Results for 'Piotr Magier'

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  1.  6
    Esej postantypedagogiczny =.Piotr Magier - 2016 - Lublin: Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II.
  2. Half a century of bioethics and philosophy of medicine: A topic‐modeling study.Piotr Bystranowski, Vilius Dranseika & Tomasz Żuradzki - 2022 - Bioethics 36 (9):902-925.
    Topic modeling—a text‐mining technique often used to uncover thematic structures in large collections of texts—has been increasingly frequently used in the context of the analysis of scholarly output. In this study, we construct a corpus of 19,488 texts published since 1971 in seven leading journals in the field of bioethics and philosophy of medicine, and we use a machine learning algorithm to identify almost 100 topics representing distinct themes of interest in the field. On the basis of intertopic correlations, we (...)
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    Interoception and Social Connection.Andrew J. Arnold, Piotr Winkielman & Karen Dobkins - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  4. The Disconnection That Wasn’t: Philosophy in Modern Bioethics from a Quantitative Perspective.Piotr Bystranowski, Vilius Dranseika & Tomasz Żuradzki - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (12):36-40.
    Blumenthal-Barby and her colleagues (2022) situate their discussion of philosophy and bioethics in the context of (reportedly) widely held assumption that, when compared to the early days of bioethics, the role of philosophy is now diminished across the field – the assumption we call the Disconnection Thesis. This assumption can be summarized, to use the authors’ own words, by the phrase “philosophy’s glory days in bioethics are over“. While in no place of the article they explicitly endorse the Disconnection Thesis, (...)
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    Ideals with bases of unbounded Borel complexity.Piotr Borodulin-Nadzieja & Szymon Gła̧b - 2011 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 57 (6):582-590.
    We present several naturally defined σ-ideals which have Borel bases but, unlike for the classical examples, these ideals are not of bounded Borel complexity. We investigate set-theoretic properties of such σ-ideals.
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    The Functionality of Spontaneous Mimicry and Its Influences on Affiliation: An Implicit Socialization Account.Liam C. Kavanagh & Piotr Winkielman - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Santayana and America: values, liberties, responsibility.Krzysztof Piotr Skowroński - 2007 - Newcastle, U.K.: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    George Santayana (1863-1952), a Spanish-American philosopher, is an influential personage on the cultural stage in English- and Spanish-speaking countries. His numerous books and papers on topics as varied as epistemology, ontology, aesthetics, ethics, anthropology, value theory, and American studies, along with his best-selling novel, his sophisticated poetry, and his famous autobiography, make him a vivid and profound source of reflection on the history of American and European thought, as well as a stimulus for future work. Santayana's exceptionality was appreciated by (...)
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    Tadeusz Kotarbiński's Action Theory - Reinterpretive Studies.Piotr Tomasz Makowski - 2017 - New York, USA: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    The book introduces Tadeusz Kotarbiński’s philosophy of action into the mainstream of contemporary action-theoretical debates. Piotr Makowski shows that Kotarbiński–Alfred Tarski’s teacher and one of the most important philosophers of the renowned Lvov-Warsaw school—proposed a groundbreaking, original, and (in at least a few respects) still fresh perspective in action theorizing. The book examines and develops Kotarbiński’s ideas in the context of the most recent discussions in the philosophy of action. The main idea behind Kotarbiński’s action theory—and thus, behind this (...)
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    Cn-definitions of propositional connectives.Witold A. Pogorzelski & Piotr Wojtylak - 2001 - Studia Logica 67 (1):1-26.
    We attempt to define the classical propositional logic by use of appropriate derivability conditions called Cn-definitions. The conditions characterize basic properties of propositional connectives.
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    Biblical Exegesis and Theology in Thomas Aquinas.Piotr Roszak - 2021 - Studium: Filosofía y Teología 24 (48):13-25.
    In the face of the dichotomy of biblical exegesis and theology, one of the main postulates of Biblical Thomism is the integration of both activities. In this sense, it is understandable why there are philosophical threads in exegesis, and why we find many scripture references in sacra doctrina. The article, first presenting modern attempts to separate exegesis from theology, analyzes the three aspects of studying Sacred Scripture in practicing theology according to Aquinas. For him, exegesis is the alphabet of theology, (...)
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    Determinants of attentive blank stares. An EFRP study.Agnieszka Fudali-Czyż, Piotr Francuz & Paweł Augustynowicz - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 29:1-9.
  12. Virtues of the Extended Mind: Technological Augmentation and Human Practice.Piotr Machura - 2022 - In Practical Rationality & Human Difference: Perspectives on and beyond Aladair MacIntyre. Mediolan, Włochy: pp. 171-180.
    The growing significance of technology in both everyday life and professionalised practices has brought important volume of philosophical works. However, it is somehow surprising that this current is barely reflected in virtue ethics. This paper highlights two aspects of the issue as seen from the MacIntyrean perspective. Firstly, the rise of technologisation in most areas of human life demands reflection on its influence on the autonomy and unity of the agent’s quest for a good life. Here, the new perspectives for (...)
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  13. Irrealia: F. Suárez’s Concept of Being in the Formulation of Intentionality from F. Brentano to J. Patočka and Beyond.Piotr J. Janik - 2021 - In Piotr J. Janik & Carla Canullo (eds.), Intentionnalité comme idée. Phenomenon, between efficacy and analogy. Kraków, Poland: Księgarnia Akademicka Publishing. pp. 31-45.
    The language of phenomenology includes terms such as intentionality, phenom- enon, insight, analysis, sense, not to mention the key term of Edmund Husserl’s manifesto, “the things themselves” to return to . But what does the “things them- selves” properly mean? How come the term is replaced by the “findings” over time? And what are the findings for? The investigation begins by looking at the tricky legacy of the modern turn, trying to clarify ties to past masters, including Francis- co Suárez (...)
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  14. The Matrix, or When the Natural World Is Scary.Piotr J. Janik - 2021 - In Piotr J. Janik & Carla Canullo (eds.), Intentionnalité comme idée. Phenomenon, between efficacy and analogy. Kraków, Poland: Księgarnia Akademicka Publishing. pp. 163-179.
    Husserl’s commitment to reality is marked by the urgency to return, or rather to a repeated return each time the objective is achieved . He explains this explicitly in The Crisis of European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology, taking his cue from Descartes’ Meditations . Reduction, which is the exact name for re- turn, means change of attitude, abandonment of the natural position as naive . Jan Patočka notes in this regard, that today people who have experienced modern sci- ence no (...)
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  15. Hallden incomplete calculus of names.Piotr Kulicki - 2010 - Buletin of the Section of Logic 39 (1/2):53-55.
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    The iconography of a romanesque chalice from trzemeszno.Piotr Skubiszewski - 1971 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 34 (1):40-64.
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  17. The Concept of Employee Motivation and Leadership Related Lifestyles.Jakub Brdulak, Piotr Senkus & Aneta Senkus - 2024 - Filosofija. Sociologija 28 (2).
    The paper presents the possibility of using the lifestyle concept for better recognition of the employee motivation attitude towards work leadership and managerial behaviours. That could result in better human capital management in different types of organizations. Different approaches to the lifestyle concept are presented in the paper. Also the linkage between the motivation theory, here the Douglas McGregor theory, and the lifestyle based theory VALS is examined.
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  18. Przeszłość i przyszłość filozofii.Roman Kozłowski & Piotr W. Juchacz (eds.) - 1999 - Poznań: Wydawn. Nauk. Instytutu Filozofii Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu.
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  19. Święto filozofów. Komunikat o VII Polskim Zjeździe Filozoficznym w Szczecinie.Marta Śliwa & Piotr Markiewicz - 2004 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 10.
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  20. L'esperienza di dio umanato, pienezza dell'uomo, alla luce del liber della B. Angela da Foligno.Piotr Anzulewicz - 2005 - Miscellanea Francescana 105 (3-4):446-479.
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    Why Common Sense Morality is Not Collectively Self-Defeating.Piotr Bołtuć - 2007 - Polish Journal of Philosophy 1 (2):19-39.
    The so-called Common Sense Morality (C) is any moral theory that allows, or requires, an agent to accept special, non-instrumental reasons to give advantage to certain other persons, usually the agent’s friends or kin, over the interests of others. Opponents charge C with violating the requirement of impartiality defined as independence on positional characteristics of moral agents and moral patients. Advocates of C claim that C is impartial, but only in a positional manner in which every moral agent would acquire (...)
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  22. (rec.) T. Szubka, Filozofia analityczna. Koncepcje, metody, ograniczenia, Wrocław 2009.Piotr Duchliński - 2010 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 46 (2):263-274.
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    Metaphysics of Practical Philosophy. The Concept of Capacity in Aristotle.Piotr Makowski - 2009 - In George Arabatzis (ed.), Studies on Supernaturalism. Logos Verlag.
    The author presents the Aristotelian conception of capacity/potentiality (dunamis) – one of the most important in Aristotle’s metaphysics. A closer inspection allows to draw conclusion, that the concept of capacity is an important link between ‘theory’ and ‘practice’ (metaphysics on the one side, and practical – ethical, rhetorical, political – skills, on the other). A picture of the connection between theory and practice is based on the most important parts of Metaphysics (books delta and theta), it relates metaphysical definitions to (...)
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    Embodied and disembodied processing of emotional expressions: Insights from autism spectrum disorders.Piotr Winkielman - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (6):463 - 464.
    Processing of facial expressions goes beyond simple pattern recognition. To elucidate this problem, Niedenthal et al. offer a model that identifies multiple embodied and disembodied routes for expression processing, and spell out conditions triggering use of different routes. I elaborate on this model by discussing recent research on emotional recognition in individuals with autism, who can use multiple routes of emotion processing, and consequently can show atypical and typical patterns of embodied simulation and mimicry.
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  25. O miłości i Erosie rozmawiają Tadeusz Gadacz, Małgorzata Grzegorzewska i Piotr Nowak.Tadeusz Gadacz, Małgorzata Grzegorzewska & Piotr Nowak - 2012 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 3 (22).
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    Standing in Your Peer’s Shoes Hurts Your Feats: The Self-Others Discrepancy in Risk Attitude and Impulsivity.Wojciech Białaszek, Piotr Bakun, Elton McGoun & Piotr Zielonka - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Theorising education from within pedagogical tact: a matter of singularity, attunement, and rules-as-not-rules.Morten Korsgaard & Piotr Zamojski - 2024 - Ethics and Education 19 (3):320-333.
    In this article, we try to understand the phenomenon of pedagogical tact as a particular form of power to judge. For this, we rehearse Immanuel Kant’s idea of Urteilskraft as it first appears in the Critique of Pure Reason, where it is also rendered in educational terms. However, the power to apply rules works without any rule governing its operations. Similarly, Hannah Arendt, in her work on judging, points to the groundlessness of judging – or to its self-grounding. We follow (...)
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    Utilitarian welfare and representation guarantees of approval-based multiwinner rules.Martin Lackner & Piotr Skowron - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence 288 (C):103366.
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    Polityczność podmiotu: spór o podmiotowość polityczną w świetle zwrotu językowego.Piotr Sawczyński - 2016 - Kraków: Towarzystwo Autorów i Wydawców Prac Naukowych Universitas.
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    Jacquelyn Ann K. Kegley, Josiah Royce in Focus.Krzysztof Piotr Skowroski - 2010 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 2 (1):164-170.
    Jaquelyn Ann K. Kegley’s book, Josiah Royce in Focus, is well written, competently arranged, and worthy of being recommended to all those who have some interest in the philosophy of one of America’s classic philosophers, Josiah Royce (1855-1916). The present book confirms that she is one of top scholars on Royce. Her book profoundly investigates Royce’s thought and panoramically covers almost all its aspects – I say “almost,” because the practical thought (ethics, psychology, the self, religi...
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    Czy można dwóm panom służyć?Kamil Piotr Trombik - 2019 - Philosophical Problems in Science 66:317-322.
    Book review: Dominique Lambert, Ryzykowne spotkanie teologii z nauką, przeł. P. Korycińska, Copernicus Center Press, Kraków 2018, ss. 268.
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    Large-Group One-Session Treatment: Feasibility in Highly Height Fearful Individuals and Predictors of Outcome.André Wannemueller, Piotr Gruszka, Sarah Chwalek, Sonja Fröhlich, Miriam Mulders, Svenja Schaumburg, Johanna Schöttes, Sonja Wiederhold & Jürgen Margraf - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  33. Neuroetyka a Tomasz z Akwinu: o użytecznosci myśli średniowiecznej we współczesnych debatach etycznych.Piotr Lichacz - 2018 - Warszawa: Wydawnictwo IFiS PAN.
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    Philosophical approaches to language and communication.Piotr Stalmaszczyk & Martin Hinton (eds.) - 2022 - New York: Peter Lang.
    This two-volume collection showcases a wide range of modern approaches to the philosophical study of language. Contributions illustrate how these strands of research are interconnected and show the importance of such a broad outlook. The aim is to throw light upon some of the key questions in language and communication and also to inspire, inform, and integrate a community of researchers in philosophical linguistics. Volume one concentrates on fundamental theoretical topics. This means considering vital questions about what languages are and (...)
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    The art of straying as aesthetic education.Piotr Zamojski & Itay Snir - 2022 - Ethics and Education 17 (3):359-367.
    ABSTRACT Our discussion addresses Benjamin’s antifascist education through the lens of aesthetic education and Herbert Marcuse’s aesthetic theory. While this theme is not explicitly discussed in Lewis’ book, we argue that it is essential for understanding the full political and educational potential of what he calls “the art of straying in the city”. Such straying is aesthetic in a twofold way: it allows for the city to be experienced as a massive work of art, and at the same time it (...)
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    SZABÓ, ZOLTÁN GENDLER; THOMASON, RICHMOND H., Philosophy of Language (Cambridge Textbooks in Linguistics), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2019, XII + 327 pp. [REVIEW]Piotr Stalmaszczyk - 2019 - Anuario Filosófico 52 (3):662-665.
  37. Unconscious emotion.Piotr Winkielman & Kent C. Berridge - 2004 - Current Directions in Psychological Science 13 (3):120-123.
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    Wspomnienie - Piotr K. Stengert.Piotr Stengert - 2011 - Etyka 44:99-100.
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  39. On coherent families of finite-to-one functions.Piotr Koszmider - 1993 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 58 (1):128-138.
    We consider the existence of coherent families of finite-to-one functions on countable subsets of an uncountable cardinal κ. The existence of such families for κ implies the existence of a winning 2-tactic for player TWO in the countable-finite game on κ. We prove that coherent families exist on κ = ωn, where n ∈ ω, and that they consistently exist for every cardinal κ. We also prove that iterations of Axiom A forcings with countable supports are Axiom A.
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    The Influence of Emotional and Non-emotional Concepts Activation on Information Processing and Unintentional Memorizing.Ewa Magier-Łakomy & Monika Pawłowska - 2011 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 42 (3):150-159.
    The Influence of Emotional and Non-emotional Concepts Activation on Information Processing and Unintentional Memorizing The aim of the work is to compare mechanisms of semantic and emotional processing and memory. Targets were primed by category name. The congruency of prime and target was manipulated. The reaction time of lexical decisions and the effects of unintentional memorizing of word targets were measured. Activation of semantic and emotional nodes leads to faster processing of related concepts: congruent targets are processed faster than incongruent. (...)
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    (1 other version)The Letter from Piotr Jaroszewicz, Chairman of the Council of Ministers.Piotr Jaroszewicz - 1976 - Dialectics and Humanism 3 (2):5-5.
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  42. Unification by Fiat: Arrested Development of Predictive Processing.Piotr Litwin & Marcin Miłkowski - 2020 - Cognitive Science 44 (7):e12867.
    Predictive processing (PP) has been repeatedly presented as a unificatory account of perception, action, and cognition. In this paper, we argue that this is premature: As a unifying theory, PP fails to deliver general, simple, homogeneous, and systematic explanations. By examining its current trajectory of development, we conclude that PP remains only loosely connected both to its computational framework and to its hypothetical biological underpinnings, which makes its fundamentals unclear. Instead of offering explanations that refer to the same set of (...)
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  43. Roman Ingarden and contemporary Polish aesthetics: essays.Piotr Graff & Sław Krzemień-Ojak (eds.) - 1975 - Warszawa: Polish Scientific Publishers.
  44. Automated discovery systems and scientific realism.Piotr Giza - 2002 - Minds and Machines 12 (1):105-117.
    In the paper I explore the relations between a relatively new and quickly expanding branch of artificial intelligence –- the automated discovery systems –- and some new views advanced in the old debate over scientific realism. I focus my attention on one such system, GELL-MANN, designed in 1990 at Wichita State University. The program's task was to analyze elementary particle data available in 1964 and formulate an hypothesis (or hypotheses) about a `hidden', more simple structure of matter, or to put (...)
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    Controversies in the Foundations of Analysis: Comments on Schubring’s Conflicts.Piotr Błaszczyk, Vladimir Kanovei, Mikhail G. Katz & David Sherry - 2017 - Foundations of Science 22 (1):125-140.
    Foundations of Science recently published a rebuttal to a portion of our essay it published 2 years ago. The author, G. Schubring, argues that our 2013 text treated unfairly his 2005 book, Conflicts between generalization, rigor, and intuition. He further argues that our attempt to show that Cauchy is part of a long infinitesimalist tradition confuses text with context and thereby misunderstands the significance of Cauchy’s use of infinitesimals. Here we defend our original analysis of various misconceptions and misinterpretations concerning (...)
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  46.  26
    Theories of ideology and ideology of theories.Piotr Buczkowski & Andrzej Klawiter (eds.) - 1986 - Amsterdam: Rodopi.
    Piotr Buczkowski/Poznari THE LEVELS OF CONSCIOUSNESS Some remarks on sociology of knowledge /. Introduction Sociology of knowledge is a subbranch of social ...
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    On structural completeness of many-valued logics.Piotr Wojtylak - 1978 - Studia Logica 37 (2):139 - 147.
    In the paper some consequence operations generated by ukasiewicz's matrices are examined.
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    Achieving fully proportional representation: Approximability results.Piotr Skowron, Piotr Faliszewski & Arkadii Slinko - 2015 - Artificial Intelligence 222 (C):67-103.
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    What are the limits of mathematical explanation? Interview with Charles McCarty by Piotr Urbańczyk.David Charles McCarty & Piotr Urbańczyk - 2016 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 60:119-137.
    An interview with Charles McCarty by Piotr Urbańczyk concerning mathematical explanation.
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    Phenotype-genotype dichotomy: an essay in theoretical biology.Piotr Lenartowicz - 1975 - Roma: Typis Pontificiae Universitatis Gregorianae.
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