Results for 'Santiago Jockwich'

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  1.  40
    Grzegorczyk and Whitehead Points: The Story Continues.Rafał Gruszczyński & Santiago Jockwich Martinez - 2024 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 53 (3):695-719.
    The paper is devoted to the analysis of two seminal definitions of points within the region-based framework: one by Whitehead (1929) and the other by Grzegorczyk (Synthese, 12(2-3), 228-235 1960). Relying on the work of Biacino & Gerla (Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, 37(3), 431-439 1996), we improve their results, solve some open problems concerning the mutual relationship between Whitehead and Grzegorczyk points, and put forward open problems for future investigation.
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    Ideal Objects for Set Theory.Santiago Jockwich, Sourav Tarafder & Giorgio Venturi - 2022 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 51 (3):583-602.
    In this paper, we argue for an instrumental form of existence, inspired by Hilbert’s method of ideal elements. As a case study, we consider the existence of contradictory objects in models of non-classical set theories. Based on this discussion, we argue for a very liberal notion of existence in mathematics.
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    The role of anomia on the relationship between organisational justice perceptions and organisational citizenship online behaviours.Pablo Zoghbi‐Manrique‐de‐Lara & Santiago Melián‐González - 2009 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 7 (1):72-85.
    PurposeAnomic feelings are predicted to play a moderating role in the relationship between organisational justice perceptions and the citizenship use of the organisation's internet access, or cybercivism. The purpose of this paper is to hypothesise that, just as AFs are supported in prior research as able to intensify the negative effects of organisational justice on cyberloafing, they will also intensify the positive effects of OJ on cybercivism.Design/methodology/approachData were collected from 270 of the 1,547 respondents at a public university.FindingsExcept in the (...)
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  4. La gramática hebrea de la Regiomontana.Santiago García-Jalón de la Lama - 1998 - Revista Agustiniana 39 (120):973-996.
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    Faits divers.Clément Rosset, Nicolas Delon & Santiago Espinosa - 2013 - Paris, France: Presses Universitaires de France. Edited by Nicolas Delon & Santiago E. Espinosa.
    Gilles Deleuze, les vampires, Emil Cioran, Samuel Beckett, le dandysme, Friedrich Nietzsche, Raymond Roussel, Casanova, Arthur Schopenhauer, Jean-Luc Godard, Goscinny & Uderzo, Jean-Paul Sartre, Hugo von Hofmannsthal. Le réel, le double, l’illusion, le tragique, la joie, la musique, la philosophie, la politique, le péché, l’enseignement. Faits divers sont les miscellanées de Clément Rosset : le répertoire désordonné et jubilatoire de ses passions et de ses dégoûts, de ses intérêts et de ses bâillements, de ses tocades et de ses coups de (...)
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  6. Entre el pragmatismo y la inquietud ética: La medicina actual y la reflexión filosófica ante el problema de la humanización de la muerte.Domingo Fernández Agis & José Santiago González Campos - 2011 - Laguna 29:97-108.
    Humanizar la muerte requiere, ante todo, el reconocimiento del valor que en sí misma tiene la experiencia de la muerte y la importancia trascendental que, para todo individuo, posee afrontar con el respaldo sanitario y emocional necesario ese momento decisivo. En este sentido, el enfoque que toma como base la idea de la imposibilidad de vivir la muerte, y no sólo la con frecuencia cuestionada preparación del personal sanitario para ayudar al paciente terminal a afrontarla, tiene mucho que ver en (...)
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  7. La base del desarrollo= The basis of development.Mariano Barbacid, Carlos Martínez Alonso, Manuel Toharia Cortés, Luis Rojas Marcos, Herwig Schooper, Margarita Salas Falgueras, Rafael Rebolo López, Pedro Duque, Francisco J. Carrillo Montesinos & Santiago Grisolía - 2006 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 44:141-148.
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    Indicadores emocionais no desenho da figura humana de crianças abusadas sexualmente; Emotional indicators in human figure drawings of sexuality abused children.José Augusto E. Hernandez, Adriana Valente Rochefort, Bernardo Trojan Neto, Carmen Sílvia B. Lopes Sarmiento, Luci Maria dos Santos Feijó, Maria Antonia Santiago Nunes & Susane Maria Curra - 2000 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 12:43-52.
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    Latin American Perspectives on Globalization: Ethics, Politics, and Alternative Visions.Linda Martín Alcoff, Debra A. Castillo, Santiago Castro-Gómez, Rafael Cervantes Martínez, Felipe Gil Chamizo, Raúl Fornet-Betancourt, Jorge J. E. Gracia, María Mercedes Jaramillo, María Pía Lara-Zavala, Eduardo Mendieta, Walter Mignolo, Iván Petrella, Roberto Regalado Álvarez, Mario Sáenz, Ofelia Schutte & Leopoldo Zea (eds.) - 2002 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    From the most prominent thinkers in Latin American philosophy, literature, politics, and social science comes a challenge to conventional theories of globalization. The contributors to this volume imagine a discourse in which revolution requires no temporalized march of progress or takeovers of state power but instead aims at local control and the material conditions for human dignity.
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    Cuidados paliativos perinatales: un abordaje integral.Ignacio A. Ricaud Vélez, Inés Hanhausen Estrada & Santiago Phillibert Rosas - 2024 - Medicina y Ética 35 (4):1098-1136.
    Los cuidados paliativos perinatales surgieron como una medida esencial para abordar integralmente el tratamiento de pacientes neonatales con diagnósticos prenatales o perinatales de enfermedades graves que puedan poner en riesgo su vida. Estos cuidados están dirigidos a recién nacidos que padecen condiciones que les impiden sobrevivir más allá de unos pocos minutos u horas, o en casos en los que naces sin vida. Los mismos, no se centran solo en el paciente neonatal, sino también en apoyar a la madre y (...)
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    La mortalidad adolescente más allá de las causas externas. Un análisis en Argentina en los trienios 2005-2007 y 2015-2017. [REVIEW]Eleonora Rojas Cabrera, Andrés Peranovich, Santiago Rodríguez López & Natalia Tumas - 2021 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 27:249-275.
    Este trabajo analiza, desde una perspectiva sociodemográfica, el comportamiento de la mortalidad adolescente en Argentina, más allá de las causas externas, en los trienios 2005-2007 y 2015-2017. Para ello, se calculan y analizan tasas de mortalidad por sexo, grupo de edad, causas seleccionadas y regiones geográficas, con base en datos de la Dirección de Estadística e Información de Salud de la Nación y del Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas y Censos. También se calculan el Coeficiente de Gini y los Años de (...)
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    ZF and its interpretations.S. Jockwich Martinez, S. Tarafder & G. Venturi - 2024 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 175 (6):103427.
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  13. La teoría de la selección natural darwiniana (The Darwinian Theory of Natural Selection).Santiago Ginnobili - 2010 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 25 (1):37-58.
    RESUMEN: El tema de este trabajo es la reconstrucción de la teoría de la selección natural darwiniana. Me propongo esbozar la ley fundamental de esta teoría de manera informal a partir de sus aplicaciones en El origen de las especies de Darwin y presentar sus conceptos fundamentales. Presentaré la red teórica de leyes especiales que surgen de la especialización de esta ley fundamental. Supondré el estructuralismo como marco metateórico. Señalaré también algunas consecuencias que mi propuesta tiene sobre ciertas discusiones metateóricas (...)
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  14. Respuesta al comentario de Caponi, Gustavo. “Ginnobili, Santiago. ‘El estatus fenomenológico de la teoría de la selección natural’”.Santiago Ginnobili - 2014 - Ideas Y Valores 63 (154):307-311.
    Respuesta al comentario de Gustavo Caponi. “Ginnobili, Santiago. ‘El estatus fenomenológico de la teoría de la selección natural’”, Ideas y Valores LXII/152 (2013): 319-322.
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  15. Selección artificial, selección sexual, selección natural.Santiago Ginnobili - 2011 - Metatheoria – Revista de Filosofía E Historia de la Ciencia 2 (1):61-78.
    En On the Origin of Species Darwin distingue explícitamente entre tres tipos de selección: la selección natural, la artificial y la sexual. En este trabajo, a partir de un estudio más sistemático que historiográfico, se intenta encontrar la relación entre estos tres tipos de selección en la obra de Darwin. Si bien la distinción entre estos distintos mecanismos es de suma importancia en la obra de Darwin, la tesis de este trabajo es que tanto la selección artificial como la sexual (...)
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  16. No Excuses: Performance Mistakes in Morality.Santiago Amaya & John M. Doris - 2014 - In Jens Clausen & Neil Levy (eds.), Springer Handbook of Neuroethics. Dordrecht. pp. 253-272.
    Philosophical accounts of moral responsibility are standardly framed by two platitudes. According to them, blame requires the presence of a moral defect in the agent and the absence of excuses. In this chapter, this kind of approach is challenged. It is argued that (a) people sometimes violate moral norms due to performance mistakes, (b) it often appears reasonable to hold them responsible for it, and (c) their mistakes cannot be traced to their moral qualities or to the presence of excuses. (...)
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  17.  40
    The Future of Religion.Santiago Zabala & William McCuaig (eds.) - 2005 - Cambridge University Press.
    Though coming from different and distinct intellectual traditions, Richard Rorty and Gianni Vattimo are united in their criticism of the metaphysical tradition. The challenges they put forward extend beyond philosophy and entail a reconsideration of the foundations of belief in God and the religious life. They urge that the rejection of metaphysical truth does not necessitate the death of religion; instead it opens new ways of imagining what it is to be religious -- ways that emphasize charity, solidarity, and irony. (...)
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    Groundless Existence: The Political Ontology of Carl Schmitt.Santiago Zabala - 2011 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 19 (1):124-127.
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    Una vida dedicada a la hermenéutica.Santiago Zabala - 2005 - Endoxa 1 (20):39.
  20. Is Perception a Source of Reasons?Santiago Echeverri - 2012 - Theoria 79 (1):22-56.
    It is widely assumed that perception is a source of reasons (SR). There is a weak sense in which this claim is trivially true: even if one characterizes perception in purely causal terms, perceptual beliefs originate from the mind's interaction with the world. When philosophers argue for (SR), however, they have a stronger view in mind: they claim that perception provides pre- or non-doxastic reasons for belief. In this article I examine some ways of developing this view and criticize them. (...)
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  21. Introduction: Gianni Vattimo and weak philosophy.Santiago Zabal - 2006 - In Santiago Zabala (ed.), Weakening Philosophy: Essays in Honour of Gianni Vattimo. Ithaca: Mcgill-Queen's University Press.
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    Hermeneutic Communism: An Interview with Santiago Zabala.Michael Marder & Santiago Zabala - 2012 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2012 (161):188-192.
    Michael Marder: Could you summarize the main contributions of your new book, Hermeneutic Communism: From Heidegger to Marx, co-authored with Gianni Vattimo, to contemporary political philosophy?Santiago Zabala: Well, as the subtitle indicates, we do not demand a return to Marx, as so many philosophers do today, but rather the retrieval of his thought through Heidegger, or, better, through hermeneutics. The problem with contemporary political philosophy is bound to the prejudice people hold toward Heidegger's, Nietzsche's, and Gadamer's political sympathies and (...)
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  23. The Future of Religion.Santiago Zabala, Richard Rorty & Gianni Vattimo - 2006 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 68 (3):670-670.
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    Romana Religio/Religio Romanorum. Diccionario Bibliográfico de religión romana.Santiago Montero Herrero & Sabino Perea Yébenes - 1999 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 4:9-402.
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    GELONCH, Santiago R. M., Separatio y objeto de la metafísica. Una interpretación textual del Super Boetium De Trinitate, q.5 a.3, de Santo Tomás de Aquino, Eunsa, Pamplona, 2002, 353 pp. [REVIEW]Santiago Argüello - 2005 - Anuario Filosófico 38 (3):881-884.
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  26. How to Undercut Radical Skepticism.Santiago Echeverri - 2017 - Philosophical Studies 174 (5):1299-1321.
    Radical skepticism relies on the hypothesis that one could be completely cut off from the external world. In this paper, I argue that this hypothesis can be rationally motivated by means of a conceivability argument. Subsequently, I submit that this conceivability argument does not furnish a good reason to believe that one could be completely cut off from the external world. To this end, I show that we cannot adequately conceive scenarios that verify the radical skeptical hypothesis. Attempts to do (...)
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  27. Emotional Justification.Santiago Echeverri - 2019 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 98 (3):541-566.
    Theories of emotional justification investigate the conditions under which emotions are epistemically justified or unjustified. I make three contributions to this research program. First, I show that we can generalize some familiar epistemological concepts and distinctions to emotional experiences. Second, I use these concepts and distinctions to display the limits of the ‘simple view’ of emotional justification. On this approach, the justification of emotions stems only from the contents of the mental states they are based on, also known as their (...)
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    Masculinities in Transformation and Reconfiguration of Intimacies Between Men of the AMBA.Santiago Canevaro & María Victoria Castilla - 2025 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 34:248-271.
    O artigo aborda a relação entre masculinidade e intimidade e tem como objetivo mostrar como os modos como os modos de pensar e vivenciar as intimidades dos homens na AMBA afetam o modo como eles constroem uma subjetividade que se evidencia na transformação. Partindo de uma investigação socioantropológica baseada em entrevistas semiestruturadas com homens de setores médios e populares da AMBA e trabalhando com histórias de vida, focamos em particular nas formas de pensar e vivenciar intimidades para e por homens (...)
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    The End of the Case? A Metaphilosophical Critique of Thought Experiments.Santiago A. Vrech - 2022 - Logos and Episteme 13 (2):161-176.
    In this paper I carry out two tasks. First, I account for one of the distinctive uses of thought experiments in philosophy, namely, the fact that just a thought experiment is sufficient to confute a well-established theory. Secondly, I present three arguments to defend the claim that, at least in philosophy, we should remove thought experiments from our metaphilosophical toolkit. The central premise that motivates these arguments is the following: the very methodology of thought experiments permits to construct different scenarios (...)
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  30. La inconmensurabilidad empírica entre la teoría de la selección natural darwiniana y el diseño inteligente de la teología natural.Santiago Ginnobili - 2014 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 29 (3):375–394.
    Suele señalarse la fuerte influencia que la teología natural tuvo sobre Darwin en su conceptualización del fenómeno de la adaptación. La teoría de la selección natural explicaría el mismo fenómeno que los teólogos naturales querían explicar: la adaptación. Recientemente ha sido señalado, sin embargo, que la forma darwiniana de conceptualizar la adaptación es novedosa. Las adaptaciones de la teología natural presupondrían la idea de que los organismos existen para la realización y manutención del equilibrio natural establecido por el creador. El (...)
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    Legacies of Historical Injustice: What is Owed to the Victims of Past Injustices? Introduction to the Special Issue.Santiago Truccone - 2024 - Res Publica 30 (4):643-661.
    This introduction and the contributors to this volume advance the debate on the normative relevance of historical injustice. This introduction shows that discussions on this topic should consider four aspects: first, the temporal dimension of justice; second, the connection between current claimants for reparations and the putative duty-bearers with the original perpetrators and victims of historical injustice; third, how changes in circumstances might affect what is considered just; and fourth, the appropriate form of reparation. The introduction provides an overview of (...)
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    Missing Concepts in Natural Selection Theory Reconstructions.Santiago Ginnobili - 2016 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 38 (3):1-33.
    The concept of fitness has generated a lot of discussion in philosophy of biology. There is, however, relative agreement about the need to distinguish at least two uses of the term: ecological fitness on the one hand, and population genetics fitness on the other. The goal of this paper is to give an explication of the concept of ecological fitness by providing a reconstruction of the theory of natural selection in which this concept was framed, that is, based on the (...)
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    El estatus fenomenológico de la teoría de la selección natural.Santiago Ginnobili - 2011 - Ideas Y Valores 60 (145):69-86.
    Algunos han señalado la naturaleza fenomenológica "en el sentido clásico de que no propone nuevos términos teóricos" de la teoría de la selección natural. Como otros han sostenido que una característica de las teorías explicativas es que enriquecen conceptualmente su ámbito de aplicación, podría señ..
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    Being at Large: Freedom in the Age of Alternative Facts.Santiago Zabala - 2020 - Chicago: McGill-Queen's University Press.
    Politicians and philosophers presenting themselves as the ultimate bearers of truth and reality have created unprecedented technological, cultural, and political framings. This new order conspires to undermine the interpretive practices of open-ended critique, normalizing a sense of threat to preserve control. The greatest emergency has become the absence of emergencies. Tracing an intellectual alliance between academics such as Jordan Peterson and Christina Hoff Sommers and right-wing populist politicians such as Donald Trump and Marine Le Pen, this book denounces framings that (...)
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  35. Slip-Proof Actions.Santiago Amaya - 2015 - In Roman Altshuler & Michael J. Sigrist (eds.), Time and the Philosophy of Action. New York: Routledge. pp. 21-36.
    Most human actions are complex, but some of them are basic. Which are these? In this paper, I address this question by invoking slips, a common kind of mistake. The proposal is this: an action is basic if and only if it is not possible to slip in performing it. The argument discusses some well-established results from the psychology of language production in the context of a philosophical theory of action. In the end, the proposed criterion is applied to discuss (...)
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    La lectura sartreana de Mallarmé: la poesía crítica como negación pura.Santiago Bellocq - 2019 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 24 (3).
    El viraje en la concepción sartreana de la poesía, ya comenzado en su Saint Genet y Orphée noir, se radicaliza en la biografía existencial que hace de la obra y la persona de Stéphane Mallarmé. Sartre plantea la posibilidad de que la poesía efectivamente pueda comprometerse debido a su altísima potencia negativa-destructiva, que conduce a una manifestación de la esencia negativa, conflictual y «fracasada» de la conciencia como ser-para-sí llamando a su libertad y dando lugar así a una poesía crítica, (...)
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    Aging Neuro-Behavior Ontology.Fernando Martínez-Santiago, M. Rosario García-Viedma, John A. Williams, Luke T. Slater & Georgios V. Gkoutos - 2020 - Applied ontology 15 (2):219-239.
    It is known that the aging process entails a cognitive decline in certain processes such as attention, episodic memory, working memory, processing speed and executive functions. In recent years, ef...
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    Reseña de "Intelligent Virtue" de Annas, Julia.Santiago Melo - 2012 - Ideas Y Valores 61 (149):174-180.
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    Negociación de posicionamientos sociales (stances) a través del debilitamiento del fonema /s/ en el español hablado por los quichuas ecuatorianos en Cali.Santiago Sánchez Moreano - 2018 - Pragmática Sociocultural 6 (1):33-70.
    Resumen Los quichuas ecuatorianos en Cali conforman un grupo transnacional sociopolíticamente organizado. En situación de contacto asimétrico con respecto a la población mayoritaria, han desarrollado diversas estrategias de adaptación al medio urbano. Una de ellas, sociolingüística y pragmática, es la apropiación y uso del debilitamiento del fonema /s/, una de las características fonéticas e identitarias más relevantes del español de Cali. Este rasgo fonético no se observa en el español andino ecuatoriano que hablan originalmente los quichuas. Sin embargo, la situación (...)
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    El dudoso futuro de la esperanza.Santiago Zabala - 2007 - In Manuel Cruz & Néstor García Canclini (eds.), Odio, violencia, emancipación. Barcelona: Gedisa. pp. 161--181.
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  41. The Argument from Slips.Santiago Amaya - 2015 - In Andrei Buckareff, Carlos Moya & Sergi Rosell (eds.), Agency, Freedom, and Moral Responsibility. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 13-29.
    Philosophers of perception are familiar with the argument from illusion, at least since Hume formulated it to challenge a naïve form of realism. In this paper, I present an analogous argument but in the domain of action. It focuses on slips, a common kind of mistake. But, otherwise, it is structurally similar. The argument challenges some contemporary views about the nature of action inspired by Wittgenstein. The discussion shows how thinking about these common mistakes helps illuminate aspects of human agency (...)
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  42. Malleable character: organizational behavior meets virtue ethics and situationism.Santiago Mejia & Joshua August Skorburg - 2022 - Philosophical Studies 179 (12):3535-3563.
    This paper introduces a body of research on Organizational Behavior and Industrial/organizational Psychology that expands the range of empirical evidence relevant to the ongoing character-situation debate. This body of research, mostly neglected by moral philosophers, provides important insights to move the debate forward. First, the OB/io scholarship provides empirical evidence to show that social environments like organizations have significant power to shape the character traits of their members. This scholarship also describes some of the mechanisms through which this process of (...)
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    The Hermeneutic Nature of Analytic Philosophy: A Study of Ernst Tugendhat.Santiago Zabala & Gianni Vattimo - 2008 - Columbia University Press.
    Contemporary philosophers—analytic as well as continental—tend to feel uneasy about Ernst Tugendhat, who, though he positions himself in the analytic field, poses questions in the Heideggerian style. Tugendhat was one of Martin Heidegger's last pupils and his least obedient, pursuing a new and controversial critical technique. Tugendhat took Heidegger's destruction of Being as presence and developed it in analytic philosophy, more specifically in semantics. Only formal semantics, according to Tugendhat, could answer the questions left open by Heidegger. Yet in doing (...)
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    Non-classical Models of ZF.S. Jockwich Martinez & G. Venturi - 2020 - Studia Logica 109 (3):509-537.
    This paper contributes to the generalization of lattice-valued models of set theory to non-classical contexts. First, we show that there are infinitely many complete bounded distributive lattices, which are neither Boolean nor Heyting algebra, but are able to validate the negation-free fragment of \. Then, we build lattice-valued models of full \, whose internal logic is weaker than intuitionistic logic. We conclude by using these models to give an independence proof of the Foundation axiom from \.
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  45. Meam Loez, el gran comentario biblico sefardita.Santiago Guervos le - 1976 - Ciencia Tomista 103 (335):335-340.
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  46. Diosdado P. Macapagal, Panfilo O. Domingo: Presidents Who Inspired Me.Cielo Macapagal-Santiago - 2010 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 14 (2 & 3):253-255.
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    Hatred and Forgiveness.Santiago Zabala - 2012 - Common Knowledge 18 (2):364-364.
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    Scots and Catalans: Union and Disunion by J. H. Elliott.Santiago Zabala - 2020 - Common Knowledge 26 (3):439-440.
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    The Uses of the Past from Heidegger to Rorty: Doing Philosophy Historically.Santiago Zabala - 2011 - Common Knowledge 17 (3):539-539.
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    “Still Fichte”: Individual, State, and Democracy in J.D. Perón’s Organized Community.Santiago Napoli - 2023 - In María Jimena Solé & Elizabeth Millán Brusslan (eds.), Fichte in the Americas. Boston: BRILL. pp. 191-207.
    J. G. Fichte has a prominent place in J. D. Perón’s philosophical-political text from 1949, La Comunidad Organizada (An Organized Community). The name of the German philosopher appears twice throughout the speech given by the president of Argentina at that time. In both mentions by Perón, Fichte plays a role as a moderator between two opposing philosophical tensions and at the same time contributes to a new conception of community outlined by Perón in the context of the first internationally renowned (...)
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