Results for 'Nina Lindberg'

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  1.  12
    Effectiveness and Predictors of Outcome for Psychotherapeutic Interventions in Clinical Settings Among Adolescents.Vera Gergov, Nina Lindberg, Jari Lahti, Jari Lipsanen & Mauri Marttunen - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    BackgroundThe aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of psychotherapeutic interventions for clinically referred adolescents, as well as to examine whether sociodemographic, clinical, or treatment-related variables and patients’ role expectations predict treatment outcome or are possible predictors of treatment dropout.MethodThe study comprised 58 adolescents suffering from diverse psychiatric disorders referred to psychotherapeutic interventions conducted in outpatient care. The outcome measures, The Beck Depression Inventory, and the Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation – Outcome Measure were filled in at baseline (...)
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    Politics of the one: concepts of the one and the many in contemporary thought.Artemiĭ Magun (ed.) - 2013 - New York, NY: Continuum.
    Machine generated contents note: -- Introduction to the OneThe Concept of One: From Philosophy to Politics -Artemy Magun Part I. Metaphysics of the One and the Multiple1. More than One -Jean Luc Nancy 2. Condivision, or Towards a Non- communitarian Concatenation of Singularities -Gerald Raunig 3. Unity and Solitude -Artemy Magun 4. The Fragility of the One -Maria Calvacante 5. The One: Construction or Event? For a Politics of Becoming -Boyan Mancher Part II. 20th-Century Thinkers of Unity and Multiplicity 6. (...)
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  3. The essential moral self.Nina Strohminger & Shaun Nichols - 2014 - Cognition 131 (1):159-171.
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    Naturalism Beyond the Limits of Science: How Scientific Methodology Can and Should Shape Philosophical Theorizing.Nina Emery - 2023 - New York, US: Oxford University Press.
    Philosophers and scientists both ask questions about what the world is like. How do these fields interact with one another? How should they? Naturalism Beyond the Limits of Science investigates an approach to these questions called methodological naturalism. According to methodological naturalism, when coming up with theories about what the world is like, philosophers should, whenever possible, make use of the same methodology that is deployed by scientists. Although many contemporary philosophers have implicit commitments that lead straightforwardly to methodological naturalism, (...)
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  5. On the Night of the Elemental Imaginary.Susanna Lindberg - 2011 - Research in Phenomenology 41 (2):157-180.
    This essay is a comparison between Schelling's and Blanchot's conceptions of the night of the imaginary. Schelling is the most romantic of the German idealist philosophers and Blanchot the most extreme of the French “deconstructionists.“ Their historical link is actually indirect, but they offer two complementary views on the “same“ impersonal nocturnal experience of the imaginary, the approach of which requires a certain self-overcoming of philosophy towards literature.
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    Roger Bacon and the Origins of Perspectiva in the Middle Ages: A Critical Edition and English Translation, with Introduction and Notes.David C. Lindberg - 1996 - Clarendon Press.
    A critical edition and facing-page translation, accompanied by substantial analytical introduction and notes, of Perspectiva by Roger Bacon, a foundational text of modern optics written in about 1260, which defined the subject for the next 350 years.
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    Annealing studies of voids in neutron-irradiated aluminium single crystals by positron annihilation.V. W. Lindberg, J. D. McGervey, R. W. Hendricks & W. Triftshäuser - 1977 - Philosophical Magazine 36 (1):117-128.
  8.  78
    Evolving discourses on design thinking: how design cognition inspires meta-disciplinary creative collaboration.Tilmann Lindberg, Christine Noweski & Christoph Meinel - 2010 - Technoetic Arts 8 (1):31-37.
    Originating within research on design cognition, the term design thinking has been growing in popularity over the past three decades, and has become a matter in a variety of discourses, assuming diverse and not necessarily congruent notions. In this article we suggest how to differentiate those discourses on design thinking and discuss its evolution into a meta-disciplinary concept.
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  9. Foundations of Social Survival.John Lindberg & David Lindsay - 1954 - Ethics 64 (4):319-321.
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    Limite-illimité, questions au présent.Susanna Lindberg & Gisèle Berkman (eds.) - 2012 - Nantes: Éditions nouvelles Cécile Defaut.
    L’enjeu de ce recueil est de contribuer à repenser la notion de limite, en l’envisageant sous les différentes figures, philosophiques, écologiques, politiques, que lui confère notre présent. Comme le montrent, sous des modalités diverses, les contributions de ce collectif, la limite peut et doit être conçue en dehors des valeurs négatives – borne, restriction ou frontière –, qui en affaiblissent la portée. Elle peut alors être pensée sur le fond de cet illimité où s’ouvre la question même du dehors. Si (...)
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  11.  25
    The Philosophy of Robert Grosseteste. James McEvoy.David Lindberg - 1983 - Isis 74 (3):443-443.
  12.  26
    The Science of Art: Optical Themes in Western Art from Brunelleschi to Seurat. Martin Kemp.David Lindberg - 1992 - Isis 83 (2):300-301.
  13. Verse: Eternal Questing.Nina Willis Walter - 1968 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 49 (1):36.
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    Lesion analysis of the brain areas involved in language comprehension.Nina F. Dronkers, David P. Wilkins, Robert D. Van Valin, Brenda B. Redfern & Jeri J. Jaeger - 2004 - Cognition 92 (1-2):145-177.
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    When Science and Christianity Meet.David C. Lindberg & Ronald L. Numbers (eds.) - 2003 - University of Chicago Press.
    This book, in language accessible to the general reader, investigates twelve of the most notorious, most interesting, and most instructive episodes involving the interaction between science and Christianity, aiming to tell each story in its historical specificity and local particularity. Among the events treated in When Science and Christianity Meet are the Galileo affair, the seventeenth-century clockwork universe, Noah's ark and flood in the development of natural history, struggles over Darwinian evolution, debates about the origin of the human species, and (...)
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    Who does Neuroethics Scholarship Address, and What Does it Recommend? A Content Analysis of Selected Abstracts from the International Neuroethics Society Annual Meetings.Nina Yichen Wei, Rebekah J. Choi, Laura Specker Sullivan & Anna Wexler - 2024 - Neuroethics 17 (2):1-10.
    Much neuroethics literature concludes with a set of normative recommendations. While these recommendations can be a helpful way of summarizing a proposal for a future direction, some have recently argued that ethics scholarship has devoted insufficient attention to considerations of audience and real-world applications. To date, however, while scholars have conducted topic analyses of neuroethics literature, to our knowledge no study has evaluated who neuroethics scholarship addresses and what it recommends. The objective of the present study therefore was to provide (...)
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    Jedem seinen eigenen Tod: Authentizität als ethisches Ideal am Lebensende.Nina Streeck - 2020 - New York: Campus Verlag.
    Das Sterben wird längst nicht mehr verdrängt und verschwiegen, es gehört vielmehr zu den ausgiebig erörterten Themen unserer Zeit. Viele Debatten ranken sich um Sterbehilfe und um die Frage, was einen guten Tod ausmacht. Dabei scheinen wir uns bemerkenswert einig zu sein, dass gut stirbt, wer bis zuletzt er oder sie selbst bleibt. Wir wünschen uns, so die These dieses Buches, unseren 'eigenen Tod': ein Lebensende, wie es uns entspricht, ein authentisches Sterben. Dieses Ideal leitet in unterschiedlicher Weise die Palliativversorgung (...)
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    Feminist technoscience studies.Nina Lykke & Cecilia Åsberg - 2010 - European Journal of Women's Studies 17 (4):299-305.
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  19. Money Talks. Explaining How Money Really Works.Nina Bandelj, Frederick F. Wherry & Viviana A. Zelizer - 2017
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  20.  62
    Divergent effects of different positive emotions on moral judgment.Nina Strohminger, Richard L. Lewis & David E. Meyer - 2011 - Cognition 119 (2):295-300.
  21. Chance, Possibility, and Explanation.Nina Emery - 2013 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science (1):axt041.
    I argue against the common and influential view that non-trivial chances arise only when the fundamental laws are indeterministic. The problem with this view, I claim, is not that it conflicts with some antecedently plausible metaphysics of chance or that it fails to capture our everyday use of ‘chance’ and related terms, but rather that it is unstable. Any reason for adopting the position that non-trivial chances arise only when the fundamental laws are indeterministic is also a reason for adopting (...)
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  22. The true self: A psychological concept distinct from the self.Nina Strohminger, Joshua Knobe & George Newman - 2017 - Perspectives on Psychological Science 12 (4):551-560.
    A long tradition of psychological research has explored the distinction between characteristics that are part of the self and those that lie outside of it. Recently, a surge of research has begun examining a further distinction. Even among characteristics that are internal to the self, people pick out a subset as belonging to the true self. These factors are judged as making people who they really are, deep down. In this paper, we introduce the concept of the true self and (...)
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    I. Einleitung.Nina Hahne - 2015 - In Essayistik Als Selbsttechnik: Wahrheitspraxis Im Zeitalter der Aufklärung. De Gruyter. pp. 1-48.
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    Acuité et étourdissement: les animaux de Hegel et Heidegger.Susanna Lindberg - 2007 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2007 (1).
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    Från ett öppet universum: studier i Karl Poppers filosofi.Ola Lindberg (ed.) - 2012 - Umeå: H:ström.
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    Matières de l’histoire: Ecriture, voix, technique.Susanna Lindberg - 2013 - Danish Yearbook of Philosophy 48:73-90.
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    The Savior of Science. Stanley L. Jaki.David Lindberg - 1990 - Isis 81 (3):538-539.
  28. Validating Animal Models.Nina A. Atanasova - 2015 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 30 (2):163.
    This paper responds to a recent challenge for the validity of extrapolation of neurobiological knowledge from laboratory animals to humans. According to this challenge, experimental neurobiology, and thus neuroscience, is in a state of crisis because the knowledge produced in different laboratories hardly generalizes from one laboratory to another. Presumably, this is so because neurobiological laboratories use simplified animal models of human conditions that differ across laboratories. By contrast, I argue that maintaining a multiplicity of experimental protocols and simple models (...)
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  29. Galileo, the Church, and the Cosmos.David C. Lindberg - 2003 - In David C. Lindberg & Ronald L. Numbers (eds.), When Science and Christianity Meet. University of Chicago Press. pp. 33--60.
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    Alhazen's Theory of Vision and Its Reception in the West.David Lindberg - 1967 - Isis 58 (3):321-341.
  31.  29
    Between Enlightenment and Victorian: Toward a Narrative of American Women Writers Writing History.Nina Baym - 1991 - Critical Inquiry 18 (1):22-41.
    All the early advocates of women’s education, male and female, had proposed history as a central subject in women’s education—perhaps as the central subject. They envisaged it as a substitute for novel reading, which they viewed as strengthening women’s mental weakness and encouraging them in unrepublican habits of idleness, extravagance, and daydreaming.6 Many prominent women educators wrote history, among them Pierce, Rowson, and Willard. But besides such history writing and history advocacy by materialist educational reformers, American women wrote history in (...)
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    Collective Moods. A Contribution to the Phenomenology and Interpersonality of Shared Affectivity.Nina Trcka - 2017 - Philosophia 45 (4):1647-1662.
    Collective moods are ubiquitous in social life. People may experience the sharing of a mood at a large sporting event, a concert or a religious ceremony, but also at a small family celebration or as part of a tour group. However, in philosophical discussions, collective moods are often framed as experiences of ecstasy, intoxication or even disinhibition at mass events without examining other aspects. Yet we practice and cultivate the sharing of moods in quite varied forms. In this paper I (...)
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  33. Chance, Possibility, and Explanation.Nina Emery - 2015 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 66 (1):95-120.
    I argue against the common and influential view that non-trivial chances arise only when the fundamental laws are indeterministic. The problem with this view, I claim, is not that it conflicts with some antecedently plausible metaphysics of chance or that it fails to capture our everyday use of ‘chance’ and related terms, but rather that it is unstable. Any reason for adopting the position that non-trivial chances arise only when the fundamental laws are indeterministic is also a reason for adopting (...)
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    Time-Dependent Negative Effects of Verbal and Non-verbal Suggestions in Surgical Patients—A Study on Arm Muscle Strength.Nina Zech, Matthias Schrödinger, Milena Seemann, Florian Zeman, Timo F. Seyfried & Ernil Hansen - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Reshaping ethnography: contemporary postpositivist possibilities.Nina Bruni - 1995 - Nursing Inquiry 2 (1):44-52.
    Reshaping ethnography: contemporary postpositivist possibilitiesFollowing Leinginger's introduction of ethnography into the field of nursing research, numerous descriptive and interpretive studies of health care beliefs and practices have been conducted. The resultant data have been translated into recommendations relative to the areas of nursing education, administration and clinical practice in an effort to ensure that the identified cultural needs are recognized and met. In this paper die discourses that inform such work are explored. Its practices and emergent dilemmas are reassessed in (...)
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  36. Against Radical Quantum Ontologies.Nina Emery - 2017 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 95 (3):564-591.
    Some theories of quantum mechanical phenomena endorse wave function realism, according to which the physical space we inhabit is very different from the physical space we appear to inhabit. In this paper I explore an argument against wave function realism that appeals to a type of simplicity that, although often overlooked, plays a crucial role in scientific theory choice. The type of simplicity in question is simplicity of fit between the way a theory says the world is and the way (...)
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    Neurodegeneration and identity.Nina Strohminger & Shaun Nichols - 2015 - Psychological Science 26 (9):1469– 1479.
    There is a widespread notion, both within the sciences and among the general public, that mental deterioration can rob individuals of their identity. Yet there have been no systematic investigations of what types of cognitive damage lead people to appear to no longer be themselves. We measured perceived identity change in patients with three kinds of neurodegenerative disease: frontotemporal dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Structural equation models revealed that injury to the moral faculty plays the primary role in (...)
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    Generating Relations Elicits a Relational Mindset in Children.Nina K. Simms & Lindsey E. Richland - 2019 - Cognitive Science 43 (10):e12795.
    Relational reasoning is a hallmark of human higher cognition and creativity, yet it is notoriously difficult to encourage in abstract tasks, even in adults. Generally, young children initially focus more on objects, but with age become more focused on relations. While prerequisite knowledge and cognitive resource maturation partially explains this pattern, here we propose a new facet important for children's relational reasoning development: a general orientation to relational information, or a relational mindset. We demonstrate that a relational mindset can be (...)
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    Another Counterexample to Markov Causation from Quantum Mechanics: Single Photon Experiments and the Mach-Zehnder Interferometer.Nina Retzlaff - 2017 - Kriterion - Journal of Philosophy 31 (2):17-42.
    The theory of causal Bayes nets [15, 19] is, from an empirical point of view, currently one of the most promising approaches to causation on the market. There are, however, counterexamples to its core axiom, the causal Markov condition. Probably the most serious of these counterexamples are EPR/B experiments in quantum mechanics (cf. [13, 23]). However, these are also the only counterexamples yet known from the quantum realm. One might therefore wonder whether they are the only phenomena in the quantum (...)
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  40.  14
    Vibrant death: a posthuman phenomenology of mourning.Nina Lykke - 2021 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Vibrant Death links philosophy and poetry-based, corpo-affectively grounded knowledge seeking. It offers a radically new materialist theory of death, critically moving the philosophical argument beyond Christian and secular-mechanistic understandings. The book's ethico-political figuration of vibrant death is shaped through a pluriversal conversation between Deleuzean philosophy, neo-vitalist materialism and the spiritual materialism of decolonial, queerfeminist poet and scholar Gloria Anzaldua. The book's posthuman deexceptionalizing of human death unfurls together with a collection of poetry, and autobiographical stories. They are analysed through the (...)
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  41. Actualism without Presentism? Not by way of the Relativity Objection.Nina Emery - 2018 - Noûs 53 (4):963-986.
    Actualism is the view that only actually existing things exist. Presentism is the view that only presently existing things exist. In this paper, I argue that being an actualist without also being a presentist is not as easy as many philosophers seem to think. A common objection to presentism is that there is an unavoidable conflict between presentism and relativity theory. But actualists who do not wish to be presentists cannot point to this relativity objection alone to support their position. (...)
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    Circular Consumption Practices as Matters of Care.Nina Mesiranta, Malla Mattila, Outi Koskinen & Elina Närvänen - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-18.
    While a circular economy (CE) paradigm shift has gained significant momentum among academics, practitioners, and policymakers, theory regarding its social aspects remains scant, especially theory based on an ethical, micro-level perspective. Circular consumption, referring to those consumption practices that aim to extend the lifetimes of objects and materials, involves ethical considerations. However, everyday circular consumption and its ethics have not gained a foothold in the CE literature. This article builds on the existing circular consumption literature by drawing insights from the (...)
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    Cultural Dummies and Barbara Kruger.Nina Corazzo - 2003 - Semiotics:255-265.
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    On the Margins of Everything: Doing, Performing, and Staging Science in Homeopathy.Nina Degele - 2005 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 30 (1):111-136.
    Although it seems scientifically implausible, holistically oriented forms of alternative and complementary medicine have become popular over the past few years. Homeopathy is considered to be one of the most widespread, heterogeneous, and controversial of these therapies. Science works as a generator of professional identity in such groups of medical outsiders. This article is based on extensive research on homeopathic communities conducted over several years. It will outline social conditions of homeopathic knowledge and treatment as opposed to scientific standards and (...)
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    Simone Weil and theology.Nina Heinsohn - 2013 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 74 (4):361-362.
  46.  9
    The phenomenon of Cyril and Methodius in the Catholic tradition.Nina Kobernik - 2013 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 66:108-114.
    The relevance of the study is that the II Vatican Council has not only historical but also cultural significance for the believers. The ideology of the Ajornamento, introduced by this Council, is directed not only to dialogue and tolerance, the rapprochement and unity of the believers in the modern world, but also to the revival of the names of those figures who, through their apostolic activity, have been ahead of their time for millenia and have become a model for modern (...)
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  47. A permissive atmosphere : on practical knowledge and artistic forms of understanding.Katji Lindberg - 2023 - In Carl Cederberg, Kåre Fuglseth & Edwin Van der Zande (eds.), Exploring practical knowledge: life-world studies of professionals in education and research. Boston: Brill.
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    The Oldest Law: Rediscovering the Minos.Tod Lindberg - 2007 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2007 (138):43-68.
    In the concluding section of the Minos (318c ff), Socrates praises the oldest law, that given to Crete by Minos, who in Socrates's characterization obtained this law as a result of his status as confidant of Zeus, Minos's father (319d-e). The law that is unchanging, permanent, is therefore the best law, and arguably the only law that truly reflects the “lawness” of law, other possible senses of law being incomplete, as the dialogue shows. There is, moreover, something divine about the (...)
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  49. Thinking with---Jean-Luc Nancy.Susanna Lindberg, Artemiĭ Magun & Marita Tatari (eds.) - 2023 - Zurich: Diaphanes.
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  50. Womanlife or lifework and psycho-technique: woman as the figure of the plasticity of transcendence.Susanna Lindberg - 2010 - In Kimberly Hutchings & Tuija Pulkkinen (eds.), Hegel's philosophy and feminist thought: beyond Antigone? New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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