Results for 'Phil Hodkinson'

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  1.  35
    Crossing the academic/vocational divide: Personal effectiveness and autonomy as an integrating theme in post‐16 education.Phil Hodkinson - 1989 - British Journal of Educational Studies 37 (4):369-383.
  2. Physical Causation.Phil Dowe - 2003 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 67 (1):244-248.
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  3. Physical Causation.Phil Dowe - 2000 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book, published in 2000, is a clear account of causation based firmly in contemporary science. Dowe discusses in a systematic way, a positive account of causation: the conserved quantities account of causal processes which he has been developing over the last ten years. The book describes causal processes and interactions in terms of conserved quantities: a causal process is the worldline of an object which possesses a conserved quantity, and a causal interaction involves the exchange of conserved quantities. Further, (...)
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    Phil Dowe, Physical Causation. [REVIEW]Phil Dowe - 2002 - Erkenntnis 56 (2):258-263.
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    Hybrid Formulas and Elementarily Generated Modal Logics.Ian Hodkinson - 2006 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 47 (4):443-478.
    We characterize the modal logics of elementary classes of Kripke frames as precisely those modal logics that are axiomatized by modal axioms synthesized in a certain effective way from "quasi-positive" sentences of hybrid logic. These are pure positive hybrid sentences with arbitrary existential and relativized universal quantification over nominals. The proof has three steps. The first step is to use the known result that the modal logic of any elementary class of Kripke frames is also the modal logic of the (...)
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  6. Loosely guarded fragment of first-order logic has the finite model property.Ian Hodkinson - 2002 - Studia Logica 70 (2):205 - 240.
    We show that the loosely guarded and packed fragments of first-order logic have the finite model property. We use a construction of Herwig and Hrushovski. We point out some consequences in temporal predicate logic and algebraic logic.
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    Atom structures of cylindric algebras and relation algebras.Ian Hodkinson - 1997 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 89 (2):117-148.
    For any finite n 3 there are two atomic n-dimensional cylindric algebras with the same atom structure, with one representable, the other, not.Hence, the complex algebra of the atom structure of a representable atomic cylindric algebra is not always representable, so that the class RCAn of representable n-dimensional cylindric algebras is not closed under completions. Further, it follows by an argument of Venema that RCAn is not axiomatisable by Sahlqvist equations, and hence nor by equations where negation can only occur (...)
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  8. Vagueness, Logic and Use: Four Experimental Studies on Vagueness.Phil Serchuk, Ian Hargreaves & Richard Zach - 2011 - Mind and Language 26 (5):540-573.
    Although arguments for and against competing theories of vagueness often appeal to claims about the use of vague predicates by ordinary speakers, such claims are rarely tested. An exception is Bonini et al. (1999), who report empirical results on the use of vague predicates by Italian speakers, and take the results to count in favor of epistemicism. Yet several methodological difficulties mar their experiments; we outline these problems and devise revised experiments that do not show the same results. We then (...)
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    A bisimulation characterization theorem for hybrid logic with the current-state Binder.Ian Hodkinson & Hicham Tahiri - 2010 - Review of Symbolic Logic 3 (2):247-261.
    We prove that every first-order formula that is invariant under quasi-injective bisimulations is equivalent to a formula of the hybrid logic . Our proof uses a variation of the usual unravelling technique. We also briefly survey related results, and show in a standard way that it is undecidable whether a first-order formula is invariant under quasi-injective bisimulations.
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  10.  21
    Axiomatizing hybrid logic using modal logic.Ian Hodkinson & Louis Paternault - 2010 - Journal of Applied Logic 8 (4):386-396.
  11.  14
    Non-representable relation algebras from vector spaces.Ian Hodkinson - 2020 - Australasian Journal of Logic 17 (2):82-109.
    Extending a construction of Andreka, Givant, and Nemeti (2019), we construct some finite vector spaces and use them to build finite non-representable relation algebras. They are simple, measurable, and persistently finite, and they validate arbitrary finite sets of equations that are valid in the variety RRA of representable relation algebras. It follows that there is no finitely axiomatisable class of relation algebras that contains RRA and validates every equation that is both valid in RRA and preserved by completions of relation (...)
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    Relational structures determined by their finite induced substructures.I. M. Hodkinson & H. D. Macpherson - 1988 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 53 (1):222-230.
    A countably infinite relational structure M is called absolutely ubiquitous if the following holds: whenever N is a countably infinite structure, and M and N have the same isomorphism types of finite induced substructures, there is an isomorphism from M to N. Here a characterisation is given of absolutely ubiquitous structures over languages with finitely many relation symbols. A corresponding result is proved for uncountable structures.
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    The Journal Humanitas as an Incubator of Polanyi’s Ideas.Phil Mullins - 2022 - Tradition and Discovery 48 (1):39-51.
    Michael Polanyi, along with colleagues at University of Manchester, worked to produce the journal Humanitas, A University Quarterly for two years just after the end of World War II. This essay outlines how Polanyi’s two articles in Humanitas and other work on the journal reflect Polanyi’s developing philosophical perspective.
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  14.  68
    Finite h-dimension does not imply expressive completeness.Ian Hodkinson - 1994 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 23 (5):535 - 573.
    A conjecture of Gabbay (1981) states that any class of flows of time having the property known as finite H-dimension admits a finite set of expressively complete one-dimensional temporal connectives. Here we show that the class of 'circular' structures refutes the generalisation of this conjecture to Kripke frames. We then construct from this class, by a general method, a new class of irreflexive transitive flows of time that refutes the original conjecture. Our paper includes full descriptions of a method for (...)
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  15.  41
    Land tenure and Inheritance in Classical Sparta.Stephen Hodkinson - 1986 - Classical Quarterly 36 (02):378-.
    ‘The problem of Spartan land tenure is one of the most vexed in the obscure field of Spartan institutions.’ Walbank's remark is as true today as when it was written nearly thirty years ago. Controversy surrounding this subject has a long tradition going back to the nineteenth century and the last thirty years have witnessed no diminution in the level of disagreement, as is demonstrated by a comparison of the differing approaches in the recent works by Cartledge, Cozzoli, David and (...)
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  16.  45
    REVIEWS-Games, logic, and constructive sets.Ian Hodkinson - 2005 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 11 (3):439-441.
  17.  56
    Seeing Patterns in Randomness: A Computational Model of Surprise.Phil Maguire, Philippe Moser, Rebecca Maguire & Mark T. Keane - 2019 - Topics in Cognitive Science 11 (1):103-118.
    Much research has linked surprise to violation of expectations, but it has been less clear how one can be surprised when one has no particular expectation. This paper discusses a computational theory based on Algorithmic Information Theory, which can account for surprises in which one initially expects randomness but then notices a pattern in stimuli. The authors present evidence that a “randomness deficiency” heuristic leads to surprise in such cases.
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    Growing local food: scale and local food systems governance.Phil Mount - 2012 - Agriculture and Human Values 29 (1):107-121.
    Abstract“Scaling-up” is the next hurdle facing the local food movement. In order to effect broader systemic impacts, local food systems (LFS) will have to grow, and engage either more or larger consumers and producers. Encouraging the involvement of mid-sized farms looks to be an elegant solution, by broadening the accessibility of local food while providing alternative revenue streams for troubled family farms. Logistical, structural and regulatory barriers to increased scale in LFS are well known. Less is understood about the way (...)
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    Can anti-natalists oppose human extinction? The harm-benefit asymmetry, person-uploading, and human enhancement.Phil Torres - 2020 - South African Journal of Philosophy 39 (3):229-245.
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  20.  92
    Monodic packed fragment with equality is decidable.Ian Hodkinson - 2002 - Studia Logica 72 (2):185-197.
    We prove decidability of satisfiability of sentences of the monodic packed fragment of first-order temporal logic with equality and connectives Until and Since, in models with various flows of time and domains of arbitrary cardinality. We also prove decidability over models with finite domains, over flows of time including the real order.
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  21.  17
    Introduction éditoriale : Gestalts praxéologiques – Quand la philosophie, les sciences cognitives et la sociologie rencontrent la psychologie de la forme.Phil Zielinska Hutchinson - 2022 - Philosophia Scientiae 26:5-19.
    1 Context The idea for the current issue of Philosophia Scientiæ emerged from discussions which took place in the Manchester Ethnomethodology Reading Group. This reading group has its origins in Wes Sharrock’s weekly discussion groups, which have taken place in Manchester (UK) since the early 1970s. As the global Covid-19 pandemic hit in early 2020, the reading group moved online, facilitated by Phil Hutchinson and Alex Holder. Being an online reading group opened up participation to people b...
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  22.  50
    Temporal Logic: Mathematical Foundations and Computational Aspects.Dov M. Gabbay, Ian Hodkinson & Mark A. Reynolds - 1994 - Oxford University Press on Demand.
    This much-needed book provides a thorough account of temporal logic, one of the most important areas of logic in computer science today. The book begins with a solid introduction to semantical and axiomatic approaches to temporal logic. It goes on to cover predicate temporal logic, meta-languages, general theories of axiomatization, many dimensional systems, propositional quantifiers, expressive power, Henkin dimension, temporalization of other logics, and decidability results. With its inclusion of cutting-edge results and unifying methodologies, this book is an indispensable reference (...)
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  23.  79
    (1 other version)Decidable fragments of first-order temporal logics.Ian Hodkinson, Frank Wolter & Michael Zakharyaschev - 2000 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 106 (1-3):85-134.
    In this paper, we introduce a new fragment of the first-order temporal language, called the monodic fragment, in which all formulas beginning with a temporal operator have at most one free variable. We show that the satisfiability problem for monodic formulas in various linear time structures can be reduced to the satisfiability problem for a certain fragment of classical first-order logic. This reduction is then used to single out a number of decidable fragments of first-order temporal logics and of two-sorted (...)
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  24. Superintelligence and the Future of Governance: On Prioritizing the Control Problem at the End of History.Phil Torres - 2018 - In Yampolskiy Roman (ed.), Artificial Intelligence Safety and Security. CRC Press.
    This chapter argues that dual-use emerging technologies are distributing unprecedented offensive capabilities to nonstate actors. To counteract this trend, some scholars have proposed that states become a little “less liberal” by implementing large-scale surveillance policies to monitor the actions of citizens. This is problematic, though, because the distribution of offensive capabilities is also undermining states’ capacity to enforce the rule of law. I will suggest that the only plausible escape from this conundrum, at least from our present vantage point, is (...)
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  25.  54
    Ethical Exemplification and the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct: An Empirical Investigation of Auditor and Public Perceptions.Phil A. Brown, Morris H. Stocks & W. Mark Wilder - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 71 (1):39-71.
    This research applies the impression management theory of exemplification in an accounting study by identifying and measuring differences in both auditor and public perceptions of exemplary behaviors. The auditors were divided into two groups, one of which reported self-perceptions (A-S) while the other group reported their perceptions of a typical auditor (A-O). There were two separate public groups, which gave their perceptions of a typical auditor and were divided based on their levels of accounting sophistication. The more sophisticated public group (...)
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  26.  52
    Idealism, realism, and immigration: David Miller’s Strangers in Our Midst.Phil Parvin - 2017 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 20 (6):697-706.
  27. Wesley Salmon’s Process Theory of Causality and the Conserved Quantity Theory.Phil Dowe - 1992 - Philosophy of Science 59 (2):195-216.
    This paper examines Wesley Salmon's "process" theory of causality, arguing in particular that there are four areas of inadequacy. These are that the theory is circular, that it is too vague at a crucial point, that statistical forks do not serve their intended purpose, and that Salmon has not adequately demonstrated that the theory avoids Hume's strictures about "hidden powers". A new theory is suggested, based on "conserved quantities", which fulfills Salmon's broad objectives, and which avoids the problems discussed.
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  28. Fragments of rst-order temporal logics.I. Hodkinson, F. Wolter & M. Zakharyaschev - forthcoming - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic.
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    L. Csirmaz, D. Gabbay, M. de Rijke, eds., Logic colloquium '92, studies in logic language, and information'.Ian Hodkinson - 1997 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 6 (4):453-457.
  30.  37
    On canonicity and completions of weakly representable relation algebras.Ian Hodkinson & Szabolcs Mikulás - 2012 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 77 (1):245-262.
    We show that the variety of weakly representable relation algebras is neither canonical nor closed under Monk completions.
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    The modal logic of affine planes is not finitely axiomatisable.Ian Hodkinson & Altaf Hussain - 2008 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 73 (3):940-952.
    We consider a modal language for affine planes, with two sorts of formulas (for points and lines) and three modal boxes. To evaluate formulas, we regard an affine plane as a Kripke frame with two sorts (points and lines) and three modal accessibility relations, namely the point-line and line-point incidence relations and the parallelism relation between lines. We show that the modal logic of affine planes in this language is not finitely axiomatisable.
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  32. Michael Polanyi and JH Oldham: In Praise of Friendship.Phil Mullins - 1997 - Appraisal 1 (4):179-189.
  33. Agential Risks: A Comprehensive Introduction.Phil Torres - 2016 - Journal of Evolution and Technology 26 (2):31-47.
    The greatest existential threats to humanity stem from increasingly powerful advanced technologies. Yet the “risk potential” of such tools can only be realized when coupled with a suitable agent who; through error or terror; could use the tool to bring about an existential catastrophe. While the existential risk literature has provided many accounts of how advanced technologies might be misused and abused to cause unprecedented harm; no scholar has yet explored the other half of the agent-tool coupling; namely the agent. (...)
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  34. Aristotle on Nonsubstantial Individuals.Phil Corkum - 2009 - Ancient Philosophy 29 (2):289-310.
    As a first stab, call a property recurrent if it can be possessed by more than one object, and nonrecurrent if it can be possessed by at most one object. The question whether Aristotle holds that there are nonrecurrent properties has spawned a lively and ongoing debate among commentators over the last forty-five years. One source of textual evidence in the Categories, drawn on in this debate, is Aristotle’s claim that certain properties are inseparable from what they are in. Here (...)
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  35. How should a nurse approach truth-telling? A virtue ethics perspective.Kate Hodkinson - 2008 - Nursing Philosophy 9 (4):248-256.
    Abstract Truth-telling is a key issue within the nurse–patient relationship. Nurses make decisions on a daily basis regarding what information to tell patients. This paper analyses truth-telling within an end of life scenario. Virtue ethics provides a useful philosophical approach for exploring decisions on information disclosure in more detail. Virtue ethics allows appropriate examination of the moral character of the nurse involved, their intention, ability to use wisdom and judgement when making decisions and the virtue of truth-telling. It is appropriate (...)
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  36.  38
    Shame and philosophy: an investigation in the philosophy of emotions and ethics.Phil Hutchinson - 2008 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Experimental methods and conceptual confusion : philosophy, science, and what emotions really are -- To 'make our voices resonate' or 'to be silent'? : shame as fundamental ontology -- Emotion, cognition, and world -- Shame and world.
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  37. Causes are physically connected to their effects: Why preventers and omissions are not causes.Phil Dowe - 2004 - In Christopher Hitchcock (ed.), Contemporary debates in philosophy of science. Malden, MA: Blackwell. pp. 189--196.
  38.  12
    Mythogeography: a guide to walking sideways.Phil Smith (ed.) - 2010 - Axminster, Devon: Triarchy Press.
    Attributed to Phil Smith ("the Crab Man") on the publisher's webite.
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  39.  41
    The philosopher's task: value‐based practice and bringing to consciousness underlying philosophical commitments.Phil Hutchinson - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (5):999-1001.
  40. Emotion-philosophy-science.Phil Hutchinson - 2009 - In Ylva Gustafsson, Camilla Kronqvist & Michael McEachrane (eds.), Emotions and understanding: Wittgensteinian perspectives. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
  41.  63
    Democracy Without Participation: A New Politics for a Disengaged Era.Phil Parvin - 2018 - Res Publica 24 (1):31-52.
    Changing patterns of political participation observed by political scientists over the past half-century undermine traditional democratic theory and practice. The vast majority of democratic theory, and deliberative democratic theory in particular, either implicitly or explicitly assumes the need for widespread citizen participation. It requires that all citizens possess the opportunity to participate and also that they take up this opportunity. But empirical evidence gathered over the past half-century strongly suggests that many citizens do not have a meaningful opportunity to participate (...)
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  42.  57
    Chance-lowering causes.Phil Dowe - 2003 - In Phil Dowe & Paul Noordhof (eds.), Cause and Chance: Causation in an Indeterministic World. New York: Routledge.
    In this paper I reconsider a standard counterexample to the chance-raising theory of singular causation. Extant versions of this theory are so different that it is difficult to formulate the core thesis that they all share, despite the guiding idea that causes raise the chance of their effects. At one extreme, ‘Humean’ theories – which can be traced to Reichenbach – say that a particular event of type C is the cause of a particular event of type E only if (...)
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  43.  79
    Finite conformal hypergraph covers and Gaifman cliques in finite structures.Ian Hodkinson & Martin Otto - 2003 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 9 (3):387-405.
    We provide a canonical construction of conformal covers for finite hypergraphs and present two immediate applications to the finite model theory of relational structures. In the setting of relational structures, conformal covers serve to construct guarded bisimilar companion structures that avoid all incidental Gaifman cliques-thus serving as a partial analogue in finite model theory for the usually infinite guarded unravellings. In hypergraph theoretic terms, we show that every finite hypergraph admits a bisimilar cover by a finite conformal hypergraph. In terms (...)
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  44. Causal Process Theories.Phil Dowe - 2009 - In Helen Beebee, Christopher Hitchcock & Peter Menzies (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Causation. Oxford University Press UK.
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  45. Causal processes.Phil Dowe - 2004 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  46. Every now and then: A-theory and loops in time.Phil Dowe - 2009 - Journal of Philosophy 106 (12):641-665.
  47.  19
    Friedman, Sy D. and VeliCkovit, B., Al-Definability.I. Hodkinson, R. Kaye, I. Korec, F. Maurin, H. Mildenberger & F. O. Wagner - 1997 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 89 (1):277.
  48.  55
    The k-variable property is stronger than h-dimension K.Ian Hodkinson & András Simon - 1997 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 26 (1):81-101.
    We study the notion of H-dimension and the formally stronger k-variable property, as considered by Gabbay, Immerman and Kozen. We exhibit a class of flows of time that has H-dimension 3, and admits a finite expressively complete set of onedimensional temporal connectives, but does not have the k-variable property for any finite k.
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  49. Youth cultures : scenes, subcultures, and tribes.Paul Hodkinson & Wolfgang Deicke - 2011 - In Ann Brooks (ed.), Social theory in contemporary Asia. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Encarando a atrocidade: a vergonha e sua ausência.Phil Hutchinson - 2016 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 28 (44):689. Translated by Tradução de Willian Martini, Tiago Azambuja & Janyne Sattler.
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