Results for 'Mustafa Younis'

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  1.  29
    A Cost Analysis of Kidney Replacement Therapy Options in Palestine.Mustafa Younis, Samer Jabr, Abdallah Al-Khatib, Dana Forgione, Michael Hartmann & Adnan Kisa - 2015 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 52:004695801557349.
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    Disparities in Physician-Patient Communication by Obesity Status.Patrick Richard, Christine Ferguson, Anthony S. Lara, Jennifer Leonard & Mustafa Younis - 2014 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 51:004695801455701.
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    Children’s Emotional and Behavioral Problems and Their Mothers’ Labor Supply.Richard Patrick, J. Gaskin Darrell, K. Alexandre Pierre, S. Burke Laura & Younis Mustafa - 2014 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 51:004695801455794.
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    Electronic Health Object.Mohammad Nabil Almunawar, Muhammad Anshari, Mustafa Z. Younis & Adnan Kisa - 2015 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 52:004695801561866.
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    Reconciliar la economía materialista con la espiritualidad: el gran desafío del nuevo milenio.Alfredo Sfeir-Younis - 2004 - Polis 8.
    En el presente artículo se afirma que la humanidad enfrenta dos grandes desafíos: reconciliar nuestro ser material con el ser espiritual y reconciliar las necesidades individuales con las necesidades colectivas. Al no haber reconciliado estas dos dimensiones de la vida humana, nos encontramos en guerra, exclusión social, sufrimiento, desilusión, ira, incapacidad de avanzar, y muchos otros males. Tras aportar un marco de referencia de la sociedad globalizada, el autor el autor plantea algunos aspectos del desafío, tales como el contraste entre (...)
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  6. Aporia: on reconstruction, ethics and the ethical life.Raymond Aaron Younis - 2009 - In On the ethical life. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 85-104.
  7. Nihilism Reconstruction and the Hero's Journey.Raymond Aaron Younis - 2007 - In Angela Ndalianis Wendy Haslem & Chris Mackie, Super/Heroes. New Academia. pp. 97-111.
  8. Spectral Media and Social Justice in the Digital Age.Raymond Aaron Younis - forthcoming - New York: IGI.
  9. Virtues, Ethics and the ‘Moral Tragedy’ of Climate Change.Raymond Aaron Younis - 2017 - ATINER Selected Papers (E-Archive).
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    Future of rebalancing policy under trump: A case for continuity.Younis Chughtai & Khurram Iqbal - 2018 - Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 57 (1):127-139.
    Trump’s foreign policy outlook and his rhetorical predispositions suggest that the American foreign policy is about to undergo drastic changes in terms of substance matter of policy. The arrival of Trump at the helm of affairs has built a conventional perception of gradual American retreat from the Obama’s rebalancing policy and its pacific-centric outlook. Any abrupt change in this policy of rebalancing will have serious repercussions for the regional economic, political and security architecture designed by America since world-war II. In (...)
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  11. The Ownership and Dissemination of Knowledge.Raymond Aaron Younis (ed.) - 2008 - PESA.
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  12. Apropos the Last 'Post-'.Raymond Aaron Younis - 1996 - Literature and Theology 10 (3):280-291.
  13. Between dialectic, eristic and deconstruction : of Socratic methods and higher education in the 21st Century.Raymond Aaron Younis - 2008 - Studies in Learning, Evaluation, Innovation and Development 5 (4):51-62.
  14. Howard Hawks and John Ford Resurgent.Raymond Aaron Younis - 1995 - Cinema Papers (1995).
    On the aesthetics and poetics of Hawks and Ford; their resurgence in film studies.
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    On the Ontology of the Sacred (and the Profane).Raymond Aaron Younis - 2020 - New York, NY, USA: Rowman & Littlefield (Lexington).
    This book examines and clarifies the nature, meaning, significance, richness and vitality of the sacred, and several key theories of the sacred, in the context of science and religion, and philosophical ontology.
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  16. Rolf de Heer, Dingo.Raymond Aaron Younis - 1995 - In Scott Murray, Australian Film 1978-1994. Oxford University Press.
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  17. German essays on religion.Raymond Aaron Younis - 1998 - Journal of Religion 78 (1):141-143.
  18. Internationalization, Blended Learning, Diverse Cultures.Raymond Aaron Younis - 2011 - International Journal of Arts and Sciences 4 (8):2011.
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    Heidegger Philosophy & Politics: On the Heidelberg Conference (Gadamer, Heidegger, Derrida and Lacoue- Labarthe).Raymond Aaron Younis - 2017 - Phenomenological Reviews (November).
    Critical evaluation of Heidegger on philosophy & politics (with particular emphasis on the Heidelberg Conference featuring Gadamer, Derrida and Lacoue- Labarthe).
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  20. Michael Haneke: "Funny Games".Raymond Aaron Younis - 1998 - Cinema Papers 138:38-40.
  21. Space, Time, Being, and Estrangement.Raymond Aaron Younis - 2009 - Literature & Aesthetics 19 (2):41-49.
  22. The Idols of the Tower.Raymond Aaron Younis - 2008 - In The Ownership and Dissemination of Knowledge. PESA. pp. 1-15.
  23. Eidos, Science and Wisdom.Raymond Aaron Younis - manuscript
    paper to be presented at "Religion, Society, and the Science of Life", 2017 IRC-ISSR Conference, 19-22 July, Ian Ramsey Centre for Science and Religion, Oxford University.
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  24. Hollywood, Vietnam and the National Imaginary: ‘Three Seasons'.Raymond Aaron Younis - 1999 - Asian Studies Association of Australia E-Journal (September).
  25. The Last "Post".Raymond Aaron Younis - 1996 - In Raymond Aaron Younis, Michael Griffith, James Tulip, Ross Keating & Elaine Lindsay, Religion Literature and the Arts. Sydney: RLA. pp. 348-359.
  26. Religion Literature and the Arts.Raymond Aaron Younis, Michael Griffith, James Tulip, Ross Keating & Elaine Lindsay (eds.) - 1996 - Sydney: RLA.
  27. Schopenhauer Nietzsche and Yeats on 'Passing By'.Raymond Aaron Younis - 1992 - English Language Notes 30 (2):50-57.
  28. Songs of Travail, Songs of Enchantment.Raymond Aaron Younis - 1996 - In Peter F. Alexander Ruth Hutchison & Deryck Schreuder, Africa Today. Humanities Research Centre ANU. pp. 233-245.
  29. Ethics, Virtues, Neuroscience and Education.Raymond Aaron Younis - 2015 - In Michael Peters Tina Besley & Jayne White, Education and Philosophies of Engagement. forthcoming 2015.
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    A comparison of the scientific quality of publicly and privately funded randomized controlled drug trials.Richard Jones, Stuart Younie, Andrew Macallister & Jim Thornton - 2010 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 16 (6):1322-1325.
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    A Sampling Load Frequency Control Scheme for Power Systems with Time Delays.R. Sriraman, Jihad A. Younis, C. P. Lim, P. Hammachukiattikul, G. Rajchakit & N. Boonsatit - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-14.
    In this study, we investigate the effectiveness of a robust sampled-data H ∞ load frequency control scheme for power systems with randomly occurring time-varying delays. By using the input-delay technique, the sampled-data LFC model is reformulated as a continuous time-delay representation. Then, Bernoulli-distributed white noise sequences are used to describe randomly occurring time-varying delays in the sampled-data LFC model. Some less conservative conditions are achieved by utilizing the Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional and employing Jensen inequality and reciprocal convex combination lemma to ensure (...)
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  32. BeDevil.Raymond Aaron Younis - 1995 - In Scott Murray, Australian Film 1978-1994. Oxford University Press.
  33. Integral Reality, digital cultures, digital divides.Raymond Aaron Younis - 2005 - Postcolonial Studies 8 (2):219-227.
  34. On the Question of the Ethical Life.Raymond Aaron Younis - 2009 - In On the ethical life. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 1-17.
  35. The arrow of time and the moving image of eternity.Raymond Aaron Younis - 2008 - Journal of Religious History 32 (1):109-116..
  36. Turtle Beach.Raymond Aaron Younis - 1995 - In Scott Murray, Australian Film. Oxford University Press.
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  37. The Filmmaker and the Prostitute: The Good Woman of Bangkok.Raymond Aaron Younis - 1998 - Cinema Papers 127.
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  38. Wittgenstein.Raymond Aaron Younis - 1994 - Cinema Papers 99.
  39. Isabelle Eberhardt.Raymond Aaron Younis - 1995 - In Scott Murray, Australian Film 1978-1994. Oxford University Press.
  40. Jane Campion's The Piano.Raymond Aaron Younis - 1993 - Cinema Papers 95 (October):50-52.
  41. Milton and Hesiod.Raymond Aaron Younis - 1988 - Notes and Queries 35 (2).
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  42. Zhang Zeming's Foreign Moon.Raymond Aaron Younis - 1997 - Asian Studies Review 21 (2-3):277-280.
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    Science Religion and the Limits of Reason.Raymond Aaron Younis - 2010 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 15 (2):317-335.
    The question of the limits of reason, not just within philosophy but also in the modern sciences, is arguably more important than ever given numerous recent commentaries on “life,” “reality,” meaning, purpose, pointlessness and so on, emanating not from philosophers or metaphysicians, but rather from physicists and biologists such as Steven Weinberg and Richard Dawkins. It will be argued that such commentaries concerning the “pointlessness” of the universe, or the purpose of “life,” and other such things, are flawed and unconvincing, (...)
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    AI Training Program and its Impact on Improving Digital Stories Production Skills.Nashwa A. Younis, Mohamed SaadEldin Mohamed Ahmed, Ibrahim K. Alali & Rehab Tharwat Abd El Ghani Abo Bakr - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1295-1315.
    The current research aims at improving the skills of producing digital stories using the tools of generative artificial intelligence Chat GPT and Google Bard, which are necessary for female student teachers’ specialization: Kindergarten. The current research has used the descriptive approach and the experimental approach with a quasi-experimental design through a design based on one group and comparing the differences between the pre and post-evaluation. The study sample was randomly selected from female students teachers specializing in kindergarten, and their number (...)
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  45. The Eudaimonian Question: On the Tragedy of Humanism (Ethics, Education and the Common Good).Raymond Aaron Younis - 2018 - Selected Papers From the Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia.
  46. Condemned to be free: Sartre, Existentialism and humanism.Raymond Aaron Younis - 1995 - Philosopher: revue pour tous 1 (2):22-30.
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    Neuroscience, Virtues, Ethics, Compassion and the Question of Character.Raymond Aaron Younis - 2015 - Reimagining the University.
    There has been much debate recently about the meaning, place and function of “character” and “character traits” in Virtue Ethics. For example, a number of philosophers have argued recently that Virtue Ethics would be strengthened as a theory by the omission of talk of character traits; recent neuroscientific studies have suggested that there is scope for scepticism about the existence of such traits. I will argue that both approaches are flawed and unconvincing: in brief, the first approach tends to be (...)
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  48. Russell on Science and Religion.Raymond Aaron Younis - 2017 - In Peter Stone, Bertrand Russell’s Life and Legacy. Wilmington, Delaware, United States: Vernon Press. pp. 143-157.
    A critical account of Russell's understanding of the relationship between science and religion.
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  49. Education at the Crossroads? (On the Tragedy of "Humanism").Raymond Aaron Younis - 2018 - Selected Papers From the 2018 International ACERP Conference (IAFOR).
    A critical account of "Humanism" and some of its extreme forms and manifestations; reflection on some of the important challenges these raise in relation to higher education in the 21st century.
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    Against method, against science? On logic, order and analogy in the sciences.Raymond Aaron Younis - 2017 - In Jeremy Horne, Philosophical Perceptions on Logic and Order. Hershey: IGI Global. pp. 270-282.
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