Results for 'Reginald Raymer'

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  1.  38
    Sounds of Silence.Reginald Raymer - 2002 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 16 (2):181-183.
    In this article, I suggest that exclusive attention to questions of individual moral responsibility for the killing of Vietnamese civilians in raids on My Lai and Thanh Phong (March 16, 1968, and February 24.25, 1969, respectively), while important, may serve only to silence equally important ethical questions like: Are these cases genocide and mass murder? What does the response or lack thereof of the American government and public to these events tell us about our quest for justice? If we cannot (...)
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  2. Risse and Zeckhauser on Racial Profiling: A Reply: Reginald Williams.Reginald Williams - 2010 - Utilitas 22 (2):228-231.
    This article criticizes Mathias Risse and Richard Zeckhauser's recent utilitarian defense of racial profiling. I use a novel thought-experiment to argue that even if a negative phenomenon could be reduced by profiling members of certain groups who happen to be disproportionately associated with it, the practice can be implausible. Specifically, I explore the possibility that in a given society, platinum blondes have a higher per capita incidence of a serious sexually transmitted disease, D. And I argue that doctors and health (...)
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    (1 other version)Jurisprudence.Reginald Walter Michael Dias - 1957 - London: Butterworth. Edited by Graham Beynon John Hughes.
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    Forms and standards.Reginald E. Allen - 1959 - Philosophical Quarterly 9 (35):164-167.
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    Prescribing pattern of antihypertensive drugs by family physicians and general practitioners in the primary care setting in Bahrain.Reginald P. Sequeira, Khalid A. Jassim, Awatif H. H. Damanhori & Vijay S. Mathur - 2002 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 8 (4):407-414.
  6.  21
    Sacramental Character and the Pattern of Theological Life: Medieval Context and Early Modern Reception.O. P. Reginald M. Lynch - 2023 - Nova et Vetera 21 (4):1337-1370.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Sacramental Character and the Pattern of Theological Life:Medieval Context and Early Modern ReceptionReginald M. Lynch O.P.In question 63 of the tertia pars, Thomas Aquinas defines the so-called character that is conferred by certain sacraments (namely baptism, confirmation, and holy orders), as a secondary effect caused by the sacraments, with grace itself identified as the primary effect. As separated instruments of the humanity of Christ, in his mature work in (...)
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    Translation and Appropriation in the Encyclopédie, or the New Apology of Abbé Mallet.Reginald McGinnis - 2022 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 41:67.
    Quand, en 1747, Diderot et d’Alembert reprennent la direction de l’Encyclopédie, ils héritent d’un projet conçu au départ comme une traduction de la Cyclopaedia d’Ephraïm Chambers. Celle-ci ayant laissé son empreinte sur ce qui sera présenté par la suite comme un ouvrage original, les éditeurs seront souvent amenés à revenir sur leur relation au modèle anglais. Dans les polémiques autour de la publication des premiers volumes, les emprunts à Chambers, entre autres, ont été relevés par les défenseurs de la religion, (...)
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  8. The Interpretation of Plato's Parmenides : Zeno's Paradox and the Theory of Forms.Reginald E. Allen - 1964 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 2 (2):143-155.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Interpretation of Plato's Parmenides: Zeno s Paradox and the Theory of Forms R. E. ALLEN PLATO'S Parmenides is divided into three main parts, of uneven length, and distinguished from each other both by their subject matter and their speakers. In the first and briefest part (127d-130a), Socrates offers the Theory of Forms in solution of a problem raised by Zeno. In the second (130a-135d), Parmenides levels a series (...)
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    A Note on the Date of Tyrtaeus, and the Messenian War.Reginald W. Macan - 1897 - The Classical Review 11 (01):10-12.
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    Concrete Data and Abstract Notions in the Philosophical Study of Indigenous African Thought: The Struggle for Disciplinary Identity in the Era of the Near-Hegemonic Natural and Social Sciences.Reginald M. J. Oduor - 2021 - Philosophia Africana 20 (2):153-167.
    Due to the growth of neo-liberalism with its emphasis on “market-driven courses,” the humanities, of which philosophy is a part, find themselves disparaged and under-funded. As a result, some African philosophers have yielded to the temptation to deploy the empirical methodology of the natural and social sciences in a bid to illustrate the practical value of their discipline, thereby eroding philosophy’s distinctive characteristic, namely, reflection. Consequently, drawing from the contemporary discourse on methodology in African philosophy, this article argues that in (...)
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  11. A reassessment of Bengal Blackie.Reginald Ray - 1985 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 5:184.
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  12.  18
    Darwin and Women: A Selection of Letters.Emilie J. Raymer - 2018 - Annals of Science 75 (1):66-67.
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    Human progress by human effort: neo-Darwinism, social heredity, and the professionalization of the American social sciences, 1889–1925.Emilie J. Raymer - 2018 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 40 (4):63.
    Prior to August Weismann’s 1889 germ-plasm theory, social reformers believed that humans could inherit the effects of a salubrious environment and, by passing environmentally-induced modifications to their offspring, achieve continuous progress. Weismann’s theory disrupted this logic and caused many to fear that they had little control over human development. As numerous historians have observed, this contributed to the birth of the eugenics movement. However, through an examination of the work of social scientists Lester Frank Ward, Richard T. Ely, Amos Griswold (...)
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  14.  12
    The wisdom of Tibetan Buddhism.Reginald A. Ray (ed.) - 2010 - Boulder: Shambhala.
    Short inspirational selections from the great masters of Tibetan Buddhism, past and present--now part of the Shambhala Pocket Library series. Here is a portable collection of inspiring readings from the revered masters of Tibetan Buddhism.The Wisdom of Tibetan Buddhismincludes quotations from major lineage figures from the past such as Padmasambhava, Atisha, Sakya Pandita, Marpa, Milarepa, and Tsongkhapa. Also featured are the writings of masters from contemporary times including the Dalai Lama, Dudjom Rinpoche, Khyentse Rinpoche, Sakya Tridzin, Chogyam Trungpa, and others. (...)
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  15.  5
    Christian ethics: the historical development.Reginald Ernest Oscar White - 1981 - Atlanta: John Knox Press.
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    Discerning the role of faith communities in responding to urban youth marginalisation.Reginald W. Nel - 2014 - HTS Theological Studies 70 (3):01-08.
    Urban youth marginalisation became a key consideration in scholarly and policy literature in the 1990s. This entailed a shift from an emphasis on youth in relation to activism in the struggle to overcome colonial racism - popularly known as 'the struggle against apartheid' - to an emphasis on youth as the object of social inquiry and social welfare programmes. Irrespective of how we evaluate this shift, the question in this article is how urban faith communities and youth ministry research are (...)
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  17. Aquinas, Analogy and the Trinity.Reginald Mary Chua - forthcoming - Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy.
    In this paper I argue that Aquinas’ account of analogy provides resources for resolving the prima facie conflict between his claims that (1) the divine relations constituting the persons are “one and the same” with the divine essence; (2) the divine persons are really distinct, (3) the divine essence is absolutely simple. Specifically, I argue that Aquinas adopts an analogical understanding of the concepts of being and unity, and that these concepts are implicit in his formulation of claims about substance (...)
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  18.  40
    The Intersection of Gender-Related Facial Appearance and Facial Displays of Emotion.Reginald B. Adams, Ursula Hess & Robert E. Kleck - 2015 - Emotion Review 7 (1):5-13.
    The human face conveys a myriad of social meanings within an overlapping array of features. Herein, we examine such features within the context of gender-emotion stereotypes. First we detail the pervasive set of gender-emotion expectations known to exist. We then review new research revealing that gender cues and emotion expression often share physical properties that represent a confound of overlapping features characteristic of low versus high facial maturity/dominance. As such, gender-related facial appearance and facial expression of emotions often share social (...)
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  19.  11
    An examination of the deductive logic of John Stuart Mill.Reginald Jackson - 1941 - London: H. Milford.
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  20. The domain of selfhood.Reginald Vivian Feldman - 1934 - London,: G. Allen & Unwin.
  21. The authorship of the Platonic Epistles..Reginald Hackforth - 1913 - [Manchester] University Press.
  22. Levinas's Heideggerian fantasm.Reginald Lilly - 2008 - In David Pettigrew & François Raffoul (eds.), French Interpretations of Heidegger: An Exceptional Reception. Albany: State University of New York Press.
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    The cleansing of the heart: the sacraments as instrumental causes in the Thomistic tradition.Reginald M. Lynch - 2017 - Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press.
    Historical considerations -- Creation, artistry, and dispositive causality in Aquinas's Commentary on the sentences -- From the Sentences to the Summa -- Early-modern approaches to the sacraments: Melchior Cano.
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  24. Cognitive-behavioural treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder following awareness under anaesthesia: A case study.Reginald D. V. Nixon, Richard A. Bryant & Michelle L. Moulds - 2006 - Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy 34 (1):113-118.
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    Social Vision: Functional Forecasting and the Integration of Compound Social Cues.Reginald B. Adams & Kestutis Kveraga - 2015 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 6 (4):591-610.
    For decades the study of social perception was largely compartmentalized by type of social cue: race, gender, emotion, eye gaze, body language, facial expression etc. This was partly due to good scientific practice, and partly due to assumptions that each type of social cue was functionally distinct from others. Herein, we present a functional forecast approach to understanding compound social cue processing that emphasizes the importance of shared social affordances across various cues. We review the traditional theories of emotion and (...)
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  26. Same-Sex Marriage and Equality.Reginald Williams - 2011 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 14 (5):589-595.
    Some argue that same-sex marriage is not an equal rights issue because, where same-sex marriage is illegal, heterosexuals and homosexuals have the exact same right to marry—i.e., the right to marry one adult of the opposite sex. I dispute this argument by pointing out that while societies that prohibit same-sex marriage equally permit individual heterosexuals and homosexuals to marry one adult of the opposite sex, same-sex couples in such societies are denied an important right that opposite-sex couples enjoy—i.e., the right (...)
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  27. Much ado about aboutness.Sam Baron, Reginald Mary Chua, Kristie Miller & James Norton - 2019 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy (3).
    Strong non-maximalism holds that some truths require no ontological ground of any sort. Strong non-maximalism allows one to accept that some propositions are true without being forced to endorse any corresponding ontological commitments. We show that there is a version of truthmaker theory available—anti-aboutness truthmaking—that enjoys the dialectical benefits of the strong non-maximalist’s position. According to anti-aboutness truthmaking, all truths require grounds, but a proposition need not be grounded in the very thing(s) that the proposition is about. We argue that (...)
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  28.  49
    Albinus and the History of Middle Platonism.Reginald Eldred Witt - 1937 - Amsterdam,: Cambridge University Press.
    Originally published in 1937, this book began as a doctoral dissertation by Reginald Witt on the subject of the Didaskalikos and its often overlooked author Albinus. Witt looks at the philosophical text with an eye to its setting within the various strains of Platonism and other relevant schools of ancient philosophy. This text will be of value to anyone with an interest in Middle- and Neoplatonism and in the writings of Albinus.
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  29. Liberal democracy: An African critique.Reginald M. J. Oduor - 2019 - South African Journal of Philosophy 38 (1):108-122.
    Despite the end of the Cold War and the ascendancy of liberal democracy celebrated by Francis Fukuyama as “the end of history”, a growing number of scholars and political activists point to its inherent shortcomings. However, they have tended to dismiss it on the basis of one or two of its salient weaknesses. While this is a justifiable way to proceed, it denies the searching reader an opportunity to see the broad basis for the growing rejection of liberal democracy among (...)
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    Developing meaningful links between higher education and training.Reginald Melton - 1995 - British Journal of Educational Studies 43 (1):43-56.
    This paper examines ways in which inter-relationships between knowledge and skills can lead to important links between education and training to the considerable benefit of each. In particular it reviews the variety of ways in which the acquisition of knowledge can contribute to the development of competences and conversely the variety of ways in which the development of a broad range of skills can contribute to the acquisition of knowledge.
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    Thomas Aquinas on the Priesthood: Temple, Allegory, and the Humanities of Christ.O. P. Reginald M. Lynch - 2024 - Nova et Vetera 22 (3):789-810.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Thomas Aquinas on the Priesthood:Temple, Allegory, and the Humanities of Christ*Reginald M. Lynch O.P.In this lecture, I will examine Aquinas's approach to the concept of priesthood and its place in the economy of salvation, drawing upon Aquinas's systematic presentation of Christ's priesthood and sacramental priesthood within the Church, as well as the figural representation of these incarnational and ecclesial realities within the liturgical world of the Mosaic covenant. (...)
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    Aquinas on Temperance.Reginald MaryChuaOP - forthcoming - New Blackfriars.
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  33. The New Testament in Current Study.Reginald Fuller - 1962
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    Ockam's razor and the unification of physical science.Reginald O. Kapp - 1957 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 8 (29):265.
  35. Feminism and Rape.Reginald Williams - 2015 - Public Affairs Quarterly 29 (4):419-433.
    Rape is an important topic in feminist philosophy and the real world. This paper argues that three influential feminists understate the gravity and brutality of rape. They are Andrea Dworkin, Catharine MacKinnon, and Rae Langton. I also propose an alternative analysis of rape that captures its appalling nature. Dworkin and MacKinnon construe rape as something that actors in pornography, with notoriously poor acting skills, can portray as pleasurable. Langton construes rape as a kind of sex act: as sex that is (...)
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    The History of Ethnicised Politics in Kenya and its Impact on the Management of the Country’s Public Affairs.Reginald M. J. Oduor - 2023 - Thought and Practice: A Journal of the Philosophical Association of Kenya 8 (2):29-62.
    This paper deploys historical analysis, conceptual analysis and critical reflection to examine the history of ethnicised politics in Kenya and its negative impact on the management of the country’s public affairs. It sets out with a conceptualisation of ‘ethnicised politics’. It then traces the growth of ethnicised politics in Kenya from the dawn of British colonialism to the present. Thereafter, it reflects on the five-pronged negative impact of ethnicised politics on the country, namely, the gross disparities in economic development along (...)
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  37. Law and Philosophy: Materials Prepared for the Course for the Winter Term 1975.Reginald E. Allen & John Swan - 1974 - Faculty of Law, University of Toronto].
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    Over my dead body: Self-determination, proxy consent, and proportionate reason in the treatment of a Jehovah's Witness patient with severe traumatic hemorrhagic shock.Reginald Alouidor, Peter A. DePergola, Milagros Lopez-Garena, Yasmin Bungash, Edward Kelly & Nicolas Jabbour - forthcoming - Clinical Ethics:147775092110345.
    When a Jehovah’s Witness patient is traumatically injured, the lack of uniform professional consensus guidelines and the cultural knowledge deficit of many clinicians adds an additional layer of legal and ethical complexity to the inherent difficulty of managing a critically ill patient. We present here the case of an incapacitated Jehovah's Witness patient with severe traumatic hemorrhagic shock. We go on to discuss the historical and contemporary case law on proxy refusal of blood transfusion for the incapacitated adult, as well (...)
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  39.  6
    The elements of Greek philosophy from Thales to Aristotle.Reginald Bainbridge Appleton - 1922 - London,: Methuen & co..
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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    Aeschylus, Agamemnon 14.Reginald Cripps - 1936 - The Classical Review 50 (02):60-.
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  41. Who Is This Christ? Gospel Christology and Contemporary Faith.Reginald Fuller & Pheme Perkins - 1983
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    By what standard?Reginald Frank Robert Gardner - 1977 - London: Christian Medical Fellowship.
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  43. The visual-spirits and body-soul mediation-socratic love in Ficino, marsilio'de amore'.Reginald Hyatte - 1993 - Rinascimento 33:213-222.
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    (1 other version)Are there Analytic Propositions?Reginald Jackson - 1939 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 39 (1):185-206.
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    A Note on G.K.C.Reginald Jebb - 1974 - The Chesterton Review 1 (1):5-6.
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  46. (1 other version)Facts and Faith: The Dual Nature of Reality.REGINALD O. KAPP - 1956 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 7 (27):257-260.
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    Hypotheses about the origin and disappearance of matter.Reginald O. Kapp - 1955 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 6 (23):177-185.
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  48. (1 other version)Mind, Life and Body.Reginald O. Kapp - 1952 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 3 (11):287-289.
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    Science Versus Materialism [Is Matter the Only Reality?].Reginald O. Kapp - 2010 -
    Excerpts: THIS book is an attempt to solve, in a way which any interested layman can understand, a problem which has been hotly debated throughout the centuries. Is Matter the only reality? Philosophers, theologians, scientists as well as others who can lay claim to no specialized knowledge, but whose concerns range beyond the petty tasks each day brings forth, have all said their say. And some of them have said yes, others no. Those who say yes are called materialists. Those (...)
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  50.  14
    Encounters and dialogues with Martin Heidegger, 1929–1976.Reginald Lilly - 1995 - History of European Ideas 21 (4):603-604.
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