Results for 'Professional skills'

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  1.  13
    Professional skills: an approach to training and development of writing in medical universities.Bembibre Mozo Dayami, Machado Ramírez Evelio Felipe & Pérez Téllez Karen Aurora - 2016 - Humanidades Médicas 16 (3):519-531.
    El término competencias profesionales se define en la actualidad, como la posesión por parte del individuo de los conocimientos, destrezas y actitudes necesarias para realizar su actividad. El actual estudio tiene como objetivo profundizar en el análisis de la literatura sobre las competencias profesionales con un enfoque de formación y desarrollo de la expresión escrita en las universidades médicas. Con la revisión documental, se corroboró que en estas instituciones, el tratamiento de los contenidos de los programas de las asignaturas, no (...)
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    Rethinking Professional Skill Development in Competitive Corporate World : Accelerating Time-To-Expertise of Employees at Workplace.Raman K. Attri - 2014 - Proceedings of Conference on Education and Human Development in Asia.
    Professional skill development was never as critical as it has become with the changing nature of globalized work place. With the change in pace of business, the customer expectations from organizations has increased in terms of squeezed time-to-market, faster response to customer needs and demands for better services. Organizations are increasingly becoming focused on how workplace professional skill development of employees can be structured or orchestrated to shorten time-to-professional expertise of their employees. It is becoming increasingly challenging (...)
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    On professional skill in the age of digital technology.Anders Sandblad - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-9.
    This article is about professional skill and what happens when work is instrumented with technology. The purpose is to contribute to the understanding of the professional skill, its role and development in an increasingly digitalized working life. The article also argues that more research is needed to understand what is at stake in terms of professional skill in the age of digital technology. The research on which the article is based shows that people adapt their way of (...)
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    Specialized professional skills for the attention to the infantile disability.María Cristina Pérez Guerrero - 2019 - Humanidades Médicas 19 (1):80-96.
    RESUMEN La discapacidad que afecta a la población infantil constituye un problema emergente; diagnosticarla y tratarla de manera integral es parte del trabajo diario del profesional de Enfermería en la atención primaria de salud. Durante el estudio se identificaron carencias en las habilidades profesionales de los licenciados en Enfermería respecto a este saber. Se aplicó un entrenamiento encaminado al desarrollo de habilidades profesionales especializadas para la atención integral a la discapacidad infantil en este personal. Por ello el objetivo del presente (...)
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    Professional skills and local engagement: the challenge of Transition Design.Dennis Doordan - 2015 - Design Philosophy Papers 13 (1):63-67.
    This paper focuses on two challenges that Transition Design poses for design educators: teaching appropriate skill sets and promoting professional identities. University-based degree programs in design are expected to prepare graduates for professional careers providing students with the skill sets and the habits of minds required to secure jobs in a commercial, market driven milieu. We must ask: Are these actually the skills and habits we should be teaching in order to promote Transition Design? The second challenge (...)
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    Theoretical basis of medical professionals' skill to evaluate statistical information.Arnaldo Espindola Artola & Evelio F. Machado Ramírez - 2016 - Humanidades Médicas 16 (3):489-503.
    Diversas investigaciones confirman que la evaluación de la información estadística constituye una limitante para el profesional de la Medicina. Incluso en ocasiones se tiende a posturas éticas y bioéticas inadecuadas que generan problemas para las ciencias médicas; y por ende, para la sociedad. Por esa razón, el objetivo del artículo consistió en fundamentar teóricamente la competencia evaluar información estadística para el profesional de la Medicina. Los resultados obtenidos evidencian la necesidad de concebir el proceso de evaluación de la información estadística (...)
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  7. Teaching clinical ethics as a professional skill: bridging the gap between knowledge about ethics and its use in clinical practice.Catherine Myser, Ian H. Kerridge & Kenneth R. Mitchell - 1995 - Journal of Medical Ethics 21 (2):97-103.
    Ethical reasoning and decision-making may be thought of as 'professional skills', and in this sense are as relevant to efficient clinical practice as the biomedical and clinical sciences are to the diagnosis of a patient's problem. Despite this, however, undergraduate medical programmes in ethics tend to focus on the teaching of bioethical theories, concepts and/or prominent ethical issues such as IVF and euthanasia, rather than the use of such ethics knowledge (theories, principles, concepts, rules) to clinical practice. Not (...)
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  8.  38
    Impact of Professional Skills on Technical Skills in the Engineering Curriculum and Variations Between Engineering Sub-Disciplines.Brock E. Barry & JoAnna Whitener - 2014 - Teaching Ethics 14 (2):105-122.
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    Assessing whether CEOs deserve their pay.Peter Skilling & Peter McGhee - 2012 - Australian Journal of Professional and Applied Ethics 14 (1):78-91.
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  10.  66
    Professional Development of Teacher Trainers: The Role of Teaching Skills and Knowledge.Hang Su & Jialin Wang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:943851.
    Since the 1990s, the essential function of teacher trainers in academic courses has gradually attained more attention from scholars. Also, the teacher trainers’ professional development has acquired worldwide attraction following the concept that teacher trainers are deeply liable for educator education quality. The present mini-review of literature indicates that while teacher trainers have several complicated functions, they obtain the least preparation or opportunities for professional development to perform such functions. Consequently, they require getting the related knowledge and (...) after accepting the role of teacher trainers. Besides numerous aspects affecting teacher trainers’ professional development, teaching skills, and knowledge have important functions that are at the center of attention in this mini-review of literature. In brief, several implications are presented for the instructional addressees. (shrink)
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    Development of Critical Thinking Skills for Macedonian Language for Professional Purposes 2 During the Online Teaching Period.Aleksandra P. Taneska & Blagojka Zdravkovska-Adamova - 2020 - Seeu Review 15 (1):60-70.
    The aim of this paper is to present the results of our analysis regarding the development of critical thinking skills for the subject Macedonian language for specific purposes 2, research conducted in the online teaching period in the academic 2019-2020. The appearance of COVID-19 virus in March 2020 and the pandemic that it caused seriously affected the educational process. But the well-established Google Meet and Google Classroom platforms have proven to be a solid foundation for teaching in extraordinary circumstances (...)
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  12. German Professionals in the United States: A Gendered Analysis of the Migration Decision of Highly Skilled Families.[author unknown] - 2012
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    The Skills and Ethics of Professional Touch: From Theory to Practice.Taina Kinnunen, Jaana Parviainen & Annu Haho - 2023 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This book introduces readers to the ethical and goal-oriented functions of touch in professional practice. Touch is both an increasingly visible topic today and a core skill in many professions, especially in health, education and social work. This book combines helpful theoretical discussions and practical information, offering a balanced and culturally-informed introduction to an issue that both students and professionals often find difficult to navigate. Chapters discuss the various functions of touch and its uses, giving readers a deeper understanding (...)
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  14.  20
    Emergence of Skilled Behaviors in Professional, Amateur and Junior Cricket Batsmen During a Representative Training Scenario.Jonathan D. Connor, Damian Farrow & Ian Renshaw - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    The aim of this study was to explore the emergence of skilled behaviours, in the form of actions, cognitions and emotions, between professional state level cricket batters and their lesser skilled counterparts. Twenty-two male cricket batsmen (n = 6 state level; n = 8 amateur grade club level, n = 8 junior state representative level) participated in a game scenario training session against right arm pace bowlers (n = 6 amateur senior club). The batsmen were tasked with scoring as (...)
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  15. Skilled companionship in professional practice.A. Titchen - 2001 - In Joy Higgs & Angie Titchen, Practice Knowledge and Expertise in the Health Professions. Butterworth-Heinemann. pp. 69--79.
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    Training professional managers in decision-making about real life business ethics problems: The acquisition of the autonomous problem-solving skill. [REVIEW]Iordanis Kavathatzopoulos - 1994 - Journal of Business Ethics 13 (5):379 - 386.
    In the present study business managers in Kabi Pharmacia Company were trained in the use of the autonomous method in their decision-making about solving real life business ethics problems. According to the psychological theories of Piaget, Vygotsky, and Kohlberg, it is possible to promote the acquisition of the autonomous ethical skill by instruction and training. Indeed, participation in a one-day educational programme which focused on the training of the autonomous cognitive ability and not on the transfer of moral content, was (...)
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  17.  31
    Communication Skills and Professional Practice: Does It Increase Self-Efficacy in Nurses?César Leal-Costa, Sonia Tirado González, Antonio Jesús Ramos-Morcillo, María Ruzafa-Martínez, José Luis Díaz Agea & Carlos Javier van-der Hofstadt Román - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  18.  44
    Development of Consultancy skills for future IT professionals via group working.Walter Skok & Rachel E. Wardley - 1997 - AI and Society 11 (1-2):231-246.
    Organisations face an increasingly competitive and uncertain global environment, after recent experience of unparalleled technological advances and political shifts. Increased dependence on Information Technology (IT) will require appropriate human resource strategies, to develop individuals who will be capable of operating successfully within new organisational structures, with reduced management layers and a requirement for teamworking.This paper presents a university-industry based partnership, revolving around a final year Group Consultancy project, in which undergraduate students work with an external client on a live problem. (...)
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  19.  11
    Improving skills in master's degree contexts.Mª Paz Saéz-Pérez - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 14 (6):1-13.
    This research evaluates the improvements that the use of Active Teaching and Learning Methodologies entails regarding the acquisition of professional skills of future graduates of the Masters dealing with intervention in Architectural Heritage, including product and resource improvements. The objectives address students’ training, oriented toward professional activity, determining the effectiveness of innovation. The real problems were exposed to be faced at a professional level and were solved through different parts, which were developed in different phases. The (...)
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  20.  18
    Reading skills in a foreign language as a stage of professional competence formation.Dmitry Vladimirovich Zhabin & Valentina Jurievna Ivanova - 2021 - Kant 38 (1):226-230.
    The paper deals with the need for new methods in foreign language teaching to students of non-linguistic universities. The article presents a strategy to optimize the foreign language lesson. As an example an algorithm with authentic technical text in German is considered. It makes possible to change the work with foreign language text. It is proposed to substitute the standard tasks to the practice-oriented, which purpose is to teach students to understand the text.
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  21.  17
    Insights on Public Health Professionals Non-technical Skills in an Emergency Response (Multi-Team System) Environment.Andrew Black, Olivia Brown, Heini Utunen, Gaya Gamhewage & Julie Gore - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This paper provides practitioner and academic insights into the importance of examining non-technical skills in a multiteam system emergency response. The case of public health professionals is highlighted, illustrated with unique qualitative field data which focused upon the use of non-technical skills at a meso level of analysis. Results reflected the importance of context upon the multiteam system and highlighted seven non-technical skills used by public health professionals to support an effective response. Recommendations for future research and (...)
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  22.  9
    Professional behaviours.Colin Howard - 2022 - St Albans: Critical Publishing. Edited by Rachael Paige & Emma Hollis.
    How to develop the personal and professional skills and behaviours you need to be the best early career teacher you can be.
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  23.  10
    Gender-Typed Skill Co-Occurrence and Occupational Sex Segregation: The Case of Professional Occupations in the United States, 2011–2015.Constance Hsiung - 2022 - Gender and Society 36 (4):469-497.
    Studies of occupational sex segregation rely on the sociocultural model to explain why some occupations are numerically dominated by women and others by men. This model argues that occupational sex segregation is driven by norms about gender-appropriate work, which are frequently conceptualized as gender-typed skills: work-related tasks, abilities, and knowledge domains that society views as either feminine or masculine. The sociocultural model thus explains the primary patterns of occupational sex segregation, which conform to these norms: Requirements for feminine (...) increase with women’s representation in the occupation. However, the model does not adequately explain cases of segregation that deviate from these norms or investigate the ways in which feminine and masculine skills co-occur in occupations. The present study fills these gaps by evaluating two previously untested explanations for deviations from the sociocultural model. The findings show that requirements for physical strength increase with women’s representation in professional occupations because physical strength skills co-occur with substantially higher requirements for feminine skills that involve helping and caring for others. These results indicate that the sociocultural model, and more generally explanations for how gender norms drive occupational sex segregation, can be improved by examining patterns of gender-typed skill co-occurrence. (shrink)
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  24.  24
    A Comprehensive Skills Analysis of Novice Software Developers Working in the Professional Software Development Industry.Imdad Ahmad Mian, Undefined Ijaz-Ul-Haq, Aamir Anwar, Roobaea Alroobaea, Syed Sajid Ullah, Fahad Almansour & Fazlullah Umar - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-12.
    Measuring and evaluating a learner’s learning ability is always the focus of every person whose aim is to develop strategies and plans for their learners to improve the learning process. For example, classroom assessments, self-assessment using computer systems such as Intelligent Tutoring Systems, and other approaches are available. Assessment of metacognition is one of these techniques. Having the ability to evaluate and monitor one’s learning is known as metacognition. An individual can then propose adjustments to their learning process based on (...)
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  25.  41
    Types of professional observation skills of future preschool teachers.Tsybuliak Natalia - 2017 - Science and Education: Academic Journal of Ushynsky University 23 (7):16-21.
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  26. Fine motor skills for children with Down syndrome: A guide for parents and professionals.[author unknown] - 2016
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  27.  61
    Professional Ethics of Software Engineers: An Ethical Framework.Yotam Lurie & Shlomo Mark - 2016 - Science and Engineering Ethics 22 (2):417-434.
    The purpose of this article is to propose an ethical framework for software engineers that connects software developers’ ethical responsibilities directly to their professional standards. The implementation of such an ethical framework can overcome the traditional dichotomy between professional skills and ethical skills, which plagues the engineering professions, by proposing an approach to the fundamental tasks of the practitioner, i.e., software development, in which the professional standards are intrinsically connected to the ethical responsibilities. In so (...)
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  28.  21
    Preparing new professionals for administrative leadership in higher education: identifying specific skills for training.Peggy C. Holzweiss, Daniel W. Walker & Meredith Conrey - 2019 - Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 23 (2-3):54-60.
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    Family covenants and genetic testing: Utilizing the skills of counseling professionals in implementing family covenants.E. Virginia Lapham - 2001 - American Journal of Bioethics 1 (3):1 – 2.
    (2001). Family Covenants and Genetic Testing: Utilizing the Skills Of Counseling Professionals in Implementing Family Covenants. The American Journal of Bioethics: Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 1-2.
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    Professional Development and Training.Gilbert Burgh - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 27:5-13.
    The task of teaching students how to think well rests formally with schools and the classroom teachers who work within them. The education system has a responsibility to fulfil the need for relevance in the school curriculum. A corollary is that the teaching profession, through collective efforts, needs to transform the ways in which curriculum and teaching are conceived. This is not to say that teachers cannot or should not work with existing curriculum, but rather that we need to reconceptualise (...)
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    Nursing professionalization and welfare state policies: A critical review of structural factors influencing the development of nursing and the nursing workforce.Virginia Gunn, Carles Muntaner, Michael Villeneuve, Haejoo Chung & Montserrat Gea-Sanchez - 2019 - Nursing Inquiry 26 (1):e12263.
    Nursing professionalization is both ongoing and global, being significant not only for the nursing workforce but also for patients and healthcare systems. For this reason, it is important to have an in‐depth understanding of this process and the factors that could affect it. This literature review utilizes a welfare state approach to examine macrolevel structural determinants of nursing professionalization, addressing a previously identified gap in this literature, and synthesizes research on the relevance of studying nursing professionalization. The use of a (...)
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  32.  13
    Teachers' professional ethics: theoretical frameworks and empirical research from Finland.Kirsi Tirri - 2022 - Boston: Brill. Edited by Elina Kuusisto.
    Teachers' Professional Ethics: Theoretical Frameworks and Empirical Research from Finland is intended for international readers in education who want to learn the theoretical frameworks that guide teachers' ethics and that help them address concrete challenges in their everyday work. Scholars and teachers from different countries can use this book to widen their understanding of the Finnish educational system and teacher ethics. The authors provide examples of concrete moral dilemmas in teaching that can be more effectively navigated with the rational (...)
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  33. Professional recognition as an interactional accomplishment: The case of trainers with intellectual disabilities and their mentors.Léa Beaud - 2025 - Revue Phronesis 14 (2):106-129.
    Recognition contributes to the professional development of workers. Some workers with disabilities are increasingly recognized as having professional skills. In various contexts, trainers with disabilities are co-facilitating training courses with colleagues who take on a mentoring role. In the research presented here, semi-structured interviews offer opportunities for mentors to recognize the work and skills of their colleagues with an intellectual disability. By adopting an interactional perspective on these interviews, the research identifies a typology of recognition processes (...)
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    College organization and professional development: integrating moral reasoning and reflective practice.St John & P. Edward - 2009 - New York: Routledge.
    Professional responsibility -- Social justice -- Professional development -- Actionable knowledge -- Expert knowledge and skills -- Strategy and artistry -- Professional effectiveness -- Critical social challenges -- Transformational practice -- Conclusions.
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  35. Thinking Skills and Philosophy for Children: The Bethlehem Program, 1982 - 1983.John F. Martin & Mark L. Weinstein - 1984 - Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis 5 (2).
    During the past decade, the Philosophy for Children Program has offered teacher-training workshops throughout the United States and elsewhere. The workshops frequently supported by grants, enable teachers to work with a professional philosopher in developing the skills required for teaching critical thinking to elementary and intermediate schools.
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  36.  7
    The Skill of End-of-Life Communication for Clinicians: Getting to the Root of the Ethical Dilemma.Kathleen Benton - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    With a focus on end-of-life discussion in aging and chronically ill populations, this book offers insight into the skill of communicating in complex and emotionally charged discussions. This text is written for all clinicians and professionals in the fields of healthcare and public health who are faced with questions of ethical deliberation when a patient's illness turns from chronic to terminal. This skill is required to manage care well in an age of advanced technology, and numerous autonomous choices. With a (...)
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  37. (1 other version)Learning Professional Ways of Being: Ambiguities of becoming.Gloria Dall’Alba - 2009 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 41 (1):34-45.
    The purpose of professional education programs is to prepare aspiring professionals for the challenges of practice within a particular profession. These programs typically seek to ensure the acquisition of necessary knowledge and skills, as well as providing opportunities for their application. While not denying the importance of knowledge and skills, this paper reconfigures professional education as a process of becoming. Learning to become a professional involves not only what we know and can do, but also (...)
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  38.  39
    Professional Talk: How Middle Managers Frame Care Workers as Professionals.Lieke Oldenhof, Annemiek Stoopendaal & Kim Putters - 2016 - Health Care Analysis 24 (1):47-70.
    This paper examines how middle managers in the long term care sector use the discourse of professionalism to create ‘appropriate’ work conduct of care workers. Using Watson’s concept of professional talk, we study how managers in their daily work talk about professionalism of vocationally skilled care workers. Based on observations and recordings of mundane conversations by middle managers, we found four different professional talks that co-exist: appropriate looks and conduct, reflectivity about personal values and ‘good’ care, methodical work (...)
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  39. Active Learning Norwegian Preschool(er)s (ACTNOW) – Design of a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial of Staff Professional Development to Promote Physical Activity, Motor Skills, and Cognition in Preschoolers.Eivind Aadland, Hege Eikeland Tjomsland, Kjersti Johannessen, Ada Kristine Ofrim Nilsen, Geir Kåre Resaland, Øyvind Glosvik, Osvald Lykkebø, Rasmus Stokke, Lars Bo Andersen, Sigmund Alfred Anderssen, Karin Allor Pfeiffer, Phillip D. Tomporowski, Ingunn Størksen, John B. Bartholomew, Yngvar Ommundsen, Steven James Howard, Anthony D. Okely & Katrine Nyvoll Aadland - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    The Effect of the Fear of COVID-19 on Healthcare Professionals’ Psychological Adjustment Skills: Mediating Role of Experiential Avoidance and Psychological Resilience.İsmail Seçer, Sümeyye Ulaş & Zeynep Karaman-Özlü - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Tapping Performance of Professional and Amateur Darbuka Players.Kazuaki Honda & Shinya Fujii - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Motor skills of professional musicians can be regarded as a model to investigate human skill acquisition after prolonged practice. Although rhythmic tapping skills of musicians such as drummers and pianists were investigated previously, the tapping performance of hand percussionists is still largely unknown. In this study, we investigated the tapping performance of professional and amateur darbuka players. Three tapping tasks were performed: single-, double-, and triple-finger tapping tasks. The participants were asked to tap as fast as (...)
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  42.  48
    Professional Ethics as an Important Factor in Clinical Competency in Nursing.Robabeh Memarian, Mahvash Salsali, Zohreh Vanaki, Fazlolah Ahmadi & Ebrahim Hajizadeh - 2007 - Nursing Ethics 14 (2):203-214.
    It is imperative to understand the factors that influence clinical competency. Consequently, it is essential to study those that have an impact on the process of attaining clinical competency. A grounded theory approach was adopted for this study. Professional competency empowers nurses and enables them to fulfill their duties effectively. Internal and external factors were identified as affecting clinical competency. A total of 36 clinical nurses, nurse educators, hospital managers and members of the Nursing Council in Tehran participated in (...)
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    Critical appraisal of the literature on economic evaluations of substitution of skills between professionals: a systematic literature review.Angelique T. M. Dierick-van Daele, Cor Spreeuwenberg, Emmy W. C. C. Derckx, Job F. M. Metsemakers & Bert J. M. Vrijhoef - 2008 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 14 (4):481-492.
  44.  2
    Self-training and self-education in the professional formation of a Ukrainian citizen.Olexandr Prytula - 2024 - Filosofiya osvity Philosophy of Education 30 (1):160-173.
    Carrying out self-training and self-education in the process of professional development, a citizen of Ukraine should use methods and means of self-assessment of his beliefs, knowledge, actions, etc. In this process, the adequacy of the performed self-assessment, its constructive, psychologically positive and pragmatic nature is important. Every person from childhood should not only form a certain basic philosophical culture, which will help him to achieve better self-esteem, but also strive to constantly find a community of those interested in philosophy. (...)
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    Book Review: German Professionals in the United States: A Gendered Analysis of the Migration Decision of Highly Skilled Families by Astrid Eich-Krohm. [REVIEW]Smitha Radhakrishnan - 2013 - Gender and Society 27 (6):946-948.
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    Professionalization of the University and the Profession as Macintyrean Practice.Ignacio Serrano del Pozo & Carolin Kreber - 2014 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 34 (6):551-564.
    Since the nineteenth century, the debate around the process of professionalization of higher education has been characterized by two extreme positions. For some critics the process carries the risks of instrumentalizing knowledge and of leading the university to succumb under the demands of the market or the state; for other theorists it represents a concrete opportunity for the university to open up to the real needs of society and for reorienting theoretical and fragmented disciplines towards the resolution of concrete and (...)
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  47. Promoting responsible conduct in research through “survival skills” workshops: Some mentoring is best done in a crowd.Beth A. Fischer & Michael J. Zigmond - 2001 - Science and Engineering Ethics 7 (4):563-587.
    For graduate students to succeed as professionals, they must develop a set of general “survival skills”. These include writing research articles, making oral presentations, obtaining employment and funding, supervising, and teaching. Traditionally, graduate programs have offered little training in many of these skills. Our educational model provides individuals with formal instruction in each area, including their ethical dimensions. Infusion of research ethics throughout a professional skills curriculum helps to emphasize that responsible conduct is integral to succeeding (...)
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    A Change Laboratory Professional Development Intervention to Motivate University Teachers to Identify and Overcome Barriers to the Integration of ICT.Willy Castro Guzmán - 2018 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 19 (1):67-90.
    Change is one of the central aims of professional development for information and communication technologies integration in education. Studies on the use of ICT in education highlights the large investments in infrastructure and professional development, and the limited results in students learning. Teachers’ professional development for ICT integration in education has evolved from the development of technical skills to pedagogical skills and content-related knowledge. The gold standard and design-based approaches have dominated TDP-ICT. This study presents (...)
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    Practical-theological facilitation as skilled helping.Elmo Pienaar - 2013 - HTS Theological Studies 69 (2):01-09.
    The article discussed the idea of skilled helping in relation to what has been put forward as practical theological facilitation. It has been argued that various helping relationships, amongst which the author refers to coaching, facilitation, and therapy has more in common than what differentiates them if epistemology is viewed as a unifying concept. As such the scope of practical theology in terms of the contexts and themes in which it might be involved is said to widen. The public dimension (...)
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    Creating what sort of professional? Master's level nurse education as a professionalising strategy.Kate Gerrish, Mike McManus & Peter Ashworth - 2003 - Nursing Inquiry 10 (2):103-112.
    Creating what sort of professional? Master's level nurse education as a professionalising strategy This paper reports on a detailed analysis of selected findings from a larger study of master's level nurse education. It locates some features of such education within the contemporary situation of nursing as a profession and interprets the role of master's level nurse education as a professionalising strategy. In‐depth interviews were undertaken with a purposive sample of 18 nurse lecturers drawn from eight universities in the United (...)
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