Results for 'Pedro Navarro-Illana'

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  1.  63
    Ethical considerations of universal vaccination against human papilloma virus.Pedro Navarro-Illana, Justo Aznar & Javier Díez-Domingo - 2014 - BMC Medical Ethics 15 (1):29.
    From an epidemiological perspective, the practice of universal vaccination of girls and young women in order to prevent human papilloma virus (HPV) infection and potential development of cervical cancer is widely accepted even though it may lead to the neglect of other preventive strategies against cervical cancer.
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    Relationship Between Mental Health and the Education Level in Elderly People: Mediation of Leisure Attitude.Pedro Belo, Esperanza Navarro-Pardo, Ricardo Pocinho, Pedro Carrana & Cristovao Margarido - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Long-Term Posttraumatic Growth in Victims of Terrorism in Spain.Rocío Fausor, Jesús Sanz, Ashley Navarro-McCarthy, Clara Gesteira, Noelia Morán, Beatriz Cobos-Redondo, Pedro Altungy, José M. S. Marqueses, Ana Sanz-García & María P. García-Vera - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundScientific literature on posttraumatic growth after terrorist attacks has primarily focused on persons who had not been directly exposed to terrorist attacks or persons who had been directly exposed to them, but who were assessed few months or years after the attacks.MethodsWe examined long-term PTG in 210 adults directly exposed to terrorist attacks in Spain a mean of 29.6 years after the attacks. The participants had been injured by a terrorist attack or were first-degree relatives of people who had been (...)
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    An Origin of Citations: Darwin’s Collaborators and Their Contributions to the Origin of Species.Pedro de Lima Navarro & Cristina de Amorim Machado - 2020 - Journal of the History of Biology 53 (1):45-79.
    In the first edition of the Origin of Species, Charles Darwin apologized for not correctly referencing all the works cited in his magnum opus. More than 150 years later we have catalogued these citations and analyzed the resultant data. Looking for a complete selection of collaborators, a flexible interpretation of the term citation was necessary; we define it as any reference made to a third party, independently of its form or function. Following the same idea, the sixth edition of the (...)
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    Correction to: An Origin of Citations: Darwin’s Collaborators and Their Contributions to the Origin of Species.Pedro de Lima Navarro & Cristina de Amorim Machado - 2022 - Journal of the History of Biology 55 (1):205-206.
    A correction to this paper has been published:
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    (1 other version)Corrigendum: ExGUtils: A Python Package for Statistical Analysis With the ex-Gaussian Probability Density.Carmen Moret-Tatay, Daniel Gamermann, Esperanza Navarro-Pardo & Pedro Fernández de Córdoba Castellá - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Pedro Ruiz-Castell. Astronomy and Astrophysics in Spain . xii + 316 pp., illus., tables, bibl., index. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2008. $59.99. [REVIEW]Jaume Navarro - 2010 - Isis 101 (4):906-907.
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    Josep Simon and Néstor Herran, with Tayra Lanuza-Navarro, Pedro Ruiz Castell and Ximo Guillem-Llobat , Beyond Borders: Fresh Perspectives in History of Science. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2008. Pp. vii+377. ISBN 978-184-71843-2. £39.99. [REVIEW]Lewis Pyenson - 2009 - British Journal for the History of Science 42 (2):299.
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  9. Discurso e sujeito em práticas identitárias na Pós-Modernidade. [REVIEW]Alex Pereira De Araújo - 2013 - Acta Scientiarum: Language and Culture 35 (4):401-405.
    NAVARRO, Pedro; TASSO, Ismara. Produção de identidade e processos de subjetivação em práticas discursivas. Maringá: Eduem, 2012. 304 p. ISBN 978-85-7628-429-1.
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    Intersubjectividade e comunicação: uma abordagem fenomenológica.Pedro M. S. Alves - 2009 - Lisboa: Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa.
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    Dominação, resistencia e autonomia no extremo sul do Vice-reinado do Peru.Beatriz Bixio & Constanza Gonzáles Navarro - 2009 - Dialogos 13 (2).
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    El absurdo de la condición humana en Sartre y Camus.Pedro Naranjo Cobo & Alejandro G. J. Peña - 2024 - Pensamiento 80 (308):337-350.
    En este artículo postulamos que en los sistemas filosóficos de Jean-Paul Sartre y Albert Camus se observa un reconocimiento del existir humano como absurdo, entendido en el primero como una condición ontológica del para-sí, y en el segundo como el divorcio entre nuestra pretensión de sentido en el mundo y la indiferencia de este. Mediante una hermenéutica comparativa de textos de ambos autores, concluiremos que el absurdo en Sartre nos aboca a crear nuestra esencia conforme existimos y puede trascenderse, mientras (...)
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  13. Eudaimonia e Meio Ambiente No Pensamento de Rousseau: Harmonia Do Ser Humano e a Natureza.Pedro Calixto & Marcos Antonio J. S. Leal Junior - 2024 - Thaumàzein - Rivista di Filosofia 18 (35):171-185.
    The present study analyses the relationship between human beings, society and nature from the thought of Jean-Jacques Rousseau; European thinker inserted in a vast political-anthropological tradition that seeks to understand human existence, both in its essential and relational dimensions. In this sense, Rousseau highlights a contradiction: technical and cultural development, although necessary, can also lead to the degradation of nature and the human essence. Works such as Discourse on the Sciences and Arts, Discourse on the Origin and Foundation of Inequality (...)
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    Moral structuring of children during the process of obtaining informed consent in clinical and research settings.Anderson Díaz-Pérez, Elkin Navarro Quiroz & Dilia Esther Aparicio Marenco - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1).
    BackgroundInformed consent is an important factor in a child’s moral structure from which different types of doctor–patient relationships arise. Children’s autonomy is currently under discussion in terms of their decent treatment, beyond what doctors and researchers perceive. To describe the influential practices that exist among clinicians and researchers toward children with chronic diseases during the process of obtaining informed consent.MethodsThis was a cross-sectional, qualitative study via a subjective and interpretivist approach. The study was performed by conducting semi-structured interviews of 21 (...)
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    Stakeholder's preference and rational compliance: A comment on Sacconi's “CSR as a model for extended corporate governance II: Compliance, reputation and reciprocity”.Pedro Francés-Gómez & Ariel Ridelo - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 82 (1):59 - 76.
    Lorenzo Sacconi’s recent re-statement of his social contract account of business ethics is a major contribution to our understanding of the normative nature of CSR as the expression of a fair multi-party agreement supported by the economic rationality of each participant. However, at one crucial point in his theory, Sacconi introduces the concept of stakeholders’ conformist preferences – their disposition to punish the firm if it defects from the agreement, refusing to abide by its own explicit CSR policies and norms. (...)
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    The unipolar dynamotor: a genuine relational engine.Jorge Guala-Valverde & Pedro Mazzoni - 2001 - Apeiron 8 (4):41.
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    The New Political Economy of J. S. Mill.Pedro Schwartz - 1972 - London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson [for] the London School of Economics and Political Science.
  18.  18
    Cómo hacer filosofía con palabras: a propósito del desencuentro entre Searle y Derrida.Jesús Navarro Reyes - 2010 - Madrid: Fondo de Cultura Económica. Edited by Marcelo Dascal.
    El autor aprovecha el fallido debate que tuvo lugar entre John Searle y Jacques Derrida desde finales de los anos setenta, en torno a la teoria de los actos de habla de John L. Austin. Este desencuentro no solo es analizado minuciosamente sino que ofrece sendas visiones retrospectivas de las tradiciones de Searle y Derrida, al tiempo que aprovecha el episodio para retratar algunos momentos de la filosofia contemporanea y reflexionar sobre los grande problemas de la filosofia del lenguaje y (...)
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    Introduction.Mercedes Arriaga & Mercedes Navarro - 2011 - Feminist Theology 19 (3):220-223.
    The Escuela Feminista de Teología de Andalucía [the Andalusian School of Feminist Theology], held a conference titled ‘Feminine Mysticism and Counterculture: A Rebellious Genre’ October 15-17, 2009 at the University of Seville. This annual seminar is held thanks to an agreement between the University of Seville and EFETA, with the direct support of the research group ‘Escritoras y Escrituras,’ whose principal researcher is Mercedes Arriaga. The guest of honour at this year’s conference was Lisa Isherwood, who kindly presented EFETA with (...)
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  20.  2
    Imaginative Communication and Community: The Phenomenological-Enactive Approach to the Co-Constitution of Public Phenomena.Mindaugas Briedis & Mariano Navarro - 2021 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:181-192.
    An ever-evolving phenomenological-enactive perspective can expand our reflection on the entanglement between enactive subjects and their living ecologies. This article applies certain classical phenomenological projects and their enactive extension to public phenomena (objects, spaces, events, etc.). As an instance of the embodied cognition discourse, this research also aims to thematize the enactive, affective, and intersubjective aspects of the relation to the (urban) Lebenswelt. This may help in understanding both the potential of the phenomenological-enactive methodology and the processes of an embodied (...)
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    Sumus in via.Valentín Navarro Caro - 2024 - Claridades. Revista de Filosofía 16 (2):79-104.
    La pregunta por el ser humano ha sido una constante en la Historia del pensamiento, sin que se pongan de acuerdo las personas especialistas en la materia en qué sea aquello que cualifica a la realidad humana. El artículo presente contribuye al debate abierto en la antropología filosófica desde el pensamiento de Xavier Zubiri. Atendiendo fundamentalmente a la obra de este autor, se presenta lo que, en su opinión, constituye lo específico del ser humano, que es ser una realidad abierta (...)
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  22. "La Ciudad de Dios" de San Agustín: Materiales para el estudio (VI).María Angeles Navarro Girón - 2001 - Revista Agustiniana 42 (127):277-308.
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    Libertad humana y estados morbosos del espíritu..Pedro Rafael Gómez - 1934 - Medellín,: Imp. Universidad.
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  24. E. Nicol y el problema de la expresión.Pedro José Herráiz Martínez - 2004 - Endoxa 17:353-378.
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  25.  28
    Myths, traditions, and rituals of food in Spanish cinema.Eva Navarro Martínez & Alejandro Buitrago Alonso - 2016 - Semiotica 2016 (211):293-313.
    Journal Name: Semiotica Issue: Ahead of print.
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    Tudo que é humano ressoa no coração da fé: discernir a missão universitária à luz dos sinais dos tempos.Pedro Rubens - 2015 - Horizonte 13 (40):2115-2136.
    O Concílio Vaticano II evidenciou a importância de discernir os “sinais dos tempos” para definir a missão cristã no seio do mundo e para exercer o próprio labor teológico. Ao celebrarmos, em 2015, o cinquentenário do concílio Vaticano II e da declaração Gravissimum educationis, bem como o vigésimo quinto aniversário da Constituição Apostólica Ex corde Ecclesiae, uma tarefa importante recai sobre a teologia fundamental, a saber: como discernir e redefinir a missão das universidades católicas no seio das novas situações humanas? (...)
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    Sí mismo para otro. Un debate sobre ética e identidad en Emmanuel Levinas y Paul Ricoeur.Pedro Enrique García Ruiz - 2013 - Franciscanum 55 (159).
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    Relevancia causal de la medida en experimentos EPR: consideraciones ontológicas.Iñaki San Pedro - 2010 - Azafea: Revista de Filosofia 12:19-34.
    Se discuten en este trabajo las implicaciones ontológicas de un posible modelo de causa común para las correlaciones EPR, cuya característica principal radica en el hecho de que las operaciones de medida en ambas alas del experimento son explícitamente relevantes para las causas comunes. Gracias precisamente a este tipo de dependencias entre causas comunes y operaciones de medida, el modelo sortea las implicaciones del teorema de Bell. El modelo, sin embargo, resulta patentemente no local, lo que se refleja bien en (...)
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    Las relaciones entre Jeremías Bentham y S. Bolívar.Pedro Schwartz & Carlos Rodríguez Braun - 1992 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1 (3):45-68.
    La correspondencia bolivariana de Jeremías Bentham revela las razones del interés del filósofo inglés por la lucha emancipadora en la América hispana, así como alguna de las reacciones de los hispanoamericanos ante las ideas utilitaristas.
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    Reseña de "La responsabilidad del pensar" de Rocha, A.Pedro Pablo Serna - 2008 - Ideas Y Valores 57 (137):169-172.
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  31. Técnica y libertad.Juan Manuel Navarro Cordón - 1991 - Naturaleza y Gracia 1:119-132.
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  32. Los Colegios Mayores en la Universidad española del siglo XXI.Angel Navarro Madrid - 2006 - Critica 56 (934):63-66.
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    (1 other version)Subjetivación en la espuma. Entre la disolución de la dialéctica inmunológica y la producción técnica de la inmunidad y el sujeto.Marcelo Navarro Morales - 2017 - Revista de Filosofía 73:143-160.
    En este trabajo analizo el surgimiento de las nuevas tecnologías de subjetivación farmacopornográficas como productos de un cambio en los esquemas de organización y resistencia inmunológica experimentados en los cuerpos sociales desde mediados del siglo XX, y que supone la neutralización técnica de la otredad inmunológicamente efectiva paralelo al desmoronamiento de la estructura y la semántica social dada la conformación de las espumas individualistas. Para ello, analizo los efectos somatopolíticos de un corpus representativo de dichas tecnologías de subjetivación: la Píldora (...)
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    Some Remarks on the Notions of Legal Order and Legal System.José Juan Moreso & Pablo Eugenio Navarro - 1993 - Ratio Juris 6 (1):48-63.
  35. (1 other version)Verdad y eficacia.José Juan Moreso & Pablo E. Navarro - 1996 - Theoria 11 (26):105-124.
  36.  2
    Cambio y continuidad en el concepto de Belleza: una propuesta para educar en pensamiento histórico con el museo.Ismael Piazuelo & Alodia Rubio-Navarro - 2024 - Clío: History and History Teaching 50:381-402.
    Este trabajo explora el potencial de las fuentes artísticas y de los museos que las albergan para desarrollar competencias propias del pensamiento histórico entre estudiantes de Educación Secundaria. Se revisa de qué modo y hasta qué punto la normativa curricular española atiende al trabajo con estos dos elementos para enseñar a pensar históricamente, y se presentan argumentos, derivados de la Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales y otros campos afines, sobre los beneficios de incluir prácticamente las colecciones artísticas en la educación (...)
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    Derechos humanos y justicia social: El papel de la sociedad civil.Martha Rodríguez Coronel & Emilio Martínez Navarro - 2016 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 19:7-12.
    Los estados eran tradicionalmente los encargados de responder del ámbito público y de promover los derechos humanos (Ruggie, 2013); los mercados atendían a la generación de valor económico; y el tercer sector se encargaba de la integración social. Sin embargo, hoy en día esto ha cambiado, ya no es equivalente la responsabilidad pública con la responsabilidad estatal. Aunque los estados siguen siendo los máximos responsables, no son los únicos agentes responsables de esa tarea. Ahora hablamos de una sociedad civil globalizada (...)
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    Muñoz, Jacobo (ed.), "Melancolía y verdad. Invitación a la lectura de Th. W. Adorno".Clara Navarro Ruiz - 2012 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 45:369-372.
    The paper examines a recent proposal of substitution of classic (normative) philosophy of science by a post-positivist and pluralistic axiology governed by aesthetic or formal values. The author of the paper proposes a different set of values that can enconpass not only “internal” values, but is also open to the examination of the ethical limits of tecnoscience and the principles that can govern scientific development in oru “risk societies”, which depends heavily on the general evolution of science.
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  39. Isagoge, de Porfirio; introducción, traducción y notas de Juan José García Norro y Rogelio Rovira.Martín Pedro Zubiria - 2006 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 25 (2):139-141.
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    Alteridade Y Comunicación.Pedro Enrique García Ruiz - 2004 - Phainomenon 9 (1):175-189.
    This paper analyzes the concept of alterity in the thought of Emmanuel Levinas and its importance to make a critic of the ethical ones of dialogical inspiration. As opposed to the conception of the intersubjective relations founded on in a previous community, the alterity concept shows the necessity to think the sense to us of the ethics from the other.
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  41. La educación como acogida: una propuesta desde la ética de Levinas.Pedro Ortega Ruiz & Eduardo Romero Sánchez - 2024 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 36 (2):312-338.
    Emmanuel Levinas, uno de los filósofos occidentales más profundamente originales del siglo XX, ha recibido en los últimos años una atención considerable por parte de educadores y filósofos de la educación. Son muchas las implicaciones éticas que tiene para la educación en áreas relacionadas con la educación moral, cuestiones de diversidad, multiculturalismo y políticas de reconocimiento. Este artículo se apoya en Levinas para quien el concepto de responsabilidad constituye la piedra angular de su obra filosófica y encuentra su mejor expresión (...)
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    La democracia constitucional: una radiografía teórica.Pedro Salazar - 2006 - México: Instituto de investigaciones jurídicas-UNAM.
    En este libro se reconstruyen, en un recorrido que entrelaza la historia de las ideas con la de las instituciones políticas, los elementos que a lo largo del tiempo han dado forma al modelo democrático constitucional contemporáneo.
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    The principle of common cause and indeterminism: a review.Iñaki San Pedro & Mauricio Suárez - unknown
    We offer a review of some of the most influential views on the status of Reichenbach’s Principle of the Common Cause (PCC) for genuinely indeterministic systems. We first argue that the PCC is properly a conjunction of two distinct claims, one metaphysical and another methodological. Both claims can and have been contested in the literature, but here we simply assume that the metaphysical claim is correct, in order to focus our analysis on the status of the methodological claim. We briefly (...)
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    Knowledge and Acknowledgement: Concept of Alterity as a Tool for Social Interaction.Ballarín Jm, Marín Fx & A. J. Navarro - 2012 - Ramon Llull Journal of Applied Ethics 3 (3):135-154.
    Human beings inhabit a symbolic reality that articulates meaning. This is culture understood as a web of meanings that actually builds our identity by providing guidance in the complexity of our environment. It is the complex interplay between identity and alterity, between interiority and exteriority, between familiarity and strangeness. Worldviews set up borders that delimit one's own world and others' ground by establishing stereotypes and prejudices. This article presents the results of a research project on prejudices towards the other in (...)
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    Ramsey degrees of ultrafilters, pseudointersection numbers, and the tools of topological Ramsey spaces.Natasha Dobrinen & Sonia Navarro Flores - 2022 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 61 (7):1053-1090.
    This paper investigates properties of \(\sigma \) -closed forcings which generate ultrafilters satisfying weak partition relations. The Ramsey degree of an ultrafilter \({\mathcal {U}}\) for _n_-tuples, denoted \(t({\mathcal {U}},n)\), is the smallest number _t_ such that given any \(l\ge 2\) and coloring \(c:[\omega ]^n\rightarrow l\), there is a member \(X\in {\mathcal {U}}\) such that the restriction of _c_ to \([X]^n\) has no more than _t_ colors. Many well-known \(\sigma \) -closed forcings are known to generate ultrafilters with finite Ramsey degrees, (...)
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    Enseñar a ser.Pedro García Barreno - 2004 - Arbor 179 (705):265-288.
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  47. Discurso lógico y discurso retórico. Historia de un problema,¿ o problema de una historia?Francisco Navarro Gómez - 2003 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 15 (16):122.
    Es éste un trabajo donde, partiendo de la dicotomía discurso lógico / discurso retórico, se infiere que nuestra representación del mundo e interacción con él -esencialmente metafórica y de índole retórica respectivamente- recaban la conjunción, como Vico pretendiera, de filosofía y filología.This is a paper that, putting aside the logic discourse / rhetorical discourse dichotomy, infers that our representation of the world and interaction with it -essentially metaphoric and of rhetorical nature, respectively- bring philosophy and philology together, as Vico intended.
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    Cultural alterity and acknowladgement a research project on the plural societies of the mediterranean.Francesc-Xavier Marin & Àngel-Jesús Navarro - 2011 - Ramon Llull Journal of Applied Ethics 2 (2):213-234.
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  49. Artículo convertido automáticamente ver artículo original.Yasmile Navarro Reyes, Morela Pereira Burgos, Lilia Pereira de Homes & Neimar Fonseca Cascioli - 2010 - Telos (Venezuela) 12 (2):202-216.
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  50. Análisis de sistemas en geografía urbana: el sistema urbano asturiano.Emilio Murcia Navarro - 1978 - El Basilisco 5:33-38.
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