Results for 'Paweł Piotrowski'

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  1.  83
    Testing the underlying structure of unfounded beliefs about COVID-19 around the world.Paweł Brzóska, Magdalena Żemojtel-Piotrowska, Jarosław Piotrowski, Bartłomiej Nowak, Peter K. Jonason, Constantine Sedikides, Mladen Adamovic, Kokou A. Atitsogbe, Oli Ahmed, Uzma Azam, Sergiu Bălțătescu, Konstantin Bochaver, Aidos Bolatov, Mario Bonato, Victor Counted, Trawin Chaleeraktrakoon, Jano Ramos-Diaz, Sonya Dragova-Koleva, Walaa Labib M. Eldesoki, Carla Sofia Esteves, Valdiney V. Gouveia, Pablo Perez de Leon, Dzintra Iliško, Jesus Alfonso D. Datu, Fanli Jia, Veljko Jovanović, Tomislav Jukić, Narine Khachatryan, Monika Kovacs, Uri Lifshin, Aitor Larzabal Fernandez, Kadi Liik, Sadia Malik, Chanki Moon, Stephan Muehlbacher, Reza Najafi, Emre Oruç, Joonha Park, Iva Poláčková Šolcová, Rahkman Ardi, Ognjen Ridic, Goran Ridic, Yadgar Ismail Said, Andrej Starc, Delia Stefenel, Kiều Thị Thanh Trà, Habib Tiliouine, Robert Tomšik, Jorge Torres-Marin, Charles S. Umeh, Eduardo Wills-Herrera, Anna Wlodarczyk, Zahir Vally & Illia Yahiiaiev - 2023 - Thinking and Reasoning 30 (2):301-326.
    Unfounded—conspiracy and health—beliefs about COVID-19 have accompanied the pandemic worldwide. Here, we examined cross-nationally the structure and correlates of these beliefs with an 8-item scale, using a multigroup confirmatory factor analysis. We obtained a two-factor model of unfounded (conspiracy and health) beliefs with good internal structure (average CFI = 0.98, RMSEA = 0.05, SRMR = 0.04), but a high correlation between the two factors (average latent factor correlation = 0.57). This model was replicable across 50 countries (total N = 13,579), (...)
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    Mała propedeutyka filozofii edukacji.Paweł Piotrowski - 2013 - Olsztyn: Wydział Nauk Społecznych UWM.
  3.  5
    Czytając Fukuyamę - teraźniejszość posthistoryczna i przyszłość postczłowiecza.Paweł Piotrowski - 2007 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 13:311-324.
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    A Warrior Society: Data From 30 Countries Show That Belief in a Zero-Sum Game Is Related to Military Expenditure and Low Civil Liberties.Joanna Różycka-Tran, Paweł Jurek, Michał Olech, Jarosław Piotrowski & Magdalena Żemojtel-Piotrowska - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Pawel Florenski, Eis und Algen. Briefe aus dem Lager. 1933–1937. [REVIEW]Pawel Florenski, Fritz Mierau & Sieglinde Mierau - 2004 - Studies in East European Thought 56 (1):73-76.
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  6. Ewolucjonizm w swietle nauki, Pawel Siwek.Paweł Siwek - 1973 - London,: Veritas Foundation Publication Centre.
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    Ancient Threats to Modern Liberties: Tocqueville and the Contemporary Debate between Republicans and Liberals.Pawel Marczewski - 2010 - Ethical Perspectives 17 (3):449-474.
    The present contribution is an attempt at showing that Tocqueville’s conception of liberty transcended the divisions between negative and positive aspects of freedom. The author starts by juxtaposing it with the opposition drawn by Constant between liberty of the ancients and liberty of the moderns. While Tocqueville and Constant shared a concern for the preservation of individual rights, as Claude Lefort has rightly pointed out, Tocqueville was much more reluctant to accept the modern loss of the communal dimension of liberty. (...)
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  8. Structural representations: causally relevant and different from detectors.Paweł Gładziejewski & Marcin Miłkowski - 2017 - Biology and Philosophy 32 (3):337-355.
    This paper centers around the notion that internal, mental representations are grounded in structural similarity, i.e., that they are so-called S-representations. We show how S-representations may be causally relevant and argue that they are distinct from mere detectors. First, using the neomechanist theory of explanation and the interventionist account of causal relevance, we provide a precise interpretation of the claim that in S-representations, structural similarity serves as a “fuel of success”, i.e., a relation that is exploitable for the representation using (...)
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  9.  11
    Perfectionism and Identity Processes in Two Domains: Mediational Roles of Worry, Rumination, Indecisiveness, Shame, and Guilt.Konrad Piotrowski - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  10. Un-debunking Ordinary Objects with the Help of Predictive Processing.Paweł Gładziejewski - 2023 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 74 (4):1047-1068.
    Debunking arguments aim to undermine common sense beliefs by showing that they are not explanatorily or causally linked to the entities they are purportedly about. Rarely are facts about the aetiology of common sense beliefs invoked for the opposite aim, that is, to support the reality of entities that furnish our manifest image of the world. Here I undertake this sort of un-debunking project. My focus is on the metaphysics of ordinary physical objects. I use the view of perception as (...)
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    Vom Wort zum Gebrauch: Wortbedeutung und ihre Eingebundenheit in Diskurse.Paweł Bąk & Boguslawa Rolek (eds.) - 2016 - New York: Peter Lang Edition.
    Die Beiträge dieses Buches untersuchen die Vielfalt der Herangehensweisen an die diversen Erscheinungsformen von Sprache, an das Wort und die Wortsemantik sowie an den Gebrauch von Sprache. Der Band enthält Arbeiten, die linguistische Fragestellungen zu sprachsystematischen Aspekten der Wort-, Satz-, Text- und Diskursebene behandeln sowie Perspektiven eröffnen, um diverse Aspekte von Sprache in einem über diese Domänen hinausgehenden Rahmen zu betrachten. Die Beiträger diskutieren Fragen der lexikalischen Semantik, Pragmalinguistik, Morphologie und der Lexikographie. Das Buch setzt seine Schwerpunkte neben der Wortsemantik (...)
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  12. (1 other version)Uwagi o pojęciu państwa i suwerenności.Paweł Kaczorowski - 2010 - Civitas 12 (12).
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    Kontrrewolucja: eseje i szkice.Paweł Lisicki - 2021 - Warszawa: Fronda PL Sp. z o.o..
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    „Czarne protesty” jako wydarzenie transformacyjne praktyk obywatelskich działaczek z małych miast.Grzegorz Piotrowski & Magdalena Muszel - 2021 - Civitas. Studia Z Filozofii Polityki 27:131-162.
    Black Monday and the National Women’s Strike in 2016 caused a new wave of feminist/women’s activists to appear. One of the main determinants of the success of these protests was their geographical distribution: most of the demonstrations took place in small towns and cities. The main aim of this article is to present the civic practices of activists – organizers of the above-mentioned protests – from small towns and cities. On the basis of 24 in-depth interviews the authors intend to (...)
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  15. Filozofia neokreacjonizmu amerykańskiego. O istocie doktryny inteligentnego projektu.Robert Piotrowski - 2006 - Filozofia Nauki 1.
    At the beginning of the 1990's the American public debate saw the entry of a new participant: the neo-creationist party, or, as they like to call themselves Intelligent Design. Their activities are not limited to critique of these aspects of scientific culture which are dominated by Darwinian evolutionists. The IDers offer alternative concepts, contradicting both Darwinism and many varieties of theistic evolutionism. Creationists often regard the latter as an effect of capitulation of Christianity before naturalism. The ID propaganda rather tends (...)
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    Globalization and Universalist Ideologies.Robert Piotrowski - 2007 - Dialogue and Universalism 17 (3-4):103-107.
    Globalization is defined as reduction in world’s diversity due to cultural Gleichschaltung and compactification. A question is asked how the process is linkedwith the presence of universalist ideologies as great religions, utilitarianism, Socialism or ecologism. Some suggestions concerning further research are made.
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    Moralne zło choroby.Wiktor Piotrowski - 2015 - Etyka 51:43-65.
    Artykuł dotyczy dość mało popularnych, aksjologicznych teorii choroby. Autor opisuje cztery drogi, które mogą doprowadzić do uznania choroby za moralne zło. Wśród tych dróg, reprezentowanych przez różnych autorów, znajdują się: droga fenomenologiczna, kantowska, psychiatryczna i quasi-historyczna. Po zaprezentowaniu ich głównych cech i inspiracji, artykuł rozważa pewne obiekcje, które można im stawiać oraz stara się wskazać możliwe rozwiązania. W podsumowaniu autor umiejscawia aksjologiczne teorie choroby na ogólnej mapie bioetyki.
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  18. Return to Ionia.Jan Piotrowski - 2004 - Diametros 1:61-69.
    In the course of human history worldview controversies often bred conflict. The author attempts to show that an indubitable achievement of the second half of the twentieth century is that many of these conflicts remained in the Popperian world three. Resolution of disputes by way of rational discussion can be inscribed in the critical tradition that evolved in the Ionian school of natural philosophy. The United Nations Organization can be conceived of as an institutionalization of this critical tradition with respect (...)
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    Symbol (w) Cutting Age.Kazimierz Piotrowski - 2016 - Idea. Studia Nad Strukturą I Rozwojem Pojęć Filozoficznych 28 (2):107-138.
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    Z filozoficznych problemów muzyki: praca zbiorowa.Michał Piotrowski (ed.) - 1989 - Poznań: Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu.
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  21.  52
    Ethical and legal aspects in teaching students of medicine.Pawel Wlasienko - 2005 - Science and Engineering Ethics 11 (1):75-80.
    Due to the rapid advances in medical technology, medical students are now being faced with increasingly complex and unparalleled ethical and practical dilemmas during their training. The new and future challenges of high-tech medicine demand improvements in current medical education, not only by meeting the needs of students through humanized training programs, but also by involving them in finding solutions to the ethical and legal quandaries they encounter. Today’s students of medical universities must acquire knowledge and understanding of the ethical (...)
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  22.  51
    Perceptual justification in the Bayesian brain: a foundherentist account.Paweł Gładziejewski - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):11397-11421.
    In this paper, I use the predictive processing theory of perception to tackle the question of how perceptual states can be rationally involved in cognition by justifying other mental states. I put forward two claims regarding the epistemological implications of PP. First, perceptual states can confer justification on other mental states because the perceptual states are themselves rationally acquired. Second, despite being inferentially justified rather than epistemically basic, perceptual states can still be epistemically responsive to the mind-independent world. My main (...)
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  23.  17
    Computing with default logic.Paweł Cholewiński, Victor W. Marek, Mirosław Truszczyński & Artur Mikitiuk - 1999 - Artificial Intelligence 112 (1-2):105-146.
  24.  36
    \"Kim jest Autor?\" O krytycznej świadomości autorstwa.Paweł Bytniewski - 2010 - Filo-Sofija 10 (10 (2010/1)):73-106.
    Author: Bytniewski Paweł Title: “WHAT IS AN AUTHOR?” ON FOUCAULT’S CONSCIOUSNESS OF AN AUTHORSHIP („Kim jest Autor?” O krytycznej świadomości autorstwa) Source: Filo-Sofija year: 2010, vol:.10, number: 2010/1, pages: 73-106 Keywords: FOUCAULT, AUTHOR, LITERATURE, LANGUAGE, EXPERIENCE Discipline: PHILOSOPHY Language: POLISH Document type: ARTICLE Publication order reference (Primary author’s office address): E-mail: www:One of the major obstacles to reconstructing Foucault’s attitude towards an authorship issue is multiplicity of his own roles which as an author he fulfilled. An Authorship as a (...)
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    Prover9's Simplification Explained Away.Paweł Garbacz - 2012 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 90 (3):585 - 592.
    This note discusses P. Oppenheimer and E. Zalta's ?A Computationally-Discovered Simplification of the Ontological Argument? [this journal, 2011]. I try to explain why the simplification presented there was successful and comment on the technical aspects of the method they applied.
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    Identity status and emotion regulation in adolescence and early adulthood.Paweł Jankowski - 2013 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 44 (3):288-298.
    The article presents the results of a study investigating the links between emotion regulation and identity. The aim of this study was to explore the relationship between the two variables. On the basis of neo-eriksonian theories, an attempt to specify the role of emotion regulation in the process of identity formation was made. The study involved 849 people aged 14-25. The participants attended six types of schools: lower secondary school, basic vocational school, technical upper secondary school, general upper secondary school, (...)
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    Philosophy in science: A name with a long intellectual tradition.Paweł Polak - 2019 - Philosophical Problems in Science 66:251-270.
    This paper presents Michael Heller’s notion of “philosophy in science” and re-introduces Michael Heller’s classical text that first presented this concept of philosophy entitled How is “philosophy in science” possible?. The paper discusses the historical context of Heller’s idea as it emerged from the discussions and works of the Krakow philosophical scene and discusses the basic tenants of this philosophy, its analytic character, the role of intellectual tradition in the development of this philosophy, and the critical role played by an (...)
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  28.  30
    Identity of historical localities in information systems1.Pawel Garbacz, Bogumił Szady & Agnieszka Ławrynowicz - 2021 - Applied ontology 16 (1):55-86.
    The paper discusses the problem of diachronic criteria of identity for historic localities. We argue that such criteria are needed not just for the sake of ontological clarity but also are indispensable for database management and maintenance. Our survey of the current research in database management and engineering ontology literature found no satisfactory candidates thereof. Therefore we attempt to search for such criteria in the historic-geographical scholarship by exposing the ontological assumptions the researchers made there and by stating them explicitly. (...)
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    Identity in adolescence and emerging adulthood: relationships with emotional and educational factors.Konrad Piotrowski - 2013 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 44 (3):266-276.
    In the processual approach to identity, the role of the interaction between subjective and contextual factors in the process of its development is emphasized. Based on the model of Luyckx et al. relationships between identity and educational context, as well as the tendency to experience shame and guilt were analyzed.. 821 people aged from 14-25 and belonging to six educational groups: lower secondary school, basic vocational school, technical upper secondary school, general upper secondary school, post-secondary school and university, took part (...)
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  30. Predictive coding and representationalism.Paweł Gładziejewski - 2016 - Synthese 193 (2).
    According to the predictive coding theory of cognition , brains are predictive machines that use perception and action to minimize prediction error, i.e. the discrepancy between bottom–up, externally-generated sensory signals and top–down, internally-generated sensory predictions. Many consider PCT to have an explanatory scope that is unparalleled in contemporary cognitive science and see in it a framework that could potentially provide us with a unified account of cognition. It is also commonly assumed that PCT is a representational theory of sorts, in (...)
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  31. The idea of realism in the new experimentalism and the problem of the existence of theoretical entities in chemistry.Paweł Zeidler & Danuta Sobczyńska - 1995 - Foundations of Science 1 (4):517-535.
    The paper is focused on some aspects of experimental realism of Ian Hacking, and especially on his manipulability criterion of existence. The problem is here related to chemical molecules, the objects of interest in chemical research. The authors consider whether and to what extent this criterion has been applied in experimental practice of chemistry. They argue that experimentation on is a fundamental criterion of existence of entities in chemistry rather than experimentation with. Some examples regarding studies of structures of complex (...)
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    Empathy gap – what do we know about empathizing with others′ pain?Paweł Boski, Kamila Jankowiak-Siuda & Aleksandra Dopierała - 2017 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 48 (1):111-117.
    Empathy of pain as a multi-dimensional process includes sharing and understanding the pain of others in relation to oneself. Subjects in such studies are typically members of western, educated, industrialized, rich and democratic societies. In the literature review that we conducted, we observed that little is known about the empathy for pain in people who are not members of societies with these cultural characteristics. We often understand those who are “similar” to us more easily - ones who belong to “our” (...)
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    Ichheiser's theories of personality and person perception: A classic that still inspires.Pawel Boski & Floyd W. Rudmin - 1989 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 19 (3):263–296.
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    Neurofenomenologia: zaproszenie do dyskusji.Paweł Gładziejewski - 2010 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 1 (1):167-177.
    No more than a few years ago could open an article concerning neurophenomenology with a statement describing recent rediscovery of the problem of consciousness by the cognitive sciences and pointing to the fact that right now, explaining conscious experience in neuroscientific or computational terms poses the greatest challenge for those sciences. Today however, constatations of this sort start to sound like trivial descriptions of a universally recognized state of affairs. The question of “how the water of the physical brain is (...)
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  35.  41
    Chesterton Institute’s visit to Poland.Paweł Kaliniecki - 2012 - The Chesterton Review 38 (3/4):677-677.
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    Ewolucja gwiazd.Stefan Piotrowski - 1968 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 16 (3):37-44.
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    Expression diacritique et sémiogenèse.Visetti Yves-Marie Piotrowski David - 2015 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 3 (1):63-112.
    This paper deals with the problem of semiogenesis in the light of Saussure’s and Merleau-Ponty’s approaches. Semiogenesis here stands for the emergence of differentiated moments of expression taking form in the semiotic flow through various boundaries and polarities, therefore going far beyond the usual lexico-grammatical picture. Grounded on the Generalized Diacritical Turn of the Merleau-pontian phenomenology, we suggest to set up a critical examination, as well as a few proposals, of : the gestural approach of speech, the negativity of the (...)
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    Normy prawne imperatywne i dyspozytywne.Mariusz Piotrowski - 1990 - Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawn. Nauk..
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    Spór o model tworzenia prawa.Ryszard Piotrowski - 1988 - Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawn. Nauk..
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  40. The power of partnership in open government: reconsidering multistakeholder governance reform.Suzanne J. Piotrowski - 2022 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press. Edited by Daniel Berliner & Alex Ingrams.
    The book explores the origin story of the Open Government Partnership and place the open government reform movement in the context of the long history of public sector reform.
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    Stanisław Kowalczyk, Zarys filozofii polityki [An Outline of the Political Philosophy] by Paweł Urgacz.Paweł Urgacz - 2008 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 13 (2):387-390.
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    Canberra‐Style Analysis and Law: A Critique of Andrei Marmor's Farewell to Conceptual Analysis.Paweł Banaś & Filip Gołba - 2017 - Ratio Juris 30 (4):549-559.
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  43.  24
    One-Sided Sequent Systems for Nonassociative Bilinear Logic: Cut Elimination and Complexity.Paweł Płaczek - 2021 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 50 (1):55-80.
    Bilinear Logic of Lambek amounts to Noncommutative MALL of Abrusci. Lambek proves the cut–elimination theorem for a one-sided sequent system for this logic. Here we prove an analogous result for the nonassociative version of this logic. Like Lambek, we consider a left-sided system, but the result also holds for its right-sided version, by a natural symmetry. The treatment of nonassociative sequent systems involves some subtleties, not appearing in associative logics. We also prove the PTime complexity of the multiplicative fragment of (...)
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  44.  37
    Directival Theory of Meaning: From Syntax and Pragmatics to Narrow Linguistic Content.Paweł Grabarczyk - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This book presents a new approach to semantics based on Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz’s Directival Theory of Meaning, which in effect reduces semantics of the analysed language to the combination of its syntax and pragmatics. The author argues that the DTM was forgotten because for many years philosophers didn’t have conceptual tools to appreciate its innovative nature, and that the theory was far ahead of its time. The book shows how a redesigned and modernised version of the DTM can deliver a new (...)
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    Philosophy in technology: A research program.Paweł Polak - 2023 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 75:59-81.
    Philosophy in technology is a research program that studies the philosophical roots of engineering and technology. Technologists, by virtue of their education, believe that the limits, goals, possibilities, and effects of technology on society and humankind are exclusively technological problems, hence their solutions must lie exclusively in technology. In contrast, philosophy in technology asserts that the resolutions to these problems need to be rooted in an understanding of their philosophical origins. This program paper defines the objectives of philosophy in technology, (...)
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    Pure Altruistic Gift and the Ethics of Transplant Medicine.Paweł Łuków - 2020 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 17 (1):95-107.
    The article argues that altruistic giving based on anonymity, which is expected to promote social solidarity and block trade in human body parts, is conceptually defective and practically unproductive. It needs to be replaced by a more adequate notion which responds to the human practices of giving and receiving. The argument starts with identification of the main characteristics of the anonymous altruistic donation: social separation of the organ donor from the recipient, their mutual replaceability, non-obligatoriness of donation, and non-obligatoriness of (...)
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    Koherencja drogowskazem prawdy? Spójność jako źródło błędnych reprezentacji Komentarz do książki Krystyny Bieleckiej Błądzę, więc myślę. Co to jest błędna reprezentacja?Paweł Gładziejewski - 2020 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 11 (3).
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    The process of microRNAs discovery.Paweł Kawalec - 2020 - Philosophical Problems in Science 68:219-242.
    The widespread particularist account of the onset of molecular biology that identifies it with the discovery of the DNA structure in 1953 has been recently contested. The paper contributes to this debate by focusing on a more recent discovery of small noncoding RNAs. First, it outlines a particularist account of the microRNAs discovery and the origins of the particularist predilection of the modern scientometric studies of science dynamics. Next, it discusses its limitations and proposes an alternative, modified processualist account of (...)
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  49. Is empathy is mental simulation? Remarks on the representative approach based on the concept of mirror neurons.Paweł Gładziejewski - 2011 - Diametros:108-129.
    Paweł Gładziejewski, Is empathy is mental simulation? Remarks on the representative approach based on the concept of mirror neurons., Diametros 27 This paper draws on the theoretical achievements of analytic philosophy of mind and the empirical results of psychology and cognitive neuroscience in order to understand the nature of empathy and the sub-personal mechanisms upon which it is based. The paper distinguishes two types of empathy, which are often not sufficiently clearly distinguished in the literature, empathy as a kind (...)
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    Understanding science of the new millennium.Pawel Kawalec - unknown
    Any serious attempt to give an account of the cognitive aspect of science – as contrasted with e.g. its social or cultural aspects – cannot ignore the automation revolution. In the conception presented in this paper the results of computer science are taken seriously and integrated with many of the ideas concerning what constitutes scientific inquiry that have been proposed at least since the early Middle Ages. The central idea is that of reliable inquiry. Science makes explicit and elaborates on (...)
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