Results for 'Sophia Chang'

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  1.  12
    Effects of Priming Discriminated Experiences on Emotion Recognition Among Asian Americans.Sophia Chang & Sun-Mee Kang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study explored the priming effects of discriminated experiences on emotion recognition accuracy of Asian Americans. We hypothesized that when Asian Americans were reminded of discriminated experiences due to their race, they would detect subtle negative emotional expressions on White faces more accurately than would Asian Americans who were primed with a neutral topic. This priming effect was not expected to emerge in detecting negative facial expressions on Asian faces. To test this hypothesis, 108 participants were randomly assigned to one (...)
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    Changes in business students' value orientations after the COVID‐19 outbreak: An exploration.Sophia Town, James Weber & Noémi Nagy - 2022 - Business and Society Review 127 (S1):253-282.
    Business and Society Review, Volume 127, Issue S1, Page 253-282, Spring 2022.
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    Capitalism and crises: A comparative analysis of mainstream and heterodox perceptions and related ethical considerations.Sophia Kuehnlenz, Valeria Andreoni & Imko Meyenburg - 2023 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 32 (S1):52-64.
    This paper analyses the main perceptions of capitalism and crises from a mainstream and heterodox perspective. Broadly defined within the neoclassical structure, the mainstream approaches support the idea of long-term stability of capitalism and describe crises as exogenous events. The heterodox perceptions, on the contrary, perceive crises as an internal feature of capitalism and propose to reframe the global economy within the limits of the socio-environmental systems. Despite the historical recurrence of crises, the neoclassic capitalist framework and the related mainstream (...)
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  4.  35
    Biobricks and Crocheted Coral: Dispatches from the Life Sciences in the Age of Fabrication.Sophia Roosth - 2013 - Science in Context 26 (1):153-171.
    ArgumentWhat does “life” become at a moment when biological inquiry proceeds by manufacturing biological artifacts and systems? In this article, I juxtapose two radically different communities, synthetic biologists and Hyperbolic Crochet Coral Reef crafters (HCCR). Synthetic biology is a decade-old research initiative that seeks to merge biology with engineering and experimental research with manufacture. The HCCR is a distributed venture of three thousand craftspeople who cooperatively fabricate a series of yarn and plastic coral reefs to draw attention to the menace (...)
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  5.  6
    Marsilio Ficino and His World.Sophia Howlett - 2016 - New York, NY, USA: Palgrave Macmillan.
    This book makes the case for Marsilio Ficino, a Renaissance philosopher and priest, as a canonical thinker, and provides an introduction for a broad audience. Sophia Howlett examines him as part of the milieu of Renaissance Florence, part of a history of Platonic philosophy, and as a key figure in the ongoing crisis between classical revivalism and Christian belief. The author discusses Ficino's vision of a Platonic Christian universe with multiple worlds inhabited by angels, daemons and pagan gods, as (...)
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  6.  51
    The Cambridge Companion to Aristotle's Biology.Sophia M. Connell (ed.) - 2021 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    Aristotle's voluminous writings on animals have often been marginalised in the history of philosophy. Providing the first full-length comprehensive account of Aristotle's biology, its background, content and influence, this Companion situates his study of living nature within his broader philosophy and theology and differentiates it from other medical and philosophical theories. An overview of empiricism in Aristotle's Historia Animalium is followed by an account of the general methodology recommended in the Parts of Animals. An account of the importance of Aristotle's (...)
  7.  54
    The Measure of Greatness: Philosophers on Magnanimity.Sophia Vasalou (ed.) - 2019 - Oxford University Press.
    Magnanimity is a virtue that has led many lives. Foregrounded early on by Plato as a philosophical virtue par excellence, it became one of the crown jewels in Aristotle's account of human excellence and was accorded equally salient place by other ancient thinkers. It is one of the mostdistinctive elements of the ancient tradition to filter into the medieval Islamic and Christian worlds. It sparked important intellectual engagements and went on to carve deep tracks through several of the later philosophies (...)
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  8. Investigating the elasticity of meat consumption for climate mitigation: 4Rs for responsible meat use.Sophia Efstathiou - 2019 - In Eija Vinnari & Markus Vinnari, Sustainable Governance and Management of Food Systems: Ethical Perspectives. Brill Wageningen Academic. pp. 19-25.
    Our main research question is how pliable Norwegian meat consumption practices are. However it is not any type of elasticity we are interested in. We are specifically interested in the scope for what we dub the “4Rs” of responsible meat consumption within existing food systems: 1. Reducing the amount of animal-based proteins used 2. Replacing animal-based protein with plant-based, or insect-based alternatives 3. Refining processes of utilization of animal-based protein to minimize emissions, loss and waste 4. Recognising animal-based protein as (...)
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  9. The Impact of Dementia on the Self: Do We Consider Ourselves the Same as Others?Sophia A. Harris, Amee Baird, Steve Matthews, Jeanette Kennett, Rebecca Gelding & Celia B. Harris - 2021 - Neuroethics 14 (3):281-294.
    The decline in autobiographical memory function in people with Alzheimer’s dementia has been argued to cause a loss of self-identity. Prior research suggests that people perceive changes in moral traits and loss of memories with a “social-moral core” as most impactful to the maintenance of identity. However, such research has so far asked people to rate from a third-person perspective, considering the extent to which hypothetical others maintain their identity in the face of various impairments. In the current study, we (...)
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  10. Meat we don't greet: How sausages can save pigs or how effacing livestock makes room for emancipation.Sophia Efstathiou - 2021 - In Arve Hansen & Karen Lykke Syse, Changing Meat Cultures: Food Practices, Global Capitalism, and the Consumption of Animals. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. pp. 102-112.
    I propose that the intensification of meat production ironically makes meat concepts available to be populated by plants. I argue that what I call “technologies of effacement” facilitate the intensification of animal farming and slaughter by blocking face-to-face encounters between animals and people (Levinas 1969; Efstathiou 2018, 2019). My previous ethnographic work on animal research identifies technologies of effacement as including (a) architectures and the built environment, (b) entry and exit rules, (c) special garments, (d) naming and labeling procedures, and (...)
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  11.  43
    Arbitrary switching and concern for truth.Sophia Dandelet - 2023 - Synthese 202 (4):1-21.
    This essay is about a special kind of transformative choice that plays a key role in debates about permissivism, the view that some bodies of evidence permit more than one rational response. A prominent objection to this view contends that its defender cannot vindicate our aversion to arbitrarily switching between belief states in the absence of any new evidence. A prominent response to that objection tries to provide the desired vindication by appealing to the idea that arbitrary switching would involve (...)
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  12.  23
    Women in Science.Sophia Connell - 2021 - Oxford Classical Dictionary.
    Women were involved in both practical and theoretical aspects of scientific endeavour in the ancient world. Although the evidence is scant, it is clear that women innovated techniques in textile manufacture, metallurgy, and medical sciences. The most extensive engagement of women in science was in medicine, including obstetrics, gynaecology, pharmacology, and dermatology. The evidence for this often comes from male medical writers. Women were also involved in the manufacture of gold alloys, which interested later alchemists. Maria of Alexandria innovated equipment (...)
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  13.  16
    Re-evaluating Pico: Aristotelianism, Kabbalism and Platonism in the Philosophy of Giovanni Pico della Mirandola.Sophia Howlett - 2020 - New York, NY, USA: Palgrave Macmillan.
    This book offers a re-evaluation of Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, the prominent Italian Renaissance philosopher and prince of Concord. It argues that Pico is part of a history of attempted concordance between philosophy and theology, reason and faith. His contribution is a syncretist theological philosophy based on Christianity, Platonism, Aristotelianism and Jewish Kabbalism. After an introduction, Chapter 2 discusses Pico’s career, his power-relations and his work, Chapters 3 and 4 place his three pillars of Platonism, Aristotelianism and Kabbalism in their (...)
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  14.  13
    Privacy, Dobbs v. Jackson, and the Constitutional Politics of Reproduction.Sophia Mihic - 2023 - Washington University Review of Philosophy 3:1-15.
    The Supreme Court’s reversal of the right to abortion has significantly changed reproductive rights in the United States, and adversely affected the lives of potentially pregnant persons. The political fragility of the privacy right to abortion also raises questions about the practice and epistemic rules of American constitutionalism itself. In this essay, I situate the history of privacy under the Fourteenth Amendment’s due process clause in the tradition of legal reasoning. With Ludwig Wittgenstein’s On Certainty, I argue that the majority (...)
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  15.  59
    Lost in the move? Secondary task performance impairs tactile change detection on the body.Alberto Gallace, Sophia Zeeden, Brigitte Röder & Charles Spence - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (1):215-229.
    Change blindness, the surprising inability of people to detect significant changes between consecutively-presented visual displays, has recently been shown to affect tactile perception as well. Visual change blindness has been observed during saccades and eye blinks, conditions under which people’s awareness of visual information is temporarily suppressed. In the present study, we demonstrate change blindness for suprathreshold tactile stimuli resulting from the execution of a secondary task requiring bodily movement. In Experiment 1, the ability of participants to detect changes between (...)
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  16.  39
    Cognitive, cultural, and constructional motivations of polysemy and semantic change: The case of the Greekpsuche. [REVIEW]Sophia Marmaridou - 2010 - Pragmatics and Cognition 18 (1):68-110.
    Within the framework of cognitive linguistics and construction grammar, it is claimed in this paper that the semantics of psuche is motivated by cognitive, cultural, and constructional parameters of meaning. More specifically, it is argued that psyche, as the immaterial nature of a human being, and the seat of emotions and feelings in particular, is understood in terms of image-based metaphors, a cultural model of the self, and a cultural narrative of existence. It is also argued that the frequent occurrence (...)
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  17. (1 other version)Hunting Causes and Using Them: Is There No Bridge from Here to There?Nancy Cartwright & Sophia Efstathiou - 2011 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 25 (3):223-241.
    Causation is in trouble—at least as it is pictured in current theories in philosophy and in economics as well, where causation is also once again in fashion. In both disciplines the accounts of causality on offer are either modelled too closely on one or another favoured method for hunting causes or on assumptions about the uses to which causal knowledge can be put—generally for predicting the results of our efforts to change the world. The first kind of account supplies no (...)
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  18.  58
    Does Cross-Sector Collaboration Lead to Higher Nonprofit Capacity?Michelle Shumate, Jiawei Sophia Fu & Katherine R. Cooper - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 150 (2):385-399.
    Cross-sector social partnership case-based theory and research have long argued that nonprofits that engage in more integrative and enduring cross-sector partnerships should increase their organizational capacity. By increasing their capacity, nonprofits increase their ability to contribute to systemic change. The current research investigates this claim in a large-scale empirical research study. In particular, this study examines whether nonprofits that have a greater number of integrated cross-sector partnerships have greater capacities for financial management, strategic planning, external communication, board leadership, mission orientation, (...)
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  19.  17
    The challenges of being a female pastor: A case of the Apostolic Faith Mission in Zimbabwe.Terence Mupangwa & Sophia Chirongoma - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (2).
    The focus of this article is to highlight some of the inherent gender injustices experienced by the female pastors within the Apostolic Faith Mission in Zimbabwe. Drawing insights from the field research conducted in pursuance of a doctoral programme, the study foregrounds some of the barriers that women have had to endure when it comes to the issue of being ordained as a pastor. The article also interrogates the reasons used as a basis to exclude female pastors from the key (...)
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  20.  57
    Private Announcements on Topological Spaces.Hans van Ditmarsch, Sophia Knight & Aybüke Özgün - 2018 - Studia Logica 106 (3):481-513.
    In this work, we present a multi-agent logic of knowledge and change of knowledge interpreted on topological structures. Our dynamics are of the so-called semi-private character where a group G of agents is informed of some piece of information \, while all the other agents observe that group G is informed, but are uncertain whether the information provided is \ or \. This article follows up on our prior work where the dynamics were public events. We provide a complete axiomatization (...)
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  21. 10. Chandran Kukathas, The Liberal Archipelago: A Theory of Diversity and Freedom Chandran Kukathas, The Liberal Archipelago: A Theory of Diversity and Freedom (pp. 422-427). [REVIEW]Sarah Buss, Angela M. Smith, Sophia R. Moreau, Maria Merritt, Ruth Chang & Cass R. Sunstein - 2005 - Ethics 115 (2).
  22.  8
    Being the Facilitator: A Brief Research Report on the Motivation of the Choreographer and Dance Maker to Work With Heterogeneous Groups in a Community Dance Setting.Mia Sophia Bilitza - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    In inclusive dance settings, where people with different abilities and talents come together, the role of facilitators is essential in guiding the process of inclusion. Their behavior gives sensitive information to the individual about one’s status within the own-group affiliation. Even today, very little research on the motivation for facilitating inclusivity in dance contexts exists. This case study will examine the facilitator’s motivation by juxtaposing current theory next to experiences of seven experts of contemporary dance facilitation in Europe. Good opportunities (...)
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    If We Are Compelled to Suffer: A Nihilist Intervention for the Left and Cultural Studies.Zooey Sophia Pook - 2018 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 12 (3).
    Cultural studies need nihilism. The current canon of work focuses too heavily on a political age and human condition that is rapidly being altered and replaced by the use of neoliberal technologies. A new understanding of ontology and politics is necessary to make sense of and challenge the changing technological orientation of human beings by what Deleuze has called a mutation of capital. It is not through institutional discipline that power permeates our being any longer but through our orientation to (...)
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  24.  22
    Private Announcements on Topological Spaces.Aybüke Özgün, Sophia Knight & Hans Ditmarsch - 2018 - Studia Logica 106 (3):481-513.
    In this work, we present a multi-agent logic of knowledge and change of knowledge interpreted on topological structures. Our dynamics are of the so-called semi-private character where a group G of agents is informed of some piece of information $$\varphi $$ φ, while all the other agents observe that group G is informed, but are uncertain whether the information provided is $$\varphi $$ φ or $$\lnot \varphi $$ ¬φ. This article follows up on our prior work where the dynamics were (...)
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  25.  20
    Exploring teachers’ attitudes and self-efficacy beliefs for implementing student self-assessment of English as a foreign language writing.Xiaoyu Sophia Zhang, Lawrence Jun Zhang, Judy M. Parr & Christine Biebricher - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    With the growing need to nurture students’ independent learning, English language teaching practices should reflect student-centered assessment approaches, such as self-assessment, an ultimate goal of higher education. It has been pointed out that to conduct effective self-assessment, students need to be taught systematically, and that is where teachers are expected to step in. Prior to implementing such a change in ELT, it is important to conduct research on English as a foreign language teachers’ attitudes toward, and self-efficacy beliefs about, implementing (...)
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  26.  48
    Experimental elicitations of awe: a meta-analysis.Kenneth A. Pérez, Heather C. Lench, Christopher G. Thompson & Sophia North - 2023 - Cognition and Emotion 37 (1):18-33.
    A meta-analytic review of studies that experimentally elicited awe and compared the emotion to other conditions (84; 487 effects; 17,801 participants) examined the degree to which experimentally elicited awe (1) affects outcomes relative to other positive emotions (2) affects experience, judgment, behaviour, and physiology, and (3) differs in its effects if the awe state was elicited through positive or threatening contexts. The efficacy of methods that have been used to experimentally elicit awe and the possibility of assessing changes in the (...)
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  27.  45
    Introduction: Ecocriticism and Narrative Form.Liza B. Bauer, Cord-Christian Casper, Hannah Klaubert & Anna Sophia Tabouratzidis - 2021 - Substance 50 (3):3-13.
    Narrative has proven itself a continuous as well as adaptable means for environmentally oriented expression. Its role goes beyond the mediation of pre-existing knowledge imported into the realm of storytelling from other domains; rather, influential models of the natural world tend to circulate as storyworlds. This special issue of SubStance proceeds from the premise that narratives are not only a sequence of signs encoding a story but also “invisible, elusive representations that exist only in the mind”. Narrative forms generate and (...)
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  28.  25
    A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Positive Family Holistic Health Intervention for Probationers in Hong Kong: A Mixed-Method Study.Agnes Y.-K. Lai, Shirley M.-M. Sit, Carol Thomas, George O.-C. Cheung, Alice Wan, Sophia S.-C. Chan & Tai-Hing Lam - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Introduction: Probationers, offenders with less serious and non-violent offences, and under statutory supervision, have low levels of self-esteem and physical health, and high level of family conflict, and poorer quality of family relationships. This study examined the effectiveness of the existing probation service and the additional use of a positive family holistic health intervention to enhance physical, psychological, and family well-being in probationers and relationships with probation officers.Methods: Probationers under the care of the Hong Kong Social Welfare Department were randomized (...)
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  29.  10
    How Pause Duration Influences Impressions of English Speech: Comparison Between Native and Non-native Speakers.Shimeng Liu, Yoshitaka Nakajima, Lihan Chen, Sophia Arndt, Maki Kakizoe, Mark A. Elliott & Gerard B. Remijn - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:778018.
    The purpose of this study was to investigate how the subjective impression of English speech would change when pause duration at punctuation marks was varied. Two listening experiments were performed in which written English speech segments were rated on a variety of evaluation items by both native-English speakers and non-native speakers (native-Chinese speakers and native-Japanese speakers). The ratings were then subjected to factor analysis. In the first experiment, the pauses in three segments were made into the same durations, from 0.075 (...)
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  30.  33
    Lovers of Sophia.Jason Reza Jorjani - 2019 - London: Arktos Media.
    An introductory lecture on ethics -- The pharmakon artist -- Building the theater of being -- Against perennial philosophy -- Verse 4:34 -- A critique of Shiite esotericism -- Spinoza, the untimely one -- Aliens and the moral law -- Serpent power of the superman -- Paranormal phenomenology -- Trial goddess -- Wittgenstein's incoherent ethics -- Black sunrise -- Prisoners of property and propriety -- Free will vs. logical determinism -- Rewriting God's plan -- Changing destiny -- Notes on the (...)
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  31.  8
    Toward a Paradigm for Longitudinal Studies: A Case Study of the Order of Christ Sophia.James R. Lewis - 2012 - Alternative Spirituality and Religion Review 3 (1):42-58.
    In 2005, 2008 and 2011, demographic questionnaires were administered to the membership of the Order of Christ Sophia, a small new religion in the tradition of the Holy Order of MANS. Findings from these surveys are presented and discussed in terms of the parameters laid out by Lorne Dawson in his 2003 summary of NRM conversion research, ‘Who Joins New Religions and Why: Twenty Years of Research and What Have We Learned?’ In addition to analyzing the changes that have (...)
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  32.  64
    " Something Breaks Through a Little": The Marriage of Zen and Sophia in the Life of Thomas Merton.Christopher Pramuk - 2008 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 28:67-89.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:“Something Breaks Through a Little”: The Marriage of Zen and Sophia in the Life of Thomas MertonChristopher PramukThe fact that you are a Zen Buddhist and I am a Christian monk, far from separating us, makes us most like one another. How many centuries is it going to take for people to discover this fact? 1Though Merton’s “turn to the East” began well before Vatican II would turn (...)
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  33.  37
    Change of publishers.Purushottama Bilimoria - 2006 - Sophia 45 (2):1-1.
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    Organizational changes and development: a theoretical review.F. U. Udey - 2008 - Sophia: An African Journal of Philosophy 10 (1).
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    Laudato Si’: Climate Change Action: Si!Patrick Hutchings - 2015 - Sophia 54 (4):405-410.
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  36.  49
    Can Ultimate Reality Change? The Three Natures/Three Characters Doctrine in Indian Yogācāra Literature and Contemporary Scholarship.John Powers - 2023 - Sophia 62 (1):49-69.
    This article focuses on the three natures (_trisvabhāva_) or three characters (_trilakṣaṇa_) doctrine as described in Indian Yogācāra treatises. This concept is fundamental to Yogācāra epistemology and soteriology, but terminology employed by contemporary buddhologists misconstrues and misrepresents some of its most important features, particularly with regard to the ‘ultimately real nature’ (_pariniṣpanna-svabhāva_), which is equated with terms that connote ultimate reality like ultimate truth (_paramārtha_), emptiness (_śūnyatā_), and reality limit (_bhūta-koṭi_), and which is described as a ‘purifying object of observation’ (...)
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    Factors responsible for the change of attitude from male to female centred society: Evidence from Nigeria.U. I. Iyam - 2008 - Sophia: An African Journal of Philosophy 9 (2).
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    Banana production and structural changes in socio-Economical activities in Boki society of the upper Cross river region: 1970-2000.E. J. Oshuo - 2011 - Sophia: An African Journal of Philosophy 10 (2).
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    Is There a Case Against Being a Human Being? Reappraising David Benatar’s Better Never to Have Been : Can Late Capitalism Halt Climate Change? If Not, Who Wants to Be a Human, or Posthuman?Patrick Hutchings - 2020 - Sophia 59 (4):809-819.
    Benatar has a principle of asymmetry, i.e. that coming into existence as a human being is coming into a world in which harm is more likely than well-being. This is Thesis 1. Thesis 2 is that thesis 1 entails that one should not procreate. The threat of the end of civilization and the extinction of humanity by climate change renders ‘do not procreate’ a notion no longer counter-intuitive. Thesis 3 concerns ‘population and extinction’: he envisages ‘population zero’ as a desirable (...)
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  40. (1 other version)Parity, Imprecise Comparability and the Repugnant Conclusion.Ruth Chang - 2016 - Theoria 82 (2):182-214.
    This article explores the main similarities and differences between Derek Parfit’s notion of imprecise comparability and a related notion I have proposed of parity. I argue that the main difference between imprecise comparability and parity can be understood by reference to ‘the standard view’. The standard view claims that 1) differences between cardinally ranked items can always be measured by a scale of units of the relevant value, and 2) all rankings proceed in terms of the trichotomy of ‘better than’, (...)
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  41. (1 other version)Commitments, Reasons, and the Will.Ruth Chang - 2013 - Oxford Studies in Metaethics 8.
    This chapter argues that there is a particular kind of ‘internal’ commitment typically made in the context of romantic love relationships that has striking meta-normative implications for how we understand the role of the will in practical normativity. Internal commitments cannot plausibly explain the reasons we have in committed relationships on the usual model—as triggering reasons that are already there, in the way that making a promise triggers a reason via a pre-existing norm of the form ‘If you make a (...)
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    Becoming syntactic.Franklin Chang, Gary S. Dell & Kathryn Bock - 2006 - Psychological Review 113 (2):234-272.
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  43. Parity, interval value, and choice.Ruth Chang - 2005 - Ethics 115 (2):331-350.
    This paper begins with a response to Josh Gert’s challenge that ‘on a par with’ is not a sui generis fourth value relation beyond ‘better than’, ‘worse than’, and ‘equally good’. It then explores two further questions: can parity be modeled by an interval representation of value? And what should one rationally do when faced with items on a par? I argue that an interval representation of value is incompatible with the possibility that items are on a par (a mathematical (...)
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  44. Can Desires Provide Reasons for Action.Ruth Chang - 2004 - In R. Jay Wallace, Philip Pettit, Samuel Scheffler & Michael Smith, Reason and Value: Themes From the Moral Philosophy of Joseph Raz. New York: Clarendon Press. pp. 56--90.
    What sorts of consideration can be normative reasons for action? If we systematize the wide variety of considerations that can be cited as normative reasons, do we find that there is a single kind of consideration that can always be a reason? Desire-based theorists think that the fact that you want something or would want it under certain evaluatively neutral conditions can always be your normative reason for action. Value-based theorists, by contrast, think that what plays that role are evaluative (...)
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  45. Are hard choices cases of incomparability?Ruth Chang - 2012 - Philosophical Issues 22 (1):106-126.
    This paper presents an argument against the widespread view that ‘hard choices’ are hard because of the incomparability of the alternatives. The argument has two parts. First, I argue that any plausible theory of practical reason must be ‘comparativist’ in form, that is, it must hold that a comparative relation between the alternatives with respect to what matters in the choice determines a justified choice in that situation. If comparativist views of practical reason are correct, however, the incomparabilist view of (...)
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  46. Presentist History for Pluralist Science.Hasok Chang - 2020 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 52 (1):97-114.
    Building on my previous writings on presentism, pluralism, and “complementary science”, I develop an activist view of historiography. I begin by recognizing the inevitability of presentism. Our own purposes and perspectives do and should guide the production of our accounts of the past; like funerals, history-writing is for the living. There are different kinds of presentist history, depending on the historians’ purposes and perspectives. My particular inclination is pluralist. Science remembers its own history from a particular perspective, which views the (...)
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  47. The Philosophical Grammar of Scientific Practice.Hasok Chang - 2011 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 25 (3):205-221.
    I seek to provide a systematic and comprehensive framework for the description and analysis of scientific practice—a philosophical grammar of scientific practice, ‘grammar’ as meant by the later Wittgenstein. I begin with the recognition that all scientific work, including pure theorizing, consists of actions, of the physical, mental, and ‘paper-and-pencil’ varieties. When we set out to see what it is that one actually does in scientific work, the following set of questions naturally emerge: who is doing what, why, and how? (...)
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  48. Causality and realism in the EPR experiment.Hasok Chang & Nancy Cartwright - 1993 - Erkenntnis 38 (2):169 - 190.
    We argue against the common view that it is impossible to give a causal account of the distant correlations that are revealed in EPR-type experiments. We take a realistic attitude about quantum mechanics which implies a willingness to modify our familiar concepts according to its teachings. We object to the argument that the violation of factorizability in EPR rules out causal accounts, since such an argument is at best based on the desire to retain a classical description of nature that (...)
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  49. Scientific Progress: Beyond Foundationalism and Coherentism.Hasok Chang - 2007 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 61:1-20.
    Scientific progress remains one of the most significant issues in the philosophy of science today. This is not only because of the intrinsic importance of the topic, but also because of its immense difficulty. In what sense exactly does science makes progress, and how is it that scientists are apparently able to achieve it better than people in other realms of human intellectual endeavour? Neither philosophers nor scientists themselves have been able to answer these questions to general satisfaction.
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  50.  51
    Symbolic logic and mechanical theorem proving.Chin-Liang Chang - 1973 - San Diego: Academic Press. Edited by Richard Char-Tung Lee.
    This book contains an introduction to symbolic logic and a thorough discussion of mechanical theorem proving and its applications. The book consists of three major parts. Chapters 2 and 3 constitute an introduction to symbolic logic. Chapters 4–9 introduce several techniques in mechanical theorem proving, and Chapters 10 an 11 show how theorem proving can be applied to various areas such as question answering, problem solving, program analysis, and program synthesis.
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