Results for 'Robert Rothman'

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  1.  48
    The Willowbrook Wars: A Decade of Struggle for Social Justice.Robert A. Burt, David J. Rothman & Sheila M. Rothman - 1985 - Hastings Center Report 15 (4):26.
    Book reviewed in this article: The Willowbrook Wars: A Decade of Struggle for Social Justice. By David J. Rothman and Sheila M. Rothman.
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    Value and intelligence.Robert Rothman - 1936 - Journal of Philosophy 33 (7):176-186.
  3.  22
    A Non-cognitive Behavioral Model for Interpreting Functional Neuroimaging Studies.Robert G. Shulman & Douglas L. Rothman - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13:418924.
    The dominant model for interpreting brain imaging experiments assumes that the brain is organized to support mental processes that control behavior. However functional neuroimaging experiments, particularly of cognitive tasks, have not shown a high level of reproducibility and localization. This lack of clear functional segregation has been blamed on limitations in imaging technology and non linearity and regional overlap in how the brain implements these processes. However the validity of the underlying cognitive models used to describe the brain have rarely (...)
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    (1 other version)Book Reviews: Scientific Knowledge and Its Social Problems. By JEROME R. RAVETZ. Oxford : Clarendon Press, I97I. Pp. 499. 5. [REVIEW]Robert A. Rothman - 1974 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 4 (2):301-302.
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    Science and the Moral Life. Max C. Otto. [REVIEW]Robert Rothman - 1950 - Philosophy of Science 17 (3):283-284.
  6.  10
    Tuitions and intuitions: essays at the intersection of film criticism and philosophy.William Rothman - 2019 - Albany: SUNY Press.
    Introduction: how John the Baptist kept his head, or my life in film philosophy -- A philosophical perspective. Why not realize your world? -- Silence and stasis -- Film and modernity -- André Bazin as Cavellian realist -- On Stanley Cavell's band wagon -- What becomes of the camera in the world on film? -- Studies in criticism. "I never thought I would sink so low as to become an actor": John Barrymore in Twentieth century -- James Stewart in Vertigo (...)
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    Special Supplement: The Birth of Bioethics.Albert R. Jonsen, Shana Alexander, Judith P. Swazey, Warren T. Reich, Robert M. Veatch, Daniel Callahan, Tom L. Beauchamp, Stanley Hauerwas, K. Danner Clouser, David J. Rothman, Daniel M. Fox, Stanley J. Reiser & Arthur L. Caplan - 1993 - Hastings Center Report 23 (6):S1.
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  8. Neurochemistry Predicts Convergence of Written and Spoken Language: A Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Study of Cross-Modal Language Integration.Stephanie N. Del Tufo, Stephen J. Frost, Fumiko Hoeft, Laurie E. Cutting, Peter J. Molfese, Graeme F. Mason, Douglas L. Rothman, Robert K. Fulbright & Kenneth R. Pugh - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:378667.
    Recent studies have provided evidence of associations between neurochemistry and reading (dis)ability (Pugh et al., 2014). Based on a long history of studies indicating that fluent reading entails the automatic convergence of the written and spoken forms of language and our recently proposed Neural Noise Hypothesis (Hancock et al., 2017), we hypothesized that individual differences in cross-modal integration would mediate, at least partially, the relationship between neurochemical concentrations and reading. Cross-modal integration was measured in 231 children using a two-alternative forced (...)
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    Private Sociology: Unsparing Reflections, Uncommon Gains.Isaac D. Balbus, Sarah Brabant, William B. Brown, Kristine Anderson Dougherty, Don Eckard, Carolyn Ellis, David O. Friedrichs, Ann Goetting, Barbara A. Haley, Ross Koppel, Marianne A. Paget, Douglas V. Porpora, Larry T. Reynolds, Carol Rambo Ronai, Barbara Katz Rothman, Joseph W. Ruane, Don H. Shamblin, Z. G. Standing Bear, Robert L. Stewart, Roger A. Straus, Richard Quinney & Jan Yager (eds.) - 1996 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Each contributor to this book has used personal experience as the basis from which to frame his individual sociological perspectives. Because they have personalized their work, their accounts are real, and recognizable as having come from 'real' persons, about 'real' experiences. There are no objectively-distanced disembodied third person entities in these accounts. These writers are actual people whose stories will make you laugh, cry, think, and want to know more.
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    Special Supplement: MBD, Drug Research and the Schools.Daniel Callahan, Leslie Dach, Harold Edgar, Willard Gaylin, Gerald Klerman, Ruth Macklin, Robert Michels, Robert C. Neville, David Rothman, Margaret Steinfels, Judith P. Swazey, George J. Annas, Larry Brown, Albert DiMascio, Daniel X. Freedman, George Hein, Hubert Jones, Melvin H. King, Ronald Lipman, Sheila Rothman & Robert L. Sprague - 1976 - Hastings Center Report 6 (3):1.
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    S. Robert Lichter;, Stanley Rothman. Environmental Cancer: A Political Disease? xiv + 235 pp., figs., tables, bibl., index. New Haven, Conn./London: Yale University Press, 1999. $35 ; $17. [REVIEW]James T. Bennett - 2003 - Isis 94 (3):515-516.
  12.  15
    Book review / the future of penal reform. [REVIEW]Robert L. Bonn - 1988 - Criminal Justice Ethics 7 (2):79-84.
    Marc Ancel, Social Defense: The Future of Penal Reform (translated by Thorsten Sellin) Littleton, CO: Fred B. Rothman, 1987, viii + 300 pp.
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    The marginalization of phenomenological consciousness.Ethan B. Macdonald & Amir Raz - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8:87085.
    From the height of his ninety years of experience, Robert G. Shulman is not just a veteran of World War II, but a world-class biophysicist with a distinguished research career spanning the California Institute of Technology, Bell Labs, and Yale University. A forerunner in the use of nuclear magnetic resonance, Shulman contributed to the study of biochemical processes, founded the Yale Magnetic Resonance Research Center, and shepherded functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) as a dominant tool of cognitive neuroscience. Together (...)
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    Revisiting the launching of the Kennedy institute: Re-visioning the origins of bioethics.Warren T. Reich - 1996 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 6 (4):323-327.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Revisiting the Launching of the Kennedy Institute: Re-visioning the Origins of BioethicsWarren Thomas Reich (bio)Twenty-five years ago, on October 1, 1971, at a press conference held at Georgetown University, the Joseph and Rose Kennedy Institute for the Study of Human Reproduction and Bioethics, later called the Kennedy Institute of Ethics, was officially inaugurated. To revisit that event—and the Institute’s five founding collaborators who spoke at it—provides an opportunity to (...)
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    This Birth and That: Surrogacy and Stratified Motherhood in India.Amrita Pande - 2014 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 4 (1):50-64.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:This Birth and ThatSurrogacy and Stratified Motherhood in IndiaAmrita PandeIn 2006, i came across a short newspaper article about the emergence of a new industry in India—the industry of paid birth or commercial surrogacy. People from all over the world could now hire Indian women to give birth to babies for them, for a fraction of the cost of surrogacy elsewhere and with no government regulations. After some digging (...)
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    Laying Medicine Open: Innovative Interaction Between Medicine and the Humanities.Warren T. Reich & Laurence B. McCullough - 1999 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 9 (1):1-5.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Laying Medicine Open: Innovative Interaction Between Medicine and the HumanitiesLaurence B. McCullough and Warren Thomas ReichThe past three decades have witnessed the emergence and remarkable success of the fields of bioethics and medical humanities. The intellectual landscape of medicine and that of the humanities have been remarkably altered in the process. Twenty-five to 30 years ago in the United States there existed but a few courses in what came (...)
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  17.  25
    Stephen Rothman, pioneer of investigative dermatology.Frank G. Rothman & Allan L. Lorincz - 1994 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 39 (1):93-109.
  18.  72
    Strangers at the Bedside: A History of How Law and Bioethics Transformed Medical Decision Making.David J. Rothman - 2003 - New York: Aldinetransaction.
    Introduction: making the invisible visible -- The nobility of the material -- Research at war -- The guilded age of research -- The doctor as whistle-blower -- New rules for the laboratory -- Bedside ethics -- The doctor as stranger -- Life through death -- Commissioning ethics -- No one to trust -- New rules for the bedside -- Epilogue: The price of success.
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  19.  64
    Were Tuskegee & Willowbrook 'Studies in Nature'?David J. Rothman - 1982 - Hastings Center Report 12 (2):5-7.
  20. The products of conception: the social context of reproductive choices.B. K. Rothman - 1985 - Journal of Medical Ethics 11 (4):188-195.
    This paper addresses the changing ideology regarding reproduction, an evolving American, and potentially worldwide, value system regarding children and parenthood. Children are increasingly being seen as products, and the new technology of reproduction, including the sale of reproductive material and services and especially prenatal diagnosis and selective abortion, encourage this commodification of the fetus. While the new technology does indeed offer new choices, it also creates new structures and new limitations on choice. In the contemporary American social structure, these choices (...)
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  21.  8
    Must We Kill the Thing We Love?: Emersonian Perfectionism and the Films of Alfred Hitchcock.William Rothman - 2014 - Columbia University Press.
    William Rothman argues that the driving force of Hitchcock's work was his struggle to reconcile the dark vision of his favorite Oscar Wilde quote, "Each man kills the thing he loves," with the quintessentially American philosophy, articulated in Emerson's writings, that gave classical Hollywood movies of the New Deal era their extraordinary combination of popularity and artistic seriousness. A Hitchcock thriller could be a comedy of remarriage or a melodrama of an unknown woman, both Emersonian genres, except for the (...)
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    Keynote Article: On Stanley Cavell's Band Wagon.William Rothman - 2014 - Film-Philosophy 18 (1):9-34.
    This is a revised version of a keynote presentation delivered by Professor Rothman at the Conference on Stanley Cavell’s Philosophy the Day After Tomorrow , University of Paris I: Panthéon-Sorbonne, September 2012.
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    The science gap: dispelling the myths and understanding the reality of science.Milton A. Rothman - 1992 - Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
    At a time when there is an ever-widening gap between what the expert knows and what the average person believes, this accessible volume clearly explains the scientific facts and concepts that are indispensable for an understanding of our material universe. Milton Rothman examines sixteen standard myths about the nature of science, demonstrating that much of what passes for logical argumentation consists of the repetition of clichés and current folklore.--Publisher description.
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  24. Can Gravitons be Detected?Tony Rothman & Stephen Boughn - 2006 - Foundations of Physics 36 (12):1801-1825.
    Freeman Dyson has questioned whether any conceivable experiment in the real universe can detect a single graviton. If not, is it meaningful to talk about gravitons as physical entities? We attempt to answer Dyson’s question and find it is possible concoct an idealized thought experiment capable of detecting one graviton; however, when anything remotely resembling realistic physics is taken into account, detection becomes impossible, indicating that Dyson’s conjecture is very likely true. We also point out several mistakes in the literature (...)
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  25.  24
    Affective expressions in groups and inferences about members' relational well-being: The effects of socially engaging and disengaging emotions.Naomi B. Rothman & Joe C. Magee - 2016 - Cognition and Emotion 30 (1):150-166.
  26.  25
    WOMEN AS FATHERS:: Motherhood and Child Care Under a Modified Patriarchy.Barbara Katz Rothman - 1989 - Gender and Society 3 (1):89-104.
    Although the modern American kinship system is nominally a bilateral system, the very definition of kin ties is based on the principles of patriarchy. Women do not gain their rights to their children in this society as mothers, but as father-equivalents, sources of genetic material. In child rearing as in childbearing, women may take on the role of fathers to their children, substituting poorer women to do the traditional mothering work. The resultant recasting of the classic Oedipal drama in terms (...)
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    Journalists, broadcasters, scientific experts and public opinion.Stanley Rothman - 1990 - Minerva 28 (2):117-133.
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    The Tip of the Iceberg—Obstetrical Management and Pregnancy Rights.Barbara Katz Rothman - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (2):21-22.
    As Minkoff, Vullikanti, and Marshall (2024) note, pregnancy has long been the basis for dismissal of individual rights. It is important to note that Roe did not grant full bodily autonomy to the ge...
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    An Update on the Ethical Breadth of the Human Rights Concept.Steven B. Rothman, Karina Dyliaeva & Nader Ghotbi - 2024 - Asian Bioethics Review 16 (4):595-613.
    The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) approved by the United Nations (UN) in 1948 includes the most widely accepted list of individual rights all over the world. Although it has been a catalyst in the pursuit of a universal ethic for human rights, it has not been updated for over 75 years during which significant progress has been made in the recognition of more human rights. It is time to examine whether the current global society aspires for more/other human (...)
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    Trust is not enough: bringing human rights to medicine.David J. Rothman - 2006 - New York: New York Review Books. Edited by Sheila M. Rothman.
    Addresses the issues at the heart of international medicine and social responsibility. A number of international declarations have proclaimed that health care is a fundamental human right. But if we accept this broad commitment, how should we concretely define the state’s responsibility for the health of its citizens? Although there is growing debate over this issue, there are few books for general readers that provide engaging accounts of critical incidents, practices, and ideas in the field of human rights, health care, (...)
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    COMMENT ON HARRISON:: The Commodification of Motherhood.Barbara Katz Rothman - 1987 - Gender and Society 1 (3):312-316.
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    The Legacy of Patriarchy as Context for Surrogacy: Or Why Are We Quibbling Over This?Barbara Katz Rothman - 2014 - American Journal of Bioethics 14 (5):36-37.
  33. Bearing witness: representing women's experiences of prenatal diagnosis'.B. Katz-Rothman - 1996 - In Sue Wilkinson & Celia Kitzinger (eds.), Representing the other: a Feminism & psychology reader. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.
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    (1 other version)A Growing Dilemma.Howard Rothman - 1996 - Business Ethics 10 (4):18-21.
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    Arnheim's lesson: Cubism, collage, and gestalt psychology.Roger Rothman & Ian Verstegen - 2007 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 65 (3):287–298.
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  36. Beginnings count.David J. Rothman - 1998 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 41 (4):605-611.
  37. Barbara Katz Roth.Barbara Katz Rothman - forthcoming - Contemporary Issues in Bioethics.
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    Behavior modification In total institutions.David J. Rothman - 1975 - Hastings Center Report 5 (1):17-24.
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  39. Back to first principles : First world research in third world countries.David Rothman - 2006 - In Wolfgang Uwe Eckart (ed.), Man, medicine, and the state: the human body as an object of government sponsored medical research in the 20th century. Stuttgart: Steiner.
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    Bearing Witness: Representing Women's Experiences of Prenatal Diagnosis.Barbara Katz Rothman - 1996 - In Sue Wilkinson & Celia Kitzinger (eds.), Representing the other: a Feminism & psychology reader. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.
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    Crossing Frontiers: Gerontology Emerges as a Science. Andrew W. Achenbaum.David Rothman - 1997 - Isis 88 (2):371-372.
  42. Cavell on film, television, and opera.William Rothman - 2003 - In Richard Eldridge (ed.), Stanley Cavell. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 206--238.
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    Diffusion and conductivity in the NaCl-ZnCl2system.S. J. Rothman, L. W. Barr, A. H. Rowe & P. G. Selwood - 1966 - Philosophical Magazine 14 (129):501-513.
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    Developing a model of Islamic psychology and psychotherapy: Islamic theology and contemporary understandings of psychology.Abdallah Rothman - 2021 - New York: Routledge.
    At a time when there is increasing need to offer psychotherapeutic approaches which accommodate clients' religious and spiritual beliefs, and acknowledge the potential for healing and growth offered by religious frameworks, this book explores psychology from an Islamic paradigm and demonstrates how Islamic understandings of human nature, the self, and the soul can inform an Islamic psychotherapy. Drawing on a qualitative, grounded theory analysis of interviews with Islamic scholars and clinicians, this unique volume distils complex religious concepts to reconcile Islamic (...)
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    Defense of the Far East.Edwin Rothman - 1949 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 24 (3):485-494.
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    From the sws president: A sociological skeptic in the brave new world.Barbara Katz Rothman - 1998 - Gender and Society 12 (5):501-504.
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    Galileo's Idol: Gianfrancesco Sagredo & the Politics of Knowledge - by Nick Wilding.Aviva Rothman - 2015 - Centaurus 57 (2):120-122.
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    Islam as a Multi-Faceted Phenomenon in Culture.Norman C. Rothman - 2011 - Dialogue and Universalism 21 (1):145-156.
    Indonesia has received Islam over the past millennium During this period, Islam has intermingled in varying degrees with Buddhism, Hinduism, and indigenous animism in different parts of the archipelago. Consequently, beliefs and practices diverge. Nevertheless, Islam has an overwhelming if diverse presence in Indonesia. The paper will examine the resultant diverse versions of Islam that currently coexist in Indonesia. These versions are the modernist, traditional, devotional, and syncretic aspects of Islam. Each version will be analyzed in terms of both differences (...)
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    (1 other version)Interview: Amory Lovins.Howard Rothman - 1996 - Business Ethics 10 (2):34-36.
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    Kepler's Cosmological Synthesis: Astrology, Mechanism and the Soul - by Patrick J. Boner.Aviva Rothman - 2014 - Centaurus 56 (2):128-129.
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