Results for 'Natalia Cardona'

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  1.  50
    How embodied is action language? Neurological evidence from motor diseases.Juan F. Cardona, Lucila Kargieman, Vladimiro Sinay, Oscar Gershanik, Carlos Gelormini, Lucia Amoruso, María Roca, David Pineda, Natalia Trujillo, Maëva Michon, Adolfo M. García, Daniela Szenkman, Tristán Bekinschtein, Facundo Manes & Agustín Ibáñez - 2014 - Cognition 131 (2):311-322.
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    La labor bibliotecaria o bibliotecológica: la necesidad de una práctica política en el Sur Global.Natalia Duque-Cardona & Juan Vicente Gómez Velásquez - 2023 - Escritos 31 (66):106-125.
    Este artículo presenta una reflexión respecto a la dimensión política de quienes ejercemos la labor bibliotecaria o bibliotecológica, enmarcada en la educación inclusiva del Sur Global, donde se parte del reconocimiento de la labor bibliotecaria y bibliotecológica asociada, generalmente, con un conocimiento práctico de las cosas o techné, debido a las condiciones históricas en que la disciplina científica se consolidó como tal. Empero, cada vez más se hace necesario que esta labor se proyecte de manera consciente y decidida hacia el (...)
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  3.  20
    La identidad narrativa en Borges.Natalia Cardona & Bayron Osorio - 2022 - Revista de Filosofía 21 (1):39-58.
    Este escrito tiene como fin reflexionar sobre la identificación que hace el hombre de su contingente condición humana en la narración, y sobre cómo se hace posible re-construir su ser, a partir del incesante descubrimiento de su identidad narrativa en las lecturas que hace, tanto para sí mismo como para la alteridad; a la luz de la condición poética borgiana.
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    A path still taken: some early Indian arguments concerning time [bibliog].George Cardona - 1991 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 111 (3):445-464.
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    The law of refraction and Kepler’s heuristics.Carlos Alberto Cardona Suárez & Juliana Gutiérrez Valderrama - 2020 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 74 (1):45-75.
    Johannes Kepler dedicated much of his work to discover a law for the refraction of light. Unfortunately, he formulated an incorrect law. Nevertheless, it was useful for anticipating the behavior of light in some specific conditions. Some believe that Kepler did not have the elements to formulate the law that was later accepted by the scientific community, that is, the Snell–Descartes law. However, in this paper, we propose a model that agrees with Kepler’s heuristics and that is also successful in (...)
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  6.  11
    Disconnection from self and distance.Luis Fernando Cardona-Suárez - 2024 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 70:137-159.
    This article analyzes self-disconnection as a phenomenological characterization of a destructive disease such as Alzheimer’s. We want to show that, in the most extreme cases of its development, the patient sinks into emotional disengagement because of the destructive plasticity that affects them. This isolation implies an emotional challenge for family members who observe that their loved one becomes disconnected and that they cannot do anything to prevent it. However, family members seek to assist their loved one in their marginalization. The (...)
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    More than just an immigrant: The semantic patterns of (im)migrant/predicate-pairings in news stories about Mexican and Central American (im)migrants to the USA. A corpus-assisted discourse study.Margrete Dyvik Cardona - 2022 - Discourse and Communication 16 (3):285-304.
    In this paper we explore how some of the largest US-newspapers linguistically frame immigrants to the USA in articles about Mexican and Central American immigrants. Specifically, it is a corpus-assisted discourse study which examines the frequency of different semantic predicate-types with migrant subjects and migrant by-agents in the quest for underlying positive or negative biases. We wish to ascertain what activities migrants are presented as taking part in, principally as agents. The analysis shows that more than half of the migrant/predicate-pairings (...)
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    Colección estéticas contemporáneas. Proyecto Editorial de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Medellín, Colombia.Porfirio Cardona - 2015 - Ideas Y Valores 64 (157):280-282.
    Colección estéticas contemporáneas. Proyecto Editorial de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Medellín, Colombia.
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  9. Hacia la conceptualizacion de una pastoral vocacional hoy.Luis Evelio Cardona - 1986 - Franciscanum 28 (83):239-265.
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    On Berkeley’s solution to the Barrovian case.Carlos Alberto Cardona & Juliana Gutiérrez Valderrama - 2020 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 24 (2).
    At the beginning of the 18th century, Berkeley believed an anomaly pointed out by Isaac Barrow could be regarded as important evidence against the optical theories that had been established and standardized thanks to the works of Kepler and Newton. In this article, we want to show that Berkeley’s treatment of the Barrovian Case does not falsify these theories. We will contend that the strategy used by Berkeley to resolve the anomaly by alluding to a change of convention is a (...)
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    Partido católico y partido conservador: dos modos de ver el liberalismo. Estados Unidos de Colombia, 1872.A. P. Cardona Zuluaga - 2017 - Araucaria 19:509-528.
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    The Philosophy of the GrammariansEncyclopedia of Indian Philosophies.George Cardona, Harold G. Coward, K. Kunjunni Raja & Karl H. Potter - 1993 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 113 (1):137.
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    (1 other version)“Un mismo cuerpo y una misma nación”: lealtad y fidelidad a España. Nueva Granada, 1813-1816.Patricia Cardona Zuluaga - forthcoming - Araucaria.
    Este artículo explora la situación que enfrentaron los llamados realistas durante la Independencia en la Nueva Granada y su lenguaje de amor y subordinación al rey, a través del cual ratificaban su pertenencia a la comunidad política española, aun habiendo nacido en América. El rey no era un símbolo lejano, sino una presencia sentida y vivida por sus vasallos americanos. Las guerras de Independencia no enfrentaron, como lo adujo la historiografía tradicional, a criollos y peninsulares, sino a miembros de un (...)
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    Ontologies and terminologies: Continuum or dichotomy?Natalia Grabar, Thierry Hamon & Olivier Bodenreider - 2012 - Applied ontology 7 (4):375-386.
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    La Nueva Gestión Pública en Sabaneta-Antioquia (2003-2013).Ángel Emilio Muñoz Cardona - 2016 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 5 (1):31-52.
    Durante las décadas de los años 80s y 90s tuvieron lugar tres acontecimientos internacionales que marcarían la historia política, social y económica de principios de siglo XXI: la Caída del Muro de Berlín y la Perestroika; la Cumbre Ambiental en Rio de Janeiro y la Unión Europea. Acontecimientos históricos que profundizaron nuevas formas de administración pública en el seno de las naciones desarrolladas y en vías de desarrollo. Sucesos internacionales que fueron y son respuesta a las demandas de ciudadanos por (...)
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  16. El quijote: De la risa, la crueldad Y otros menesteres.Cardona Restrepo & Reinaldo Spitaletta - 2009 - Escritos 17 (38):200-223.
    Cervantes crea la novela moderna. Don Quijote y su contrapunto Sancho Panza atraviesan un universo pleno de aventuras y peripecias, y se convierten en dos personajes que, con las novedosas técnicas narrativas del escritor, mueven a la reflexión, a la risa, al llanto. La novela es un canto a la libertad, a la razón y la locura, y una concreción literaria de las utopías.
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    Leonardo da Vinci y la comparación ojo-cámara obscura.Carlos Aberto Suarez Cardona - 2020 - Ideas Y Valores 69 (174):143-171.
    Este artículo explora si hay algún fundamento sólido para atribuir a Leonardo da Vinci prioridad en la formulación del símil que lleva a concebir el ojo como una cámara obscura. Aquí, se defiende una posición pesimista. No obstante, el artículo resalta algunos aportes del pintor renacentista que pueden considerarse contribuciones a la consolidación del símil.
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    Images of a 'good nurse' presented by teaching staff.Natalia de Araujo Sartorio & Elma Lourdes Campos Pavone Zoboli - 2010 - Nursing Ethics 17 (6):687-694.
    Nursing is at the same time a vocation, a profession and a job. By nature, nursing is a moral endeavor, and being a ‘good nurse’ is an issue and an aspiration for professionals. The aim of our qualitative research project carried out with 18 nurse teachers at a university nursing school in Brazil was to identify the ethical image of nursing. In semistructured interviews the participants were asked to choose one of several pictures, to justify their choice and explain what (...)
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  19.  21
    The covering number of the strong measure zero ideal can be above almost everything else.Miguel A. Cardona, Diego A. Mejía & Ismael E. Rivera-Madrid - 2022 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 61 (5):599-610.
    We show that certain type of tree forcings, including Sacks forcing, increases the covering of the strong measure zero ideal \. As a consequence, in Sacks model, such covering number is equal to the size of the continuum, which indicates that this covering number is consistently larger than any other classical cardinal invariant of the continuum. Even more, Sacks forcing can be used to force that \<\mathrm {cov}<\mathrm {cof}\), which is the first consistency result where more than two cardinal invariants (...)
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  20.  58
    Self-tracking, background(s) and hermeneutics. A qualitative approach to quantification and datafication of activity.Natalia Juchniewicz & Michał Wieczorek - 2022 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 23 (1):133-154.
    In this article, we address the case of self-tracking as a practice in which two meaningful backgrounds (physical world and technological infrastructure) play an important role as the spatial dimension of human practices. Using a (post)phenomenological approach, we show how quantification multiplies backgrounds, while at the same time generating data about the user. As a result, we can no longer speak of a unified background of human activity, but of multiple dimensions of this background, which, additionally, is perceived as having (...)
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  21.  34
    Analysing the relationship between ethical leadership and the voice of Malaysian Muslim employees.Zulham Zulham, Qurratul Aini, Nasir Mehmood, Sandhir Sharma, A. Heri Iswanto, Ismail Suardi Wekke, Anna Gustina Zainal, Elena Pavlovna Panova & Natalia Fedorova - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4):1–6.
    Ethical behaviour, in its simplest terms, means knowing and doing what is right. Nevertheless, the main difficulty is how to define the word 'right'. For this purpose, various individuals, cultures and religions have thus far portrayed it in different ways. The present study reflected on the Islamic society, wherein ethical leadership has been one of the most effective factors in its continuation of life and success, with a vital role in its growth, development and progress. Accordingly, the relationship between ethical (...)
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  22.  15
    Verbal interaction pattern analysis in clinical psychology.Jesús Alonso-Vega, Natalia Andrés-López & María Xesús Froxán-Parga - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Recent developments in pattern analysis research have made this methodology suitable for the study of the processes that are set in motion in psychological interventions. Outcome research, based on the comparison between clinical results from treatment and control groups, has leveraged our empirical knowledge about the efficacy of psychological interventions. However, these methods of research are not precise enough for the analysis of these processes. On the contrary, pattern analysis could be a powerful tool to study moment-to-moment interactions typical of (...)
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    Visual post-occupancy evaluation of a restorative garden using virtual reality photography: Restoration, emotions, and behavior in older and younger people.Marco Boffi, Linda Grazia Pola, Elisabetta Fermani, Giulio Senes, Paolo Inghilleri, Barbara Ester Adele Piga, Gabriele Stancato & Natalia Fumagalli - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Natural environments have a restorative effect from mental/attentional fatigue, prevent stress, and help to revitalize psychological and physical resources. These benefits are crucial for promoting active aging, which is particularly relevant given the phenomenon of population aging in recent decades. To be considered restorative, green spaces have to meet specific requirements in ecological and psychological terms that can be assessed through Post-Occupancy Evaluation, a multimethod approach commonly used by environmental psychologists and landscape architects after construction to evaluate the design outcomes (...)
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    Ways to improve the educational and training process of athletes-veterans of the group "Health" in handball.Tatyana Aleksandrovna Martirosova, Klara Mikhailovna Evsyukova & Natalia Ilinichna Sidorova - 2021 - Kant 38 (1):287-291.
    Research objective: identify ways to improve the training process of athletes-veterans of the group "Health" in handball; determine the place of psychological training and its component - mental training in the training process of athletes-veterans of the group "Health" in handball; experimental testing of the dynamics of technical and tactical readiness of athletes, indicating the effectiveness of determining ways to improve the process under study.
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    RETRACTED ARTICLE: Going native: Prospects of native advertising development in the ASEAN and BRICS countries.Larissa Noda, Olga Kolosova, Natalia Levoshich & Еlena Zatsarinnaya - 2023 - Mind and Society 22 (1):161-161.
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    Peculiarities of Leadership Manifestation in the Youth Social Group.Oksana Shportun, Tetiana Branitska, Vasyl Kaplinsky, Olena Zharovska, Natalia Bayurko & Eduard Petrovich Siryk - 2020 - Postmodern Openings 11 (1Sup1):177-199.
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    Interdisciplinary Educational Technology based on the Concept of Human Brain Functional Asymmetry.Alexander Voznyuk, Sergey Gorobets, Serhii Kubitskyi, Victoriia Domina, Natalia Gutareva, Maxim Roganov & Ihor Bloshchynskyi - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (2).
    The main aspects of interdisciplinary ICT technology of educational process based on the concept of functional asymmetry of the cerebral hemispheres, which reflect space-time asymmetry of the Universe and constitute a certain psychophysiological focus of human organism, are presented in the article. Its urgency stems from the tendencies of contemporary world, evolving towards the information society and influencing the development of modern education, becoming increasingly multimedia-rich and psychologised. The authors consider the major peculiarities of cognitive strategies of brain’s hemispheres, which (...)
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    Aplicación de TIC, mejorando competencias en alumnos de Ingeniería de primer año.Ricardo Zamarreño-Bastías & Natalia Loyola-González - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (5):1-13.
    Se evaluó la efectividad de la aplicación en forma conjunta de las herramientas tecnológicas OVA y RA, en dos cursos de Química de primer año de carreras de ingeniería de dos universidades chilenas.Los resultados obtenidos, demostraron que el uso de esta tecnología fue positiva, ya que las pruebas estadísticas demostraron que el 85,7% y 94,6% de los alumnos de las universidades evaluadas mejoró su rendimiento.Los estudiantes en general no conocen estas herramientas para estudiar, pero se sienten muy cómodos en aplicarlas (...)
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  29. Pickles and ice cream! Food cravings in pregnancy: hypotheses, preliminary evidence, and directions for future research.Natalia C. Orloff & Julia M. Hormes - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Culturally Unbound: Cross-Cultural Cognitive Diversity and the Science of Psychopathology.Natalia Washington - 2016 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 23 (2):165-179.
    It is now taken for granted in many circles that substantial psychological variability exists across human populations; we do not merely differ in the ways we behave, but in the ways we think, as well. Versions of this view have been around since early interest in ‘cultural relativism’ in cultural psychology and anthropology, but Joe Henrich, Steven Heine, and Ara Norenzayan’s 2010 paper, ‘The Weirdest People in the World?’ has had an exciting and catalyzing impact on the field, getting researchers (...)
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  31.  20
    For Theory: Althusser and the Politics of Time.Natalia Romé - 2021 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    For Theory aims to open a discussion on the weakening of the production of theory in left-wing thought since the 1970s, based on Louis Althusser's ideas of overdetermination, plural temporality, conjuncture, and theoretical practice.
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  32.  24
    Modeling and Simulation of Project Management through the PMBOK® Standard Using Complex Networks.Luz Stella Cardona-Meza & Gerard Olivar-Tost - 2017 - Complexity:1-12.
    Discussion about project management, in both the academic literature and industry, is predominantly based on theories of control, many of which have been developed since the 1950s. However, issues arise when these ideas are applied unilaterally to all types of projects and in all contexts. In complex environments, management problems arise from assuming that results, predicted at the start of a project, can be sufficiently described and delivered as planned. Thus, once a project reaches a critical size, a calendar, and (...)
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  33.  37
    La unidad de la sustancia inmaterial en Ralph Cudworth.Natalia Strok - 2021 - Tópicos 42:216-242.
    En este artículo me propongo mostrar que en el universo armónico que propone Ralph Cudworth, destacado miembro del grupo de los Platónicos de Cambridge del siglo XVII, la sustancia inmaterial cumple un rol fundamental. Ella no se halla separada de la sustancia material y recibe distintos nombres de acuerdo a las funciones que desarrolla, en tanto es la única fuerza vital en la creación, fundada en la naturaleza divina. Es decir, la naturaleza plástica y las almas no son más que (...)
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    The Normative Role of Negative Affects and Bodily Experience in Adorno.Natalia Baeza - 2015 - Constellations 22 (3):354-368.
  35.  99
    Psychosis and the Control of Lucid Dreaming.Natália B. Mota, Adara Resende, Sérgio A. Mota-Rolim, Mauro Copelli & Sidarta Ribeiro - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
  36.  15
    Presentación: Historiografía y Teoría de la Historia: diálogos iberoamericanos desde Colombia.Z. Patricia Cardona, Gabriel Samacá Alonso & Tomás Sansón Corbo - 2023 - Co-herencia 20 (39):9-13.
    Este número monográfico de la revista Co-herencia que tenemos el gusto de presentar es para nosotros un motivo de satisfacción y orgullo. Después de varios meses de trabajo, logramos concretar un valioso conjunto de textos sobre teoría de la historia y la historiografía, dos áreas de investigación que hasta hace unos años eran más bien exóticas en nuestro medio.
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    De Plotino a "Aunque haya niebla".Ángeles Cardona - 2000 - Anuario Filosófico 33 (66):195-202.
    The author settles down a point of union between the philosophy of Plotino and the poetry that in honour to San Juan de la Cruz she published in the work Aunque haya niebla. In this poem's book she tries herself to see God without falling in the pantheism.
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    Metafísica del bien y del mal.Carlos Cardona - 1987 - Pamplona: Ediciones Universidad de Navarra.
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  39. Metafísica del bien y del mal.Carlos Cardona - 2016 - Revista de filosofía (Chile):126-129.
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    Poincarè or the deep need of convention.Carlos Alberto Cardona Suárez - 2005 - Ideas Y Valores 54 (129):3-20.
    In the frame of the celebration of the century of the publication that gave way to the special theory of relativity, a semblance of the discussions generated from the philosophical implications that derive from the possibility of accepting non-euclidian frames for our space of representation. Poncaré’s argument is exposed in defense of geometrys principle of relativity and the criticism formulated by Hans Reichenbach is discussed.
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    Sistema autónomo de variables y su interrelación.Diego Gómez Cardona, José Wilson Marín & William Ardila Urueña - forthcoming - Scientia.
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  42. La función social de la memoria.Jaume Aurell I. Cardona - 2006 - In Rafael Alvira, Héctor Ghiretti & Montserrat Herrero López (eds.), La experiencia social del tiempo. Barañáin, Navarra: Ediciones Universidad de Navarra.
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    Types of professional observation skills of future preschool teachers.Tsybuliak Natalia - 2017 - Science and Education: Academic Journal of Ushynsky University 23 (7):16-21.
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    Formation of future psychologists’ professional competence in modern educational environment.Natalia Perehonchuk - 2016 - Science and Education: Academic Journal of Ushynsky University 11:49-55.
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    Sobre la igualdad humana en la filosofía de Benito Feijoo: una lectura en clave ética de su Teatro Crítico Universal.Natalia Sabater - 2021 - Ingenium. Revista Electrónica de Pensamiento Moderno y Metodología En Historia de Las Ideas 15:43-53.
    El objetivo del presente trabajo es abordar el pensamiento del padre Benito Feijoo a partir del análisis de un elemento central que, sin embargo, no ha sido frecuentemente trabajado: su dimensión ética. Sostendremos que la apuesta de Feijoo por un ejercicio pleno y autónomo de la razón, por una filosofía como actividad crítica, entraña un compromiso ético y humano fundamental, representa un horizonte de lucha contra la superstición y la discriminación, que posee un valor singular indudable. Argumentaremos que esta dimensión (...)
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    Measuring Cognitive Load Using In-Game Metrics of a Serious Simulation Game.Natalia Sevcenko, Manuel Ninaus, Franz Wortha, Korbinian Moeller & Peter Gerjets - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Serious games have become an important tool to train individuals in a range of different skills. Importantly, serious games or gamified scenarios allow for simulating realistic time-critical situations to train and also assess individual performance. In this context, determining the user’s cognitive load during training seems crucial for predicting performance and potential adaptation of the training environment to improve training effectiveness. Therefore, it is important to identify in-game metrics sensitive to users’ cognitive load. According to Barrouillets’ time-based resource-sharing model, particularly (...)
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    Some principles of pānini's grammargrammar.George Cardona - 1970 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 1 (1):40-74.
    The following principles are seen to operate in the rules Pānini provides for Sanskrit grammar. (1) The obvious principle that the introduction of affixes and augments which condition sound replacements necessarily precede the latter. (2) Bracketing, whereby an operation whose condition is internal relative to a condition causing another operation applies prior to the latter. (3) The derivational prehistory of a form is pertinent to the operations which apply to it. (4) Blocking: a rule R2 is said to block an (...)
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    Stakeholder Perspectives on CSR of Mining MNCs in Argentina.Natalia Yakovleva & Diego Vazquez-Brust - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 106 (2):191-211.
    This article examines the conceptualisation of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the context of mining multinationals (MNCs) in Argentina. It explores the suitability of CSR for addressing social, environmental and economic issues associated with mining in the country. The study is based on interviews with four stakeholder groups in the country: government, civil society, international financial organisations, and mining industry. These are analysed using content and interpretative techniques and supplemented by the content analysis of secondary data from headquarters of mining (...)
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    I sei lati del mondo: linguaggio ed esperienza.Giorgio Raimondo Cardona - 1985 - Roma: Laterza.
    Con l'espressione persiana "i sei lati del mondo" l'autore allude al modello psicologico 'universale' che caratterizza l'uomo. Come esso filtra nelle parole che usiamo per descrivere la nostra esperienza? È il linguaggio che influenza il nostro modo di vedere il mondo o è la realtà a influire sul nostro modo di esprimerci? Affascinante alternativa che Cardona analizza in pagine ricchissime di suggestioni, dove si incrociano linguistica e psicologia, etnologia e semiologia. Giorgio Raimondo Cardona ha insegnato Glottologia nell'Università di (...)
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    Factors Influencing Academic Dishonesty among Undergraduate Students at Russian Universities.Natalia Maloshonok & Evgeniia Shmeleva - 2019 - Journal of Academic Ethics 17 (3):313-329.
    Student academic dishonesty is a pervasive problem for universities all over the world. The development of innovative practices and interventions for decreasing dishonest behaviour requires understanding factors influencing academic dishonesty. Previous research showed that personal, environmental, and situational factors affect dishonest behaviour at a university. The set of factors and the strength of their influence can differ across countries. There is a lack of research on factors affecting student dishonesty in Russia. A sample of 15,159 undergraduate students from eight Russian (...)
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