Results for 'Privacy, Right of. '

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  1.  60
    Privacy Rights Forfeiture.Mark Hanin - 2022 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 22 (2).
    Privacy rights can surely be waived. But can they also be forfeited? If so, why and under what conditions? This article takes up these questions by developing a novel theory of privacy rights forfeiture that draws inspiration from Judith Thomson’s canonical work on privacy. The paper identifies two species of forfeiture rooted in modes of negligent and reckless conduct and argues that both self-directed and other-regarding considerations play a role in grounding forfeiture. The paper also contributes to the literature by (...)
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  2. Privacy Rights and Democracy: A Contradiction in Terms?Annabelle Lever - 2006 - Contemporary Political Theory 5 (2):142-162.
    This article argues that people have legitimate interests in privacy that deserve legal protection on democratic principles. It describes the right to privacy as a bundle of rights of personal choice, association and expression and shows that, so described, people have legitimate political interests in privacy. These interests reflect the ways that privacy rights can supplement the protection for people's freedom and equality provided by rights of political choice, association and expression, and can help to make sure that these (...)
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  3. Privacy Rights and Public Information.Benedict Rumbold & James Wilson - 2018 - Journal of Political Philosophy 27 (1):3-25.
    This article concerns the nature and limits of individuals’ rights to privacy over information that they have made public. For some, even suggesting that an individual can have a right to privacy over such information may seem paradoxical. First, one has no right to privacy over information that was never private to begin with. Second, insofar as one makes once-private information public – whether intentionally or unintentionally – one waives one’s right to privacy to that information. In (...)
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    How Privacy Rights Engender Direct Doxastic Duties.Lauritz Aastrup Munch - 2022 - Journal of Value Inquiry 56 (4):547-562.
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  5. Privacy Rights: Moral and Legal Foundations.Adam D. Moore - 2010 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    "Provides a definition and defense of individual privacy rights. Applies the proposed theory to issues including privacy versus free speech; drug testing; and national security and public accountability"--Provided by publisher.
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  6. Privacy Rights, and Why Negative Control is Not a Dead End: A Reply to Munch and Lundgren.Jakob Thrane Mainz & Rasmus Uhrenfeldt - 2021 - Res Publica 28 (2):391-400.
    Lauritz Munch and Björn Lundgren have recently replied to a paper published by us in this journal. In our original paper, we defended a novel version of the so-called ‘control theory’ of the moral right to privacy. We argued that control theorists should define ‘control’ as what we coined ‘Negative Control’. Munch and Lundgren have recently provided a range of interesting and challenging objections to our view. Independently of each other, they give almost identical counterexamples to our definition of (...)
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  7. Privacy Rights On The Internet: Self-Regulation Or Government Regulation?Norman E. Bowie & Karim Jamal - 2006 - Business Ethics Quarterly 16 (3):323-342.
    Consumer surveys indicate that concerns about privacy are a principal factor discouraging consumers from shopping online. The keypublic policy issue regarding privacy is whether the US should follow its current self-regulation course, or whether a European style formal legal regulation approach should be adopted in the US.We conclude that the use of assurance seals has worked reasonably well and websites should be free to decide whether they have aprivacy seal or not. Given the narrow scope and the wide variety among (...)
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  8. The nature and value of the.Moral Right To Privacy - 2002 - Public Affairs Quarterly 16 (4):329.
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  9. Privacy rights and ‘naked’ statistical evidence.Lauritz Aastrup Munch - 2021 - Philosophical Studies 178 (11):3777-3795.
    Do privacy rights restrict what is permissible to infer about others based on statistical evidence? This paper replies affirmatively by defending the following symmetry: there is not necessarily a morally relevant difference between directly appropriating people’s private information—say, by using an X-ray device on their private safes—and using predictive technologies to infer the same content, at least in cases where the evidence has a roughly similar probative value. This conclusion is of theoretical interest because a comprehensive justification of the thought (...)
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    Employee Privacy Rights and New Communication Technologies.William P. Smith - 2012 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 23:170-177.
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    Moving Beyond Context: Reassessing Privacy Rights in the Neurotechnology Era.Callie Terris - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 15 (2):144-146.
    Neurotechnologies are revolutionizing our ability to monitor and modify the brain. As these technologies gather more data, many seek to understand whether brain data raises novel privacy concerns a...
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    Privacy rights and protection: Foreign values in modern thai context. [REVIEW]Krisana Kitiyadisai - 2005 - Ethics and Information Technology 7 (1):17-26.
    The concept of privacy as a basic human right which has to be protected by law is a recently adopted concept in Thailand, as the protection of human rights was only legally recognized by the National Human Rights Act in 1999. Moreover, along with other drafted legislation on computer crime, the law on privacy protection has not yet been enacted. The political reform and the influences of globalization have speeded up the process of westernization of the urban, educated middle-class (...)
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    Individual privacy rights with respect to services such as Google Street View.James Thornton - 2010 - Acm Sigcas Computers and Society 40 (4):70-76.
    For a person to squeeze his fingers is legal. For a person to face towards another person is legal. For a person to sight down the barrel of a gun is legal. Yet, for that same person to do all three of these things at once is very illegal. Although Google Street View, or GSV for short, and similar services may be comprised of previously accepted functions---operation of an automobile, photography, internet publishing, mapmaking, advertising, etc.---the whole of a thing is (...)
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    Privacy Rights. [REVIEW]Mark Tunick - 2011 - Social Theory and Practice 37 (3):510-517.
    Review of Adam Moore's book Privacy Rights.
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    Do Children Have Privacy Rights in the Classroom?Andrew Davis - 2001 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 20 (3):245-254.
    Arguing that everyone has a right to privacy as control overaccess to `intimate' aspects of one's life, this author draws on thework of Julie Inness to discuss children's rights to privacy inclassrooms. Even if it is agreed that pupils should exercise this right,a central point is that there may be moral or other value considerationsthat justify setting the right aside. Among selected complexities, animportant extension is the right to psychological processes throughwhich learners acquire new knowledge.
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    Privacy Rights, Moral and Legal Foundations, by Adam D. Moore. University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 2010, 237 pp. ISBN 978‐0‐271‐03685‐4 hb £57.95; ISBN 978‐0271‐036861 pb £16.95. [REVIEW]David Archard - 2012 - European Journal of Philosophy 20 (2):338-340.
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    Liberty Rights and Privacy Rights.William J. Talbott - 2010 - In William Talbott, Human rights and human well-being. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This chapter briefly reviews the evolution in decisions of the U.S. Supreme Court of what was originally identified as a privacy right but is now correctly identified as a liberty right against legal paternalism. The chapter uses the main principle to trace the contours of what this right should include: right to religious freedom; a right to sexual freedom; a right to reproductive freedom; a right to refuse medical treatment, including a right (...)
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  18. Genes and Spleens: Property, Contract, or Privacy Rights in the Human Body?Radhika Rao - 2007 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 35 (3):371-382.
    The legal status of the human body is hotly contested, yet the law of the body remains in a state of confusion and chaos. Sometimes the body is treated as an object of property, sometimes it is dealt with under the rubric of contract, and sometimes it is not conceived as property at all, but rather as the subject of privacy rights. Which body of law should become the law of the body? This question is even more pressing in the (...)
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    The 2010 Schubmehl-Prein Essay Competition: what should individual privacy rights be with respect to services such as street view?Kevin W. Bowyer - 2010 - Acm Sigcas Computers and Society 40 (4):54-54.
    The 2010 competition was the sixth year of the Schubmehl-Prein contest for the Best Essay on Social Impact of Computing. The topic for this year turned was one that turned out to be in the news even more than anticipated -- What Should Individual Privacy Rights Be With Respect To Services Such As "Street View? The topic was originally envisioned primarily as one that would lead students to consider the different concepts of privacy that various countries have enforced in dealing (...)
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  20. The right to privacy and the deep self.Leonhard Menges - 2024 - Philosophical Quarterly:1-22.
    This paper presents an account of the right to privacy that is inspired by classic control views on this right and recent developments in moral psychology. The core idea is that the right to privacy is the right that others not make personal information about us flow unless this flow is an expression of and does not conflict with our deep self. The nature of the deep self will be spelled out in terms of stable intrinsic (...)
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    Privacy, Interests, and Inalienable Rights.Adam D. Moore - 2018 - Moral Philosophy and Politics 5 (2):327-355.
    Some rights are so important for human autonomy and well-being that many scholars insist they should not be waived, traded, or abandoned. Privacy is a recent addition to this list. At the other end of the spectrum is the belief that privacy is a mere unimportant interest or preference. This paper defends a middle path between viewing privacy as an inalienable, non-waivable, non-transferrable right and the view of privacy as a mere subjective interest. First, an account of privacy is (...)
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  22. Privacy and Assurance: On the Right to Be Forgotten.Scott Casleton - 2024 - Political Philosophy 1 (1):212-235.
    The right to be forgotten enables individuals to remove certain links from search results that appear when their names are entered as search terms. Formulated as a distinct application of the general right to privacy, the right to be forgotten has proven highly controversial, for two reasons. First, it is difficult to see how the specific right to be forgotten can apply to the withdrawal of public information, since the general right to privacy typically covers (...)
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  23. The Right to Privacy and the Right to Use the Bathroom Consistent with One’s Gender Identity.Vincent Samar - 2016 - Duke Journal of Gender Aw and Policy 24 (1):33-59.
    The Right to Privacy and the Right to Use the Bathroom Consistent with One’s Gender Identity.
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  24. Privacy, confidentiality and personality rights in biobanking and genetic research with human tissue (Second International Conference, G ottingen).Katharina Beier - 2011 - In Katharina Beier, Nils Hoppe, Christian Lenk & Silvia Schnorrer, The ethical and legal regulation of human tissue and biobank research in Europe: proceedings of the Tiss.EU project. [G ottingen]: Universit atsverlag G ottingen.
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    The right to privacy.Janet E. Smith - 2008 - San Francisco: Ignatius Press.
    Foreword by Robert H. Bork -- Culture wars -- A distorted understanding of rights -- The right to privacy -- Griswold and contraception -- Roe and abortion -- Assisted suicide and homosexuality -- Political connections and natural consequences.
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  26. Anti-doping, purported rights to privacy and WADA's whereabouts requirements: A legal analysis.Oskar MacGregor, Richard Griffith, Daniele Ruggiu & Mike McNamee - 2013 - Fair Play 1 (2):13-38.
    Recent discussions among lawyers, philosophers, policy researchers and athletes have focused on the potential threat to privacy posed by the World Anti-Doping Agency’s (WADA) whereabouts requirements. These requirements demand, among other things, that all elite athletes file their whereabouts information for the subsequent quarter on a quarterly basis and comprise data for one hour of each day when the athlete will be available and accessible for no advance notice testing at a specified location of their choosing. Failure to file one’s (...)
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  27. X—Privacy as a Human Right.Beate Roessler - 2017 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 117 (2):187-206.
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    The right to know and the right to privacy: confidentiality, HIV and health care professionals.Donna Dickenson - 1994 - Nursing Ethics 1 (2):111-115.
    This article uses a case study to examine the conflicting rights of the patient to know a clinician;s HIV status and the clinician's right to privacy.
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    The Right to Know and the Right Not to Know: Genetic Privacy and Responsibility.Ruth Chadwick, Mairi Levitt & Darren Shickle (eds.) - 2014 - Cambridge University Press.
    The privacy concerns discussed in the 1990s in relation to the New Genetics failed to anticipate the relevant issues for individuals, families, geneticists and society. Consumers, for example, can now buy their personal genetic information and share it online. The challenges facing genetic privacy have evolved as new biotechnologies have developed, and personal privacy is increasingly challenged by the irrepressible flow of electronic data between the personal and public spheres and by surveillance for terrorism and security risks. This book considers (...)
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    The Right to Privacy, Control Over Self‐Presentation, and Subsequent Harm.Lauritz Aastrup Munch - 2020 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 37 (1):141-154.
    Andrei Marmor has recently offered a narrow interpretation of the right to privacy as a right to having a reasonable amount of control over one's self‐presentation. He claims that the interest people have in preventing others from abusing their personal information to do harm is not directly protected by the right to privacy. This article rejects that claim and defends a view according to which concerns about abuse play a central role in fleshing out the appropriate scope (...)
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    Privacy Is Power.Carissa Véliz - 2020 - London, UK: Penguin (Bantam Press).
    Selected by the Economist as one of the best books of 2020. -/- Privacy Is Power argues that people should protect their personal data because privacy is a kind of power. If we give too much of our data to corporations, the wealthy will rule. If we give too much personal data to governments, we risk sliding into authoritarianism. For democracy to be strong, the bulk of power needs to be with the citizenry, and whoever has the data will have (...)
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  32. From Procedural Rights to Political Economy: New Horizons for Regulating Online Privacy.Daniel Susser - 2023 - In Sabine Trepte & Philipp K. Masur, The Routledge Handbook of Privacy and Social Media. Routledge. pp. 281-290.
    The 2010s were a golden age of information privacy research, but its policy accomplishments tell a mixed story. Despite significant progress on the development of privacy theory and compelling demonstrations of the need for privacy in practice, real achievements in privacy law and policy have been, at best, uneven. In this chapter, I outline three broad shifts in the way scholars (and, to some degree, advocates and policy makers) are approaching privacy and social media. First, a change in emphasis from (...)
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  33. Privacy as Informational Commodity.Jarek Gryz - 2013 - Proceedings of IACAP Conference.
    Many attempts to define privacy have been made since the publication of the seminal paper by Warren and Brandeis (Warren & Brandeis, 1890). Early definitions and theories of privacy had little to do with the concept of information and, when they did, only in an informal sense. With the advent of information technology, the question of a precise and universally acceptable definition of privacy became an urgent issue as legal and business problems regarding privacy started to accrue. In this paper, (...)
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  34. Privacy and the Right to Privacy.H. J. McCloskey - 1980 - Philosophy 55 (211):17 - 38.
    The right to privacy is one of the rights most widely demanded today. Privacy has not always so been demanded. The reasons for the present concern for privacy are complex and obscure. They obviously relate both to the possibilities for very considerable enjoyment of privacy by the bulk of people living in affluent societies brought about by twentieth-century affluence, and to the development of very efficient methods of thoroughly and systematically invading this newly found privacy. However, interesting and important (...)
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  35. Privacy and social interaction.Beate Roessler & Dorota Mokrosinska - 2013 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 39 (8):771-791.
    This article joins in and extends the contemporary debate on the right to privacy. We bring together two strands of the contemporary discourse on privacy. While we endorse the prevailing claim that norms of informational privacy protect the autonomy of individual subjects, we supplement it with an argument demonstrating that privacy is an integral element of the dynamics of all social relationships. This latter claim is developed in terms of the social role theory and substantiated by an analysis of (...)
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  36. The Right to Privacy: Reductionism Reconsidered.Amy Peikoff - 2003 - Dissertation, University of Southern California
    "Reductionism," in this context, is the view that the right to privacy necessarily depends on and derives from more fundamental rights, primarily liberty and property, and that this reduction has important normative implications for the law. Judges and scholars have articulated versions of reductionism for about a century, and yet, since the time of the seminal Pavesich opinion, none of these views has influenced the law. ;In this thesis, I offer a new version of reductionism. I start by examining (...)
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    Patient Rights to Publicity versus Provider Rights to Privacy: Striking a Balance When Blogging in the Medical Setting.Marleen Eijkholt, Marilyn Fisher & Jane Jankowski - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (7):77-80.
    The nurse asks the ethics consultant what can be done to stop the patient’s blogging. R.J.’s messages on the public forum are taking their toll on the care environment and the health care providers...
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    A Right to Privacy and Confidentiality: Ethical Medical Care for Patients in United States Immigration Detention.Amanda M. Gutierrez, Jacob D. Hofstetter, Emma L. Dishner, Elizabeth Chiao, Dilreet Rai & Amy L. McGuire - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (1):161-168.
    Recently, John Doe, an undocumented immigrant who was detained by United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement, was admitted to a hospital off-site from a detention facility. Custodial officers accompanied Mr. Doe into the exam room and refused to leave as physicians examined him. In this analysis, we examine the ethical dilemmas this case brings to light concerning the treatment of patients in immigration detention and their rights to privacy. We analyze what US law and immigration detention standards allow regarding immigration (...)
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  39. The right to privacy.Colleen Angel - 2000 - Journal of Information Ethics 9 (2):11-25.
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  40. The right to privacy unveiled.Samuel C. Rickless - 2007 - San Diego Law Review 44 (1):773-799.
    The vast majority of philosophers and legal theorists who have thought about the issue agree that there is such a thing as a moral right to privacy. However, there is little or no theoretical consensus about the nature of this right. According to reductionists, the right to privacy amounts to nothing more than a cluster of property rights and rights over the person, and therefore plays no autonomous explanatory role in moral theory (Thomson 1975, Davis 1959). Among (...)
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    The Right to Privacy.Lloyd L. Weinreb - 2000 - Social Philosophy and Policy 17 (2):25.
    The question that I address in this paper is whether there is a right to privacy. It is not the question whether in the United States there is a legal right to privacy or, more particularly, a constitutional right to privacy. There are any number of ordinary legal rights and specific constitutional rights that might be so described, and the U.S. Supreme Court has referred also to a generic “right to privacy” that is implicit in the (...)
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  42. Consent and the Right to Privacy.Kevin Mills - 2022 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 39 (4):721-735.
    There is currently intense debate about the significance of user consent to data practices. Consent is often taken to legitimate virtually any data practice, no matter how invasive. Many scholars argue, however, that user consent is typically so defective as to be ‘meaningless’ and that user privacy should thus be protected by substantive legislation that does not rely (or does not rely heavily) on consent. I argue that both views rest on serious mistakes about the validity conditions for consent. User (...)
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    The right to privacy vs. uniformitarianism.Tibor R. Machan - 1992 - Journal of Social Philosophy 23 (2):75-84.
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    The Right to Privacy vs. Governmental Need to Know.Robert Ginsberg - 1973 - Journal of Social Philosophy 4 (2):5-8.
  45.  15
    Privacy.William A. Edmundson - 2004 - In Martin P. Golding & William A. Edmundson, The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 271–283.
    This chapter contains section titled: Dimensions of Privacy Theories of Privacy Liberty and Decisional Privacy Justifying a Right to Informational Privacy Secrecy and Authority Note References.
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  46. (1 other version)Feminism, democracy and the right to privacy.Annabelle Lever - 2005 - Minerva 2005 (nov):1-31.
    This article argues that people have legitimate interests in privacy that deserve legal protection on democratic principles. It describes the right to privacy as a bundle of rights of personal choice, association and expression and shows that, so described, people have legitimate political interests in privacy. These interests reflect the ways that privacy rights can supplement the protection for people’s freedom and equality provided by rights of political choice, association and expression, and can help to make sure that these (...)
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  47. A Dworkinian right to privacy in New Zealand.Mark Bennett & Petra Butler - 2018 - In Salman Khurshid, Lokendra Malik & Veronica Rodriguez-Blanco, Dignity in the legal and political philosophy of Ronald Dworkin. New Delhi, India: Oxford University Press.
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  48. Privacy and the Moral Right to Personal Autonomy.Edmund Wall - 2011 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 25 (1):69-85.
    I argue that the moral right to privacy is the moral right to consent to access by others to one’s personal information. Although this thesis is relatively simple and already implicit in considerations about privacy, it has, nevertheless, been overlooked by philosophers. In the paper, I present and defend my account of the moral right to privacy, respond to possible objections to it, and attempt to show its advantages over two recent accounts: one by Steve Matthews and (...)
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  49. Student Privacy in Learning Analytics: An Information Ethics Perspective.Alan Rubel & Kyle M. L. Jones - 2016 - The Information Society 32 (2):143-159.
    In recent years, educational institutions have started using the tools of commercial data analytics in higher education. By gathering information about students as they navigate campus information systems, learning analytics “uses analytic techniques to help target instructional, curricular, and support resources” to examine student learning behaviors and change students’ learning environments. As a result, the information educators and educational institutions have at their disposal is no longer demarcated by course content and assessments, and old boundaries between information used for assessment (...)
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    The Right to Privacy: Volume 17, Part 2.Ellen Frankel Paul, Miller Jr & Jeffrey Paul (eds.) - 2000 - Cambridge University Press.
    The distinction between the public and private spheres of human life is a critical facet of contemporary moral, political, and legal thought. Much recent scholarship has invoked privacy as an important component of individual autonomy and as something essential to the ability of individuals to lead complete and fulfilling lives. However, the protection of one's privacy can interfere with the ability of others to pursue their own projects and with the capacity of the state to achieve collective goals. Developing an (...)
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