Results for 'Paola Masi'

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    Book Review: Snapshots from Feminist Economics. [REVIEW]Paola Masi - 2001 - European Journal of Women's Studies 8 (2):265-268.
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  2. Quantum Indeterminism, Free Will, and Self-Causation.Marco Masi - 2023 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 30 (5-6):32–56.
    A view that emancipates free will by means of quantum indeterminism is frequently rejected based on arguments pointing out its incompatibility with what we know about quantum physics. However, if one carefully examines what classical physical causal determinism and quantum indeterminism are according to physics, it becomes clear what they really imply–and, especially, what they do not imply–for agent-causation theories. Here, we will make necessary conceptual clarifications on some aspects of physical determinism and indeterminism, review some of the major objections (...)
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  3. No Qualia? No Meaning (and no AGI)!Marco Masi - manuscript
    The recent developments in artificial intelligence (AI), particularly in light of the impressive capabilities of transformer-based Large Language Models (LLMs), have reignited the discussion in cognitive science regarding whether computational devices could possess semantic understanding or whether they are merely mimicking human intelligence. Recent research has highlighted limitations in LLMs’ reasoning, suggesting that the gap between mere symbol manipulation (syntax) and deeper understanding (semantics) remains wide open. While LLMs overcome certain aspects of the symbol grounding problem through human feedback, they (...)
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    From Balancing Missions to Mission Drift: The Role of the Institutional Context, Spaces, and Compartmentalization in the Scaling of Social Enterprises.Royston Greenwood, Johanna Winter, Thomas Gegenhuber & M. Paola Ometto - 2019 - Business and Society 58 (5):1003-1046.
    In this article, we explain the mechanisms that allow social enterprises to balance their missions, and the risk of mission drift as organizations grow. We empirically explore Incubator-BUS (I-BUS), a student organization within a private Brazilian university, which sought to incubate cooperatives for vulnerable groups. Although initially successful in balancing its missions, I-BUS then failed. We show how scaling-up can complicate the balancing of different missions within the same organization. We propose that, to balance their missions, social enterprises—especially recently formed (...)
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  5. The Nature and Origin of Language in Abhinavagupta and Sri Aurobindo.Marco Masi - manuscript
    The paper delves into the nature and origin of ideas, words, meanings, and language from the perspective of Indian mystics and philosophers Abhinavagupta and Sri Aurobindo. We begin with the Eastern viewpoint, commencing with the Vedic interpretation, in which the origin of all speech lies in the transcendent sound, known as the ‘Word’. Abhinavagupta delineates the genesis of words as a four-level process within consciousness, where mystic sounds gradually acquire concreteness in the form of human language. Sri Aurobindo extends this (...)
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  6. Quantum Indeterminacy and Libertarian Panpsychism.M. Masi - 2024 - Mind and Matter 22 (1):31-50.
    The “consequence argument”, together with the “luck objection”, which are summed up by the “standard argument against free will”, state that if our volition were dependent on physical causally indeterministic processes, our actions would lack control and, thereby, result in random behavior that would be a mere matter of luck and chance. In particular, quantum indeterminacy is supposed to be of no use in support of libertarian agent-causation theories because any volitional act interfering with the probability distributions de fining quantum (...)
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  7. The Integral Cosmology of Sri Aurobindo: An Introduction from the Perspective of Consciousness Studies.Marco Masi - 2023 - Integral Review 18 (1):512-552.
    In the contemporary philosophy of mind and consciousness studies, views such as panpsychism or theories of universal consciousness, have enjoyed a recent renaissance of metaphysical speculations in Western philosophy. Its similarities with Eastern philosophical traditions went not unnoticed. However, the potential contribution that the evolutionary cosmology of the Indian poet, mystic and philosopher Sri Aurobindo can offer to these ontologies, remains largely unknown or unexplored. Here, consciousness, mind, life, matter and evolution are interpreted in an extended metaphysical framework, uniting Western (...)
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  8. An Evidence-Based Critical Review of the Mind-Brain Identity Theory.Marco Masi - 2023 - Hypothesis and Theory, Front. Psychol. - Consciousness Research 14.
    In the philosophy of mind, neuroscience, and psychology, the causal relationship between phenomenal consciousness, mentation, and brain states has always been a matter of debate. On the one hand, material monism posits consciousness and mind as pure brain epiphenomena. One of its most stringent lines of reasoning relies on a ‘loss-of-function lesion premise,’ according to which, since brain lesions and neurochemical modifications lead to cognitive impairment and/or altered states of consciousness, there is no reason to doubt the mind-brain identity. On (...)
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    Applying the SRL vs. ERL Theory to the Knowledge of Achievement Emotions in Undergraduate University Students.Jesús de la Fuente, José Manuel Martínez-Vicente, Francisco Javier Peralta-Sánchez, Angélica Garzón-Umerenkova, Manuel Mariano Vera & Paola Paoloni - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Women on boards and corporate environmental performance in Italian companies: The importance of nomination background.Sara De Masi, Agnieszka Słomka-Gołębiowska & Andrea Paci - 2022 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 31 (4):981-998.
    Business Ethics, the Environment &Responsibility, Volume 31, Issue 4, Page 981-998, October 2022.
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  11. Spirit calls Nature: A Comprehensive Guide to Science and Spirituality, Consciousness and Evolution in a Synthesis of Knowledge.Marco Masi - 2021 - Indy Edition.
    This is a technical treatise for the scientific-minded readers trying to expand their intellectual horizon beyond the straitjacket of materialism. It is dedicated to those scientists and philosophers who feel there is something more, but struggle with connecting the dots into a more coherent picture supported by a way of seeing that allows us to overcome the present paradigm and yet maintains a scientific and conceptual rigor, without falling into oversimplifications. Most of the topics discussed are unknown even to neuroscientists, (...)
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    Wealth, Habits and Happiness. Chrematistics in Aristotle’s Ethics.Francesca Masi - 2023 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 23 (1):119-149.
    Aristote estime qu’une vie consacrée à gagner de l’argent ne mérite pas d’être vécue, dans la mesure où elle est sujette à des contraintes et fondée sur une conception pervertie de la richesse. Cependant, il assigne à l’argent une valeur instrumentale en tant qu’il est indispensable au bonheur, et il reconnaît qu’il y a des tendances naturelles à la richesse en tout agent. Cet article se propose de clarifier les thèses d’Aristote concernant la fonction de la richesse dans son rapport (...)
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    The Psychological and Academic Effects of Studying From the Home and Host Country During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Michał Wilczewski, Oleg Gorbaniuk & Paola Giuri - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Objective:This study explored the psychological and academic effects of studying online from the home vis-à-vis host country during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic in the experience of international students at the University of Warsaw, Poland.Methods:A total of 357 international students from 62 countries (236 in the host country and 121 in the home country) completed an online questionnaire survey 2 months after transition to online learning. We studied students' levels of loneliness, life and academic satisfaction, acculturative stress, academic adjustment, (...)
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    Êthikê theôria: studi sull'Etica nicomachea in onore di Carlo Natali.Francesca Masi, Stefano Maso, Cristina Viano & Carlo Natali (eds.) - 2019 - Roma: Edizioni di storia e letteratura.
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    The relationship between metaphor skills and Theory of Mind in middle childhood: Task and developmental effects.Elisabetta Tonini, Luca Bischetti, Paola Del Sette, Eleonora Tosi, Serena Lecce & Valentina Bambini - 2023 - Cognition 238 (C):105504.
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  16. Wearing the face mask affects our social attention over space.Caterina Villani, Stefania D’Ascenzo, Elisa Scerrati, Paola Ricciardelli, Roberto Nicoletti & Luisa Lugli - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Recent studies suggest that covering the face inhibits the recognition of identity and emotional expressions. However, it might also make the eyes more salient, since they are a reliable index to orient our social and spatial attention. This study investigates whether the pervasive interaction with people with face masks fostered by the COVID-19 pandemic modulates the processing of spatial information essential to shift attention according to other’s eye-gaze direction, and whether this potential modulation interacts with motor responses. Participants were presented (...)
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    Topographical Disorientation: Clinical and Theoretical Significance of Long-Lasting Improvements Following Imagery-Based Training.Maddalena Boccia, Alessia Bonavita, Sofia Diana, Antonella Di Vita, Maria Paola Ciurli & Cecilia Guariglia - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  18. When Occam's Razor Cuts too Deep.Marco Masi - manuscript
    Occam’s razor is frequently considered to be a cornerstone of the scientific method. Indeed, it was and remains a valuable tool for scientific and philosophical inquiry. However, we provided an overview of some historical instances in which it led science away from a reasonable and sound heuristic approach. Some words of caution are necessary to clarify how, contrary to common belief, a too strict adherence to such a principle did not guarantee scientific rigor but, rather, obstructed further progress.
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  19. Vitalism and Cognition in a Conscious Universe.Marco Masi - 2022 - Communicative and Integrative Biology 1 (15):121-136.
    According to the current scientific paradigm, what we call ‘life’, ‘mind’, and ‘consciousness’ are considered epiphenomenal occurrences, or emergent properties or functions of matter and energy. Science does not associate these with an inherent and distinct existence beyond a materialistic/energetic conception. ‘Life’ is a word pointing at cellular and multicellular processes forming organisms capable of specific functions and skills. ‘Mind’ is a cognitive ability emerging from a matrix of complex interactions of neuronal processes, while ‘consciousness’ is an even more elusive (...)
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    Disentangling the Effect of Sex and Caregiving Role: The Investigation of Male Same-Sex Parents as an Opportunity to Learn More About the Neural Parental Caregiving Network.Michele Giannotti, Micol Gemignani, Paola Rigo, Alessandra Simonelli, Paola Venuti & Simona De Falco - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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    Ciencias cognitivas y educación: Una propuesta de diálogo.Adela Fuentes Canosa, Jennifer Paola Umaña Serrato, Alicia Risso Migues & David Facal Mayo - 2021 - Sophia. Colección de Filosofía de la Educación 30:43-70.
    En este trabajo se realiza una propuesta de comunicación transdisciplinar entre las ciencias cognitivas y la educación, tal y como se perfilan en el siglo XXI. En un primer lugar se contextualizan estos procesos de comunicación en el continuum histórico que transita desde los inicios del siglo pasado, con la configuración de la psicología educativa dentro del constructo de las ciencias educativas; pasando por la constitución de las ciencias cognitivas, a mediados del siglo XX que propició la emergencia de la (...)
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    Neural Correlates of Outcome of the Psychotherapy Compared to Antidepressant Therapy in Anxiety and Depression Disorders: A Meta-Analysis.Navkiran Kalsi, Daniela Altavilla, Renata Tambelli, Paola Aceto, Cristina Trentini, Chiara Di Giorgio & Carlo Lai - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  23. Mind in an atomistic world: Epicurus and the epicurean tradition.Francesca Masi & Francesco Verde - 2018 - In John E. Sisko, Philosophy of mind in antiquity. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
  24.  29
    Passione e immaginazione in Lucrezio: il caso dell’inganno onirico.Francesca G. Masi - 2018 - Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 39 (2):257-279.
    Lucretius devotes some sections of his De rerum natura to the treatment of dreams. He is particularly interested in the phenomenon of dream deception, namely the belief that the dreamt object is the object itself. This psychological phenomenon has some both unwanted and philosophically interesting implications. Firstly, from an ethical point of view, it can stimulate uncontrolled worries and feelings in the dreamer that undermine his/her mental tranquility and health. Secondly, from a physiological perspective, it seems to reveal a failure (...)
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  25. Free Progress Education.Marco Masi - 2017 - Indy Edition.
    Schools, colleges, and universities have become homogenizing systems that are almost exclusively focused on imposing a pre-ordered curricula through exams and grades or tight research lines. In the process, they are killing passion, creativity, and individuals’ potential and skills. Ultimately, schools and academia make up a system that serves a collective machinery but suffocates individual growth. This state of affairs is not a necessary evil. Learning, discovering and teaching can be a natural, spontaneous and luminous expressions of a free and (...)
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    The Changing Faces of Space.Felice Masi & Maria Catena (eds.) - 2017 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book focuses on various concepts of space and their historical evolution. In particular, it examines the variations that have modified the notions of place, orientation, distance, vacuum, limit, bound and boundary, form and figure, continuity and contingence, in order to show how spatial characteristics are decisive in a range of contexts: in the determination and comprehension of exteriority; in individuation and identification; in defining the meaning of nature and of the natural sciences; in aesthetical formations and representations; in determining (...)
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    El cuerpo como lienzo aleccionador en “Ciudadanía” de Denise Phé-Funchal y “Locaciones” de Carla Pravisani.Nicole Masís-Chacón - 2024 - ÍSTMICA Revista de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras 1 (34):23-48.
    Este trabajo analiza los cuentos “Ciudadanía” (2011) de Denise Phé-Funchal y “Locaciones” (2014) de Carla Pravisani. El objetivo es revisar la representación de la segregación y el poder biopolítico sobre los cuerpos desde la ironía. Ambos cuentos construyen personajes atravesados por prácticas corporales (Muñiz, 2014) que evidencian un uso de los cuerpos como exhibiciones didáctico moralizantes. Además, estos cuerpos son segregados y excluidos del entorno social, según la mixofobia propuesta de Bauman (2015) para transformarse en prácticas deshumanizantes y biopolíticas propias (...)
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    Does COVID-19 Impact Less on Post-stroke Aphasia? This Is Not the Case.Francesca Pisano, Alberto Giachero, Cristian Rugiero, Melanie Calati & Paola Marangolo - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    BackgroundThe coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic has greatly affected people’s mental health resulting in severe psychological consequences. One of the leading causes of long-term disability worldwide is aphasia. The language changes experienced by a person with aphasia often have a sudden and long-lasting negative impact on social interaction, quality of life, and emotional wellbeing. The main aim of this study was to investigate the impact of COVID-19 on the different psychosocial dimensions which affect PWA.MethodsThis retrospective study included 73 PWA and 81 (...)
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  29. Pensar el desierto contra el desierto: Estrategias prolegomenales para leer Ser y Tiempo de Heidegger.Jethro Masís - 2009 - A Parte Rei 65 (65):13 pp..
    This paper deals with prolegomenal stances necessary for a proper understanding of the paradoxical nature of Heidegger’s Being and Time. It shall be argued that Heidegger’s magnum opus does not inquire into the sense of being in order to render an answer to the so called Seinsfrage. In fact, several answers have already been given traditionally, which are founded on the being/entity indifferentiation (being as God, substance, nature, subject and so forth), that is, being has been turned into a topic, (...)
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    (1 other version)Apostillas fenomenológicas a la filosofía de la inteligencia artificial de Philip E. Agre.Jethro Masis - 2024 - Otrosiglo 7 (2):73-100.
    Este artículo presenta las relaciones entre la filosofía y la tecnología en la obra de Philip E. Agre, quien propuso una práctica técnica crítica que incorporase a la investigación tecnológica un examen de las construcciones discursivas que subyacen al proyecto de la inteligencia artificial (IA). Se ofrece una exposición de las ideas heideggerianas que Agre pretende hacer valer en la programación de la acción inteligente de agentes artificiales, si bien ulteriormente se criticará el propósito de programar el comportamiento práctico en (...)
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    The Distinction between Chance and Fortune. Arist. Phys . II.6.Francesca Masi - 2024 - Rhizomata 12 (1):79-103.
    With regard to Aristotle’s discussion of chance and fortune in Phys. II.5–6, interpreters maintain that, after having provided a specific definition of fortune, applicable to intentional chance processes, in ch. 5, Aristotle is, in ch. 6, seeking to identify a specific meaning of αὐτόματον, which exclusively applies to strictly natural chance processes. When understood in such terms, however, ch. 6 turns out to be problematic, insofar as the examples Aristotle uses to illustrate αὐτόματον refer to mixed natural and intentional chance (...)
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    Donne e scienza nel mondo antico (Women and science in the ancient world).Ernesta De Masi, Adele De Santis & Maria Serra - 2024 - Science and Philosophy 12 (1).
    L’articolo ricostruisce le biografie delle prime donne di cui si hanno notizie nella storia della matematica, filosofia e scienza. Sono descritte le vite e, per quel che permettono le fonti a noi giunte, le opere delle donne pitagoriche (in questo intervento si fa riferimento alle donne vissute dal VI al IV secolo a.C., nelle prime comunità pitagoriche della Magna Grecia), di Maria l’Ebrea alchimista alessandrina, per alcuni storici vissuta tra il I e il III secolo, per altri prima di Cristo, (...)
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    Encontros de uma revisão de literatura feminista com pesquisas em educação matemática.Bruna Leticia Nunes Viana, Anette de Ron, Paola Valero & Kicki Skog - 2024 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 31:430-440.
    Nos encontros com pesquisadoras(es), o processo de revisão de literatura e pesquisas feministas com/na Educação Matemática, emergem algumas considerações sobre a importância de tomar a revisão de literatura como constituinte do fazer pesquisa. Uma revisão de literatura feminista não e simplesmente um procedimento de revisão de literatura a ser aplicado em pesquisas que se intitulam feministas. Ao invés disso, mobilizando conceitos teórico-metodológicos feministas, como conhecimento situado e afeto enquanto um dispositivo para se operar no/com o fenômeno, nós propomos uma ideia (...)
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  34.  21
    La physiologie épicurienne de la représentation mentale.Francesca Masi & Barbara de Negroni - 2023 - Cahiers Philosophiques 173 (2):29-46.
    En plus de concevoir la vue et la pensée comme des processus empiriques capables de reproduire les caractéristiques des corps, Épicure reconnaît un processus psychophysique intermédiaire par le biais duquel les phantasiai ou représentations sont produites dans l’esprit et synthétisent les caractéristiques des objets sensibles. L’objectif de cet article est de monter qu’Épicure a retravaillé la doctrine de Démocrite dans cette direction, à la lumière de la critique aristotélicienne de certaines théories de la perception et de sa réflexion sur la (...)
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    Naturalizing Negation. A Challenge for Cognitive Phenomenology about Phenomenological Possess Conditions of Logical Vocabulary.Felice Masi - 2023 - Humana Mente 16 (43).
    The negation constitutes one of the main troubles for attempts to naturalise the semantics of the logical vocabulary, as shown by the problems related to the interpretation of disjunction in the treatment of error (Fodor) or to the definition of contraries in the analysis of reidentification abilities (Millikan). There seems to be no way out between “no (naturalized) negation, no grip of logic on the world” and “no (truth-functional) negation, no logic”. Unexpected help may come from the cognitive phenomenology of (...)
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  36. al-Bināʼ al-ijtimāʻī.ʻAbd al-Masīḥ & Jūrj Ibrāhīm - 1958
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  37. Zaynūn al-Riwāqī.ʻAbd al-Masīḥ & Jūrj Ibrāhīm - 1953
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    Destra e sinistra.Domenico De Masi (ed.) - 2023 - Roma: PaperFIRST.
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    Giuseppe Capograssi e il circolo ermeneutico.Sabrina De Masi - 2001 - Firenze: Firenze Atheneum.
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  40. A complex matter.Francesca Masi & Francesco Verde - 2024 - In John Symons & Charles Wolfe, The History and Philosophy of Materialism. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Anotaciones iniciales para una historia de la fenomenología y sus derivas contemporáneas en Costa Rica.Jethro Masís - 2020 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 94:123-144.
    Este artículo ofrece una serie de apuntes para una historia de la presencia de la fenomenología y de la filosofía de la existencia en Costa Rica. La referencia a apuntes o anotaciones tiene el propósito de disipar desde el inicio la impresión de que acá se va a ofrecer una valoración exhaustiva de las obras que harán las veces de acervo documental para dicha historia. En vez de eso, se destacarán una serie de momentos y publicaciones que tal vez podrían (...)
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    A note on Lewis's of the meaning of historical statements.Evelyn Masi - 1949 - Journal of Philosophy 46 (21):670-674.
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  43. Antinomies of Measure. Phenomenology and Spatial Continuity.Felice Masi - 2017 - In Felice Masi & Maria Catena, The Changing Faces of Space. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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    Concepts of Time in Husserl.Felice Masi - 2015 - In Flavia Santoianni, The Concept of Time in Early Twentieth-Century Philosophy: A Philosophical Thematic Atlas. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 59-75.
    Temporality represents the most important and difficult question of phenomenology: decisive for its idea of phenomenon and consciousness. What means that time is the appearing itself, so not a time of consciousness but the consciousness itself: this is the phenomenological question about the origin of time. Composed in three decades approximately—from 1904 to 1934—Husserlian contributions phenomenology of temporality constitutes the most extensive corpus about this matter in the canon of occidental philosophy. They lead in three main directions and correspond to (...)
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  45. Disperazoine e speranza.Giuseppe Masi - 1971 - Padova,: Gregoriana.
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  46. David Konstan, A Life Worthy of the Gods: The Materialist Psychology of Epicurus.Francesca Masi - 2010 - Rhizai. A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science:103-111.
  47. Dalla religione degli alla religione dell'uomo.Giorgio Masi - 1967 - Milano-Varese,: Ist. editoriale cisalpino.
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    Epicureanism and scientific debates: antiquity and late reception.Francesca Masi, Pierre-Marie Morel & Francesco Verde (eds.) - 2023 - Leuven: Leuven University Press.
    Epicureanism is not only a defence of pleasure: it is also a philosophy of science and knowledge. This edited collection explores new pathways for the study of Epicurean scientific thought, a hitherto still understudied domain, and engages systematically and critically with existing theories. It shows that the philosophy of Epicurus and his heirs, from antiquity to the classical age, founded a rigorous and coherent conception of knowledge. This first part of a two-volume set examines more specifically the contribution of Epicureanism (...)
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    Epicureanism and Scientific Debates. Antiquity and Late Reception – Vol. I: Language, Medicine, Meteorology.Francesca Masi, Pierre-Marie Morel & Francesco Verde (eds.) - 2023 - Leuven University Press.
    Epicureanism is not only a defence of pleasure: it is also a philosophy of science and knowledge. This edited collection explores new pathways for the study of Epicurean scientific thought, a hitherto still understudied domain, and engages systematically and critically with existing theories. It shows that the philosophy of Epicurus and his heirs, from antiquity to the classical age, founded a rigorous and coherent conception of knowledge. This first part of a two-volume set examines more specifically the contribution of Epicureanism (...)
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    Emil Lask: il pathos della forma.Felice Masi - 2010 - Macerata: Quodlibet.
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