Results for 'Philip Tromovitch'

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  1.  48
    Statistical Reporting with Philip's Sextuple and Extended Sextuple: A Simple Method for Easy Communication of Findings.Philip Tromovitch - 2012 - Journal of Research Practice 8 (1):Article - P2.
    The advance of science and human knowledge is impeded by misunderstandings of various statistics, insufficient reporting of findings, and the use of numerous standardized and non-standardized presentations of essentially identical information. Communication with journalists and the public is hindered by the failure to present statistics that are easy for non-scientists to interpret as well as by use of the word significant, which in scientific English does not carry the meaning of "important" or "large." This article promotes a new standard method (...)
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  2. A Theory of Freedom: From the Psychology to the Politics of Agency.Philip Pettit - 2001 - Polity.
    This innovative approach to freedom starts from an account of what we mean by describing someone, in a psychological vein, as a free subject. Pettit develops an argument as to what it is that makes someone free in that basic sense; and then goes on to derive the implications of the approach for issues of freedom in political theory. Freedom in the subject is equated with the person's being fit to be held responsible and to be authorized as a partner (...)
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    Realism and Truth.Philip Gasper - 1986 - Philosophical Review 95 (3):446.
  4. Real Realism: The Galilean Strategy.Philip Kitcher - 2001 - Philosophical Review 110 (2):151.
    There are almost as many versions of realism as there are antirealists, each ready to supply a preferred characterization before undertaking demolition. Even in the case of scientific realism, my topic here, I recognize two major antirealist themes.
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  5. The re-emergence of emergence: the emergentist hypothesis from science to religion.Philip Clayton & Paul Davies (eds.) - 2006 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This volume introduces readers to emergence theory, outlines the major arguments in its defence, and summarizes the most powerful objections against it. It provides the clearest explication yet of this exciting new theory of science, which challenges the reductionist approach by proposing the continuous emergence of novel phenomena.
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    Well‐Ordered Science.Philip Kitcher - 2001 - In Science, truth, and democracy. New York: Oxford University Press.
    The question is answered by introducing an ideal, the ideal of well‐ordered science In well‐ordered science the inquiries pursued are those that would have been selected by a well‐informed group of deliberators dedicated to working cooperatively with one another. Well‐ordered science is contrasted with vulgar democracy and with elitism. The chapter suggests various ways in which our current practice of the sciences falls short of the ideal.
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  7. More Heat Than Light: Economics as Social Physics, Physics as Nature's Economics.Philip Mirowski - 1991 - Cambridge University Press.
    More Heat Than Light is a history of how physics has drawn some inspiration from economics and also how economics has sought to emulate physics, especially with regard to the theory of value. It traces the development of the energy concept in Western physics and its subsequent effect upon the invention and promulgation of neoclassical economics. Any discussion of the standing of economics as a science must include the historical symbiosis between the two disciplines. Starting with the philosopher Emile Meyerson's (...)
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  8. Cosmopsychism, Micropsychism, and the Grounding Relation.Philip Goff - 2019 - In William Seager, The Routledge Handbook of Panpsychism. Routledge.
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  9. Habituation: A dual-process theory.Philip M. Groves & Richard F. Thompson - 1970 - Psychological Review 77 (5):419-450.
  10. The Instability of Freedom as Noninterference: The Case of Isaiah Berlin.Philip Pettit - 2011 - Ethics 121 (4):693-716.
    In Hobbes, freedom of choice requires nonfrustration: the option you prefer must be accessible. In Berlin, it requires noninterference: every option, preferred or unpreferred, must be accessible—every door must be open. But Berlin’s argument against Hobbes suggests a parallel argument that freedom requires something stronger still: that each option be accessible and that no one have the power to block access; the doors should be open, and there should be no powerful doorkeepers. This is freedom as nondomination. The claim is (...)
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  11. Comparing direct (explicit) to indirect (implicit) measures to study unconscious memory.Philip M. Merikle & Eyal M. Reingold - 1991 - Journal Of Experimental Psychology-Learning Memory And Cognition 17 (2):224-233.
  12. How Common is Cheating in Online Exams and did it Increase During the COVID-19 Pandemic? A Systematic Review.Philip M. Newton & Keioni Essex - 2024 - Journal of Academic Ethics 22 (2):323-343.
    Academic misconduct is a threat to the validity and reliability of online examinations, and media reports suggest that misconduct spiked dramatically in higher education during the emergency shift to online exams caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. This study reviewed survey research to determine how common it is for university students to admit cheating in online exams, and how and why they do it. We also assessed whether these self-reports of cheating increased during the COVID-19 pandemic, along with an evaluation of (...)
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  13. Voluntary Belief on a Reasonable Basis.Philip J. Nickel - 2010 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 81 (2):312-334.
    A person presented with adequate but not conclusive evidence for a proposition is in a position voluntarily to acquire a belief in that proposition, or to suspend judgment about it. The availability of doxastic options in such cases grounds a moderate form of doxastic voluntarism not based on practical motives, and therefore distinct from pragmatism. In such cases, belief-acquisition or suspension of judgment meets standard conditions on willing: it can express stable character traits of the agent, it can be responsive (...)
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  14. (1 other version)A Theory of Freedom: From the Psychology to the Politics of Agency.Philip Pettit - 2003 - Philosophical Quarterly 53 (212):473-476.
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    Consciousness is a “subjective” state.Philip M. Merikle & Jim Cheesman - 1986 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 9 (1):42-42.
  16.  70
    Intentions in Communication.Philip R. Cohen, Jerry L. Morgan & Martha E. Pollack (eds.) - 1990 - Cambridge, MA: MIT Press/Bradford Books.
    This book presents views of the concept of intention and its relationship to communication from three perspectives: philosphy, linguistics, and artificial intelligence. The book is a record of a workshop held in 1987.
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  17.  29
    The Cunning of Trust.Philip Perth - 1995 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 24 (3):202-225.
  18.  45
    Perception without awareness: Critical issues.Philip M. Merikle - 1992 - American Psychologist 47:792-5.
  19. Elements of a Plan‐Based Theory of Speech Acts.Philip R. Cohen & C. Raymond Perrault - 1979 - Cognitive Science 3 (3):177-212.
    This paper explores the truism that people think about what they say. It proposes that, to satisfy their own goals, people often plan their speech acts to affect their listeners' beliefs, goals, and emotional states. Such language use can be modelled by viewing speech acts as operators in a planning system, thus allowing both physical and speech acts to be integrated into plans. Methodological issues of how speech acts should be defined in a planbased theory are illustrated by defining operators (...)
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  20. The absolute arithmetic continuum and the unification of all numbers great and small.Philip Ehrlich - 2012 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 18 (1):1-45.
    In his monograph On Numbers and Games, J. H. Conway introduced a real-closed field containing the reals and the ordinals as well as a great many less familiar numbers including $-\omega, \,\omega/2, \,1/\omega, \sqrt{\omega}$ and $\omega-\pi$ to name only a few. Indeed, this particular real-closed field, which Conway calls No, is so remarkably inclusive that, subject to the proviso that numbers—construed here as members of ordered fields—be individually definable in terms of sets of NBG, it may be said to contain (...)
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  21. Can We Make Sense of the Notion of Trustworthy Technology?Philip J. Nickel, Maarten Franssen & Peter Kroes - 2010 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 23 (3):429-444.
    In this paper we raise the question whether technological artifacts can properly speaking be trusted or said to be trustworthy. First, we set out some prevalent accounts of trust and trustworthiness and explain how they compare with the engineer’s notion of reliability. We distinguish between pure rational-choice accounts of trust, which do not differ in principle from mere judgments of reliability, and what we call “motivation-attributing” accounts of trust, which attribute specific motivations to trustworthy entities. Then we consider some examples (...)
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    The Logic of Provability.Philip Scowcroft - 1995 - Philosophical Review 104 (4):627.
    This is a book that every enthusiast for Gödel’s proofs of his incompleteness theorems will want to own. It gives an up-to-date account of connections between systems of modal logic and results on provability in formal systems for arithmetic, analysis, and set theory.
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  23.  58
    Toward a definition of awareness.Philip M. Merikle - 1984 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 22 (5):449-50.
  24.  80
    Measuring the relative magnitude of unconscious influences.Philip M. Merikle, Steve Joordens & Jennifer A. Stolz - 1995 - Consciousness and Cognition 4 (4):422-39.
    As an alternative to establishing awareness thresholds, stimulus contexts in which there were either greater conscious or greater unconscious influences were defined on the basis of performance on an exclusion task. Target words were presented for brief durations and each target word was followed immediately by its three-letter stem. Subjects were instructed to complete each stem with any word other than the target word. With this task, failures to exclude target words indicate greater unconscious influences, whereas successful exclusion indicates greater (...)
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  25. Revisiting the Argument from Action Guidance.Philip Fox - 2019 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 15 (3).
    According to objectivism about the practical 'ought', what one ought to do depends on all the facts; according to perspectivism, it depends only on epistemically available facts. This essay presents a new argument against objectivism. The first premise says that it is at least sometimes possible for a normative theory to correctly guide action. The second premise says that, if objectivism is true, this is never possible. From this it follows that objectivism is false. Perspectivism, however, turns out to be (...)
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  26.  88
    Property Theory of Musical Works.Philip Letts - 2018 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 76 (1):57-69.
    The property theory of musical works says that each musical work is a property that is instantiated by its occurrences, that is, the work's performances and playings. The property theory provides ontological explanations very similar to those given by its popular cousin, the type/token theory of musical works, but it is both simpler and stronger. However, type/token theorists often dismiss the property theory. In this essay, I formulate a version of the property theory that identifies each type (thus, each musical (...)
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  27.  93
    A theory of normal and ideal conditions.Philip Pettit - 1999 - Philosophical Studies 96 (1):21-44.
    It is a priori on many accounts of colour concepts that something is red if and only if it is such that it would look red to normal observers in normal circumstances: it is such that it would look red, as we can say, under normal conditions of observation. And as this sort of formula is widely applied to colour concepts, so similar schemas are commonly defended in relation to a variety of other concepts too. Not only are colour concepts (...)
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  28.  94
    (1 other version)Environmental Virtue Ethics.Philip Cafaro & Ronald Sandler (eds.) - 2004 - Oxford: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    The first on the topic of environmental virtue ethics, this book seeks to provide the definitive anthology that will both establish the importance of environmental virtue in environmental discourse and advance the current research on environmental virtue in interesting and original ways. The selections in this collection, consisting of ten original and four reprinted essays by leading scholars in the field, discuss the role that virtue and character have traditionally played in environmental discourse, and reflect upon the role that it (...)
  29.  49
    The Encyclopedia of Philosophy.Philip P. Wiener - 1968 - Journal of the History of Ideas 29 (4):616.
  30.  88
    Freedom and probability: A comment on Goodin and Jackson.Philip Pettit - 2008 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 36 (2):206-220.
  31.  81
    Akrasia, collective and individual.Philip Pettit - 2003 - In Sarah Stroud & Christine Tappolet, Weakness of will and practical irrationality. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 68--97.
    Examines what is necessary for a group to constitute an agent that can display akrasia, and what steps such a group might take to establish self‐control. The topic has some interest in itself, and the discussion suggests some lessons about how we should think of akrasia in the individual as well as in the collective case. Under the image that the lessons support, akrasia is a sort of constitutional disorder: a failure to achieve a unity projected in the avowal of (...)
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  32. Fixed-point solutions to the regress problem in normative uncertainty.Philip Trammell - 2019 - Synthese 198 (2):1177-1199.
    When we are faced with a choice among acts, but are uncertain about the true state of the world, we may be uncertain about the acts’ “choiceworthiness”. Decision theories guide our choice by making normative claims about how we should respond to this uncertainty. If we are unsure which decision theory is correct, however, we may remain unsure of what we ought to do. Given this decision-theoretic uncertainty, meta-theories attempt to resolve the conflicts between our decision theories...but we may be (...)
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  33. Psychological investigations of unconscious perception.Philip M. Merikle & M. Daneman - 1998 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 5 (1):5-18.
    This paper reviews the history of psychological investigations of unconscious perception and summarizes the current status of experimental research in this area of investigation. The research findings described in the paper illustrate how it is possible to distinguish experimentally between conscious and unconscious perception. The most successful experimental strategy has been to show that a stimulus can have qualitatively different consequences on cognitive and affective reactions depending on whether it was consciously or unconsciously perceived. In addition, recent studies of patients (...)
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  34. Filial piety as a virtue.Philip J. Ivanhoe - 2007 - In Rebecca L. Walker & Philip J. Ivanhoe, Working virtue: virtue ethics and contemporary moral problems. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 297--312.
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  35. Legitimate International Institutions: A Neo-Republican Perspective.Philip Pettit - 2010 - In Samantha Besson & John Tasioulas, The philosophy of international law. New York: Oxford University Press.
  36. Freedom and privacy in ambient intelligence.Philip Brey - 2005 - Ethics and Information Technology 7 (3):157-166.
    This paper analyzes ethical aspects of the new paradigm of Ambient Intelligence, which is a combination of Ubiquitous Computing and Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI’s). After an introduction to the approach, two key ethical dimensions will be analyzed: freedom and privacy. It is argued that Ambient Intelligence, though often designed to enhance freedom and control, has the potential to limit freedom and autonomy as well. Ambient Intelligence also harbors great privacy risks, and these are explored as well.
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  37. Some puzzles about species.Philip Kitcher - 1989 - In Michael Ruse, What the Philosophy of Biology Is: Essays Dedicated to David Hull. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 183-208.
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  38.  85
    Personal Autonomy in Society.Philip Parvin - 2007 - Contemporary Political Theory 6 (4):492-496.
  39.  64
    The debt of gratitude: Dissociating gratitude and indebtedness.Philip Watkins, Jason Scheer, Melinda Ovnicek & Russell Kolts - 2006 - Cognition and Emotion 20 (2):217-241.
  40.  50
    The Scientist, Qua Scientist, Is an Ethical Agent.Philip Kitcher - 2024 - Filozofia 79 (3):231-243.
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    Introduction.Philip Pettit - 2009 - In Made with Words: Hobbes on Language, Mind, and Politics. Princeton University Press. pp. 1-8.
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  42. Sympathy and ethics: a study of the relationship between sympathy and morality with special reference to Hume's Treatise.Philip Mercer - 1972 - Oxford,: Clarendon Press.
  43. The power of food.Philip McMichael - 2000 - Agriculture and Human Values 17 (1):21-33.
    In the developmentalist era,industrialization has simultaneously transformedagriculture and degraded its natural and culturalbase. Food production and consumption embodies thecontradictory aspects of this transformation. Thispaper argues that the crisis of development hasgenerated two basic responses: (1) the attempt toredefine development as a global project, includingharnessing biotechnology to resolve the food securityquestion, and (2) a series of countermovementsattempting to simultaneously reassert the value oflocal, organic foods, and challenge the attempt on thepart of food corporations and national and globalinstitutions to subject the food (...)
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    Regenerative food systems and the conservation of change.Philip A. Loring - 2021 - Agriculture and Human Values 39 (2):701-713.
    In recent years, interest has increased in regenerative practices as a strategy for transforming food systems and solving major environmental problems such as biodiversity loss and climate change. However, debates persist regarding these practices and how they ought to be defined. This paper presents a framework for exploring the regenerative potential of food systems, focusing on how food systems activities and technologies are organized rather than the specific technologies or practices being employed. The paper begins with a brief review of (...)
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  45.  12
    The Three Pillars of Zen.Philip Kapleau - 1965 - Philosophy East and West 15 (3):288-289.
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  46. Institutional Futility Policies are Inherently Unfair.Philip M. Rosoff - 2013 - HEC Forum 25 (3):191-209.
    For many years a debate has raged over what constitutes futile medical care, if patients have a right to demand what doctors label as futile, and whether physicians should be obliged to provide treatments that they think are inappropriate. More recently, the argument has shifted away from the difficult project of definitions, to outlining institutional policies and procedures that take a measured and patient-by-patient approach to deciding if an existing or desired intervention is futile. The prototype is the Texas Advance (...)
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  47. Velleman's autonomism.Philip Clark - 2001 - Ethics 111 (3):580–593.
    People sometimes think they have reasons for action. On a certain naive view, what makes them true is a connection between the action and the agent’s good life. In a recent article, David Velleman argues for replacing this view with a more Kantian line, on which reasons are reasons in virtue of their connection with autonomy. The aim in what follows is to defend the naive view. I shall first raise some problems for Velleman's proposal and then fend off the (...)
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  48. Mechanisms of madness: Evolutionary psychiatry without evolutionary psychology.Philip Gerrans - 2007 - Biology and Philosophy 22 (1):35-56.
    Delusions are currently characterised as false beliefs produced by incorrect inference about external reality (DSM IV). This inferential conception has proved hard to link to explanations pitched at the level of neurobiology and neuroanatomy. This paper provides that link via a neurocomputational theory, based on evolutionary considerations, of the role of the prefrontal cortex in regulating offline cognition. When pathologically neuromodulated the prefrontal cortex produces hypersalient experiences which monopolise offline cognition. The result is characteristic psychotic experiences and patterns of thought. (...)
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  49. Do we have moral duties towards information objects?Philip Brey - 2008 - Ethics and Information Technology 10 (2-3):109-114.
    In this paper, a critique will be developed and an alternative proposed to Luciano Floridi’s approach to Information Ethics (IE). IE is a macroethical theory that is to both serve as a foundation for computer ethics and to guide our overall moral attitude towards the world. The central claims of IE are that everything that exists can be described as an information object, and that all information objects, qua information objects, have intrinsic value and are therefore deserving of moral respect. (...)
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  50. An Argument for Divine Command Ethics.Philip L. Quinn - 1990 - In Michael D. Beaty, Christian Theism and the Problems of Philosophy. University of Notre Dame Press.
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