Results for 'Pi and other infinite numbers'

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  1.  31
    $${\Pi^1_2}$$ -comprehension and the property of Ramsey.Christoph Heinatsch - 2009 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 48 (3-4):323-386.
    We show that a theory of autonomous iterated Ramseyness based on second order arithmetic (SOA) is proof-theoretically equivalent to ${\Pi^1_2}$ -comprehension. The property of Ramsey is defined as follows. Let X be a set of real numbers, i.e. a set of infinite sets of natural numbers. We call a set H of natural numbers homogeneous for X if either all infinite subsets of H are in X or all infinite subsets of H are not (...)
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  2. Infinite Ethics.Infinite Ethics - unknown
    Aggregative consequentialism and several other popular moral theories are threatened with paralysis: when coupled with some plausible assumptions, they seem to imply that it is always ethically indifferent what you do. Modern cosmology teaches that the world might well contain an infinite number of happy and sad people and other candidate value-bearing locations. Aggregative ethics implies that such a world contains an infinite amount of positive value and an infinite amount of negative value. You can (...)
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  3.  21
    Components and minimal normal subgroups of finite and pseudofinite groups.John S. Wilson - 2019 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 84 (1):290-300.
    It is proved that there is a formula$\pi \left$in the first-order language of group theory such that each component and each non-abelian minimal normal subgroup of a finite groupGis definable by$\pi \left$for a suitable elementhofG; in other words, each such subgroup has the form$\left\{ {x|x\pi \left} \right\}$for someh. A number of consequences for infinite models of the theory of finite groups are described.
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    Wittgenstein on Weyl: the law of the excluded middle and the natural numbers.Jann Paul Engler - 2023 - Synthese 201 (6):1-23.
    In one of his meetings with members of the Vienna Circle, Wittgenstein discusses Hermann Weyl’s brief conversion to intuitionism and criticizes his arguments against applying the law of the excluded middle to generalizations over the natural numbers. Like Weyl, however, Wittgenstein rejects the classical model theoretic conception of generality when it comes to infinite domains. Nonetheless, he disagrees with him about the reasons for doing so. This paper provides an account of Wittgenstein’s criticism of Weyl that is based (...)
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    On New Notions of Algorithmic Dimension, Immunity, and Medvedev Degree.David J. Webb - 2022 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 28 (4):532-533.
    We prove various results connected together by the common thread of computability theory.First, we investigate a new notion of algorithmic dimension, the inescapable dimension, which lies between the effective Hausdorff and packing dimensions. We also study its generalizations, obtaining an embedding of the Turing degrees into notions of dimension.We then investigate a new notion of computability theoretic immunity that arose in the course of the previous study, that of a set of natural numbers with no co-enumerable subsets. We demonstrate (...)
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  6. Infinite Regress Arguments: Some Metaphysical and Epistemological Problems.Timothy Joseph Day - 1986 - Dissertation, Indiana University
    In this dissertation we discuss infinite regress arguments from both a historical and a logical perspective. Throughout we deal with arguments drawn from various areas of philosophy. ;We first consider the regress generating portion of the argument. We find two main ways in which infinite regresses can be developed. The first generates a regress by defining a relation that holds between objects of some kind. An example of such a regress is the causal regress used in some versions (...)
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  7.  33
    Wholes, Parts, and Infinite Collections.P. O. Johnson - 1992 - Philosophy 67 (261):367 - 379.
    In his book, The Principles of Mathematics , the young Bertrand Russell abandoned the common-sense notion that the whole must be greater than its part, and argued that wholes and their parts can be similar, e.g. where both are infinite series, the one being a sub-series of the other. He also rejected the popular view that the idea of an infinite number is self-contradictory, and that an infinite set or collection is an impossibility. In this paper, (...)
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  8. Infinite value and finitely additive value theory.Peter Vallentyne & Shelly Kagan - 1997 - Journal of Philosophy 94 (1):5-26.
    000000001. Introduction Call a theory of the good—be it moral or prudential—aggregative just in case (1) it recognizes local (or location-relative) goodness, and (2) the goodness of states of affairs is based on some aggregation of local goodness. The locations for local goodness might be points or regions in time, space, or space-time; or they might be people, or states of nature.1 Any method of aggregation is allowed: totaling, averaging, measuring the equality of the distribution, measuring the minimum, etc.. Call (...)
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    Many problems, different frameworks: classification of problems in computable analysis and algorithmic learning theory.Vittorio Cipriani - 2024 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 30 (2):287-288.
    In this thesis, we study the complexity of some mathematical problems: in particular, those arising in computable analysis and algorithmic learning theory for algebraic structures. Our study is not limited to these two areas: indeed, in both cases, the results we obtain are tightly connected to ideas and tools coming from different areas of mathematical logic, including for example descriptive set theory and reverse mathematics.After giving the necessary preliminaries, we first study the uniform computational strength of the Cantor–Bendixson theorem in (...)
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    Longing for the Other: Levinas and Metaphysical Desire.Drew M. Dalton - 2009 - Pittsburgh, PA, USA: Duquesne University Press.
    One of the most persistent and poignant human experiences is the sensation of longing--a restlessness perhaps best described as the unspoken conviction that something is missing from our lives. In this study, Drew M. Dalton attempts to illuminate this experience by examining the philosophical thought of Emmanuel Levinas on longing, or what Levinas terms "metaphysical desire." Metaphysical desire, according to Levinas, does not stem from any determinate lack within us, nor does it aim at a particular object beyond us, much (...)
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  11.  43
    Introduction to mathematics: number, space, and structure.Scott A. Taylor - 2023 - Providence, Rhode Island: American Mathematical Society.
    This textbook is designed for an Introduction to Proofs course organized around the themes of number and space. Concepts are illustrated using both geometric and number examples, while frequent analogies and applications help build intuition and context in the humanities, arts, and sciences. Sophisticated mathematical ideas are introduced early and then revisited several times in a spiral structure, allowing students to progressively develop rigorous thinking. Throughout, the presentation is enlivened with whimsical illustrations, apt quotations, and glimpses of mathematical history and (...)
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  12. Negative, infinite, and hotter than infinite temperatures.Philip Ehrlich - 1982 - Synthese 50 (2):233 - 277.
    We examine the notions of negative, infinite and hotter than infinite temperatures and show how these unusual concepts gain legitimacy in quantum statistical mechanics. We ask if the existence of an infinite temperature implies the existence of an actual infinity and argue that it does not. Since one can sensibly talk about hotter than infinite temperatures, we ask if one could legitimately speak of other physical quantities, such as length and duration, in analogous terms. That (...)
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  13.  17
    The Infinite Nature of Quantum Cosmology.Ardeshir Irani - 2023 - Open Journal of Philosophy 13 (4):759-763.
    The connection between the infinite nature of Quantum Cosmology and the infinite nature of God is presented here. At the beginning of the creation process, there was a single God/Void that was divided into many Gods/Voids all filled with Dark Energy consisting of photons which were responsible for creating the Multiverses made of matter, antimatter, space, time, charge, and multiple dimensions of space. The one God initially had no material existence which along with the laws of science was (...)
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  14. Infinite Divisibility in Hume's First Enquiry.Dale Jacquette - 1994 - Hume Studies 20 (2):219-240.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hume Studies Volume XX, Number 2, November 1994, pp. 219-240 Infinite Divisibility in Hume's First Enquiry DALE JACQUETTE The Limitations of Reason The arguments against infinite divisibility in the notes to Sections 124 and 125 of David Hume's Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding are presented as "sceptical" results about the limitations of reason. The metaphysics of infinite divisibility is introduced merely as a particular, though especially representative (...)
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  15.  28
    On isomorphism classes of computably enumerable equivalence relations.Uri Andrews & Serikzhan A. Badaev - 2020 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 85 (1):61-86.
    We examine how degrees of computably enumerable equivalence relations under computable reduction break down into isomorphism classes. Two ceers are isomorphic if there is a computable permutation of ω which reduces one to the other. As a method of focusing on nontrivial differences in isomorphism classes, we give special attention to weakly precomplete ceers. For any degree, we consider the number of isomorphism types contained in the degree and the number of isomorphism types of weakly precomplete ceers contained in (...)
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  16.  8
    The Infinite in Mathematics: Logico-mathematical writings.Felix Kaufmann - 1978 - Springer Verlag.
    The main item in the present volume was published in 1930 under the title Das Unendliche in der Mathematik und seine Ausschaltung. It was at that time the fullest systematic account from the standpoint of Husserl's phenomenology of what is known as 'finitism' (also as 'intuitionism' and 'constructivism') in mathematics. Since then, important changes have been required in philosophies of mathematics, in part because of Kurt Godel's epoch-making paper of 1931 which established the essential in completeness of arithmetic. In the (...)
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  17. (1 other version)About the Infinite Repetition of Histories in Space.Manuel Alfonseca & Francisco José Soler Gil - 2014 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 29 (3):361.
    This paper analyzes two different proposals, one by Ellis and Brundrit, based on classical relativistic cosmology, the other by Garriga and Vilenkin, based on the DH interpretation of quantum mechanics, both concluding that, in an infinite universe, planets and beings must be repeated an infinite number of times. We point to possible shortcomings in these arguments. We conclude that the idea of an infinite repetition of histories in space cannot be considered strictly speaking a consequence of (...)
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  18.  47
    Hume on Geometry and Infinite Divisibility in the Treatise.H. Mark Pressman - 1997 - Hume Studies 23 (2):227-244.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hume Studies Volume XXIII, Number 2, November 1997, pp. 227-244 Hume on Geometry and Infinite Divisibility in the Treatise H. MARK PRESSMAN Scholars have recognized that in the Treatise "Hume seeks to find a foundation for geometry in sense-experience."1 In this essay, I examine to what extent Hume succeeds in his attempt to ground geometry visually. I argue that the geometry Hume describes in the Treatise faces a (...)
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  19.  83
    Nature, number and individuals: Motive and method in Spinoza's philosophy.Marx W. Wartofsky - 1977 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 20 (1-4):457 – 479.
    The paper is concerned with the problem of individuation in Spinoza. Spinoza's account of individuation leads to the apparent contradiction between, on the one hand, the view that substance (God or Nature) is simple, eternal, and infinite, and on the other, the claim that substance contains infinite differentiation - determinate and finite modes, i.e. individuals. A reconstruction of Spinoza's argument is offered which accepts the reality of the contradiction and sees it as a consequence of Spinoza's way (...)
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  20. Infinite utilitarianism: More is always better.Luc Lauwers & Peter Vallentyne - 2004 - Economics and Philosophy 20 (2):307-330.
    We address the question of how finitely additive moral value theories (such as utilitarianism) should rank worlds when there are an infinite number of locations of value (people, times, etc.). In the finite case, finitely additive theories satisfy both Weak Pareto and a strong anonymity condition. In the infinite case, however, these two conditions are incompatible, and thus a question arises as to which of these two conditions should be rejected. In a recent contribution, Hamkins and Montero (2000) (...)
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  21.  15
    On the Optimal Number of Contract Types.Clayton P. Gillette & Oren Bar-Gill - 2019 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 20 (2):487-510.
    The theoretical availability of an infinite number of contract types suggests that there may be an optimal quantity from which contractual parties could make a selection. In this Article, we emphasize the difficulty of identifying that optimal number, given information costs and other transaction costs related to the production of a contract type. We argue that standard market failures might cause markets to produce a suboptimal number of contract types. We then consider whether government should intervene to remedy (...)
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  22.  78
    Weaker variants of infinite time Turing machines.Matteo Bianchetti - 2020 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 59 (3-4):335-365.
    Infinite time Turing machines represent a model of computability that extends the operations of Turing machines to transfinite ordinal time by defining the content of each cell at limit steps to be the lim sup of the sequences of previous contents of that cell. In this paper, we study a computational model obtained by replacing the lim sup rule with an ‘eventually constant’ rule: at each limit step, the value of each cell is defined if and only if the (...)
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  23.  29
    (1 other version)The Infinite Apparatus in the Quantum Theory of Measurement.Don Robinson - 1990 - PSA Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1990 (1):251-261.
    It has been suggested that the measuring apparatus used to measure quantum systems ought to be idealized as consisting of an infinite number of quantum systems. Let us call this the infinity assumption. The suggestion that we ought to make the infinity assumption has been made in connection with two closely related but distinct problems. One is the problem of determining the importance of the limitations on measurement incorporated into the Wigner-Araki-Yanase quantum theory of measurement. The other is (...)
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  24. Easy ontology, application conditions and infinite regress.Andrew Brenner - 2018 - Analysis 78 (4):605-614.
    In a number of recent publications Thomasson has defended a deflationary approach to ontological disputes, according to which ontological disputes are relatively easy to settle, by either conceptual analysis, or conceptual analysis in conjunction with empirical investigation. Thomasson’s “easy” approach to ontology is intended to derail many prominent ontological disputes. In this paper I present an objection to Thomasson’s approach to ontology. Thomasson’s approach to existence assertions means that she is committed to the view that application conditions associated with any (...)
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    Notes on a formalization of the prime number theorem.Jeremy Avigad - unknown
    On September 6, 2004, using the Isabelle proof assistant, I verified the following statement: (%x. pi x * ln (real x) / (real x)) ----> 1 The system thereby confirmed that the prime number theorem is a consequence of the axioms of higher-order logic together with an axiom asserting the existence of an infinite set. All told, our number theory session, including the proof of the prime number theorem and supporting libraries, constitutes 673 pages of proof scripts, or roughly (...)
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  26. (1 other version)God and the Numbers.Paul Studtmann - 2023 - Journal of Philosophy 120 (12):641-655.
    According to Augustine, abstract objects are ideas in the mind of God. Because numbers are a type of abstract object, it would follow that numbers are ideas in the mind of God. Call such a view the “Augustinian View of Numbers” (AVN). In this paper, I present a formal theory for AVN. The theory stems from the symmetry conception of God as it appears in Studtmann (2021). I show that the theory in Studtmann’s paper can interpret the (...)
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  27.  58
    Accuracy, probabilism and Bayesian update in infinite domains.Alexander R. Pruss - 2022 - Synthese 200 (6):1-29.
    Scoring rules measure the accuracy or epistemic utility of a credence assignment. A significant literature uses plausible conditions on scoring rules on finite sample spaces to argue for both probabilism—the doctrine that credences ought to satisfy the axioms of probabilism—and for the optimality of Bayesian update as a response to evidence. I prove a number of formal results regarding scoring rules on infinite sample spaces that impact the extension of these arguments to infinite sample spaces. A common condition (...)
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  28.  98
    The basic theory of infinite time register machines.Merlin Carl, Tim Fischbach, Peter Koepke, Russell Miller, Miriam Nasfi & Gregor Weckbecker - 2010 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 49 (2):249-273.
    Infinite time register machines (ITRMs) are register machines which act on natural numbers and which are allowed to run for arbitrarily many ordinal steps. Successor steps are determined by standard register machine commands. At limit times register contents are defined by appropriate limit operations. In this paper, we examine the ITRMs introduced by the third and fourth author (Koepke and Miller in Logic and Theory of Algorithms LNCS, pp. 306–315, 2008), where a register content at a limit time (...)
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  29.  40
    Infinity and continuum in the alternative set theory.Kateřina Trlifajová - 2021 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 12 (1):1-23.
    Alternative set theory was created by the Czech mathematician Petr Vopěnka in 1979 as an alternative to Cantor’s set theory. Vopěnka criticised Cantor’s approach for its loss of correspondence with the real world. Alternative set theory can be partially axiomatised and regarded as a nonstandard theory of natural numbers. However, its intention is much wider. It attempts to retain a correspondence between mathematical notions and phenomena of the natural world. Through infinity, Vopěnka grasps the phenomena of vagueness. Infinite (...)
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  30.  71
    A Philosophical Path from Königsberg to Kyoto: The Science of the Infinite and the Philosophy of Nothingness.Rossella Lupacchini - 2020 - Sophia 60 (4):851-868.
    ‘Mathematics is the science of the infinite, its goal the symbolic comprehension of the infinite with human, that is finite, means.’ Along this line, in The Open World, Hermann Weyl contrasted the desire to make the infinite accessible through finite processes, which underlies any theoretical investigation of reality, with the intuitive feeling for the infinite ‘peculiar to the Orient,’ which remains ‘indifferent to the concrete manifold of reality.’ But a critical analysis may acknowledge a valuable dialectical (...)
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  31.  26
    Dialogue sur l’infinité et la réalité.Sam Labson - 1983 - Philosophiques 10 (2):377-402.
    Cet essai cherche à faire de la complémentarité entre énergie-idée, structure et fonction, et autres couples de concepts, la base d'une nouvelle ontologie qui puisse résoudre les conflits entre les pôles de description « mental » et « physique », entre la vérité mathématique et la vérité empirique et entre la mécanique quantique et la théorie de la relativité comme formes rivales d'explication scientifique. L'auteur y plaide en faveur de la fermeture déductive de l'univers à la lumière de la relation (...)
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  32.  86
    Infinite Number and the World Soul; in Defence of Carlin and Leibniz.Richard Arthur - 1999 - The Leibniz Review 9:105-116.
    In last year’s Review Gregory Brown took issue with Laurence Carlin’s interpretation of Leibniz’s argument as to why there could be no world soul. Carlin’s contention, in Brown’s words, is that Leibniz denies a soul to the world but not to bodies on the grounds that “while both the world and [an] aggregate of limited spatial extent are infinite in multitude, the former, but not the latter, is infinite in respect of magnitude and hence cannot be considered a (...)
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  33. How Infinitely Valuable Could a Person Be?Levi Durham & Alexander Pruss - 2024 - Philosophia 52 (4):1185-1201.
    Many have the intuition that human persons are both extremely and equally valuable. This seeming extremity and equality of vale is puzzling: if overall value is the sum of one’s final value and instrumental value, how could it be that persons share the same extreme value? One way that we can solve the Value Puzzle is by following Andrew Bailey and Josh Rasmussen. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 103, 264–277 (2020) and accepting that persons have infinite final value. But there (...)
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    Theism, Naturalism, and Worlds.Stephen E. Parrish - 2016 - Philosophia Christi 18 (2):433-450.
    Theism and naturalism are rival worldviews. Both seek to explain the nature of reality, but often give radically different explanations. One of the most important areas of conflict is the differing accounts for the existence of the world in which we live. Why is the actual world the one that has been instantiated instead of any other of the apparently infinite number of other possible worlds? In this paper I argue that whereas theism has a puzzle as (...)
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  35. Stability and Posets.Carl G. Jockusch, Bart Kastermans, Steffen Lempp, Manuel Lerman & Reed Solomon - 2009 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 74 (2):693-711.
    Hirschfeldt and Shore have introduced a notion of stability for infinite posets. We define an arguably more natural notion called weak stability, and we study the existence of infinite computable or low chains or antichains, and of infinite $\Pi _1^0 $ chains and antichains, in infinite computable stable and weakly stable posets. For example, we extend a result of Hirschfeldt and Shore to show that every infinite computable weakly stable poset contains either an infinite (...)
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  36. Bishop Berkeley Exorcises the Infinite: Fuzzy Consequences of Strict Finitism.David M. Levy - 1992 - Hume Studies 18 (2):511-536.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Bishop Berkeley Exorcises the Infinite: Fuzzy Consequences of Strict Finitism1 David M. Levy Introduction It all began simply enough when Molyneux asked the wonderful question whether a person born blind, now able to see, would recognize by sight what he knew by touch (Davis 1960). After George Berkeley elaborated an answer, that we learn to perceive by heuristics, the foundations ofcontemporarymathematics wereinruin. Contemporary mathematicians waved their hands and (...)
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  37. The Growing Block and What was Once Present.Peter Tan - 2022 - Erkenntnis 87 (6):2779-2800.
    According to the growing block ontology of time, there (tenselessly and unrestrictedly) exist past and present objects and events, but no future objects or events. The growing block is made attractive not just because of the attractiveness of its ontological basis for past-tensed truths, the past’s fixity, and future’s openness, but by underlying principles about the right way to fill in this sort of ontology. I shall argue that given these underlying views about the connection between truth and ontology, growing (...)
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  38.  27
    Apriorics and Structuralism.Yakir Shoshani & Asher Yahalom - 2020 - Foundations of Science 25 (2):281-296.
    In this paper we suggest the use of ontological structures as an appropriate tool for describing the foundations of reality. Every vertex of this structure, representing a fundamental entity in the universe, is completely and solely characterized by its connections to the other vertices in the structure. The edges of this structure are binary compounds of the FEs, and are identified with the elementary particles. The combinations including more than 2 connected vertices correspond to composite particles. The principles according (...)
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  39. Infinite Descent.T. Scott Dixon - 2020 - In Michael J. Raven (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Metaphysical Grounding. New York: Routledge. pp. 244-58.
    Once one accepts that certain things metaphysically depend upon, or are metaphysically explained by, other things, it is natural to begin to wonder whether these chains of dependence or explanation must come to an end. This essay surveys the work that has been done on this issue—the issue of grounding and infinite descent. I frame the discussion around two questions: (1) What is infinite descent of ground? and (2) Is infinite descent of ground possible? In addressing (...)
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    Consilience, Truth and the Mind of God: Science, Philosophy and Theology in the Search for Ultimate Meaning.Richard J. Di Rocco - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book argues that God can be found within the edifice of the scientific understanding of physics, cosmology, biology and philosophy. It is a rewarding read that asks the Big Questions which humans have pondered since the dawn of the modern human mind, including: Why and how does the universe exist? From where do the laws of physics come? How did life and mind arise from inanimate matter on Earth? Science and religion have a common interest in the answers to (...)
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    Modelling, dialogism and the functional cycle.Susan Petrilli & Augusto Ponzio - 2013 - Sign Systems Studies 41 (1):93-113.
    Charles Peirce, Mikhail Bakhtin and Thomas Sebeok all develop original research itineraries around the sign and, despite terminological differences, canbe related with reference to the concept of dialogism and modelling. Jakob von Uexküll’s biosemiosic “functional cycle”, a model for semiosic processes, is alsoimplied in the relation between dialogue and communication.Biological models which describe communication as a self-referential, autopoietic and semiotically closed system (e.g., the models proposed by Maturana,Varela, and Thure von Uexküll) contrast with both the linear (Shannon and Weaver) and (...)
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    Semiotics and Pragmatism: Theoretical Interfaces by Ivo Assad Ibri (review).Robert E. Innis - 2023 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 59 (2):257-261.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Semiotics and Pragmatism: Theoretical Interfaces by Ivo Assad IbriRobert E. InnisIvo Assad Ibri Semiotics and Pragmatism: Theoretical Interfaces Springer, 2022, xxvii + 341 pp., incl. indexIn the chapter on 'The Heuristic Power of Agapism in Peirce's Philosophy' in his recent book, Semiotics and Pragmatism: Theoretical Interfaces, Ivo Ibri points out that access to Peirce's work requires something on the part of the reader that is "not readily available (...)
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    Beauty of Order and Symmetry in Minerals: Bridging Ancient Greek Philosophy with Modern Science.Chiara Elmi & Dani L. Goodman - 2024 - Foundations of Science 29 (3):759-771.
    Scientific observation has led to the discovery of recurring patterns in nature. Symmetry is the property of an object showing regularity in parts on a plane or around an axis. There are several types of symmetries observed in the natural world and the most common are mirror symmetry, radial symmetry, and translational symmetry. Symmetries can be continuous or discrete. A discrete symmetry is a symmetry that describes non-continuous changes in an object. A continuous symmetry is a repetition of an object (...)
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    Penelope Rush.* Ontology and the Foundations of Mathematics: Talking Past Each Other.Geoffrey Hellman - 2022 - Philosophia Mathematica 30 (3):387-392.
    This compact volume, belonging to the Cambridge Elements series, is a useful introduction to some of the most fundamental questions of philosophy and foundations of mathematics. What really distinguishes realist and platonist views of mathematics from anti-platonist views, including fictionalist and nominalist and modal-structuralist views?1 They seem to confront similar problems of justification, presenting tradeoffs between which it is difficult to adjudicate. For example, how do we gain access to the abstract posits of platonist accounts of arithmetic, analysis, geometry, etc., (...)
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  45. Truth definitions, Skolem functions and axiomatic set theory.Jaakko Hintikka - 1998 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 4 (3):303-337.
    §1. The mission of axiomatic set theory. What is set theory needed for in the foundations of mathematics? Why cannot we transact whatever foundational business we have to transact in terms of our ordinary logic without resorting to set theory? There are many possible answers, but most of them are likely to be variations of the same theme. The core area of ordinary logic is by a fairly common consent the received first-order logic. Why cannot it take care of itself? (...)
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    Frege's Commitment to an Infinite Hierarchy of Senses.Daniel R. Boisvert & Christopher M. Lubbers - 2003 - Philosophical Papers 32 (1):31-64.
    Abstract Though it has been claimed that Frege's commitment to expressions in indirect contexts not having their customary senses commits him to an infinite number of semantic primitives, Terrence Parsons has argued that Frege's explicit commitments are compatible with a two-level theory of senses. In this paper, we argue Frege is committed to some principles Parsons has overlooked, and, from these and other principles to which Frege is committed, give a proof that he is indeed committed to an (...)
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    Backward induction: Merits and flaws.Marek M. Kamiński - 2017 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 50 (1):9-24.
    Backward induction was one of the earliest methods developed for solving finite sequential games with perfect information. It proved to be especially useful in the context of Tom Schelling’s ideas of credible versus incredible threats. BI can be also extended to solve complex games that include an infinite number of actions or an infinite number of periods. However, some more complex empirical or experimental predictions remain dramatically at odds with theoretical predictions obtained by BI. The primary example of (...)
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    The foundational aspects of Gauss’s work on the hypergeometric, factorial and digamma functions.Giovanni Ferraro - 2007 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 61 (5):457-518.
    In his writings about hypergeometric functions Gauss succeeded in moving beyond the restricted domain of eighteenth-century functions by changing several basic notions of analysis. He rejected formal methodology and the traditional notions of functions, complex numbers, infinite numbers, integration, and the sum of a series. Indeed, he thought that analysis derived from a few, intuitively given notions by means of other well-defined concepts which were reducible to intuitive ones. Gauss considered functions to be relations between continuous (...)
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  49. Discussion. Comments on Laraudogoitia's 'classical particle dynamics, indeterminism and a supertask'.J. Earman - 1998 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 49 (1):123-133.
    We discuss two supertasks invented recently by Laraudogoitia [1996, 1997], Both involve an infinite number of particle collisions within a finite amount of time and both compromise determinism. We point out that the sources of the indeterminism are rather different in the two cases - one involves unbounded particle velocities, the other involves particles with no lower bound to their sizes - and consequently that the implications for determinism are rather different - one form of indeterminism affects Newtonian (...)
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  50. The Epistemology of the Infinite.Patrick J. Ryan - 2024 - Dissertation, University of California, Berkeley
    The great mathematician, physicist, and philosopher, Hermann Weyl, once called mathematics the “science of the infinite.” This is a fitting title: contemporary mathematics—especially Cantorian set theory—provides us with marvelous ways of taming and clarifying the infinite. Nonetheless, I believe that the epistemic significance of mathematical infinity remains poorly understood. This dissertation investigates the role of the infinite in three diverse areas of study: number theory, cosmology, and probability theory. A discovery that emerges from my work is that (...)
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