Results for 'Stoeppel Anthony'

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  1.  53
    Organ Donation Is Not Mutilation.Stoeppel Anthony & Pablo Requena - 2013 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 13 (3):427-436.
    The moral debate on living-donor organ transplantation historically focused on how to overcome the problem of the mutilation inherent in such a medical operation. In time, theologians began proposing justifications of LDOT that assumed that “mere removals” did not constitute mutilation. The example of mutilation as an “intrinsically evil act” in Veritatis splendor would seem to have closed the debate. Nevertheless, many theologians continue to address LDOT as a question of justifying a mutilation. The authors provide a brief summary of (...)
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    Thiselton on hermeneutics: the collected works and new essays of Anthony Thiselton.Anthony C. Thiselton - 2006 - Grand Rapids, Mich.: William B. Eerdmans.
    Graham N. Stanton, University of Cambridge ?Anthony Thiselton is one of our leading theologians, equally at home in both New Testament studies and in philosophical and theological hermeneutics, and a collection of this major articles will ...
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  3. Conversations with Anthony Giddens: Making Sense of Modernity.Anthony Giddens & Christopher Pierson - 1998 - Stanford University Press.
    In this series of extended interviews with Chris Pierson, Giddens lays out the principal themes in the development of his social theory and the distinctive political agenda which he recommends.
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  4. IIAnthony Savile.Anthony Savile - 2002 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 76 (1):55-74.
    [Richard Glauser] Shaftesbury's theory of aesthetic experience is based on his conception of a natural disposition to apprehend beauty, a real 'form' of things. I examine the implications of the disposition's naturalness. I argue that the disposition is not an extra faculty or a sixth sense, and attempt to situate Shaftesbury's position on this issue between those of Locke and Hutcheson. I argue that the natural disposition is to be perfected in many different ways in order to be exercised in (...)
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    With the most profound misgivings. Interview with Anthony P. Chemero.Anthony P. Chemero, Witold Wachowski & Dawid Lubiszewski - 2012 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 3 (2):17-27.
    An overview of: "Why Red Doesn't Sound Like a Bell. Understanding the feel of consciousness".
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    Thiselton on Hermeneutics: The Collected Writings of Anthony Thiselton.Anthony C. Thiselton - 2006 - Ashgate.
    Situating the subject -- Hermeneutics and spech-act theory -- Hermeneutics, semantics, and conceptual grammar -- Lexicography, exegesis, and reception history -- Parables, narrative-worlds, and reader-response theories -- Philosophy, language, theology, and postermodernity -- Hermeneutics, history, and theology.
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  7. The Two Philosophies of Wittgenstein Bryan Magee Talked to Anthony Quinton.Anthony Quinton, Bryan Magee & British Broadcasting Corporation - 1976 - British Broadcasting Corporation.
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    Antiquity Revisited: A Discussion with Anthony Arthur Long.Anthony Arthur Long & Despina Vertzagia - 2020 - Conatus 5 (1):111.
    A discussion on antiquity with Anthony A. Long, one of the most distinguished scholars in the field of ancient philosophy, would be engaging in any case. All the more so, since his two recently published works, Greek Models of Mind and Self and How to be Free: An Ancient Guide to the Stoic Life, provide the opportunity to revisit key issues of ancient philosophy. The former is a lively and challenging work that starts with the Homeric notions of selfhood, (...)
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  9. Will, Freedom, and Power.Anthony Kenny - 1975 - New York: Blackwell.
  10. Anthony Downs♦ 21.11. 1930.Anthony Downs - 2004 - In Gisela Riescher, Politische Theorie der Gegenwart in Einzeldarstellungen. Von Adorno bis Young. Alfred Kröner Verlag. pp. 343--119.
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  11. Personal charisms and the charism of office: A possible convergence.Anthony Ekpo - 2017 - The Australasian Catholic Record 94 (2):180.
    Ekpo, Anthony The church is a sacrament of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, a fruit of Pentecost. The church came to birth through the instrumentality of the Holy Spirit and is forever sustained and renewed through the influence of the same Spirit. It is in the Spirit-the breath of God that cannot be domesticated by anyone-that the church lives, moves and has its being. Without the Spirit, therefore, the church would not be the living Body of Christ; it (...)
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  12.  35
    II—Anthony Kenny: Seven Concepts of Creation.Anthony Kenny - 2004 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 78 (1):81-92.
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  13.  19
    On doing two things at once: II. Elimination of the psychological refractory period effect.Anthony G. Greenwald & Harvey G. Shulman - 1973 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 101 (1):70.
  14. The Nonexistent.Anthony Everett - 2013 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Anthony Everett gives a philosophical defence of the common-sense view that there are no such things as fictional people, places, and things. He argues that our talk and thought about such fictional objects takes place within the scope of a pretense, and that we gain little but lose much by accepting fictional realism.
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    The life, unpublished letters, and philosophical regimen of Anthony, Earl of Shaftesbury.Anthony Ashley Cooper Earl of Shaftesbury & Benjamin Rand - 1900 - London: Routledge/Thoemmes Press. Edited by Anthony Ashley Cooper Shaftesbury & Benjamin Rand.
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    Self, value, and narrative: a Kierkegaardian approach.Anthony Rudd - 2012 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Anthony Rudd presents a striking new account of the self as an ethical, evaluative being.
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  17. Implicit social cognition: Attitudes, self-esteem, and stereotypes.Anthony G. Greenwald & Mahzarin R. Banaji - 1995 - Psychological Review 102 (1):4-27.
  18.  82
    Harmonizing Voices: François Laruelle and Anthony Paul Smith.Anthony Paul Smith & Mark William Westmoreland - 2017 - Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 19 (2):22-34.
    The following interview of Mark William Westmoreland with Anthony Paul Smith–well-known scholar and translator of François Laruelle –considers both implications and extensions of Laruelle's non-philosophy for contemporary thought. Smith has helped bring about a surge of interest in Laruelle due to his many translations of his texts as well as being the author or co-editor of several books on Laruelle. Discussed are in particular the difficulties and joys of translating and the usefulness of Laruelle's thought for Smith's own work, (...)
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  19. The Divergence of the Twain Poet's Philosophy and Philosopher's Philosophy : A Lecture Delivered by Anthony Quinton to Mark the Official Opening of the Centre for Research in Philosophy and Literature, University of Warwick, 8th October 1985. --.Anthony Quinton - 1985
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    Aquinas’s Theory of Perception: An Analytic Reconstruction.Anthony J. Lisska - 2016 - New York, New York: Oxford University Press UK.
    Anthony J. Lisska presents a new analysis of Thomas Aquinas's theory of perception. While much work has been undertaken on Aquinas's texts, little has been devoted principally to his theory of perception and less still on a discussion of inner sense. The thesis of intentionality serves as the philosophical backdrop of this analysis while incorporating insights from Brentano and from recent scholarship. The principal thrust is on the importance of inner sense, a much-overlooked area of Aquinas's philosophy of mind, (...)
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  21. Social objects.Anthony Quinton - 1976 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 76 (1):1-27.
    Anthony Quinton; I*—The Presidential Address: Social Objects, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 76, Issue 1, 1 June 1976, Pages 1–28, https://doi.
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  22. The Uncompleted Argument: Du Bois and the Illusion of Race.Anthony Appiah - 1985 - Critical Inquiry 12 (1):21-37.
    Contemporary biologists are not agreed on the question of whether there are any human races, despite the widespread scientific consensus on the underlying genetics. For most purposes, however, we can reasonably treat this issue as terminological. What most people in most cultures ordinarily believe about the significance of “racial” difference is quite remote, I think, from what the biologists are agreed on. Every reputable biologist will agree that human genetic variability between the populations of Africa or Europe or Asia is (...)
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  23. A reply by Anthony Kenny.Anthony Kenny - 1971 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 9 (4):497-498.
  24. They set out at once and returned.Anthony J. Gittins - 2015 - The Australasian Catholic Record 92 (3):350.
    Gittins, Anthony J It is impossible for anyone to feel the pain you feel; the most people can do is to sympathise or empathise. But because there is nothing new under the sun, all of us can at least try to 'suffer with' the sufferings of others. Our experience of the all too human failings of the church today is by no means unique: ever since the beginning, times of trauma and crisis have alternated with times of peace and (...)
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  25. Determinism and freewill: Anthony Collins' A philosophical inquiry concerning human liberty: with a discussion of the opinions of Hobbes, Locke, Pierre Bayle, William King and Leibniz.Anthony Collins - 1976 - The Hague: M. Nijhoff. Edited by James O'Higgins.
  26. fMRI reveals reciprocal inhibition between social and physical cognitive domains.Anthony I. Jack, Abigail Dawson, Katelyn Begany, Regina Leckie, Kevin Barry, Angela Ciccia & Abraham Snyder - 2013 - NeuroImage 66:385-401.
    Two lines of evidence indicate that there exists a reciprocal inhibitory relationship between opposed brain networks. First, most attention-demanding cognitive tasks activate a stereotypical set of brain areas, known as the task-positive network and simultaneously deactivate a different set of brain regions, commonly referred to as the task negative or defaultmode network. Second, functional connectivity analyses show that these same opposed networks are anti-correlated in the resting state. Wehypothesize that these reciprocally inhibitory effects reflect two incompatible cognitive modes, each of (...)
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    Book Reviews : The Ethnic Revival. BY ANTHONY D. SMITH. London and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1981. Pp. 240. $29.50 (hardback); $9.95 (paperback. [REVIEW]Anthony Richmond - 1985 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 15 (1):101-103.
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  28. (1 other version)Race, Culture, Identity: Misunderstood Connections.Anthony Appiah - 1994 - Tanner Lectures on Human Values.
  29.  52
    Augustine’s Ostia Revisited: a Plotinian or Christian Ascent in Confessiones 9?Anthony Dupont & Mateusz Stróżyński - 2017 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 79 (1-2):80-104.
    Augustine converted to Christianity in 386 and described his conversion in his Confessiones a decade later. Much ink has been spilled concerning the question of the specific nature of Augustine’s conversion and the ‘historical accuracy’ of his description thereof 10 years later. The Confessiones seem to describe a volte face: he radically embraced Christianity. But to what kind of Christianity did he convert? We will readdress this question, not by investigating his conversion, but by a close exegesis of Confessiones 9, (...)
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  30.  20
    Libertanianism Defended. By Tibor R. Machan.Anthony Egan - 2010 - Heythrop Journal 51 (2):352-353.
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    Chronopoetics: The Temporal Being and Operativity of Technological Media.Anthony Enns (ed.) - 2016 - Rowman & Littlefield International.
    An abridged and translated edition of two of Wolfgang Ernst’s major works, representing the ambitious claim of a comprehensive knowledge-oriented analysis of media temporalities.
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    Miben ne higgyünk?: útmutató újfajta gondolkodáshoz.Anthony A. Wollner - 1990 - Budapest: Háttér Lap- és Könyvkiadó.
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    International Law.Anthony Woodiwiss - 2006 - Theory, Culture and Society 23 (2-3):524-525.
  34. The Subject Matter of Phenomenological Research: Existentials, Modes, and Prejudices.Anthony Vincent Fernandez - 2017 - Synthese 194 (9):3543-3562.
    In this essay I address the question, “What is the subject matter of phenomenological research?” I argue that in spite of the increasing popularity of phenomenology, the answers to this question have been brief and cursory. As a result, contemporary phenomenologists lack a clear framework within which to articulate the aims and results of their research, and cannot easily engage each other in constructive and critical discourse. Examining the literature on phenomenology’s identity, I show how the question of phenomenology’s subject (...)
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  35.  40
    Groundwork in the Theory of Argumentation: Selected Papers of J. Anthony Blair.John Anthony Blair - 2011 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    J. Anthony Blair is a prominent international figure in argumentation studies. He is among the originators of informal logic, an author of textbooks on the informal logic approach to argument analysis and evaluation and on critical thinking, and a founder and editor of the journal Informal Logic. Blair is widely recognized among the leaders in the field for contributing formative ideas to the argumentation literature of the last few decades. This selection of key works provides insights into the history (...)
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  36. (1 other version)A unified theory of implicit attitudes, stereotypes, self-esteem, and self-concept.Anthony G. Greenwald, Mahzarin R. Banaji, Laurie A. Rudman, Shelly D. Farnham, Brian A. Nosek & Deborah S. Mellott - 2002 - Psychological Review 109 (1):3-25.
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    Goodbye Gordon Gekko: How to Find Your Fortune Without Losing Your Soul.Anthony Scaramucci - 2010 - Wiley.
    How to live a more productive life by putting a profitable lifestyle ahead of profits With his standout Wall Street line "Greed is good," Gordon Gekko became pop culture icon for unrestrained greed. But, while greed might be great for one person-especially when that person is fictional-it's not so great for good people living in the real world. In Goodbye Gordon Gekko: How to Find Your Fortune and Not Lose Your Soul, Anthony Scaramucci describes how a better understanding of (...)
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  38. Building a civilisation of life and love.Anthony Fisher - 2015 - The Australasian Catholic Record 92 (3):289.
    Fisher, Anthony Thank you to Lyle Shelton, Tony McLellan, and the Australian Christian Lobby for the invitation to address you tonight. Thanks also to Fr Brian Lucas, General Secretary of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, for his kind introduction. Let me take this opportunity to applaud the work of the ACL, its volunteers and friends, for ensuring Christian voices are heard in debates of political and cultural significance. As a Catholic bishop I am very grateful for your capacity and (...)
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  39.  15
    Science wars: politics, gender, and race.Anthony Walsh - 2013 - New Brunswick, New Jersey, U.S.A.: Transaction Publishers.
    Few issues cause academics to disagree more than gender and race, especially when topics are addressed in terms of biological differences. To conduct research in these areas or comment favorably on research can subject one to scorn. When these topics are addressed, they generally take the form of philosophical debates. Anthony Walsh focuses upon such debates and supporting research. He divides parties into biologists and social constructionists, arguing that biologists remain focused on laboratory work, while constructionists are acutely aware (...)
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    The Philosophy of Sartre.Anthony Hatzirnoysis - 2011 - McGill-Queen's University Press.
    Anthony Hatzimoysis gives readers a clear understanding of Sartre's approach to the activity of philosophising and shows how his method favours certain types of analysis. Each chapter considers a range of issues in the Sartrean corpus, including his conception of phenomenology, the question of self-identity, the Sartrean view of conscious beings, his understanding of the self, his theory of value, his notion of human action as both the originator and the outcome of social processes, dialectical reason, and his conception (...)
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  41.  53
    Legitimating Post-Fordism: A Critique of Anthony Giddens' Later Works.Anthony King - 1999 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1999 (115):61-77.
    Introduction Although Anthony Giddens describes his approach as “social” rather than “critical” theory, and although there is little obvious Frankfurt School influence in his writing, he believes “social theory is inevitably critical theory.”1 While he might aim at such a critical position, it is far from obvious that he succeeds. On the contrary, his later writings have become an apology for the status quo.2 Failing to consider his prejudices, perhaps because he thinks critique is inevitable, Giddens has increasingly vindicated (...)
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  42.  5
    Understanding, Thinking and Meaning.Anthony Kenny - 1989 - In Dayton Z. Phillips & Peter G. Winch, Wittgenstein. Blackwell. pp. 111–125.
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    11. Friendship (VIII und IX).Anthony W. Price - 2006 - In Otfried Höffe, Aristoteles: Nikomachische Ethik. Boston: Akademie Verlag. pp. 229-251.
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  44.  17
    Kant's Aesthetic Theory.Anthony Savile - 2006 - In Graham Bird, A Companion to Kant. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 441–454.
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  45.  12
    John Henry Newman: Bernard Lonergan's ‘Fundamental Mentor and Guide’.Anthony J. Scordino - 2023 - Heythrop Journal 64 (5):669-694.
    Reason has reasons of which ‘reason’ knows nothing. It was this essential insight, along with the methodological prioritisation of a phenomenology of cognition and the recognition of the epistemological distinctiveness of judgment, that a young Bernard Lonergan gleaned from his study of John Henry Newman's Grammar of Assent. Given that the ‘later’, post‐Insight (1953) Lonergan enacted a more explicit transposition of his thought into a hermeneutical and existential framework, one might be tempted to assume that this coincided with a drift (...)
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  46.  74
    Phenomenal judgment and mental causation.Anthony J. Rudd - 2000 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 7 (6):53-69.
    This paper defends and develops an argument against epiphenomenalism, broadly construed. I argue first for a definition of epiphenomenalism which includes ‘non-reductive’ materialism as well as classical dualistic epiphenomenalism. I then present an argument that if epiphenomenalism were true it would be impossible to know about or even refer to our conscious states -- and therefore impossible even to formulate epiphenomenalism. David Chalmers has defended epiphenomenalism against such arguments; I consider this defence and attempt to show that it fails. I (...)
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  47. For the wind was against them.Anthony Gittins - 2015 - The Australasian Catholic Record 92 (1):41.
    Gittins, Anthony Sailing ships and boats, and the sailors who navigate them, depend mightily upon the wind; without it they remain in the doldrums, floating aimlessly. Without wind, all the sailors' experience and ingenuity is of absolutely no help. But if the wind should get up and blow against them - directly head-on or broadside - it can destroy and sink even the biggest boats and surest sailors. So navigators must learn to read the wind carefully and with respect, (...)
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  48.  30
    Moral Emotions: Reclaiming the Evidence of the Heart.Anthony J. Steinbock - 2014 - Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press.
    Moral Emotions builds upon the philosophical theory of persons begun in _Phenomenology and Mysticism _and marks a new stage of phenomenology. Author Anthony J. Steinbock finds personhood analyzing key emotions, called moral emotions. _Moral Emotions _offers a systematic account of the moral emotions, described here as pride, shame, and guilt as emotions of self-givenness; repentance, hope, and despair as emotions of possibility; and trusting, loving, and humility as emotions of otherness. The author argues these reveal basic structures of interpersonal (...)
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  49. O Kultúrnych Koreňoch Analytickej Filozofie.Anthony Flew - 1999 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 6 (3):253-264.
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  50.  25
    Die frühe Königszeit in Israel, 10. Jahrhundert v. ChrDie fruhe Konigszeit in Israel, 10. Jahrhundert v. Chr.Anthony J. Frendo & Walter Dietrich - 2000 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 120 (4):649.
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