Results for 'Phillip Kurts'

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  1. How Emotions Develop and How they Organise Development.Kurt W. Fischer, Phillip R. Shaver & Peter Carnochan - 1990 - Cognition and Emotion 4 (2):81-127.
    Concepts from functional theories of emotions are integrated with principles of skill development to produce a theory of emotional development. The theory provides tools for predicting both the sequences of emotional development and the ways emotions shape development. Emotions are characterised in terms of three component models: (a) the process of emotion generation from event appraisal, (b) a hierarchy of emotion categories organised around a handful of basic-emotion families, and (c) a characterisation of emotions in terms of prototypic event scripts. (...)
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    A special mission.Phillip Kurts - 2000 - The Australasian Catholic Record 77 (3):320.
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  3. Isolation and Unification: The Realist Analysis of Possible Worlds.Phillip Bricker - 1996 - Philosophical Studies 84 (2-3):225 - 238.
    If realism about possible worlds is to succeed in eliminating primitive modality, it must provide an 'analysis' of possible world: nonmodal criteria for demarcating one world from another. This David Lewis has done. Lewis holds, roughly, that worlds are maximal unified regions of logical space. So far, so good. But what Lewis means by 'unification' is too narrow, I think, in two different ways. First, for Lewis, all worlds are (almost) 'globally' unified: at any world, (almost) every part is directly (...)
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    A Sketch of Reality.Phillip Bricker - 2020 - In Modal Matters: Essays in Metaphysics. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. pp. 3-39.
    In this introductory chapter to my collection of papers, Modal Matters, I present my tripartite account of reality. First, I endorse a plenitudinous Platonism: for every consistent mathematical theory, there is in reality a mathematical system in which the theory is true. Second, for any way of distributing fundamental qualitative properties over mathematical structures, there is a portion of reality that has that structure with fundamental properties distributed in that way; some of these portions of reality, when isolated, are the (...)
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    La violence du logos: entre sciences du texte, philosophie et littérature.Lia Kurts-Wöste, Mathilde Vallespir & Marie-Albane Rioux-Watine (eds.) - 2013 - Paris: Classiques Garnier.
    La pensée d'une violence intrinsèque au logos demeure largement marginale dans les sciences du langage. Ce livre, à vocation à la fois archéologique et prospective, réévalue le potentiel de cette violence du logos en faisant dialoguer spécialistes de philosophie, de sciences du texte et de littérature.
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    Stylistique et herméneutique des œuvres littéraires : pour une approche intégrative, via la notion de « stylisation ».Lia Kurts-Wöste & Sophie Jollin-Bertocchi - 2021 - Semiotica 2021 (241):121-137.
    RésuméDepuis longtemps appliquée aux arts visuels avec le sens de “simplification”, la notion de stylisation émerge au cours du XXe siècle, héritière de l’histoire d’une approche dynamique du langage dont la source se trouve au XIXe siècle. La réflexion épistémologique récente tend vers une reconceptualisation de l’objet de la stylistique, passant du style à la stylisation, décentrement qui met l’interprétation au premier plan. Une stylisation “primaire”, par le créateur, se poursuit dans la stylisation “secondaire”, par l’interprète. Un détour par la (...)
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  7. The Fabric of Space: Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Distance Relations.Phillip Bricker - 1993 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 18 (1):271-294.
    In this chapter, I evaluate various conceptions of distance. Of the two most prominent, one takes distance relations to be intrinsic, the other extrinsic. I recommend pluralism: different conceptions can peacefully coexist as long as each holds sway over a distinct region of logical space. But when one asks which conception holds sway at the actual world, one conception stands out. It is the conception of distance embodied in differential geometry, what I call the Gaussian conception. On this conception, all (...)
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    Punishment and societal defense.Phillip Montague - 1983 - Criminal Justice Ethics 2 (1):30-36.
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    Revisiting the censure theory of punishment.Phillip Montague - 2008 - Philosophia 37 (1):125-131.
    This paper is a rejoinder to Thaddeus Metz’s article “Censure Theory Still Best Accounts for Punishment of the Guilty: Reply to Montague.” In his article, Metz attempts to answer objections to censure theory that I had raised previously. I argue in my rejoinder that Metz’s defense of censure theory remains seriously problematic despite what he says in his reply.
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  10. Absolute Actuality and the Plurality of Worlds.Phillip Bricker - 2006 - Philosophical Perspectives 20 (1):41–76.
    According to David Lewis, a realist about possible worlds must hold that actuality is relative: the worlds are ontologically all on a par; the actual and the merely possible differ, not absolutely, but in how they relate to us. Call this 'Lewisian realism'. The alternative, 'Leibnizian realism', holds that actuality is an absolute property that marks a distinction in ontological status. Lewis presents two arguments against Leibnizian realism. First, he argues that the Leibnizian realist cannot account for the contingency of (...)
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    (1 other version)A History of Greek Philosophy.Phillip De Lacy & W. K. C. Guthrie - 1964 - American Journal of Philology 85 (4):435.
  12. Kant on the history of nature: The ambiguous heritage of the critical philosophy for natural history.Phillip R. Sloan - 2006 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 37 (4):627-648.
    This paper seeks to show Kant’s importance for the formal distinction between descriptive natural history and a developmental history of nature that entered natural history discussions in the late eighteenth century. It is argued that he developed this distinction initially upon Buffon’s distinctions of ‘abstract’ and ‘physical’ truths, and applied these initially in his distinction of ‘varieties’ from ‘races’ in anthropology. In the 1770s, Kant appears to have given theoretical preference to the ‘history’ of nature [Naturgeschichte] over ‘description’ of nature (...)
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    Perfectionism and the Common Good: Themes in the Philosophy of T.H. Green (review).Phillip Ferreira - 2005 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 43 (3):369-370.
    Phillip Ferreira - Perfectionism and the Common Good: Themes in the Philosophy of T.H. Green - Journal of the History of Philosophy 43:3 Journal of the History of Philosophy 43.3 369-370 David O. Brink. Perfectionism and the Common Good: Themes in the Philosophy of T. H. Green. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2003. Pp. xiv + 139. Cloth, $27.50. The British idealists have not fared well during the past century. Still, there has been in recent years a renewed interest in the (...)
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    Some First Order Properties of Direct Sums of Modules.Phillip Olin - 1970 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 16 (8):405-416.
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    Book Reviews Section 3.Phillip Reed Rulon, Virgil S. Lagomarcino, Melvyn I. Semmei, Gertrude Langsam, Franklin Parker, H. Herbert Benjamin, George A. Letchworth, Gene E. Hall, Earl H. Knebel, Paul Woodring, Ernest R. House, Beatrice E. Sarlos, Jeffrey W. Bulcock, Hans H. Jenny & Sean Desmond Healy - 1972 - Educational Studies 3 (2):112-122.
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  16. Developing human-nonhuman chimeras in human stem cell research: Ethical issues and boundaries.Phillip Karpowicz, Cynthia B. Cohen & Derek J. Van der Kooy - 2005 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 15 (2):107-134.
    : The transplantation of adult human neural stem cells into prenatal non-humans offers an avenue for studying human neural cell development without direct use of human embryos. However, such experiments raise significant ethical concerns about mixing human and nonhuman materials in ways that could result in the development of human-nonhuman chimeras. This paper examines four arguments against such research, the moral taboo, species integrity, "unnaturalness," and human dignity arguments, and finds the last plausible. It argues that the transfer of human (...)
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    A Puzzling Passage in "Why Utility Pleases".Phillip D. Cummins - 2000 - Hume Studies 26 (1):179-181.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hume Studies Volume XXVI, Number 1, April 2000, pp. 179-181 A Puzzling Passage in "Why Utility Pleases" PHILLIP D. CUMMINS It could hardly be controversial that in "Why utility pleases," Section V of his Enquiry concerning the Principles of Morals, Hume purports to tell his readers why utility pleases. It is not controversial that in that section he rejected the deduction of morals from self-love, that is, the (...)
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  18. Perceptual relativity and ideas in the mind.Phillip Cummins - 1963 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 24 (December):202-214.
  19. Perceiving and Berkeley's Theory of Substance.Phillip D. Cummins - 2007 - In Stephen Hartley Daniel (ed.), Reexamining Berkeley's Philosophy. University of Toronto Press.
  20. Deep Learning as Method-Learning: Pragmatic Understanding, Epistemic Strategies and Design-Rules.Phillip H. Kieval & Oscar Westerblad - manuscript
    We claim that scientists working with deep learning (DL) models exhibit a form of pragmatic understanding that is not reducible to or dependent on explanation. This pragmatic understanding comprises a set of learned methodological principles that underlie DL model design-choices and secure their reliability. We illustrate this action-oriented pragmatic understanding with a case study of AlphaFold2, highlighting the interplay between background knowledge of a problem and methodological choices involving techniques for constraining how a model learns from data. Building successful models (...)
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    Imaginary Communities: Utopia, the Nation, and the Spatial Histories of Modernity.Phillip Wegner - 2002 - University of California Press.
    Drawing from literary history, social theory, and political critique, this far-reaching study explores the utopian narrative as a medium for understanding the social space of the modern nation-state. Considering the narrative utopia from its earliest manifestation in Thomas More's sixteenth-century work _Utopia _to some of the most influential utopias of the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries, this book is an astute study of a literary genre as well as a nuanced dialectical meditation on the history of utopian thinking as a (...)
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  22. In Defense of Medial Theories of Sound.Phillip John Meadows - 2018 - American Philosophical Quarterly 55 (3):293-302.
    In the recent literature on the nature of sound, there is an emerging consensus rejection of what might be thought of as the scientifically informed commonsense position: that sounds, whatever else they may be, must be entities that mediate between the source of the sound and the subject hearing it. This paper offers an argument for such "medial" theories of sound. This argument is intended to shift attention from the two considerations that have dominated the debate thus far: the relevant (...)
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    Berkeley's Unstable Ontology.Phillip D. Cummins - 1989 - Modern Schoolman 67 (1):15-32.
  24. Reid on abstract general ideas.Phillip D. Cummins - 1976 - In Stephen Francis Barker & Tom L. Beauchamp (eds.), Thomas Reid: critical interpretations. Philadelphia: University City Science Center. pp. 3-62.
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  25. Action Research: Japanese high school-aged students' difficulties in English oral communication.Rowles Phillip - 2004 - Fenomenologia. Diálogos Possíveis Campinas: Alínea/Goiânia: Editora da Puc Goiás 4:163-178.
  26. Grammar Reference Book Analysis: Summary and Synthesis of Prepositions in five Grammar Reference Books.Rowles Phillip - 2003 - Fenomenologia. Diálogos Possíveis Campinas: Alínea/Goiânia: Editora da Puc Goiás 3:161-176.
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  27. La influencia de Vico en Cassirer.Donald Phillip Verene - forthcoming - Cuadernos Sobre Vico.
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  28. Measuring Self-Regulation of Japanese EFL Learners in Relation to Vocabulary Acquisition.Rowles Phillip - 2009 - Fenomenologia. Diálogos Possíveis Campinas: Alínea/Goiânia: Editora da Puc Goiás 9:125-154.
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    “The laborers in the vineyard” and other stories.Phillip Montague - 1985 - Journal of Social Philosophy 16 (2):2-10.
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  30. The “My Paradigm is Better Than Yours” Argument: Educational Perspectives Through Rose-Colored Glasses.Rowles Phillip - 2009 - Fenomenologia. Diálogos Possíveis Campinas: Alínea/Goiânia: Editora da Puc Goiás 9:33-39.
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    The Virtue of Obedience.Phillip L. Quinn - 1998 - Faith and Philosophy 15 (4):445-461.
    This paper is a critical study of Christians among the Virtues: Theological Conversations with Ancient and Modern Ethics by Stanley Hauerwas and Charles Pinches. It has four parts. First, I consider several possible responses to G. E. M. Anscombe’s famous challenge to modern moral philosophy in order to provide a framework in which the project of Hauerwas and Pinches can be located. Next I criticize their attempt to eliminate the realm of obligation from morality. Then I examine their treatment of (...)
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  32. The myth of evil: demonizing the enemy.Phillip Cole - 2006 - Westport, Conn.: Praeger.
    Terrorism, torture, and the problems of evil -- Diabolical evil, searching for Satan -- Philosophies of evil -- Communities of fear -- The enemy within -- Bad seeds -- The character of evil -- Facing the Holocaust -- Twenty-first-century mythologies.
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  33. Structure-Mapping in Metaphor Comprehension.Phillip Wolff & Dedre Gentner - 2011 - Cognitive Science 35 (8):1456-1488.
    Metaphor has a double life. It can be described as a directional process in which a stable, familiar base domain provides inferential structure to a less clearly specified target. But metaphor is also described as a process of finding commonalities, an inherently symmetric process. In this second view, both concepts may be altered by the metaphorical comparison. Whereas most theories of metaphor capture one of these aspects, we offer a model based on structure-mapping that captures both sides of metaphor processing. (...)
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  34. Composition as a Kind of Identity.Phillip Bricker - 2016 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 59 (3):264-294.
    Composition as identity, as I understand it, is a theory of the composite structure of reality. The theory’s underlying logic is irreducibly plural; its fundamental primitive is a generalized identity relation that takes either plural or singular arguments. Strong versions of the theory that incorporate a generalized version of the indiscernibility of identicals are incompatible with the framework of plural logic, and should be rejected. Weak versions of the theory that are based on the idea that composition is merely analogous (...)
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  35. Defining ‘business ethics’: Like nailing jello to a wall.Phillip V. Lewis - 1985 - Journal of Business Ethics 4 (5):377-383.
    Business ethics is a topic receiving much attention in the literature. However, the term 'business ethics' is not adequately defined. Typical definitions refer to the rightness or wrongness of behavior, but not everyone agrees on what is morally right or wrong, good or bad, ethical or unethical. To complicate the problem, nearly all available definitions exist at highly abstract levels. This article focuses on contemporary definitions of business ethics by business writers and professionals and on possible areas of agreement among (...)
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  36. Plenitude of Possible Structures.Phillip Bricker - 1991 - Journal of Philosophy 88 (11):607-619.
    Which mathematical structures are possible, that is, instantiated by the concrete inhabitants of some possible world? Are there worlds with four-dimensional space? With infinite-dimensional space? Whence comes our knowledge of the possibility of structures? In this paper, I develop and defend a principle of plenitude according to which any mathematically natural generalization of possible structure is itself possible. I motivate the principle pragmatically by way of the role that logical possibility plays in our inquiry into the world.
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  37. How Hume Read Berkeley.Phillip Cummins - 1985 - Proceedings of the Heraclitean Society 10:85-107.
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    Frontmatter.Phillip Hansen - 2015 - In Phillip Birger Hansen (ed.), Reconsidering C.B. Macpherson: from possessive individualism to democratic theory and beyond. Buffalo: University of Toronto Press.
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    King Pausanias and the Restoration of Democracy at Athens.Phillip Harding - 1988 - Hermes 116 (2):186-193.
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    Feuerbach,.Phillip R. Sloan - 1980 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 18 (3):365-368.
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    Creating a Physical Biology: The Three Man Paper and Early Molecular Biology.Phillip R. Sloan & Brandon Fogel (eds.) - 2011 - University of Chicago Press.
    In 1935 geneticist Nikolai Timoféeff-Ressovsky, radiation physicist Karl G. Zimmer, and quantum physicist Max Delbrück published “On the Nature of Gene Mutation and Gene Structure,” known subsequently as the “Three-Man Paper.” This seminal paper advanced work on the physical exploration of the structure of the gene through radiation physics and suggested ways in which physics could reveal definite information about gene structure, mutation, and action. Representing a new level of collaboration between physics and biology, it played an important role in (...)
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    John Locke, John Ray, and the problem of the natural system.Phillip R. Sloan - 1972 - Journal of the History of Biology 5 (1):1-53.
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    Augustine's Invention of the Inner Self: The Legacy of a Christian Platonist.Phillip Cary - 2000 - Oup Usa.
    Phillip Cary argues that Augustine invented or created the concept of self as an inner space--as space into which one can enter and in which one can find God. This concept of inwardness, says Cary, has worked its way deeply into the intellectual heritage of the West and many Western individuals have experienced themselves as inner selves. After surveying the idea of inwardness in Augustine's predecessors, Cary offers a re-examination of Augustine's own writings, making the controversial point that in (...)
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  44. Is Bill Cosby Still Funny? On Separating the Art from the Artist in Standup Comedy.Phillip Deen - 2019 - Studies in American Humor 5 (2):288-308.
    Bill Cosby’s immorality has raised intriguing aesthetic and ethical issues. Do the crimes that he has been convicted of lessen the aesthetic value of his stand-up and, even if we can enjoy it, should we? This article first discusses the intimate relationship between the comedian and audience. The art form itself is structurally intimate, and at the same time the comedian claims to express an authentic self on stage. After drawing an analogy between the question of the moral character of (...)
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  45. Evolution and devolution of folkbiological knowledge.Phillip Wolff, Douglas L. Medin & Connie Pankratz - 1999 - Cognition 73 (2):177-204.
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    On Behalf of Classical Trinitarianism: A Critique on Rahner on the Trinity.Phillip Cary - 1992 - The Thomist 56 (3):365 - 405.
    Through a critique of Karl Rahner and an exegesis of John of Damascus, the article argues that there is no difference in essential logic between Greek and Latin Trinitarianism. In particular, both traditions establish an epistemic gap between the doctrine of the immanent Trinity and the doctrine of the economic Trinity, which (contrary to prevailing theological opinion) is well-placed, but does not imply that the inner self of the Trivine God remains hidden and unknown in the economy of salvation.
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  47. Truthmaking: With and Without Counterpart Theory.Phillip Bricker - 2015 - In Barry Loewer & Jonathan Schaffer (eds.), A companion to David Lewis. Chichester, West Sussex ;: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 159–187.
    According to the Truthmaker Principle: every truth has a truthmaker. Attempts to come to grips with the Truthmaker Principle played a prominent role in Lewis’s metaphysical writings over the last fifteen years of his career. Although Lewis agreed that the truth of propositions must somehow be ontologically grounded, the Truthmaker Principle was too strong: it conflicted with two of Lewis’s most fundamental metaphysical assumptions, the uniqueness of composition and the Humean denial of necessary connections. Lewis endorsed instead a weaker principle: (...)
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    Letter to the editor.Phillip E. Johnson - 1994 - Biology and Philosophy 9 (4):439-441.
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    Agency, Systems, and “Civilization”: Dewey and the Anthropocene.Phillip McReynolds - 2018 - The Pluralist 13 (2):72-95.
    The materialistic philosophy which sees 'man' as pitted against his environment is rapidly breaking down as technological man becomes more and more able to oppose the largest systems. Every battle that he wins brings a threat of disaster. The unit of survival—either in ethics or in evolution—is not the organism or the species but the largest system or 'power' within which the creature lives. If the creature destroys its environment, it destroys itself.Man needs the earth in order to walk, the (...)
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    Contestation of ‘the holy places in the Zimbabwean Religious Landscape’: A study of the Johane Masowe Chishanu yeNyenyedzi Church’s sacred places.Phillip Musoni - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (1).
    Places that are regarded as holy are highly esteemed in most religious institutions. Such places are revered because they denote the converging points of human beings and the divine. The fundamental questions addressed in this study are: what makes a place holy? Do Christians share sacred places with other religious groups? The study theorises that the Johane Masowe Chishanu yeNyenyedzi Church has forcefully appropriated most of the African indigenous scared places such as hills, shades and dams for all-night prayers and (...)
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