Results for 'Pierre Duclos'

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  1.  22
    Fédéralisme et politification.Pierre Duclos - 1962 - Res Publica 4 (1):5-27.
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  2. Moralistes du XVIIIe siècle. Fontenelle, Pierre Carlet de Chamblain de Marivaux, Charles Pinot- Duclos, Vauvenargues, Sébastien-Roch-Nicolas Chamfort, Antoine Rivarol & Henry Gaillard de Champris (eds.) - 1940 - Paris,: J. de Gigord.
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  3. Virtue Ethics and Action Guidance.Joshua Duclos - manuscript
    Virtue ethics has been dogged by the objection that it lacks the ability to provide adequate action-guidance, that it is agent-centered rather act-centered. Virtue ethics has also been faulted for devolving into moral cultural relativism. Rosalind Hursthouse has presented an action-based, naturalistic theory of virtue ethics intended to defuse these charges. Despite its merits, I argue that Hurthouse’s theory fails to successfully solve the problems associated with action guidance and relativism precisely because her attempt to provide a non-cultural basis for (...)
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  4. The Desire for God: Movement and Wonder in Aristotle's Metaphysics.Joshua Duclos - manuscript
    In book Λ. of the Metaphysics, Aristotle suggests that an unmoved, unmoving being (God) is the source of all movement in the cosmos. He explains that this being instigates movement through desire. But how does desire affect movement? And what would make Aristotle’s God an object of desire? I attend to both questions in this paper, arguing that God’s existence as pure actuality (energeia) is crucial to understanding God’s status as the primary and ultimate source of wonder, and that it (...)
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    Après Althusser, quelle actualité de Marx?Pierre Dardot & Christian Laval - 2013 - Cités 56 (4):77.
  6.  90
    Wilderness, Morality, and Value.Joshua Duclos - 2022 - Lexington Books.
    What if wilderness is bad for wildlife? This question motivates the philosophical investigation in Wilderness, Morality, and Value. Environmentalists aim to protect wilderness, and for good reasons, but wilderness entails unremittent, incalculable suffering for its non-human habitants. Given that it will become increasingly possible to augment nature in ways that ameliorates some of this suffering, the morality of wilderness preservation is itself in question. Joshua S. Duclos argues that the technological and ethical reality of the Anthropocene warrants a fundamental (...)
  7. Uncomplicating the Idea of Wilderness.Joshua S. Duclos - 2020 - Environmental Values 29 (1):89-107.
    In this paper I identify and respond to four persistent objections to the idea of wilderness: empirical, cultural, philosophical and environmental. Despite having dogged the wilderness debate for decades, none of these objections withstands scrutiny; rather they are misplaced criticisms that hinder fruitful discussion of the philosophical ramifications of wilderness by needlessly complicating the idea itself. While there may be other justifiable concerns about the idea of wilderness, it is time to move beyond the four discussed in this paper.
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    The deliberate control of emotional experience through control of expressions.Sandra E. Duclos & James D. Laird - 2001 - Cognition and Emotion 15 (1):27-56.
  9.  57
    L’inquiétude Dans Les Pensées De Pascal.Alexandre Duclos - 2013 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 78 (2):167.
    Il a souvent été remarqué que Pascal produit une pensée inquiétante de la condition humaine, mais plus rarement qu’il est aussi et surtout un penseur fondamental de l’inquiétude en elle-même. À partir d’une étude systématique de cette dernière notion dans les Pensées, nous voulons montrer qu’elle admet plusieurs visages mais aussi plusieurs usages sous la plume de l’apologiste. Si elle manifeste toute la misère de l’homme dans la réflexion anthropologique, l’inquiétude fonctionne également comme un outil apologétique et rhétorique visant à (...)
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    Theoretical Neurobiology of Consciousness Applied to Human Cerebral Organoids.Matthew Owen, Zirui Huang, Catherine Duclos, Andrea Lavazza, Matteo Grasso & Anthony G. Hudetz - 2024 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 33 (4):473-493.
    Organoids and specifically human cerebral organoids (HCOs) are one of the most relevant novelties in the field of biomedical research. Grown either from embryonic or induced pluripotent stem cells, HCOs can be used as in vitro three-dimensional models, mimicking the developmental process and organization of the developing human brain. Based on that, and despite their current limitations, it cannot be assumed that they will never at any stage of development manifest some rudimentary form of consciousness. In the absence of behavioral (...)
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    Utopia, Dystopia, and Democracy: Teaching Philosophy in Wartime Ukraine.Orysya Bila & Joshua Duclos - 2024 - Studia Philosophica Estonica 17:160-175.
    In this essay we explore a variety of instrumental and intrinsic values associated with teaching philosophy in wartime Ukraine. Duclos, an American, argues that teaching philosophy in Ukraine can cultivate habits of thought and action that promote democratic citizenship while opposing authoritarian dogmatism. Duclos further argues that the intrinsic joy associated with philosophical activity should not be overlooked, even in times of crisis. Conscious of Ukraine’s Soviet past, Bila, a Ukrainian, cautions against using philosophers and philosophy departments as (...)
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    Protocoles contre la douleur : la loi nous aide-t-elle ?☆.René Duclos & Coralie Duquesne - 2010 - Médecine et Droit 2010 (100-101):62-66.
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    The selected works of Pierre Gassendi.Pierre Gassendi - 1972 - New York,: Johnson Reprint.
    Letter to du Faur de Pibrac, 1621.--Exercises against the Aristotelians, 1624.--Letter to Diodati, 1634.--De motu, 1642.--The rebuttals against Descartes, 1644.--The syntagma, 1658.
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  14. Dehumanization or the Disappearance of Pluralism?Denis Duclos - 2002 - Diogenes 49 (195):34-37.
    The ‘dehuman’ and the inhuman are not, even partially, exterior to the human, as are the material and the living, the animal and the bestial; they represent rather the extremes, the very limits of the human. The inhuman forms the interior facet of the boundary which makes us human and concerns us as such. In that sense, it is never exterior to us.
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  15. Pierre Bayle: Dialogues of Maximus and Themistius.Pierre Bayle & Michael W. Hickson - 2016 - Leiden, Netherlands: Brill's Texts and Sources in Intellectual History 256/18.
    An English translation of Pierre Bayle's posthumous last book, Entretiens de Maxime et de Themiste (1707), in which Bayle defends his skeptical position on the problem of the evil. This book is often cited and attacked by G.W. Leibniz in his Theodicy (1710). Over one hundred pages of original philosophical and historical material introduce the translation, providing it with context and establishing the work's importance.
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  16. Religious Reasons in the Public Sphere: A Challenge to Habermas.Joshua Duclos - 2019 - Philosophy and Theology 31 (1):121-143.
    Should religious reasons be used in public political discourse? Habermas argues that religious reasons can enter the public sphere so long as they first undergo a translation. This translation must meet the standards of Rawlsian public reason. I argue that such a translation is either unnecessary or impossible. Habermas does not sufficiently consider the possibility that religious reasons are already publicly accessible such that no translation is required. Moreover, Habermas entirely fails to consider the possibility that, if he is right (...)
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  17. La genèse phénoménologique d’une expérience de la mort chez Lévinas.Fabrice Duclos - 2007 - Studia Phaenomenologica 7 (1):227-240.
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    The teeth of time: Pierre Hadot on meaning and misunderstanding in the history of ideas1.Pierre Force - 2011 - History and Theory 50 (1):20-40.
    The French philosopher and intellectual historian Pierre Hadot (1922-2010) is known primarily for his conception of philosophy as spiritual exercise, which was an essential reference for the later Foucault. An aspect of his work that has received less attention is a set of methodological reflections on intellectual history and on the relationship between philosophy and history. Hadot was trained initially as a philosopher and was interested in existentialism as well as in the convergence between philosophy and poetry. Yet he (...)
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  19. Dignity and Credibility in the Age of Information.Joshua Duclos - 2020 - The Principal Post.
    Self-authorship is fundamental to respecting the dignity of persons, and epistemic credibility depends upon impartial review. While these claims may seem obviously true, they arguments for them are rarely given. In a supposedly "post-truth" world in which respect for individual rights is under attack, the obvious must be argued for and reiterated. To that end, I mine sources from the European Enlightenment (Bacon, Hume, Kant, and Mill) to make the case for self-authorship and impartial review.
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  20. Correspondences of Pierre Bayle (french).Pierre Bayle - unknown
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    Assessment of individual vaccine status in a vaccinology experts' group.Antoine Duclos, Damien Bouhour, Charles Baptiste, Odile Launay & Nicole Guiso - 2008 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 14 (4):610-614.
  22.  9
    Fondamentalisme et Science politique de langue française.Pieter Duclos - 1965 - Res Publica 7 (4):305-314.
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    Le droit de la bonne pratique.Laurent Duclos - 2008 - Cahiers Philosophiques 116 (4):41-68.
    L’idée s’est imposée que le droit du travail pouvait assurer auprès des entreprises la promotion de modèles de gestion responsables. En donnant au modèle le caractère de la règle, le législateur a cherché à informer directement la pratique des acteurs économiques. La Gestion prévisionnelle de l’emploi et des compétences représente aujourd’hui la bonne pratique à imiter. À partir de cet exemple, l’article montre que la façon dont les acteurs jouent avec la règle de droit déçoit les perspectives d’appropriation du modèle (...)
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    Le revenu universel à l’épreuve des femmes.Mathilde Duclos & Monique Selim - 2022 - Multitudes 1:92-98.
    À quelles conditions la distribution d’un revenu universel pourrait-elle être émancipatrice pour les femmes? Les présentations du revenu universel par ses promoteurs en font un moyen de choix de ses activités, sans tenir compte des contraintes sociales auxquelles les femmes sont soumises. Ce n’est pas parce qu’une mesure est prise en théorie en faveur de tout le monde qu’elle touche tout le monde de la même manière. On manque encore de recherches sur ces questions. Comment éviter que le revenu universel (...)
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    Nature: principale contradiction culturelle du capitalisme.Denis Duclos - 1992 - Actuel Marx 12:41-58.
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    Protocol for the Prognostication of Consciousness Recovery Following a Brain Injury.Catherine Duclos, Loretta Norton, Geoffrey Laforge, Allison Frantz, Charlotte Maschke, Mohamed Badawy, Justin Letourneau, Marat Slessarev, Teneille Gofton, Derek Debicki, Adrian M. Owen & Stefanie Blain-Moraes - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    Do We Have a Moral Obligation to Abolish Wilderness?Joshua Duclos - 2023 - Breakthrough Journal 1 (No. 19).
    Wilderness entails unremitting, extreme suffering for the sentient wildlife that call it home. This fact has led some to question whether we should, at some point, use our scientific and technological understanding to alleviate wild animal suffering if and where we can. This article argues that wild animal suffering does indeed present a moral problem and then explains and analyzes the problem. It urges a less polemical approach to the issue than has been taken by animal rights activists and environmentalists.
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    Paradoxical markers of conscious levels: Effects of propofol on patients in disorders of consciousness.Charlotte Maschke, Catherine Duclos & Stefanie Blain-Moraes - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:992649.
    Human consciousness is widely understood to be underpinned by rich and diverse functional networks, whose breakdown results in unconsciousness. Candidate neural correlates of anesthetic-induced unconsciousness include: (1) disrupted frontoparietal functional connectivity; (2) disrupted brain network hubs; and (3) reduced spatiotemporal complexity. However, emerging counterexamples have revealed that these markers may appear outside of the state they are associated with, challenging both their inclusion as markers of conscious level, and the theories of consciousness that rely on their evidence. In this study, (...)
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    Teaching business ethics with computer-based multimedia? A cautionary analysis.Tony McAdams & Leslie K. Duclos - 1999 - Teaching Business Ethics 3 (1):57-67.
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  30. The aim and structure of physical theory.Pierre Maurice Marie Duhem - 1954 - Princeton,: Princeton University Press.
    This classic work in the philosophy of physical science is an incisive and readable account of the scientific method. Pierre Duhem was one of the great figures in French science, a devoted teacher, and a distinguished scholar of the history and philosophy of science. This book represents his most mature thought on a wide range of topics.
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    Entre esprit et corps: la culture contre le suicide collectif.Denis Duclos - 2002 - Paris: Diffusion Economica.
    Le suicide collectif apparaît comme une aberration sociale, une extrême anomalie de la culture. Et si c'était au contraire l'aboutissement de toute collectivisation achevée? Si c'était la destinée cachée - sectaire et mystique - de toute histoire commune, de toute pensée unique? Admettons-le, ne serait-ce qu'un moment. Nous sommes alors contraints de bouleverser notre perception de la vie sociale et politique. Celle-ci ne devrait pas sa survie à la recherche d'unité bien-gérée, mais aux " trous " dans le collectif ; (...)
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    Is Hunting Moral?Joshua Duclos - 2017 - The Conversation.
    In this article I present and analyze three popular moral justifications for hunting. My purpose is to expose the moral terrain of this issue and facilitate more fruitful, philosophically relevant discussions about the ethics of hunting.
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    Kenneth White et Gilles Deleuze.Michèle Duclos - 2008 - Philosophique 11:97-103.
    En 1980 dans Mille Plateaux (p.470) Deleuze exprimait la crainte que son celtisme et son intérêt pour l’Orient ne mènent Kenneth White vers un aristocratisme fascisant et un folklore fantasmant. Je montre dans cet essai que pour le poète écossais la celtitude est d’ordre mental et culturel, pas du tout ethnique, et que sa vaste et précise connaissance des cultures tao-bouddhiques débouche sur “un sol ontologiquement plus riche” (La Figure du dehors, p. 49).
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    Considérations sur les moeurs.Charles Pinot- Duclos & Frederick Charles Green - 1939 - Cambridge: University Press. Edited by Frederick Charles Green.
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    Nature et démocratie des passions.Denis Duclos - 1996 - Paris: Presses Universitaires de France - PUF.
    Le prétexte de ce livre est la nature. Celle qui est aujourd'hui entrevue dans sa fragilité et sa finitude, et non la " sauvagerie ", naguère encore déclarée l'ennemie par excellence de toute civilisation. Mais l'objet véritable du propos est la société actuelle ; mieux : la culture, dans son effort pour se faire planétaire, rencontrant ainsi un nouveau visage de la nature. Dans ce miroir à la fois multiple et unique, nous sommes peut-être en train de redécouvrir un trait (...)
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  36. 15 From Distinction Pierre Bourdieu.Pierre Bourdieu - 1998 - In Carolyn Korsmeyer (ed.), Aesthetics: The Big Questions. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 2--150.
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    Pierre Duhema filozofia nauki.Pierre Maurice Marie Duhem - 1991 - Wrocław: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego. Edited by Krzysztof Szlachcic.
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    Pierre Bayle, pour une histoire critique de la philosophie: choix d'articles philosophiques du Dictionnaire historique et critique.Pierre Bayle, Jean-Michel Gros & Jacques Chomarat - 2001 - Honoré Champion.
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    Pierre Gassendi's Institutio Logica (1658): a critical edition with translation and introduction.Pierre Gassendi - 1981 - Assen, The Netherlands: Van Gorcum. Edited by Howard Jones.
  40. Pierre Bayle pirrón Del diccionario histórico Y crítico.Pierre Bayle - 2007 - Ideas y Valores. Revista Colombiana de Filosofía 56 (134):93-117.
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    Au sujet d'une modalité particulière de recours à l'activité physique: les procédés auto-calmants.Karine Duclos - 2002 - Philosophia Scientiae 6 (1):93-103.
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    La peur et le savoir: la société face à la science, la technique et leurs dangers.Denis Duclos - 1989 - Paris: Editions La Découverte.
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  43.  10
    Kant actuel: hommage à Pierre Laberge.Pierre Laberge - 2000 - Librairie Philosophique Vrin.
    L'actualite du kantisme n'est plus a demontrer. Que l'on songe a l'ethique de la discussion, a la theorie de la justice, a la philosophie des relations internationales, au probleme des arguments dits transcendantaux ou encore a la theorie de l'experience esthetique, la pensee de Kant temoigne aujourd'hui d'une incontestable vigueur et d'une etonnante jeunesse. Cette contemporaneite de Kant se traduit par de multiples tentatives de dialogue avec cette oeuvre afin d'en degager la pertinence pour le debat actuel. L'oeuvre de (...) Laberge a su repondre de maniere exemplaire a ses ordres de preoccupations dans l'etude de Kant. Les auteurs sollicites ont eu l'occasion de collaborer avec Pierre Laberge et lui rendent ici un hommage posthume. Ce recueil reflete ainsi cette double exigence d'actualiser le kantisme et d'en analyser les textes. (shrink)
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    Is there a role for “climatotherapy” in the sustainable development of mental health?Martin Desseilles, Catherine Duclos, Valérie Flohimont & François Desseilles - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (5):487-488.
    Climate, diet, lifestyle, and environmental settings have all been shown to modulate mood, play a role in mental disorders, and even pose a mental health risk. Can climatotherapy, in its adaptive approach aiming to restore balance among the economic, social, and ecological realms of human societies, situate itself as a therapeutic avenue for the promotion of sustainable mental health?
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  45. Philosophy as a way of life: ancients and moderns: essays in honor of Pierre Hadot.Pierre Hadot & Michael Chase (eds.) - 2013 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
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    Entretien avec Pierre Pachet.Pierre Pachet - 2004 - Rue Descartes 43 (1):70-87.
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    Hommage à Pierre Lévêque.Pierre Brulé - 2005 - Kernos 18:11-15.
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  48. Notice sur la vie et les travaux de Pierre Mesnard (1900-1969).Pierre Maxime Schuhl - 1972 - Paris,: Typ. de Firmin-Didot.
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    Pierre Mesnard.Pierre Mesnard - 1969 - Moreana 6 (3):79-86.
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    Entretien avec Pierre-Henri Gouyon.Pierre-Henri Gouyon & Aliénor Bertrand - 2023 - Cahiers Philosophiques 172 (1):105-119.
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