Results for 'Sharon Rubin'

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  1.  17
    Images of Organizations and Interfirm Externalities: A Comment on Rubin.Sharon Hannes - 2005 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 6 (2):391-412.
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  2. (1 other version)In defense of future tuesday indifference: Ideally coherent eccentrics and the contingency of what matters.Sharon Street - 2009 - Philosophical Issues 19 (1):273-298.
  3. Evolution and the Normativity of Epistemic Reasons.Sharon Street - 2009 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Supplementary Volume 35 (S1):213-248.
    Creatures inveterately wrong in their inductions have a pathetic but praiseworthy tendency to die before reproducing their kind.- Quine (1969)We think that some facts - for example, the fact that someone is suffering, or the fact that all previously encountered tigers were carnivorous – supply us with normative reasons for action and belief. The former fact, we think, is a reason to help the suffering person; the latter fact is a reason to believe that the next tiger we see will (...)
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  4. Critical Thinking.Sharon Bailin & Harvey Siegel - 2002 - In Nigel Blake, Paul Smeyers, Richard D. Smith & Paul Standish, The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Education. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 181–193.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The Nature of Critical Thinking Critical Thinking: Skills/Abilities and Dispositions Critical Thinking and the Problem of Generalizability The Relationship Between Critical Thinking and Creative Thinking “Critical Thinking” and Other Terms Referring to Thinking Critical Thinking and Education Critiques of Critical Thinking Conclusion.
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    Human Nature in an Age of Biotechnology: The Case for Mediated Posthumanism.Tamar Sharon - 2013 - Dordrecht: Imprint: Springer.
    New biotechnologies have propelled the question of what it means to be human - or posthuman - to the forefront of societal and scientific consideration. This volume provides an accessible, critical overview of the main approaches in the debate on posthumanism, and argues that they do not adequately address the question of what it means to be human in an age of biotechnology. Not because they belong to rival political camps, but because they are grounded in a humanist ontology that (...)
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  6. Σ01 soundness isn’t enough: Number theoretic indeterminacy’s unsavory physical commitments.Sharon Berry - 2023 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 74 (2):469-484.
    It’s sometimes suggested that we can (in a sense) settle the truth-value of some statements in the language of number theory by stipulation, adopting either φ or ¬φ as an additional axiom. For example, in Clarke-Doane (2020b) and a series of recent APA presentations, Clarke-Doane suggests that any Σ01 sound expansion of our current arithmetical practice would express a truth. In this paper, I’ll argue that (given a certain popular assumption about the model-theoretic representability of languages like ours) we can’t (...)
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    The Battling Botanist: Daniel Trembly MacDougal, Mutation Theory, and the Rise of Experimental Evolutionary Biology in America, 1900-1912.Sharon Kingsland - 1991 - Isis 82 (3):479-509.
  8.  46
    Childbirth Induced Posttraumatic Stress Syndrome: A Systematic Review of Prevalence and Risk Factors.Dekel Sharon, Stuebe Caren & Dishy Gabriella - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Regarding the Rise in Autism: Vaccine Safety Doubt, Conditions of Inquiry, and the Shape of Freedom.Sharon R. Kaufman - 2010 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 38 (1):8-32.
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    Philosophy and the City: Classic to Contemporary Writings.Sharon M. Meagher (ed.) - 2008 - State University of New York Press.
    The definitive source book on philosophy and the city.
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    Feminist Transformations.Sharon M. Meagher - 2012 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 26 (2):200-210.
  12.  71
    Mindfulness and loving-kindness.Sharon Salzberg - 2011 - Contemporary Buddhism 12 (1):177--182.
    Mindfulness, as the word is commonly used in contemporary meditation teaching, refers to both being aware of our present moment's experience, and relating to that experience without grasping, aversion or delusion. All three habitual tendencies distort our perception of what is happening, and lead us to futile and misguided efforts to deny or control our experience. Loving-kindness is a quality of the heart that recognizes how connected we all are. Loving-kindness is essentially a form of inclusiveness of caring, rather than (...)
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  13. Critical and Creative Thinking.Sharon Bailin - 1987 - Informal Logic 9 (1).
  14. A Heritage of Ableist Rhetoric in American Feminism from the Eugenics Period.Sharon Lamp & W. Carol Cleigh - 2011 - In Kim Q. Hall, Feminist Disability Studies. Indiana University Press. pp. 175--189.
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  15. Moral, social, and economic dimensions of insurance claims fraud.Sharon Tennyson - 2008 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 75 (4):1181-1204.
    Insurance claims fraud receives increasing attention in the insurance industry, in academic studies and in public policy spheres. Claims fraud is variously viewed as an economic-contractual problem, a moral-psychological problem, a moral-sociological problem or a criminal problem. This article discusses these theoretical perspectives on insurance claims fraud and reviews the empirical evidence on its nature and prevalence. Most research concludes that opportunistic soft fraud is more prevalent than planned criminal fraud, and that consumer ethics, attitudes and psychology are important aspects (...)
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  16.  43
    Towards a balanced approach to identifying conflicts of interest faced by institutional review boards.Sharon Kaur & Sujata Balan - 2015 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 36 (5):341-361.
    The welfare and protection of human subjects is critical to the integrity of clinical investigation and research. Institutional review boards were thus set up to be impartial reviewers of research protocols in clinical research. Their main role is to stand between the investigator and her human subjects in order to ensure that the welfare of human subjects are protected. While there is much literature on the conflicts of interest faced by investigators and researchers in clinical investigations, an area that is (...)
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  17. Two forms of love: The problem of preferential love in Kierkegaard's works of love.Sharon Krishek - 2008 - Journal of Religious Ethics 36 (4):595-617.
    The duty to love one's neighbor as oneself is at the core of Kierkegaard's Works of Love . In this book, Kierkegaard unfolds the meaning of neighborly love and claims that it is the only valid form of true love. He contrasts between neighborly love and preferential love (which includes romantic love and friendship) and criticizes the latter for being nothing but a form of selfishness. However, in some contexts, Kierkegaard seems to acknowledge the significance of preferential love relationships, and (...)
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    Introduction to INPE Special Issue: Passion, Commitment and Justice in Education.Sharon Todd - 2014 - Ethics and Education 9 (1):39-41.
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  19. Contemporary issues of ethical e-therapy.Sharon Lee - 2010 - Journal of Ethics in Mental Health 5 (1):1-5.
    E-therapy is fast becoming an inevitable addition to counseling due to the increased use and accessibility, the internet and advances in e-therapy technology in the U.S. With the growth of any method of treatment, awareness of ethical concerns regarding best practices is a necessity. E-therapy has unqiue ethical challenges that mental health professionals should be aware of when utilizing computer mediated counseling. Specifi cally, there are fi ve common ethical concerns of on-line counseling that should be addressed during the informed (...)
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  20. “The Alliance Isn't Some Evil Empire”: Dystopia in Joss Whedon's Firefly/Serenity'.Sharon Sutherland & Sarah Swan - 2008 - In Rhonda V. Wilcox & Tanya Cochran, Investigating Firefly and Serenity: Science Fiction on the Frontier. I. B. Tauris. pp. 89--100.
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  21. Roland Barthes, The Neutral: Lecture Course at the College de France (1977-1978) Reviewed by.Sharon M. Meagher - 2006 - Philosophy in Review 26 (5):323-325.
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    De-Gendering Practice/practicing De-Gendering: Response to Yancey Martin.Sharon R. Bird - 2003 - Gender and Society 17 (3):367-369.
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    Fact and Fiction: George Egerton and Nellie Shaw.Sharon Butler, Peggy & Bert Bundy - 1988 - Feminist Review 30 (1):25-35.
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    Two Types of Theism.Sharon Peebles Bureh - 1998 - The Personalist Forum 14 (2):253-255.
  25.  28
    Eliduc and the Iconography of Love.Sharon Coolidge - 1992 - Mediaeval Studies 54 (1):274-285.
  26. Effects of Collaborative Interaction and Computer Tool Use.Sharon Derry - 1994 - In Ashwin Ram & Kurt Eiselt, Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society: August 13 to 16, 1994, Georgia Institute of Technology. Erlbaum. pp. 16--248.
  27.  32
    (1 other version)For the Benefit of All.Sharon J. Durfy & June A. Peters - 1993 - Hastings Center Report 23 (5):28-30.
  28.  36
    The Human Genome Project.Sharon J. Durfy & Amy E. Grotevant - 1991 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 1 (4):347-362.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Human Genome ProjectSharon J. Durfy (bio) and Amy E. Grotevant (bio)In recent years, scientists throughout the world have embarked upon a long-term biological investigation that promises to revolutionize the decisions people make about their lives and lifestyles, the way doctors practice medicine, how scientists study biology, and the way we think of ourselves as individuals and as a species. It is called the Human Genome Project, and its (...)
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    The American Development of Biology. Ronald Rainger, Keith R. Benson, Jane Maienschein.Sharon Kingsland - 1989 - Isis 80 (1):164-165.
  30.  31
    The Background of Ecology: Concept and Theory. Robert P. McIntosh.Sharon Kingsland - 1986 - Isis 77 (1):169-170.
  31.  26
    The Ecological Century: A Personal Appraisal. E. Barton Worthington.Sharon Kingsland - 1984 - Isis 75 (4):769-770.
  32.  15
    Brett Coppenger and Michael Bergmann, eds., Intellectual Assurance, Essays on Traditional Epistemic Internalism. Reviewed by.Mason Sharon - 2017 - Philosophy in Review 37 (2):56-58.
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  33. Formal proof in high school geometry: Student perceptions of structure, validity, and purpose.Sharon Ms Mccrone & Tami S. Martin - 2009 - In Despina A. Stylianou, Maria L. Blanton & Eric J. Knuth, Teaching and learning proof across the grades: a K-16 perspective. New York: Routledge.
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    Histories, Herstories, and Moral Traditions.Sharon Meagher - 1990 - Social Theory and Practice 16 (1):61-84.
  35. Coercion by Necessity or Comprehensive Responsibility? Hannah Arendt on Vulnerability, Freedom and Education.Sharon Rider - 2017 - In Véronique M. Fóti & Pavlos Kontos, Phenomenology and the Primacy of the Political: Essays in Honor of Jacques Taminiaux. Cham: Springer.
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    Intersecting Memories: Bearing Witness to the 1989 Massacre of Women in Montreal.Sharon Rosenberg - 1996 - Hypatia 11 (4):119 - 129.
    In this essay, I write memory across the public-private divide as a commemorative response to the Massacre of Women at École Polytechnique. Through five layers of remembering, I explore the creation of an analytic space that simultaneously considers traumatized subjectivity, bearing witness, and feminist pedagogy.
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    Physical stigma, interaction, and compliance.Sharon L. Soble & Lloyd H. Strickland - 1974 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 4 (2):130-132.
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    Racial Integration, Cost-Benefit Analysis, and Philosophical Humility.Sharon Stanley - 2023 - Dialogue 62 (1):47-52.
    RésuméD. C. Matthew propose une critique originale et importante de l'intégration raciale. Son affirmation selon laquelle l'intégration aggravera la dévaluation phénotypique des traits typiquement noirs, menaçant l'estime de soi noire, est persuasive. Pourtant, son argument normatif le plus solide, selon lequel les Noirs devraient rejeter l'intégration puisque les dommages potentiels à leur estime de soi l'emportent sur ses prétendus avantages, est moins convaincant, car il s'appuie sur une analyse coût-bénéfice douteuse. En définitive, étant donné l'incertitude d'un processus aussi complexe qui (...)
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    Speaking Out: Toward an Institutional Agenda for Refashioning STS Scholars as Public Intellectuals.Sharon McKenzie Stevens - 2008 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 33 (6):730-753.
    Bijker calls for scholars in science and technology studies to become public intellectuals by actively working toward “democratizing... technological culture.” Many STS scholars have developed practices that support democratic and public activity; yet, these typically require individual commitment with inadequate institutional support. The public work of STS scholars can be better supported through a program that includes using specialist research in nonreproductive educational contexts, redefining and revaluing academic service, developing more accessible ways of writing, and publishing and valuing STS-based texts (...)
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    The Ethics of Public Health Laws, and the Special Case of the New "Model Law".Sharon Steinberg & Alan Jotkowitz - 2016 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 59 (2):206-212.
    In 2012, a law against hiring models with a BMI below 18.5 was passed in Israel. In addition, every photoshopped advertisement must have a visible subtitle that indicates that the picture was photoshopped. Dr. Rachel Adatto, the initiator of the law, states that the law is “a beginning of a revolution against the anorectic beauty model ideal,” and that its aim is to prevent eating disorders that may lead to death in the aspiration to lose weight, especially among the general (...)
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    Islamic Astronomical Instruments. David A. King.Sharon Thibodeau - 1990 - Isis 81 (1):101-102.
  42.  79
    Going to the Heart of the Matter.Sharon Todd - 2011 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 30 (5):507-512.
    Written as a conversational response to Rosa Luxemburg, this piece discusses the importance of going to the heart of the matter for education, seen here in terms of the actual flesh and blood subjects who are at the centre of a pedagogy of transformation.
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    Visual thesaurus: a product review.Sharon Worrell - 2008 - Acm Sigcas Computers and Society 38 (3):20-22.
    I'm a self-confessed internet junkie, and I'm rarely surprised by anything that I find nowadays. But when I stumbled across the Visual Thesaurus I have to admit that I was intrigued. I love to write for fun, but invariably end up using the same old words. I'm not a huge fan of the traditional Roget's Thesaurus -- I'm embarrassed to say how long it took me to master it, but it was more than a couple of years -- so I (...)
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    Temporal Stability of the Francis Scale of Attitude Toward Christianity Short-Form Among 10- To 12-Year-Old English Children: Test-Retest Data Over 15 Weeks. [REVIEW]Sharon Mary Cruise, Christopher Alan Lewis & Bill Lattimer - 2007 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 29 (1):259-268.
    Recently three studies have reported on the test-retest reliability of the Francis Scale of Attitude toward Christianity; however, these studies were limited to comparatively small samples . The present study examined the temporal stability of the 7-item version of the Francis Scale of Attitude toward Christianity over a 15-week period among a sample of 581 English children aged between 10 and 12 years. Data demonstrated that stability across the two administrations was very high ; however, there was a significant change (...)
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    Jeremy Vetter . Knowing Global Environments: New Historical Perspectives on the Field Sciences. x + 263 pp., illus., figs., table, bibl. Piscataway, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 2010. $49.95. [REVIEW]Sharon Kingsland - 2011 - Isis 102 (4):750-751.
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    Philip Pauly. Biologists and the Promise of American Life: From Meriwether Lewis to Alfred Kinsey. xvi + 313 pp., illus., index. Princeton, N.J./Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2001. $29.95, £18.95. [REVIEW]Sharon Kingsland - 2002 - Isis 93 (3):503-504.
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    Museums and American Intellectual Life, 1876-1926 by Steven Conn. [REVIEW]Sharon Macdonald - 2000 - Isis 91:380-381.
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    Modern civilization: Its demise Rubin Gotesky.Rubin Gotesky - 1972 - World Futures 12 (1):67-111.
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  49. Type I error rates are not usually inflated.Mark Rubin - 2024 - Journal of Trial and Error 4 (2):46-71.
    The inflation of Type I error rates is thought to be one of the causes of the replication crisis. Questionable research practices such as p-hacking are thought to inflate Type I error rates above their nominal level, leading to unexpectedly high levels of false positives in the literature and, consequently, unexpectedly low replication rates. In this article, I offer an alternative view. I argue that questionable and other research practices do not usually inflate relevant Type I error rates. I begin (...)
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  50.  42
    Memory in Oral Traditions: The Cognitive Psychology of Epic, Ballads, and Counting-Out Rhymes.David C. Rubin - 1995 - Oxford University Press USA.
    "Dr. Rubin has brought cognitive psychology into a wholly unprecedented dialogue with studies in oral tradition. The result is a truly new perspective on memory and the processes of oral tradition." --John Miles Foley, University of Missouri.
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