Results for 'Omar Hamuuda'

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  1.  57
    La science économique à la recherche de ses fondements: La tradition épistémologique ricardienne 1826–1891, Michel Zouboulakis. Presses Universitaires de France, 1993, 227 + viii pages. [REVIEW]Omar Hamuuda - 1996 - Economics and Philosophy 12 (2):234.
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    The Foundation of Norms in Islamic Jurisprudence and Theology.Omar Farahat - 2019 - Cambridge University Press.
    In this book, Omar Farahat presents a new way of understanding the work of classical Islamic theologians and legal theorists who maintained that divine revelation is necessary for the knowledge of the norms and values of human actions. Through a reconstruction of classical Ashʿarī-Muʿtazilī debates on the nature and implications of divine speech, Farahat argues that the Ashʿarī attachment to revelation was not a purely traditionalist position. Rather, it was a rational philosophical commitment emerging from debates in epistemology and (...)
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    "Mirror neurons," collective objects and the problem of transmission: Reconsidering Stephen Turner's critique of practice theory.Omar Lizardo - 2007 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 37 (3):319–350.
    In this paper, I critically examine Stephen Turner's critique of practice theory in light of recent neurophysiological discoveries regarding the “mirror neuron system” in the pre-frontal mo-tor cortex of humans and other primates. I argue that two of Turner's strongest objections against the sociological version of the practice-theoretical account, the problem of transmission and the problem of sameness, are substantially undermined when examined from the perspective of re-cently systematized accounts of embodied learning and intersubjective action understanding in-spired by these developments. (...)
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    De ecologische dimensie van dans.Omar Rosas - 2007 - Wijsgerig Perspectief 47 (3):39-50.
    Morele perceptie is het vermogen om de bijzonderheid van een morele ontmoeting en de implicaties daarvan voor te stellen en te interpreteren. Met behulp van de ecologische benadering van perceptie die is ontwikkeld door de psychologen James Gibson en Ulric Neisser wordt in dit artikel beargumenteerd dat de ervaring van dansers een ecologisch model biedt om morele situaties en de handelingsopties daarin waar te nemen en te verbeelden. Dit model biedt een visie op morele actoren als zelfbewuste, belichaamde actoren die (...)
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  5. The cognitive origins of Bourdieu's habitus.Omar Lizardo - 2004 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 34 (4):375–401.
    This paper aims to balance the conceptual reception of Bourdieu's sociology in the United States through a conceptual re-examination of the concept of Habitus. I retrace the intellectual lineage of the Habitus idea, showing it to have roots in Claude Levi-Strauss structural anthropology and in the developmental psychology of Jean Piaget, especially the latter's generalization of the idea of operations from mathematics to the study of practical, bodily-mediated cognition. One important payoff of this exercise is that the common misinterpretation of (...)
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    Change in Brainstem Gray Matter Concentration Following a Mindfulness-Based Intervention is Correlated with Improvement in Psychological Well-Being.Omar Singleton, Britta K. Hölzel, Mark Vangel, Narayan Brach, James Carmody & Sara W. Lazar - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  7.  23
    Physician Responsibility to Discuss Palliative Unproven Therapies With Out-of-Option Patients.Omar Kawam, Jon C. Tilburt & Zubin Master - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (12):31-33.
    We agree with Lynch et al. that patients with chronic diseases and Band-Aid treatments are unlikely to benefit from a version of Operation Warp Speed or by deprioritizing standards of scientific ev...
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  8. The ineffability of God.Omar Fakhri - 2020 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 89 (1):25-41.
    I defend an account of God’s ineffability that depends on the distinction between fundamental and non-fundamental truths. I argue that although there are fundamentally true propositions about God, no creature can have them as the object of a propositional attitude, and no sentence can perfectly carve out their structures. Why? Because these propositions have non-enumerable structures. In principle, no creature can fully grasp God’s intrinsic nature, nor can they develop a language that fully describes it. On this account, the ineffability (...)
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  9. A user’s guide to the evolutionary argument against naturalism.Omar Mirza - 2008 - Philosophical Studies 141 (2):125-146.
    Alvin Plantinga has famously argued that metaphysical naturalism is self-defeating, and cannot be rationally accepted. I distinguish between two different ways of understanding this argument, which I call the "probabilistic inference conception", and the "process characteristic conception". I argue that the former is what critics of the argument usually presuppose, whereas most critical responses fail when one assumes the latter conception. To illustrate this, I examine three standard objections to Plantinga's evolutionary argument against naturalism: the Perspiration Objection, the Tu Quoque (...)
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    A theory of actions and habits: The interaction of rate correlation and contiguity systems in free-operant behavior.Omar D. Perez & Anthony Dickinson - 2020 - Psychological Review 127 (6):945-971.
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    When must a patient seek healthcare? Bringing the perspectives of islamic jurists and clinicians into dialogue.Omar Qureshi & Aasim I. Padela - 2016 - Zygon 51 (3):592-625.
    Muslim physicians and Islamic jurists analyze the moral dimensions of biomedicine using different tools and processes. While the deliberations of these two classes of experts involve judgments about the deliverables of the other's respective fields, Islamic jurists and Muslim physicians rarely engage in discussions about the constructs and epistemic frameworks that motivate their analyses. The lack of dialogue creates gaps in knowledge and leads to imprecise guidance. In order to address these discursive and conceptual gaps we describe the sources of (...)
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  12. Brain death and its entanglements.Omar Sultan Haque - 2008 - Journal of Religious Ethics 36 (1):13-36.
    The Islamic philosophical, mystical, and theological sub-traditions have each made characteristic assumptions about the human person, including an incorporation of substance dualism in distinctive manners. Advances in the brain sciences of the last half century, which include a widespread acceptance of death as the end of essential brain function, require the abandonment of dualistic notions of the human person that assert an immaterial and incorporeal soul separate from a body. In this article, I trace classical Islamic notions of death and (...)
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    Stillness, Aesthesis, Resistance.Omar Rivera - 2020 - Critical Philosophy of Race 8 (1-2):84-101.
    Emphasizing the embodied, physical aspect of María Lugones's decolonial feminism, this article elucidates ways in which the oppressed appears to colonizing gazes and beyond them in order to explore possibilities of resistance. It proposes “stillness” as a sentient physicality that can transgress the hold of racist/colonizing gazes and sense a multiplicity of worlds from a limen. In order to do this, it focuses on the temporality of “stillness” and on modes of appearing of resistant praxis.
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    Achieving Top Performance While Building Collegiality in Sales: It All Starts with Ethics.Omar S. Itani, Fernando Jaramillo & Larry Chonko - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 156 (2):417-438.
    While previous literature provides evidence of the positive relationship between ethical climate and job satisfaction, the possible mechanisms of this relationship are still underexplored. This study aims to enhance scholars’ and practitioners’ understanding of the ethical climate–job satisfaction relationship by identifying and testing two of the possible mechanisms. More specifically, this study fills an existing research gap by examining social and interpersonal mechanisms, referred to in this study as workplace isolation of colleagues and salesperson’s teamwork, of the ethical climate–job satisfaction (...)
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    Back to the soil: retroviruses and transposons.Omar Bagasra & D. Gene Pace - 2010 - In Günther Witzany (ed.), Biocommunication in Soil Microorganisms. Springer. pp. 161--187.
  16. Astorga, Omar, La institución imaginaria del 'Leviathan': Hobbes como intérprete de la política moderna, Caracas, Universidad Central de Venezuela: Consejo de Desarrollo Científico y Humanístico, 2000. Curran, Eleanor, Reclaiming the Rights of the Hobbesian Subject, New York/Basingstoke, Palgrave/Macmillan, 2007. [REVIEW]Omar Astorga - 2008 - Hobbes Studies 21 (1):104.
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    The etching of diamonds by low pressure oxygen.M. Omar & M. Kenawi - 1957 - Philosophical Magazine 2 (19):859-863.
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    El Plano Alfa del Objeto de Estudio.Omar A. Barriga & A. Henríquez - 2005 - Cinta de Moebio 24.
    The step between identifying the Research Object that we want to observe and the development of a reference frame to guide the investigation, in our opinion, has not received adequate attention as we help train researchers. Our bibliographical searches give us suggestions as to which aspects are mor..
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    Is “Globalizing Democracy” Possible?Omar Dahbour - 2006 - Radical Philosophy Today 4:255-260.
    Comparing Carol Gould’s Globalizing Democracy and Human Rights to other recent discussions of global justice, Dahbour argues that her work offers two important theoretical departures: It grounds global rights and democracy along foundationalist rather than constructivist lines; and it rejects the notion that just global institutions require the equal input of all those affected by their activities, defending instead that only those engaged in the “common activity” of institutions should participate in the decision-making. On the basis of this common activity (...)
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    Liquidity and firm performance: evidence from the MENA region.Omar Farooq & Fatima Zahra Bouaich - 2012 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 7 (2):139-152.
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    Probability in Economics.Omar Hamouda & Robin Rowley - 2013 - Routledge.
    Notions of probability and uncertainty have been increasingly prominant in modern economics. This book considers the philosophical and practical difficulties inherent in integrating these concepts into realistic economic situations. It outlines and evaluates the major developments, indicating where further work is needed. This book addresses: * probability, utility and rationality within current economic thought and practice * concepts of ignorance and indeterminancy * experimental economics * econometrics, with particular reference inference and estimation.
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    Can a robot invigilator prevent cheating?Omar Mubin, Massimiliano Cappuccio, Fady Alnajjar, Muneeb Imtiaz Ahmad & Suleman Shahid - 2020 - AI and Society 35 (4):981-989.
    One of the open questions in Educational robots is the role a robot should take in the classroom. The current focus in this area is on employing robots as a tool or in an assistive capacity such as the invigilator of an exam. With robots becoming commonplace in the classroom, inquiries will be raised regarding not only their suitability but also their ability to influence and control the morality and behaviour of the students via their presence. Therefore, as a means (...)
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    Reseña de" Cultura y Educación en tiempos de globalización posmoderna" de Pablo Guadarrama González.Omar Muñoz - 2006 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 11 (35):124-125.
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    The ‘Landmark’ and ‘Groundwork’ of stars: John Herschel, photography and the drawing of nebulae.Omar W. Nasim - 2011 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 42 (1):67-84.
    This paper argues for continuity in purpose and specific results between some hand drawn nebulae, especially those ‘descriptive maps’ by John F. W. Herschel and E. P. Mason in the late 1830s, and the first photographs made of the nebulae in the 1880s. Using H. H. Turners’ explication in 1904 of the three great advantages of astrophotography, the paper concludes that to some extent Herschel’s and Mason’s hand-drawings of the nebulae were meant to achieve the same kinds of results. This (...)
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    Reading Alejandro Vallega Toward a Decolonial Aesthetics.Omar Rivera - 2017 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 9 (2):162-173.
    This article is an interpretation of Alejandro Vallega’s “decolonial aesthetics,” focusing on his book Latin American Philosophy: From Identity to Radical Exteriority. This interpretation situates decolonial aesthetics in relation to figures in the history of Latin American Philosophy, and the work of Aníbal Quijano, Enrique Dussel, Linda Martín Alcoff, and Gloria Anzaldúa. It also explores the determination of decolonial aesthetics as an aesthetics of liberation.
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  26. Comparing phases of skepticism in al-Ghazālī and Descartes: Some first meditations on deliverance from error.Omar Edward Moad - 2009 - Philosophy East and West 59 (1):pp. 88-101.
    Abū Hāmid al-Ghazālī (1058–1111 c.e .) is well known, among other things, for his account, in al-Munqidh min al-ḍalāl (Deliverance from error), of a struggle with philosophical skepticism that bears a striking resemblance to that described by Descartes in the Meditations . This essay aims to give a close comparative analysis of these respective accounts, and will concentrate solely on the processes of invoking or entertaining doubt that al-Ghazālī and Descartes describe, respectively. In the process some subtle differences between them (...)
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    Bertrand Russell and the Edwardian philosophers: constructing the world.Omar W. Nasim - 2008 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Introduction -- Stout's proto-new-realism -- Situating G.F. Stout -- Stout's doctrine of primary and secondary qualities -- Stout and the Brentano School -- Representative function of presentations -- Sensible space and real space -- Cook Wilson's geometrical counter-example -- Stout's central question -- Ideal constructions -- Ideal constructions in psychology and epistemology -- British new realism : the language of madness -- Stout's criticisms of Alexander -- Alexander's response -- The nature of sensations, images, and other presentations -- What is (...)
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  28. Development of materials for automotive disc brake.Omar Maluf, Maurício Angeloni, Marcelo Tadeu Milan, Dirceu Spinelli & Waldek Wladimir Bose Filho - 2007 - Minerva 4 (2):149-158.
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    Self-Determination Without Nationalism: A Theory of Postnational Sovereignty.Omar Dahbour - 2012 - Temple University Press.
    How do groups—be they religious or ethnic—achieve sovereignty in a postnationalist world? In Self-Determination without Nationalism, noted philosopher Omar Dahbour insists that the existing ethics of international relations, dominated by the rival notions of liberal nationalism and political cosmopolitanism, no longer suffice. Dahbour notes that political communities are an ethically desirable and historically inevitable feature of collective life. The ethical principles that govern them, however—especially self-determination and sovereignty—require reformulation in light of globalization and the economic and environmental challenges of (...)
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    Justice, Social not Global.Omar Dahbour - 2019 - Radical Philosophy Review 22 (1):31-58.
    In this article, I argue that justice is necessarily inapplicable to the global scale, since there is no such thing as a global society in the proper sense. I examine why this is so, and criticize two types of arguments for global justice—maximalist conceptions (such as those of Charles Beitz and Allen Buchanan) that argue for a robust notion of redistribution on the global scale, and minimalist conceptions (such as those of Thomas Pogge and Iris Young) that argue for a (...)
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  31. Presentación: Octavio Paz.Omar Astorga - 2020 - Araucaria 22 (43).
    Como se sabe, el ensayo se ha convertido en una de las mejores formas de interpretar las realidades del mundo y de la vida. Su característica más significativa consiste en ofrecer un ejercicio de comprensión que va más allá de las explicaciones que suelen encontrarse en los textos atados a una disciplina. Valga señalar que es en el campo de las ciencias sociales y las humanidades donde se aprecian claramente sus privilegios. La versatilidad no afecta al rigor, la diversidad de (...)
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    Individuo e società nelle prospettive di Schleiermacher e Hegel.Omar Brino - 2014 - Società Degli Individui 49:97-109.
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    Foreword.Omar Calabrese - 2017 - In Neo-Baroque: A Sign of the Times. Princeton University Press.
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    Kant's Nonideal Theory of Politics by Dilek Huseyinzadegan.Omar Dahbour - 2020 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 58 (4):822-823.
    In this work the author attempts two, rather different, tasks in rethinking the nature of Kant's contributions to political philosophy. First, she argues that Kant's political writings depart methodologically from his critical writings on epistemology and morality. This is the significance of her use of the term 'nonideal theory' to designate the distinctive methodology that is supposedly operative in later Kantian texts such as part 1 of the Metaphysics of Morals, and especially the essays on enlightenment, world history, and war (...)
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  35. Radical Approaches to Global Justice: Is There a New Paradigm?Omar Dahbour - 2012 - Public Affairs Quarterly 26 (1):45-56.
    The publication of Gillian Brock's Global Justice: A Cosmopolitan Account in 2009 and of Richard Miller's Globalizing Justice: The Ethics of Poverty and Power in 2010 have created an important occasion for reassessing the discourse about global justice that has arisen in the last decade. Above all, these books have moved the debate about what constitutes global justice in an exciting new direction by introducing important considerations previously lacking. But most essentially, these books give us an opportunity to assess whether (...)
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  36.  31
    Effect of property rights on the relationship between legal traditions and corporate governance: evidence from the MENA region.Omar Farooq & Rouaa AbdelBari - 2013 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 8 (3):224-241.
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    Chromatin loops, illegitimate recombination, and genome evolution.Omar L. Kantidze & Sergey V. Razin - 2009 - Bioessays 31 (3):278-286.
    Chromosomal rearrangements frequently occur at specific places (“hot spots”) in the genome. These recombination hot spots are usually separated by 50–100 kb regions of DNA that are rarely involved in rearrangements. It is quite likely that there is a correlation between the above‐mentioned distances and the average size of DNA loops fixed at the nuclear matrix. Recent studies have demonstrated that DNA loop anchorage regions can be fairly long and can harbor DNA recombination hot spots. We previously proposed that chromosomal (...)
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  38. Access to multilingual information: Research strategies to built the context indexing of the producer.Omar Larouk - unknown
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    Postmodernism and Globalization.Omar Lizardo & Michael Strand - 2009 - ProtoSociology 26:36-70.
    Interest in postmodernity has stagnated over the past decade and has come to be partially replaced by a concern with globalization. While the two terms are often considered to be divergent there is continuity as theoretical discourse transfers from one to the other. In what follows, we first distill the heuristic models employed by various knowledge-geographical traditions of social thought in conceptualizing postmodernism. We then transpose these models into recent debates on globalization. Globalization theory has become the provenance of British (...)
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    Behind the Good, the Bad, and the Obligatory in al-Ghazālī’s al-Mustaṣfā min al-uṣūl.Omar Moad - 2012 - Journal of Islamic Philosophy 8:79-93.
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    Priority Setting in the Assessment for Kidney Transplant Candidacy: A Canadian Case Study.Faisal Omar - 2012 - Journal of Clinical Research and Bioethics 3 (S1).
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    The human perfection.H. A. Benimo Omar - 1985 - New York: Regency Press. Edited by H. A. Benimo Omar.
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    La nation Somalie, III: état et société: considérations théoriques.Omar Osman Rabeh - 1985 - Paris: Seepcop.
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    An Analytical Approach to Culture.Omar Lizardo - 2023 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 53 (4):281-302.
    In this paper, I outline a general framework for cultural analysis consistent with an “analytic” approach to explanation in social science. The proposed approach provides coherent solutions to thorny problems in cultural theory. These include providing a coherent definition of culture (and the “cultural”), specifying the nature of cultural units (both simple and complex), and outlining the processes making possible episodes of cultural genesis, transformation, and reproduction within bounded units characterized as cultural causal systems.
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    Neo-Baroque: A Sign of the Times.Omar Calabrese - 2017 - Princeton University Press.
    A leading young Italian semiologist scrutinizes today's cultural phenomena and finds the prevailing taste to be "neo-baroque"--characterized by an appetite for virtuosity, frantic rhythms, instability, poly-dimensionality, and change. Omar Calabrese locates a "sign of the times" in an amazing variety of literary, philosophical, artistic, musical, and architectural forms, from the Venice Biennale through the "new science" to television series, video games, and "zapping" with the remote control device from channel to channel! Calabrese admits that he begins the book with (...)
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    More on Galois Cohomology, Definability, and Differential Algebraic Groups.Omar León Sánchez, David Meretzky & Anand Pillay - 2024 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 89 (2):496-515.
    As a continuation of the work of the third author in [5], we make further observations on the features of Galois cohomology in the general model theoretic context. We make explicit the connection between forms of definable groups and first cohomology sets with coefficients in a suitable automorphism group. We then use a method of twisting cohomology (inspired by Serre’s algebraic twisting) to describe arbitrary fibres in cohomology sequences—yielding a useful “finiteness” result on cohomology sets.Applied to the special case of (...)
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  47. The Spaces of Knowledge: Bertrand Russell, Logical Construction, and the Classification of the Sciences.Omar W. Nasim - 2012 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 20 (6):1163-1182.
    What Russell regarded to be the ‘chief outcome’ of his 1914 Lowell Lectures at Harvard can only be fully appreciated, I argue, if one embeds the outcome back into the ‘classificatory problem’ that many at the time were heavily engaged in. The problem focused on the place and relationships between the newly formed or recently professionalized disciplines such as psychology, Erkenntnistheorie, physics, logic and philosophy. The prime metaphor used in discussions about the classificatory problem by British philosophers was a spatial (...)
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  48. Another Look at the Modal Collapse Argument.Omar Fakhri - 2021 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 13 (1):1-23.
    On one classical conception of God, God has no parts, not even metaphysical parts. God is not composed of form and matter, act and potency, and he is not composed of existence and essence. God is absolutely simple. This is the doctrine of Absolute Divine Simplicity. It is claimed that ADS implies a modal collapse, i.e. that God’s creation is absolutely necessary. I argue that a proper way of understanding the modal collapse argument naturally leads the proponent of ADS to (...)
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    Formalism , Behavioral Realism and the Interdisciplinary Challenge in Sociological Theory.Omar Lizardo - 2009 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 39 (1):39-80.
    In this paper, I argue that recent sociological theory has become increasingly bifurcated into two mutually incompatible styles of theorizing that I label formalist and behavioral-realist. Formalism favors mathematization and proposes an instrumentalist ontology of abstract processes while behavioral-realist theory takes at its basis the "real" physical individual endowed with concrete biological, cognitive and neurophysiological capacities and constraints and attempts to derive the proper conceptualization of social behavior from that basis. Formalism tends to lead toward a conceptually independent sociology that (...)
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    Illusion of the Peoples: A Critique of National Self-Determination.Omar Dahbour - 2003 - Lexington Books.
    In this book Omar Dahbour examines all of the arguments that have been given for national self-determination, whether by international lawyers, moral philosophers, democratic theorists, or political communitarians.
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