Results for 'Role Obligations'

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  1. Willing Parents.Role Obligations - 2010 - In David Archard & David Benatar (eds.), Procreation and parenthood: the ethics of bearing and rearing children. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 151.
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    The Role Obligations of Students and Lecturers in Higher Education.Julie-Anne Regan - 2012 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 46 (1):14-24.
    The current discussion of consumerism in higher education focuses largely on what the providers are obliged to do for the consumers, against the background of rising tuition fees. This framework does not always sit comfortably with lecturers in the context of a learning and teaching relationship, as it appears to ignore the reciprocal obligations lecturers and students have to one another. The purpose of this article is to offer an alternative view of what lecturers and students are obliged to (...)
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    Contractarianism, Role Obligations, and Political Morality.Benjamin Sachs - 2021 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book argues that contractarianism is well suited as a political morality and explores the implications of deploying it in this way. It promises to revive contractarianism as a viable political theory, breaking it free from its Rawlsian moorings while taking seriously the long-standing objections to it. It's natural to think that the state owes things to its people: physical security, public health and sanitation services, and a functioning judiciary, for example. But is there a theory--a political morality--that can explain (...)
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    Robust Role-Obligation: How Do Roles Make a Moral Difference?Tim Dare - 2016 - Journal of Value Inquiry 50 (4):703-719.
  5. Role Obligations to Alter Role Obligations.Stephanie Collins - 2023 - In Alex Barber & Sean Cordell (eds.), The Ethics of Social Roles. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Many roles are situated within organizations. The occupants of these roles often confront a dilemma between (i) the occupancy conditions, performance conditions, and functions of the role, as bestowed upon the role by the organization’s decision-making procedures, and (ii) the occupancy conditions, performance conditions, and function that the role should ideally have. This chapter argues that this dilemma should be resolved in favour of (ii). Yet this does not require forgoing role-based considerations in favour of extra- (...) considerations. Instead, we should conceptualize organizationally specified roles as being one token of an underlying role-type. The underlying role-type provides the organizational role-token with its fundamental occupancy conditions, performance conditions, and function. When the token is a poor instance of its type, organizational role-occupants have obligations—grounded in the fundamental aspects of the role—to challenge this. These are role obligations that call upon one to alter one’s role obligations. (shrink)
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  6. Role obligations.Michael O. Hardimon - 1994 - Journal of Philosophy 91 (7):333-363.
  7.  61
    The ethics of care: Role obligations and moderate partiality in health care.Per Nortvedt, Marit Helene Hem & Helge Skirbekk - 2011 - Nursing Ethics 18 (2):192-200.
    This article contends that an ethics of care has a particular moral ontology that makes it suitable to argue for the normative significance of relational responsibilities within professional health care. This ontology is relational. It means that moral choices always have to account for the web of relationships, the relational networks and responsibilities that are an essential part of particular moral circumstances. Given this ontology, the article investigates the conditions for health care professionals to be partial and to act on (...)
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  8. Willing Parents: A Voluntarist Account of Parental Role Obligations.Elizabeth Brake - 2010 - In David Archard & David Benatar (eds.), Procreation and parenthood: the ethics of bearing and rearing children. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 151--77.
    Much of the bioethical literature on parenthood does not address a fact about parenthood which deserves more attention: parental rights and obligations are attached to socially constructed institutional roles. Both the content of these roles, and the way in which they determine who a child’s parents will be, issue from social and legal institutions of parenthood, and this makes a difference to accounts of the moral basis of parenthood. I will argue that this poses a problem for the causal (...)
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  9.  20
    The Role of Recognition in Kelsen's Account of Legal Obligation and Political Duty.David Ingram - 2022 - Austrian Journal of Political Science 51 (3):52-61.
    Kelsen’s critique of absolute sovereignty famously appeals to a basic norm of international recognition. However, in his discussion of legal obligation, generally speaking, he notoriously rejects mutual recognition as having any normative consequence. I argue that this apparent contradiction in Kelsen's estimate regarding the normative force of recognition is resolved in his dynamic account of the democratic generation of law. Democracy is embedded within a modern political ethos that obligates legal subjects to recognize each other along four dimensions: as contractors (...)
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    Care Coordination and Utilization Review: Clinical Case Managers’ Perceptions of Dual Role Obligations.A. J. Tarzian & H. J. Silverman - 2002 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 13 (3):216-229.
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    Perspectives in Role Ethics: Virtues, Reasons, and Obligation.Tim Dare & Christine Swanton (eds.) - 2019 - New York: Routledge.
    Although our moral lives would be unrecognisable without them, roles have received little attention from analytic moral philosophers. Roles are central to our lives and to our engagement with one another, and should be analysed in connection with our core notions of ethics such as virtue, reason, and obligation. This volume aims to redress the neglect of role ethics by confronting the tensions between conceptions of impartial morality and role obligations in the history of analytic philosophy and (...)
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  12. Moral obligation and moral motivation in confucian role-based ethics.A. T. Nuyen - 2009 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 8 (1):1-11.
    How is the Confucian moral agent motivated to do what he or she judges to be right or good? In western philosophy, the answer to a question such as this depends on whether one is an internalist or externalist concerning moral motivation. In this article, I will first interpret Confucian ethics as role-based ethics and then argue that we can attribute to Confucianism a position on moral motivation that is neither internalist nor externalist but somewhere in between. I will (...)
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    How do roles impact suicidal agents’ obligations?Suzanne E. Dowie - 2024 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 27 (1):15-30.
    In this paper, I assess the role responsibility argument that claims suicidal agents have obligations to specific people not to kill themselves due to their roles. Since the plausibility of the role responsibility argument is clearest in the parent–child relationship, I assess parental obligations. I defend a view that says that normative roles, such as those of a parent, are contractual and voluntary. I then suggest that the normative parameters for some roles preclude permissible suicide because (...)
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    Restrictive Reciprocal Obligations: Perceptions of Parental Role in Career Choices of Sub-Saharan African Migrant Youths.Peter Akosah-Twumasi, Theophilus I. Emeto, Daniel Lindsay, Komla Tsey & Bunmi S. Malau-Aduli - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This study employed interpretivist, grounded theory method and utilized semi-structured interviews to explore how 31 African migrant high school and university students from eight sub-Saharan African representative countries and currently residing in Townsville, Australia, perceived the roles of their parents in their career development. The study findings revealed that the support and encouragement received from parents underpinned the youths’ perceptions of their parents as influential in their career trajectories. Though participants acknowledged their indebtedness to parents and the system that nurtured (...)
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    (1 other version)Medical Researchers' Ancillary Care Obligations: The Relationship‐Based Approach.Nate W. Olson - 2015 - Bioethics 30 (5):317-324.
    In this article, I provide a new account of the basis of medical researchers' ancillary care obligations. Ancillary care in medical research, or medical care that research participants need but that is not required for the validity or safety of a study or to redress research injuries, is a topic that has drawn increasing attention in research ethics over the last ten years. My view, the relationship‐based approach, improves on the main existing theory, Richardson and Belsky's ‘partial‐entrustment model’, by (...)
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  16.  21
    The role of affect in feelings of obligation.Stefen Beeler-Duden, Meltem Yucel & Amrisha Vaish - 2020 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 43.
    Tomasello offers a compelling account of the emergence of humans’ sense of obligation. We suggest that more needs to be said about the role of affect in the creation of obligations. We also argue that positive emotions such as gratitude evolved to encourage individuals to fulfill cooperative obligations without the negative quality that Tomasello proposes is inherent in obligations.
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    Do Business Leaders Have Role‐Model Obligations to Be Good Political Actors?Earl Spurgin - 2015 - Business and Society Review 120 (2):277-301.
    This article raises an issue about corporate political activity that is different from those typically addressed by business ethicists. It examines the role‐model status and obligations of the business leaders who direct such activity. This approach has two potential benefits. First, since ethicists often appeal to role‐model obligations and many are concerned about corporate political activity, business ethics literature would benefit from expanding the examination of role‐model status and obligations to encompass the business leaders (...)
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    Entitlement Versus Obligation: The Role of Attributed Motives in Subordinate Reactions to Leader Leniency.Zheng Zhu, Xingwen Chen, Mengxi Yang & Wansi Chen - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 192 (1):147-166.
    Although previous research has examined the effectiveness of various levels of punitive reactions to misconduct, researchers have given leader leniency relatively inadequate attention. Prior studies consistently suggest the beneficial effects of reacting less punitively toward misconduct. The current research challenges this notion by delineating a mixed effect of leader leniency on subordinate psychological and behavioral reactions. Building on social exchange theory (i.e., reciprocity norm and rank equilibration norm) and motive attribution literature, the authors argue that when subordinates hold high levels (...)
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    Obligation et théorie des jeux.Pierre Livet - 2000 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 44:163-178.
    La théorie des jeux peut-elle dire quels sont les contrats aux obligations desquels il est rationnel de satisfaire? Mais elle n'arrive pas à justifier des coopérations qui nous semblent fructueuses bien que risquées. C'est qu'elle propose de raisonner en posant les coups des autres joueurs comme des données, alors que ce sont des suppositions, qui peuvent être conditionnelles à d'autres suppositions sur les coups des autres joueurs. Si l'on explicite ce genre de raisonnements conditionnels emboîtés les uns dans les (...)
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    Filial Obligation in Contemporary China: Evolution of the Culture‐System.Xiaoying Qi - 2015 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 45 (1):141-161.
    Family obligation, which has an exceptionally high salience in traditional Chinese society, continues to be significant in contemporary China. In family relations in particular sentiments and practices morphologically similar to those associated with xiao remains intact in so far as an enduring set of expectations concerning age-based obligation continues to structure behavior toward others. Researchers pursuing the theme of “individualization” in Chinese society, on the other hand, argue that family obligations and filial sentiments have substantially weakened. The present paper (...)
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  21.  89
    Hey, How did I become a Role Model? Privacy and the Extent of Role‐Model Obligations.Earl Spurgin - 2012 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 29 (2):118-132.
    abstract Much of the public criticism of many public figures, such as that of Michael Phelps, Lindsay Lohan, and Bill Clinton, accuses those persons of failing as role models. The criticism often ascribes to public figures role‐model status in a general sense that encompasses their behaviour in aspects of life beyond the fields for which they are known. I argue that, because of privacy considerations, we are unjustified in ascribing broadly to public figures role‐model status in the (...)
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  22.  76
    Role Morality in the Accounting Profession – How do we Compare to Physicians and Attorneys?Robin R. Radtke - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 79 (3):279-297.
    Role morality can be defined as “claim(ing) a moral permission to harm others in ways that, if not for the role, would be wrong” (A. Applbaum: 1999, Ethics for Adversaries: The Morality of Roles in Public and Professional Life (Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ) p. 3). Adversarial situations resulting in role morality occur most frequently in the fields of law, business, and government. Within the realm of accounting, professional obligations may place the accountant in a situation (...)
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  23.  20
    Exploring the role of abusive supervision and customer mistreatment with a felt obligation on the knowledge hiding behaviours among front-line employees: a group analysis.Anas A. Salameh, Umer Mukhtar & Naeem Hayat - 2021 - Asian Journal of Business Ethics 10 (2):293-314.
    Front-line employees (FELs) facing double challenges of handling demanding supervisors and irresponsible customers in organizational settings. Performance of service organizations exceedingly reliant on knowledge sharing within organizational employees. FLEs develop the destructive emotions of revenge attitude from abusive supervision and customers’ mistreatment and diminish knowledge sharing. This work aims to determine the effect of abusive supervision (ABS) and customer mistreatment (CMT) on the development of revenge attitude (RVA) and felt obligation (FTO) reduces the knowledge hiding behaviors. Moreover, the FLEs categorical (...)
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    How Moral Identity Inhibits Employee Silence Behavior: The Roles of Felt Obligation and Corporate Social Responsibility Perception.Aimin Yan, Hao Guo, Zhiqing E. Zhou, Julan Xie & Hao Ma - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 187 (2):405-420.
    As a common organizational phenomenon, employee silence behavior has various negative implications for organizations, making it critical to understand what factors can reduce employee silence. Drawing upon self-verification theory, this study explores the inhibiting effect of moral identity on silence via felt obligation towards organization. Meanwhile, we also examine the moderating effect of corporate social responsibility perception. We collected three waves of data with a two-month interval from 402 Chinese employees. Results indicated that moral identity positively predicted felt obligation towards (...)
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    The obligation to qualify speculation.Mark Cenite - 2005 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 20 (1):43 – 61.
    This article proposes a journalism ethics obligation to identify speculation clearly, attribute it to sources, report any basis for it, and offer appropriate qualification, especially when speculation is based on stereotypes of stigmatized groups. Explicitly recognizing this responsibility addresses a gap in the traditional conception of journalistic responsibilities: When journalists fulfill responsibilities corresponding to their gatekeeper and watchdog roles by reporting sources' views, speculation may enter. Examples from major American newspaper and newsmagazine coverage of Andrew Cunanan, an openly gay man (...)
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    Child Health Advice and Parental Obligation: The Case of Safe Sleep Recommendations and Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy.Monique Jonas - 2015 - Bioethics 30 (2):129-138.
    This article considers whether there is a parental obligation to comply with child health advice which is aimed at the general population and grounded in population-based research. Drawing upon the concept of role obligations, I argue that there is a temptation to use child health advice as a set of rules to which parents are morally obligated to comply, but that this temptation should be resisted. Using the case of Safe Sleep recommendations, designed to reduce the risk of (...)
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    Clinical obligations and public health programmes: healthcare provider reasoning about managing the incidental results of newborn screening.F. A. Miller, R. Z. Hayeems, Y. Bombard, J. Little, J. C. Carroll, B. Wilson, J. Allanson, M. Paynter, J. P. Bytautas, R. Christensen & P. Chakraborty - 2009 - Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (10):626-634.
    Background: Expanded newborn screening generates incidental results, notably carrier results. Yet newborn screening programmes typically restrict parental choice regarding receipt of this non-health serving genetic information. Healthcare providers play a key role in educating families or caring for screened infants and have strong beliefs about the management of incidental results. Methods: To inform policy on disclosure of infant sickle cell disorder (SCD) carrier results, a mixed-methods study of healthcare providers was conducted in Ontario, Canada, to understand attitudes regarding result (...)
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    The Obligation to Know: Information and the Burdens of Citizenship.Steve Vanderheiden - 2016 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 19 (2):297-311.
    Contemporary persons are daily confronted with enormous quantities of information, some of which reveal causal connections between their actions and harm that is visited upon distant others. Given their limited cognitive and information processing capacities, persons cannot reasonably be expected to respond to every cry for help or call to action, but neither can they defensibly refuse to hear and reflect upon any of them. Persons have a limited obligation to know, I argue, which requires that they inform themselves and (...)
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    Hijra Intention and Customer Loyalty Towards Islamic Banks: Role of Religious Obligations, Commitment and Attitude.Vimala Venugopal Muthuswamy & Kavitha Ramu - 2023 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 15 (3):176-200.
    The primary objective of this research was to investigate the impact of Commitment Towards Islamic Banks, Attitude Towards Islamic Bank, Islamic Religious Obligation, trust, and Hijra intention on customer loyalty towards Islamic banks. Additionally, the study aimed to explore the moderating role of customer trust and the mediating effect of hijra intention. The research employed a cross-sectional research design and a quantitative approach, gathering data from customers of Islamic banks in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. A questionnaire, based on (...)
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    Obligation for transparency regarding treating physician credentials at academic health centres.Paul J. Martin, N. James Skill & Leonidas G. Koniaris - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (11):782-786.
    Academic health centres have historically treated patients with the most complex of diseases, served as training grounds to teach the next generations of physicians and fostered an innovative environment for research and discovery. The physicians who hold faculty positions at these institutions have long understood how these key academic goals are critical to serve their patient community effectively. Recent healthcare reforms, however, have led many academic health centres to recruit physicians without these same academic expectations and to partner with non-faculty (...)
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    Obligations and Concerns of an Organization Like the Center for Talented Youth.Elaine Tuttle Hansen, Stuart Gluck & Amy L. Shelton - 2015 - Hastings Center Report 45 (S1):66-72.
    There is another set of entities that needs to be brought into the conversation about the ethical, legal, and social implications of scientific conduct. This widely varied group includes not‐for‐profit educational, academic, public‐service, and philanthropic organizations other than the type mentioned above as well as for‐profit businesses. Despite their major differences, these organizations may all be in a position to make decisions, directly or indirectly, about the conduct of scientific research. And those decisions may have a significant impact on the (...)
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  32. Essentially Shared Obligations.Gunnar Björnsson - 2014 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 38 (1):103-120.
    This paper lists a number of puzzles for shared obligations – puzzles about the role of individual influence, individual reasons to contribute towards fulfilling the obligation, about what makes someone a member of a group sharing an obligation, and the relation between agency and obligation – and proposes to solve them based on a general analysis of obligations. On the resulting view, shared obligations do not presuppose joint agency.
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  33. Explanatory Obligations.Kareem Khalifa & Jared Millson - 2020 - Episteme 17 (3):384-401.
    In this paper, we argue that a person is obligated to explain why p just in case she has a role-responsibility to answer the question “Why p?”. This entails that the normative force of explanatory obligations is fundamentally social. We contrast our view with other accounts of explanatory obligations or the so-called “need for explanation,” in which the aforementioned normative force is epistemic, determined by an inquirer's interests, or a combination thereof. We argue that our account outperforms (...)
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    Our obligation to the dead.Bob Brecher - 2002 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 19 (2):109-190.
    Can we have a real obligation to the dead, just as we do to the living, or is such a notion merely sentimental or metaphorical? Starting with the example of making a promise, I try to show that we can, since the dead, as well as the living, can have interests, not least because the notion of a person is, in part, a moral construction. ‘The dead’, then, are not merely dead, but particular dead persons, members of something like the (...)
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  35. An Obligation to Help?Sarah Smolyansky, John H. Adams, May F. Affre, Jaafar Al Fakih, Haider S. Albassam, Daniel O. Asparouhov, Jessica A. Dudley, Joseph Rodriguez & Lauren Ross - unknown
    Is helping those whose subsistence needs are not meet a matter of charity or an obligation? What role should ordinary citizens of developed nations play? In a globalized world, the causes, connections, and responsibilities become complicated. Agriculture subsidies that keep food prices low for many in relatively rich countries may, for example, negatively impact poor farmers in developing countries. Students in Ethics/Philosophy 352 report on their project examining whether, and to what extent, a true obligation to aid exists.
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    Family-Supportive Supervisor Behavior, Felt Obligation, and Unethical Pro-family Behavior: The Moderating Role of Positive Reciprocity Beliefs.Ken Cheng, Qianlin Zhu & Yinghui Lin - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 177 (2):261-273.
    Drawing on social exchange theory, we argue that family-supportive supervisor behavior (FSSB) inhibits employees’ unethical pro-family behavior (UPFB) via the mediation of felt obligation. We further propose that employees’ positive reciprocity beliefs strengthen the hypothesized relationships. Using a sample consisting of 345 full-time employees from an Internet service company located in China, we found that felt obligation partially mediated the negative relationship between FSSB and UPFB and that the FSSB-felt obligation relationship and the mediation relationship were stronger for employees with (...)
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    Conditional obligation and positive permission for agents in time.Mark A. Brown - 2000 - Nordic Journal of Philosophical Logic 5 (2):83-111.
    This paper investigates the semantic treatment of conditional obligation, explicit permission (often called positive permission), and prohibition based on models with agents and branched time. In such models branches (rather than moments) are taken as basic, and the branching provides a way to represent the indeterminism which is normally presupposed by talk of free will, responsibility, action and ability. Careful treatment of the relation between ability and responsibility avoids many common problems with accounts of conditional obligation. Recognition of the generality (...)
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    'Role' as a moral concept in health care.N. E. Bowie - 1982 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 7 (1):57-64.
    In this article, it is argued that an appropriate starting point for an analysis of ethical issues in health care is the consideration of the role obligation of health care professionals. These obligations have customary, legal, and moral elements. By appreciating the different kinds of health care roles and their purposes, one can begin to understand some of the role conflicts which arise in the health care community. Moreover, one can see that some criticisms of health care (...)
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    Are Political Obligations Content Independent?George Klosko - 2011 - Political Theory 39 (4):498-523.
    Current scholars generally view political obligations as "content independent." Citizens have moral reasons to obey the law because it is the law, rather than because of the content of different laws. However, this position is subject to criticism on both theoretical and practical grounds. The main consideration in favor of content independence, the so-called "self-image of the state," does not actually support it. Properly understood, the state's self-image is to comply with laws because of the underlying moral reasons that (...)
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    Political obligation and military service in three countries.George Klosko, Michael Keren & Stacy Nyikos - 2003 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 2 (1):37-62.
    University of Calgary, Canada and Tel Aviv University, Israel mkeren{at} ' + u + '@' + d + ' '//--> Stacy Nyikos University of Tulsa, USA stacy-nyikos{at} ' + u + '@' + d + ' '//--> Although questions of political obligation have been much discussed by scholars, little attention has been paid to moral reasons advanced by actual states to justify the compliance of their subjects. We examine the `self-image of the state' through Supreme Court decisions in the USA, (...)
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    Value and Obligation Once More.Ana Marta González - 2020 - Metaphilosophy 51 (1):71-86.
    In Understanding Moral Obligation (2012), Robert Stern sets out to provide a fresh interpretation of the role of autonomy in Kant’s moral philosophy and attempts to rectify J. B. Schneewind’s standard account in The Invention of Autonomy (1998). While Stern agrees that Kant’s resort to autonomy is at the basis of a constructivist account of moral obligation, he claims that autonomy plays no role in Kant’s theory of value, such that, in this respect, Kant remains a realist. Accordingly, (...)
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    The role of corporate counsel in the new governance model: sound policy or another quick fix?Hugh P. Gunz, Sally P. Gunz & Robert V. A. Jones - 2004 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 1 (2):126-136.
    The role of corporate counsel in the corporate governance process has been long overlooked. This paper uses recent comments by Breeden as the springboard for a discussion of the issues surrounding significant roles for lawyers in corporations. It considers these both from a practical and a theoretical perspective and identifies why it is problematic merely to assume hiring lawyers will ensure good compliance both in terms of legal and ethical obligations.
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  43. (1 other version)Global Obligations and the Human Right to Health.Bill Wringe - forthcoming - In Isaacs Tracy, Hess Kendy & Igneski Violetta (eds.), Collective Obligation: Ethics, Ontology and Applications.
    In this paper I attempt to show how an appeal to a particular kind of collective obligation - a collective obligation falling on an unstructured collective consisting of the world’s population as a whole – can be used to undermine recently influential objections to the idea that there is a human right to health which have been put forward by Gopal Sreenivasan and Onora O’Neill. -/- I take this result to be significant both for its own sake and because it (...)
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    Strengths-Based Leadership and Turnover Intention: The Roles of Felt Obligation for Constructive Change and Job Control.Xixi Chu, He Ding, Lihua Zhang & Zhuyi Angelina Li - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study draws on the substitutes for leadership theory to investigate the association of strengths-based leadership with employee turnover intention and the mediating role of felt obligation for constructive change and the moderating role of job control in the linkage. Data were collected using a three-wave survey from a sample of 317 employees working in a variety of enterprises in China. The multiple regression analyses with bootstrapping procedure were utilized to examine the proposed hypotheses. The results indicate that (...)
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    What Are the Public Obligations to AIDS Patients?David Kelley - 2002 - Health Care Analysis 10 (1):37-48.
    The operating assumption in mostdiscussions of health policy is that governmenthas some responsibility for the health of itscitizens and that it may legitimately tax,subsidize, and regulate its citizens in theexercise of that responsibility. On thisassumption, public obligations to HIV/AIDSpatients are a function of their needs inrelationship to other health needs. This paperchallenges the operating assumption by arguingthat it cannot be grounded in the obligationsthat individuals have to each other.The paper rests on its own assumption: themoral theory of individualism. On (...)
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    Political Obligations in Illiberal Regimes.Zoltán Gábor Szűcs - 2020 - Res Publica 26 (4):541-558.
    The paper is organized around two major, but closely interconnected goals. First, the paper’s principal aim is to offer a normative theory of political obligations that is based on certain insights of philosophical anarchism, theories of associative obligations and political realism. Second, the paper aims to offer a normative theoretical framework to examine political obligations in contemporary non-democratic contexts that does not vindicate non-democratic regimes and that does not exclude political obligations from the terrain of moral (...)
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    Obligations of Justice.Alexander Shevchenko - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 10:387-390.
    Growing philosophical interest in theories of obligation has many sources. Among the most important ones is the tendency to redefine the scope of the political. Then we are Inevitably confronted with the question about the nature and scope of our obligations towards others. An analysis of an important and popular distinction between obligations of justice and obligations of charity shows that their distinctive characteristics are seldom precise and clear-cut. Moreover, they are more superficial rather than substantive and (...)
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    Medieval Formal Logic: Obligations, Insolubles and Consequences.Mikko Yrjönsuuri - 2001 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer Verlag.
    Central topics in medieval logic are here treated in a way that is congenial to the modern reader, without compromising historical reliability. The achievements of medieval logic are made available to a wider philosophical public then the medievalists themselves. The three genres of logica moderna arising in a later Middle Ages are covered: obligations, insolubles and consequences - the first time these have been treated in such a unified way. The articles on obligations look at the role (...)
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    Toward a Role Ethical Theory of Right Action.Jeremy Evans & Michael Smith - 2018 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 21 (3):599-614.
    Despite its prominence in traditional societies and its apparent commonsense appeal, the moral tradition of Role Ethics has been largely neglected in mainstream normative theory. Role Ethics is the view that the duties and/or virtues of social life are determined largely by the social roles we incur in the communities we inhabit. This essay aims to address two of the main challenges that hinder Role Ethics from garnering more serious consideration as a legitimate normative theory, namely that (...)
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    The ethical obligations of institutional investors: Managing moral complexity.Jason Skirry, Katherina Pattit & Harry J. Van Buren - 2022 - Business and Society Review 127 (4):757-778.
    Institutional investors control almost 60% of all assets under management worldwide and encompass a wide variety of organizations. Despite this reach, however, institutional investors have not received the normative scrutiny they merit beyond general discussions around their legally grounded fiduciary obligations to their beneficiaries. This paper offers a discussion of institutional investor ethical obligations in light of their specific attributes. We propose that the different characteristics of institutional investors and the diverse roles they play in the marketplace inform (...)
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