Results for 'Rodney Knight'

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  1.  80
    Decidability and Computability of Certain Torsion-Free Abelian Groups.Rodney G. Downey, Sergei S. Goncharov, Asher M. Kach, Julia F. Knight, Oleg V. Kudinov, Alexander G. Melnikov & Daniel Turetsky - 2010 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 51 (1):85-96.
    We study completely decomposable torsion-free abelian groups of the form $\mathcal{G}_S := \oplus_{n \in S} \mathbb{Q}_{p_n}$ for sets $S \subseteq \omega$. We show that $\mathcal{G}_S$has a decidable copy if and only if S is $\Sigma^0_2$and has a computable copy if and only if S is $\Sigma^0_3$.
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  2. President's Report.Rodney Knight - 2009 - Agora (History Teachers' Association of Victoria) 44 (2):3.
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    A Friedberg enumeration of equivalence structures.Rodney G. Downey, Alexander G. Melnikov & Keng Meng Ng - 2017 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 17 (2):1750008.
    We solve a problem posed by Goncharov and Knight 639–681, 757]). More specifically, we produce an effective Friedberg enumeration of computable equivalence structures, up to isomorphism. We also prove that there exists an effective Friedberg enumeration of all isomorphism types of infinite computable equivalence structures.
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  4. A general account of selection: Biology, immunology, and behavior.David L. Hull, Rodney E. Langman & Sigrid S. Glenn - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (3):511-528.
    Authors frequently refer to gene-based selection in biological evolution, the reaction of the immune system to antigens, and operant learning as exemplifying selection processes in the same sense of this term. However, as obvious as this claim may seem on the surface, setting out an account of “selection” that is general enough to incorporate all three of these processes without becoming so general as to be vacuous is far from easy. In this target article, we set out such a general (...)
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    Toward interventions to address moral distress.Lynn C. Musto, Patricia A. Rodney & Rebecca Vanderheide - 2015 - Nursing Ethics 22 (1):91-102.
    Background: The concept of moral distress has been the subject of nursing research for the past 30 years. Recently, there has been a call to move from developing an understanding of the concept to developing interventions to help ameliorate the experience. At the same time, the use of the term moral distress has been critiqued for a lack of clarity about the concepts that underpin the experience. Discussion: Some researchers suggest that a closer examination of how socio-political structures influence healthcare (...)
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    Countable thin Π01 classes.Douglas Cenzer, Rodney Downey, Carl Jockusch & Richard A. Shore - 1993 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 59 (2):79-139.
    Cenzer, D., R. Downey, C. Jockusch and R.A. Shore, Countable thin Π01 classes, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 59 79–139. A Π01 class P {0, 1}ω is thin if every Π01 subclass of P is the intersection of P with some clopen set. Countable thin Π01 classes are constructed having arbitrary recursive Cantor- Bendixson rank. A thin Π01 class P is constructed with a unique nonisolated point A and furthermore A is of degree 0’. It is shown that no (...)
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  7.  38
    Fixed-parameter tractability and completeness IV: On completeness for W[P] and PSPACE analogues.Karl A. Abrahamson, Rodney G. Downey & Michael R. Fellows - 1995 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 73 (3):235-276.
    We describe new results in parametrized complexity theory. In particular, we prove a number of concrete hardness results for W[P], the top level of the hardness hierarchy introduced by Downey and Fellows in a series of earlier papers. We also study the parametrized complexity of analogues of PSPACE via certain natural problems concerning k-move games. Finally, we examine several aspects of the structural complexity of W [P] and related classes. For instance, we show that W[P] can be characterized in terms (...)
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  8. Robot emotions: A functional perspective.C. Breazeal & Rodney Brooks - 2004 - In Jean-Marc Fellous & Michael A. Arbib (eds.), Who Needs Emotions?: The Brain Meets the Robot. Oxford University Press USA.
  9.  32
    Predictability and the appreciation of comedy.Howard R. Pollio & Rodney W. Mers - 1974 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 4 (4):229-232.
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  10.  96
    The complexity of orbits of computably enumerable sets.Peter A. Cholak, Rodney Downey & Leo A. Harrington - 2008 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 14 (1):69 - 87.
    The goal of this paper is to announce there is a single orbit of the c.e. sets with inclusion, ε, such that the question of membership in this orbit is ${\Sigma _1^1 }$ -complete. This result and proof have a number of nice corollaries: the Scott rank of ε is $\omega _1^{{\rm{CK}}}$ + 1; not all orbits are elementarily definable; there is no arithmetic description of all orbits of ε; for all finite α ≥ 9, there is a properly $\Delta (...)
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  11.  35
    Molecular genetic aspects of sex determination in Drosophila.Bruce S. Baker, Rodney N. Nagoshi & Kenneth C. Burtis - 1987 - Bioessays 6 (2):66-70.
    Analysis of the mechanisms underlying sex determination and sex differentiation in Drosophila has provided evidence for a complex but comprehensible regulatory hierarchy governing these developmental decisions. It is suggested here that the pattern of sexual differentiation and dosage compensation characteristic of the male is a default regulatory state. Recent results have provided, in addition, some surprising and intriguing conclusions: (1) that several of the critical controlling genes produce more transcripts than was predicted from the genetic analyses; (2) that setting of (...)
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  12.  50
    Perinatal iron deficiency and neurocognitive development.Emily C. Radlowski & Rodney W. Johnson - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  13.  24
    10 Private authority as global governance.Thomas J. Biersteker & Rodney Bruce Hall - 2002 - In Rodney Bruce Hall & Thomas J. Biersteker (eds.), The emergence of private authority in global governance. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 203.
  14.  21
    The effect of attention on the loudness dependence of the auditory evoked potential in individuals with depression and healthy controls.Kornfeld Emma, Camfield David & Croft Rodney - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  15.  20
    Fiji Hindi. A Basic Course and Reference Grammar.Surendra K. Gambhir & Rodney F. Moag - 1981 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 101 (4):506.
  16.  63
    Thinking about religion and experiencing the brain: Eugene D'Aquili's biogenetic structural theory of absolute unitary being.H. Rodney Holmes - 1993 - Zygon 28 (2):201-215.
  17. Culture and Morality, Essays in Honor of Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf.Adrian Mayer, Rodney Needham, Peggy Reeves Sanday & Mary Midgeley - 1983 - Ethics 93 (4):786-791.
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  18.  12
    Quantized fracture mechanics.Nicola M. Pugno † & Rodney S. Ruoff ‡ - 2004 - Philosophical Magazine 84 (27):2829-2845.
  19.  17
    Book review. [REVIEW]Roberts Editor & C. Rodney - 2007 - Philosophia Africana 10 (1):69-72.
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    Rodney A. Clifton 25.Rodney A. Clifton - forthcoming - Journal of Thought.
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  21.  10
    Rodney Syme: Pharmacological oblivion contributes to and hastens patients’ deaths.Rodney Syme - 1999 - Monash Bioethics Review 18 (2):40-43.
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  22. Intelligence without representation.Rodney A. Brooks - 1991 - Artificial Intelligence 47 (1--3):139-159.
    Artificial intelligence research has foundered on the issue of representation. When intelligence is approached in an incremental manner, with strict reliance on interfacing to the real world through perception and action, reliance on representation disappears. In this paper we outline our approach to incrementally building complete intelligent Creatures. The fundamental decomposition of the intelligent system is not into independent information processing units which must interface with each other via representations. Instead, the intelligent system is decomposed into independent and parallel activity (...)
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  23. Chapter Three The Bowie Business: Capitalising on Subversion? Rodney Sharkey.Rodney Sharkey - 2007 - In John Wall (ed.), Music, metamorphosis and capitalism: self, poetics and politics. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 33.
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    Belief, language, and experience.Rodney Needham - 1972 - Oxford,: Blackwell.
  25. Marxism, Morality, and Social Justice.Rodney G. Peffer - 1990 - Princeton University Press.
    In this book R. G. Peffer tackles the challenges of finding in Marx's work an implicit moral theory, of answering claims that Marxism is incompatible with morality, and of developing the outlines of an adequate Marxist moral and social ...
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  26.  38
    Models of Brain Function.Rodney M. J. Cotterill (ed.) - 1989 - Cambridge University Press.
    This is an exciting time for brain science. Recent progress has been such that it now seems realistic to look toward an explanation of mind in terms of the brain's anatomy and physiology. Models based on artificially symmetrical arrays of idealized neurons are now being superseded by ones which properly take into account the brain's actual circuitry. This book presents a comprehensive overview of the current state of brain modeling, containing contributions from many leading researchers in this field. It will (...)
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  27.  85
    A robot that walks; emergent behaviors from a carefully evolved network.Rodney A. Brooks - unknown
    Most animals have significant behavioral expertise built in without having to explicitly learn it all from scratch. This expertise is a product of evolution of the organism; it can be viewed as a very long term form of learning which provides a structured system within which individuals might learn more specialized skills or abilities. This paper suggests one possible mechanism for analagous robot evolution by describing a carefully designed series of networks, each one being a strict augmentation of the previous (...)
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  28. Belief, Language and Experience.Rodney Needham - 1974 - Mind 83 (332):634-635.
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    Computably Compact Metric Spaces.Rodney G. Downey & Alexander G. Melnikov - 2023 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 29 (2):170-263.
    We give a systematic technical exposition of the foundations of the theory of computably compact metric spaces. We discover several new characterizations of computable compactness and apply these characterizations to prove new results in computable analysis and effective topology. We also apply the technique of computable compactness to give new and less combinatorially involved proofs of known results from the literature. Some of these results do not have computable compactness or compact spaces in their statements, and thus these applications are (...)
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  30.  30
    Enchanted Looms: Conscious Networks in Brains and Computers.Rodney Cotterill - 1998 - Cambridge University Press.
    The title of this book was inspired by a passage in Charles Sherrington's Man on his Nature.
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  31. New Approaches to Robotics.Rodney A. Brooks - unknown
    In order to build autonomous robots that can carry out useful work in unstructured environments new approaches have been developed to building intelligent systems. The relationship to traditional academic robotics and traditional artificial intelligence is examined. In the new approaches a tight coupling of sensing to action produces architectures for intelligence that are networks of simple computational elements which are quite broad, but not very deep. Recent work within this approach has demonstrated the use of representations, expectations, plans, goals, and (...)
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  32.  17
    Economics, ethics, and religion: Jewish, Christian, and Muslim economic thought.Rodney Wilson - 1997 - New York: New York University Press.
    "Written in a racy, persuasive style, the book impresses the reader as a work of significant scholarship...I encourage students of comparative religions- and especially those of Islamic economics- to read it with great care."&$151; Islamic Studies The worlds of economics and theology rarely intersect. The former appears occupied exclusively with the concrete equations of supply and demand, while the latter revolves largely around the less tangible concerns of the soul and spirit. Intended as an interfaith clarification of the relationship between (...)
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  33.  58
    The emergence of private authority in global governance.Rodney Bruce Hall & Thomas J. Biersteker (eds.) - 2002 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The emergence of private authority has become a feature of the post-Cold War world. The contributors to this volume examine the implications of this erosion of the power of the state for global governance. They analyse actors as diverse as financial institutions, multinational corporations, religious terrorists and organised criminals. The themes of the book relate directly to debates concerning globalization and the role of international law, and will be of interest to scholars and students of international relations, politics, sociology and (...)
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  34. Exploring the Ethics and Economics of Global Labor Standards.Rodney Stevenson - 2003 - Business Ethics Quarterly 13 (2):193-220.
    The challenge that confronts corporate decision-makers in connection with global labor conditions is often in identifying the standardsby which they should govern themselves. In an effort to provide greater direction in the face of possible global cultural conflicts, ethicistsThomas Donaldson and Thomas Dunfee draw on social contract theory to develop a method for identifying basic human rights: Integrated Social Contract Theory (ISCT). In this paper, we apply ISCT to the challenge of global labor standards, attempting to identify labor rights that (...)
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    Symbolic reasoning among 3-D models and 2-D images.Rodney A. Brooks - 1981 - Artificial Intelligence 17 (1-3):285-348.
  36. Fine‐Tuning, Multiple Universes and Theism.Rodney D. Holder - 2002 - Noûs 36 (2):295–312.
    The universe appears fine-tuned for life. Bayesian confirmation theory is utilized to examine two competing explanations for this fine-tuning, namely design (theism) and the existence of many universes, in comparison with the ’null’ hypothesis that just one universe exists as a brute fact. Some authors have invoked the so-called ’inverse gambler’s fallacy’ to argue that the many-universes hypothesis does not explain the fine-tuning of ’this’ universe, but flaws in this argument are exposed. Nevertheless, the hypothesis of design, being simpler, is (...)
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  37.  53
    From Earwigs to Humans.Rodney A. Brooks - unknown
    Both direct, and evolved, behavior-based approaches to mobile robots have yielded a number of interesting demonstrations of robots that navigate, map, plan and operate in the real world. The work can best be described as attempts to emulate insect level locomotion and navigation, with very little work on behavior-based non-trivial manipulation of the world. There have been some behavior-based attempts at exploring social interactions, but these too have been modeled after the sorts of social interactions we see in insects. But (...)
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  38. Hume on miracles: Bayesian interpretation, multiple testimony, and the existence of God.Rodney D. Holder - 1998 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 49 (1):49-65.
    Hume's argument concerning miracles is interpreted by making approximations to terms in Bayes's theorem. This formulation is then used to analyse the impact of multiple testimony. Individual testimonies which are ‘non-miraculous’ in Hume's sense can in principle be accumulated to yield a high probability both for the occurrence of a single miracle and for the occurrence of at least one of a set of miracles. Conditions are given under which testimony for miracles may provide support for the existence of God.
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    The Language of Hermeneutics: Gadamer and Heidegger in Dialogue.Rodney R. Coltman - 1998 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    The first book in English on Gadamer's relationship to Heidegger, this study illustrates the philosophical power Gadamer's thinking has achieved by departing from Heidegger's at certain crucial moments.
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  40.  46
    On the unity of conscious experience.Rodney M. J. Cotterill - 1995 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 2 (4):290-311.
    It is suggested that consciousness is primarily associated not with stimuli and perception, as commonly supposed, but with movement and responses. Consciousness of stimuli arises in situations in which possible movements are planned, or in which information must be actively acquired rather than passively registered, and may or may not require overt movements to be performed. By emphasizing response, this formulation provides a simple explanation for the perceived unity of consciousness: though stimuli can be diverse, with independent components, movements must (...)
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  41.  27
    Towards a More Adequate Rawlsian Theory of Social Justice.Rodney G. Peffer - 2017 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 75 (3-4):251-271.
  42.  48
    The Idealism-Realism Debate Among Edmund Husserl’s Early Followers and Critics.Rodney K. B. Parker (ed.) - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This volume aims to contextualize the development and reception of Husserl’s transcendental-phenomenological idealism by placing him in dialogue with his most important interlocutors – his mentors, peers, and students. Husserl’s “turn” to idealism and the ensuing reaction to Ideas I resulted in a schism between the early members of the phenomenological movement. The division between the realist and the transcendental phenomenologists is often portrayed as a sharp one, with the realists naively and dogmatically rejecting all of Husserl’s written work after (...)
  43.  12
    Injustice and Rectification.Rodney C. Roberts - 2005 - Peter Lang.
    This book aims to help answer two questions that Western philosophy has paid relatively little attention to - what is injustice and what does justice require when injustice occurs? Injustice and Rectification offers a taxonomy of justice, which sets forth an initial framework for a moral theory of justice and focuses on framing a conception of rectificatory justice. The taxonomy is ground for this book's eleven other essays, in which a diverse group of authors brings philosophical analysis to bear on (...)
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  44. By Frank H. Knight.Frank H. Knight - 1946 - Ethics 57:199.
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  45.  75
    Highness and bounding minimal pairs.Rodney G. Downey, Steffen Lempp & Richard A. Shore - 1993 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 39 (1):475-491.
  46.  60
    History and Class-Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics.Rodney Livingstone - 1974 - Philosophical Review 83 (3):419-424.
  47.  48
    Ethnomethodology, consciousness and self.Rodney Watson - 1998 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 5 (2):202-223.
    In this paper I shall outline the approach to consciousness adopted by ethnomethodology and its `associate'conversation analysis. I shall attempt to do this by taking a minimalist stance, namely a basic formulation of the elements of these approaches, trying to strip away the ornate superstructures which have been erected upon that basis. I shall proceed in two ways. First, I shall seek to define ethnomethodology and conversation analysis by contrasting them to varying degrees with a variety of other approaches: symbolic (...)
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  48.  64
    Asymptotic density and computably enumerable sets.Rodney G. Downey, Carl G. Jockusch & Paul E. Schupp - 2013 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 13 (2):1350005.
    We study connections between classical asymptotic density, computability and computable enumerability. In an earlier paper, the second two authors proved that there is a computably enumerable set A of density 1 with no computable subset of density 1. In the current paper, we extend this result in three different ways: The degrees of such sets A are precisely the nonlow c.e. degrees. There is a c.e. set A of density 1 with no computable subset of nonzero density. There is a (...)
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  49.  58
    Risk, Uncertainty and Profit.Frank H. Knight - 1921 - University of Chicago Press.
    Role of the entrepreneur in a distinct role of profit.
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  50.  80
    How to build complete creatures rather than isolated cognitive simulators.Rodney A. Brooks - unknown
    Artificial Intelligence as a discipline has gotten bogged down in subproblems of intelligence. These subproblems are the result of applying reductionist methods to the goal of creating a complete artificial thinking mind. In Brooks (1987) 1 have argued that these methods will lead us to solving irrelevant problems; interesting as intellectual puzzles, but useless in the long run for creating an artificial being.
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