Results for 'Ricardo Freitas'

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  1.  16
    Megaeventos: a alquimia incontrolável da cidade.Ricardo Ferreira Freitas, Flávio Lins & Maria Helena Carmo Dos Santos - 2014 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 1 (24).
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    O conceito de função na ecologia contempor'nea.Nei Freitas Nunes-Neto, Ricardo Santos do Carmo & Charbel Niño El-Hani - 2013 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 25 (36):43.
    O discurso funcional é tanto ubíquo quanto central na ecologia contemporânea, principalmente no contexto das pesquisas sobre biodiversidade e funcionamento ecossistêmico, que emergiram nos anos 1990 em meio à crise da biodiversidade. Entretanto, a despeito dessa forte presença na ecologia, o discurso funcional ainda não tem sido investigado de maneira adequada nesta ciência, na medida em que muitos problemas fundamentais a respeito do tema ainda permanecem sem respostas claras. Por um lado, os ecólogos que lançam mão de explicações funcionais parecem (...)
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    Capa, Sumário e Apresentação.Ricardo Freitas - 2014 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 1 (24).
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    Implicações Das Crises Do Capital Nas Reformas Educacionais.Francisco Joatan Freitas Santos Junior & Ricardo George de Araújo Silva - 2022 - Revista Dialectus 25 (25):267-295.
    O artigo trata das reformas educacionais apresentadas pelos organismos internacionais às nações periféricas, na perspectiva de um diálogo histórico-filosófico sobre as crises da educação nesse período de globalização. Privilegia o estudo teórico-bibliográfico de caráter analítico-exploratório, orientando-se pelo horizonte metodológico do materialismo histórico-dialético. Tem por objetivo compreender as implicações das crises do capital nas reformas educacionais dos países periféricos. No campo da educação, conclui-se que essas reformas estão em sintonia com as medidas neoliberais que visam fomentar uma mão-de-obra flexível e precarizada (...)
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    Whoever could get rid of the context of discovery/context of justification dichotomy? A proposal based on recent developments in clinical research.Renan Springer de Freitas & Ricardo Pietrobon - 2007 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 32 (1):25-42.
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    Acesso e utilização dos serviços de saúde da população negra quilombola: uma análise bibliográfica.Rosilene das Neves Pereira & Ricardo Frankllin de Freitas Mussi - 2020 - Odeere 5 (10):280-303.
    O período escravocrata brasileiro deixou marcas profundas nas populações negras e quilombolas. Este sistema contribui para um cenário racista que fomenta injustiças sociais e em saúde. Nesse sentido, o presente texto objetiva investigar na literatura científica o acesso e a utilização dos serviços de saúde pela população negra e quilombola. A partir de uma revisão de literatura do tipo descritiva narrativa. A busca das publicações ocorreu na Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde e no Google Acadêmico. Foram selecionadas 39 publicações entre os (...)
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    Adherence Rate, Barriers to Attend, Safety, and Overall Experience of a Remote Physical Exercise Program During the COVID-19 Pandemic for Individuals After Stroke.Camila Torriani-Pasin, Gisele Carla dos Santos Palma, Marina Portugal Makhoul, Beatriz de Araujo Antonio, Audrea R. Ferro Lara, Thaina Alves da Silva, Marcelo Figueiredo Caldeira, Ricardo Pereira Alcantaro Júnior, Vitoria Leite Domingues, Tatiana Beline de Freitas & Luis Mochizuki - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Introduction: The actions taken by the government to deal with the consequences of the coronavirus diseases 2019 pandemic caused different levels of restriction on the mobility of the population. The need to continue offering physical exercise to individuals after stroke became an emergency. However, these individuals may have barriers to adhere to the programs delivered remotely. There is a lack of evidence related to adherence, attendance, safety, and satisfaction of remote exercise programs for this population.Objective: The aim was to evaluate (...)
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    Chronic pelvic pain: multifactorial influences.Adriana Peterson Mariano Salata Romão, Ricardo Gorayeb, Gustavo Salata Romão, Omero Benedicto Poli‐Neto, Francisco José Cândido dos Reis, Júlio César Rosa‐E.‐Silva, Hermes de Freitas Barbosa & Antonio Alberto Nogueira - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (6):1137-1139.
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    O Direito à Saúde: uma análise com Comunidades Quilombolas baianas.Leila Maria Prates Teixeira Mussi, Ilzver de Matos Oliveira, Claudio Bispo de Almeida & Ricardo Franklin de Freitas Mussi - 2023 - Odeere 8 (1):322-339.
    A concretização do direito à saúde deve ser viabilizada pelo Estado, com foco na efetivação das políticas públicas para garantia da implantação e funcionamento dos serviços demandados pelos respectivos grupos populacionais. Destarte, essa escrita objetivou analisar como o direito à saúde é contemplado em comunidades quilombolas de uma região geográfica baiana. Metodologicamente enquadra-se como de abordagem qualitativa, com informações obtidas por meio de entrevistas estruturadas (sobre a infraestrutura e/ou serviços públicos de saúde) desenvolvidas com as representações das Associações de Moradores (...)
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  10. Building Sustainable Values in Organizations with the Support of Human Resource Management: Evidence from One Firm Considered as the ‘Best Place to Work’ in Brazil.Jorge Henrique Caldeira de Oliveira, Walter Leal Filho, Leandro Luis Mangili, Charbel José Chiappetta Jabbour & Wesley Ricardo de Souza Freitas - 2012 - Journal of Human Values 18 (2):147-159.
    Researchers and other professionals unanimously agree that companies should become more sustainable, but this will not happen without the support of human resource management. Paradoxically, there is a lack of information on the support human resource management offers to organizational sustainability applied to real cases. Therefore, this research presents a case study on this topic that was carried out in a leading Brazilian company, which is considered as a model and has been selected as ‘the best place to work in (...)
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  11. XVI Brazilian Logic Conference (EBL 2011).Walter Carnielli, Renata de Freitas & Petrucio Viana - 2012 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 18 (1):150-151.
    This is the report on the XVI BRAZILIAN LOGIC CONFERENCE (EBL 2011) held in Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil between May 9–13, 2011 published in The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic Volume 18, Number 1, March 2012. -/- The 16th Brazilian Logic Conference (EBL 2011) was held in Petro ́polis, from May 9th to 13th, 2011, at the Laboratório Nacional de Computação o Científica (LNCC). It was the sixteenth in a series of conferences that started in 1977 with the aim of (...)
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    Against the accommodation of subjective healthcare provider beliefs in medicine: counteracting supporters of conscientious objector accommodation arguments.Ricardo Smalling & Udo Schuklenk - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics 43 (4):253-256.
    We respond in this paper to various counter arguments advanced against our stance on conscientious objection accommodation. Contra Maclure and Dumont, we show that it is impossible to develop reliable tests for conscientious objectors' claims with regard to the reasonableness of the ideological basis of their convictions, and, indeed, with regard to whether they actually hold they views they claim to hold. We demonstrate furthermore that, within the Canadian legal context, the refusal to accommodate conscientious objectors would not constitute undue (...)
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    Filosofía y derechos humanos.Ricardo Parellada - 2010 - Arbor 186 (745):799-807.
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    Comentários para a Diálogos.Ricardo Pavetti - 2011 - Dialogos 15 (1).
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    Réplica.Ricardo Pavetti - 2005 - Diálogos (Maringa) 9 (2).
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    Why is there hierarchy? Democracy and the question of organisational form.Ricardo Blaug - 2009 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 12 (1):85-99.
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    The Claire covid-19 initiative: Approach, experiences and recommendations.Gianluca Bontempi, Ricardo Chavarriaga, Hans eD Canck, Emanuela Girardi, Holger Hoos, Iarla Kilbane-Dawe, Tonio Ball, Ann Nowé, Jose Sousa, Davide Bacciu, Marco Aldinucci, Manlio eD Domenico, Alessandro Saffiotti & Marco Maratea - 2021 - Ethics and Information Technology 23 (S1):127-133.
    A volunteer effort by Artificial Intelligence researchers has shown it can deliver significant research outcomes rapidly to help tackle COVID-19. Within two months, CLAIRE’s self-organising volunteers delivered the World’s first comprehensive curated repository of COVID-19-related datasets useful for drug-repurposing, drafted review papers on the role CT/x-ray scan analysis and robotics could play, and progressed research in other areas. Given the pace required and nature of voluntary efforts, the teams faced a number of challenges. These offer insights in how better to (...)
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  18.  40
    O que é função? Debates na filosofia da biologia contemporânea.Nei Freitas Nunes-Neto & Charbel Niño El-Hani - 2009 - Scientiae Studia 7 (3):353-401.
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    Interaction, interpretation and representation: the construction and dissemination of chemical knowledge from a Peircean semiotics perspective.Karina Aparecida de Freitas Dias de Souza & Paulo Alves Porto - 2024 - Foundations of Chemistry 26 (2):255-273.
    This paper proposes a theoretical approach to discuss the relations among reality, chemists’ interactions with it, and the resulting interpretation and representation of the acquired scientific knowledge. Taking into account that such relations are of semiotic nature, this paper aims at discussing in the light of Peirce’s theory of signs different descriptions of chemical activity and chemical education proposed by Alex Johnstone and elaborated by other science educators. In order to discuss the contributions and limitations of the proposed theoretical framework, (...)
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  20. Autoritarismo e corrupção.Ricardo Vélez-rodríguez - forthcoming - Convivium: revista de filosofía.
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    The Moral Case for Granting Catastrophically Ill Patients the Right to Access Unregistered Medical Interventions.Udo Schuklenk & Ricardo Smalling - 2017 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 45 (3):382-391.
    Using the case of Ebola Virus Disease as an example, this paper shows why patients at high risk for death have a defensible moral claim to access unregistered medical interventions, without having to enrol in randomized placebo controlled trials.A number of jurisdictions permit and facilitate such access under emergency circumstances. One controversial question is whether patients should only be permitted access to UMI after trials investigating the interventions are fully recruited. It is argued that regulatory regimes should not prioritise trial (...)
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    Teaching the philosophical grounding of economics to economists: a 10 years' experience.Ricardo Crespo - 2021 - Journal of Philosophical Economics Volume XIV Issue-2 (Symposium: How economists are...).
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  23. Desafíos de la psicología a la teología.Ricardo Capponi - 2004 - In Carlos Federico Schickendantz (ed.), Culturas, religiones e iglesias: desafíos de la teología contemporánea. Córdoba, Argentina: Editorial de la Universidad Católica de Córdoba.
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  24. Actividad(es) física(s) versus prácticas corporales.Ricardo Crisorio - 2015 - In Eduardo Galak & Emiliano Gambarotta (eds.), Cuerpo, educación, política: tensiones epistémicas, históricas y prácticas. Buenos Aires: Editorial Biblos.
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    The young Hegel: tensions and articulations between philosophy and diagnosis of time.Ricardo Crissiuma - 2014 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2014 (1).
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    Leibniz, Kant, the Transcendental Ideality of Space and Modern Geometry.Ricardo Parellada - 2003 - Studia Leibnitiana 35 (2):244 - 254.
    Kants Argument zugunsten der Idealität und Subjektivität des Raumes stellt eine Erklärung dar für die Möglichkeit, Geometrie für die Kenntnis der Natur anzuwenden. Gemäß dem transzendentalen Idealismus können geometrische Sätze, die notwendig und a priori sind, auf empirische Objekte angewendet werden, weil der Raum auf das Subjekt zurückgeht. Kant entwickelte seine Konzeption des synthetischen Charakters der Geometrie im Gegensatz zu Leibniz' analytischer Auffassung, aber der Verfasser argumentiert, dass die Einführung nichteuklidischer geometrischer Strukturen eher Leibniz' als Kants geometrischer Konzeption entspricht. Der (...)
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    El calidoscopio de las identidades: voces y miradas múltiples.Ricardo Romo - 2007 - Guadalajara, Jalisco: U DE G-Centro Universitario de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades. Edited by Alicia Fignoni & Mabel Padlog.
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  28. The Dōgen Zenji´s 'Gakudō Yōjin-shū' from a Theravada Perspective.Ricardo Sasaki - unknown
    Zen principles and concepts are often taken as mystical statements or poetical observations left for its adepts to use his/her “intuitions” and experience in order to understand them. Zen itself is presented as a teaching beyond scriptures, mysterious, transmitted from heart to heart, and impermeable to logic and reason.
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    Logic, planning agency and branching time.Ricardo Souza Silvestre - 2010 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 14 (3):421-438.
    O propósito desse artigo é fornecer um tratamento formal para um tipo de ação até o momento negligenciada nas lógicas modais filosóficas da ação: ação em plano. Ao fazer isso nós seguimos a abordagem padrão nas lógicas modais da ação exemplificados pelos trabalhos de Belnap, Chellas and Pörn. Como nós acreditamos que existe uma relação forte entre plano, tempo e indeterminismo, nós usamos a teoria do tempo ramificado para investigar as características básicas da ação em plano. Além de introduzir uma (...)
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    Cento e quarenta anons sem Charles Darwin bastam: sobre variedades, espécies, e definições.Ricardo Wainzbort - 2000 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 4 (1):141-184.
    This paper aims at discussing some difficulties regarding the species definition problem in biology. I will try to show that typological concept defines species as fixed, immutable entities. After this, I will consider some passages of Origin of Species in the attempt to characterize Darwinian species as populations that may be modified, through natural processes, into new species. Besides, I will present the biological concept of species, trying to discuss prroblems of not making distinctions between species as classes and species (...)
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  31.  44
    Da adivinhação à dedução: os processos inferenciais em psicoterapia cognitivo-comportamental.Ricardo Wainer, Jorge Castellá Sarriera, Neri Maurício Piccoloto, Luciane Benvegnu Piccoloto, Giovanni Kuckartz Pergher, Márcio Englert Barbosa & Vinícius Guimarães Dornelles - 2005 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 22:23-40.
    Este artigo apresenta os principais resultados de uma pesquisa que objetivou verificar a validade e viabilidade de aplicar modelos lógico-pragmáticos da Lingüística Cognitiva ao entendimento dos processos inferenciais nos diálogos de díades pacientepsicoterapeuta em Terapia Cognitivo-Comportamental ..
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  32. Russell's structuralism and the supposed death of computational cognitive science.Ricardo Restrepo - 2009 - Minds and Machines 19 (2):181-197.
    John Searle believes that computational properties are purely formal and that consequently, computational properties are not intrinsic, empirically discoverable, nor causal; and therefore, that an entity’s having certain computational properties could not be sufficient for its having certain mental properties. To make his case, Searle employs an argument that had been used before him by Max Newman, against Russell’s structuralism; one that Russell himself considered fatal to his own position. This paper formulates a not-so-explored version of Searle’s problem with computational (...)
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    Twin Subgraphs and Core-Semiperiphery-Periphery Structures.Ricardo Riaza - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-17.
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    Systems, models and self-awareness: Towards architectural models of consciousness.Ricardo Sanz, Carlos Hernández, Jaime Gómez, Julita Bermejo-Alonso, Manuel Rodríguez, Adolfo Hernando & Guadalupe Sánchez - 2009 - International Journal of Machine Consciousness 1 (2):255-279.
  35.  22
    Naturaleza, Materia y lo estético… Zubiri lector “radical” de Spinoza.Ricardo A. Espinoza Lolas & Braulio Rojas Castro - 2020 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 32 (56).
    El presente artículo busca dar con la influencia de Baruch Spinoza en el pensamiento de Xavier Zubiri en torno al tema de la materia y de allí entender lo que es lo estético. Es sabido que Zubiri desde joven fue un gran lector de Spinoza; incluso lo enseñaba en detalle a su amiga-estudiante María Zambrano. Y lo que pensamos es que Zubiri siempre estuvo influenciado por el pensador holandés y esto se ve reflejado en cómo Zubiri trata su concepto de (...)
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  36.  15
    The notion of language deviations in St. Augustine’s Ars pro fratrum mediocritate breuiata.Fábio Fortes & Fernando Adão de Sá Freitas - 2019 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 27:e02710.
    The notion of linguistic correction with which Augustine of Hippo introduced his Ars pro fratrum mediocritate breuiata seems central to the philosopher's grammatical discussion, not only because of the various examples that Augustine offers about the definitions of barbarism and soloecism at the end of this treatise, but also because the subject of correction and, consequently, of the deviations of language, are also presented in other non-grammatical works: The confessions, De ordine and De doctrina Christiana. In this article, we propose (...)
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    Eduardo García Belsunce: (1930-2012).Tomás E. Zwanck & Ricardo Ibarlucía - 2012 - Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 38 (2):267-270.
    En este trabajo me propongo desarrollar un estudio crítico de la concepción mecanicista de la explicación científica. En primer lugar, argumento que la caracterización mecanicista de los modelos fenoménicos (no explicativos) es inadecuada, pues no ofrece un análisis aceptable de los conceptos de modelo científico y similitud, que son fundamentales para la propuesta. En segundo lugar, sostengo que la caracterización de los modelos mecanicistas (explicativos) es igualmente inadecuada, pues los análisis disponibles de la relación explicativa de relevancia constitutiva implican una (...)
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    On the Nature of Explanation: An Epistemological-Linguistic Perspective for Explanation-Based Natural Language Inference.Marco Valentino & André Freitas - 2024 - Philosophy and Technology 37 (3):1-33.
    One of the fundamental research goals for explanation-based Natural Language Inference (NLI) is to build models that can reason in complex domains through the generation of natural language explanations. However, the methodologies to design and evaluate explanation-based inference models are still poorly informed by theoretical accounts on the nature of explanation. As an attempt to provide an epistemologically grounded characterisation for NLI, this paper focuses on the scientific domain, aiming to bridge the gap between theory and practice on the notion (...)
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    El pragmatismo norteamericano.Douglas Anderson, Ricardo Restrepo, Victor Hugo Chica & Diana Patricia Carmona (eds.) - 2013 - IAEN.
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    Presentation - Law and Philosophy: Foundations and Hermeneutics.Álvaro Balsas & Ricardo Barroso Batista - 2014 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 70 (2-3):199-204.
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    Introduction: Trauma and Textualities.Brian Brown, Ricardo Rato Rodrigues, Charley Baker & Paul Crawford - 2020 - Journal of Medical Humanities 42 (2):209-211.
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    Esperrància: O lugar da espera e da err'ncia.Fernado Freitas Fuao - 2021 - Revista Disertaciones 10 (1).
    Esse ensaio apresenta algumas possibilidades do pensamento sobre hospitalidade-acolhimento enunciado pelo filósofo Jacques Derrida. Considera a teoria dos Encontros na collage como um modo de avançar nas obscuras relações entre hospede e hospedeiro. Para tanto essas duas figuras são comparadas analogamente com as figuras da espera e da errância, conforme as apresentadas em A collage como trajetória amorosa. Procura-se mostrar que, a questão da hospitalidade tem a propriedade de unir as diferenças, porém conservando-as enquanto diferenças. Dessa maneira, a espera e (...)
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  43. (1 other version)The Concept of God in the Bhagavad-Gita: A Panentheistic Account.Ricardo Silvestre & Alan Herbert - forthcoming - In R. Silvestre, A. Herbert & B. Göcke (eds.), Concepts of God in Vaishnavism: Philosophical Perspectives. Routledge.
    In this chapter, Ricardo Silvestre and Alan Herbert offer a reconstruction of the Gītā’s concept of God with a focus on the relationship between God and the world. They try to explain the claim that the Gītā is panentheistic. This is done with the help of some key notions of contemporary metaphysics (such as ontological dependence and fundamentality) along with the Indic notion of prakṛti, considered as a metaphysical primitive denoting the intimate relationship that exists between matter and conscious (...)
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    Why is the Cosmos Intelligent? : Stoic cosmology and Plato, Philebus 29a9–30a8.Ricardo Salles - 2018 - Rhizomata 6 (1):40-64.
    The present paper studies a family of Stoic proofs of the intelligence of the cosmos, i. e. of the thesis that the cosmos is intelligent in the strong sense that it is, as a whole, something that thinks. This family, ‘F2’, goes back to a proof, ‘XP’, found in Philebus 29a9–30 a8 and Xenophon Mem. 1.4.8. F2 infers the intelligence of the cosmos, as XP does, from the general idea that our intelligence proceeds from the cosmos, which is the ultimate (...)
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    O Método Materialista Histórico e Dialético Para a Pesquisa Em Educação.Marília Freitas de Campos Tozoni-Reis - 2020 - Simbio-Logias Revista Eletrônica de Educação Filosofia e Nutrição 12 (17):67-84.
    This article presents the Historical and Dialectical Materialist Method as a possible approach to interpret social reality, and, consequently, the educational reality. The logical construction of this Method, which substantiates the Marxist thought, presents itself as a theoretical (logical instrument) and methodological (guiding pathways) possibility to interpret reality. This methodological perspective is distinguished by the movement of thought through the historical reality of men’s life in society, i.e., it deals with discovering (by the movement of thought) the fundamental laws that (...)
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    Os Cinco Métodos Característicos de Um Processo de Aprendizagem Sob a Ótica Do Filósofo e Pedagogo Isaac Watts No Século XVIII.Ingrid Nunes Derossi & Ivoni de Freitas-Reis - 2017 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 28:141-155.
    O objetivo deste trabalho é abordar os métodos para o aperfeiçoamento da mente, desenvolvidos por Isaac Watts em 1741. Por tratar de instruções para o aperfeiçoamento da mente e pretender ser um minucioso guia para tutores e estudantes, essa obra foi bastante utilizada por cientistas comprometidos com o ensinar, tais como os ingleses Michael Faraday e Jane Marcet. Entretanto, apesar de encontrarmos reedições bastante atuais ela ainda é muito pouco discutida.
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    (1 other version)Galileo y Zubiri… los inicios de la técnica moderna. El método experimental como «probación física de la realidad».Ricardo Espinoza Lolas, Pamela Soto García & Patricio Lombardo Bertolini - 2017 - Pensamiento. Revista de Investigación E Información Filosófica 73 (276):319.
    Este artículo busca pensar los orígenes de la Técnica moderna en la vida y obra del científico pisano Galileo Galilei a la luz de dos ideas fundamentales, por una parte, lo acontecido en la propia época de Galileo y, por otra parte, en la categoría fundamental de «experimentación» como «probación física de la realidad» que aparece en la obra Inteligencia y razón de Xavier Zubiri. Desde esta categoría de análisis podremos ver la riqueza de la inicial investigación científico-técnica de Galileo (...)
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    From the Meaning of Meaning to Radical Hermeneutics.Ricardo Gil Soeiro - 2017 - E-Logos 24 (2):33-44.
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    Uma Avaliação da Resposta Cética ao Desacordo Religioso.Sérgio Ricardo Neves Miranda & Luiz Helvécio Marques Segundo - 2019 - Dissertatio 49:356-375.
    Consideramos no artigo a afirmação cética de que devemos suspender o juízo nos casos de desacordo. Discutimos brevemente o argumento para a suspensão de juízo nos casos de desacordo apresentados por Sexto Empírico e propomos um argumento com base nas considerações de Feldman sobre o desacordo entre pares epistêmicos. Desenvolvemos então três objeções a esse argumento.
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    Numanities and Their Role in the Twenty-First Century.Ricardo Nogueira De Castro Monteiro - 2017 - American Journal of Semiotics 33 (1/2):49-68.
    Despite the unquestionable importance of technological progress in twenty-first-century society, the decision by many political leaders worldwide to treat natural sciences as an almost exclusive priority betrays a terrible misconception of the complexity of the contemporary world. As the Renaissance cannot be reduced to Copernicus’s or Galileo’s brilliant contributions, or Enlightenment to the works of such giants as Newton and Cavendish, contemporary society will hardly be remembered as just a series of amazing software and gadget updates. There are three categories (...)
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