Results for 'Nd White'

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  1. Probingun derstanding. NewYork, NY: TheFalmerP ress.[1 1] Okebukola, PA, &Jegede, OJ (1988). Cognit ive preference a nd learning mode as determina nts of meaningful learning through concept mapping. [REVIEW]R. White & R. Gunstone - 1992 - Science Education 72 (4):489-500.
  2.  30
    The Alt-Right’s continuation of the ‘cultural war’ in Euro-American societies.Tamir Bar-On - 2021 - Thesis Eleven 163 (1):43-70.
    In this paper, I argue that the Alt-Right needs to be taken seriously by the liberal establishment, the general public, and leftist cultural elites for five main reasons: 1) its ‘right-wing Gramscianism’ borrows from the French New Right and the French and pan-European Identitarian movement. This means that it is engaged in the continuation of a larger Euro-American metapolitical struggle to change hearts and minds on issues related to white nationalism, anti-Semitism, and racialism; 2) it is indebted to the (...)
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  3. Problems for Dogmatism.Roger White - 2006 - Philosophical Studies 131 (3):525-557.
    I argue that its appearing to you that P does not provide justification for believing that P unless you have independent justification for the denial of skeptical alternatives – hypotheses incompatible with P but such that if they were true, it would still appear to you that P. Thus I challenge the popular view of ‘dogmatism,’ according to which for some contents P, you need only lack reason to suspect that skeptical alternatives are true, in order for an experience as (...)
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    Knowledge and Belief: An Introduction to the Logic of the Two Notions.Alan R. White - 1965 - Philosophical Quarterly 15 (60):268.
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    Taking Rights Seriously.Alan R. White - 1977 - Philosophical Quarterly 27 (109):379-380.
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  6. Privacy versus Public Health? A Reassessment of Centralised and Decentralised Digital Contact Tracing.Lucie White & Philippe van Basshuysen - 2021 - Science and Engineering Ethics 27 (2):1-13.
    At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, high hopes were placed on digital contact tracing. Digital contact tracing apps can now be downloaded in many countries, but as further waves of COVID-19 tear through much of the northern hemisphere, these apps are playing a less important role in interrupting chains of infection than anticipated. We argue that one of the reasons for this is that most countries have opted for decentralised apps, which cannot provide a means of rapidly informing users (...)
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  7. The Analytic and the Synthetic: An Untenable Dualism.Morton G. White - 1950 - In Sidney Hook, John Dewey: philosopher of science and freedom. New York,: The Dial Press. pp. 316-330.
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    Partial character and the language of thought.Stephen L. White - 1982 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 63 (4):347-65.
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    Towards a Compulsory Curriculum.J. P. White - 1974 - British Journal of Educational Studies 22 (2):207-208.
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    The Aims of Education Restated.John White - 1983 - British Journal of Educational Studies 31 (1):71-73.
  11.  51
    Were the “Pioneer” Clinical Ethics Consultants “Outsiders”? For Them, Was “Critical Distance” That Critical?Bruce D. White, Wayne N. Shelton & Cassandra J. Rivais - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (6):34-44.
    Abstract“Clinical ethics consultants” have been practicing in the United States for about 50 years. Most of the earliest consultants—the “pioneers”—were “outsiders” when they first appeared at patients' bedsides and in the clinic. However, if they were outsiders initially, they acclimated to the clinical setting and became “insiders” very quickly. Moreover, there was some tension between traditional academics and those doing applied ethics about whether there was sufficient “critical distance” for appropriate reflection about the complex medical ethics dilemmas of the day (...)
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  12. Curse of the qualia.Stephen L. White - 1986 - Synthese 68 (August):333-68.
    In this paper I distinguish three alternatives to the functionalist account of qualitative states such as pain. The physicalist-functionalist holds that (1) there could be subjects functionally equivalent to us whose mental states differed in their qualitative character from ours, (2) there could be subjects functionally equivalent to us whose mental states lacked qualitative character altogether and (3) there could not be subjects like us in all objective respects whose qualitative states differed from ours. The physicalist-functionalist holds (1) and (3) (...)
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    In Defense of Dolphins: The New Moral Frontier.Thomas I. White - 2007 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    Have humans been sharing the planet with other intelligent life for millions of years without realizing it? _In Defense of Dolphins_ combines accessible science and philosophy, surveying the latest research on dolphin intelligence and social behavior, to advocate for their ethical treatment. Encourages a reassessment of the human-dolphin relationship, arguing for an end to the inhuman treatment of dolphins Written by an expert philosopher with almost twenty-years of experience studying dolphins Combines up-to-date research supporting the sophisticated cognitive and emotional capacities (...)
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  14.  65
    Structuring a Written Examination to Assess ASBH Health Care Ethics Consultation Core Knowledge Competencies.Bruce D. White, Jane B. Jankowski & Wayne N. Shelton - 2014 - American Journal of Bioethics 14 (1):5-17.
    As clinical ethics consultants move toward professionalization, the process of certifying individual consultants or accrediting programs will be discussed and debated. With certification, some entity must be established or ordained to oversee the standards and procedures. If the process evolves like other professions, it seems plausible that it will eventually include a written examination to evaluate the core knowledge competencies that individual practitioners should possess to meet peer practice standards. The American Society for Bioethics and Humanities has published core knowledge (...)
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    Education and the Good Life.John White - 1991 - British Journal of Educational Studies 39 (3):366-367.
  16. Competence to Consent.Becky Cox White - 1989 - Dissertation, Rice University
    Informed consent is valid only if the person giving it is competent. Although allegedly informed consents are routinely tendered, there are nonetheless serious problems with the concept of competence as it stands. First, conceptual work upon competence is incomplete: the concept is unanalyzed and no logic of competence has been identified. It is thus virtually impossible to reliably discern who is competent. ;Traditional work on competence has explicated three dichotomies from which the necessary conditions for the possibility of competence will (...)
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  17.  28
    The impact on patients of objections by institutions to assisted dying: a qualitative study of family caregivers’ perceptions.Ben P. White, Ruthie Jeanneret, Eliana Close & Lindy Willmott - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-12.
    Background Voluntary assisted dying became lawful in Victoria, the first Australian state to permit this practice, in 2019 via the Voluntary Assisted Dying Act 2017 (Vic). While conscientious objection by individual health professionals is protected by the Victorian legislation, objections by institutions are governed by policy. No research has been conducted in Victoria, and very little research conducted internationally, on how institutional objection is experienced by patients seeking assisted dying. Methods 28 semi-structured interviews were conducted with 32 family caregivers and (...)
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    Heracles' bow: essays on the rhetoric and poetics of the law.James Boyd White - 1985 - Madison, Wis.: University of Wisconsin Press.
    The author, in this series of essays, depicts the law as an essentially literary, rhetorical, and ethical activity. The topics discussed include a talk to students entering law school, describing the intellectual activity of the law, an exploration of the structure of legal thought and expression, and a dialogue which explores the ethics of argument.
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    Personal Knowledge.Alan R. White - 1960 - Philosophical Quarterly 10 (41):377-378.
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  20. Talking about God: the concept of analogy and the problem of religious language.Roger M. White - 2010 - Burlington, VT: Ashgate.
    Introduction -- The mathematical roots of the concept of analogy -- Aristotle : the uses of analogy -- Aristotle : analogy and language -- Thomas Aquinas -- Immanuel Kant -- Karl Barth -- Final reflections.
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  21.  37
    Promoting equity with a multi-principle framework to allocate scarce ICU resources.Douglas White & Bernard Lo - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (2):133-135.
    We wholeheartedly agree with Schmidt and colleagues’ efforts to promote equity in intensive care unit triage. We also take issue with their characterisation of the New Jersey allocation framework for ICU beds and ventilators, which is modelled after the multi-principle allocation framework we developed early in the pandemic. They characterise it as a two-criterion allocation framework and claim—without evidence—that it will ‘compound disadvantage for black patients’. However, the NJ triage framework—like the model allocation policy we developed—actually contains four allocation criteria: (...)
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  22.  74
    Property dualism, phenomenal concepts, and the semantic premise.Stephen L. White - 2006 - In Torin Alter & Sven Walter, Phenomenal Concepts and Phenomenal Knowledge: New Essays on Consciousness and Physicalism. New York, US: Oxford University Press. pp. 210-248.
    This chapter defends the property dualism argument. The term “semantic premise” mentioned is used to refers to an assumption identified by Brian Loar that antiphysicalist arguments, such as the property dualism argument, tacitly assume that a statement of property identity that links conceptually independent concepts is true only if at least one concept picks out the property it refers to by connoting a contingent property of that property. It is argued that, the property that does the work in explaining the (...)
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  23. Time and death: Heidegger's analysis of finitude.Carol J. White - 2005 - Burlington, VT: Ashgate. Edited by Mark Ralkowski.
    The existential analysis -- The death of dasein -- The timeliness of dasein -- The derivation of time -- The time of being.
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  24. How to Overcome Lockdown: Selective Isolation versus Contact Tracing.Lucie White & Philippe van Basshuysen - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (11):724-725.
    At this stage of the COVID-19 pandemic, two policy aims are imperative: avoiding the need for a general lockdown of the population, with all its economic, social and health costs, and preventing the healthcare system from being overwhelmed by the unchecked spread of infection. Achieving these two aims requires the consideration of unpalatable measures. Julian Savulescu and James Cameron argue that mandatory isolation of the elderly is justified under these circumstances, as they are at increased risk of becoming severely ill (...)
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  25. Foundations of Historical Knowledge.Morton White - 1967 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 18 (1):72-74.
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  26. Social Thought in America: The Revolt Against Formalism.M. WHITE - 1957
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  27.  12
    The Cambridge Companion to Habermas.Stephen K. White (ed.) - 1995 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Jurgen Habermas is unquestionably one of the foremost philosophers writing today. His notions of communicative action and rationality have exerted a profound influence within philosophy and the social sciences. This volume examines the historical and intellectual contexts out of which Habermas' work emerged, and offers an overview of his main ideas, including those in his most recent publication. Amongst the topics discussed are his relationship to the Frankfurt School of critical theory and Marx, his unique contributions to the philosophy of (...)
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  28. The Burden of History.Hayden V. White - 1966 - History and Theory 5 (2):111-134.
    Claims by historians that history is both an art and a science are used to avoid the rigor appropriate to the sciences and to remain blind to the imaginative innovations characteristic of modern art. Few modern historians have approached the intellectual courage of Burckhardt's "impressionist" view of the Renaissance; yet such courage--even to contemplate the dissolution of historiography as we now know it--is required before artists and scientists will be willing to take history seriously.
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  29. Attention.A. R. White - 1966 - Philosophy 41 (157):281-283.
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  30. Political Practices of Care: Needs and Rights.Julie A. White & Joan C. Tronto - 2004 - Ratio Juris 17 (4):425-453.
    In this paper the authors argue that the exploration of the nature of needs and rights should begin with the actually existing organization of care and of justice in society. The authors raise two key concerns with this organization: 1) the invisibility of care to some, and 2) the inaccessibility of rights to others. Recent work by care scholars has called attention to the ways the current organization of care work perpetuates the myth of self-sufficiency for some, while reducing others (...)
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  31. Why favour simplicity?Roger White - 2005 - Analysis 65 (3):205-210.
    Among theories which fit all of our data, we prefer the simpler over the more complex. Why? Surely not merely for practical convenience or aesthetic pleasure. But how could we be justified in this preference without knowing in advance that the world is more likely to be simple than complex? And isn’t this a rather extravagant a priori assumption to make? I want to suggest some steps we can take toward reducing this embarrassment, by showing that the assumption which supports (...)
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    Body Integrity Identity Disorder Beyond Amputation: Consent and Liberty.Amy White - 2014 - HEC Forum 26 (3):225-236.
    In this article, I argue that persons suffering from Body Integrity Identity Disorder (BIID) can give informed consent to surgical measures designed to treat this disorder. This is true even if the surgery seems radical or irrational to most people. The decision to have surgery made by a BIID patient is not necessarily coerced, incompetent or uninformed. If surgery for BIID is offered, there should certainly be a screening process in place to insure informed consent. It is beyond the scope (...)
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    The Birth and Rebirth of Pictorial Space.John White - 1958 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 17 (1):130-131.
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    Limitations on verbal reports of internal events: A refutation of Nisbett and Wilson and of Bem.Peter White - 1980 - Psychological Review 87 (1):105-112.
    Discusses R. E. Nisbett and T. D. Wilson's work on the limitations to conscious awareness of mental processes. In particular, it is suggested that their theoretical stance is not clearly formulated, that they make unwarranted assumptions about the relationship between conscious awareness and the process and the verbal report, and that their experiments do not provide information on consciousness. Some methodological recommendations are listed, and a brief report is given of some experimental findings that run counter to those of Nisbett (...)
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    Ecological Democracy, Just Transitions and a Political Ecology of Design.Damian F. White - 2019 - Environmental Values 28 (1):31-53.
    This article takes stock of the project of ecological democracy, a project that has been central to debates in Environmental Values since the late 1990s. Whilst we can identify quite distinct articulations of eco-democratic thinking emerging out of the fields of green political theory, postcolonial/feminist political ecology and science studies/radical geography, it is argued that these discussions have reached something of an impasse of late following the rise of climate scepticism, authoritarian populisms and technocratic eco-modernisms. Resurgent eco-authoritarian impulses and the (...)
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    Dysphoria and memory for emotional material: A diffusion-model analysis.Corey White, Roger Ratcliff, Michael Vasey & Gail McKoon - 2009 - Cognition and Emotion 23 (1):181-205.
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    Introduction.Paul White - 2009 - Isis 100 (4):792-797.
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    The causal asymmetry.Peter A. White - 2006 - Psychological Review 113 (1):132-147.
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    Evidence and truth.Roger White - 2023 - Philosophical Studies 180 (3):1049-1057.
    Among other interesting proposals, Juan Comesaña’s _Being Rational and Being Right_ makes a challenging case that one’s evidence can include falsehoods. I explore some ways in which we might have to rethink the roles that evidence can play in inquiry if we accept this claim. It turns out that Comesaña’s position lends itself to the conclusion that while false evidence is possible and not even terribly uncommon, I can be rationally sure that I don’t currently have any and perhaps also (...)
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    Singular Clues to Causality and Their Use in Human Causal Judgment.Peter A. White - 2014 - Cognitive Science 38 (1):38-75.
    It is argued that causal understanding originates in experiences of acting on objects. Such experiences have consistent features that can be used as clues to causal identification and judgment. These are singular clues, meaning that they can be detected in single instances. A catalog of 14 singular clues is proposed. The clues function as heuristics for generating causal judgments under uncertainty and are a pervasive source of bias in causal judgment. More sophisticated clues such as mechanism clues and repeated interventions (...)
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    Theoretical and Practical Paralogisms of Digital Immortality.Joel White - 2023 - Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 9 (2):155-172.
    Modern and contemporary transhumanism (distinct from posthumanism, see endnote i) is a philosophical movement that seeks the enhancement of the human body and mind though technological means.1 Its...
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    Foundations of historical knowledge.Morton White - 1965 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
  43.  21
    Agency and Integrality: Philosophical Themes in the Ancient Discussions of Determinism and Responsibility.Michael J. White - 1985 - Springer.
    It is not very surprising that it was no less true in antiquity than it is today that adult human beings are held to be responsible for most of their actions. Indeed, virtually all cultures in all historical periods seem to have had some conception of human agency which, in the absence of certain responsibility-defeating conditions, entails such responsibility. Few philosophers have had the temerity to maintain that this entailment is trivial because such responsibility-defeating conditions are always present. Another not (...)
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  44. (1 other version)A Philosophy of Culture: The Scope of Holistic Pragmatism.Morton White - 2003 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 39 (2):305-313.
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    11 Subjectivity and the Agential Perspective.Stephen L. White - 2004 - In Mario De Caro & David Macarthur, Naturalism in Question. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. pp. 201-27.
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    Understanding and augmenting human morality: An introduction to the ACTWith model of conscience.Jeffrey White - 2010 - In W. Carnielli L. Magnani, Model-Based Reasoning in Science and Technology. pp. 607--621.
    Recent developments, both in the cognitive sciences and in world events, bring special emphasis to the study of morality. The cognitive sciences, spanning neurology, psychology, and computational intelligence, offer substantial ad- vances in understanding the origins and purposes of morality. Meanwhile, world events urge the timely synthesis of these insights with traditional ac- counts that can be easily assimilated and practically employed to augment moral judgment, both to solve current problems and to direct future action. The object of the following (...)
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  47. Love and beauty in Plato's "Symposium".F. C. White - 1989 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 109:149-157.
  48.  29
    Cognitive Pathways to Belief in Karma and Belief in God.Cindel J. M. White, Aiyana K. Willard, Adam Baimel & Ara Norenzayan - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (1):e12935.
    Supernatural beliefs are ubiquitous around the world, and mounting evidence indicates that these beliefs partly rely on intuitive, cross‐culturally recurrent cognitive processes. Specifically, past research has focused on humans' intuitive tendency to perceive minds as part of the cognitive foundations of belief in a personified God—an agentic, morally concerned supernatural entity. However, much less is known about belief in karma—another culturally widespread but ostensibly non‐agentic supernatural entity reflecting ethical causation across reincarnations. In two studies and four high‐powered samples, including mostly (...)
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  49. Descartes Among the Robots: Computer Science and the Inner/outer Distinction.Graham White - 2011 - Minds and Machines 21 (2):179-202.
    We consider the symbol grounding problem, and apply to it philosophical arguments against Cartesianism developed by Sellars and McDowell: the problematic issue is the dichotomy between inside and outside which the definition of a physical symbol system presupposes. Surprisingly, one can question this dichotomy and still do symbolic computation: a detailed examination of the hardware and software of serial ports shows this.
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    Darwin's Emotions: The Scientific Self and the Sentiment of Objectivity.Paul White - 2009 - Isis 100 (4):811-826.
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