Results for 'Peter Koslowski Yuichi Shionoya'

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  1. Principes d’économie éthique.PETER KOSLOWSKI - 1998
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    Schumpeter and the Idea of Social Science: A Metatheoretical Study.Yūichi Shionoya - 1997 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book is a comprehensive investigation of the work of Joseph Alois Schumpeter, one of the great economists of the twentieth century. In this study, Yuichi Shionoya highlights Schumpeter's methodological views and emphasizes his ideal of a universal social science. Taking on board all aspects of his work, he reconstructs a system which encompasses theory and metatheory. The originality of Schumpeter's work - which the author calls the two-structure approach to the evolution of mind and society - is (...)
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    Economy and Morality: The Philosophy of the Welfare State.Yūichi Shionoya - 2005 - Edward Elgar.
    What is the purpose of the economy? To answer this intriguing and fundamental question, this book provides a systematic approach to economic ethics and constructs a relationship between the economy and morality; it expounds theoretical and practical issues of economic philosophy along two dimensions: values and institutions. On the dimension of values, Yuichi Shionoya explores the connections between the economy and morality by reconstructing a coherent system of ethics that coordinates the 'good, right, and virtue'. Based on this (...)
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    Les fondateurs de la philosophie économique au Japon : Kiichirô Sôda et Kôzô Sugimura.Yûichi Shionoya & Kaori Kasaï - 2019 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 20 (1):211-246.
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    L’économie, d’une rive à l’autre.Yûichi Shionoya & Kaori Kasaï - 2019 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 20 (1):197-210.
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    Yûichi Shionoya, représentant contemporain majeur de la philosophie économique au Japon.Gilles Campagnolo - 2019 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 20 (1):175-185.
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    Economics and philosophy.Peter Koslowski (ed.) - 1985 - Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr.
    Philosophy and Economics An Introduction PETER KOSLOWSKI Philosophy and economics are both children of the same Greek spirit of rationalization of world ...
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    The limits of shareholder value.Peter Koslowski - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 27 (1-2):137 - 148.
    Shareholder value orientation has been introduced as a means to improve the performance of the corporation. The paper investigates the theoretical justification for the claim that increasing shareholder value is the purpose of corporate governance. It demonstrates that shareholder value is the control principle, not the purpose of the firm. The idea that shareholder value is the only goal of the corporation is a mistaken transfer from the financial to the industrial firm. The paper also questions that the merger of (...)
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    Absolute Historicity, Theory of the Becoming Absolute, and the Affect for the Particular in German Idealism and Historism: Introduction.Peter Koslowski - 2005 - In The discovery of historicity in German idealism and historism. New York: Springer. pp. 1--5.
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    Conversation between the Representatives of the World Religions after the Conclusion of the Public Discourse.Peter Koslowski - 2003 - In Philosophy bridging the world religions. Boston: Kluwer Academic. pp. 220--223.
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    Cientificidad y Romanticismo: acerca de las relaciones entre cientismo, gnosticismo y romanticismo.Peter Koslowski - 1991 - Anuario Filosófico 24 (1):75-88.
    Scientism shares with gnosticism and romanticism faith in the absolute creative and cognitive power of man; faith in the fact that human knowledge imposes to the world the way of its "uncovering" and "apparition". It likewise shares the belief in the autonomy and fictional character of knowledge.
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  12. Der leidende Gott (Le Dieu souffrant).Peter Koslowski - 1986 - Theologie Und Philosophie 61 (4):562-565.
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    Discussion of Dialogue Instead of the Clash of Religions in Islam.Peter Koslowski - 2003 - In Philosophy bridging the world religions. Boston: Kluwer Academic. pp. 179--182.
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    Discussion of the Contributions of Good Manners, Triunity Speculation, and Religious Studies to the Dialogue of the World Religions.Peter Koslowski - 2003 - In Philosophy bridging the world religions. Boston: Kluwer Academic. pp. 155--160.
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    Discussion of the Revelations of the Religions.Peter Koslowski - 2003 - In Philosophy bridging the world religions. Boston: Kluwer Academic. pp. 217--219.
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    Discussion of the Role of Philosophy in Christianity, Islam, and Judaism.Peter Koslowski - 2003 - In Philosophy bridging the world religions. Boston: Kluwer Academic. pp. 54--65.
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    Die Prüfungen der Neuzeit: über Postmodernität : Philosophie der Geschichte, Metaphysik, Gnosis.Peter Koslowski & Peter Engelmann - 1989
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    Die Verführung durch das Machbare: ethische Konflikte in der modernen Medizin und Biologie.Peter Koslowski, Philipp Kreuzer & Reinhard Löw (eds.) - 1983 - Stuttgart: S. Hirzel.
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    Gesellschaftliche Koordination: eine ontologische und kulturwissenschaftliche Theorie der Marktwirtschaft.Peter Koslowski - 1991 - Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr (P. Siebeck).
  20. Gesellschaft und Staat : ein unvermeidlicher Dualismus.Peter Koslowski & Robert Spaemann - 1986 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 48 (2):346-347.
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    History as the Control of Speculation: Schelling's Discovery of History and Baader's Critique of Absolute Historicity.Peter Koslowski - 2005 - In The discovery of historicity in German idealism and historism. New York: Springer. pp. 23--38.
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    Individual liberty and democratic decision-making: the ethics, economics, and politics of democracy.Peter Koslowski (ed.) - 1987 - Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr.
    Individual Liberty and Democratic Decision-Making Editor's Introduction Individual liberty is the basic value and justification for the political order of ...
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  23. Maximum Coordination of Entelechial Individuals: The Metaphysics of Leibniz and Social Philosophy.Peter Koslowski - 1985 - Ratio (Misc.) 27 (2).
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  24. Moderne oder Postmoderne? Zur Signatur des gegenwärtigen Zeitalters.Peter Koslowski, Robert Spaemann & Reinhard Löw - 1989 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 43 (1):177-182.
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    Metaphysische Theologie und Dogma. Erik Petersons Auseinandersetzung mit Gnosis und Mystik.Peter Koslowski - 1991 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 33 (3):248-261.
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  26. Maximierung von Existenz. Leibniz'Theorie der besten aller moglichen Welten und die Wirtschaftstheorie.Peter Koslowski - 1987 - Studia Leibnitiana 19 (1):54-67.
    Le problème de base de la métaphysique de Leibniz, à savoir comment pouvons nous penser que ce monde est le meilleur des mondes possibles, correspond dans sa structure et pas seulement d'un point de vue formel, à la question fondamentale de la théorie économique cherchant un système économique optimal. Alors que la métaphysique leibnizienne définit comme étant le meilleur des mondes possibles celui dans lequel l'existence de possibilia est élargie au maximum, la théorie économique, de son côté, voit dans une (...)
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    Philosophy as Mediator Between Religions.Peter Koslowski - 2003 - In Philosophy bridging the world religions. Boston: Kluwer Academic. pp. 1--6.
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    Philosophy bridging the world religions.Peter Koslowski (ed.) - 2003 - Boston: Kluwer Academic.
    Religions are the largest communities of the global society and claim, at least in the cases of Islam and Christianity, to be universal interpretations of life and orders of existence. With the globalization of the world economy and the unity of the global society in the Internet, they gain unprecedented access to the entire human race through modern means of communication. At the same time, this globalization brings religions into conflict with one another in their claims to universal validity. How (...)
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    Razón e historia: la modernidad del postmodernismo.Peter Koslowski - 1994 - Anuario Filosófico 27 (3):969-990.
    The paper distinguishes between a free form of modernity and an ideological form of modernity, whereby the latter can also be called modernism. Free modernity aims at realising the modern, i.e. that which responds to the needs of the present and realises what corresponds to the state-of-the-art. Modernism as an ideology, however, believes in "the" ultimate modernism, in one final modern age of reason. The modernist Hegelian and Marxist philosophies of history and of dialectical metaphysics have come to an end. (...)
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    Staat und Gesellschaft bei Kant.Peter Koslowski - 1982 - Tübingen: Mohr.
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    The discovery of historicity in German idealism and historism.Peter Koslowski (ed.) - 2005 - New York: Springer.
    German Idealism develops its philosophy of history as the theory of becoming absolute and as absolute knowledge. Historism also originates from Hegel's and Schelling's discovery of absolute historicity as it turns against Idealism's philosophy of history by emphasizing the singular and unique in the process of history. German Idealism and Historism can be considered as the central German contribution to the history of ideas. Since Idealism became most influential for modern philosophy and Historism for modern historiography, they are analyzed in (...)
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    The Philosophy of the World Religions as the Philosophy of Revelations.Peter Koslowski - 2003 - In Philosophy bridging the world religions. Boston: Kluwer Academic. pp. 183--216.
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    What is christianity good for? Religion as assurance of ethical and economic action.Peter Koslowski - 2007 - Philosophia Reformata 72 (1):34-52.
    There is a gap between self-interest and morality that is caused not only by individual shortcomings but also by the interdependence of the outcome of individual action with the actions of others. If the others can be expected to be ethical this uncertainty about the others’ behaviour is reduced but not eliminated. Failure of economic motivation will be followed by failure of ethical motivation. Christianity or monotheistic religion in general comes into the picture to assure ethical behaviour of being advantageous (...)
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    Wrong Register: Kindstötung als Nichtaufnahme in den Club.Peter Koslowski - 1991 - Analyse & Kritik 13 (1):101-102.
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    Zum Verhältnis von Polis und Oikos bei Aristoteles: Politik und Ökonomie bei Aristoteles.Peter Koslowski - 1976 - Straubing: Donau-Verlag.
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    An Obituary to Yûichi Shionoya.Bertram Schefold - 2019 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 20 (1):187-195.
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    Gerechtigkeit zwischen den Generationen: Globale Perspektiven.Peter Koslowski - 2009 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 65 (1/4):503 - 518.
    A justiça entre as gerações transformou-se num problema particularmente urgente nos nações industnalizadas devido ao decréscimo da população e à crescente divida pública. Isto verificase sobretudo em refoçao ao seguro social de reforma. O principal objectivo do presente artigo é investigar até que ponto o Estado Providência da Europa continental está possuído por urna tendência nele embutida a cair em ilusões acerca da sua verdadeira riqueza bem como acerca da sua efectiva e real protecção contra o problema que é o (...)
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  38. Haus und Geld. Zur aristotelischen Unterscheidung von Politik, Ökonomik und Chrematistik.Peter Koslowski - 1979 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 86 (1):60.
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  39. Philosophie und Religion.Peter Koslowski, Reinhard Löw & Richard Schenk - 1993 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 183 (3):595-596.
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  40. Russische Religionsphilosophie und Gnosis. Philosophie nach dem Marxismus.Peter Koslowski - 1993 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 183 (1):126-128.
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    Was kann die Philosophie heute zur Orientierung leisten?Peter Koslowski - 1990 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 44 (1):146 - 147.
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    Transkulturelle Wertekonflikte: Theorie und wirtschaftsethische Praxis.Kurt Röttgers, Peter Koslowski & Hubertus Busche (eds.) - 2002 - Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag.
    Im Zuge der fortschreitenden Globalisierung der Wirtschaft kooperieren Wirtschaftsakteure immer häufiger mit Partnern in anderen Teilen der Welt, die anderen kulturellen Rahmenbedingungen verpflichtet sind. Dabei treten oft Handlungs- und Normkonflikte auf. Das vorliegende Buch behandelt diese transkulturellen Wertekonflikte aus unterschiedlichen philosophischen und wirtschaftsethischen Perspektiven: Grundsatzfragen der Transkulturalität, wie die Gefahr des Verlusts des Fremden werden ebenso behandelt wie der mögliche Umgang mit transkulturellen Wertekonflikten oder die Frage nach einer ökonomischen Moral. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt wird auf den Aspekt des Kulturwandels und (...)
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    Der freie und der unfreie Wille: philosophische und theologische Perspektiven.Friedrich Hermanni & Peter Koslowski (eds.) - 2004 - München: Fink.
    Sich in diesem Irrgarten zu orientieren, ist das Ziel dieses Buches. Dabei geht es vornehmlich um vier Fragestellungen, zwei philosophische und zwei theologische: 1.
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    Die Aufgaben der Philosophie heute: Akademie anlässlich des zehnjährigen Bestehens des Forschungsinstituts für Philosophie Hannover am 26. November 1998.Vittorio Hösle, Peter Koslowski & Richard Schenk - 1999
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  45. Addiction as a business ethics problem.Annette Kleinfeldt-Wernicke & Peter Koslowski - 2001 - In Alan R. Malachowski, Business ethics: critical perspectives on business and management. New York: Routledge. pp. 4--187.
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    Evolutionstheorie und menschliches Selbstverständnis: zur philosophischen Kritik eines Paradigmas moderner Wissenschaft.Robert Spaemann, Peter Koslowski & Reinhard Löw - 1984 - ACTA Humaniora.
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  47. The habit to surpass Marx A review of Yuichi Shionoya's Schumpeter and the idea of social science. A metatheoretical study.W. Hans-Jurgen - 2000 - Journal of Economic Methodology 7 (1):146-152.
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    Schumpeter and the Idea of Social Science: A Metatheoretical Study. Yuichi Shionoya.Warren Samuels - 1998 - Isis 89 (4):763-764.
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    Peter Koslowski, Philosophien der Offenbarung. Antiker Gnostizismus, Franz von Baader, Schelling : Ferdinand Schöningh 918 pages. ISBN 3506747959. [REVIEW]A. P. Bos - 2003 - Philosophia Reformata 68 (2):169-173.
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  50. Peter Koslowski, Gesellschaft und Staat. Ein unvermeidlicher Dualismus, mit einer Einführung von Robert Spaemann; Ethik des Kapitalismus, mit einem Kommentar von James M. Buchana. [REVIEW]Klaus Hartmann - 1984 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 91 (2):411.
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