science fiction movies. Muriel Leuenberger explores a recent example.
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  39. The Gender and Science Reader.Muriel Lederman, Ingrid Barsch & Hugh Lacey - 2004 - Hypatia 19 (1):280-291.
  40.  15
    De la protection des données à la protection de la personne :Réflexions sur l’impact des nouvelles réglementations sur la collecte des corpus.Muriel Lalain, Gilles Pouchoulin, Béatrice Priego-Valverde & Serge Pinto - 2021 - Corpus 22.
    Dans le cadre de la collecte des corpus oraux et multimodaux en Sciences Humaines et Sociales (SHS), le respect de l’application du nouveau Règlement Général sur la Protection des Données à caractère personnel provoque un profond bouleversement dans l’organisation et les méthodes de travail des chercheurs. C’est aussi le cas de la Loi Jardé, relative aux recherches impliquant la personne humaine, qui a étendu la notion de protection des personnes au-delà du champ de la recherche biomédicale. Ces deux importants changements (...)
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  41. As relações de biopoder na série “Os últimos dias de Gilda”.Muriel Emídio Pessoa do Amaral - 2022 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 28 (1):44-59.
    A proposta desse artigo pretende discorrer sobre as manifestações de biopoder tendo como objeto de análise a personagem Gilda da série “Os últimos dias de Gilda”, exibida pela plataforma digital Globo Play. Gilda é uma mulher periférica e não se encontra nos moldes conservadores acerca da figura feminina e é alvo de vários dispositivos da influência do biopoder. A análise se apoia no entendimento de Michel Foucault sobre o tema ao compreender que o biopoder é uma condição previsível nas esferas (...)
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    Compte-rendu de" Philosophie et Cinéma" de Jean-Pierre Zarader.Muriel Andrin - 2000 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 4:701-703.
  43. 6 Suffering and Death.Muriel Crouch - 1975 - In John Allister Vale (ed.), Medicine and the Christian mind. London: Christian Medical Fellowship. pp. 61.
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  44. La représentation fantasmatique du paysage comme condition de sa possibilité et de sa perception.Murielle Gagnebin - 1982 - In François Dagognet (ed.), Mort du paysage?: philosophie et esthétique du paysage : actes du colloque de Lyon. [Paris]: Editions Champ Vallon.
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  45. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation in hospice : ethically justified or an oxymoron?Muriel R. Gillick - 2014 - In Timothy W. Kirk & Bruce Jennings (eds.), Hospice Ethics: Policy and Practice in Palliative Care. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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  46. Mondes et mondialisations.Muriel Gilardone - 2005 - Rue Descartes 49.
    L'essence de la mondialisation est-elle purement économique ? Répondre par l'affirmative donne lieu à des attitudes naïves, soit le rejet - l'anti-mondialisation, l'antiéconomie -, soit l'acceptation inconsidérée – le mondialisme, l'ultralibéralisme. On peut certes percevoir les effets de la mondialisation sur l'économie, et de l'économie sur la mondialisation. Mais l'essence de la mondialisation semble autre. Finalement, avec la mondialisation en cours, c'est la question du monde (c'est-à-dire de son fondement) elle-même qui doit être interrogée.
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    Merchants of Health: Shaping the Experience of Illness Among Older People.Muriel R. Gillick - 2017 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 60 (4):530-548.
    Modern gerontology has debunked the myth of old age as a period of inevitable decline. But what science has not been able to change is the reality that old age often is a time of illness and disability, particularly for the oldest old—those over age 85. The vaunted compression of morbidity hasn't happened; while the period of decline before death may have shrunk, it hasn't vanished. The trajectory in the last phase of life is rarely a precipice, with older people (...)
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    When Corona Came to Canada: The 2003 SARS Outbreak and Its Aftermath.Muriel R. Gillick - 2022 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 65 (1):25-40.
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    Artificial nutrition and hydration in the patient with advanced dementia: is withholding treatment compatible with traditional Judaism?Muriel R. Gillick - 2001 - Journal of Medical Ethics 27 (1):12-15.
    Several religious traditions are widely believed to advocate the use of life-sustaining treatment in all circumstances. Hence, many believe that these faiths would require the use of a feeding tube in patients with advanced dementia who have lost interest in or the capacity to swallow food. This article explores whether one such tradition—halachic Judaism—in fact demands the use of artificial nutrition and hydration in this setting. Traditional arguments have been advanced holding that treatment can be withheld in persons who are (...)
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    La finitud de la guerra o la guerra infinita.Alexander Muriel Restrepo - 2014 - Ideas Y Valores 63 (156):223-241.
    A partir de la divergencia de M. Foucault con Th. Hobbes con respecto a la guerra como principio y fundamento del poder, se muestra la importancia de esa diferencia conceptual para los análisis políticos contemporáneos. Foucault sostiene que, en las sociedades modernas de Occidente, la comunidad política, y más precisamente la política misma, ha sido el terreno de la guerra librada por otros medios. Por extensión, esta tesis significa invertir el principio de von Clausewitz; a saber, que la guerra es (...)
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